HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1970 e e REGULAR MEETmG October 5th, 1970 Bo~nnanvi11e, Ontario Council Minutes Council Minutes Special Council Minutes Committee of the ~lho1e Minutes o cA ')--- ~cc ----/ Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on the above date in the Court Building at 8:00 p.m. Present: Hayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Ivan H. Hobbs R. Dykstra G. Stephen J. Bell "'. D. Hubbard D. Allin c. Cobban H. Prout K. Hooper Resolution #0-516 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the addendum to Council minutes dated August 4th, 1970, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution #c-517 V~ved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the minutes of a moeting of Council dated September 8th, 1970, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution #0-518 Moved by Deputy Reevo Stephen, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. THAT tho minutes of a Special }~eting of Council dated September 16th, 1970, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-519 lhved by Con. Hooper, seconde'; by Con. Prout. THAT Resolution #CW-257 be deleted and the matter of the Liborty Bowl letter be considered as item 9 of correspondence. "MOTION LOST" e Cor.1IBi ttee of the ~lho1e Minutes Committee of the Hhole Minutes Flan Of Subciivision Elgin St., High St., C.P.R., Etc. F.U.C.. Re Trial Installation Of Street Lights Castle Hotel 2ncloachment On Division Street e - 2 ..; Resolution #c-520 Y~ved by ~eeve Dykstraj secohded by Con. Jrooper. THAT Resolution 4FCH-257 be mnenC:ed to provide that the Company representative be asked to atten~ the special meeting of the CoffiQittee of the h~olej only if there is no cost to the municipality involved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-521 !~ved by Con. Hubbard, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the minutes of e. meeting of the Committee of the Hhole, dated September 28th, 1970, be approved as U1-nendcd. "CARRIED" Hr. N. D. Brm.m, Surveyor, E!.ppe.a.red before Council with regard to his lettor dated September 29th, 1970, dealing with Plan of Subdivision of Elgin Street, High Street, C.P.R., etc.. Resolution #C-522 11oveC: by Reeve Dykstra, seconC:ed by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the above matter be referred to the Planning Board for recommendation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-523 Haved by Con. Bell, secondc0. by Con. Hubbard. THAT Council concur in the purchase of six or eight units of street lights on a trial basis, as suggested in the letter from P.D.C. dated September 16th, 1970. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-52/, V~ved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT c, Committee of three be "-l;pointed to consider the request of the o,;ner of the Castle rbte1, relative to the cxtennion of the cncroaclli~ent or the entrance on Division Street. "CARRIED" The Hayor appointed Councillor Hubbard, Councillor Hooper, and Deputy Reeve Stephen. e TO'dU Of Goderich Resolution Re Provincial Control Of Helfare Resolution Concurred !-lith Hoving Of Eydn Poles On l-lellington Street 1970 Snnta ClnuG Pc.rnde - 3 - e Resolution #C-525 ~~vod by Reeve Dykstr~, secondeu by Con. Bell. THA7 tile cor.-.ITiunication frorn the TO"i.m of Goderich dated September lSth, 1970 relative to the Provincial Govcrni-;.c-ut c~act1_ng lc:.gisL::.tior~ to place all welfare administration under the Department of Social and F&~ily Services, be received and filed. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-526 Hoved by Con. Eooper, seconde6 by Con. Hubbard. THAT this Council concur llith the above resolution and that the appropriete authorities be advised. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-527 Move~ by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT Council concur ,.lith the letter dated September l7th, 1970 from the PoD.Co proposing tl1et the hydro poles on ,.;cllington Street be placed back during the placing of a !;'4.KV line for the nCl; High School to allow for futcrc road l'ridening. Reco:'decl \iote: Reeve Dykstra Deputy Reeve Stephen Councillor Bell Councillor h~bbard Councillor Allin Councillor ColJban Councillor Prout Councillor P~oper Hayor Hobbs Hay Nay Nay Nay Nay Yea Yea Yea Yea "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-528 11bvcd by Con.. Prout, seconded Ly C~n. Bella THAT Co".meil concur ..-ith the rec:uest of the Santa Claus Para0C Committee as contained in their Jetter dated September 25th, 1970 and that the police be notified. "CARRIED" e City Gf Oi.;rcn Sound Re Large Trucking Units Sale Of 1941 In ternationa1 Truck In ternational Truck Durham College Seminar On Pollution Animal Control Report e - 4. Resolution #C-529 ~Dvcd by Con. Cobban, sccondc~ by Con~ Bello THAT Council concur with t~c resolution of the City of Owen Sound as contained in their com~unication dated September l7th, 1970 and that the appropriate authorities bc notified. "CARRIED" Resolution 'IfC-530 ~bveG by Gono Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT if Council decides to sell the 1941 International truck, the sale be advertised. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-531 Movec by Reeve Dyk8t~a, seconded by Con. Hubbard. THAT the Clerk-A~~inistrator be ~equested to submit a report on the condition of the truck. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-532 V~vec by Con. Frout, seconded by Con. Hubbard. TBi.l.J:' E'...."1Y filcmLcr of Council 1'li:o ,-:-ishes to attend the Seminac ~t Lurh8il Col1~&c on Pollution, be authorized to do so and that the week of October lIth to 17th be proclaimed -<'mti-Pollution ';'Jccl~e "CARRIED" Resolution #C-533 lfuved by Con. Eoaper, seconded by Con. Prouto Tt~" the Aniwal Control Report for the month of Sept~nber, 1970, be approved. "CARRIED" e Building Inspector1s Report Welfare Report Committee Report - Lovers Lane Committee Report On Rock Festivals, Etc. Rock Festivals, Etc. . - 5 - Resolution #C-534 IlOved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT the Building Inspector's Report for the mont~ of September, 1970, bo ap?roved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-535 Moved h;' Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the \-1elfare Depart.rnent Report for the month of August, 1970, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-536 IlOved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT the Committee Report regarding 9 Lovers Lane, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-537 Yovcd by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the report be amendod by inserting the words t1drug control" after rrcroud control" in paragraph 3. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-538 l"bvCG OJ Con. Prout, seconded cy Reeve Dykstra. THAT the Co':lmittee Report regarding Rock Festivals, etc., bc approveG as mncnded. "CARRIED" e Appointment Of Treasurer COJPB Roport COJPB Report COJPB Report COJPB Report e - 6 - Resolution #C-539 110veC by Con. Doll, Eecondccl by Con. Allin. TI~T the Confidential Report regarding the appointment of Treasurer; be approv2c. "CARRIED" Resoh:Uon 4tC-5(C Y.lOvcd by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. THAT the Thirtieth Eonthly Report of the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board, be approved. "CARR!ED" Resolution #C-5(1 Movce: by Reeve D:ll~strn) sccondcc. by Con.. BellQl TW.',' t:1e report of minutes of c me.cting dated July 16th, 1970 of the Centrc1 Ontario Joint Planning Board, be apP:'ovec. "CARRIED" Resolution ifc-5Ll-2 11ovc;l: by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. THAT the Thirty-First llonthly Report of the Central Ontcrio Joint Planning Board, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution ifc-5L;.3 }bvcd by Deputy Reeve Stcphcu, seconded by R~cvc Dykstra. THAT the ~cport of minutes of a Qccting dated August 20t:" 1970, of the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board, be approved. "CARRIED" Eed th Unit Report CLOCA Report Of Minutes CLoe/:.. Report Of Hinutcs Statement Of Accounts ,statement Of Accounts - ~lelf are e - 7 - . Resolution 1rc-5t:.L~ Hovcc: 1:] Con.. Hubbard, seconded by Con.. Bell.. THAT the Health Unit Report for the IllOnth of July, 1970, be ap~rovedo "CARRIED" Resolution #C-545 }~vcd by Reeve DykGtr~, vocondcc by Deputy Reeve Stephen.. TFJif the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority report of minut<os of September 26th, be tabled for discuosion.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-546 HoV(;G by COP.... I{oopcr, seconded ~)y Con.. Hubbard.. THAT the :,dnut:cs ;)I t~-lC Ccntrc..l L2.I~o Ontario Conservation ll.Ut1~o:,-:ity (atcd September 2Ctl:, lS'70, be adopted except for t.h('O clc.,-t!.8c rcgc.'.rclin[; the COGt of land at $L~, 000 per acre CT,d that CouncilloL Prout be requ~~ted to advise CLOSA that this Council considers this valuation excessive.. "CARRIED" Rosolt:tion .;~!;C-5/>7 11ovc(~ by COil.. Hubbard, seconded b:; Con. Bell.. THAT the Statement or Accounts for the month of September, 1970, in the amount of $338,042.11, be approvcdo "CARRIED" Resolution iftC-5t:-u ~bVCG by Cono Cobban, ceoondCL oy Cano Allino TlliJ.T the:. Statement of i.l.ccounts, Hclfarc, for the month of August, 1970, in the amount of $l3,215.25, be <opprovcdo "CARRIED" StEl:tcmc:nt Of Accounts - Hclfare St2.tcmcnt Of Accounts - Cap !tal Fund By-Lao; No. 70-38 By- Lay, No. 70-38 By-Lmr No. 70-38 e . - 8 - Resolution lic-5!:S t~vcd by Cano Hooper, scconcca 17 Con. Prout. THAT the Statcucnt of Accounts, Uclfarc, for the month of September, 1970, in the amount of $14,561.77, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution 1fc,~550 Movce 1y Gano Bell, seconded by Cono Allin. THt~T the Statoment of Acco~nts, Capital Fund, in the &~ount of $5G,127~85, be upprovcd. "CARRIED" Rcsolt~tion 1~C-551 rbvcd by Cono Dell, sccondcc by Cono Allin. T}UC~ lc~vc Dc 8r~nt~~ to intr0(ucc Ey-Law No. 70-38, bci~C a ~y-law to appoint a Trcnsu~cr and Tax Collector, and that the said by-law be now read a firc";:': time. "CARRIED" Rcsol~tion 1:~C-552 HavoC:, by CorH> Allin, sccondcG by Con. Cobban. TWi.T the second rcadin3 of Dy-Lu.'l l:!o.. 70-38, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-553 Hovec:. by Con~ Hooper, scconcied by Cen.. Prout. THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 70-38, be c.pprovod.. "CARRIED" Disning Power Of New Treasurer Appointment To Committee Of Adjustment 1070 Police Contract 197C Police Agreement TenGer s For Four-~,n-1Cel Drive Vehicle e - 9 - . Resolution ~c-554 Hoved bJ' Con.. Allin, seconded by Con.. Cobban.. TP~~T t~.. J~ ~o Descent DC Gccignctcd a signing officer of the :01unicipdity ,'lith effect from October 19th, 1970, the date of his appointment as Municipal Treasurer.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-555 -.-- 11ovc(~ b:.,. Eecve :Jykctra., seconded ty Deputy Reeve Stephen.. THi~T the report of the Striking Conr:littec be o.dopted anG. HI'.. Colin Cooke be o.ppointc'.:~. tc the: COll1l."llittcc of Adjustl<lent in plcce of Hr. Ian SDith and that a letter of thnnl::c be 'written to HI".. Smith for his services.. "CARRIED" Councillor Hooper reported to Council on behalf of the negotiating committee, relative to tho police arbitration ~rocecdin8Go Rose lution 4/:C-556 Hovel~ by Con.. Hooper, scconclcL. b:r Con.. BelL. TBj~T 'L.~1e l-:8.~"'or <:~r~c: Clc~rl.:-LuTdni8trator be nuthorizcd to sig:.1 'i::.hc IS70 police <::.grce:r.ent 2nd that 2 copy be giv~r. to t::c Felice: A~soci&tion, u"1d also that the negoti2.tin8 cot7IfJittco 8.J....U]. Clerk-Ad.iIlinistrator be authorized to meet relative to implementing the terms of the contracte I1CARRIEDI1 The Clcrk-AGministrator reportCtl that he had received tenders relative to the rour-I'Theel drive vehicle to replace the jeep from the following: County Chrysler CO'ilCn Ponttac Roy Eichols 11otors The Clerk-Administrator doc reported that it had enly tOG2.Y COfllG to l~ic attcntiot'~ that J-Nar Equipment in Bo~nnanvil1c were the rcprcscntativcB of International Trucl,s and had requested that they be allm"ed to tender. . .......... .,........ ..~ . ....".., J-Uar Eqpto Given Chance To Tender .l~d j Qurnmcn t , e . - IO - Resolution #C-557 Hovc( by Con.. Hooper, seconclcd by Con. Hubbard. THLT J-Hc,r C:c;ui.,ment be given the sam" length of time to ';':'cnucr for the truck [.8 "i.~as gi Vc.~n to the 0 thcr tenclcl'cl's nnd that the three tcndcro already received be not op~ncd in the mQ~,timc~ "CARRIEDU Resoletio~ #c-558 }lovcd by Cono Eoorer, seconded by Cono Hubbard. THLT ~..:h(; H10cting Be adjourned.. "CARRIED" ~.~/~ ~ ~ , Mayor "v.! c.A.P' " Clerk