HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/1966 e e Bowmanville, Ontario. REGULAR MEETING January 17, 1966. Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held in the Council Chambers on the above date at 7:30 p.m. with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. Present: Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors Ivan II!. Hobbs S. Little 'i. Fice P. Chant J. Bourke K. Nicks E. Rundle Mrs. A. Darch G. Hughes Oke Correspondence: 1. Department of Highways re Council's request to include the Connecting Link Project with the proposed con- struction work on Highway No. 2 and advising that the work may not be scheduled in 1966. 2. Northumberland-Durham Firefighters Association re $10.00 fee now due. 3. Ronald H. Donald re Proposed College of Applied Arts and Technology and requesting a supporting resolution. 4. County of Ontario re invitation to representatives of Oshawa, Bowmanville and Darlington to meet with the County to discuss the question of regional govern- ment. 5. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re Enniskillen Conservation Area planned development (see page 2 of Canadian Statesman issue - January 12, 1966). 6. Association of Ontario Mayors & Reeves re 1966 member- ship fee ($35.00) and annual conference in Sarnia from June 26 to 29, 1966. 7. Ontario Traffic Conference re membership fee ($25.00). 8. Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities re con- vention February 14 and 15 at the King Edward Hotel and request for membership fee ($15.00). 9. John Howard Society re request for grant. 10. Canadian Council of Christians & Jews re request for grant. 11. Ontario Municipal Association re Local Government Study Tour, September 5 - 29, 1966 in Europe (estimated basic fee per person - $750.00). Resolution #C-35 Minutes Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT the minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of Council, dated January 3, 1966, be approved as prepared. ltCARRIED" Connecting Link Project Fire- fighters Assoc. Ontario College of Applied Arts County of Ontario C.L.O.C.A. Assoc. of Onto Mayors & Reeves - 1966 fee e e - 2 - Resolution #C-36 lfuved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the letter from the Department of Highways be received and they be advised that Council is in agreement with the Connecting Link project being included with their contract. 'tCARRIEDI1 Resolution #C-37 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the letter from the Northumberland-Durham Firefighters Association be received and referred to the Fire Committee with power to act. "CARRIED't Resolution #C-38 Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Bourke. THAT the letter from Ronald H. Donald be received and that Council supports in principle the plans for locating the college in this region. "CARRIEDlt Resolution #C-39 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT the letter from the County of Ontario be received and that we send representation to a meeting to be held in Whitby on Wednesday, February 9, 1966 at 8:00 p.m. "CARRIED" Persons indicating their intention to attend were ~~yor Ivan M. Hobbs, Councillors Bourke, Chant and Nicks and the Clerk. Resolution #C-40 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-41 Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter from the Association of Ontario Mayors & Reeves be received and that the 1966 membership fee be paid and the Mayor and Reeve be delegates at the Association's annual confer- ence in Sarnia from June 26 to 29, 1966 with expenses paid. "CARRIED" Traffic Conference e e - 3 - Resolution #C-42 ~fuved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT the letter from the Ontario Traffic Conference be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-43 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. Onto Assoc. THAT the letter from the Ontario Association of Rural Municipal- of Rural ities be received and filed. 1"1unic ipali ties Requests re grants Ont. Mun. Assoc. Striking Committee By-law No. 1954 - 1st Reading ItCARRIED" Resolution #C-44 Moved by Con. Rurrlle, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT the letters from the John Howard Society and the Canadian Council of Christians & Jews be received and filed. ltCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-45 ~~ved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter from the Ontario Municipal Association be received and filed. ltCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-46 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT the report of the Striking Committee for 1966 recommending appointments to Committees of Council and various Boards be accepted and approved as amended to provide for two year terms for appointments to the Museum Board, Recreation Commission and Memorial Hospital Board. 'tCARRIED't Resolution #C-47 Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 1954, being a by-law to repeal By-+aw No. 1942 and said By-law be now read a first time. 'tCARRIEDIt B/L 1954 - 3rd reading By-law No. 1956 - 1st Reading B/L 1956 - 3rd reading By-law No. 1955 - 1st Reading B/L 1955 - 3rd reading M.C. & T.A. 1966 fee Joint Plan- ning Board appts. e e - 4- Resolution #C-48 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT By-law No. 1954 be read a second and third time and finally passed. "CARRIED't Resolution #C-49 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 1956, being a by-law to authorize purchase of land required by the Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Bowmanville and said by- law be read a first time. ItCARRIEDIt Resolution #C-50 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT By-law No. 1956 be read a second and third time and finally passed. nCARRIEDIt Resolution #C-51 Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 1955 being a by- law to authorize participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System and said By-law be read a first time. ItCARRIEDIt Resolution #C-52 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT By-law No. 1955 be read a second and third time and finally passed. ItCARRIEDn Resolution #C-53 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the 1966 membership fee of $10.00 in the Municipal Clerks & Treasurers Association of Ontario be paid. nCARRIEDn Resolution #C-54 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT Council nominate the following persons to act as their re- presentatives at the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board: Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs and Albert Cole, Ratepayer. "CARRIEDn e e - 5 - Resolution #C-55 Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Con. Hughes. Dog Control THAT the transmission in the Dog Control Van be repaired. Van ltCARRIED" Resolution #C-56 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. Canadian THAT the letter from the Canadian Mental Health Association Mental be received and filed. Health Assoc. ltCARRIED" Third Street Lots. Resolution #C-57 Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the Clerk be instructed to have the Town owned property on Third Street surveyed into three lots by M. Brown, a.L.S., appraised by two evaluators, P. Kowal and J. Van Nest and advertise for tenders for their sale. ltCARRIED" The Clerk read a letter, dated January 7, 1966, addressed to Mayor Hobbs from Samuel Annis complaining of the noise from a fan on the east wall of the Hotel. Resolution #C-58 Noisy Fan Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the Building Inspector look into the matter and report back. ltCARRIED't Resolution #C-59 Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Reeve Little. Con. Caravan THAT the Mayor appoint a Confederation Caravan Committee of Committee three. ltCARRIEDIt Appointed were: Deputy Reeve Fice Councillor Bourke Councillor Nicks Deputy Reeve Fice suggested that clothes lockers be purchased for the employees of the Works Department. e e - 6 - Lockers Resolution #C-60 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT the matter of the lockers be referred to the Public Pro- perty Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-61 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Chant. Adjournment THAT the meeting be adjourned. 'tCARRIEDlt ~<~~ Mayor /:GiI:4r1 , Clerk