HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/04/1966 e e REGULAR MEETING April 4, 1966. Bowmanville, Ontario Minutes Special Council Finance Minutes Board of Works Min. Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held in the Council Chambers on the above date at 8:00 p.m. with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. Present: Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors Ivan M. Hobbs S. Little W. Fice P. Chant J. Bourke K. Nicks E. Rundle Mrs. A.. Oke G. Hughes Resolution #C-208 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the minutes of the Council meeting held on March 21, 1966 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-209 MOved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the minutes of the special meeting of Council held on March 29. 1966 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-210 MOved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held on March 24. 1966 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-211 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the minutes of the Board of Works Committee meeting held on March 29, 1966 be approved. "CARRIED" Mr. Ken Hooper addressed Council commending them on their bud- get. setting out reasons why the Gounc~l of last year decided not to participate in the Centennial Grants Programme and re- viewing the activities of the Industrial Commission for the period of Mr. Hooper's association as a member of the Commission. Dept. of Highways R. Edmunds ~ounties' Engineer Joint Planning Board Ontario Municipal Assoc. Crippled Children's Centre Town Of Espanola e e - 2 - Resolut10n #C-2l2 Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT application be made to the Department of Highways to acquire the strip of land on the west side of Clinton Street in Lot 13, Concession 1 shown on a plan provided by the De- partment and attached to their letter dated ~rch 15, 1966, for the purpose of widening the said Clinton Street. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-213 Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT Council concur with the request of Robert A. Edmunds, Counties' Engineer, to restrict the issuing of building per- mits in the area of the intersection of Highway #2, the C.P.R. tracks and Martin Road and on Martin Road to the southerly end of Waverly Road and the Building Inspector be so advised. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-214 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT Council endorse a resolution passed at a meeting of the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board on March 17, 1966 with re- gard to urging the Ontario Water Resources Commission to give the highest priority to a water supply and sanitary sewerage study of the planning board region. "CARRIEDlt Resolution #C-215 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT no action be taken to send delegates to the Town and Village Section of the Ontario Municipal Association meeting in Lindsay on May 13 and 14, 1966. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-216 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT a request by Simcoe Hall Crippled Children's Centre for a contribution to their building fund be referred to the Finance Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-217 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT a resolution from the Town of Espanola be received and filed. "CARRIED" L.O.D.A. Prospect Street Smith Beverages Limited premises Bldg. Insp. Report Rds. & Sts. Reports Welfare Report e e - 3 - Resolution #C-2l$ Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT a letter dated March 25, 1966 from the Lake Ontario Development Association be referred to the Industrial Commission. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-219 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT the Roads & Streets Committee Chairman and Road Superin- tendent investigate the conditions surrounding the paving of Prospect Street, the construction of a storm sewer and the de- gree of responsibility for these works between the Town of Bowmanville and Oshawa Wood Products. ItCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-220 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the Clerk write for additional information with regard to the proposed purchase of Smith Beverages Limited premises, en- quiring as to the period of time requested for extension of a prior decision of Council not to take any action of enroach- ment on town property and the use intended for the building by the prospective purchaser. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-221 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Bourke. THAT the Building Inspector's report for the month of March, 1966 be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-222 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT the report of the Roads & Streets Committee dated February 2S 1966 and the report dated March 30, 1966 be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-223 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the report of the Welfare Department for the month of March, 1966 be accepted. ltCARRIEDlt City of Oshawa Accounts - Paid Prior Accounts - Finance Accounts - Dog Control Accounts - Fire Dept. Accounts - Industrial Accounts - Police e e - 4 - Resolution #C-224 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT copies of a resolution from the City of Oshawa with re- gard to an amendment to residence requirements for welfare purposes be made available to members of Council. ltCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-225 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the Paid Prior accounts in the total amount of $124,303.49 be and are hereby passed for payment. ItCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-226 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the Finance accounts in the total amount of $207.79 be and are hereby passed for payment. ltCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-227 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the Dog Control accounts in the total amount of $87.10 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIEDlt Resolution #C-228 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the accounts of the Fire Department in the total amount of $133.04 be and are hereby passed for payment. ltCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-229 Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the Industrial accounts in the total amount of $66.36 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED't Resolution #C-230 Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the accounts of the Police Department in the total amount of $448.12 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIEDlt Accounts - Pub. Prop. Accounts - Welfare e e - 5 - Resolution #C-231 Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the Public Property accounts in the total amount of $29.1g he and are hereby passed for payment. ltCARRIED" Resolution #C-232 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the accounts of the Welfare Department in the total amount of $1,486.45 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED't Resolution #C-233 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. Accounts - THAT the accounts of the Roads and Streets Department in the Rds. & Sts. total amount of $2,349.23 be and are hereby passed for payment. ltCARRIED" By-law No. 1967 - 1st Reading Resolution #C-234 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 1967, being a by-law to increase the interest rate on tax arrears and that said By-law be now read a first time. ltCARRIED" Resolution #C-235 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Rundle. 2nd Reading THAT the second reading of By-law No. 1967 be approved. ItCARRIED" Resolution #C-236, Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Chant. 3rd Reading THAT the third and final reading of By-law No. 1967 be approved. ltCARRIED" Dept. of Highways re Transfers Resolution #C-237 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the following amounts expended in 1965 under authority of By-law No. 1930 be transferred as hereinafter provided: (a) From Bridges & Culverts Construction to Road Construction (b) From Road Maintenance to Road Construction (c) From Bridges & Culverts Maintenance to Road Consbruction - 11,823.24 8,141.25 2,210.45 "CARRIEDlt Dept. of Highways Resignation from appt. C-Onstable Smith re promotion Request re Police College Fire Dept. Caretaker Fire Alarm Box at Nursing Home e e - 6 - Resolution #C-23S Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT the Department of Highways be requested to paint white lines on the interchange roads leading to and from Liberty Street to Highway 401. "CARR IED It Resolution #C-239 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the resignation of Councillor Hughes from his appointment to act with Councillor Chant be accepted and the appointment of a replacement be referred to the Striking Committee. "CARRIEDIt Resolution #C-240 Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the recommendation by Chief Kitney for the promotion of Constable Ian Smith to 2nd Class Constable, effective March 16, 1966, be approved. "CARRIED It Resolution #C-241 Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT the request from Police Chief Kitney to send tow con- stables to the Ontario Police College be received and filed. ltCARRIED" Resolution #C-242 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT no action with regard to the Fire Department caretaker be taken until a further meeting of the Committee is held. ltCARRIED" Resolution #C-243 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT a fire alarm box be installed at the Strathhaven Nursing Home with the cost of the box and labour for installation and running of the wire to be paid by Mrs. Childs and 2,000 feet of wire for a total cost of $60.00 to be paid for by the Town. "CARRIEDlt e e - 7 - Resolution #C-244 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Bourke. Adjournment THAT the meeting be adjourned. ~~ /~4- ItCARRIEDlt /I~ Mayor Clerk