HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/03/1966 e e REGULAR MEETING October 3, 1966. Bowmanville, Ontario Council Minutes Fire Com. Minutes Board of Works Min. Dept. of Highways fJanvasses Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on the above date at 8:00 p.m. in the Town Hall with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. Present: /ilayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors Ivan M. Hobbs S. Little W. Fice J. Bourke K. Nicks E. Rundle Mrs. A. Oke G. Hughes l~. Prout Resolution #C-477 Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on September 19, 1966 be approved. 'tCARRIED't Resolution #C-478 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Bourke. THAT the minutes of a Fire Committee meeting held on September 19, 1966 be approved. ltCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-479 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT the minutes of a Board of Works Committee meeting held on September 27, 1966 be approved. "CARRIEDIt Resolution #C-480 140ved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT correspondence from the Department of Highways with re- gard to training courses, be received and filed. "CARRIEDlt Resolution #C-4$1 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the following canvasses be approved: 1. The Boy Scouts of Canada - Apple Day on October 15, 1966. Permission is to include the use of the Council Chambers on Friday evening, October 14 and Saturday, October 15. Review By-law Municipal Management Seminar L.O.D.A. Alex Carruthers Bowmanville Hotel re encroachment on Division Street Mrs. Ball re hydro pole e e - 2 - 2. The Royal Canadian Legion - Poppy Canvas on November 4th and 5th, 1966. 3. The Bowmanville Fire Department - Muscular Dystrophy Tag Day on November 12, 1966. "CARRIED't Resolution #C-482 Jvbved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT Council review their by-law establishing rates for repair of water services. 'tCARRIED" Resolution #C-483 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the Chairman of the Finance Committee and Clerk attend the Municipal r~nagement Seminar in Toronto on November 2, 3 and 4, 1966. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-484 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT a request from L.O.D.A. to attend a "Clean Water Conferencelt on October 19, 1966 be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-485 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT a letter from Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., with regard to education costs be received and filed. ltCARRIED't Resolution #C-486 Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT Council agree to an encroachment on Division Street of 2~feet more or less to be caused by the construction of an exit from the Bowmanville Hotel to be located approximately 50 feet north of King Street, with the provision that all costs incur- red by the Corporation to prepare an agreement permitting the encroachment is to be borne by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maryglad. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-487 Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT a letter from Mrs. Ball with regard to a hydro pole be referred to the Public Utilities Commission. "CARRIED" Bldg. Insp. Report Rds. & Sts. Report Welfare Report Dog Control Report Accounts - Paid Prior Accounts - Finance Accounts - Dog Control e e - 3 - Resolution #C-488 Moved byCon. Rundle, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the report of the Building Inspector for the month of September, 1966 be accepted. ltCARRIED't Resolution #C-489 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT the report of the Roads & Streets Department for the period ending August 31, 1966 be accepted. "CARRIEDlt Resolution #C-490 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the report of the Welfare Department for the month of September, 1966 be accepted. ItCARRIED" Resolution #C-491 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the Dog Control Report for the month of August, 1966 be accepted. "CARRIED't Resolution #C-492 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the Paid Prior accounts in the total amount of $284,515.24 be and are hereby passed for payment. ltCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-493 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the Finance Accounts in the total amount of $626.59 be and are hereby passed for payment. 'tCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-494 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the Dog Control accounts in the total amount of $23.93 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIEDIt Accounts - Fire Accounts - Police Accounts - Public Property Accounts - vlelfare e e - 4 - Resolution #C-495 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Bourke. THAT the accounts of the Fire Department in the total amount of $193.23 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-496 MOved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the accounts of the Police Department in the total amount of $576.69 be and are hereby passed for payment. ltCARRIED't Resolution #C-497 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the Public Property accounts in the total amount of $299.81 be and are hereby passed for payment. ItCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-498 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Rundle, THAT the accounts of the \'lelfare Department in the total amount of $1,679.96 be and are hereby passed for payment. ItCARRIEDlt Resolution #C-499 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. Accounts - THAT the accounts of the Roads & Streets Department in the total Rds. & Sts. amount of $5,031.72 be and are hereby passed for payment. By-laws No. 1992 & 1993 1st reading ltCARRIEDIt Resolution #C-500 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws: 1. By-law No. 1992 - a by-law to amend Traffic By-law No. 1784. 2. By-law No. 1993 - a by-law to authorize the sale of land to Burley Bus Lines. and that said by-laws be now read a first time. ItCARRIED" Resolution #C-501 Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Nicks. 2nd reading THAT the second reading of By-laws No. 1992 and 1993 be approved. 'tCARRIED't e e - 5 - Resolution #C-502 I~ved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. 3rd reading THAT the third and final reading of By-laws No. 1992 and 1993 be approved. "CARRIED't Resolution #C-503 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. Jurors Act. THAT pursuant to Section 91 of The Jurors Act, each local selector be paid an allowance of $5.00. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-504 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. Beech Ave. approval rescinded THAT approval to widen Beech Avenue, which work is included in Supplementary By-law No. 1971, be rescinded. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-505 Beech Ave. Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Fice. THAT the west side of Beech Avenue be widened with traffic permitted in one direction, south only, and parking to be allowed on the west side only. ltCARRIED't Res. #C-5G5 amended Resolution #C-506 Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Bourke. THAT the former motion be amended to provide that there be no widening and no parking on either side of Beech Avenue. ltCARRIED't Resolution #C-507 V~ved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Rundle. Adjournment THAT the meeting be adjourned. "CARRIEDlt (>f~,,~/fi~ 'Iayor ./:iJdr Clerk