HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1967 e e Bowmanville, Ontario REGULAR lJIEETING I'lay 1, 1967 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held in the Town Hall on the above date at 8:00 p.m. with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. Present: Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors Ivan 14. Hobbs S. Little VI. Fice J. Bourke K. Nicks E. Rundle Mrs. A. Oke G. Hughes !J!. Prout Resolution #C-188 Council Minutes Moved by Deputy Reeve Fice, seconded by Reeve S. Little. THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council, held on April 17, 1967, be approved. "CARHIEDIt Resolution #C-189 140ved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Prout. Board of Works THAT the minutes of the Board of Works Committee meeting re amendment held on April 25, 1967, be approved as amended by deleting under ItAbsent" the words "Deputy Reeve W. Fice" and including the same words under the heading ltpresent". "CARRIED" " Resolution #C-190 lloved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Hughes. Bowmanville Lions Club re parade THAT permission be granted to the Bo\~anville Lions Club to hold a parade on Saturday, July I, 1967 from the Central School grounds to Memorial Park and the police be notified accordingly. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-19l I'1oved by Con. Hu'~hes, seconded by Con. Bourke. F. & T. Development THAT a letter from the Bowmanville Planning Board with regard to the F. & T. Development subdivision be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-192 ]lloved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Hundle. Department of ['.~ uni c i pal Affairs re grant THAT notice of an increase in the unconditional grant by " $,l.50 from the Departnent of Hunicipal Affairs be received and filed. "CARRIED" Ontario Housing Authority Municipal Development Forum Ontario lo1unicipal Association Bowrnanville Lions Club re raffle Oshawa Cable T.V. Bldg. Insp. Report "vVelfare Report e e - 2 - Resolution #C-193 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT assistance be given to the Ontario Housing; Authority in distributinf, a questionnaire form to senior citizens and to pay the cost of advertising to draw the survey to the attention of all citizens. "CARIUED" Resolution #C-194 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Bourke. THAT advice of the Municipal Development Forum at Peterborough on May 3, 1967 be received and filed. "CAnnIED" Council expected that the appointed delegates would attend this meeting if possible. Resolution #C-IQ5 J.1oved by Con. Hundle, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT advice of a meeting of the Town and Village Section of Ontario l'~unicipal Association on June 9 and 10, 1967 be received and filed. "CAHRIED" Resolution #C-196 Moved by Con. ltundle, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the request of the Bownanville Lions Club to park a car at the corner of Te!1perance and Division Streets, to be raffled for fund raising purposes until July I, 1967, be granted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-197 Ivloved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT information from Oshawa Cable T.V. Limited dated Hay 1, 1967, be received and filed. "CARHIED" Resolution #C-198 Moved b:T Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT the Buildin~ Inspector's Report for the month of April, 1967, he ~pproved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-199 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT the 'Iielfare Department report for the month of April, 1967, be approved. "CARRIED" Treasurers Report Accounts By-law No. 67-12 - lst reading 2nd reading 3rd reading By-law No. 67-13 - 1st reading 2nd reading e e - 3 - Resolution #C-200 140ved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Bourke. THAT the Treasurers Heport be held in abeyance until the next regular meeting of Council. "CAHRIED" Resolution #C-201 Hoved by Con. Hur>;hes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the statement of accounts for the month of April, 1967, including cheques #849 to 1074 inclusive, in the total amount of $152,520.77, be approved. "CA;mIED" Resolution #C-202 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 67-12, being a by-law to regulate the setting off of fire.,orks and the sale of fireworks, and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-203 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the second reading of By-law No. 67-12, be approved. "CARHIED" Resolution #C-204 I'loved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the third and final reading of By-law No. 67-12, be approved. "CARftIED" Resolution #C-205 I'~oved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 67-13, being a by-law to prohibit the erection of wooden buildings or wooden additions within the linits of the Town of BovlTllanville, and that the said by-law be nm, rea.d a first time. "CARHIED" Resolution #C-206 Moved by Con. Rundle, ~econded by Con. Hughes. THAT the second reading of By-law No. 67-13, be approved. "CARRIED" 3rd reading Fireworks By-law Times Centennial Edition re photographs Adjournment e e - 4 - Resolution #C-207 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the third and final reading of By-law No. 67-13, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-208 Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT notice be inserted in the Canadian Statesman of the provisions of the fireworks By-law. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-209 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT in addition to photographs of members of Council appearing in the Towns advertisement appearing in the Oshawa Times Centennial Souvenir Edition, the Clerks photograph be included. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-210 ~10ved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Hundle. THAT the meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" ~ ,.i / 4 ~ - Mayor ~ Clerk