HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/1967 e e Bowmanville, Ontario REGULAR MEETING August 8, 1967 Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held in the Town Hall on the above date at 8:00 p.m., with His Worship, Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs, in the Chair. Present: Mayor Councillors Ivan M. Hobbs J. Bourke K. Nicks Mrs. A. Oke G. Hughes M. Prout Absent: Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor S. Little W. Fice E. Rundle Council Minutes Resolution #C-283 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held on July 4, 1967, be approved as printed. ltCARRIEDlt Fire Committee Resolution #C-284 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Fire Committee, held on July 4, 1967, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Rds. '" Sts. Committee Resolution #C-285 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the minutes of the Roads '" Streets Committee meeting held on July 6, 1967, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Finance Committee Resolution #C-286 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committ~held on July 24, 1967, be approved as printed. "CARRIEDlt Resolution #C-287 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hughes. Bd. of Works THAT the minutes of the Board of Works Committee meeting Committee held on July 25, 1967, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Special PUC Committee Ontario Housing Financial Statement & Aud.itors Rt. Municipal Workshop Pine Ridge School re Parade e e - 2 - Resolution #C-288 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the minutes of the Special Committee meeting on the Public Utilities Commission, held on July 31, 1967, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Mr. Murray Lcl~surier of the Ontario Housing Corporation presented to Council a report on the need for low rental senior citizen accommodation. He reviewed the procedure of the study and said that the study had determined a need for fourteen units to be constructed. Resolution #C-289 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT it be resolved that Ontario Housing Corporation be requested to provide rental housing accommodation on a geared-to-income basis for senior citizens in the Town of Bowmanville, such rental housing accommodation to comprise: 8 bachelor units and 6 one-bedroom units, as indicated in survey of need and effective demand dated July, 1967. The Corporation of the Municipality of Bowmanvil1e hereby undertakes and agrees to waive all claims for grants in lieu of taxes in excess of Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per unit per annum in relation to the said senior citizens housing. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-290 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the 1966 Financial Statement and Auditor's Report be accepted as printed. "CARRIEDlt Mr. Al McMaster of Bowmanvi1le Centennial Cleaners, requested Council to reconsider the matter of a loading space in front of his store. Council replied that circumstances prevented their compliance withhis request. Resolution #C-29l Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT any member of Council who wished to, the Clerk or the Accountant on the Clerk's recommendation, be authorized to attend the Department of Municipal Affairs Municipal Work- shop to be held in Cobourg on September 20 and 21, 1967. ltCARRIED" Resolution #C-292 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT approval be granted to the conduct of a parade by Pine Ridge School during their Centennial September Festival on 28, 29 & 30th of September & the Police Dept. be notified accordingly. "CARRIEDlt Onto School Trustees and Municipal Councillors Assoc. Township of Michipicoten e e - 3 - Resolution #C-293 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT advice from the Ontario School Trustees and Municipal Councillors Association of a Fall Seminar in November be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-294 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT Council endorse the resolution of the Township of Michipicoten calling for a revision of the regulations preventing competent persons licensed in the country of their origin, from being licenced as Doctors of Medicine in Ontario. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-295 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Bourke. Township of THAT a resolution from the Township of Sandwich West with Sandwich West reference to a proposed amendment to The Planning Act permitting the Minister to decide whether or not an Official Plan amendment is made in good faith, be received and filed. It CARRIED " Welfare. Report Bldg. Insp. Report Animal Control Police Reports Resolution #C-296 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT the report of the Welfare Department for the month of JUly, 1967, be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-297 Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT the report of the Building Inspector for the month of July, 1967, be accepted. It CARR IED" Resolution #C-298 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the Animal Control Report for the month of June, 1967, be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution#C-299 Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT the Police Reports for the months of June and July, 1967, be accepted. "CARRIED" Counties Assessment Report Financial Report Accounts By-law No. 67-22 - 1st reading e e - 4 - Resolution #C-300 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the Counties Assessment Report be accepted. "CARR IED" Resolution #C-301 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the Financial Report for a six month period ending June 31, 1967, be accepted. It CARR lED" Resolution #C-302 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the statement of accounts for the month of July, 1967, including cheques No. 1638 to 1972 inclusive, in the total amount of $148,261.85, be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-303 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 67-22, being a by-law to provide for the appointment annually to the Bowman- ville Memorial Arena Board of Management, two members of the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanvil1e, and that the said By-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-304 Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Nicks. 2nd reading THAT the second reading of By-law No. 67-22, be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-305 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Nicks. 3rd reading THAT the third and final reading of By-law No. 67-22, be approved. By-law No. 67-23 - 1st reading "CARRIED" Resolution #C-306 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 67-23, being a by-law to authorize the execution of a proposal and estimate with regard to King Street connecting link reconstruction, and that the said By-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" 2nd reading 3rd reading By-law No. 67-24 - 1st reading 2nd reading 3rd reading By-law No. 67-25 - 1st reading 2nd reading e e - 5 - Resolution #C-307 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT the second reading of By-law No. 67-23, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-308 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the third and final reading of By-law No. 67-23~be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-309 Moved by Con. Bourke, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 67-24, being a by-law to authorize the obtaining of temporary advances on the cost of construction of a new police and fire building, and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #G-310 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Bourke. THAT the second reading of By-law No. 67-24, be approved. ltCARRIED" Resolution #C-3ll Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the third and final reading of By-law No. 67-24, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-3l2 MOVED by Con. Hughes, ~conded by Con. Oke. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 67-25, being a by-law to appoint the firm of Thorne, Gunn, Helliwell & Christenson, Chartered Accountants, as auditors of the Town of Bowmanville, and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIEDlt Resolution #C-313 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the second reading of By-law No. 67-25, be approved. "CARRIED" 3rd reading Reward re Municipal Signs Discount on taxes By-law No. 67-26 - lst reading 2nd reading 3rd reading Labour Day Holiday e e - 6 - Resolution #C-3l4 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by don. Bourke. THAT the third and final reading of By-law No. 67-25. be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-3l~ Moved by Con. Prout. seconded by Con. Oke. THAT notice be given that a reward of $25.00 will be paid to any person giving information leading to the conviction of a person or persons found defacing municipal signs. ltCARRIED" Resolution #C-3l6 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT effective January 1. 1968, the discount allowed on the prepay,ment of taxes will be 3% during the month of January and 2% in the month of February. ItCARR IED" Resolution #C-3l7 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Nicks. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 67-26, being a by-law to authorize conveyances of the closed parts of certain streets and lanes shown on the Smart Plan of Subdivision of Part of Township Lot 10 in the Broken Front Concession of the Town of Bowmanville, to the abutting owners, and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-3l8 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the second reading of By-law No. 67-26, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-319 Moved by Con. Nicks, seconded by Con. Bourke. THAT THE third and final reading of By-law No. 67-26. be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-320 Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Oke. THAT the next regular meeting of Council be held on Tuesday, September 5, 1967 due to the tabour Day holiday on September 4th. "CARRIED" Adjournment e e - 7 - Resolution #C-321 Moved by Con. Oke, seconded by Con. Bourke. THAT the meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" //~51~ ~ - ayor Clerk