HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/15/1968 e e Bowl'1anville, Ontario CO'.mcil Hinutes Conservation Lake Public School Board OMSIP !.10bUe Inforc~ation Centl'e REGULAR HEETIHG January 15, 1968 Minutes of a re~ular meeting of Council held in the Town Hall on the above date at 7:30 p.m. Present: ~.,r 11ct'lOr Re~ve Deputy Reeve Councillors Ivan }'. Hobbs Mrs. A. Oke E. R:mdle R. Nichols R.. D=rkstra G. Frv L. Coonbes I"1~ Fr0ut K. 3~~ackleton Resolution #e-30 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded b:r Con~ Fry. TEAT the ninutes ')f the regular f'1eetinL~ of Council, held on January 2, 191)8, be approved as printed. "CARHIEDTf Hr. 1'!illiam lIenr:' of Osha\'Ta Hood Products requested Council that whereas all of tl:e prelinlj.nary ~Qrk tlad been done on a subd i vider3 ar,:re8Plent for the Saunders A venue S'.lbdivision, which iqcJudf~d provision for RsphCllt curbs, not to impose as a conditin:1, concrete curbs. Resolution /!C- 31 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded hy Con. COOMbes. THAT a Special Committee 0" three be appointed to study and re~ort back an tlle suggestion of a conservation Inlce. "CAHHIED" The Mayor appointed Councillor Coombes, as Chairman and Councillors Nichols and DykstrA. RssolutioTl #C-32 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Reeve Oke. THAT in response to a request by the Pu~)lic; School Board, they Cleet wit', the Public 1.larks COrlr<littee \lith regarrl to sidewalks and police supervision of school children. nCAHRIED" Resolution I?C-33 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Shackleton. THAT advice from the Depart~ent of Health ,~ith regard t<) the pending visit of the OMSIP Mohile Infor~ation Centre be received and Filed and that an electrical outlet be provided. "CArmISD" J,lus cular Dystrophy Association Ont. Good Hoac1s Assoc. Assoc. of Rural Municipalities e e - 2 - R 1. n" ~J t 850. utlon 1/-""-) ,~ r-Ioved by Con. 3haclclet0n, ~jec0nded by Con. Prout. TtIAT a request by the j,luscular Dystrophy Association for a grant be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-35 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Shackleton. THAT advice of a one day semi.nFlr for Councillors at the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention be received and filed. nCAnnIEDn Resolution #C-36 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Ileeve nundle. THAT a requ.est for membership on the Associat,ion of [(ural J::unicipalities be received and filed. nCAHR:LEDfT Resolution ft'C-37 Hoved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Shackleton. Northunberland THAT annual dues of ::')10.00 be naicl to t~le Northunberland and & Durham Fire- Durhai,! Firefighters Associatio~. fighters Assoc.. Drugs in the T,lodern Society ;Jorkshop CFlnadian Heart Fund Concrete Curbs on ~aunders Ave. nCAHHIEDtt Hesolution ilc-38 Moved by Con. Nichols, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT the Chi_ef of Police and Councillor Cool'lbes attend the workshop on DrUGS in the Modern Society, to be held in Cobourg on February 7, 1968. "CAIlRIED" Resolution #C-39 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Reeve Oke. THAT Council Rgree to the chan~=e in date for ct canvas by the Canadian i1eart Fund frOM Febru3.ry 12 to February 19, 1968. "CARRIED" Ilesolution T:~C-l;,O Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Coonbes. THAT the recomnendation of the B01-'lnFlllvil1e PlanninG Board \lith regard to ttJe installation of concrete curbs on Saunders Avenue be approved. r'GARILI}<JUfT Re-location of Eigh"qay no. 2 National Granite re purchase of land Striking Committee Report e e - "), - -' Resolution tC-ljl Moved by Can. Coombes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. TdJiT the recorwl1enoatil)n of the 3o''\fr'lanville PlfHlnin,c: Board l,vi th refe:t'encp. to the proposed re-lo cat ion of High\,;ray Ho. 2 fron 3cugng Street \vesterly as prepared by the Depart~(lent of Hizhways be approved together vvi t",h sugp;i;st,(jd a;;lenclments outlined in the Board's letter of January 12, 1068. nCi~RHIE.Dn r 1 . "c J 2 1<830 utlon it -:-_ ;'-Toved by Con. Pront, seconded by Con. Oke. THA7 an offer t,o purchase L,~6 acres of land :imnediately Ty'[8sterly of lanel o\v:1ed by ITat~iol).al Gra?1it,e Limi tell b~t the said Company, for an amount ()f $750.00 be accepted. "CAlmIED" Resolution iC-43 l'-10Ved by n.eev~ Oke, 38Cf)~dec1 by J)PDuty Hee"'\r~ RundJe. ThAT the report of the Striking Committee be approved as amended. UCARHIEDtf Resolution IfC-44 Moved by Con. Fry, seconded by Con. Dykstra. Roads 80 Street TUAT the Roads and Streets Report "or the mont:l of December, Report 1967, be approved. "CAIUnED" Resolution ifC-I.5 ;'loved by Deputy H.eeve Rundle, seconded by Con. Dykstra. Tax Conference THAT the report by the Clerk on his attendance at the recent Special Tax Conference ill Toronto be accepted. Onto Good Roads Assoc. T.r 1_ ,.., t .o'orl'_S ,)up.. Attent Convention nCAnnIEDtt Hesolution 7?C-h6 Moved by De,ut~ Reeve Rundle, seconded by Reeve Oke. THAT nembership in the Ontario Good Roads Association be reneHed. 11CAHHIEDn Resolution i!C-I,.7 ~oved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Shackleton. T~iAT the\.vorks 3uTJeriYltendent attend the Ontario Good Hoads Association conve~tion in Toronto on February 26, 27 and 21, 19M. "C.A.nHIEDtf Ont. ;"Iayors & Heeves Association Tenders on Truck Adjournment e e - 4 - Resolution i!C-48 Hoved by Deputy Ileeve Rundle, seconded by ~ von. Nichols. THAT membership in the Ontario i'12yors and I1eeves Association be renmved. "CAilIUED" Resolution &C-49 /I _ Moved by Reeve Oke, seconded by Con. Shackleton. THAT tenders be called on a IleH 4 ton truck. ftCAHRIE:D" Resolution #C-50 ;,Ioved ber Con. Nichols. seco!1ded by Derut,' Reeve R'mdle. THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CAHRIED" (L~. 7~ 1../ l-Iayor /~ Clerk