HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-05-13 Minutes To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our community BOARD MEETING DRAFT MINUTES May 13, 2015 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto O. Casimiro J. Sturdy M. Adams (ED) M. Morawetz W. Woo (7:25) . Laing J. Witheridge S S. Cooke (8:20) T. Thompson K. Warren Regrets: S. Elhajjeh 1.Call to Order: Executive Director, Michael Adams called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2.Adoption of Agenda: THAT: the agenda be adopted with addition 12. g) Meeting Nights Moved by: J. Witherage Seconded by: T. Thompson MOTION CARRIED 3.Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4.Discussion of Secretary Position Following discussion,ED was requested to provide a job description for the Sectretary’s position for consideration and election at the June monthly meeting. At that time an election will take place from within the board. Consensus. M. Morawetz offered to do minutes for this meeting. 5.Correspondence Letter received from the Bowmanville Horticulture Society requesting a meeting to discuss ideas for their involvement and partnership with the museum. M. Adams will address as item 12. f) Bowmanville Horticultural th Society 50 Anniversary. 6.Announcements M. Morawetz reported that Doors Open Clarington 2015 is coming up soon th on Saturday, June 13. The free event runs from 10 – 4; this year featuring the villages of Kirby and Leskard and surrounding areas, including sites at Kirby United Church and Clarke Museum. Volunteers are still needed. Jury Lands Foundation postcards were also distributed (Camp 30 property). ED asked attendees to introduce themselves as this was the inaugural board meeting for the new committee. 7.Election of Officers ED opened the process by reviewing that these positions will stand according to the bylaws until the first meeting of the new year (Jan 2016). ED called for nominations for Chairperson. THAT: nominations for chairperson be closed with two names brought forward. Moved by: T. Thompson Seconded by: K. Warren B. Seto as Chairperson ED congratulated ED called for nominations for Vice Chairperson. THAT: nominations for vice chairperson be closed with one name brought forward. Moved by: T. Thompson Seconded by: S. Laing J. Witheridge as Vice Chairperson ED declared K. Warren was excused from the meeting due to other commitments. ED called for nominations for Finance Chairperson. Two persons in attendance were nominated and declined. Consensus was to postpone until next meeting when all members may be present. ED called for nominations for Collections Chairperson. THAT: nominations for collections chairperson be closed with one name brought forward. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: T. Thompson S. Laing as Collections Chairperson ED declared ED called for nominations for Property Chairperson. THAT: nominations for property chairperson be closed with one name brought forward. Moved by: B. Seto Seconded by: M. Morawetz O. Casimiro as Property Chairperson ED declared Chairperson B. Seto took the remainder of the meeting. THAT: committee selection be deferred until next meeting. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: J. Sturdy After some discussion, motion was withdrawn due to time lines for next th CMOG requirements (June 30) which will need committee input. Board members were reminded that the bylaws state that committees must have a minimum of two persons. Board members volunteered as follows: Collections Committee: S. Laing (Chair) J. Witheridge (Board Vice Chair) J. Sturdy Property Committee: O. Casimiro (Chair) T. Thompson M. Morawetz B. Seto (Board Chair) Finance Committee: W. Woo S. Cooke B. Seto (Board Chair) K. Warren (suggested in her absence) B. Seto asked ED if a representative had been named to the board by Newcastle Heritage Committee for this year. No one has been as of yet. 8.Approval of Minutes THAT: the Board meeting of March 11, 2015 draft minutes be approved. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: K. Warren MOTION CARRIED 9. Business Arising from Minutes Report reviewed from discussion meeting held April 9, 2015. Meeting notes included with these minutes for reference. Submitted by M. Morawetz. 10. Executive Director’s Report Report was reviewed with increases realized in general visitors and school participation. Two staff are working on Social media daily. Lots of positive feedback and staff taking advantage of every outreach opportunity as able. Highlighted re: Structure & Policy: Discussion regarding the need for Criminal Record checks. Staff are required. ED will get an opinion from the Municipal legal department before next meeting on need for board members to also get a police check done routinely, including the Vulnerable Sector. CMOG money should arrive in June this year, with new requirements due by end of June. There are some difficulties in meeting the standards required for temperature and light control in the archives, but the records are being kept. Municipal funding has been approved. OPG has donated $6000 this year in sponsorship. Three students have been hired for the summer although grant funding provides for only two. With other staff on leave, this will help cover requirements but at lower wages than full time staff. ED has requested a review of the Strategic Plan. A sub-committee of B.Seto, O. Casimira, and T. Thompson was struck. ED will email suggested dates. THAT: t. he Executive Director’s report be accepted as submitted Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION CARRIED 11. Committee Reports a) Finance Report – Report Submitted by G. Humes; Reviewed by ED O. Casimiro requested that a column be added for % on reports from the municipality. J. Witheridge asked that “Operating” be removed from the Statement of Operations title as its confusing to be on two of the reports. O. Casimiro confirmed with M. Adams, ED that he had received the salary adjustment. Noted that $155,349 Reserve Funds are kept in a separate account. 12. New Business: a) Curator Job Description THAT: Curator Job Description be approved as vetted by staff & ED. Moved by: T. Thompson Seconded by: J. Witheridge MOTION CARRIED b) Heritage Committee Representative O. Casimiro suggested K. Warren be asked to represent the museum board. B. Seto will follow up with K. Warren and report next meeting. c) Kirby Church THAT: to pay back surplus funds in the amount of almost $2500 from the 2014 book sales last year at the Kirby United Church, making it clear that the relationship is finalized with this payment. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: W. Woo MOTION CARRIED Discussion followed regarding the viability of purchasing the building and possible usages effective for the museum in future if any. It was suggested that the next meeting to be held at the Clarke Museum with a tour of the Kirby United Church prior to the business meeting. ED will make the arrangements. d) Signing Authorities B. Seto and M. Adams will maintain signing authority. After the June board meeting, the Finance Chair will acquire signing privileges. THAT: to facilitate ED wage payments, J. Witheridge will maintain signing authority for those cheques only until June 30, 2015. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke MOTION CARRIED e) ED Expenses ED reminded the board that his expense reports are approved by one Board Member, and two Board members sign the cheque per policy. Board consensuswas there was no need to review further at the Board level. th f) Bowmanville Horticultural Society 50 ED briefly presented ideas from a meeting following a letter of invitation to consider some mutual projects including heritage plantings at the museum, and th it as the site for their 50 anniversary. ED will respond with acknowledgement and proceed with planning proposals. g) Meeting Nights Brief discussion about possible other nights of the week for board monthly meetings as two members have conflicts. Deferred as no change was apparent. 13. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held, Wednesday June 10th, 2015 at the Clarke Museum site; with a tour of Kirby United Church prior starting at 7 p.m. 14.Adjournment: THAT: the meeting adjourned at 9:47 p.m. Moved by: J. Witheridge MOTION CARRIED Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on _________________________________. _______________________________________ ________________________________________ Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives