HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-05-19 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting May 19, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Earle Tracey Ali Todd Taylor Victor Suppan Paul Davidson Steve Conway (7:15) Robert Malone Peter Vogel REGRETS: Ruth Goff (ex-officio), Kim Vaneyk (ex-officio), Councillor Hooper STAFF: Brandon Weiler Faye Langmaid Nicole Zambri B. Weiler welcomed all to the meeting. In the absence of an elected chair and vice chair and Councillor Hooper, B. Weiler chaired the meeting with the agreement of the committee. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 15.08 Moved by Robert Malone, seconded by Todd Taylor, THAT the agenda be adopted. 1 | Page ADOPTION OF MINUTES 15.09 Moved by Joe Earle, seconded by Tracey Ali THAT the minutes of the Meeting of April 21, 2015 be accepted. PRESENTATIONS Nicole Zambri: Official Plan Review N. Zambri presented to the committee on the current Official Plan Review and the process for undertaking the review. The presentation highlighted the key themes of the review and some of the intensification challenges that Clarington will face in the coming years. The presentation also focused on the challenges of intensification with regards to preserving and maintaining our cultural heritage resources. The committee asked questions regarding timing of the anticipated completion of the Official Plan Review, intensification requirements and standards, integration of cultural heritage resources with proposed developments and infrastructure. N. Zambri responded to questions and directed the committee to the Official Plan Review website (http://www.clarington.net/ourplan/) for more information and to submit comments. After the presentation the committee discussed submitting comments for the Official Plan Review. Many members had similar comments and majority of members asked for more time to review. Comments are due by June 15, 2015, prior to the next meeting. 15.10 Moved by Todd Taylor, seconded by Robert Malone THAT Victor Suppan, Joe Earle and Steve Conway be responsible for summarizing committee comments on the Official Plan from a cultural heritage perspective and prepare and submit a letter on behalf of the Clarington Heritage Committee by the due date of June 15, 2015. BUSINESS ARRISING Presentation on Heritage Reference and Resource Material B. Weiler presented the different tools and resources that staff have at their disposal to the committee. The presentation gave an overview of the current GIS system and the type of information 2 | Page that can be displayed. The type of information that staff have access to regarding previous development applications; building permits; photos and the type of heritage inventory information that the Municipality currently has available in its digital filing system. All planners have access to the heritage resource information and use it when responding to inquiries. There is additional information that would be helpful and could be linked into the databases, it is a matter of updating inventory sheets and verifying the information that has been collected and is now dated. Strategic Planning and Work Plan Session The committee engaged in an exercise to identify key themes, goals and objectives to work toward the development of a work plan for the next four years. A summary of the goals and objectives the committee identified can be identified in Appendix A. The priority of the goals and objectives identified and how the committee will proceed with accomplishing the objectives will be discussed at the next meeting. Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) B. Weiler reported that the Jury Lands Foundation is continuing to work on their strategic plan and immediate priorities. The Jury Lands Foundations next meeting is May 28, 2015 Doors Open Booth - T. Ali asked members if they were available to volunteer for Doors Open or to help with a Heritage Committee display for the event. The Heritage Committee has had a display and sold books in previous years promoting heritage initiatives. Volunteers from the committee have been present to engage with the community and for education about the committee initiatives. The display does not need to be manned at all times but help will be required to set up and tear down. Members who can volunteer are asked to send their available times to B. Weiler to help coordinate a schedule. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Program Next meeting date is July 15, 2015 Orono Community Improvement Program F. Langmaid reported that the next meeting date, which is planned to be a combined meeting with the Orono CIP group and the Orono BIA, has not been set yet. Newcastle Community Improvement Program J. Earle reported that Myno Van Dyke presented a slide show entitled Newcastle: Then and Now, which displayed historic photos of buildings and sites in Newcastle and how they have evolved over the years to what they look like today. The presentation covered many of the buildings in Newcastle. The next meeting is October 15, 2015. 3 | Page Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch T. Ali reported that the branch was mentio Camp 30. The meetings are the third Wednesday of each month, the next meeting will be May 20, 2015. A new executive committee was elected in March at the Annual General Meeting, Tracey is now co-secretary. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society R. Malone reported that their corporate initiative has been as members. The society has commenced their strategic planning exercise and hope to have a new strategic plan in place over the summer. Museum The new board has met. Staff have requested representation from the Museum Board on the Heritage Committee. B. Weiler will follow up. Heritage Week Working Group B. Weiler reported that the Heritage Week Committee -16. Rack cards and a new pop up banner should be printed in time for Doors Open on June 13. The week will be centered on guided walking tours and helping to promote the concert in the park events throughout Clarington. The committee is also working to produce walking tour brochures and an on-line format as the legacy from the event. These tours will be available as self-guided tours beyond heritage week on the tourism website and linked to the heritage website. Next Meeting is June 3 at 10:00 am in Room 3C with the other partner agencies. CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS 407 Designated Properties and Municipal Register Properties A report will be going to the General Purpose and Advisory Committee on May 25, 2015 with the recommendation to repeal two designation by-laws and to remove four properties from the Municipal Register due to the 407 construction. NEW BUSINESS Ontario Heritage Conference T. Ali and B. Weiler will report on the Ontario Heritage Conference in Niagara-on-the-Lake at the next meeting. Victor Suppan moved to adjourn the meeting. Next meeting: June 16, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 4 | Page Appendix A Work Plan Goals and Objectives Goal: Public Education/ Increase Public Awareness/ Public Engagement Objectives: Expand on existing website Moving forward with creating the Barn Book Creating and administering Heritage Awards program Heritage Week (continuing and expanding) Goal: Heritage Resource Research and Protection Objectives: Move properties from the Municipal Inventory to the Municipal Register Focus on Community Improvement Areas o vulnerable areas (intensification and new o development areas) Add new properties to the inventory Update information on properties on inventory Camp 30 initiatives Goal: Heritage Conservation Districts Objectives: Explore areas identified for possible Heritage Conservation Districts Explore how much work is required to initiate the process of creating a Heritage Conservation District Goal: Heritage Incentive Programs Objective: Research possible programs other municipalities have initiated (i.e. Tax incentive grants) Secondary Goal: Fundraising Objective: The committee should be constantly identifying opportunities for fundraising while engaging goals and objectives 5 | Page