HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-1-89 Hd4 8(a) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # a'= - �r! By-Law #' �~ MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: JANUARY 8, 1989. REPORT #: FD 1-89 FILE #: 1o.12.6 SIRECT: HEPATITIS "B" VACCINE - FIRE DEPARTMENT'FULL TIME STAFF/PART TIME STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1.) THAT Fire Department Report FD 1-89 be received; 2.) THAT the balance of 1988 Fire Department budget account numbers 7102-00002-0172; 3-0172; 4-0172; 5-0172, R/M Building, be carried over to 1989 and redirected for hepatitis "B" vaccine for part- time Fire Department Staff (approximately $17,000); and 3.) THAT approval be given forthwith to initiate this program. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Risk and exposure to Hepatitis "B" has risen sharply among firefighters and other emergency personnel in recent years, due to a dramatic increase in the number of carriers in Canada. Hepatitis "B" is transmitted through blood, saliva and other body fluids and puts firefighters at risk, due to the chance of contact with the growing number of chronic carriers, reported to be 300 million worldwide, in the course of their duties. Firefighters are called upon, more than ever, to extricate,persons or assist ambulance attendants at accident scenes. Often, cuts are received when rescuing victims from vehicle accidents, which adds to the risk of contacting ' Hepatitis "B" from their blood. A new synthetic vaccine has been developed that virtually eliminates the risk of contacting Hepatitis "B". The vaccine is currently being used by many' hospitals, police, fire departments and the Ministry of Health, to protect staff against the disease. Continued....... - � 6Ca> FD 1-89 - 2 - Newcastle Fire Department's full time staff are now going through the process to receive the vaccine and all associated costs are covered by the Munici- pality's Blue Cross Plan. Part-time fire department staff are not covered by this plan, but are exposed to the risk, as are full time staff, and should re- ceive the vaccine. Staff discussed with the Deputy Treasurer the possibility of obtaining Blue Cross coverage for the part-time Fire Department staff, but upon investiga- tion of this plan the costs were found to be exceedingly prohibitive for this type of coverage ($80.00 per person per month). Hepatitis "B" is far more prevalent and much easier to catch than the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. A preventative program and precautionary procedure is being developed by the Fire Department for all personnel in conjunction with Ministry of Health guidelines. Staff are of the opinion that because of the importance of this issue, there is an obligation on behalf of the Municipality to provide this protection to our dedicated and hard working part-time Fire Department members and recommend to Committee that the unused funds in the Repair/Maintenance Building Account be redirected and carried over to be used for Hepatitis "B" vaccine for all part-time firefighters, so that this project can be implemented forthwith. Blood tests are first required for all members. Then, an individual pre- scription is written for the vaccine and administered in a series of three shots spaced 30 days and six months apart. Staff feel that this is worthwhile and a relatively inexpensive form of insurance and considering the risk of exposure by firefighters, is a positive and supportative move by the Municipality. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to Conunittee r J. r dge, Ia6rrence A.YXotseff, Fi Chief. Chief TLi trative Officer. JA/sr January 4, 1989. d s