HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/1969 . e e . Bowmanville, Ontario Council Minutes Protection To Persons &. Property }linutes Colin Cooke Welcomed Peter Kowal re Drainage Complaint Council Of Christians &. Je\iS Re Assistance REGULAR l1EETING February 3, 1969 Minutes of a meeting of Council held in the Court BUilding on the above date at 8:00 p.m. Pre sent: Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors Ivan ll. Hobb s }Irs. A. D. Oke E. Rundle R. Dylcstra G. Fry L. Coombes ll. Prout K. Shaclcelton C. Cooke Resolution ilC-70 }loved by Con. Dykst~a, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. TliAT the minutes of Council dated January '2.0, 1969 be approved as amended by adding to resolution ilC-41 that the Clerk interview applicants and recommend to Council as soon as possible. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-71 Moved by Con. Fry. seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT the l1inutes of the Protection to Persons &. Property Committee dated January 2'2.. 1969. be approved as printed. "CARRIED" The l1ayor extended a \ielcome to Councils' ne\iest member, }lr. Colin Cooke. Resolution lFC-72 l10ved by Con. Dykstra. seconde<;l by Con. Coombes. TliAT a complaint from l1r.Peter Kowal concerning drainage be referred to the Public Works Committee for a report back to the next meeting of Council. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-73 l10ved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT a request for financial assistance from the Council of Christians and Jews be received and filed. "CARRIED" . Gambles Hockey School Port Darlington Harbour Company B~llIlal1vil1e Students' Council Canadian Good ROads Association Bowmamrille Portion Re 1969COJ1>B Estimates Scugog Rail Crossing Inspection Northumberland Durham Health Unit Report . - '2. - Resolution lFC-74 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle. seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the l1ayor reply to the letter dated January 24. 1969 from Gambles Hockey School. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-75 l10ved by Con. Prout. seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT correspondence from Russell C. Honey, }1.P. with regard to the status of the Port Darlington Harbour Company be received and filed. "CARRIEJ)l' Resolution lFC-76 Moved by Con. Prout. seconded by Con. Shackelton. THAT a full page advertisement be inserted in the Student Year Book. 'lJ>lOnONnOST" Resolution lFC.77 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Reeve Oke. THAT an invitation of membership in the Canadian Good Roads Association be received and filed. "CARRIEJ)l' Resolution lFC-78 l10ved by Con. Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT Bot~ille's apportionment of the 1969 Estimates of the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #0-79 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Coombes. THAT the Clerl( represent the Corporation at the inspection of the rail crossing on Scugog Street on February 5th and that any available member of council be present also~ "CARRIED" Resolution #0.80 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Fry. THAT the report of the Northumberland...Durham Health Unit for the month of December. 1968 be accepted. "GARRIEJ)l' e Fire C11ief Recor:nnendation Recommend Ja,.les Hayman as :Tire Chief Hdfare Report BUildinG Inspector' 5 neport Statement Of: ....^~ccount s Cl~ildrenf 5 Ai.d Society Shortt F ann Lane's e - 3 - nesolution iJ~-81 ---,.----.--- 1:1ovcc. by Deputy Reeve Rune,le, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the Clerk reporl: on a reconmene1ation for the office of Fire Chief. "CARnIED" Resolution ;::C-82 -.---..-- Bovee; by Deputy neeve Rundle, seconded by Con. Dyk.stra. THAT the recof.1menc1ation to appoint l1r. James Hayman as Chief of the Bowmanville Fire Department at an annual salary of $7,800 be accepted. with duties to cor.nc.nce as soon as possible. 'ICARRIEDT1 Resolution i'C-83 Hoveu 1)y Con. Coori1bes, seconded by Con. Fry. Tt~T the :Jelfare Report for the f.1onth of January, 1 96<;: ~Je accepted. "CARnIED" Resolution :;!-C-84 -,,---.-.--- l10ved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Cooke. Tlli\T the Buildin3 Inspector's Report for I:he nonl:h or January, lS69 be accepted. "CAlm. lED" Resolution ~~'C-8S Boved by Reeve 01~e, seconded by Deputy Reeve Runc:le. THAT the state!!lent of accounts for the month of January in I:he amount of $101,624.53 be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution ~~-86 -'--'-'--- Noved by Reeve Oke, seconc1ec by Con. Fry. THt'l.T of2ice space be made available to the Children's Aid Society in the T01;ID Hall one day a r.1onth. tlCARRIED" Resolution ~~-87 ----_.__._.- Novec~ by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Coombes. THAT application be made to close the unopened road alloHances on the lane:s of the Shortt ram.. "CA..''JUE D" e Standing COrJraittces Replacer: B:~-la't., "0. 68-42 Ontario Juildin3 Official s Association Fee Bell Telephone 8: Cable. T.V. Installations Of Service s Adjournment e - 4 - Re sol ution i!'C-88 Hove.t, by Con. Prout, seconc:ed by Con. Fry. THA.T the present systcr.1 of standing cornmittee 5 be replaced 1-1il:h a committee of the 1-1hole to meet on the second and fourth Hcndays in each month until in ant from the raonl:h of Hay when there will be a ri~eeting of Council on the first Honday and a meeting of Committee of the ""Thole on the third Honday of each month thereafter. "CA.."-RIED" Resolution ~~-3S _..,--,._..~._---- 110"ved 1)y Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Coombes. T11AT the third and final readin3 of By-law No. 63_L~ beins a by-lall to authorise the construction of certain w'orl:s as local improvement s be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution ~:IC_"JO -,..,-- ..._._._-_. lioved by Con. Prout, seconccG. 1')y Con. Shackelton. TlL\T the 1960 member~~ip fee in the Ontario Building Officials Association in the amounl: of $10.00 be paid. "CARRIED" r.csolutio:1 ~'C-91 _._-------- H.ovc(~ by Deputy Reeve r",undlc, seconded by Reeve 01::e. TTIl':..T rerrcsentatives of- the Dell Telephone and Cal)lc T. 'l. Company attend the ne,,~t meetinz of Council to make a presentation rc0arcin; cable T.V. serJice in the. To"an of BO't>1rllanvil10. "Cfu'U'.lED" llcsolut.lor: ,,'~K;-9'. HOVQd by Con. Prout, seconded oy Con. Coombes. THl\.T t~:c COl4poratio~ instal 'tiater, sanitary se:t'1Cr an(~ :::~r4J:-o services and CO!1struct an improved road sout.b. fror:: the Dase Line Roa( to ser':ice 10 acre. inc'ustrial site frontin~ 071 IIigln.7ay !+Ol cast of Hearns Avenue. "CAmUED" Resolution i!'C-93 L~oved :JY Con. Prout, seconc.cc' jy Con. Shacl-:::elton. TI-l1\T the mccti:l::; he a(:jourt1.8d. "CARllIED" ..;~ A / .h7' ~ J..layor ./ -.