HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/1969 '. . . . . ..........~~..'....' .' ". .r Ontario REGtlLAB. wmTlNG February 17. 1969 .'.,- , . . '. - - - . il1~sof ".meeting of Counct1 held itq:heCoUre 13ui1ding on the above date. at 7 t 30 p... .I.van,r.ltobbs 'Mrs.A..'J:l. Oke E. Rundle R. l>ykstJ:'a. 'L. GOQlIlbe Ii M. PrOut '1(.. Shackelton c. Coot,e . Ptesentt Hayer . lleeve Deputy, Reeve Couneillers -<.. .--~- ..Absent~ · 'Cotineillor .. 'G. . Fry .',- ,. - '-'~ . .'.i-- ResalutiOtl.,lFC..94 ., ;., '. .. . Movedbj Con~:l'1:out. Secon&!dbyC()n..C~ombes., . ,. C.Ouncil '. l\IlnUttfll THAT the tdnutes ofCouneil ..al,)prOv'ed as pJ:'illted. . . . . . dated Febxuary3~.1969 b.e . . .:. ttClllUU:E))It . R$cMl1it:tOtl. ;7<l..95 . . " - - GOl!IlIlitteeof . the Whole . ~inutes' - . -. - .- "S:BATtheCQlnlQ1tteeof the Whole1llinuta$ dated FebruaJ:'y la, 1969 be8iuended by de1etingt.Ae woitJ,llttthecl:l.st" aPlle.$rl:rig in the . folixthline of Re$01uUon#CVl'-5. . -' - - - -' . ' --- , -, - .- - -.-- - ttCAB:ldEl:ltt.. . .' . . -,- ','. - . - . Resolution 00-96 - . - ~ - . , ..-- " ~- ,-" : . . MOI1ed by Con. Dykstra.tieeond.ed by 'Con~ Cooke. ;;,; . ~ . , cOmmittee of the-Whole , .' Minut~~ - . . - - -,-. . - -~ '. -, . - - .....XHAT.,tneminutes .ofthe CoD!In!ttellofthe Unole dated' FebruarylO~ 1969 be approved a/j. printed. "MO'.t!oMLClSTtt ltesoltitionfJC-97 . .' - '- - Moved. '01 Con" coombes. secOn4ed by Con.' Shackelton. -. I '. Comnd1:tee 'of! ..,:1:he Whole:' ~,m.tiutes 'C__ "_ -.," , ',' :~- .' UCARRIE))It ;'-:t:. _ - r<, - . :Mh..J'~;Newmari reRa.e.Pioblenl -- " . ,-,' ", ", Mrs..,J~,NeWllUm()f18SilverSl;:l:eet:t'olle eocOIIlplain 1:0'. Counc:tllib,ot1t:t'he<propert:i'a(}J:9,~~e. .street,_ .. f01:illarlyeheC1:yde~estate.'Nrs'. N~wnian claimed . . .thet ~he,p2ioperty'had c1ul.nged ownersli':!.vlD8Ily times;. . ~s 2:Un:down.andinfeste~ withrats..;Dogs.were . '1.QOt;ea'lid' spread garbage. 'ar01m,d~ 'Mrs.'1're~ '.hatt c:aughli .arat'andadvisedthl1t.'. the.lIextrae .. caught wou%dbe Ta:!.don. Council s'Msk. '. ,,",> ;'0._, ;xo - . . ;F'3-', -, . .~.:.'. ~l! ':r:1l . . - , f:" ~, . , , , . .' compiain~:Ref~n-~d T~1lea1t.hUnlt- . ,~':. . ~, -' :sell Canada .. & .W. ,Leask . . Attend , ". Oouncil Re Cable T.V. Xnatallation. . .:tn :sOWllianville I: :- .,' c~.- :,. ,.,-". "'--:,,', .;",- i' .;" - 4..' .' _ J. 1.' ',.-,. k . 'Local. ."...' ,.". 'I '.' c, .. tmp7:9Veinent ' ,.'tenda3:'li ., .' , '. - '; : .A .:, 0 . Tenders '.:., Opened" . . "'.,,. . , C" ., . . , 'Tende"s . , 'Refemd To . Xan ijm:ler . ., '. 'J" -. ,1 ,.;,.-: . : '.' . .'.'.-,".' ',-' ." , ' ..' 2 ~ ... ., , Resolut:iQtt lFC~98 . .. . '..... . ,'. . . . , . . , ., ' . MOved by: Con.COOJIIbea. se~onded by Ree,!e Oke. '. , , . . . , , . . . . -' , .,. " THAT the Realth Unit bercaquested toinve1it:lgllte the. complaint ofMt&. Newman. . , . " . -- , .~, -- ",' . :',' ". ,-' , . . '-',' '., " , : ~erep:resentatives of Bell C6tl~Qa'~th '~.~ask. .,' of Oshm CaDle T.V. made. sHdepresentat10nand .' . ,.. an~d ~stions conc:ern:l.tlgtbe:trintent::l.on .1;0 brlngOs),le T.V. to Bowmanville.. Ut.-. Leask advised . that Us 'COmpany has a UCance:Wb.illhWaIl cll1;llitlg up' , . ,.for :tenewa1,before a hearing in London. . '.the atUlenna 'toweris:t~ated in DarlingtOn TQwsh:Lp'buta business,'. ., off:l.ce WouJ;d be opened in Bowmanville~ T11ecoa:ltial " . .. , cable' Wll14d .be underground, and in..some' areas: on hydrC) '. P9leli.Rentals would be paid 011 t1le baSia of rates , approveaby the E.H.A.U. and because power iS1'eq12ired, , . hyd1;o.~ti.be purchased. No majc>rcnangeiri grOund , , . ,c~nTd~eion vas .ntici.p~tedintlienextlOeo15. ' ,. Y~liland:tn fact Mr. Lea1ik's cOlllpany isc:onflideri.ng " '. . ...20 Chanriel equiplllent instead of the p7;"esen1:12 ehanne1.n . e~pIllllp.tp~settdy1n use~The'1llOr).tlll,ychargefQr . ... these3:'44ewouldbe the same a~1nCs1taWa.which is . '. $4..~S.. and be . on a lI1OnthtomOn1:h~basis" d()hst~t1on '. is pIann~d to commence the 14th day of' Marc:h'tlith' oompl!!tion by A1.lgustn3l. .1969.. . . " -- , . :':~,<, .,' ~ .' ~ ',' . . u,esolUtion 00;;;99 \,' ,- "::0, "-~ i~ ',--'" ' . . .., ", . '. . J _. .. Moved by Con.1h'kst1;a. . , . . , .. " . .," " , ,,' , seconded by Deputy Reeve.Rund1e. j. " 't1fAT !.Wl Aunde21 the agendli he~ilig New and Unfini$hed . .. llusinii$Sdea1ing With lOcal :bi1P~t tenders be' n &81e With at ehb tilne. .' . . , ~- ,- . ttCArouEDn . . ... -- , '-- . . . . ... Ref>>iution &:-100 " . ,'/-' ~ .' , , . . . " .' . . . ... Moved .' by. Deputy Reeve llundle.fJeeouded by Reeve Oke. ,.'. <,,' . ~:~1 , '. , . ~z; , . . , . '.. . - . . ' '. 'J:l!A'ttea&lrs on the construction of san1tUy $ewers andmte%m8:tns oncertaiti sttee.tli bQ . opened.. . .. "CARRIEJ)tl . . . -'.~'!~ A '.\1 ~~ J ." 1 . .~ " :_;,~ ;j . ....ReSQlue1onRC-lOl t "0' . . . , , '. , , .. MOlted byR!*IveOke. seconded by DGputy:aeeve Rundle. . THAT the tenderS-be referred. to 'tan. Rutler,l>. Eng... . . for Ch~ng~ .. .. ... .. . ... ''CABltiEJ)It .. .e," ,~' ,'.. '. ..', ".. . "'." ;~, , .. ,:If. ">" - .~ 1 "" , . c.. > -.--c.," -~: ..'.w .~ 'I " '... " ,~ J '.4'. SI:. John Ambulance Pensions Payable To Hives Oppose Bell Canada Rate Increase Resignation Of Con. G. Fry Red Cross Permission Granted Salvation Army Grant e e .3- Resolution lFC-lO'2. l10ved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Dyksl:ra. THAT correspondence from St. J01m Ambulance be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution ilC-l03 Hoved by Con. Dykstra. seconded by Con. Cooke. THAT a resolution passed by the Council of the Tmm of Cobourg concerning pensions payable to \nves of employees be received and filed. "CAP.RIED" Resolution ~-l04 Hoved by Con. Prout. seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT Council agree ~rl.t h the action of the Town of ~1hitby in opposing the Bell Canada proposed rate increase and that the ClerIc ~7rite to the <T.M.A. advising of this action. "CAll.RIED" Resolution ilC-lOS Hoved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Shackelton. TliAT the resignation of Councillor G. Fry effective February 4. 1969 be accepted \nth regret. "CARRIED" Resolution ~~-l06 l10ved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT the r~quest of the Red Cross Society to hold a blitz and fly the flag be concurred ~nth. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-l07 l10ved by Depul:y Reeve Rundle. seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the Salvation Army receive a grant in the same amount as approved last year. "CA!'.JlIED" e R. D. Humphrey Correspondence Tabled R. Kouhi Promotion Daylight Saving Time Adopted Lamb sLane Unopened Road All~l'llI1ce Pine Street Unopened Road Allo~lance Closed Committee of Adjustment e - 4 - Resolution i'fC-l08 l10ved by Con. Dylcstra, seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT correspondence from R. D. Humphrey. Solicitor. concerning an accounl: for acting on behalf of Constables Smith &. Ricard, be tabled until a Committee of the mlole meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution {,~-llO Hoved by Con. Dykstra. seconded by Con. Coombes. THAT the recomendation of the Chief of Police to provide Constable R. Kouhi to First Class Constable effective February l, 1969, be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution f-C-lll Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle. seconded by Reeve Oke. THAT Council adopt Daylight Saving Time for the period effective l2:01 a.m. Sunday. April 27th until l2:01 a.m. Sunday, October 26th. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-l12 Moved by Con. Dylcstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. TliAT the recommendation of the BO\~nville Planning Board concerning the unopened road allowance of Lambs Lane south of the C.P.R. right-of-\.1ay and north of Concession Street be accepted. "CAP.RIED" Resolution lFC-ll3 ~loved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. TlU\T application be made to have the unopened road all~l'llI1ce of Pine Street West of Hunt Street closed and to have the same land appraised. "CARRIED" Resolution ;'fC-l14 l10ved by Con. Coombes, seeonded by Reeve Oke. THAT the recomendation of the Planning Board \nth regard to certain conditions to be imposed by I:he Committee of Adjustment be accepted. "CARRIED" . Transfer Re H igh\~ay No. 2 Fa= Lands Tax E~'emptions Tripp Construction Reconnnended By Ian Butler Tripp Conatruction Accepted BO\;rnanville Huseum Report Police Report e ~ 5 - Resolution lFC-ll5 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Dykstra. TliAT the transfer by the Department of High~reys of that portion of Highway No. 2 from Liberty Street to the east limit of the Tm-m, to the Corporation be accepted. "CAllRIED" Resolution #C-l16 l10ved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Coombes. THAT exemption of fa= lands from tro,ation for certain expenditures be based on the outcome of an appeal to the Ontario }lunicipal Board. "CARRIED" Ian Butler, P. Eng., returned to the meeting to recomnlCnd to Council the acceptance of the lowest tender submitted by Tripp Construction of Port Perry. Ontario. He stated Council was fortunate to get as many tender a as ~rere received (8) and he estimated the final costs of the \rork at $6l,OOO. Resolution frC-ll7 Hoved by Con. Prout. seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. TliAT the 1~1est tender submitted by Tripp C,onatruction Limited, in the amount of $53.363.00 for conatruction of ~retermains and sanitary se~1ers on certain streets be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C~ll8 Moved by Con. Shackelton. seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the B~nnanville l1useum Report for 1968 be received and filed. "CAPJtIED" Resolution lFC-119 l10ved by Con. Cooke. seconded by Con. Prout. T1~T the Police Report for the month of January, 1969 be received and filed. "CARRIED" The ClerIc reported on the progress of the introduction of interim tal,billing. . Con. Cooke Appointed To l1useum Board Chair To Appoint Planning Board Hember Tender I1ithdra~m On Car Tenders For Station i-lagon For Fire Department Hr. Ruiter Continues As Deputy Fire Chief Untq April lst Fire Chief Recommend Deputy Fire Chief . - 6 - Resolution '~-l20 l10ved by Con. Coombes. seconded by Reeve Oke. THAT Couneillor C. Cooke be appointed to the B~roumville Huseum Board. "CARRIED" Resolution ilC-l'2.1 l10ved by Deputy Reeve Rundle. seconded by Reeve Ol>e. THAT the Chair make an appointment to the Bowmanville Planning Board. "CAlIRIEDlI The l1ayor appointed Councillor l1aurice Prout to the Planning Board. Resolution j/C-l22 l10ved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the former action taI--en to approve tendering on a car for the fire department be rescinded. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-l23 Moved by Con. Dylcstra, seconded by Con. COOke. THAT tenders be called on the purchase of a station ~1Sgon for use by the fire department. "CARRIED" Resolution ,'fC-124 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Prout. TtlAT due to the necesaity of being able to represent the Fire Chief at any time, lir. Ruiter be advised that his appointment as deputy fire chief will continue until April lst, the date upon ~lhich the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company ,.1111 cease to all~1 their employees to respond to a fire call '.1hile employed at the plant. "CARRIED" Resolution ilC-l25 "~ Hoved by Con. Prout. seconded by Con. Dykstra. Tt~ the,Fire Chief bring a recommendation to Council on the appointment of a deputy fire chief effective April lst. "CARRIED" Pidelity Bond ij!l:.1-?037 Adjourr.ment o e - 7 - Resolution IfC-126 e M~Jed by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded py Con. Coombes. TlutT the production before Council of Fidelity Bond #41-2037 be recorded. Resolution i~-1~7 "CARRIED" Moved by Depul:y Reeve Rundle, seconded by Con. Shacl~lton. THAT tIle meeting be adjourned. ~~~ ~~ "CAIUlIED" ~ l1ayor Clerk