HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/1969 e e REGULAR !lEETING Harch 3, 1969 Bowmanville, Ontario Council Hinute s Committee Of The Whole Hinutes Carl Brunt Re Drainage Complaint Hayor Appoints Councillors Helfare Workshop l1inutes of a regular meeting of Council held in the Court Building on the above date at 8:00 p.m. Pre sent: l1ayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors ]van 11. Hobbs Ursa A. D. Oke E. Rundle R. Dykstra L. Coombes 11. Prout C. Cooke 11. l1clCnight Absent: Councillor K. Shacltelton Resolution DC-128 Hovec1 by Con. Dykstra, seconded by DepUl:y Reeve Runc11e. TIlAT the minutes of a Council meeting dated February 17, 1969 be approvec1 Hith the amendment 1:0 Resolution lFC-95 changing the '.1Ords "the list" to read "the lot." "CAP-RIED" Resolution 4/C-129 110ved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Dykstra. TllAT the minutes of a meel:ing of the Commil:tee of the ln10le dal:ed February 24, 1969 be approved as printec1. "CAP-RIED" Resolution ilC-l30 Hoved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT the Mayor appoint a committee to investigate the complaint of Hr. Carl BrunI: ,.lith regard to drainage and report back to the ne:cl: meeting of Council. "CArJ'.IED" The Hayor appointed Councillor Coombes as Chairman and Councillors Cooke and HcKnight as members. Resolution #0-131 !1oved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Dylcstra. TliAT the Clerk advise the Welfare Adminisl:rator to attend the one clay uorkshop in Hhil:by if he so ,.lishes and that any member of Council "ho so ,nshes al:tend also. "CARRIED" To~m Refuse Disposal Site Arena Board Replacement Local Planning Ac1vi sory Service C.L.O.C!1A. 1969 .. Requisition Emergency ~leasure s Organi~ation COJPB Re Pl anning Director Services . e - 2 - Resolution ilC~132 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Reeve Oke. THAT correspondence from the Northumberland.Durham Health Unit concerning the To~m refuse disposal site on Jackman Road be tabled until full consid- eration of the Report on Area Refuse Disposal can be given. t, "CARRIED" Resolution lFC.133 110vec1 by Con. Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. TliAT the recommendation of the Kinsmen Club for the appointment of Mr. Philip V~nes to the Arena Board be accepted replacing Mr. Justin l1urray and that the Recreation Director be notified accordingly. "CARRIED" Resolution 00-134 l10ved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Cooke. THAT the suggestion of the Central Ontario Joint PJanning Board to prOVide a local planning advisory service be received and filed for future reference in case of need. "CARRIED" Resolution llC-135 Hoved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the 1969 requisition of the Central Lake Onl:ario. ConaeL-vation Authority in the amount of $4,643.00 be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolul:ion ~~-136 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT a letter of thank you from the Emergency Measures Organi~ation be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-l37 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Reeve ~Ice. THAT an offer of the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board to ma~~ available the services of the Planning Director in a resourCe capacity on diacussions on Regional Government be accepted. "CARRIED" . Children's Aid Society Good Roads Association Re Road School Health Unit Report l'1elfare Report Statement Of Account s Animal Control Officer Rcconnnendation Annual Welfare Convention e - 3 - Resolution ilC-138 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT a letter of thank you from the Children's Aid Society be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution ilC-139 l10ved by Con. Dyksl:ra, seconded by COn. Prout. TrLAT correspondence from I:he Good,Roads Associal:ion concerning a road school be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-l40 Hovcd by Deputy Reeve Rundle. seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for I:he month of January. 1969 be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution 4IC-141 Hoved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Prout. TliAT the Helfare Report for the month of February, 1969 be received and filed. "CAP-RIED" Resolution lFC-142 Moved by Reeve Olre. seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. TliAT the Statement of accounts in tl-e amount of $75,l98.63 for the month of February, be accepted. "CARRlED" Resolution #C-l43 Hoved by Con. Dykstra. seconded by Depul:y Reeve Rundle. TliAT the recommendations of the Clerk-Controller dated November 21, 1968 concerning the appointment of an animal control officer, be proceeded and concurred ,~ith. "CARRIED" Resolution iIC-l44 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Reeve O\e. THAT the Welfare Administrator attend the Annual Convention of the Welfare Officers' Association in Toronl:o on June 2, 3, and 4, 1969. "CARRIED" . .bsociation Of . r'l1.lni<:1.pal Police Go\tetning Authorities COUttC.illors Appointed .A,saoeiation, Qf NunieipalPol:l.ee Nembe:tllhip Veh1c:ke' , 'Een&1rs ' Garbage By-Law i,-~"";r; .. COnlmittee Of ., The Whole S~c:ial' :t<leetirtg Ontario. GoOd ROlld s Seminar Report ',,14m. .'McAdams Invited To . l1tem:COuncil 'l1eet itig .ACIjou:rmlleXlt; e ;;q /:1 , - 4 _ ksolutibn 00_145. . M~d by" Cop.. 'Dykstra. seconded. by Deputy Reeve ltundle. THAt the Mayor appoint two (2) t!le1IlbersofClounci! to'., attend with the. Clerk_Controller t4e. meeting of the Asaoeiationoflol.unicipal Police GovetningAuthoritiell. in To:rontobe1.ng'held Narch 5th. and 6th. ' "CARRLEDlt 'l '~~ , 'lI:be"f4a,~ilt.appointed Councillors Ilyk:lltraand Cooke. ""-~..--~ Reselut1Otl#G..l46 , .,'l " , :Moved by Con. Dykstra. seconded by Con. Prout. THAT Counc:l.l reTlew membera1J1pin the Asaoeiationof *U1l1.ldpalPolice Governing Al.Ithoritiu. '1 tlCARlllE!)l1 ~ i:0~ ReaoltitiOn (jC..141 ---": Noved l>.ycon.prout. seconded byCon.l1eXnight. . .. - .: - " , 'm!T'.tenders fOr poli<:e and f:l.n vehicles be requested,f:r:om Bowmanville dealerfl only. , "CARRlEDIt It ~1asagreed to place consideration of the garbage by..lawon the March lOth agenda of the COlDlIlit.l:ee of the Whole.; . ., . . , , , Resolution lFC.l48 NOvedby Con. Dykstra. seconded by Con. Coombes. f_ -, THAt a, spe<lialmeeting of COIllmitte~"f tb;e' ~ole llCheduled~or~h4th cOlIllllenceat8:00 ,P.m. IICAtmlED" Counc111orllDykl\tra arid COOlIlbu reported onthdr . attendance. at ,the, one-day seminar fOr councillors at the Oni:ario Good R~adll Associ~ion meeting held Febrilary M, 1969,. Resolution'lFC..149 Movedbi IlE\puty Rl\e.Ve Rund1e. se~onded byCou. Dykstra. . . . '. '-,.,' ---. THATCOJPBPliuming Director,WIll. F.R.11cAdams1:le invited to attend the nextng1l1arroeet!ng of Council . to be held on March 17 atwhieh t:!.l:n$ diSCUssion will .be held on theimpHeations of reglonlillgove:rnment. ,- l' - -- .' ,"_ -. ., . . ItCARlllEDrt Resollltlon lFC-l50 Moved by Gon. DykStra. secondedb, Con. Prout. TRATthemeeting be adjourned. "CARRlED"