HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/20/1969 . e REGULAR }lEETING January 20, 1969 Bm~ville, Ontario Council Minutes Public \'70rks Minutes John Killingbeck re Snmg Removal Request Declined Advertising For Firemen And Fire Chief Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held in the Court Building on the above date at 7:30 p.m. Pre sent: }layor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors Ivan 11. Hobb s (Mrs.)A. D. Oke E. Rundle R. Dykstra G. Fry L. Coombes M. Prout K. Shackelton Absent: Councillor R. H. Nichols Resolution lFC-38 Moved by Con. Shackelton, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the minutes of Council dated January 6, 1969 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution 1fC-39 l10ved by Con. Dykstra. seconded by Con. Coombes. THAT the minutes of the Public Works Committee dated January 13, 1969 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" l1r. John Killingbeck appealed to Council to have the sno,g plm.1 mal!..e a pass over the private ~lest beach road. He explained that he had had to take his sick child to hospital and the condition of the road could have delayed quick action with possible serious con- sequences. It was pointed out to l1r. Killingbeck that he should arrange with his neighbours for sn0\1 clearance as the road ~las private. Resolution lFC-40 l10ved by Deputy Reeve Rundle. seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT no action be taken on the request to plmg the private section of road at the West Beach. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-4l l10ved by Con. Dykstra. seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT the position of full time fire chief be established and that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for applications to fill the position and to advertise also for applications for volunteer firemen as soon as possible. "CARRIED" e Br.I;ghton Bee Industry March of Dimes Blitz Albert Street Improvement lVorl;s Planning Board Subdivisions L~O.R.D.C. MemberslJip Request Of Mrs. Ruby Lane e - 2 - Resolution lFC-42 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT Council concur ~1il:h the request of the Tmmship of Brighton to assist in protection of the Bee Industry . "CARRIED" Resolution ilC-43 l10ved by Con. Prout. seconded by Con. Fry. THAT approval be given the l1arch of Dimes to conduct a one night blitz on Honday, January 27, 1969. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-44 l10ved by Con. Prout. seconded by Con. Coombes. THAT local improvement works on Albert Street be included in the 1969 program. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-45 l10ved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Reeve Oke. THAT the reconnnendations of the Planning Board concerning subdivisions as detailed in their letter dated January 15, 1969 be accepted. "CAI'.RIED" Resolution lFC-46 Hovec1 by Reeve Ol;e, seconded by Con. Dyltstra. THAT membership in the Lalm Ontario Regional Development CounCil be rene\~d for the year 1969. "CARRIED" Resolution frC~47 Hoved by Con. Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT the request of l1rs. Ruby Aileen Lane for help in paying costs for repairs to her watennain be referred to the Public Utilities Commission and that all such similar requests be referred first to the Commission by the Clerk in the future. rrCAI'.RIE])l1 Request Of ~lrs. Free Cobourg Planning Ueeting . Statement Of Revenues And EY.penditures December Welfare Report December Police Report lly-lm7 No. 69-3 By-la~7 No. 69-3 . - 3 - Resolution lFC_l~ Uoved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Shaclcelton. THAT the Reeve and Deputy Reeve talce the request of Mrs. Free for snm.1 plm.1ing of her drive'.1sy at the north end of High Street to Counties Council to see if some action can be taken. "CAPJ1IED" Resolution #0-49 l10ved by Reeve OY~. seconded by Depul:y Reeve Rundle. TIU\T the report outlining the meeting held in Cobourg on the subject of planning. be received and filed. "CAPJ1IED" Resolut:ton lFC-50 Uoved by Reeve Ol;:e, seconded by Deputy Reeve RunC:le. THAT the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the year 1968, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-51 l1oveo by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Dykstra. TllhT the Welfare Report for the month of December, 1968 be received and filed. "CAPJ1IED" Resolution ilC-52 Hoved by Con. Fry, seconded by Con. Dykstra. TliAT the Police Report for the month of December, 1968 be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution ilC~53 Moved by Con. Prout. seconded by Con. Shackelton. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 69-3, being a by-law to authorize the purchase of lands from Smith Beverages Limited, and that the said by-la~1 be n0\1 read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #0-54 Hoved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Prout. TIlhT the second reading of By-la"1 No. 69..3 be approved. "CARRIED" By-lm1 No. 69-3 By-la~1 No. 69_b, By-l a"1 No. 69_l, By-law No. 69-4 Refuse Disposal Study e Ontario Good Roads Association Seminar e - [, - Resolution llC-55 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Reeve Olea. THAT the third and final reading of By-la'~ No. 69-3 be approved. "CAP.RIED" Resolution 00-56 l10ved by Deputy Reeve Rundle. seconded by Reeve Olea. THAT leave~be granted to introduce By-law No. 69-4, being a by-lm1 to declare certain tmt registration landS to be required by the Tmom, (Lot lO, Plan 150 - Crystal Beach) and that the said by_la'o1 be nmo1 read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #0-57 l10ved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Fry. THAT the second reading of By-la~l No. 69_l, be approved. "CAP.RIED" Resolution lFC-58 Moved by Reeve Oke. seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. TliAT the third and final reading of By-law No. 69-4 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution frO-59 }loved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Reeve Oke. THAT consideration of the Refuse Disposal Study be tabled for the time being. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-60 }loved by Con. Prout, aeconded by Con. Dykstra. TliAT any Councillors so "rlshing. attend the One-Day Seminar for Councillors at the Ontario Good Roads Association Conference on Monday, February 24, 1969. "CARRIED" e Ontario l1unicipal Association l1embership Association Of Municipal Clerks &. Treasurers Miss Bonnie Polley Pedestrian Crossing Special Purpose Bodies Purchase Of Battery Charger C.P.R. Re Sn~1 Removal e - 5 - Resolution ilC-6l Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle. seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT membership in the Ontario l1unicipal Association be renewed for the year 1969. "CARRIED" Resolution j)(l-6'2. Moved by Con. Dyksl:ra. seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT the membership be renewed in the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-63 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT Miss Bonnie Polley be placed on Permanent Staff. "CARRIED" Resolution ilC-64 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Con. Fry. TliAT the report of the Chief of Police with regard to a pedestrian crossing at Silver Street On King Street be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-65 Moved by Con. Fry, seconded by Con. Shackelton. THAT appointments to special purpose bodies as detailed on a Report dated January 10, 1969 be approved for reappointment. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-66 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT a heavy duty battery charger be purchased from Canadian Tire Corporation al: a cost of $130 if it compares with one shown in Works garage. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-67 Moved by Con. Prout. seconded by Con. Dykstra. TliAT the Clerk request the Canadian Pacific Railway to remove snow from walkways on the Elgin and Prospect Street bridge s. "CARRIED" e Resignation Of Roy H. Nichols Adjournment e - 6 - Resolution #C-68 l10ved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. TliAT the resignation of Roy W. Nichols"effective January 20, 1969 be regretfully accepted and that a letter of thanks for services to the Town of Bowmanville be sent. "CARRIED" R~solution lFC-69 Moved by Reeve Oke, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" d ./ / /V;~- -7r2-- /~ Mayor ~~ ( Clerk