HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-27-2015 Council Meeting Minutes April 27, 2015 If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk’s Department at 905-623-3379. Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on April 27, 2015, at 7:00 PM, in the Council Chambers. Councillor Woo led the meeting in a moment of reflection. Roll Call Present Were: Mayor A. Foster Councillor S. Cooke Councillor R. Hooper Councillor J. Neal Councillor W. Partner Councillor W. Woo Regrets: Councillor Traill Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison Deputy Chief, M. Berney Manager of Operations, S. Brake Director of Engineering Services, A. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Corporate Initiatives Officer, C. Clifford Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano Manager of Special Projects, F. Langmaid, attended until 7:43 PM Corporate Communications Officer, B. Radomski Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Municipal Clerk, A. Greentree Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest Councillor Neal indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect to Items 14 and 31 of Report #1. Councillor Hooper indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect to Items 12, 17, 35 and 36 of Report #1. Councillor Cooke indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 32 of Report #1. Councillor Partner indicated that she would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 27 of Report #1. Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - April 27, 2015 Mayor Foster indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 24 of Report #1. Announcements Councillor Neal announced the following five items:  He extended congratulations to the South Courtice Neighbourhood Association for their efforts in cleaning up around Courtice.  He assisted with the clean-up of one of the trails in Courtice and also helped with clean-up in Hampton.  May 7, 2015, Testing of Public Alerting System – Outdoor Siren Activation for Ontario Power Generation  Clarington Older Adult Services Survey is available on-line, at all Municipal Recreation facilities, the Beech Centre, Clarington Public Library branches and various community locations. He encouraged seniors to participate in the survey.  He extended congratulations to the Clarington Concert Band for presenting “A Salute to the British Isles”. Councillor Partner announced the following four events:  Rail Safety Week - April 27 to May 3, 2015  Orono 4T Seniors Annual Bake Sale and Luncheon, May 11, 2015, 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Durham Seniors Complex, 200 Station Street, Orono  Evergreen Farm Equipment Open House, May 2, 2015, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM  Newcastle Lions Chicken BBQ, May 2, 2015, Newcastle Community Hall, seatings at 5:00 PM and 6:30 PM Councillor Woo announced the following two events:  Roughley Insurance Brokers Ltd. Grand Opening, May 1, 2015, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, 160 Baseline Road East, Suite E-3  Clarington Green Gaels Home Opener, April 30, 2015, 7:45 PM, Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Councillor Hooper announced the following seven items:  Historic Downtown Bowmanville’s “Annual Maplefest and All that Jazz”, May 2, 2015, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM  Grand Opening of Clips and Crafts Dog and Cat Grooming, May 2, 2015, 10:00 AM, 16 Division Street  Grand Opening of Breanna’s Sweet Treats Bakery and Cupcake Shop, April 29, 2015, 11:00 AM  St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School presentation of “Much Ado About Nothing”, April 30, May 1, 7 and 8, 2015, 7:30 PM  Clarington Safe Communities Committee Clean-up of downtown and Valleys 2000, May 9, 2015, 9:30 AM to 12:00 noon Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - April 27, 2015  Public Information Presentation on Older Adult Strategy, May 6, 2015, 6:00 PM, Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex  Local hockey player, Josh Bailey of the New York Islanders will be competing this evening against the Washington Capitals Mayor Foster announced the following five items:  Blood Donor Clinic, April 29, 2015, Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex  Youth and Community Leaders Dinner hosted by the Rotary Club of Courtice in association with the Clarington Older Adult Association, May 2, 2015, 5:00 PM, Courtice Community Complex  “No Love Lost Black Magic Art Sale and Auction”, May 2, 2015, 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Manantler Craft Brewing Co.  MS Walk, May 3, 2015, Opening Ceremonies - 9:15 AM, Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex  Flag Raising Ceremony for the Huntington Disease Association, May 4, 2015, 9:00 AM Minutes Resolution #C-130-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council April 13, 2015, be approved. Carried Presentations Steven Usher, SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd. addressed Council to provide an update on activities for the Hydro One Clarington Transformer Station and to convey preliminary findings of the peer review. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Usher reiterated the objectives of the peer review in assisting Members of Council, staff, stakeholders and members of the public in understanding complex, technical documentation from Hydro One and others. He reviewed activities that have occurred since December including continuing liaison with several members of the public, Hydro One technical staff and their consultants and working through a variety of technical issues. He noted that SLR has had the opportunity to review the Permit to Take Water application and have provided comments through staff to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and have met with Ministry staff to discuss concerns and to respond to technical questions. Mr. Usher provided an update on the drilling of bore holes. He also indicated that their Ecologist has provided comments on the ecology of the site. Mr. Usher stated he could also respond to any outstanding questions Council may have on the rotosonic proposal. Mr. Usher reviewed the initial conceptual geologic block model of the site developed in November and the site conceptual geologic model developed after the deep hole and other holes have been drilled and following examination of detailed technical information. He detailed the pathways of the Mackinaw layer and discussed the existence of the Halton Till. Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - April 27, 2015 Mr. Usher reiterated that the deep Thorncliffe Aquifer and the wells within it are protected. He advised of the need to understand how the Till protects the shallow wells in the Mackinaw layer. Mr. Usher concluded that the Environmental Assessment (EA) could have been more detailed but noted that the basic premise and sense was found there and that most of the answers SLR have received to questions asked on behalf of the Municipality have been reassuring. Mr. Usher expressed concern that no formal risk assessment was conducted but acknowledged that the assessment is sometimes not done in this level of an EA. He noted that additional drilling has backed up Hydro One’s assertion of safety but that there are outstanding questions regarding the sand layer to the east of the site. He also stated that it is reassuring that Hydro One has reached out to CLOCA and that the reclamation plan is one that should work. Steve Usher responded to questions from Members of Council. Delegations There were no delegations scheduled for this meeting. Communications I - 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated March 10, 2015. I - 2 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated April 14, 2015. I - 4 Jeany Barrett, Municipal Liaison, Newcastle’s of the World Steering Committee, providing an update on the status of the Committee and its accomplishments to date; advising of interest from several other community members who would be willing to support the Committee; and, indicating that the Committee would appreciate any help the Municipality can provide to the initiative to invite representatives of Newcastle’s of the World to the community in 2016. I - 5 Ken Nash, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) providing a copy of “Progress Through Collaboration”, NWMO’s Annual Report for 2014 as well as a copy of “Implementing Adaptive Phased Management 2015 to 2019, NWMO’s annual five- year strategic plan and welcoming views on the contents of the Annual Report and Implementation Plan. Resolution #C-131-15 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the communications I - 1 to I - 5 to be received for information be approved, with the exception of Correspondence Item I - 3. Carried Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - April 27, 2015 I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated April 1, 2015. Resolution #C-132-15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That the minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated April 1, 2015, be received for information. Carried Correspondence for Direction D - 1 Councillor Wendy Partner requesting that May 8, 2015, be proclaimed as “World Ovarian Cancer Day”, in an effort to create and raise awareness about ovarian cancer and to build a sense of solidarity in the fight against ovarian cancer. (Proclaimed) D - 2 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks, requesting permission to host a fireworks display on June 5, 2015, at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex for the Clarington Rotary Rib Fest. (Approved provided the Organizers apply for and obtain a Fireworks Permit from the Municipal Clerk’s Department) D - 3 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks, requesting permission to host a fireworks display on July 1, 2015, at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex for the Clarington Canada Day Celebration. (Approved provided the Organizers apply for and obtain a Fireworks Permit from the Municipal Clerk’s Department) D - 4 Peter Hoekstra, Celebration Fireworks, requesting permission to host a fireworks display on September 26, 2015, at 1979 Highway 2, Courtice. (Approved provided the Organizers apply for and obtain a Fireworks Permit from the Municipal Clerk’s Department) D - 5 Paul Slemon, Route Manager, 2015 Terry Fox Run, advising this year the 2015 Terry Fox Run will take place on Sunday, September 20, 2015 and requesting permission to hang the Terry Fox run/walk banner at the west end of town at the bridge from August 29 to September 20, 2015. (Installation of banner approved and Veridian to be advised) Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - April 27, 2015 Resolution #C-133-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Correspondence Item D - 1 to Item D - 5 be approved as per the agenda. Carried D - 6 Suzanne Barnes, Valleys 2000, requesting the Municipality to consider snow removal on the main trail in the Bowmanville Valley as it is a major link for pedestrians travelling to and from the downtown, and as such becomes compacted into ice/icy snow several inches thick creating a safety concern; and, advising Valleys 2000 is unaware of the winter usage of the Soper Creek Trail and will investigate and potentially monitor the trail in the winter of 2015/16. Resolution #C-134-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo That Correspondence Item D - 6 from Suzanne Barnes, Valleys 2000, with respect to snow removal in the Bowmanville Valley, be referred to staff to prepare a report on the cost of clearing snow on a per metre basis. Carried Committee Report(s) Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report April 20, 2014 Resolution #C-135-15 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of April 20, 2015, be approved, with the exception of Items #4, #12, #14, #17, #24, #26, #27, #31, #32, #35, #36, #41, #44, and #45. Carried Item 4 Resolution #C-136-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD-024-15 be received; That Council Resolution # C-172-14 (Attachment 3) granting G360 Group access to Townline Road for the purpose of a deep borehole and providing a grant of $25,000 to the University of Guelph be rescinded; Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - April 27, 2015 That the Municipality of Clarington provide up to $25,000 to fund the joint proposal of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, University of Guelph and McMaster University (G360 Group) for their proposal “Hydrogeological Assessment of the South Slope of the Oak Ridges Moraine” dated April 2, 2015 (Attachment 1); That the project be funded with a transfer from the 2013 Donations Account to the Consulting Reserve; That Hydro One be requested to provide site access for the additional rotosonic borehole and long term monitoring activities as outlined in the proposal in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-024-15; That Steve Usher be requested to prepare a written report to the Enniskillen Environmental Association based on his presentation of April 27, 2015; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-024-15 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried Councillor Neal stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 14 of Report #1 as he he is working on a proposal with the Driftwood Theatre Group and Item 31 of Report #1 as he is on the Board of Directors of Home Base Durham and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on these matters. Items #14 and #31 Resolution #C-137-15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Grant Application #15-14, The Driftwood Theatre Group, be approved in the amount of $1,500.00; and That Grant Application #15-37, Home Base Durham, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. Carried Councillor Neal returned to the meeting. Councillor Hooper stated pecuniary interests with respect to Item 35 of Report #1 as he is a founding member of the Concerts in the Park (Bowmanville) group, Item #36 of Report #1 due to his involvement with the Orono Agricultural Society, Items #12 and 17 of Report #1 as his band has been booked to play at concerts in both Newtonville and Newcastle. Councillor Hooper left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on these matters. Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - April 27, 2015 Items #35 and #36 Resolution #C-138-15 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Neal That Sponsorship Application #15-S2, Concerts in the Park (Bowmanville), be approved in the amount of $1,000.00; and That Sponsorship Application #15-S3, Orono Agricultural Society, be approved in the amount of $5,000.00. Carried Items #12 and #17 Resolution #C-139-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That Grant Application #15-12, Music Night in the Park (Newtonville), be approved in the amount of $1,000.00; and That Grant Application #15-18, Newcastle Village Concerts, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. Motion Withdrawn Resolution #C-140-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That Grant Application #15-12, Music Night in the Park (Newtonville), be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. Carried Resolution #C-141-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That Grant Application #15-18, Newcastle Village Concerts, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. Motion Lost Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - April 27, 2015 Resolution #C-142-15 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Grant Application #15-18, Newcastle Village Concerts, be approved in the amount of $750.00. Carried Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting. Councillor Cooke stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 32 of Report #1 as his father completed the application for the Bowmanville & District Navy League and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Item #32 Resolution #C-143-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo That Grant Application #15-38, Bowmanville & District Navy League, be approved in the amount of $1,000.00. Carried Councillor Cooke returned to the meeting. Councillor Partner stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 27 of Report #1 as she is a Member of the Bethesda Cemetery Board and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Resolution #C-144-15 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Grant Application #15-33, Bethesda Cemetery Board, be approved in the amount of $750.00. Carried Councillor Partner returned to the meeting. Mayor Foster stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 24 of Report #1 as he is an associate member of the Lions Club of Courtice and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Councillor Woo assumed the Chair. Council Meeting Minutes - 10 - April 27, 2015 Item #24 Resolution #C-145-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Grant Application #15-29, Lions Club of Courtice, be denied. Carried Mayor Foster returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair. Item #26 Resolution #C-146-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo That Grant Application #15-31, The Gathering Place, be approved in the amount of $1,500.00. Carried Item 41 Resolution #C-147-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo Whereas Resolution #GPA-241-15 was passed, directing staff to prepare a report on various meeting schedules by June, 2015; and that staff consider holding Public Meetings at 6:00 PM before the Council meetings; And whereas a potential change to meeting schedules will impact any changes proposed to be made to the existing Procedural By-law as a result of Report CLD-006-15; Now therefore be it resolved that Item #41 of Report #1, regarding the new procedural by-law, be tabled pending consideration of the staff report regarding meeting schedules. Carried Item 44 Resolution #C-148-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD-052-14 be received; That Addendum to Report PSD-052-14 be received; Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - April 27, 2015 That the application for the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited to permit the development of 234 residential units be supported, with a revision to reduce the maximum number of medium and high density units from 160 to 140 subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-052-14; That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited be approved as contained in Attachment 3 to Addendum to Report PSD-052-14; That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-052- 14 and Council’s decision; That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-052-14 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision; and That Report PSD-052-14 be referred back to staff to prepare a site diagram and report back to the next Council meeting. Motion lost Item 44 Resolution #C-149-15 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report PSD-052-14 be received; That Addendum to Report PSD-052-14 be received; That the application for the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited to permit the development of 234 residential units be supported, with a revision to reduce the maximum number of medium and high density units from 160 to 140 subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-052-14; That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by 289143 Ontario Limited be approved as contained in Attachment 3 to Addendum to Report PSD-052-14 with a revision to section 15.4.38 c. vii) (a) of the by-law by reducing the minimum lot area from 175 to 150 square metres for each townhouse unit; That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved with a revision to section 15.4.38 c. vii) (a) of the by-law by reducing the minimum lot area from 175 to 150 square metres for each townhouse unit; Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - April 27, 2015 That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-052- 14 and Council’s decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-052-14 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Pecuniary Interest Councillor Neal √ Councillor Partner √ Councillor Traill √ Councillor Woo √ Councillor Cooke √ Councillor Hooper √ Mayor Foster √ Item 45 Resolution #C-150-15 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That staff be directed to prepare a report on the costs and benefits of amalgamation of fire services; That the Chief consult with Chiefs of other Municipal Fire Departments in the Region to determine where the feeling of majority of those municipalities are heading; and That the Chief propose questions and comments to Council that should be included in Council’s request to the study by the Region. Carried Staff Report(s) There were no Staff Reports considered under this Section of the Agenda. Unfinished Business Resolution #C-151-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Jim Boate be nominated as Clarington’s 2015 Senior of the Year. Motion Lost Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - April 27, 2015 Resolution #C-152-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Margery Freethy be nominated as Clarington’s 2015 Senior of the Year. Carried By-Laws By-law 2015-029 was withdrawn due to the tabling of Item #41 of Report #1. Resolution #C-153-15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2015-030 to 2015-033 2015-030 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (289143 Ontario Limited) 2015-031 Being a By-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year, to strike rates and levy taxes for Municipal purposes for the year 2015 and to provide for the collection thereof 2015-032 Being a By-law to appoint an individual as a Parking Enforcement Officer for Private Property (Sean Glover, Michael Van Hemmen, and Jason Campos) (2800 Courtice Road, Courtice 571 Longworth Avenue and 253 Sprucewood Crescent, Bowmanville) 2015-033 Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-2506 from Part Lot Control; and That the said by-laws be approved. Carried Procedural Notice(s) of Motion There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. Confirming By-Law Resolution #C-154-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2015-034, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held th on the 27 day of April, 2015; and Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - April 27, 2015 That the said by-law be approved. Carried Other Business There was no Other Business considered under this Section of the Agenda. Adiournment Resolution #C-155-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the meeting adjourn at 8:35 PM. Carried May r un' pal I ri<