HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/17/1969 e Bowmanville, Ontario Council Minutes Commil:tee Of The \-1hole Minutes Committee Of The Whole Minutes Special Council Meeting Minutes Mr. l1cAdams Speaks On Regional Governmenl: Mrs. Kennedy Re Stop-Light Reque st e REGULAR MEETINC March l7, 1969 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held in the Court Building on the above date at 7:30 p.m. Present: Mayor Reeve Depul:y Reeve Councillors Ivan M. Hobbs (Mrs.) A. D. Oke E. Rundle R. Dykstra L. Coombes K. Shackelton M. Prout C. Cooke M. McKnight Resolution 00-154 Moved by Reeve Oke, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT the minutes of Council dated Harch 3, 1969 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-1SS }loved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT the minutes of the Committee of the ,/hole dated March 4, 1969 be approved as printec. "CIIRRIED" Resolution f~-156 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the minutes of the Committee of the ,/hole dated March lO, 1969 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution #0-157 Moved by Con. Cooke, seconded by Con. l1cKnight. TliAT the minutes of a special meeting of Council dated March 10, 1969 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Mayor Hobbs introduced WIn. F. H. McAdams, Planning Director of the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board who spoke to Council on his underSl:anding of what is happening in the Province wil:h regard to Regional Government. Afterwards Mr. McAdams answered questions from members of Council concerning regional government proposals for the Oshawa area. Hrs. Barbara Kennedy of 53 Elgin Street requested that a four-way stop light be installed at the intersection of Concession Street with Elgin Street. Mrs. Kennedy was concerned about the safety of school children anc described the hazards. e Complaint Referred To Police For Report L.C.B.O. Correspondence Filed Department Of Highways Re Drainage Delay In Preparation Of Requisitions Scugog C.P.R. Crossing Lights Canadian Tire Corporation Re Old Fire Hall e - 2 - Resolution 1K:.-l58 Moved by Con. McKnight, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT a report be obl:ained from the Chief of Police on the complainl: by Mrs. Kennedy. "CARRIED" Resolution fIC-l59 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Con. Coombes. T1U\T correspondence from the Liquor Control Board concerning the Church Street road widening be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution fIC-160 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the Department of Highways be requested to return to consider drainage north of Third Street with the Clerk-Controller. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-16l Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT advice from the Northumberland-Durham County Board of Education, of a delay in preparation of requisitions be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution fIC-162 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Shackelton. THAT the Clerk "rite and advise the Canadian Transport COIllIllission the Town does not accept a responsibility for any portion of the cost of erecting crossing lights at the C.P.R. crossing of Scugog Street. "CARRIED" Resolution fIC-163 Moved by Con. ProUI:, seconded by Reeve Oke. TliAT the Canadian Tire Corporation be advised that the old fire hall is in the process of being sold to the Government of Canada. "CARRIED" e Committee Re Analysis Of Capital And Operating Costs Senior Citizen Accommodation Itinerant Training Program Silver Streel: Complainl: Mrs. Free Re Gravel Request Health Unit Granted Library Auditorium Hiss Helen Van Dusen Re Hobby Show e - 3 - Resolution ifIC-164 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT the Clerk be appointed staff representative to a committee to do an analysis of capital and operating costs contained in the Regional Refuse Disposal Report. "CARRIED" Resolution ilC-165 Hoved by Reeve Oke, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the Ontario Housing Corporation be requested to undertake a further survey of need and demand for senior citizen accommodation in the Town of Bowmanville. "CARRIED" Resolution ilC-166 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT advice from the Fire Marshall with regard to an Itinerant Training Program be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-167 Hvved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT information on an investigation by the Heall:h Unit concerning a complainl: on premises on Silver Sl:reet be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution ilC-168 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Cooke. TliAT the Reeve invesl:igate with the United Counties the request by Mrs. Free for gravel and reporl: to I:he next meeting of Committee of the Whole. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-169 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT the Health Unit be granted the Use of the Library Audil:orium 1:0 conduct a Food Handling Course on March 24, 1969. "CARRIED" Resolution 00-170 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Shackelton. TliAT Council agree to the request of Miss Helen Van Dusen to endorse the Hobby Show to be held in the Lion's Centre on June 18, 19 and '2.0th. "CARRIED" e Police Report Buil ding Inspector's Report Clerk Recommends By-Law Enforcemenl: Officer Harrison Raycroft Hiring Referred To Committee Recorded Vote Re Mr. Raycroft e - 4 - Resolul:ion lFC-171 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the Police Report for the month of February, 1969 be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution #0-17'2. Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Dykstra. TliAT the Building Inspector's Report for the month of February, 1969 be accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution 00-173 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Cooke. THAT the recommendation of the Clerk-Controller for appointment of a by-law enforcement officer be accept:ed with the appointment being for a probationery period of six months. ''MOTION LOST" Resolution lFC-174 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. MCKnight. THAT Mr. Harrison Raycroft be hired as By-Law Enforcement Officer. r~lOTION LOST" Resolution 110-175 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Cooke. TliAT the hiring of a by-law enforcement officer be referred back to Committee for a study of reports on applicanl: s. ''MOTION LOST" Resolution lFC-l76 Moved by Con. Shackelton, seconded by Con. Prout. TliAT a recorded vote be taken on the hiring of Mr. Raycrofl: . "CARRIED" e VOl:e Taken Re Raycroft Reocrded Vote Re Clerk's Recommendat i on Hiring Turned Over To Committee By-La.. No. 69-5 By-La>< No. 69-5 e - 5 - Resolul:ion lFC-l77 Moved by Con. Shackelton, seconded by Con. Proul:. TliAT Mr. Harrison Raycroft be hired as by-law enforcement officer. Recorded Vote: Reeve Oke Yea Deputy Reeve Rundle Nay Councillor Dykstra Nay Councillor Coombes Nay Councillor Prout Yea Councillor Shackelton Yea Councillor Cooke Nay Councillor McKnight Yea Mayor Hobbs Nay "MOTION LOST" Resolution 00-178 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Cooke. TliAT a recorded vote be taken on recommendation of Clerk-Controller for appointment of By-Law Enforcement Officer. ''MOTION LOST" Resolution 00-179 Moved by Con. McKnight, seconded by Con. Shackelton. TliAT the hiring of a by-la.. enforcement officer be turned over to Committee of the ,]hole to be settled honourably. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-l80 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Shackelton. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 69-5 being a by-law to provide for the 1969 Expenditures On Roads and Streets and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution tlC-l8l Moved by Con. Shackelton, seconded by Con. Prout. TlL~T the second reading of By-Law No. 69-5 be approved. "CARRIED" e By-Law No. 69-5 ,10rks Department To Investigate Complaint Cedar dale Tree Surgeons Re Price Quotation Highway No. 2 link fro Tenders On Autos Opened Lowest Tender Chosen e - 6 - Resolution #/C-182 l10ved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Depul:y Reeve Rundle. TEk~T the third and final reading of By-Law No. 69-5 be approved. "CARRIED" Councillor Coombes reported to Council on I:he drainage complaint of Mr. Brunt. Resolution 00-183 Moved by Con. Coombes, seconded by Con. Cooke. THAT I:he Horks Department investigate the drainage problem on the north side of the street. "CARRIED" Resolution ~~-184 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Depul:y Reeve Rundle. T1L~T a quol:ation dated March 10, 1969 from Cedardale Tree Surgeons for tree I:rilllllling and removal in the amount of $2,'2.08.00 De accepted. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-l85 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Coombes. TliAT advice from the Department of Highways with regard to Highway No. 2 designated as a connecting link from the eastern limits of the Town 1:0 Scugog Street be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution 00-186 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Con. Prout. TliAT I:enders on the purchase of 2 police cars and a fire Sl:ation wagon be opened. "CARRIED" Resolution 00-l87 Moved by Deputy Reeve Rundle, seconded by Con. Cooloo. THAT the lowest tender submitted by Cowan Pontiac Buick Limited in the total amounl: of $7,501.32 for the purchase of three vehicles be accepted. "CARRIED" e Councillor Reports On Annual Meeting Adjournment e - 7 - Councillor Dykstra reported on his and Councillor Cooke's attendance with the Chief of Police to the Annual Meeting of the Municipal Police Governing Authorities Association. Resolul:ion lFC-188 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Rundle. THAT the meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" cJ?~~ 1k~ {/ Mayor /i2;J~ Clerk