HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-11 Minutes To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our community DRAFT BOARD MEETING DRAFT MINUTES March 11, 2015 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto O. Casimiro G. Humes M. Adams (ED) M. Morawetz M. Carlton . Laing J. Cashin-Oster S Regrets: Mayor A. Foster J. Neal C. Morgan J. Witheridge 1.Call to Order: Chairperson B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. 2.Adoption of Agenda: THAT: the agenda be adopted with addition 10. e) Banking. Moved by: G. Humes Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION CARRIED 3.Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4.Correspondence Letter regarding appointments to the Clarington Museums & Archives Board received March 6, 2015. Ward 1: Marilyn Morawetz, Olinda Casimiro; Ward 2: Bonnie Seto, John Sturdy; no Ward 3 or 4 appointments yet; Friends of the Museum Representative: Susan Laing. Point of Interest: Invitation for a representative to sit on the Museum board has been sent to the Newcastle Historic Society, even though no one has attended on their behalf for a number of years now. Request received for one of our Museum board members to be appointed to sit as a representative on the Clarington Heritage Committee. Bonnie Seto is presently the Museum board rep. Faye Langmaid, Planning Department Special Projects, sent Terms of Reference document to ED for this position. 5.Announcements O. Casimiro congratulated S. Laing on receiving an Ontario Heritage Trust award for Heritage Conservation at a recent presentation by Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell. 6.Approval of Minutes THAT: the Board meeting of January 14, 2015 minutes be approved with request to include time of adjournent. Jan. 14 meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm (February meeting cancelled due to insufficient attendance for quorum) Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Cashin-Oster MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes None discussed. 8.- Report submitted by M. Adams ED Targets and priorities reported are the same as had been included on the Feb 2015. The same data was presented to council prior to budget decisions . Volunteer numbers and hours have gone up as a result of the efforts of the co-ordinator hired short term under the grant program. Volunteer hours and visitors are now tracked more accurately as well providing better data. Visitor attendance has seen a 42% increase year over year for the last four months (Nov- Feb) as a result of the sponsored Education Program success. Significant work has been done on Policy. Now in sync with key municipal policies including criminal record checks for staff & volunteers. ED recommended that the new board revisit 2012 By-Laws as well. Tool finalized for tracking all employee (full time & occasional) costs providing accurate data for staffing expense load. March break camps have met minimum attendance goals with calls still coming in. Many things are offered so lots of competition for attendees. 2015 budget was approved by council as presented. Monitoring for temperature and humidity levels in the museums, artefact storage and archive, previously monitored manually, is now automated with new Hygrothermograph readers. Four full time staff job descriptions are in the process of being updated: ED, Curator, Archivist/Museum Assistant, Education Coordinator Recognition of sponsors of recent programs, signage and new banner. Two of three volunteer orientations sessions have been held, and volunteer lunch planned during March S. Laing requested a copy of the Events & Exhibits information documents and Five Year Exhibit Plan for the Friends of the Museum. O. Casimiro requested that the latest copy of the one page 2015 exhibit, program and events schedule summary be circulated to all Board members. G. Humes requested previously completed information be removed from the Strategic Plan ED Report to help new board members focus on future plans and goals. Grant stated that the report is set up well and provides good information otherwise. THAT: . the Exec as submitted Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: G. Humes MOTION CARRIED 9. Committee Reports a) Finance Report Report Submitted by G. Humes Summarized 2014 statements to start noting that with the forgiven debt, a true surplus of $13,000 was realized with statements now fully reconciled with the to increase sponsorship was money well spent. future planning include 1) There are no constraints around the reserves as the board has unfettered access. 2) Need for a motion for policy regarding no use of reserves without a full plan by the ED and approved by the board. 3) Boys bedroom project is now clearly understood to be the financial responsibility of the municipality. The recommendation after some discussion re: investing reserves and grant money was that should it be done, the goals be preservation of principle, that it be fully insured, and provide adequate liquidity. THAT: the Financial Report be accepted as submitted. Moved by: M. Carlton Seconded by: M. Morawetz MOTION CARRIED The January 2015 draft statements have been received. After holding an extensive discussion, it was determined that without monthly allocation reporting, it is difficult for the ED and board to assess risk and opportunity for the museum. THAT: the municipality provide the completed budget tool as quickly as possible. Moved by: G. Humes Seconded by: J. Cashin-Oster MOTION CARRIED THAT: with the total accessible museum reserves of $155,000, the board will establish a reserve investment policy by the end of the second quarter of 2015. Moved by: G. Humes Seconded by: O. Casimiro MOTION CARRIED b) Collections Report Report submitted byS. Laing Updates: Proper Rubbermaid Bins approved for doll storage have been sourced and purchased by the Friends. Bob DeFreitas as a new volunteer appraiser is working out very well. A recommendation after further discussion was that the ED should acquire from the municipality, a written agency agreement regarding tax receipts issued for donations and signed by the ED with the permission of the municipality. THAT: the Collections Report be accepted as submitted. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Cashin-Oster MOTION CARRIED c) Membership Report B. Seto stated there are 86 individual memberships, including 9 business memberships, as previously reported. THAT : the Membership Report be accepted as reported. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: G. Humes MOTION CARRIED d) Property Report no report was received from J. Neal ED will acquire a template from CMOG for standards with regards to reporting checklists to update procedures. 10. New Business: a) Policy Manual THAT: the board accepts the documents for the new Employee Handbook, Policy Binder, and Board Orientation Manual as presented by the ED with semantic and clerical revisions, and with the addition of Accident and Incident procedures in the Employee Handbook. Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION CARRIED b) CMOG ED reportedthree requirements for June 1) curatorial job description; 2) hygrothermograph monitoring reports from May 2014 May 2015; 3) facility checklist with reports for 3 months (daily, weekly, monthy) c) Succession Planning discussion about the mandate of any board to look actively for new members with skills to fill any gaps. B. Seto & O. Casimiro will follow up with some people G. Humes can suggest. B. Seto will also contact CBOT for ideas. d) ED Review ED requested an early review as his sixth month as per the contract would be the responsibility of the new board who will be less familiar with his work. Discussion followed regarding an appropriate form for the review. THAT : the board adopt the new evaluation form that supersedes the copy presently in our policy book. (copy attached) Moved By: G. Humes Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION CARRIED MOTION TO GO INTO CAMERA at 9:08 p.m. Moved By: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Cashin-Oster MOTION CARRIED MOTION TO GO OUT OF CAMERA at 9:24 p.m. Moved By: M. Carlton Seconded by: J. Cashin-Oster MOTION CARRIED THAT: effe to $65,000. Moved By: G. Humes Seconded by: O. Casimiro MOTION CARRIED THAT: the board executive will conduct the in early November 2015 in the context of preparing the 2016 business plan. Moved By: O. Casimiro Seconded by: J. Cashin-Oster MOTION CARRIED THAT: the board rescind the probation period for Michael Adams and consider the probationary period to be complete. Moved By: G. Humes Seconded by: O. Casimiro MOTION CARRIED e) Banking incorporated in discussion during Finance Reportregarding investing strategies. At close of business, B. Seto as chairperson took time to thank M. Carlton, J. Cashin-Oster, and G. Humes, along with C. Morgan and J. Witheridge who had sent their regrets, for their dedication and service on the board during the last session. 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: Thursday April 9, 2015 The next meeting will be held, at the Sarah Jane 7 p.m. Williams Heritage Centre at in order to achieve quorum not possible on the regular second Wed of the month. 12.Adjournment: THAT: the meeting be adjourned at 9:36 p.m. Moved by: M. Carlton MOTION CARRIED Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on _________________________________. _______________________________________ ________________________________________ Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives