HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-12 Minutes AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE of CLARINGTON MEETING th THURSDAY, March 12, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Cartwright Brenda Metcalf Tom Barrie Mary Ann Found Les Caswell Eric Bowman Ted Watson Don Rickard Henry Zekveld Elgin Greenham Councillor Partner REGRETS: Jenni Knox STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Mitch Morawetz GUESTS: Chris Darling, Chief Administrative Officer of Central Lake Ontario Conservation and Councillor Hooper Ted welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions by all for the new member. Adoption of Agenda 015-05 Moved by Les Caswell, seconded by Eric Bowman That the Agenda for March 12, 2015 be adopted th CARRIED Approval of Minutes 015-06 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Don Rickard February 12 th, 2015 meeting be approved CARRIED Guest: Chris Darling, Central Lake Ontario Conservation The Conservation Authorities Act, which was passed in 1946, laid the groundwork for the implementation of watershed management in Ontario. The concept of Conservation Authorities was based on three fundamental principles: cost sharing between municipal and provincial governments; local initiative (Authorities would be formed only when municipalities petitioned the province); and watershed-wide planning. Although conservation may seem like a vital part of life today, the need was not always recognized. By 1954, 20 conservation authorities had been formed; then came the fury of Hurricane Hazel. Hurricane Hazel devastated southern Ontario overnight on October 15, 1954 killing 81 people and causing $20 million dollars in damage. Today, watershed management programs undertaken by Conservation Authorities have virtually eliminated catastrophic flooding in Ontario. Conservation Authorities are regarded as world leaders in conservation, environmental protection, and flood control. CLOCA owns approximately 6,000 hectares of land, including areas in the Oak Ridges Moraine, Carolinian forest, wetlands and important fish and wildlife habitat. This represents about 1% of the area (630 sq.km) that CLOCA covers from Pickering through Clarington and north to the Oak Ridges Moraine. It is the only CA in Ontario that is wholly within one political jurisdiction, being Durham Region. Chris spoke about the different areas of responsibility the CA has: development review including regulation/permits, flood forecasting and warning, land and water conservation, source water protection, stewardship and watershed planning. The CA has an approved land acquisition strategy and has been acquiring lands for long term protection of features through the assistance of other funding agencies. Question: Do flood lines change? Answer: Yes, they are updated over time and as features change and mapping improves; an example of change was the installation of the middle median on the 401 or the removal of impediments along water courses. Question: What are the priority areas for acquisition? Answer: There is no timeframe in the strategy, we consider properties when they are offered and look at growing around already owned areas and natural features that are significant. The CA has powers under its Act and Planning Act to severe land. Question: What is the reasoning for conditions placed on lands that have been purchased by CLOCA which for years been leased by farmers and now requires a change to their cropping practice? Answer: CA tends not to acquire agricultural lands and if they do, they try to maintain existing leasing agreements. Using a crop cover could be an approach taken rather than planting hay from a wildlife and/or bird perspective. The CA will work with the renter to figure out arrangements. Question: Stewardship funding: CLOCA used to provide grants for Best Management Practices and Environmental Farm Plans but there has been none for the past 5 years, why? GRCA provides grants and there is a disparity in Clarington between the two watersheds. Answer: CA funds programs/services as directed by Board of Directors Question: Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative included funding for Lake Erie and Lake Huron, why not Lake Ontario; are the other lakes at greater risk? Answer: CLOCA has not been involved in this initiative to date. Program is likely focused on most stressed lakes. Possibility that it may be expanded in future. th Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 12, 2015 Question: Some wetlands can be tile drained and they would be viable for farming. How does CLOCA view this? Answer: Generally CLOCA does not support tile drainage of wetlands. However, there may be cases where the CA could consider looking for a net benefit, agree some small areas may be drained. Question: Will you look at property and advise on drainage before a farmer purchases? Answer: Information is desk top, it is improving all the time and we have historical aerials but only past 10-15 years. Each property is looked at on a case by case basis when a development application is received. Question: Does the CA accept bequeaths and have other fundraising programs? Answer: Yes we do both, however there is a cost to mounting fundraising programs. Question: Why are there no farmers or private citizens on the Board of Directors? Answer: The Board is appointed by Durham Region Council based on the recommendations/nominations from local Councils. Question: Who are your agricultural experts that you seek advice from? Answer: Some staff are farmers, we are a smaller CA and have good local knowledge. Development permit staff have experience in this area. Ted thanked Chris for attending. Committee Orientation Faye reviewed the Committees Terms of Reference and the Committee Protocol. A meeting schedule and list of members was distributed. There are 4 members that have been appointed for 2 years and when that time in up the next group of applicants will be appointed for 4 years achieving the continuity objective. Committee renewal and bringing new members onto the committee is something that can be achieved as re- appointments happen. Term of Committee Chair and Vice-Chair 015-07 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Brenda Metcalf CARRIED Election of Chair 015-08 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Eric Bowman CARRIED Election of Vice-Chair th Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 12, 2015 015-09 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Mary Ann Found - CARRIED Workplan for 2015 Official Plan Review, Greenbelt Review (and other provincial plans), Minimum Distance Separation Review, monitoring of the 407, continue to build from Accomplishments of affect agriculture sector. Business Arising from Minutes Greenbelt Review process, an e-mail with the Town Hall meetings for this area was sent to members. The meetings are in Peterborough, Cobourg and Ajax on April 7, 8 and 20 respectively. For addresses see http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page10990.aspx. The discussion papers are also at this website. Correspondence and Council Referrals th Ontario Farmland Trust - Farmland Forum on March 27 - registration is now available. further development of the Provincial Policy Statement, staff will be using the definitions in the Official Plan. Draft Revised Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Mitch will be reviewing and will discuss with committee at April meeting and web link will be sent to members. -food Award web link will be sent to members and letters of support will be provided if there are any local nominations; contact Faye and Brenda. Brock Township has endorsed the letter from committee on neonics and submitted to EBR. Liaison Reports DAAC DAAC Tour is set for September 18, 2015, Windermere Farms. Region is working on having the MPP in spring. A poultry plant operator is looking for a home in southern Durham Region. DRFA DRFA has been invited to have a table at the CBOT Ag Summit. thth April 7 to 9 is Farm Connections at the Vipond Arena in Brooklin. There are still some areas that require volunteers and if you have time let Brenda or Mary Ann know. Farm Connections high school committee is looking for a chair to take over for Nicole Swain. th Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 12, 2015 th Celebrate Agriculture is on October 29, please save the date. th Clarington Board of Trade Agricultural Summit is March 17 at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park. rd AGM is April 23, Donald Rickard will be running for Chair. Other Business Inquiry as to whether Communications staff could attend to discuss how to get message about agriculture out to general public. Russ Dow is to be inducted into the Agricultural Hall of Fame Future Agendas May Trans Canada Pipeline East Mainline; June Planning Services on Official Plan; and possibly Communications July 407 Pauline VanRoon and Chris Brown John Cartwright moved to Adjourn th Next Meeting, April 9, 7:30 p.m. Room 1C at Municipal Administrative Office - April Lindsay Coolidge and Suzanne McNutt from UOIT on potential research and capstone projects with students and faculty. MDS comments with be on business arising please review the information that has been provided in advance of the meeting th Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 12, 2015