HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-17 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting March 17, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Earle Tracey Ali Councillor Hooper Victor Suppan Todd Taylor REGRETS: Ruth Goff (ex-officio) Kim Vaneyk (ex-officio) Robert Malone Steve Conway STAFF: Brandon Weiler Faye Langmaid B. Weiler welcomed all to the meeting. This was the first meeting of the newly appointed Clarington Heritage Committee. B. Weiler made a presentation to the committee about the Ontario Heritage Act and the Terms of Reference for the committee. The group engaged in a discussion on thoughts, ideas, opinions and goals for this term (the next four years). The discussion will be continued at the next meeting. The committee decided to elect a new chair or vice chair at a future meeting when all members are present. Councillor Hooper chaired the meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 15.01 Moved by Tracey Ali, seconded by Victor Suppan, THAT the agenda be adopted. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 15.02 Moved by Victor Suppan, seconded by Tracey Ali THAT the minutes of the Meeting of November 18, 2014, January 13, 2015 and February 17, 2015 be accepted. 1 | Page BUSINESS ARRISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) F. Langmaid reported that there was a meeting between Jury Lands Foundation members, the owners of the property (Kaitlin Group and Fandor Homes) and special guests Jim Mountain (Director of Regeneration Projects, National Trust), James Goad (Cityscape Development Corp., Distillery District) and Hans Honegger (Bon Eco Design). The National Trust is preparing a report on the day that will include suggested next steps for all involved. The committee asked at what stage the committee may become involved in the project. F. Langmaid responded that the buildings are on the municipal register and that the committees input would be important to different stakeholders once a vision or future plan was brought forward. Community Improvement Liaison Committees F. Langmaid identified that previously heritage committee members sat on the Community Improvement Plan Liaison Committees as a representative of the Heritage Committee. Councillor Hooper offered to continue on the Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan Liaison Committee meetings. . Langmaid reported that Karin Murphy, who was a previous member of Heritage Committee, would be willing to continue on the Orono Community Improvement Plan Liaison Committee and provide a voice for heritage if no current members had an interest. The committee members felt that would be appropriate. Joe Earle indicated he would consider sitting on the Newcastle Community Improvement Plan Liaison Committee. Municipal Register Discussion The discussion was deferred to a future meeting. There was a discussion on the municipal heritage inventory list of heritage properties and what would be involved in updating this listing to be able to move these properties to the municipal register. Starting with the primary buildings would be a good option. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Program Next meeting April 15, 2015 Orono Community Improvement Program Next Meeting April 1, 2015 Newcastle Community Improvement Program Next meeting April 16, 2015 Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch T. Ali reported that the next meeting is the Annual General Meeting and it will be on March 18. 2 | Page The annual Doors Open event will be held on June 13, 2015 and the event will focus on properties in the Leskard and Kirby areas. There could be an opportunity for the heritage committee to have an exhibit as part of the event if desired. Doors Open is always looking for more members and volunteers for their event. They will be handing out information at the MapleFest. T. Ali attended the Architectural Conservancy Ontario day at Queens Park on February 18, 2015 with others. The day was a success, Architectural Conservancy Ontario members spoke with provincial politicians on matters relating to culture and heritage. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society No report Museum No report Heritage Week Working Group B. Weiler reported that a representative from the Clarington Heritage Committee on the Heritage Week Committee is needed. Councillor Hooper indicated he would assist a representative as he attended on behalf of the BIA. The Heritage Week Committee is looking for a Chair and volunteers. Next Meeting is Feb 18 at 9:30 in Room 3A with the other partner agencies. Heritage Conservation District No news to report NEW BUSINESS Ontario Heritage Conference 2015 s conference is in Niagara-on-the-Lake from April 30 to May 3. T. Ali indicated she would like to attend and asked if the heritage committee budget covered such events. Committee members all agreed that education of committee members was a good idea. F. Langmaid indicated that funds had been raised by the committee in the past through book sales and fund raising. There would be funds to cover costs should a member wish to attend. The committee should approve the funding request for the conference. T. Ali will determine if she is able to attend and bring forward a budget at next meeting. 407 Designated Properties and Municipal Register Properties V. Suppan questioned what were the responsibilities of the Municipality with regards to the properties that were designated under the Ontario Heritage Act (1909 Bloor and 5416 Solina Road) or listed on the Municipal Registry (5531 Bethesda Road; 5681 Acres Road; 5658 Bethesda Road; and 7500 Highway 35/115). Should the Municipality to repeal the designations and remove the properties from the register or would the Ministry of Transportation address it. 3 | Page 15.03 Moved by Victor Suppan, seconded by Tracey Ali THAT staff consult with the Ministry of Transportation and identify what steps the Municipality are required to take with respect to the designated and listed properties that are being demolished by the Ministry of Transportation for the 407 expansion. V. Suppan suggested the Heritage Clarington website should reflect these buildings have been demolished by the Ministry of Transportation and the Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports be posted to the website. F. Langmaid indicated that the e and staff would consult with the Communications Department to determine what the options may be available once the new website has been designed. Todd Taylor made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Next meeting: April 21, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 4 | Page