HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-02 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Community Services Committee April 2 1981 Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Community Services Committee held on Thursday, April 2 1981 in the Bell Building Committee Room Roll Call Present were: Councillor Maurice Prout, Chairman Councillor Diane Hamre, Member Councillor Marie Hubbard, Member Councillor Bruce Taylor, Member Town Clerk, J. M. McIlroy, Acting Secretary Also present: T. A. Fanning, Director of Community Services Dr. R. K. McArthur, Chairman, Culture and Recreation Master Plan Committee Mr. Neil Newton, Culture and Recreation Master Plan Committee Mr. Terry Edwards " Mr. Bill Bagnell " Mr. Rick Allen " Terms of Dr. R. K. McArthur, Chairman of the Culture and Recreation Reference,, Master Plan Committee presented a report of the Terms of Culture and Reference of the Culture and Recreation Master Plan. Recreation Master Plan The Community Services Committee studied the report and asked questions of the Master Plan Committee. Amendments to the Terms of Reference were agreed on as follows: Page 1 At end of first paragraph on page 1 after word "develop" substitute words "priorities for Capital Project proposals". Page 6 Paragraph 4 add words "if any". Paragraph 7 add word "forecast" after "budget". Paragraph 7(a) add words "if any". Fourth Term of Reference After word "deficiences" in the fourth line add the words "if any" and the following words at end of paragraph "as identified by the terms of reference". Page 8 Paragraph 4 add the words "of the consultants". Attachment 1 Add the words "as relating to Culture and Recreation" to the heading "Land- Open Space Areas" . -2- Community Services Committee Resolution #CS-54-81 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the Report of the Culture and Recreation Master Plan Committee relative to the Culture and Recreation Master Plan be recommended to Council on April 21 1981 subject to the amendments as noted above. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-55-81 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre Adjournment THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:40 p.m. "CARRIED" Report #2 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Mayor Rickard and Members of Council : The following is a report of the Special Meeting of the Community Services Committee held on Thursday, April 2 1981 : Dr. R. K. McArthur, Chairman of the Culture and Recreation Master Plan Committee presented a report of the Terms of Reference of the Culture and Recreation Master Plan. The Community Services Committee studied the report and asked questions of the Master Plan Committee. Amendments to the Terms of Reference were agreed on as follows: Page 1 At end of first paragraph on page 1 after word "develop" substitute words "priorities for Capital Project proposals". Page 6 Paragraph 4 add words "if any". Paragraph 7 add word "forecast" after "budget". Paragraph 7(a) add words "if any". Fourth Term of Reference After word "deficiences" in the fourth line add the words "if any" and the following words at end of paragraph "as identified by the terms of reference". Page 8 Paragraph 4 add the words "of the consultants". Attachment 1 Add the words "as relating to Culture and Recreation" to the heading "Land- Open Space Areas". It was recommended to Council that the report of the Culture and Recreation Master Plan Committee relative to the Culture and Recreation Master Plan be approved by Council on April 21 1981 subject to the amendments as noted above. Respectfully submitted, Maurice Prout, Chairman