HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-16 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Community Services Committee February 16, 1981 Minutes of a meeting of the Community Services Committee held on Monday, February 16, 1981 at 9:30 a.m. in the Bell Building Committee Room Roll Call Present were: Councillor Maurice Prout, Chairman Councillor Diane Hamre, Member Councillor Marie Hubbard, Member Councillor R. Bruce Taylor, Member Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member Councillor Ann Cowman, attending Deputy Clerk, G. Gray, Secretary Also Present: Treasurer, K. DeGroot Area Fire Chief, J. Hayman, until 12;30 p.m. Director of Community Services, T.A.Fanning Deputy Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Facilities Manager, F. Payne Resolution #CS-16-81 Moved by Con. Hubbard, seconded by Con. Taylor THAT the minutes of the meeting held on January 19, 1981 be adopted as read. "CARRIED" R.Miller Mrs. Ruth Miller gave a presentation regarding Dog Obedience Dog Obedience Training and asked if the Recreation Department or the Town Training had any facilities available for this type of program. She stated that it was proposed as a profit making operation. R. Harrison Mr. Ralph Harrison spoke to the Committee on behalf of the re Wintario Bowmanville Jaycees, requesting the use of the Darlington Darlington Sports Centre on April 23, 1981 for Wintario. He stated Sports that the Jaycees had proposed to build a stage which could Centre be dismantled and used in the future. Community Services Committee - 2 - February 16, 1981 i Resolution #CS-17-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hamre January THAT the Monthly Fire Report for January, 1981 be Fire Report received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-18-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hamre Annual Fire THAT the Annual Fire Report for 1980 be received Report 1980 for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-19-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hubbard Fees for THAT the report of the Director relative to fees for Fitness Centre Newcastle Fitness Centre :be approved as follows: f Adult Aquatic Fitness Class $30.00 for 10 week program Adult Swim Lessons $25.00 for 15 week program. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-20-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hamre Appointments THAT the list of appointments to Boarcb and Committees, to Boards and as per list attached to the Deputy Clerk's Report dated Committees February 11, 1981 and the additi(nalrecommendations for the Tyrone Community Centre Board, as per report dated February 13, be approved and the first five (5) named on each list, be in.sured..under the Town's Policy. "CARRIED" I Community Services Committee - 3 - February 16, 1981 Resolution #CS-21-81 Moved by Con. Hamre,. seconded by Con. Taylor Bowmanville THAT the Memorandum of Agreement of Understanding United Youth between the Town and the Bowmanville United Youth Soccer Soccer Club Club be recommended to Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-22-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hamre THAT the Agenda be altered to deal with Other Business at this time. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-23-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hamre Dog THAT the matter of Dog Obedience Training Classes be Obedience referred to the Director to liaise with other members Training of staff and report back. Classes "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-24-81 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Taylor Wintario THAT the Committee approve of the use of the Darlington Darlington Sports Centre for Wintario and it be left with the Director Sports to make the necessary arrangements. Centre "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-25-81 Moved by Con. Hubbard, seconded by Con. Hamre THAT the meeting recess for 5 minutes. "CARRIED" Community Services Committee - 4 - February 16, 1981 Budgets A discussion of the Budget proposed for the Fire Fire Department Department took place. Resolution #CS-26-81 Moved by Con. Hamre, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT this committee recommend to the Finance Committee the proposed budget for the fire department, deleting the 5 additional full time firemen. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #CS-27-81 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hamre THAT the foregoing motion be amended be adding that the following items be reviewed for clarification: Office Supplies; equipment and supplies; insurance; Courtice Fire Hall Telephone and Communications and building maintenance; and the Treasurer examine debenture payments. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-28-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT Resolution #CS-26-81 be further amended by adding a review of Reserve Fund (403) and the Tanker for Fire Hall #2. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-29-81 Moved by Con. Hubbard, seconded by Con. Taylor Recess for THAT the meeting recess for lunch until 1:30 p.m. Lunch "CARRIED" Time - 12:30 p.m. Community Services Committee - 5 - February 16, 1981 r The meeting reconvened at 1:30 p.m. Budgets Resolution #CS-30-81 Health Services Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hamre Orono THAT the committee support the request of the Orono Cemetery Cemetery to repair the fence and the Treasurer clarify the amount needed. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-31-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hamre Cemetery THAT the Treasurer bring back to this Committee, Revenue through the Chairman, a report on the revised budget revenue figure for town-owned cemeteries "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-32-81 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hamre Maintenance THAT the Director, through his department, present Management this committee with a Maintenance Management Program Program for for cemeteries. Cemeteries "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-33-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hamre THAT the Health Services Budget be sent to the March 9th Finance Meeting with the reports which had been asked for. "CARRIED" Community Services Committee - 6 - February 16, 1981 Budget Resolution #CS-34-81 Culture and Recreation Moved by Con. Hamre, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the Director prepare a report to this committee relating to revenue from Recreation and Culture, looking at a 'user pays' policy, to have an effect on the 1982 Budget. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-35-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hubbard THAT the Adult Programs be deleted from the tax budget and offered on a self-supporting basis. "LOST" Resolution #CS-36-81 Moved by Con. Hubbard, seconded by Con. Hamre Water THAT the Mayor write to the School Board regarding Services water services at the Darlington Sports Centre. Darlington S.C. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-37-81 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hamre Arena THAT the operations of the arenas in Bowmanville, Operating Darlington Sports Centre, Orono and Newcastle be Costs referred to the Treasurer and Acting Town Manager to review and give some comparison of the differences in the operating costs ,and revenues. "CARRIED" Community Services Committee - 7 - February 16, 1981 Resolution #CS-38-81 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Taylor Outdoor THAT the Staff report on the operation of Outdoor Pool Pools in light of changes in legislation and the Operations use of the Fitness Center. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-39-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hamre THAT the Recreation and Culture Budget be moved on to the finance Committee subject to the reports which have been requested. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS-40-81 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hamre ( THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:45 p.m. "CARRIED" REPORT #2 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- The following is a report of the meeting of the Community Services Committee held on February 16, 1981: 1. Received for information - Fire Reports It was recommended to Council that the Monthly Fire Report for January 1981 and the Annual Fire Report for 1980 be received for information. 2. Fees for Fitness Centre It was recommended to Council that the following fees be approved: Adult Aquatic Fitness Class - 10 weeks - $30.00 Adult Swimming Lessons - 15 weeks - $25.00. 3. Appointments to Boards and Committees It was recommended to Council that the attached list of appointments to Boards and Committees for 1981 be approved and the first five (5) named on each list be insured under the Town's Policy. 4. Bowmanville United Youth Soccer Club Agreement It was recommended to Council that the Memorandum of Agreement of Understanding between the Town and the Bowmanville United Youth Soccer Club be approved. 5. Wintario It was recommended to Council that they approve of the use of the Darlington Sports Centre for Wintario. 6. Water Services - Darlington Sports Centre It was recommended to Council that the Mayor write to the School Board regarding water services at the Darlington Sports Centre. Respectfully submitted Maurice Prout, Chairman APPOINTEMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES FOR 1981 Base Line Community Centre Brownsdale Community Centre Hampton Hall Board Ron Metcalf Brenda Metcalf Roxy Barnes Sam VanCamp Bill Colville Neil Brownell Haydon Hall Board Memorial Park Board Newtonville Hall Board Wilbur Blackburn Mrs. Penny Connaghan Rena Potts Mrs. 'Vi. Thompson Blanche Jones Mrs. Onie Etcher Eileen Blackburn Mrs. Pat Griffin John Potts Mrs. Marie Stainton Orono Community Hall Orono Town Hall Board Solina Hall Board Fred Graham Sterling Mather George Knox Gordon Watson Carlos Tamblyn Jim Millson Betty Major Madeleine Hadley Bernice Watson Gladys Gamsby Eileen Stevens Harold Yellowlees Len Pears Barry Browse Donald Taylor, Sec.-Tres. Zion Park Association Clarke Cemetery Board John Pittens Helen Schmid Diane Goff John Stone Fern Lawson Arthur Thompson Marlene Wilson K. Barr John Kinghorn Aleck Moffatt Darlington Cemetery Board Orono Arena Management Board Newcastle Arena Management Bd. Gord Barrie Charles Gray H. C. Muir Russ 'Major Fred Griffin Gord Lowery Sid Cornish Wm. Tamblyn H. Bruce Tink James Rickard Tyrone Community Centre Board John Virtue Louis Phillips Kathy Wiggans Shelley Milford Cecile Bowers Grenville Byam Lawrence Avery Elwood Ward Memorandum of Agreement of Understanding The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Comnunity Services and the Bowmanville United Youth Soccer Club Whereas, the Town of Newcastle has previously operated the Town of Bowmanville Recreation Soccer League and the Bow=ville United Youth Soccer Club now wishes to take over and operate this programme. And whereas, the Town of Newcastle considers this to be desirable; NOW THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. All of the equipment is listed on the attached sheet and hereby transfered to the Bownanville United Youth Soccer Club. 2. Henceforth, the Bowmanville United Youth Soccer Club will receive sole responsibility to the running of the Bowmanville Recreation Soccer League. 3. The Town of Newcastle will not be responsible for any injury to any person or participant in the soccer games or activities organized by the Bowmanville United Youth Soccer Club. 4. The Bowmanville United Youth Soccer Club will abide by the rules, regulations and by-laws of the Town of Newcastle. Memorandum of Agreement of Understanding Corporation of the Town of Newcastle & Boumanville United Youth Soccer Club Page 2. Date MIE CORPORATION OP THE TOWN CI' NE11ICASTLE Per: Mayor Clerk THE BOWTANVILLE UNITED YOUTH SOCCER CLUB Per: President Secretary Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Community Services Soccer Fkjuipment Inventory - three pair soccer nets at $89.00 ea. 267.00 - two size #3 balls at $38.60 77.20 - fifteen sixe #4 .balls at $20.95 314.25 - nine size #5 balls at $22.95 206.55 - forty seven T shirts at $3.21 - Bomanville Lions yellow - Bounianville Jets green - blue T shirts - rEdT shirts 150.00 - D & R Agency Shirts 17 136.95 - Market Plan Shirts 17 136.95 - Kinsman Shirts - 18 145.00 - Rotary Wanders Shirts - 18 84.00 - Pankhurst Security Shirts Sox & Shorts 200.00 - Mary Brown's Shirts 18 136.00 - Harbourview Shirts 18 136.00 - McGregor's Hardware T Shirts 50.00 Trophies - Tyrone Cup 50.00 - Arends Memorial Plague 25.00 - Avco Financial Plague 25.00 - Hoppers Jewellers Trophy 25.00 - Community Services Department Trophy 25.00 $2189.90�