HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/20/1965 . . . . ". Page 5 COUNCIL IHNUTES The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 p.m. on l/londay, December 20th, 1965 at the Council Chambers, Town Hall with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present. I LORD'S PRAYER: II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, December 7th, 1965 be received and adopted. "CARRIED" III COMMUNICAT IONS: 1. Canadian Mental Health Association: "When your Council prepares its 1966 budget, we hope the Council members will see fit to provide a significant contribution to the Canadian Mental Health Association for the betterment of the mental health of all citizens in Ontario. The Premier of Ontario and the President of the Canadian Medical Association have each stated that mental illness is our greatest single health problem, and this is unchanged by the fact that approximately half of all hospital beds in Canada are occupied by mental patients. The support which the Ontario Division of our Association has received from Ontario Municipalities in the past has been of great assistance to us in expanding programmes of support to the mentally ill, rehabilitation for the former patient, education in the promotion of good mental health and of Research to discover better preventive and treatment measures. The Association has been particularly active in recent months in its concern for many people in your community. It has presented briefs to the Ontario Legislative Committee on Youth and to the Legislative Committee on Aging; in addition its staff have acted in a consultative capacity to many community agencies concerned with these and related problems. We hope that our concern for service and facilities for all who suffer from mental illness is shared mutually by your Council members. A donation from your Council would be a very tangible expression of your desire to promote better mental health for all. " Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letter from the Canadian llental Health Association, dated December 7th, 1965, be received and referred to the 1966 Council. "CARRIED" 2. Humpage, Taylor, McDonald & Co.: "Re: Bowmanville Public Library Board . . ; . . . . Page 6 - 2 - Relative to our discussions with respect cO the rental rate to be established between the Library Board and The Town of Bowman- ville for the new library building we are of the opinion that a reasonable annual rent al rate would be ~p32, 400.00. This rental has been based upon the total square footage avail- able of 10,800 square feet divided equally between main floor and basement floor. In addition the rental rate is to include heat, hydro, janitor and maintenance costs. On this understand- ing in light of the current commercial rates o~ similar facili- ties we have calculated the rental rate to be *3.50 per square foot on the main floor and $2.50 per square foot for the base- ment floor for a total of $32,400.00 payable !~2,700.00 monthly." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the letter from Humpage, Taylor, McDonald & Co., dated December 8th, 1965, be received and filed. "CARRIED" 3. w. T. Dempsey, P. Eng.: "Re: J. J. Flett Subdivision I have inspected the paving on the south leg of Parkway Crescent in the above noted subdivision. The work complies with the re- quirements of the specifications for this subdivision." Moved by Con. Hooper, ~econded by Con. Hughes. THAT the letter from I~. W. T. Dempsey, P. Prtg., dated December 10th, 1965, be received and that we concur In his recommendations. "CARRIED" 4. Mrs. Howard Hurson: "Because of the disastrous effect rezoning of Darlington Township for heavy industry could have on all Bowmanville -- its residents and future expansion, we do most strongly urge the Town Council to resume discussion of the matter. It is our understanding that apathy on the part of the Town Council has been largely responsible for the acceptance of appli- cation for rezoning by the Regional Planning Board in OshawaZ we ask, as rat~payers of Bowmanville, that the Council back the Bowmanville Planning Board in its efforts to preserve this area for agriculture, urban development and light industry. We would all agree that industry should be encouraged in Bowman- ville and its environs, but to allow a mammoth mining operation like the St. ~~ry's Cement Company to gain a foothold in the Bow- manville area and so drive away other desirable industry is utter folly. Properties will be devalued, just as they were in Port Credit, in the immediate vicinity of the Oil Refineries. In time, when acre after acre of valuable land has been laid waste there will be no further revenue for the Township. It gains immediate in- creased assessment only, while Bowmanville inherits the dirt, dust, noise from blasting and from hundreds of large trucks tra- velling to and from the quarry. . . . , . Page 7 - 3 - We ask immediate action by the elected representatives of this Town!!" Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the letter received from ~~s. Howard Hurson, dated December 13th, 1965, be received and filed. "CARRIED" 5. Bank of Montreal: "v.e have to advise that effective today the interest rate on loans to the Town of Bowmanville will be increased from 5~% to 6%. The increase in rates is the result of the higher rates prevail- ing in the money market." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter from The Bank of Montreal, dated December 14th, 1965, be received and be referred to the 1966 Finance Committee. "CARRIED" 6. Humpage, Taylor, McDonald & Co.: "Further to our last reporting letter to you of November 3, 1965, we have carried out an investigation into the Financila affairs of the Town of Bowmanville as they relate to our discovery of cash shortages during our interim current audit of 1965 accounts. Our last rer,orting letter indicated cash shortages known at that date to be $17,529.66. On November 5, 1965, we reported to you that restitution had been made for this amount by the Clerk- Treasurer, I~. Jack L. Reid. Subsequent investigation indicated that further cash shortages were involved. In the year 1963, shortages of $14,144.23 have been determined resulting from unrecorded receipts in the books and records of the Town. Approximately $500.00 in other unre- corded receipts in the year 1963 are being confirmed currently. In the year 1964 the amount of shortages which have been con- firmed totalled $11,656.71. A further $1,997.96 in shortages is suspected, but at this date remain unconfirmed. Of the total 1964 shortages, $5,350.00 was included in the amount for which restitution was made. V.e now consider our investigation complete subject only to con- firmation of the suspected shortages from the payors. Upon such final determination of the total amount, formal claim will be made against the bonding company for the total of shortages for which restitution has not been made. It is also our intention to make certain recommendations to the Finance Committee in respect of internal control procedures which should be implemented to provide a greater degree of control over the handling of cash." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the letter from Humpage, Taylor, McDonald & Co., dated Dec- ember 20th, 1965, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Page 8 . - 4 - IV NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Bernard Street: 2. Sturrock Road: 3. lfBtters Referred to Roads & Streets Committee: (1) Prospect Street - drainage. (2) Lamb's Lane - drainage. (3) DeVries - driveway. (4) Department of Highways - Audit Report. 4. . 5 . 6. 7. . 8. 9. \forks Department Shed: C. P. R. Bridge: Third Street Lots: Conservation Authority f~tter: Special Committee re Auto: Special Committee re Old Town Shed: 10. 401 Intersection Lighting: 11. By-law re Service Station Operators: 12. Subway under C.P.R. - Liberty Street North: . 13. ~~tters Referred to Finance Committee: (1) W' T. Dempsey re Bowmanville Investments Subdivision. (2) Ontario f~unicipal Board re Capital Forecast. (3) General Accident Assurance Company - reports. 14. Garbage Collection: 15. Matters Referred to Public Property Committee: (1) Revoval of Plague on King Street in front of old Post Office Building - This matter completed. (2) Direction Sign at four corners for Library and Town Hall. 16. Dance Hall - East Beach: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT this matter be referred to the Town Solicitor for his advice. "CARRIED" . 17. Contract re Chief of Police, B. R. Kitney: Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT we renew our contract with the Chief of Police, B. R. Kitney regarding his car allowance and that he receive a . . . e . . . Page 9 - 5 - copy of this contract. "CARRIED" 18. Board of vvorks Meeting: Moved bv Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the Board of .forks meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 28th, 1965, be left at the call of the Chairman. "CARRIED" 19. Fire Alarm System: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the plan of the Fire signal locations be filed in the Clerk's Office in a special Fire Department file. "CARRIED" A vote of thanks was given to Councillor Ken Hooper for the time and effort it took to prepare this plan. 20. Christmas Greetings: His Worship the Mayor expressed seasons greetings to the Members of Council and the Press. V ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT we do now adjourn - 7:53 p.m. "CARRIED"