HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-19 Minutes HAMPTON, J. 47JA 119, 1973. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal ;3uildinF on this date, all Members present, Reeve Rickard presiding. 73-13-1 Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Tink that the minutes of the meeting held January 5, 1973, be approved as read. 73-lB-2 Moved. by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Tink that accounts for the month of December, 1972, as listed herewith, be paid : Salaries 23 25411.77 rr 24 31278.82 General 21 ,153.79 Roads 13,505.64 Roads Pay List 23 3,690.22 24 4,462. 8 TOTAL r 48. 502. 62 73_13_3 Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Tink that a Report of the Finance Committee dated January 9 , 1973, and submitted to this meeting is adapted. Moved by Councillor Baker and Deputy Reeve Tink that a proposal for a Zoning Amendment pres nted to this meeting by Mr. Whiting of Kingvar Motors is tentatively approved by this Council and that he is requested to prepare and submit a site plan, according to advice to be given by the Township ' s Consultant and Staff. 73-1B-5 Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Tink that a petition by residents on Manvers _ oad regarding use of water is referred to the Property Committee, 3-13-6 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that Road =accounts as presented to this meeting in the amount of ;;3776.42 be paid . 73-113_7 Moved by Councillors Baker and Wearn that the resignation of Mrs, M. Ellis is accepted with regret and that the Clerk-<''dministrator is authorized to advertise for applications for a replacement. 73-13-8 Moved by Deputy Reeve Tink and Councillor Dallas that a report of the Legislative and By-laws Committee dated January 9 , 1973 , is adopted by this Council. 73-1°J-9 Moved by Councillor Wearn and Deputy Reeve Tink that Mr. Donald Irvine M.P.P. be asked to attend a meeting with Township Officials at a time to be arranged. 73-113-10 Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Tink that Geo. Pollitt is appointed to the Committee of Adjustment to complete the unexpired part of Mr. Hills ' term, which expires Jan. 1, 1975. 73-1-3-11 Moved by Deputy 'ecve Tink and Councillor vlearn that Carrol Clemens is appointed to the k-,om ittee of djustm,'nt for Darlington Pla � ng Sren for a three year term to expire Jan. 1, 1976. 73-13_1% Moved by Co_inci_llors 3aker and Dallas that Deputy Reeve Tink is appointed to represent this Township on the Board of Directors of the Durum Co :nty Federation of .'gricultu-e for 197?. 73-13-13 Moved by Deputy Reeve 'ink and Councillor 3aker that H.A.`3arron is appointed to the Memorial :iospital Board for 1973. 73'-1:3-14 Moved by Councillors Dallas and 'relearn that Dr, d.i.Rowsell and Hacry Oyler ara appointed to Darli.nr ton Pla.nni .- Board for a. t.".re^ year term. to expire Jan. 1, 1976. 73-1-3-15 Moved by Councillor 3aker and Deputy Reeve Tink that Richard Gibbs is appointed to the Central Lake Ont•; .ri.o Conservation _';utnority for a 2 year term, to expire Jan. 1 , 1975. 73-13-16. Moved by Councillors 3akee and Dallas that D. ':yearn and `1. 3.Tink are appointed to =arl n;�t-n Planning; ' oard. 7;- -113_17,13 1 19. On motion a 3y-laver to fix dates and. times of meetings of :council was give_,-i first, second .and third rea.7ings , passed and numbered 2507. 73-13-20 Moved by Councillors 3aker and Dal2a7 that this meeting adjourn. 4 . R1 :VG J CL17RK.