HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-06 Minutes Darl.inCton Township Coun^il met in the Municipal on this date , all Members present , Reeve Rickard presiding. 73-2-1 Moved by Councillors Baker and -4'earn that the minutes of the meeting help J`-wary 11` , 1973, ';e adopted as presented. 73-2-2 Moved by Councillors Baker and Wearn that the Road accounts as presented dated January 31, 1973 , in the amount c- $2650.82 be paid. 73-2-3 Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Tink that the matter brought to this meeting by J. Ordanus be referred to the ?.oad Committee for report; to Council and that Mr. Ordanus be notified of the Report. 73-2-4 Moved by Councillor Baker an.�. Deputy Reeve Tink that the, Ministry of Transportation and Co"-:rrunications Plan P-16: 0-`7 be rnceivRd an:' acknowledged. 7 - _-5 Moved by Councillors Dallas and 'Jearn that the Reeve, Deputy ? eeve, and Chairman of the Road Committee or their nominees, and the Road Superintend- ent are aut`-,orized to attend the Ontario Good Roads Conference in Toronto , Fetruary 25-28, 1973- 73-2-6 Moved by councillors D1.1as and raker that Reeve Ric?card ' s name be submitted as Industrial Contact for this Township. 73-2-7 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that correspondence concern..ng t.'!le Task Force on Housinn , InduStrl'il :°paste Conference and tale Drainage School , be received and filed.. 73-2-8 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that this Council endo's-se and approve of the `%entral. Ontario Museums Association to forward a brief to the Provinci.a.l Treasurer regardi.n� tha formation of a re ional archives. 73-1-9 Moved by Councillors Baker and Wearn that the firm of Totten, Sims, Hubicki }—:ssnciates Ltd. , is retained as ']nginee.rin-- Consultant for this Township for 1.973- 73-2-10 Moved by Councillors Baker and Wearn that the Road Superintendent is authorized to prepare specifications and. call for T-nders on items included. ir_ the approved 1:73 -'.oat's program. 7 !-2-I1 oved by :ounci.11ors adearn an, Baker that this Council petition the Ministry of Transportation and .'om- nications for payment of 1972 subsidy. 73_2-1' Moved by Councillors Baker and "vdearn that a 1i-P'- 't of the Road Committee d.-a.ted January 24 , 1973 , presented to this meeting is hereby ar_;opted by this Council as the 1973 kcad Program. 73-2-13 tloved by Councillors Wearn and raker that a r--^port of the Pro :erty Co^m' ttee presented to t= is meeting date d Fe';ruary 6, 19731 is adopted by this Coun?i 1. 73-2-V4 Moved by Councillor Da.11.a - and. Deputy Reeve Tink that an application for a Til )rain login -n p_..rt lots 17 Fc 1R1 , Concession 1 , be referred. to tr_e Legislation and '3y-law Committee for recomreendation. 7 -?-15 Moved by Coiincill.or Dallas and Deputy Reeve Tink that any inquiries pertaining to t_e sale of Township prnp-rty t,e roferred to the Property 'on.-J, ttee. 73-?-1F Moved by Councillors Dallas and. Baker this Council now adjourn to sit in Cor.,mittee of the 'v,.hole to discuss the proposed .Arena 3uilz.iin?. Council resumed at 5. 50 P.�,. 73-?-17 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that this meeting adjourn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :: . : _ . . ... ..a%-` r. . . . REEVE CLERK