HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-03 Minutes xx IPTOl�a APRIL 3, 1973 Darlington 'township Council met in the Council Chamber on this date , all members present, Leeve 7iickard presiding. 73-4-1 '4oved by Council Baker and Deputy-Reeve Tink that the minutes of the meeting held arch 20, 1973 be adopted as read. 73-4-2 Moved by Councils Baker and that road accounts listed as Voucher '?o. 6, dated _.arch 29 , 1973, in the amount of 51867. 18 be paid. 73-4-3 'Moved by Councillors _,:earn and 3aker that the following properties , be offered for sale by tender: 1. Part Lot 22 , Concession 3, approximately 10 acres. 2. Part lot 4, Concession 7, approximately 1 acre. 3. Part lot 4, Concession 8 , approxi ^ately 1 3/4 acres. 4. Part lots 29 � 30, Concession 1, approximately 4 acres. 5. PD_rt lot 35, Concession 2 , approximately 1 acre. 73-4-4 '4oved by Councillors Dallas and 13aker that, regarding objections to the approval of By-law 2508 filed at the office of the Clerk on 'larch 21 , 19739 this Council' s position retarding each objection is as follows : 1. In view of the extensive commercial uses of adjacent and nearby properties , it appears unlikely that the proposed use would greatly affect values of residential properties. 2. The proposed special zoning is considered to be desirable in cases such as t�is , since a commercial zoning of the entire block could lead to a variety of uses , some of which could be undesirable 'br the view point of owners of residential properties in the block. 3. It appears to be probable that, when residential properties in the area are offered for sale , the commercial nature of the nei_Y_bourhood might enhance values rather than depreciate the-a. 4. The size of the lot appears to be ample to accom.aodate the proposed use. 5. It does not appear likely that the proposed use would add greatly to t>-_e tralf'ic hazard, present or future. 6. It is believed that the proposed type of service store ,could add to tLe sopping convenience of residents of this Towns:Ap. 7. The site plan submitted by t e applicant is certified b;, an Ontario Land Surveyor, therefore it is considered to ce a correct indiction of the lot, as shown in. the 3egistry Office. 8. The site appears to be adecluate in size to accom-iodate the proposed use. 9. The o:rners of the subject property have surtested that aderuate scraer_ing could be provided to protect adjo?niJig properties. 10. It is believed that to rezone a large bloc's such as this would not be good pla;� Ang practice , as it would throw open the whole block to a variet, of co7:aerci_a.l uses. The proposed Paae 2 :aril 3, 1: 73 meeting by-law would restrict use o the lot to a use that appears to be compatible -J it!: uses on adjacent lots. It is noted that other businesses now carried on in the area, would appear likely to contribute :ore to noise and traffic than the proposed use , and also that t'iey carry on business during similar hours. 73-4-5 Moved by Councillors =3aker and r:earn tha' this meetin-, now adjourn. REEVE CLERK