HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-01 Minutes T
K&I"PT01a_ Kwr 17 1973•
Darlington To,,,insbip Council met in tine Council Chamber on
this date, all ,,iembersp.resent exert Councillor -_al.er. ac-eve Rickard
7 3 Ovecd by Deputy-leevo 1-in'- and Counc'_Aor ',.earn that the
1-inutes Of the f,-Ccti.cs hcic:. -;tl, and xA lr *l be adopted as
IrDvcd ty Councillors and Dallas that road -accounts
I P 70 0 �� no e r e
listed as vouch�0 dated !,pril 2'j , 107,_� -711 t- Le a- , unt- f b
7.::^J c(
%_v � r- Deput.y-' eevc I-L -- C un c 4 1�1 c- I',-a'-la s tL Olt 'U he
letter of lori7 l )) I- tr c 01.1::T
:4 n 4 `r of 'ove=en'
vervices in connection v.ith. protected --al- of aPprQxi:..,,,At.ly 100 acres
of land at Pi-c lid,--c wchooll be --efe'rred '1-1c the property com-'rait-tec fcr
study, and that tiie _-;.ctin., CI-1-1- a`;-" Se the 'yinistr- vt.a we let
the-, know our decision shortly.
73-5�, by Councillor �j C, eaid Le-uty-'Ieeve '-ink tlWu- the
letter 'Lro,,.a Gunn dated ,pril Dtli -referring to the sale of lo ,,-,nship
lI -T)7 j ands be r C d o
e-,,, �1,ae ' c'-4- Clerk arzI enclosin, a tenler form.
_11-cr :;�_"_as and Deputy-Reeve T-1-1ill 1
73-5<.- :roved by C ounC4 J�: that the
:inane C o�n�ni'U'Ll e e re or t of i.pr il 23, 1;73, finalize the report of
t,'-,e Commit -ee of tLe ---hole datca Pare 17G-11 19733p be adopted' as read.
loved by C3,unc.' 111-cr Della-s and Dcruty-Reove Tink that the Clerk
be instructed to -'rite L,s':in,- him to proceed to obtain
61' feet of property for to-v;nship road allo-Uance I'.= Steve Jansria and
once t"As has been t,_.1.1nsh_'p will proceed to a. end. the
zoning by-12 .
-7 1,'oved by Deout- --reeve link and Coui�ic` or W a n that rul 7133
be suspended.
9 On motion a By-law to authorize a.-inual allowances for members
of Courci- I and to repeal By-la-,.: i, 21�69 was Civen first, second and tL_Jr0
readings, passed and numbered 2.'10.
leeve -Link 7 -3 '_,,,Dved by Deputy-.v-. and Councillor Dallas that the
meeting adjourn.
. . . . . . . . . . .
c IT