HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-19 Minutes HAHPTON, JUNE 197 1973- Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on tilis ate . Reeve Rickard presiding. 73-6` -1 Moved by Councillors Baker and Wearn that the minutes of the meeting held June 15t... ,1973, be adopted as read. 73-0.1-2 Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy Reeve Tink that this meeting adjourn until 8 P.M. Wednesday , June 20, 1973. R_s-::VE 4kl h.', CLE'ih HAMPTON, JUNE 20, 1973. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Rickard presiding. 73-6C-1 Moved by Councillors Wearn and Baker that the minutes of the meeting of June 19th. , 1973, be adopted as read. 73-6C-2 Moved by Councillors Dallas and Baker that the accounts for the month of May, as listed herewith, be paid : Salaries 31656.67 2,682.21 General 269 ,309.82 Roads 51992.85 19,433.54 Roads Pay List 31589.16 31634.o6 3o3 ,298.31 r 73-6C-3 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that the Clerk write the Minister responsible for the operation of Pine Ridge School to petition that the sale of lands be delayed for one year due to the advent of Regional Government and the re structuring of the four local municipalities. 73-6C-4 On motion a ray-law to authorize the sale of lands no longer required for Municipal purposes was given its First Reading. 73-6'C-4i%. Moved by Deputy Reeve Tink and Councillor learn that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. HA.'PTON, June 20, 1973. Continued. - Page 2 - 73-6C-5 Moved by Councillor Wearn and Deputy Reeve Tink that the 3y-law to authorize the sale of lands no longer required for' ' Municipal purposes be amended as follows: --- delete C. Part of Lot 22, Concession 3, Herman Snyder $12101. - --delete E part of Lot 35, Concession 2, Mary-Lin Holdings Ltd $11250. as not in accordance with Resolution No 73-53-4, May 15, 1973. 73-6C-5y & 6 On _motion a 3y-law to authorize the sale of lands no longer required for Municipal purposes as amended was given its Second and ThirA � d s g g�e , sealed and numbered 2512. 73-6C-718 & 9. On motion a By-law to regulate the erection and use of signs on Township roads was given its several readings , signed, sealed and numbered 2513. 73-6C-10 Moved by Councillor Dallas and Dpeuty Reeve Tink that the Treasurer be instructed to write off as uncollectable taxes totalling $276.30 as shown on the attached list dated May 22 , 1973. 73-6C-11 Moved by Councillors Baker and Wearn that the issuance of permits for the erection and use of signs on Township roads be the responsibility of the By-law Enforcement Officer in consultation with the Road Superintendent. 73-6C-12 Moved by Councillors Baker and Wearn that this meeting adjourn. • e . A� I'J,.�—e'Y\"-��'�i . . . . . . • .��i� Gam_J �. . . REEVE f�CLERK DN - _ °R` s i3 Z - OF essi°n n _ - � of a5 t_e M°Ved by �"" E tr��eted to wr s „-,o`,,n on th Secollded yres,arer be r r X76. 3 t e totals��� iha 1�°title taxeu a` 22 197 ' Upcol dated a,ttacY- 3U3-TOTAL 1+ 3-143 3:;0 TT BID 2 20 5 6-33 li:ll\Tf T V T (:7 ' 1 .7, 1" Rp , ROLL 6 8-38 T TL-I IT RID 3 11 7 13.i3 1 T3P TOId Bp 1 6 550 49.69 2 13-L?_3 TL3 3P 4 24 100 i3. 55 1 �4 Fnll. 3 13-43-4 RT'rID E, 4 24 625 84.6° 3U3-TOTAL 1+ 3-143 3:;0 TT BID 2 20 5 6-33 LTTZ Rp 2 31 6 8-38 T TL-I IT RID 3 11 7 13.i3 niJT'�.]I]3��:1 T3P Li 24 52 5 71 14 T ', . �0 L�:L z ,/O r ON wY 2 2 1973 10 6 33. 12 Prenzses used for bus ir_ess purposes =ay 1 -..uF;. 31 /72 cancel 8 rt:a. tars. Delete fry n 1974 roll. 6.77 Delete_froa 1974 1,oll. Premises used for business purposes fan. 1%72-June 30/72. ancel 6 rnt�,s. taxes. 63.67 Premises used for businE � purposes Jan. 1 i2 Liar. 25/72. Cancel 9 :rc7tais taxes. £34.69 1972 taxes unpd. - not in business (1971 taxes w/0 by risscss. Rev. Crt. ) 3.4-5 1;69 assessed penalty disputed by Litz. 72.74 1972 over-assessment confirmed by -assess. De, t. and adjusted on 1973 :oll. 11 . 6 Premises used ^cr business purposes Jan. 1/72- Oct. 31 /72• Cancel 2 -.cntiis t.-xes. 276.30 Delete from 1 �4 Fnll. £34.69 1972 taxes unpd. - not in business (1971 taxes w/0 by risscss. Rev. Crt. ) 3.4-5 1;69 assessed penalty disputed by Litz. 72.74 1972 over-assessment confirmed by -assess. De, t. and adjusted on 1973 :oll. 11 . 6 Premises used ^cr business purposes Jan. 1/72- Oct. 31 /72• Cancel 2 -.cntiis t.-xes. 276.30