HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-04 Minutes HIA',IPTO?d, SEP^ IDER 41 1973 Darlin ton Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date , all members present, Reeve Rickard presiding. 73-9-1 Lloved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy-Reeve Tink that the minutes of the meeting held August 21 , 1973 be adopted as presented. 73-9-1A Moved by Councillor Dallas and Deputy-Reeve `Pink that road accounts presented to this meetin; as Voucher No. 17 be approved for payment („17, 191 .53) . 73-9-2 'Moved by Councillors Baker and ?;earn that a report presented to this meeting by the Roads Com°littee be adopted by this Council. 73-9-3 -loved by Councillors Baker and ':%,earn that pursuant to a report filed at t_- is meeting by t_!e Roads Co :aittee, the tender for supply of a motor grader submitted by Dominion Road - achinery Co. is accepted at x26 ,857.00 plus x802. 50 for bulldozer blade (option B) and sound suppression cab (optionC) at 7497. 55, being a total price of x28,157.05. 73-9-4 `.loved by Councillors '::'earn and 3aker that the Clerk is instructed tp prepare an amendment to the zoning by-law to re-zone that part of lot 24, Cone. 5, now zoned deferred residential to Residential R1 zone , and tce lands described in a subdivision proposal submitted by Irvine part lot 18, Conc. 8 to Residential R2. 73-9-5 '"loved by Councillor wearn and Deputy-_reeve Tink that a letter fro-ii Hyman Diamond and Fischman having been considered the applicant be informed that the present program does not include any chan_ e in the status of the road referred to in the application. 73-9-6 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that it is hereby certified that By-law 2516 conforms to the Official Plan for Darlington Planning Area, and th t no other Plan or amendment to a Plan has been proposed at this date. 73-9-7 Moved by Councillors Baker and Dallas that it is hereby certified that By-law 2513 conforms to the Official Flan for Darlington Planning '.rea, and that no other plan or amendment to a Plan has been proposed at this date. 73-9-8 :Moved by DeL:-uty-Reeve Tink and Councillor :,earn that it is here».r certified that By-law 2519 conforms to the Official Plar. of Darlington Plannin Area., and that no other plan or amerinent to a plan has been proposed at this date. 73-9-9 Moved by Councillor _;earn and Deputy-Reeve Tink that the Hampton Womens Institute be reccuested to re:~iov: the small buildim, in Ha pton Park, or authorise some other ,,erson to do s - 73-9-10 Noved by Councillor Laker and Deputy-Reeve Tink that this meetin;; adjourn.