HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-27 Minutes T T A t-I') 7 EC`LT E nF, 27, 7073
Darlington r2o�,T, ,,-hip Council met in the 'Iunici-)=.l 1�ulldinz,
on this d,te --ill- =sent 2eeve
b- D-c—,L7' "in7 �n-,'- "ouncillo- that the
I'oveal Jr� - - I - - 1— --
3 be adonter, as read.
za i nut e 2- of 11,�,e iiiec+in�� Meld Dc.cc:---flc.,cr 1�)7
73-12CC-2 !-�nvcd b-,,- C our,c i 11.o r c c r p nr- Dall�.s that accounts for the
1?73, --C, listcd "here"Tith 1-c paid:
Month of Docenber.
L, T,,, 21202. 91
08, . 88
l-'J, r
�-4X,, /-R11 rl
T J ET L — � ,
72, ')92JO
OC) r,0
TO= 72, 5 0 1 0
73-12C-✓ T,'-%,-d b-,, Crn uncil-lo:7� Dail--s ^nZ --, -'rc2 t ,Al- all occ--unts
received after tM-2 date be
Ne-.,-Castle for
7 120-14 by D a p ut y--a c ev c Tine_ 7-f id C o unc J I 1,D r :learn t ha t 7�
letter fi,-)-,i Dr. "orner be --C, that 1---orner be
advised i �'. " - - --I )-- r-=Icr-U�. ovc.r thn- ears
Of ;DUr ap--C.-i-tio-, r ' the
Of her tenure.
2C-r Tiovou Y.y Councillor 'cer, cn,(� -Deputy-Reeve Tink that
Mr-.--Bopter -ba 'advised that dc,-elDn-r,,1ert of SmIL11 parcels of land at
this time is not ad,, isablc, o ever if s.n overall pl��-n be r-resented
on a number of lots the PI-In -,-t uld, be cDr.-ido-red by the
Tol"r. of Newc-�S�Ic.
;loved by Councilors Dallas ?nd Ent er th-t all corresoondmee
pertain-!n.- to the proposed lovlcr �:ubd--Ivisior. -n Solina to fcrj'!-Crlcd
the I
L,D Z - Plpnn = 'oa2d and the Council- of the '2c* n L-,f Nc,:,Cactic
7 C 7 j
11ovcd b- Councillors --'+L:�er an l� 1,1r. I-Ircol 1, be
notified bf a Plannjr— Conl-u'-t=ts rc-,-)rt his subdivision
a--' that the r,.'.p,)rt -,T,*Il be for--arded to he To-,,r- of
- Ir De--
nuty-Reevc T-In'- an Councillor ll-ec.— that "ule
be suspended 0 r -� dur ?+i )n
of this
73-12C-97 10 On motion a 'C 713,t�-orize t�,e aestruction of certain
i,,,cs �i�7= 1tc Several s! -C,7 -c21 -1 and num')ered 2j29.
Moved by Councillor-- D llas anc� ---,,-,kor that final dr,•.winl-s for
the :),+rlin.,-tor- Soorts Centre qrr,icct ,.r, and that Jackson
fen the T)rojeCt
"peS � sCoCjo�eZ T4 Jted2 I are
�A- -,-- the Con--Ultant
authorized to C�� 11
� 11 for f7i- construction of the C
M,��ICI '-'-,7 Councillors Dallas and 'Voar- �,hat in matte-
73-12C-1- " -.1 1 -
of a perms, to re.-Ir-cc b-a--* !'-',in-s dest-D:Tor by fire, I�„s.l. <:•% vicE be
• obtained a^ Soon n-- possible, '-hay :Lr• W. Vivian, the oivncr, be
)-rill bl,
Minis' Trr.rs ,.-)--tatl -n rnC (-,---urlications Io ':hit; +I-
'1 0 C
-r. not by �irs c n,i-'
th�,' it tc Ih7�tl iric:�-.diate
-,id Dc t hat
thicj the lac'- Crn.,uncil of th, tl.c T n-:r s hir. of
D,7 r-7 i n n h J n - r frl r m of- i t
t hc its 6',4 i ",
�r h- br-sl in+,--rcc F
'r. 1 7,-P -,4 ,, lmicl ir
as th, C 2 c
C' -Kc -,Pl in 11 f ie
s C::c
t y oil ric har 10,-) pe-,s
o' e-, Istenco ,
4 k 8 1 t� , p-,'
oVj CC o n�-a o row Iocn c-issnlve
N-Y the terms -f E111 1,62 of t!-Ic lr-isla'.ure of the Provjricc of Ont-.rio,
,=ric- Line Dic. P.: .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .