HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1965
The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at
8:00 p.m. on Monday, October 4th, 1965 at the Council Chamb€rs,
Town Hall with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair.
All members present except Councillor Fice.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, September 7th,
1965 be received and adopted.
1. Russell C. Honey, M.P.:
"This is with further reference to the overhead bridge carrying
Elgin Street over the C.P.R. tracks.
The Minister of Transport has been in touch with the Board of
Transport Commissioners for Canada with reference to this matter,
and has asked them to file a report with the Board as expedit-
iously as possible advising the action which the Railway pro-
poses in replacing this grade separation.
As soon as I have something further to report to Council I will
be in touch with you again."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the letter received from r~. Russell C. Honey, M.P. regard-
ing the Elgin Street bridge be received and filed.
2. Mr. Ted Arends:
"I would like to know if you could do anything about Bernard
Street. It is very bad.
The agreement, if I am not mistaken, was made in 1961. It is
now 1965, close to 1966. Does it really have to take this long?
We have sent in two petitions but never has anything been done
to make this road the way it should be.
It is approx. 250 ft. long.
I pay a fair amount on taxes here. Could you spend a little on
this road to black top it? Even one side would make us very
I paid for water and sewer on our part.
Hoping you can do something for us."
- 2 -
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the letter received from t~. Ted Arends respecting Bernard
Street be received and referred to a Special Meeting to be held
as soon as possible with the Solicitor present.
3. l~ss Donalda Creasser:
"I would like to draw attention to the problem I have with a
tree situated at the front of my property at the above address
(49 Centre Street).
This tree has grown to be a hazard. There are several dead limbs
and one part particularly is dangerous to the wires and the roof
of my house. I would like the tree to be removed.
I would appreciate you bringing this subject up before the
correct committee and my hearing from you in this regard."
4. Yrrs. E. Flaxman:
"On the lot line of the above address (5 Lover's Lane) there is
a large locust tree; near the base it is hollow and it also has
a considerable lean to the East.
We would appreciate it if this tree was inspected, it being the
general opinion that it is in a dangerous condition.
Please advise us as soon as possible."
5. Bowmanville Public School Board:
"At the last regular meeting of the Bowmanville Public School
Board, the condition of trees near Central Public School ~as
The trees on the east side of Elgin Street between Wellington
and Horsey Streets and on the south side of Horsey Street between
Elgin and Lowe Streets are in bad condition. Some trees are al-
most dead and others have many dead branches. The trees con-
stitute a hazard as the branches fall during a windstorm.
Could your Works Department look at the trees in question and
take appropriate action to remedy the problem please?"
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the letters received from Miss Donalda Creasser, Mrs. E.
Flaxman and the Bowmanville Public School Board respecting trees,
be received and referred to the Roads & Streets Committee with
power to act is needed.
6. Consumers' Gas Company:
"You will recall that under date of August 11, 1964 we forwarded
you a copy of the Ontario Energy Board's Order E.B.R.O. #87,
approving a new schedule of rates to take effect on and after
October 1, 1964. That Order by its terms was to be effective
for not more than one year.
- 3 -
We now have filed an Application, copy of which is enclosed
herewith, with the Board requesting a further Interim Order to
continue the present rates approved by E.B.R.O. #87 for a
further period of not more than one year and have been advised
by the Board that it will deal with the matter on the 29th day
of September, 1965, at 2:00 p.m. at its Chambers, 790 Bay Street,
Toronto 2, Ontario."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the letter from The Consumers' Gas Company, dated September
21st, 1965, be received and filed.
7. Department of Municipal Affairs:
"We enclose one copy of the above-noted proposed amendment
which has been submitted for the approval of the Minister under
the provisions of Section 12 of The Planning Act.
This application is referred to you in order that you may
examine it and advise us whether it will affect any of your
present or future plans. Your comments on any matter in which
you have an interest would be much appreciated.
In an attempt to reduce to a minimum the time required in
processing applications for approval, we ask your co-operation
in hastening your reply. If we do not receive any comment from
you within thirty days from the date of this letter, we will
assume that you have no objections to the subject proposal. If
you have comments but you require further time to prepare them,
a written request, with reasons, for an extension of time will
be considered.
Will you please return this copy of the proposed amendment to
us when replying?"
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs, respect-
ing the Proposed Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the
Township of Darlington, be received and filed.
8. Ontario Building Officials Association:
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the letter from the Ontario Building Officials Association
be received and filed.
9. Oshawa and District Construction Exchange:
"I am sure you are aware of the activities of the above
The "Oshawa & District Construction Exchange" is composed of
"General Contract ors", "Trade Contract ors 11 and 11 Mat erials Supply
Firms", together with such other Gentlemen whom we honour with
the title of Honorary members.
- 4 -
It is our wish that your Council approve the membership of "His
Worship the lJIayor of Bowmanville" and the "Town Engineer" to
this Honorary title.
I would like it understood, this membership would in no way
involve the persons concerned in any controversy, or effect
their relations with any particular firms or organization. '.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the letter from the Oshawa & District Construction Exchange,
dated September 21st, 1965, be received and turned over to the
Industrial Chairman for investigation and report back as soon
as possible.
10. Department of Municipal Affairs:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the material received from the Department of Municipal
Affairs respecting the Winter Works Incentive Program for
1965-66 be received and filed.
11. The Minister of Highways:
"I am pleased to announce that the Department of Highways will
continue its training program for Municipal Employees during
the coming training season.
Six courses will be offered in March, 1966, as detailed on the
attached application forms.
The expenses of persons attending these courses will be eligible
for subsidy up to a limit of ten cents per mile car allowance,
$4.50 per day for accommodation and $3.50 per day for meals.
These are the amounts allowed Department personnel attending
similar courses.
I trust that your Council is aware of the value of this type of
training and will take advantage of this opportunity to develop
its construction staff."
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the letter received from The Minister of Highways, dated
September 1st, 1965, respecting a training program for Municipal
Employees be received and filed.
12. Strike & Strike:
"Re: Town By-law 1909 8.nd charges against MacLean and McGee.
Magistrate R. B. Baxter gave judgment in this case on Tuesday,
September 28th, and dismissed the charges against the accused on
the basis that the by-law does not cover the door-to-door soli-
citing of magazine subscriptions. In giving judgment His Worship
commented that he had considered The Municipal Act and could find
no other section empowering the Town of pass a by-law which would
cover the sale of magazines and he drew to our attention Section
- 5 -
395 (5) as a specific section dealing with magazines and news-
papers which does not offer a remedy as far as door-to-door
sales are concerned.
I believe that the Town recently passed a by-law to govern the
activities of transient traders under Section 401 (16) of The
Municipal "ct and it is my feeling that a conviction against a
person for soliciting magazine subscriptions might be sustained
under the transient traders by-law.
I am sending a copy of this letter to Chief Kitney for his
consideration and will discuss the transient traders by-law
with him."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the letter from Strike & Strike respecting By-law No. 1909
be received and that Mr. Strike be asked to report at a special
meeting which is to be arranged.
13. Ralph Howe:
"Liberty Street North is a very dangerous road to walk on.
There are over 100 children that live on this road and they have
to walk on the road because there is no sidewalk and no ditch or
shoulder of road wide enough to walk on. Therefore the road
should be widened and a larger culvert to carry the water away.
There has to be an 8 ft. shoulder on the road and gravelled for
the children to walk on safely."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the letter received from Mr. Ralph Rowe, regarding Liberty
Street North, be received and left with the Deputy Reeve to
check with County Council and report back.
14. Ontario Water Resources Commission:
"Further to a discussion our i'1lr. R. C. Hore had with you recent-
ly, we wish to request permission to install an observation well
on the park grounds adjacent to Lord Elgin School on Fourth
Street. This well is to be one of a number of wells installed
by the Ontario Water Resources Commission in the Bowmanville,
Soper and Wilmot creeks drainage basins, as part of the Inter-
national Hydrologic Decade Program.
The well will consist of two-inch tubing inside a six-inch collar,
and it will be measured by hand with a tape. This well could be
located in any area of the park convenient to your municipality.
As we plan to commence drilling in the drainage basins in the
near future, an early reply to our request for permission would
be appreciated. If you have any questions relative to the above
request, please direct future correspondence or communications
to Mr. R. C. Hore, Geologist, River Basin Research Program,
Division of Water Resources, Ontario Water Resources Commission,
801 Bay Street, Toronto 5, Ontario."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the letter from the Ontario Water Resources Commission,
- 6 ~
dated October 1st, 1965, be referred to the Public Property
Committee for consideration and report.
15. Town of Renfrew:
ItThe Town of Renfrew has been considering, for the past few
months, a change from permanent Firemen to Volunteer Firemen.
Vie note that your Municipality operates with Volunteers. It
has been decided that the Fire Committee of the Town of Renfrew
visit your Municipality, as well as others, to investigate the
pros and cons of a Volunteer Fire Brigade. We expect to call
on you Monday, a.m., October 18th, 1965, if this is satisfactory
with you.1t
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the letter from the Town of Renfrew be received and that
we advise them that the Fire Committee will be pleased to meet
with them on the date they suggested.
1. Welfare Department:
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the report of the Welfare Department for the month of
September, 1965 be received and adopted.
2. Building Inspector:
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the report of the Building Inspector for the month of
September, 1965 be received and adopted.
3. Roads & Streets Department:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the report of the Roads & Streets Department for the month of
August, 1965 be received and adopted.
4. Police Department:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the reports of the Police Department for the months of
August and September 1965 be received and adopted.
- 7 -
5. Dog Control:
Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the reports of the Dog Gon~rol Officer for the months of
August and September, 1965, be rece~ved and adopted.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the report of the Finance Committee, dated September 16th,
1965, be received and adopted.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the accounts of the PAID PRIOR in the amount of $56,015.03
be and are hereby passed for payment.
In ~mendment it was:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the accounts for mileage for the Police Chief be not
The original motion as amended was then put and CARRIED.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the accounts of the FINANCE DEPT. in the total amount of
$352.91 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the accounts of the DOG CONTROL DEPT. in the total amount
of $~ be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the accounts of the FIRE DEPT. in the total amount of
$26.07 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the accounts of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of
$491.75 be and are hereby passed for payment.
- 8 -
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the accounts of the PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPT. in the total
amount of $147.01 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the accounts of the WELFARE DEPT. in the total amount of
$1.491.01 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THAT the accounts of the ROADS & STREETS DEPT. in the total
amount of $15.121.27 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following By-laws:
1. A By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to
authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improve-
ments under the Local Improvement Act.
2. A By-law to repeal By-law No. 1938.
3. A By-law to authorize the construction of a Works Department
Building and to provide for the borrowing of $53,727.00 upon
debentures therefore.
4. A By-law to appoint one member to the Bowmanville Library
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the By-laws be read a first time, referred to Council in
Committee of the Whole and read a second time, Mayor in the Chair.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT we rise and report successful second reading of the By-laws
in Committee of the Whole.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-
law to authorize the construction of a Works Department Building
and to provide for the borrowing of $53,727.00 upon debentures
therefore, be received and adopted, the same be now referred to
the Ontario Municipal Board for approval prior to the third and
final reading thereof and that said By-law be numbered B/L No. 1946.
. IX
- 9 -
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Rundle.
TH~T the report of Council in the Committee of the Whole on the
By-laws be received and adopted, the same be now read a third
time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed and
numbered as follows:
1. A By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to
authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improve-
ments under the Local Improvement Act. B/L No. 1943.
2. A By-law to repeal By-law No. 1938.
BIL No. 1944.
3. A By-law to appoint one member to the Bowmanville Library
Board. BIL No. 1945.
1. Bernard Street:
This matter is to be considered at a special meeting to be
arranged with the Town Solicitor.
2. Sturrock Road:
This matter is to be held in abeyance pending advise from the
3. Local Improvements:
As all the local improvements have been completed or are nearing
completion, this item is to be removed from future agenda.
4. By-law 1916:
This matter remains left on the table.
5. Referred to Roads & Streets:
The following matters have been considered by the Committee and
are being proceeded with:
(1) Prospect Street - drainage.
(2) Lamb's Lane - drainage.
(3) Victoria Street - drainage.
(4) Southway Drive - drainage.
(5) !~s. T. J. Newman matter.
The following items have yet to be considered by the Committee:
(1) Guy Leblanc - driveway.
(2) Beech Avenue - parking.
(3) Mearns Avenue - C.P.R. Crossing.
- 10 -
6. Traffic Committee Report:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT 1. Items 1,2,3, of the report dated September 7, 1965 be
referred to the 1966 Council.
2. Items 4, 5, 6 be adopted.
3. Item 7 be discussed with the sub-divider concerned.
4. Item 8 has already been approved.
5. Item 9 be referred to the 1966 Council.
6. Item 10 be omitted and referred back to the Committee.
7. Items 11, 12, 13, & 14 be adopt ed .
7. New Public Library: Progress was reported.
8. Works Department Shed: Progress was reported.
9. Centennial Application:
"Your application, dated J1.Ugust 4, 1965, has been given careful
consideration by the Centennial ,tdvisory Committee and Cabinet
Centennial Committee and it was decided that the purchase of
furniture, books and shelving for an existing library did not
constitute a suitable project for commemorating the Centennial.
Generally speaking, the Cabinet Centennial Committee of Ontario
and the Centennial Commission in Ottawa prefer to see projects
which are of an historical, cultural, architectural or recreat-
ional nature, and in this light, projects falling within the
normal municipal works field are not acceptable. In the case
of your project, you will see from Section 5 of the Memorandum
by the Minister dated December 27, 1963 that furniture is an
ineligible item of cost for any project, and the books and
shelving expenditures would hardly constitute a capital work
as envisaged in Section 3 of the Memorandum.
I am sure the Cabinet Centennial Committee would like to see
your Municipality participate in this programme and I should be
glad if you will let me know by return mail whether or not your
Town will be submitting an alternative project for consideration."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THAT no action be taken in respect to the Centennial Grant and
that the Department be so advised.
10. C.P.R. Bridge - Elgin Street:
This matter was reported on when communication No. 1 was con-
sidered. In addition it was:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT we request the C. P. R. to erect proper baracades.
- 1) -
11. Third Street Lots:
It was reported that Solicitor was communicating with the
Department in regard to this item.
12. Conservation Authority Matter:
This item has been referred to the Reeve to discuss with County
13. Special Committee:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT His vJorship appoint a Committee of three to investigate
the possibility and feasibility of the Corporation securing an
automobile for exclusive municipal transportation.
Committee Appointed: Con. Hooper, Reeve Stevens, Con. Chant
& I~ayor Hobbs.
14. Armistice Day:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the matter of Poppy Day be left with the Police Committee
with power to make necessary arrangements.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT we do now adjourn - 9:05 p.m.
Moved by
Seconded by
MEETING HELD October 4. 1965.
THAT: The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday. September
7th, 1965 be received and adopted.
Reeve Little Con. Hughes
Deputy Reeve Stevens Con. Fice
Con. Chant Con. Rundle
Con. Hooper Con. Prout
Mayor Hobbs