HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/05/1965
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The regular monthly meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened
at 3:00 p.m~ on Monday, July 5th, 1965 at the Council Chambers,
Town Hall with His Worship Mayor Ivan M, Hobbs in the Chair.
All members present.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the minutes of the meetings held on June 7th and 21st,
1965 be received and adopted.
1. Royal Canadian Legion:
Mr. Keith Ferguson and Maurice Conway representing the Bowman-
ville Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion appeared before
Council to present a portrait of Her Majesty the Queen, a Union
Jack and a new Canadian Flag to be used in the Town Hall Council
Chambers. His \Jorship the Mayor on behalf of the Council thanked
these gentlemen for this presentation following which it was:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the Clerk be instructed to formally offer a vote of "Thanks"
to the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion for their kind-
ness in furnishing a Portrait of the Queen, a Union Jack and a
Canadian Flag for the Council Chambers.
2. Ontario Street Sidewalk:
Mr. Dempsey, P. Eng., was present at the meeting at Council's
request to discuss anticipated drainage problems which were
purported would develop following construction of the proposed
sidewalk on Ontario Street from Nelson Street to Liberty Street.
Mr. Dempsey confirmed the thought that drainage problems would
result when the sidewalk was constructed. Following a lengthy
discussion it was:
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT Mr. Dempsey be requested to prepare cost estimates to effect
proper drainage and driveway approaches in conjunction with the
sidewalk proposed for the west side of Ontario Street from Nelson
Street to Liberty Street.
--- 3. Liquor License Petition:
The Clerk reported that a petition submitted under the prOV1S1ons
of the Liquor License Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 213, Section
72(2) had been certified sufficient by him on the 23rd day of
June. He reported that the petition represented 46.6% of those
eligible to sign.
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Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the Petition submittee under the Provisions of the Liquor
License Act, having been certified sufficient by the Clerk, be
recieved and that the necessary notification be effected to
the Liquor License Board for necessary action.
I. City of Oshawa:
"I acknowledge with thanks your letter of June 9th, 1965 inform-
ing me of the appointments of the Council of the Town of Bowman-
ville to the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board. A by-law
will be passed by Oshawa City Council on June 23th confirming
the appointments and setting up the Board. Following passing
of the by-law, application will be made to the Minister of
Municipal Affairs for approval and Mr. D. Newman will then call
the first meeting of the Board. It
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the letter received from the City of Oshawa, dated June 23,
1965, be received and filed.
2. Mrs. M. Killeen et al:
"We have attended two sessions of Town Council recently and we
are very surprised and disgusted at the general lack of parlia-
mentary procedure in evidence.
From our earliest years in Grade School we were instructed in
the proper way to conduct a meeting and it was with considerable
amazement that we witnessed these elected representatives carry-
ing out the business of our town in such a crude and often in-
audible manner.
Since we, as taxpayers, have been urged to attend council meet-
ings to understand more fully the problems and duties of Council
we felt that perhaps the elected representatives would have at
least made an attempt to be cordial and receptive to suggestions
from the floor.
It seemed to us that anyone who has come to the meeting with a
suggestion of some new endeavour, which might be of benefit to
the town, should receive more than obvious criticism from the
members of Council, who apparently have already decideu on each
What encouragement,is given to the taxpayers and future taxpayers
of this town, when after they have presented their suggestions
in an orderly fashion and conducted themselves with dignity and
good manners, they receive from Council negative views and per-
sonal interrogation is allowed?
We realize that the people who are elected to act on the Town
Council are not highly trained politicians and that they do spend
many long hours discussing the business of our municipality, but
surely it is not too much to ask that they, as our elected re-
presentatives, spend some time and thought on the manner in which
they conduct public meetings.
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We would appreciate an early reply from Council regarding your
views on these matters. If you wish us to be more specific in
our criticism we will be pleased to point out where an improve-
ment would be appreciated.
We also feel that this matter should be brought before the
public via the press, if the situation is not corrected, so that
individuals with the intention of approaching council may be
prepared for their reception.
We do want, however, to give you, Mr. ~fuyor and members of
Council, a chance to accept our criticism in a constructive way
and benefit from it for the betterment of our community."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the letter from Mrs. M. Killeen et aI, dated June 10th,
1965, be received and filed.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the letter from Mrs. M. Killeen be received and that we
reply advising that any advise they may wish to offer in respect
to Parliamentary Procedure will be received at a future Council
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT we reconsider this matter.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the letter received from Mrs. M. Killeen, dated June 10,
1965, be tabled.
3, Board of Transport Commissioners:
"Reference is made to your letter of May 6, 1965 relative to
the above noted project.
You are requested to advise the Board of the conditions which
you consider hazardous at this subway, as well as the number of
vehicles using the subway in a 24 hour period. If the existing
subway should be widened and improved, then you should conduct
a traffic study to determine the requirements of the road at the
subway. Upon receiving this information, arrangements will be
made to have the subway inspected by an Engineer of the Board.
Under the provisions of Section 265 of the Railway Act and amend-
ments thereto, the Board of Transport Commissioners may authorize
a grant from the Railway Grade Crossing Fund of 50% of the cost
of reconstruction of the subway and approaches thereto, not to
exceed $250,000.00, for the protection, safety and convenience of
the public, with the balance of costs being apportioned as mutual-
ly agreed between the Town and the Railway concerned, or if such
agreement should not be reached, by an Order of the Board. Of
course, the granting of any contribution from the Fund is a matter
of discretion to be exercised by the Board.
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To enable the Board to determine if a contribution can be made
towards the reconstruction of a subway, you are requested to
submit an application and plan showing all pertinent information
in accordance with General Order E-5, copy attached, as well as
an estimate in reasonable detail. Also enclosed to assist you
in the preparation of an estimate is a copy of General Order
E-8. The Railway Act also provides that the Board may give con-
sideration to authorizing a grant from the Fund towards the cost
of removing or relocating the facilities of Utility Companies or
Commissions which may be affected by the reconstruction. Your
further submissions should indicate the names and head offices
of any utilities which may be affected in accordance with Clause
2 of General Order E-5."
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the letter received from the Board of Transport Commissioners
for Canada, respecting the Subway under the C.P.R. on Liberty
Street, be received and that we ask Mr. Dempsey to estimate the
cost of preparing the reports outlined in this communication.
As an amendment it was:
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice;
THAT the Police be asked to effect the Traffic Count by auto-
mated means as also requested by the Board letter.
The Amendment was put and adopted following which the original
motion as amended was presented and CARRIED.
4. Strike & Strike:
"Further to our advice by telephone yesterday, we enclose here-
with duplicate original copy of Order of the Municipal Board,
dated Friday, June 11th, proving zoning zoning amendment by-law
1916 as amended by 1934 and 1937.
As requested, we have considered further paragraph 10 of the
original by-law 1916, which was withdrawn and which purported
to rezone Lot 15, Block lIon Ontario Street, from residential
to commercial. The objection from the Community Planning Branch
which was made to the Ontario Municipal Board to this change,
was as follows:
'It is doubtful whether the establishment of a single lot for
commercial purposes beside an existing non-conforming use main-
tains the intent of the plan to provide local commercial facili-
ties "concentrated in well-designed, properly located shopping
centres" in residential areas. The plan also states that "it
is intended that provisions will be made by subsequent amendment
of this plan to determine the location of such shopping centres
well in advance of residential development". Thus, the proposed
by-law would definitely seem to be contrary to the intent of the
plan. '
Any amendment to the official plan would have to be contrary to
the wording that has already been approved to the effect that all
commercial development in a residential district should be con-
centrated in "well designed properly located shopping centres"
and it is rather doubtful if an amendment to specifically allow
the lot in question would pass as an amendment to the official
plan or that the Department of Planning and Development would
permit a clause being inserted in the plan which would permit
spot commercial development for particular properties in resident-
ial zones.
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In addition we see a further objection in the zoning by-law it-
self which would prohibit the use of the property in question
as a store even though it was zoned commercial. The require-
ments in a commercial zone are as follows:
Minimum lot area 10,000 square feet.
Minimum area free of buildings 6,000 square feet.
Front yards 60 feet for the established building line but not
less than 8 feet.
For a separate building without a side wall a side yard of 20
feet and a rear yard of 50 feet where the property adjoins the
residential area (except in commercial areas already built up
by October 1961) (Sections 10 (b) (I) 10 (e).
Parking facilities under Paragraph 13 - all of the front yard
except a 6 foot sidewalk along the front wall of the building.
It would appear that the property in question if it has any
size building on it could not meet the 20 foot side yards on
each side as this would leave only 26 feet in width for the
house building itself. If this requirement can be met then
this objection is not valid but there would of course still be
the problem of obtaining an amendment to the official plan
through the Community Planning Branch of the Department of
Municipal Affairs.
We would be obliged if you would take this matter up with Council
once again before the Town proceeds to amend the official plan.
In any event, amendment of the official plan is a function of
the Planning Board and its recommendation in consideration of
the actual wording of the amendment should be considered and
the Department of Municipal ,Sfairs will insist on this. This
may be a further bar to the proposed amendment being successful
as we understand that the Planning Board was against the zoning
amendment originally.
We await your further instructions herein."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the letter received from Strike & Strike respecting By-law
No. 1916, dated June 18, 1965, be received and tabled until the
next meeting.
5. Mr. R. Gropp:
"With moving to Tillsonburg, it is with regret that I tender my
resignation as a member of the Library Board as at June 30, 1965.
I might say that I have enjoyed my association with the other
members of ' the Board and wish them every success in the establish-
ment of the new Library."
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the resignation of Mr. R. Gropp from the Library Board be
received with regret and that the Striking Committee be authorized
to effect the necessary replacement.
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6. Town of Whitby:
"I am directed to advise you that the Corporation of the Town
of Whitby, Ontario at its regular Council Meeting held on the
15th day of t~rch adopted the following resolution, a copy of
which is forwarded for your Council's endorsation or otherwise:
'THAT WHEREAS the cost of education has reached alarming pro-
AND wHEREAS the Minister for Education in Ontario has stated
that this cost spiral will increase at a much greater rate,
AND WHEREAS small municipalities with a limited and unbalanced
assessment potential, must compete with larger centres in order
to acquire qualified teaching staff,
AND WHEREAS this action necessitates a higher mill rate which
in turn makes it more difficult to attract new industry which
might ease the burden on the home owner,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Government of Ontario be
petitioned to set in motion immediately a grant programme which
would restore equity in the field of Education within the pro-
vince, and which would ensure that each student has an equal
educational opportunity, and at the same time release much need-
ed funds so that other essential municipal services, such as
police protection, street maintenance, and sanitation, be main-
tained in a manner suited to our manner of living,
AND THAT copies of this resolution be forwarded to all munici-
palities in Ontario request ing a reply. "t
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the resolution received from the Town of Whitby respecting
the cost of Education, dated }~ay 18, 1965, be received and
7. Kenneth R. Lemon:
"I am interested in buying some good used lumber and have been
enquiring into the possibility of purchasing the old booth-dance
hall at Bowffianville East Beach.
After making several contacts there seems to be some difference
of opinionas to who the rightful owner is. There seems to be
no doubt however that taxes on this building are approx. four
years in arrears.
This building has been condemned for some time and in my opinion
is definitely a safety hazard for young children. It would be
an asset if this place were torn down and completely cleaned up.
This I would be willing to do and for which I would pay the town,
or who may be concerned, a nominal fee.
I would appreciate your looking into this matter at your earliest
possible convenience."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the letter received from Kenneth R. Lemon, dated June 17th,
1965, be received and held for check with Strike.
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8w Town of Tilbury:
"I h3.ve been directed to 'ldvise you that the Corporation of the
Town of Tilbury, Cntario, at its regular council meeting held
on April 26th, 1965, adopted the following resolution, which
is forwarded for your Council's endorsation or comments:
'TH,~T imEREAS, it does not appear to be equitable for all Muni-
cipalities in the prov~sion of Police protection,
ANQ WHEREAS. the Town of Tilbury paid nine mills on the is assess-
ment for their police protection,
fiNO wHEREAS, the adjoining built-up areas, in the surrounding
Townships have Police protection provided by the Provincial
Police, albeit at a lower standard, and paid by the Province,
at no charge to the mill ratej
AND WHEREAS, the adjoining built-up areas, hesitate to lose
their privileged position. and do not wish to join the Town
and share the benefits of a larger administr'ltion unit, because
it will be more costly to them on account of Police protection,
RE~OLVEij THAT, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the
Town of Tilbury. petitions the Government of Ontario to grant
a subsidy to Municipalities providing their own Police protection
in an amount that would be equivilent to the cost of providing
Provincial Police protection to the rural Townships so that no
citizen will be in a more privileged position, in respect to
the cost of equivilent police protection, and further that a
copy of this resolution be presented to the Ontario I~'lyors and
Reeves ;\ssociation, the Ontario Munici~al Association and the
Counci15 of other Ontario Towns and Cities be requested to en-
dorse this resolution. '
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con, Fice.
THAT the resolution received from the Town of Tilbury respect-
ing Police matters. dated June 14.". 1965. be received and endorsed.
9. Frank Hooper et al;
"On behalf of the residents who petitioned you re the coffee
house we would like to take this opportunity to thank the members
of Council for their kindness in listening to our problems.
We were much impressed by the manner in which Council listened
to both sides of the story and also asked questions before making
any decision.
As this was th€ first meeting th'lt ffi3.ny of us have attended we
were very much impressed with the manner in which all business
was handled.
As you are probably aware of the final outcome of the coffee
there is no need to go into the details, but again we would like
to thank Council for all their help in this matter.
In closing we would like to say that if this is the way that
Council handles all business then Bowmanville should be very
proud to have elected representatives such 3.S these men whose
job is never done."
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Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Prout.
THkT the letter from Frank Hooper and others, dated the 5th
day of July, 1965, be received and filed.
10; William E. Luxton!
"I would like to have the curb removed and also the museum sign
in front of my driveway at 145 Liborty Street South."
Moved by Con. Hooper; seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT we authorize a curb cut for a driveway and replacement of
the Museum sign as requested by Mr. Luxton's letter of July 2nd,
1. Welfare Department:
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the report of the Welfare Department for the month of
June 1965 be received and adopted.
2. Building Inspector:
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the report of the Building Inspector for the month of June
1965 be received and adopted.
3. Roads & Streets Departmel;lt:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the report of the Roads & Streets Department for the period
ending May 31, 1965 be received and adopted.
4. Health Unit:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for the
month of May 1965 be received and filed for future reference.
1. Finance Committee:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the report of the Finance Committee, dated June 17th, 1965,
be received and adopted.
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Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Prout.
THRT the letter from Frank Hooper and others, dated the 5th
day of July, 1965. be received and filed,
10. William E. Luxton:
"I would like to have the curb removed and also the museum sign
in front of my driveway at 145 Liberty Street South."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT we authorize a curb cut for a driveway and replacement of
the Museum sign as requested by Mr. Luxton's letter of July 2nd,
1. Welfare Department:
Moved by Con, Rundle, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the report of the Welfare Department for the month of
June 1965 be received and adoptE,d.
2. Building Inspector:
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the report of the Building Inspector for the month of June
1965 be received and adopted.
3. Roads & Streets Departme~t:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the report of the Roads & Streets Department for the period
ending May 31, 1965 be received and adopted.
4. Health Unit:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for the
month of May 1965 be rsceived and filed for future reference.
1. Finance Committee:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the report of the Finance Committee, dated June 17th, 1965,
be received and adopted.
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2. Roads & Streets Committee:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the report of the Roads & Streets Committee, dated July 5,
1965, be received and adopted.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the accounts of the PAID PRIOR in the total amount of
~~68. 707.24 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the accounts of the FINANCE DEPT. in the total amount of
$3.327.43 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the accounts of the DOG CONTROL DEPT. in the total amount
of $13.28 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the accounts of the FIRE DEPT. in the total amount of
~27.95 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the accounts of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of
~412.44 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the accounts of the PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPT. in the total amount
of $223.80 be and are passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the accounts of the WELFARE DEPT. in the total amount of
~1.261.45 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the accounts of the ROADS & STREETS DEPT. in the total amount
of $7.484.92 be and are hereby passed for payment.
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1. Bernard Street:
The Clerk is to check the status of this matter with the
Town Solicitor and report.
2. Sturrock Road:
3. Local Improvements:
4. Matters Referred to Roads & Streets:
(1) Prospect Street - drainage.
(2) Lamb's Lane - drainage and widening.
(3) Victoria Street - drainage.
(4) Southway Drive - drainage.
(5) I~s. F. W. Nelles.
(6) ~ws. T. J. Newman.
(7) Prince Street - drainage.
(8) Washington Place - paving.
5. ~~tters Referred to Traffic Advisory Board:
(1) Scugog-King Intersection.
(2) Hydro Pole at Scugog-Queen Intersection.
6. New Library:
7. Works Department Shed:
8. Centennial Committee:
9. Dump Signs:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT new signs, with the same wording as on the one in the
Municipal Dump, be posted as soon as possible at the Municipal
Dump on Jackmans Road and on the property owned by the Town
on the Lake Road, the colouring of said signs to be black and
10. August Council Meeting:
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the regular meeting of Council for August be convened
on Monday, August 16, 1965.
11. Liberty Street Drainage:
Drainage problems were presented in respect to numbers 25 and
79 Liberty Street North.
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Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TH"T these drainage matters be referred to the Roads and
Streets Committee for their consideration.
12. Gordon G. McMurter:
"There is a large maple tree in front of my property at 73
Ontario Street that looks quite unsafe.
Would you bring this up at the next Council meeting so that the
proper people could inspect this tree to see if it needs action
taken or not re removal.
Thank you for your attention to this matter."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by deeve Little.
THAT the tree condition brought to our attention by ~~. McMurter's
letter and also the one at the northwest corner of Church and
Ontario Streets be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee
with power to act.
13. Ontario Mayors and Reeves Conference:
His Worship the Mayor reported on the attendance of the Reeve
and Himself at the recent Conference of the Ontario Mayors and
Reeves Association held recently in Kitchener. His Worship
stated that considerable prepared material furnished at the
conference would be on file in the Clerk's office should the
Press or the members of Council wish to read it.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT we offer a vote of thanks to His V{orship for the report on
the Ontario 1'1ayors and Reeves Conference.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. on motion of Con. Hooper,
seconded by Con. Hughes.