HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/1965 . . . . IV Page 4 COUNCIL MINUTES The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 19th, 1965, in the Council Chambers, Town Hall with His liorship Mayor Ivan 1<1. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Con. Hooper. I LORD'S PRAYER: II ROLL CALL: III ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, April 5th, 1965, be received and adopted. "CARRIED" PETITIONS & DEPUTATIONS: Mr. Rex Walters acted as spokesman for a delegation of the Rotary Club in support of their recent application to Town Council to have their Park Project declared a Centennial Pro- ject and thereby eligible for the Centennial Grant. The follow- ing are the remarks made by j~. Walters: "Mayor Hobbs and Members of Council We have requested this hearing from you in an endeavour to interest you in participating in a project which should greatly benefit our Town; the citizens of Bowmanville, and surrounding area. vie are referring naturally to the purchase and develop- ment of the park area at the old Cream of Barley mill. The purchase of the present 17 plus acres is a direct responsi- bility of the Rotary Club, and this obligation will be dis- charged by that Club. Unfortunately, however, this Club cannot afford the cost of purchase and development simultaneously, and therefore development would have, of necessity to be delayed for several years unless financial assistance becomes available. In this regard we suggest that the Centennial Grant could not be put to better use than toward development of an area which could provide recreation and relaxatimn space for citizens, young and old. \.Je also believe, in light of experience in other towns, that it would attract visitors and tourists to this area, a fact that could be of financial benefit to local merchants. It has never been intended that this project be associated with ~ organization only, but rather should be representative of the entire community, with the Town's Park Board, Department of Recreation, and Service Clubs all participating to develop and maintain a Town asset of top calibre. In keeping with the foregoing proposal, no detailed development planning has been done as yet, but it is hoped that such plan- ning by the composite groups suggested would commence in the near future. In time, we believe it will become necessary to extend the park north to Hwy. #2, and south to the Base Line road for the benefit of a growing community and possibly such expansion should be included in the early planning. '. -. . . Page 5 -2. area has been selected, as again it is is important and should emanate from the No name for this park felt that this matter composite committee. The property currently possesses a large 3-storey brick building _ in good condition _ which offers many possibilities for recr- eation purposes; a small concrete building, suitable for storage of such equipment as picnic tables, etc., and a frame residence which with minor improvements would be suitanle for renting, or as a house for a park caretaker. Parking areas could be planned within the grounds to relieve parking problems associated with most sport or recreation activities held in town. As the Rotary Club enjoyed the initial opportunity to enter this project, you naturally have heard from this organization only up till now, but as a result of a preliminary meeting of Heads of all the service clubs in Town as well as the Chamber of Com- merce, it is believed that all of these local organizations support the idea of this project. As a matter of history, we believe you will agree that such pro- jects as (a) the installation of artificial ice in our arena, or (b) the establishment of a modern library in Bowmanville, re- present excellent examples of mutual co-operation between Town Council and Service Clubs, and on this basis it is hoped that this present council can visualize the ~roposed park project as being of equal value to our community. In conclusion, we urge your most serious consideration of this park project as being appropriate for Bowmanville's Centennial Project." Considerable discussion ensued following which it was: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the Rotary Club be requested to give some indications of the potential cost or Vlhat could be accomplished in the park at a total estimated cost of approximately (!24,000.OO. "CARRIED" v COMMUNICAT IONS: 1. Glenholme School: " As you know the City of Oshawa is operating a school for men- tally retarded children. Under the Provincial Act, a special Authority was set up and became responsible for the school as of January 1 of this year. The Provincial government pays 80 per cent of the cost. The re- maining 20 per cent is to be shared between the Municipalities that are using the services of the school. At the time we made our budget there were 40 children in the school. Thirty-three of them were from the city of Oshawa, four were from Darlington, and three from Bowmanville. The total budget for the school has been estimated at $34,462.94. To arrive at the share for the three municipalities, the budget has been divided in tow divisions--one for the operation of the school, the other for transportation. Since Bowmanville and Dar- lington are pooling their transportation to the school, this is entirely separate from the trans~ortation for Oshawa. I have figured Bowmanville and Darlington transportation, and pro-rated it for the seven children coming from these two municipalities. - ..' . . . Page 6 -3- The transportation charge for Bowmanville is $205.72. Your share of the general operation of the school is ~402.19, making the total cost for Bowmanville $607.91, and if it is of interest, the Oshawa share is $5,474.14. I am sorry that we have been a little late in getting this in- formation to you, but I understand from ~w. Thompson of the Bowma nville School Board that you are acquainted with the pro- blem and that you are anticipating the charge. We have already received money in advance from the City of Oshawa and from the Department of Education in Toronto. I do not know just how you might wish to make the payments on your share of the budget. I shall look forward to hearing from you." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter received from Glenholme School, dated April 13, 1965 respecting school cost for mentally retarded children, be received and acknowledged and the account to paid. "CARRIED" 2. Kinsme~ Club of Bowffianville: "In your letter of April 6, 1965, permission was given to the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club to block off Division Street from King Street to Church Street from 6:00 p.m. until midnight on l~y 23th, 1965, for the purpose of holding a Street Bingo. Mr. Geo. Vice, on behalf of the Rotary Club, after reading the notice in the paper, contacted our club regarding their planned recital in the Trinity United Church on this same evening. The Rotary Club asked us to see if it were possible to change our location to Temperance Street for the Street Bingo. If you feel the above change cannot be made, we thank you again for allowing the Kinsmen Club the use of Division Street for the above date." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT we rescind the resolution passed on April 5th, 1965 in respect to the Kinsmen's request presented to Council on that date. "CARRIED" Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the letter received from the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville be received and concur in their suggestion and allow them to use Temperance Street for their Street Bingo on May 28th next. "CARRIED" 3. The Salvation Army: "During the 110nth of Hay, the Salvation Army will be conducting its ANNUAL RED SHIELD APPEAL. This year there is particular significance to this Campaign for funds since the Army celebrates its Centenary. The Salvation Army locally joins with its count- erpart in communities large and small around the world in thanks- giving to God for "These Hundred Years"! -. e . . Page 7 -4- The Town Council and The citizens of Bo\'lmanville have been wost appreciative of the Army's eighty - one years of service to this community and we wish to acknowledge our debt to the com- munity for generous support of our work. We wish to hold in conjunction with our Red Shield Appeal a BLITZ canvass on Monday, May 10th, if Council would grant us approval. Council might wish to acknowledge in some special way (proclaiming a Salvation Army VJeek) our Centenary, but we leave this to its discretion. Please convey my respects to Council with every good wish." Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded be' Con. Prout. THAT the letter received from the Salvation Army, dated April 10th, 1965, be received and that we concur in their request and that the Clerk be authorized to insert the necessary proclama- tion. "CARRIED" 4. Bowmanville Police Association: "The members of The Bowmanville Police Association would like to sponsor a circus, known as "Sells &. Gray Circus" from Sarasota, Florida on August 2nd, 1965. Vfe would appreciate your permission to do so. Thank you." Moved by Con- Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter from the Bowmanville Police Association, dated April 13th, 1965, be received and concurred with. "CAR.ltIED" 5. Mrs. F. W. Nelles; "Would you please pass this request along to the Roads and Streets Committee of the Council? Last Saturday night, a car drove into our ditch in front of tre house and cut up the ground very badly. They also ruined the board walk across the ditch. As you probably know this is a very deep ditch, and in order to keep our property looking respectable every year, we have mowed it each week during the summer monthe. This entails a lot of work, and besides it has ruined our lawn mower, neces- sitating buying a new one this year. It would be much appreciated if you would give some consideration to filling this ditch." Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter received from I~s. F. W. Nelles, dated April 14th, 1965, be received and referred to the Roads and Streets Committee with Power to act. "CARRIED" -e- . ~ ..~ Page 3 -5- 6. Canadian Club of .Iest Durham: "I am writing on behalf of the Canadian Club of West Durham. ,Ie as a Club are vitally interested in any Centenary plans the Town Council might be making. ~e hope you will keap us in- formed. Thank you." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Proutl THAT the letter received from the Canadian Club of West Durham dated "pril 13th, 1965, be received and acknowledged and that we advise them that they will be kept informed of Council's activity in this respect. "CARRIED" 7. The Ontario Hunicipal Board: "Thank you for your letter of April 7, 19651 The Board has given consideration to your comments and the com- ments of the Community Planning Branch concerning Paragraph 10 of By-law 1916, and I have been directed to advise you that the Board agrees with the Community Planning Branch and suggests that consideration be given to an official plan amendment to redesignate the land from residential to commercial." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT the letter received from the Ontario Municipal Board respecting Restricted ilrea By-law No. 1916, dated April 12, 1965, be received and that the matter holding up the By-law be removed from By-law 1916 and then it be presented in an Official Plan Amendment forth,ri th. "CARRIED" e. I.O. O. F.: "The I.O.O.F. Lodge requests permission to hold its Annual Church Parade on Sunday, Hpril 25th, 1965 at 10:30 a.m. Council's permission is requested." Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the request of the I.O.O.F. Lodge be received and approved and that the Police Chief be so notified. "CARRIED" 9. OntaRio Water Resources Commission: 1) Sewage Treatment Plant: "This is to confirm the routine inspection of this plant condcc t- ed by our !~. R. C. Manson, P. Eng., on March 11, 1965. Mr. Manson noted that all five recommendations contained in the previous Commission report have been implemented. Composite sew- age samples are being submitted; a smaller orifice having a cap- acity of 50 ppd has been obtained for the chlorinator, digested sludge is removed regularly, new controls for the raw sludge pump serving the new plant permit a 3-hour cycle in pumping;and maintenance habits with respect to the weirs and effluent chan- nels have been improved. Such action on the recommendations is commendable. -. . . . - Page 9 -6- The original plant which employs the biological filtration process had been temporarily removed from service for repairs. It was reported that the sludge pipe between the secondary and primary clarifiers was plugged. The temperature of the contents of the primary digester was observed to be 870F, which is below the recommended range of 900 to 950F. It is recommended that the temperature be in- creased in order to promote good digestion. It was reported that the combination heater and heat exchanger would not ele- vate further the temperature of the sludge and therefore re- quired repair. A copy of the laboratory results pertaining to the samples collected is appended and reveals the final effluent to be of satisfactory chemical quality. The low volatile acids contents in the sludges and supernatant is indicative of healthy digest- ion processes. However, the suspended solids content in the supernatant greatly exceeds the suggested maximum of 2,000 ppm. The method of supernatant withdrawal, therefore, should be checked. l~y we be advised of the action taken to implement our recom- mendations. " 2) Municipal ,vater Vvorks: "This will confirm the routine inspection of the municipal water works conducted by our lk. R. C. Manson, P. Eng., on March 11, 1965. Chlorination practices were found to be satisfactory. Mr. ~8nson noted that three of the four recommendations pre- sented in the previous Commission report have not been imple- mented. Your attention is again directed to these recommendations which include the submission of details of the changes to the water works (eg. the flash mixer) and any proposed changes, the initiation of a sampling program outlined in the previous report, and the re-calibration of the alum machine. The re- maining recommendation pertaining to the cleaning and disin- fection of the reservoir at the springs has been carried out. It was reported that Trident meters have been installed to measure the water flow from the springs and will shortly be able to supply data. This provision will greatly aid in assess- ing the water works. During 1964, the staff of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit collected 55 water samples from the distribution system. Since only three samples contained coliform organisms, the treated water is considered as having been of satisfactory bacterial quality. The appended laboratory results indicate that the waters from the water treatment plant and the springs were of satisfactory quality. May we be advised of the action taken to implement the three recommendations.1! Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letters received from the Ontario Hater Resources Commission respecting their reports on the Town Ivater and Sewage Treatment Facilities be received and filed. "CARRIED" -. , . . . Page 10 -7- 10. Mrs. T. J. Newman: "We have asked, wrote,letters, begged and pleaded to have the Town property at the corner of Scugog and Edsall taken care of, at ~rrs. Short's property. Now we are going to ask again to have it leveled off so the weeds can be cut and grass planted, before the summer and before we have that sight to look at again." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the letter received from }ws. T. J. Newman, 106 Scugog Street, dated .,pril 7, 1965, be received and referred to the Roads and Streets with power to act. "CARRIED" 11. Mr. J. C. Coyle: "I am writing you to request that you finish putting hard top on the road at Washington Place. I requested this verbally last year but it was not done. I hope you ca n figure this in the Roads and Streets Budget this year." Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Prout. THi,T the letter rece i ved from Nr. J. C. Coyle, dated .'pril 5th, 1965 be received and referred to Roads & Streets for report back. "CARRIED" 12. Imperial Tobacco Company Ltd.: "We respectfully request permission to erect a banner from east to west on the north side of Liberty and King Streets. The banner to be erected not before May 26th and to be removed on Monday, June 7th. Every effort to ensure safety will be made. A steel cable would be stretched between the poles and the banner not only snapped on top and bottom, but nylon rope also wrapped around the poles, top and bottom. This letter is further to my recent conversation with IVrr. Reid." Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Prout. TH.lT the letter received from the Imperial Tobacco Sales Company, dated April 14th, 1965, be received and concurred with subject to P.U.C. or Bell Telephone permission, if necessary. "C~RRIED" 13. Ontario Centennial Planning Branch: "In 1967 the Confederation Caravans, which are mobile exhibit units, will span the length and breqdth of Canada. Three of these Caravans will travel in Ontario stopping for exhibit dis- play at 140 municipalities. Your municipality is on the Con- federation Caravan itinerary. -. . . . Page 11 6 -,,- Each Caravan will be composed of eight trailer units which will set up in a special pattern on che pre-determined exhibit site in each of the communities on the itinerary. Seven of the trailers will contain a continuous story, the eighth is a service unit. There will also be a central exterior exhibit area which will contain regional displays. The entire contents of all Caravans will be identical. The exhibits will depict the story of Canada from her earliest times up to the present and many modern electronic and film techniques will be in- troduced in telling the Story. It is of the utmost importance that a suitable site with adequate facilities be selected in each municipality and in this regard Mr. iiilliam vihit ing, Surveyor from the Centennial Commission, will commence visiting every community on the itin- erary to meet with local officials to determine the exhibit site. The Municipality of Bowmanville will be visited by Mr. Whiting on Wednesday, June 2, a.m. Will ou therefore make arran e- ments for yourself, the mayor.or reeve or his representative), town engineer and the chairman of the local Centennial Com- mittee to be available at that. time and datG to meet with Mr. Whiting. Will you also arrange a mGeting of this group before- hand so that ou can have consideration and rior a reement of a suitable site and or .3.n alternate site if necessar . When considering an exhibit site, please note the following rGquirements: a) An open area with a minimum space of 200 ft. x 200' ft. b) The area should be flat with good drainage. c) Convenient access to lights, water supply and sanitary facilities (these may be temporary). d) Easily accessible to the public by car or bus. e) Good access roads. f) Adequate space for public car and bus parking. g) h) Sufficient maneuvering space and access for large trailers. It should be an 3.ttractive without chilrge. site, well located, and provided Some suggested sites would be school grounds, fair grounds, church grounds, community parks, shopping centres, open stadiums. Approval of the Caravan site is required ilt the time of t~. Whiting's visit, so it is important that those local represent- atives meeting with Mr. Whiting be empowered to approve the site there and then. The Confederation Caravan display is one of the outstanding Centennial programmes during Centenniill year and will bring many visitors to your community. We will be forwarding further details concerning the Confeder- ation Caravan in regard to coremonies, effective dates, recep- tions, etc., latter on, however the arrangements requested in this letter are most important now. . . . . " Page 12 -9- We would ~sk that you reply to this letter within 7 days con- firming the arrangements and giving the name and address of the officiill Hr. \ihiting is to cont:lct on arrival." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THfiT the letter receiv2d from Hr. G. .vi. ,lrthurs, Executive Assistant, Ontario Cent2nniill Planning Branch, dated ;,pril 14, 1965 respecting the Confederation Caravan, be received and re- ferred to the Public Property Committee to meet with the re- presentatives. ItCARRIED" 14. Stevenson & Kellogg Ltd.: "Regional studies, the much-awaited Goldenberg lkport, the recent Beckett Report and the 1964 Ontario record of 30 annex- ations and one complete amalgamation--this is the current evi- dence that administrative change is the order of the day. Every indication points to modifications in the scale of ad- ministrative operations which will pose new problems for the many officials vitally concerned with municipal management. Our Hunicipal Management Seminar has met with four past suc- cesses and is being offered for the fifth time between thy 17 and 19 at the Seaway Towers in Toronto. The $100 enrolment fee covers printed lecture notes, professionally-directed discussion groups, iln evening dinner meeting and an opportunity to explore the common problems and tested approaches being pre- sented over three days -- all in an ideal, vaciltion-hotel-type setting. A number of key municipalities have already been represented by their leading officials as is indicated by the attached schedule. The size of group is restricted to ensure individ- ual development opportunities. Register your part icip:mts now." Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter received from Stevenson & Kellogg Ltd. respect- ing the forthcoming [.1unicipal llIanagement Seminar, dated ,'pril 15th, 1965, be received and filed.~ "CARRIED" 15. Memorial Hospital Board: "Hilving recently reviewed the parking situation at the hospital and the lack of illumination of these areils, we would request that at this time consideration be given to the installation of suitable lighting. A plan, showing the area involved, is attached. Lighting of this particular lot is required for the convenience and safety of visitors and piltients at the hospital. Perhaps you would feel that there should be some on-the-site consideration of this matter and we should be pleased to arrange for representatives of the Board and Hospital to meet with Town representatives to discuss this further." . . . . Page 13 -10- Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT the request of the Memorial Hospital Board, dated hpril 19, 1965, be received and referred to the Public Property Committee for their consideration and recommendation; "CARRIED!l VI REPORTS OF CO~~1ITTEES: 1. Roads & Streets Committee: Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Rundle. THnT the report of the Roads and Streets Committee, dated April 15th, 1965, be received and adopted. "CARRIED" VII NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Bernard Street: Nothing further reported. 2. Sturrock Road: Nothing further reported. 3. Local Improvements: The Clerk reported that in accordance with Council's direction notification of cost had been forwarded to those who had sign- ed the local improvement petition for the Highway No.2 cross- ing of the Sanitary Sewer from Simpson ,wenue. "ccordingly it was: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hughes. TH"T the By-law respecting the sanitary sewer crossing of Highway No. 2 at Simpson "venue be now forvnrded to the Ontario Municipal Board for their approval. "C,tRRIED" 4. Matters Referred to Roads & Streets: Many of the items contained on the ngenda which had teen re- ferred to the Roads and Streets Committee were reported on under Committee Reports. The following items are yet to be considered: 1) Prospect Stroet - Letter re storm drainage for report. 2) Lamb's Lane - Letter from John P. Rice for report. 3) Victoria Street - Letter re storm drainage for report. 4) Southway Drive - Drainage letters from Cowan and Cornish. 5. Matters Referrod to Traffic "dvisory Board: 1) Scugog-King intersection. 2) Location of hydro pole at Scugog St.-~ueen St. intersection. No report received as yot. . . . . .. Page 14 -11- 6. Matters Referred to Industrial Committee: Counties Brochure - The Clerk reported that information had been forwarded to the Counties Clerk and that this item could be deleted from future ,.gendas. 7. Matters Referred to Police Committee: Parking - intersf.ction of Prince 'lnd Liberty Streets. No report receiv2d as yet. 3. New Library Drainage: The Clerk reported that a satisfactory solution to this pro- blem had been arranged, consequently, the matter can be de- leted from future 1.gendas. 9. Works Department Shed: Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT the deadline fer receiving tenders for the new works shed be extended until 4:00 p.m. on v{ednesday, 1ipri1 21st, 1965. "CARRIED" 10. C.P.R. Bridge: Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the Clerk write the C. P.R. regarding a broken hand rail on the Elgin Streot bridge. "CARRIED" 11. Council Meetings: Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT we dispense with the second Council meeting for the months of May, June, July, and hUgUSt. If a meeting is necess~)ry, it is to be at the call of the Mayor. "CARRIED" 12. Storm Sewer Plan: Moved by Deputy Reeve.Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the Road Superintendent prepare a plan of the town showing all storm sewers laid to date, the approximate dates installed, any tentative storm sewers to be laid, and also the number that empty into sanitary sewers. "CARRIED" VIII ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Reeve Littl~, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT we do now 'ldjourn - 9:10 p.m. "CARRIED"