HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-01-13 MinutesNewcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, January 13, 2015 (Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance – Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke - Vice-Chair Shea-Lea Latchford, Carol Little, Gord Blaker, Jay Summers, Gord Blaker Gary Oliver, Bryan Wiltshire Regrets – Councillor Woo, Councillor Partner. 1. Call to Order – 7:10 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes – Motion # 14-033, was proposed: THAT: The minutes of November 10, 2014 are accepted, as presented. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Gord Blaker CARRIED 3. Arena Manager’s Report – Bryan n advised that the heater in the Olympia Room had still not been attended to by the municipality’s operations department. With the continual cold weather, it was becoming a concern. A quotation from Pritchard Mechanical of $1,600.00 had been passed on . The following, Motion # 14-034 was proposed: THAT: Bryan should make another call to his contact at Operations and if nothing is forthcoming from the municipality, he proceeds with the replacement of the broken heater; staying within the quotation of approximately $1,600.00, Installed. Snow plowing and salt application in our parking area was discussed. Bryan was advised to be vigilant of the walking area to the main doors; insuring it was well (2) Cleared and/or salted . Also he should determine if and when we require snow removal from the parking area. Our contract for the parking lot is with Jeff Stapleton of Sunnyside Acres, in Newcastle. Snow removal or salting the lot is an extra charge on our contract. The sidewalks on Baldwin and Edward Streets are being taken care of on a separate agreement with Troy Foster of Newcastle. The sidewalks are contracted at$125.00 per month for December, January, February and March . Jeff’s snow plowing of the parking lot is contracted at $130.00 per plow. Salting or, snow removal at our request, Bryan also advised: That: both the Chamber of Commerce and Masood Vatandoust have booked ice for sponsored public skating during the March Break. Bryan will also consider a public skate time for the February Family Day Holiday. 4. Financial Report - Accounts receivable were presented for December 31, 2014 indicating $29,537.30 outstanding – 63% being current. Payments in the amount of approximately $10,000.00 had been received since month –end. A year-end unofficial income statement had also been provided showing revenue of $287,880.75 and a net income of $15,377.62. December 31. 2014 also shows st a balance in our short-term G.I.C. of $40,000.19 The chair will prepare an income comparison from the past 4-5 year period, for our February meeting, A 2015 budget forecast will be prepared by the newly appointed board in February or, March. 5. New Business – The chair advised; applications for appointment to this board will be forthcoming from the municipality. All current members of our board will be required to re-apply. The term of the next board co-insides with the term of council and covers the time period of 2015 through 2018. Applications will be available at our next meeting or, sooner. Members should visit the Municipality of Clarington web site for info on re-applying. 6. Adjournment – Motion # 14-035 to adjourn was proposed. Moved by: Shea-Lea Latchford Seconded by: Gord Blaker CARRIED