HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/15/1965 -e -e- III ~e- -- Page 7 COUNCIL MINUTES The regular meeting of BoW'uanville Town CouIlcil convened at 7:)0 p.m. on Monday jlarch 15, 1965 in the Council Chambers, Town Hall vrith Hisdorship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present. I LORD'S PRAYER: II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, March 1st, 1965 be received and adopted. "CARRIED" PETITIONS & DEPUTATIONS: 1. L. & L. Tools1 Messrs. Jack and Harry Locke appeared before Council to discuss the matter of 550 voltage being supplied to their plant on Simpson Avenue which they asserted had been promised during the negotiation for their purchase of the land and subsequent building in the Industrial Area. This matter was discussed at length following which it was: Moved by Deputy ;teeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT we petition the Public Utilities Commission to install 550 transformers on the L. & L. property at no cost to this Company to serve the Industrial Area fronting on Highway 401. "MOTION LOST" Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT we underwrite the cost of re-vriring 8 or 10 550 motors to 220 up to a maximum cost of ~1,000.00 for L. & L. Tools. "MOT ION LOST" Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT this matter be submitted to the Industrial Committee in an effort to discuss with the Public Utilities Commission a satisfactory solution in this regard. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT as a result of 1. & 1. objection to the previous resolution that it be rescinded. "CARRIED" . . e . Page 3 -2- 2. Fourth Street Residents: "We, the undersigned, hereby petition you to take whatever steps as may be necessary or required to prohibit the contin- ued use of 4 Fourth Street as a 01ace of business for the re- pairing and servicing of motor vehicles. In the absence of sidewalks on Fourth Street, numerous child- ren must use the road on their way to and from Lord Elgin School. The present use of this residential property, and the continual storage of cars on Fourth Street near Scugog Street: 1. creates a hazard to the children, 2. interferes with radio reception, 3. is a disturbance of the peace, 4~ creates a fire hazard (acetylene), 5. causes depreciation of our properties. We understand that the operation of this business in a re- sidential area is a violation of a Town of Bowmanville By-law." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. THAT the petition received from the Fourth Street residents be referred to the Building Inspector and the Chief of Police for their investigation and report back to Council. "CARRIED" 3. Prospect Street Residents: "The following property owners on Prospect Street request Council to give consideration to installing a storm sewer north from Veterans Avenue to connect with the proposed Oshawa Wood Products' storm sewerj If this is not feasible we request that thi~ sewer be included with the proposed Veterans Avenue, Prospect and Second Street storm sewer project." Moved by Deputy ~eeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the petition received from the Prospect Street residents be received and referred to the Roads & Streets Committee for their consideration and report back. "CARRIED" 4. St. George Street Petition: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the local improvement petition received from St. George Street residents for a watermain be referred to the Clerk for a report as to the sufficiency thereof. "CAmUE D" IV COMMUNICATIONS: 1. William H. Nichols: "I would like to be relieved of Guard 'Juty at Vincent Massey School crossing, King and Lambert Streets on ~furch 31st, 1965. Page 9 . -3- Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT we accept with regret the resignation of ~~. William H. Nichols as a crossing guard and that the matter be referred to the Police Committee with the power to take necessary action. "CARRIED" 2. New Toronto: nOn February 22nd, last, the Council of the TOHn of New Toronto passed the folloHing resolution: . "That this Council request the Provincial Government to enact Legislation, under the Highway Traffic nct, to permit Munici- palities to pass a By-law to allow the prescribing of the maximum speed, on any street, fronting or abutting upon, or adjacent to school properties, of 15 miles per hour. AND THAT this Council request the support of all municipalities in the Province of Ontario, the Ontario Municipal Association, and the Ontario Mayors and Reeves ,~ssociation. AND THnT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Transport, the Attorney General of Ontario, and our local members of Parliament." It is respectfully requested that your Council endorse this resolution and if so approved to forward a copy of same to the Ontario Municipal Association, the Ontario Mayors and Reeves. Association, the Minister of Transport, the Attorney General and your local representatives to Parliament. n Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle. . TH,',T this Council concur with the resolution passed by the Council of New Toronto, February 22nd, 1965, in respect to speed limits. "CARRIED" 3. Mr. & Mrs. Cornish: "I just want to give a word of commendation to the '^,onderful garbage men in Bowmanville. Both my husband and I have lived in various towns and cities (includlng Toronto, Hamilton, Burlington and dhitby) for many years, and VIe have never hc:.i such service from any of the places where we have lived. AS an example, a week ago today (February 25th, which you will probably recall was a very bad day) and on account of the weather my husband did not put the garbage out. But what did the garbage men do? - they opened up the garage door and got the garbage out. ~e both say "Hats off to the garbage men in Bowmanville"." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. . THAT the letter from IJir. & Mrs. Cornish be received and filed and that a copy of this letter be forwarded to the Road Super- intendent for his files. "CARRIED" -e Page 10 -4- 4. John P. Rice: "I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of Lamt1s Lane being widened and exter.ded to Fourth Street. The plowing of snow and other servicing to Lamb's Lane in its present state is extremely awhlard.vJhen the sewer and water services were installed by the Bowmanville Public Utilities last fall, the road was partially dug up. To date, the road has not been satisfactorily repaired. We would be pleased if you could take up this matter at your March 15th meeting, and advise the 'Nriter as to the decisions reached by the Council." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout. e THAT the letter received from John P. Rice, dated I~rch 3th, 1965, be received and that the matter of the condition of Lamb's Lane as a result of P.U.C. construction be referred to them for their action and that the matter of widening Lamb's Lane be referred to the Board of Works Committee for consid- eration. "CARRIED" 5. Bowmanville Public School Boardl '~he Bowmanville Public School Board at its Budget meeting held on February 16, 1965, passed the following motion! "Moved by Mr. Sturrock, seconded by,: ;'k. 11cTavish, we ask the Town of Bowmanville for a levy of ~125,000.00 for the current year, 1965. Carried." . This figure does not include the amount necessary to meet debenture payments. You will note the request is $25,000.00 less than last year. The Province of Ontario grants were higher than we anticipated, so we had a substantial credit balance on hand at this year end. However next year, unless grants increase again, we expect it will be necessary to ask for a larger levy, as we will not likely have a surplus." Durham County District High School Board: "Please find enclosed tne High School requisition for 1965. The total is $650,000.00. Please note that this includes the $30,594.00 for the hillbrook Addition and the error on the Courtice total for debentures. The amount required for High School educational purposes is $569,406.00. . The Board is able to lower the requisition because the legis- lative ~rant for 1965 is a964,631_20 - an increase from last year's Q840,348.00. The new p~rcentages for 1965 are placed below. If there are any questions, please ask your local Board member or the Board secretary." ,,,'- . Page 11 -5- Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letters received from the Bowmanville Public School Board and the Durham County District High School Board, dated March 3rd and 5th respectively, be referred to the Finance Committee for their consideration in the 1965 financial estimates. "CARRIED" 6. Texaco Canada Ltd.: "Texaco of Canada Limited are the owners of the property located at the North-East corner of No. 2 Highway and George Street in the Town of Bowmanville. There is an encumbrance of a right of Wqy noted on the deed of the subject property. . We are considering the construction of a new, modern service station at this site and would appreciate the withdrawal of this right of way from our property. Since the right of way is not at present being utilized and it is doubtful if it ever will be required in the future we would appreciate your approval of our request." Representatives of Texaco were present advising that since their letter had been written a survey had revealed that the right of way referred to was no longer in existence; conse- quently, no action in respect to the right of way was taken by Council. Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter received from Texaco of Canada Limited, dated March 3rd, 1965,be received and filed and that the necessary building permit be issued subject to the Town's Building By-law. e "CARRIED" 7. Carl Gimblett: "I am sending you this letter to tell you about the water coming down Victoria Street QDd down between Vivian's and Piper's Lots into our backyard and out the driveway. Victoria Street has no ditch on the south side for the water to run to Ontario Street. Please would you kindly look into the trouble." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. TH"T the letter received from j1r. Carl Gimblett, dated jvlEtrch 4th, 1965 be received and referred to the Roads & Streets Com- mittee for consideration and report. "CARRIED" e 8. Z. .T. Salmers: "I am informed by the owner of ~his apartment building that you have forwarded a charge of ,p12.00 to each of the tenants in the apartment building at 70 Liberty Street South. .e Page 12 -6- I am in~ormed further that this property has an incinerator, which disposes of the majority of the garbage in this building, and that the garbage in a vleek's time would amount to no more than three to four cans for the entire building. This would be approximately comparablo to the garbage from one residence, and you of course have charged each of che tenants separately. This is obviously not fair or proper, and leads to the situa- tion where it would be obviously a great deal cheaper if the owner of the apartment simply took the garbage, consisting of three or four cans per week, and dumped it in the Municipal dump, as otherwise the cost is very great indeed. I would suggest that probabl~ in view of these curcumstances, you should send one bill of ,,12.00 to the OW"ler of the apart- ment for the entire property. e Would you please look into the matter and communicate direct with Mr. Grygorcewicz in connection with same." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the letter received from ~~. Z. T. Salmers, dated March 5th, 1965, respecting garbage collection at 76 Liberty Street South, be received and filed and that 11r. Salmers be informed of the provisions of the Town's Garbage Collection By-law. "CARRIED" 9. Russell C. Honey: "At the beginning of 1965 I asked the Postmaster General to have a survey made again to determine whether or not Bowman- ville might now be eligible for Letter Carrier Delivery Service. e The results of this survey have now been given to me and they indicate that there are approximately 2,207 points of call now available for Letter Carrier Service and this is still short of the required minimum of 2,500. I have personally discussed with the Postmaster General, the Honourable lene Tremblay, the question of establishing a Letter Carrier Service in Bowmanville and I am hopeful that in the near future there may be a change in regulations which will permit the establishment of a Letter Carrier Delivery Service in Bowmanville on the basis of existing points of call. The Minister has assured me of his personal desire to see the re- gulations changed in such a way that Letter Carrier Delivery Service could be made available to Bowmanville soon. I would appreciate it very much if you would be kind enough to pass this information on to Council." Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hundle. . THAT the letter from Mr. Russell C. Honey, M. P., dated !flarch 5th, 1965 respecting Letter Carrier Delivery Service, be re- ceived and filed and that Mr. Honey be offered our thanks for his interest in this matter. "CARRIED" -e e e . Page 13 -7- 10.. Mr. E. N. Dunn: "In regards with the drainage problem on the north and east sides of our property, there has as yet been nothing done since the completion of the construction project on the road. The roads on these two sides have no ditches or any other means of drainage whatsoever, and therefore the water runs right across our property. -de also had a two car driveway here which has never been replaced. I would appreciate it very much if these matters were looked into immediately." Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH"T the letter from IV'"Jr. E. N. Dunn, dated 11arch 5th, 1965 be received and referred to the Roads and Streets Committee with power to offer at least temporary relief in this regard pending a definite solution when weather permits. "C,i.RRIED" v REPORTS OF COI~lITTEES: Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH,\T the report of the Hoads and Streets Committee, dated Monday March 15th, 1965 be received and adopted. "CiiRRIED" VI BY-LAWS: Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Hooper. THj.,T leave be granted to bring in the following by-laws: 1. ,i Bv-law to provide for the 1965 expenditures on Eoads & St reets. 2. A By-law respecting licenses for Nursing Homes. "ChRRIED" Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THaT the By-laws be read a first time, referred to Council in Committee of thedhole and read a second time Mayor in the Chair. "CiiRRIED" Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice. TH,d we rise and report successful readings of the By-laws in Committee of the ,{hole. "CliRRIED" Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the report of Council in Committee of the Whole be received and adopted, the same be now read a third time, engrossed, sign- ed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealecl and numbered as follows: -. . . e Page 14 -8- 1. A By-law to prdvide for the 1965 expenditures on Roads & Streets. B/L No. 1930. 2. A By-law respecting lic,2nsE,s for Nursing Homes. B/L No. 1931. "CARRIED" VII NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Bernard Street: Nothing further reported in this regard. 2. Sturrock Road: Nothing further reported in this regard. 3. Matters .Referred to Roads & Streets: The Roads & Streets Committee reported on the various matters as follows: 1) Drainage Southway Drive: This matter being held for the present. 2) Mearns .lvenue Drainage: This matter being held for the present. 3) Parking Meter - Silver Street: The Committee recommended the removal of this parking meter and that the owner be notified that the resulting space must be used for a driveway. 4; 91 Queen Street Driveway: An estimate of ~200.00 was sub- mitted for the cost of the repair to this driveway approach and was moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper TH.cT the drive',vay approach at 91 Queen Street be authorized at a cost of approximately $200.00r "CARRIED" 5) Elgin & Horsey Drainage: This matter has been left with the Road Superintendent for his advi~e. 6) Guard Rail - ~lgin Street Bridge: This matter being held for the present. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle. TH,,-T the pre ceding report be received and adopted. "C;,RRIED" 4. jVlatters Referred to the Traffic "dvisory Board: Nothing reported in this respect. 5. Matters Referred to Industrial Committee: Nothing reported in this regard. 6. Matters Referred to Counties Council: Nothing reported as yet from the Counties Council. 7. Library Drainage: Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the matter of roof drainage of the new Library Building be Page 15 ~. -9- referred to the Public Property Committee for their consid- eration and report. "CARRIED" 8. Rabies: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. TH;,T a l,')tter be forwarded to the Department of ~,griculture, Animal Branch, asking that consideration be given to provide rabies shots to dogs and cats in this area. "C;,RRIED" 9. vJorks Department Shed: . Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Reeve Little. TH"T the Public Property Committee be authorized to call tenders for the construction of a new Works Department Shed in accordance with the plans and specifications shown this evening subject to the usual clause chat the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. "Cil.RRIED" 10. Tree Removal: The following submission was presented by the Chairman of the Roads & Streets Co!nmittee for Council's consideration: . "Further to our conversation to-day regarding the proposed tree program this year, I suggest the following: On an attached work sheet I have listed fourteen (14) trees that are mostly dead or dangerous and should be removed. These fourteen trees nentioned could be cut to ground level, cutting wood so your men cound handle and dispose of. Cost of this work would be $365.00. ,IS we discussed there are a number of trees to be trimmed, and this could be carried out under your direction. Hoping that we may be of service. 106 Church Street 6 Victoria Street 43 Horsey Street (across from) 5 Beech Street 5 Carlisle Street 28 Odell Street 86 Concession Street Beech Street (across from # 5) St. George Street N. High Street (across from # 78) 57 Centre Street 1 maple 1 maple 3 chestnut 1 maple 1 maple 1 maple 1. maple 1 elm 2 spruce 1 maple 1 maple " I.loved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes. . TH"T the letter presented from the Davey Tree Co. be received and held for consideration at the next regular ~ouncil session. "CARRIED" . Page 16 -10- 11. Overhead Bridge - No.2 Highway: Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT a letter be forwarded to the C.P.R. requesting their consideration for the erection of a guard rail on the north side of No. 2 Highway east from the bridge. "CARRIED" 12. Budget Session: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.. . THAT a special meeting of Bowmanville Town Council be con- vened at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, tllirch 18th, 1965 for the purpose of considering the financial estimates for the year 1965. "CJ~RRIED" Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT we do now adjourn - 9:50 p.m. "CARRIED" . .