HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/01/1965
The regular meeting of Bcwmanville Town Council convened at
3:00 p.m. on Monday February 1st, 1965 at the Council Chambers,
Town Hall, with His Worship l-fuyor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair.
All members present.
His Worship the Mayor welcomed Councillor M. Prout who had
filled the vacancy created by the death of Ex-councillor C.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Honday January 13, 1965
be received and adopted.
1. Bowmanville Planning Board:
"We recommend to Council that the necessary action be taken by
Council to limit the erection of new apartment buildings or the
alterations of existing large dwellings to a maximum of 3 suites
in any of our built up residential sections of our Town.
We would suggest that an amendment to By-law 1587 be made in
Section 9 a (1) under the heading of "Permitted Uses" in a
Residential Zone to possibly read thus-
9 (a) (1)
Single and two family dwellings and duplex or double duplex
apartment houses and multi-family dwellings except in the built
up sections of the Town where a maximum of 3 suite apartments
only, are permitted.
It should be noted by so amending this By-law thus, that we have
not prevented multi-family dwellings (3 suites or more) from
being built in a completely new area in our residential zones
where sewer and water facilities are available.
Eventually some specific area will be designated in our resi-
dential zone for multi-family apartments."
Moved by Coho Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the letter received from the Bowmanville Planning Board,
dated January 26, 1965, be received and that it be referred to
the BOOlrd of vJorks for further study.
2. Strike & Strike:
"Re: Town of Bowmanville By-law 1909
On January 12th, 1965, the cases of four accused charges under
the above by-law were dealt with. As you know, we had corres-
pondence with Mr. i10ishe Reiter of the firm of Aiken, Zender,
Reiter & Mandel in connection with this matter and at the court
appearance of January 12th, ~rr. Reiter's local agent, I~. Robert
R. Morris, appeared for the accused. Convictions were registered
against Robert Kein, Stanley Romankevitch and John Fitzpatrick.
The case against Jim Hanrahan was withdrawn. Pleas of guilty
were entered for the three accused who were found guilty.
In discussing this case with Mr. Reiter it was pointed out to
me that there is a provision in Section 401 Parts 16 and 17 of
The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, dealing with tran-
sient traders. It was i'k. "'lei ter' s posit ion that if these
charges had been disputed it would be found that the proper
section under which persons such as the accused in these cases
are liable to penalty would be Section 401 and not Section 399
under which the present by-law operates.
I am inclined to agree with this as Section 399 Sub-section 1
provides for licensing and regulating of persons who either
have goods or merchandise with them for sale or who carry ex-
posed samples, patterns or specimens. I believe that a maga-
zine salesman selling from brochures would probably not be
included in this paragraph.
For this reason you might like to consider and discuss with
Council the advisability of passing a by-law regulating tran-
sient traders. We wish to point out that the penalties for
contravention of the section dealing with transient traders are
from $10.00 to $200.00 in addition to the amount charged for a
licence, and by 17 (d) there is a provision that the fee to be
paid for a licence shall be not less than $100.00 in any munici-
We would be happy to discuss this matter with you if we can be
of further assistance."
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the letter received from Strike & Strike, dated January 12j
1965 respecting certain provisions of By-law 1909, be received
and that the Clerk be instructed to have By-law 1909 amended in
accordance with said letter and that he prepare a new By-law
covering transient traders.
3. W. T. Dempsey:
"Re: Bowmanville Investments Subdivision
On October 19th, 1964, I inspected the storm and sanitary sewers
on the above noted subdivision and found no defects requiring
repairs or maintenance work. There was no evidence of leaks or
other defects in the water mains on the subdivision.
Therefore, in my opinion, Bowmanville Investments have fully dis-
charged their maintenance obligations on the underground services.
under the agreement with the Town of Bowmanville."
Moved by Con. Hoofler, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the letter from \J. T. Dempsey, dated January 25th, 1965
pertaining to Dowmanville Investments Sub-division, be received
and that when the Clerk is satisfied that all conditions have
been met, that the necessary holdback be turned over to Bow-
manville Investments and the Underground Services accepted by
the Corporation.
4. C.L.O.C.A.:
"The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority plans to have
a certain amount of large-scale mapping carried out, particularly
along the stream valleys of the Central Lake Ontario Watershed.
These maps would be at the scale of approximately 200 feet to
the inch, with 5 foot contours, and would be used by the Auth-
ority in conjunction with their proposed fill regulations. The
preparation of these maps would be done with the usual govern-
ment grants of 50% of the total cost which is available to Con-
servation Authorities.
The Conservation Authority understands that many civic organiz-
ations use this type of map in conjunction with their work, and
would like to know if your municipality would be interested in
having copies of these maps for use by Planning Boards, Drain-
age Assessments, noad Construction, etc.
An early reply with comments, questions or suggestions would be
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the letter from C.L.O.C.A., dated January 11,1965, be re-
ceived and that the Clerk write inquiring as to the cost of
these maps to the Town and report back to Council.
5. The Canadian Red Cross Society:
"r-larch, Red Cross Month is fast approaching, and the local branch
will again be conducting a campaign for funds throughout this
area. Your co-operation would greatly assist us in this endeavour.
The executive respectfully submit the following request to the
Council for their approval.
May we -
Conduct a Blitz for funds Wednesday March 10, 1965 afternoon and
early evening.
Fly the Red Cross flag from Town Hall, during Red Cross Month, or
at least during the week prior to the Blitz.
And use the Council Chambers for campaign headquarters on March
10, 1965, providi.ng this will not conflict with any other meeting.
Please convey our thanks to members of Council for their co-oper-
ation. "
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT the letter from the Canadian Red Cross Society be received
and that we comply with the requests outlined therein.
6. The Consumers' Gas Company:
"I am enclosing a copy of The Consumers' Gas Company's Applic-
acion to the Ontario Energy Board for an order approving a new
rate to be added to the Company's present Schedule of Rates al-
ready approved by the Board proposed under E.B.R.O. #87. This
new rate is an additional ,jater Heating Rate and will, if ap-
proved by the Board, become effective im~ediately on approval.
As the Application also requests the Board to make an Interim
Order pending the final disposition of the Company's Application,
the Board has instructed us to advise that it will deal with the
matter of the Interim Order at its Chambers, 790 Bay Street,
Toronto 2, on Friday, the 5th day of February, 1965, at 10:00
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the letter and application received from the Consumers'
Gas Company be received and filed,
7. The Salvation Army:
"We have very much appreci_ated the generous support of your
Council in past years, thus assisting our Social and Rescue
work for the less privileged.
Costs of operating and number of cases handled have annually
increased, and our need for financial help is greater this year
than previously. For nearly 80 years our National Organization
has championed the cause of the underprivileged, and 1-,ill con-
tinue to do so as long as there are needy ones coming to our
doors for assistance, regardless of creed, color, or social
If favourable consideration can be given to this 1965 Appeal,
we shall be most grateful, and the work of Mercy will be con-
tinued. We are enclosing herewith a Statement, which will supply
further information concerning our work for the less fortunate.
We shall appreciate this Appeal receiving the kind attention of
your Finance Committee."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the letter requesting financial assistance, received from
the Salvation Army, be received and referred to the Finance Com-
mittee for consideration.
8. Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario:
Advise was received of the forthcoming annual conference of the
Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario being held in
Ottawa, May 17th, 18th, & 19th next.
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT ~rr. C. S. Oke, Assessor, be authorized to attend the forth-
coming annual conference of the Association of Assessing Officers
of Ontario being held in Ottawa on May 17th, 18th, & 19th, ]965
at the Corporation's expense.
9. Durham County District High School Board:
"Last September we requested approval of a debenture issue of
$365,000 for the constJ'uction of a vocational addition to
Court ice High School. All eight i,luni cipalit ies approcred and
i,lunicipal Board tc:ntat i vo approval was sought on December 11th.
Actually, the wrong figure of the nstimate of the Department of
Education was used in tho rosolution - the figure should have
been $39S, 594.00. The Ont:lrio HunicilHl Board asks that each
Municipality approve the addition of $33,594.00 to our current
budget for this purpose. A copy of the letter from the Ontario
Municipal Board is attached.
Five copies of the required resolution
to be returned and one for your files.
would be appreciatl~d."
are enclosed - four are
Your early consideration
Moved by Deputy heeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the letter received from the Durham County District High
School Board, dated January 29th, 1965, be received and that
the Board be advised that it is this Council's opinion that
the additional Capital Expenditure of $33,594.00 in respect to
the addition to the Courtice High School should be debentured
rather than paid out of their current budget.
1. Welfare Department:
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Prout.
THj~T the report of the i,Jelfare Department for the month of
January 1965 be received and adopted.
2. Building Inspector:
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
TH,:,T the report of the Building Inspector for the month of
January 1965 be received and adopted.
3. Roads & Streets Department:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. rtundle.
THAT the report of the Roads & Streets Department for the month
of December 1964 be received and adopted.
4. Police Department:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout.
THAT the report of the Police Department for the month of
December 1964 be received and adopted.
5. Dog Control Officer:
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Fice,
TH,lT the report of the Dog Cont.rf'l Officer for the month of
December 1964 be received and adopted.
6. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit:
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for
the month of December 1964 be received and filed for future
7. Assessment Department:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
TH~T the annual report of the ,lssessment Dep3rtment for the
year 1964 be received and adopted.
1. Police Committee:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the Police Committee be granted the authority to receive
and open tenders for a new police car and report at the next
regular session of Council.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
THRT the accounts of the PAID PRIOR in the total amount of
$163.415.20 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
TH'lT the accounts of the FINilNCE DEPT. in the total amount of
$5,290.07 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Prout.
TH,iT the accounts of the Dog Control Dept. in the total amount of
$43.12 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the accounts of the FIRE DEPT. in the total amount of
$96.90 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the accounts of the POLICE DEPT. in the total amount of
$360.95 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Deputy ~eeve Stevens.
THAT the accounts of the PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPT. in the amount of
$19EL34 be and are hereby passed for payment..
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THllT the accounts of the WELF,iRE DEFT. in the total amount of
$2,098.97 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TH"T the accounts of the iW"DS & STREETS DEPT. in the total
amount of $1,918.64 be and are hereby passed for payment.
1. Bernard Street: Nothing further reported.
Sturrock Road:
Nothing further reported.
3 .
Local Improvements:
The Clerk reported that he was now in receipt of a petition
for a sanitary sewer extension on King Street East of Simpson
Avenue and asked for certain direction.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
TH"T if the petition recoivGd by the Clerk is found sufficient
under the provisions of the Local ImprovGment ,ict that the
necessary By-law be presented at the next regular session of
4. Franklin Park and Park Land:
The Clerk advised that an effort would be made to contact
~~. Franklin to clean up the matter.
5. Industrial Agreement: Nothing further reported.
6. Matters Refprred to Roads & Streets:
1. Parking Meter removal - no report.
2. Repairs to Pot Holes- Committee awaiting better weather
3. S. R. James- Co~~ittee awaiting better weather conditions.
7. Matters Referred to Traffic ,ldvisory Board:
1. King-Scugog Intersection -
2. Relocation of Pole on Scugog at Queen Street -
Nothing further reported on these matters.
$. Matters Referred to Fire Committee:
1. Vacancy on Departmc,nt:
Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THllT /III'. John Carter be appointed a member of the Bowman-
ville Volunteer Fire Department effective February 1st,
9. tfutters Referred to Industrial Committee:
1. County Brochure - Nothing reported.
10. Matt ers Referro'd to County Council:
1. Construction Safety Officer:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the Department of Labour be contacted regarding the
Appointment of a Construction Safety Officer for this Corp-
oration and asked if this appointment can be filled at this
time rather than wait for the 1st of January 1966.
2. Increase in Road Rebate:
Council was advised that our letter to the County Council
on this subject had been referred to their Roads and Bridges
Committee for consideration and report.
II. Other Matters Pending:
1. Gravel Pit - The Deputy Reeve advised that he had nothing
as yet to report.
2. Traffic Matters - Nothing further reported.
3. Zoning By-law
- Nothing further reported.
12. Chamber of Commerce .lnnual Meet ing:
His Worship advised that he was unable to attend the forth-
coming Annual dinner meeting of tho Chamber of Commerce and
asked Deputy Reeve Ross Stevens to represent the Council
for him.
13. Striking Committee:
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
TH"T the Striking Committee be directed to bri_ng in a
report at the next regular session of Council to fill all
Committee vacancies.
14. Public Property:
Con. P. Chant, Chairman of the Public Property Committee,
reported that repairs WGre urgently neGdGd to the ceiling
of the balcony in ths TOIm Hall "uditorium and accordingly:
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Hooper.
TH"T the Public Property CommittoG be authorized to engage
J. ~ M. Construction to effect the necessary repairs in
Town Hall ,luditorium 'lt a price of $224.50..
The meeting adjourned at B:40 p.m. on motion of ROGve Little
and Con. Hooper.