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The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at
7:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, on Monday January
13, 1965 with His Worship ~ayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair.
All members present.
One minutes silence was observed in memory of Councillor Leslie
who passed away on Saturday January 16, 1965.
~ Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, January 4th,
1965 be received and adopted.
1. Association of Ontario Iilayors and Reeves:
"As we are beginning another year and arrangements are now
being made for our Conference, which this year will be held at
Kitchener, from June 27th to 30th, I am enclosing the following
and would ask that they be placed before Council.
1. Registration form for Conference.
2. Fee Account for the year 1965.
3. Self-addressed Post Card to be returned to me, so that our
records are up to date.
We would also appreciate your Councils resolutions being in our
hands by April 30th, in order that our Resolution Committee who
will be meeting early in May can go over them and also that we
may check into all aspects of them. It will help to strengthen
our case when we have full knowledge before presenting the Com-
mittees report in June at the Conference.
Mayor K. Hymmen and his Council are planning outst~nding confer-
ence arrangements--with a good program for the ladies. President
F. Gordon Stronach and our executive are planning a good business
program, planned to help all municipalities. We ask your support
in getting the reservations in early and also the Resolutions.
Your usual co-operation is appreciated."
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the letter from the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves
be received and that the Mayor and Reeve be authorized to attend
the forthcoming session and that the membership be paid.
Page 6
2, ~anadian Council of Christians and Jews:
"Let us at this time of the vear meet the wonderful world of
people. .' .. all kinds, all colours, all creeds, all members of
our family of man. It's meeting and knowing all these people
that makes life rich and full. February each year brings to
us National Brotherhood Week - a time to stop for a moment and
look at ourselves, then around us in our own iJlunicipalities -
to let our reason dissolve prejudice and free us for the full,
exciting life in this wonderfvl Nation of ours - Canada.
Why do we appeal f or help in this work from the dunicipalities?
Because we need it and there is provision for seeking your help
in the Provincial Statutes for a j'jlunicipality to make such a
THE MUNICIPAL ACT. . . Section 377. Sub-Section 28.
"For granting aid ~..Q anv charitable institution or out-of door
relief to the resUent poor. jLS.O. 1950 C.243, S. 386, P3.rs.
22, 23.
The Canadian Council of Christians and Jews are a non profit
organization urging Canadians - regardless of race or religious
affiliation, to work and live together in mutual tolerance and
understanding. The enclosed brochure tells the story of the
Council's work and how the activities of the Council are fin-
If your Municipality has forwarded a grant previously, we thank
you. If a grant was not possible we trust you will give this
matter serious consideration, and please decide to assist us
in this urgent programme."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice.
THAT the letter from the Canadian Council of Christians and
Jews be received and filed.
3. JllIuscular Dystrouhy Association of Canada:
IISome of the decisions a municipal council has to make are more
difficult than others. Even before the question of budget is
considered, every project ~ust be judged on its value to all
members of the community.' ...
We believe that all Canadians benefit from medical research into
serious diseases of childhood, and we feel you will agree with
us on this point.
In recent years we have received increasing support from Canadian
Municipalities in the form of grants and donations. \Je are now
asking your consideration when making your 1965 allocations.
When you weigh our appeal for funds we hope that you will find
it deserving. To give you an idea of how we plan to usa those
funds, we are enclosing our 1965 budget.
If you are in a position to help us you will have the gratitude
of Canada's many dystrophic children, and the gratitude of gen-
erations to come if with your help we are able to find a cure
for this tragic disease."
Page 7
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the letter from the l1uscular Dystrophy Association of
Canada, dated January 3, 1965, be received and filed.
4. ~~s. Mary A. Short:
"I wish to register a complaint as to the way the town property
at the south,.lest corner of Scugog Street and Edsall Avenue is
maintained during the summer season. The weeds are allowed to
grow up four and five feet tall and they cannot be cut with
any ordinary mower due to the roughness of the ground.
This presents a disgraceful sight at a corner of a street which
is considered a high class residential area. An area in which
people have spent thousands of dollars lands capping their pro-
perties to add to the beauty of the surroundings. The people
of this area pay a high rate of taxes for services which it
would appear are poorly administered by your council.
I demand as a substantial tax payer that the members of this
council take steps to correct this situat,ioll this coming summer. II
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the letter from ~~s. Mary A. Short, dated January 4th, 19b5,
be received and referred to the 'deed Inspector.
5. St. John Ambulancel
"We would like to make an appeal to your Council, to consider
the addition of St. John Ambulance to your 1965 budget.
St. John is a practical organization, administered by practical,
business-like people who wage a constant Province-wide battle
against the helplESS ignorance of 'not knowing what to do' when
an accident occurs. The trained, unifor~ed volunteers offer
their services, without charge, as a precaution against serious
injury arising from accidents at public functions. In addition,
many St. John trained people, not in uniform, have been able to
help the sick and injured in accidents on the roads or in crowds.
The enclosed brochure describes briefly the ways in which St.
John serves the community.
St. John volunteers are only too glad to continue to give their
services in 1965, but money is required to provide the medical
equipment they need in their work. We can assure you that your
contribution to St. John Ambulance would earn your Council the
gratitude of many sick and injured persons."
Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THAT the letter from St. John Ambulance (Ontario Council), dated
January 5th, 1965, be received and filed.
Page 8
6. W. T. Dempsey:
"Re: Proposed King St. ,;.Jidening under Connecting Link Agreement.
The proposed work includes:
A Excavation, granular base and asphalt paving over a 5' wide
strip on each side of the exist ing King St. pavement from
Ontario St. to Liberty St.
B Concrete curb and gutter and underdrains along the edge of
each widening strip from Ontario St. to Liberty St.
C 11 storm sewer with catch basins and connections on King St.
from Ontario St. to Liberty St.
D A storm sewer outlet on King St. from Liberty St. to Mearns
The estimated cost of the work is as follows:
1 Clearing
Lump Sum
1000 c.y @ $1.00
2100 1.f @ 0.75
390 c.y @ 4.00
129 c.y @ 5.00
276 ton @ 16.00
2100 1.f@ 5.00
225 1.f@ 4.00
300 1.f @ 5.00
790 1.f @ 5.50
400 1.f@ 6.00
1960 1.f@ 7.00
$ 500.00
13,700.. 00
4,235 . 00
2 Excavation
3 Underdrains
4 Class B. Gran. Base
5 Class A.
6 Asphalt
7 Curb & Gutter
$ 10" Storm Sewer
9 12"
10 15"
11 1$"
12 21"
13 Contingencies & Unforeseen
Engineering @ 10%
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the letter from w. T. Dempsey, dated December 22nd, 1964,
respecting the proposed King Street Widening under connecting
link agreement, be received and referred to Roads & Streets for
Budget purposes.
Page 9
7. H. '1L Knapp:
"The application is nereby made for the issu:mce to me of a
license to operate a taxi service in the Town of Bowmanville
and I am prepared to conplete any other forms of application
as may be required by your Clerk.
1. This business will be operated from the premises of H. W.
Knapp's Autos Limited, situate in Township Lot 10, Base
Line, Concession 1, said Town.
2. I shall commence operation with two vehicles, radio-equipped.
3. I am prepared to procure and produce such insurance as may
be required and to furnish proof thereof.
4. I shall commence operation of this business as soon as rea-
sonably can be done after the granting of a license to me
and will give adequate and proper service to the public.
5. I am prepared to pay forthwith your required fees for license."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle.
TH,S the letter of application from Mr. H.'d. Knapp, dated
January 4th, 1965, be received and license be granted providing
fee now being charged is paid and that adequate insurance cover-
age is held by the owner.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Rundle.
THAT Hisvforship the l~ayor appoint a Committee to bring in a
By-law covering taxis. Councillors Hooper, Chant, and Rundle
were appointed to the Committee..
8. Ontario Heart Foundation:
"The Bowmanvil18 Chilpter of the Ontario Heart Foundation would
like permission to display the following advertising from
January 30th to February 15th:
1. A heart-shaped wooden sign (approximately six feet high) on
the sidewalk in front of the library on King Street.
2. A small wooden heart-shaped sign mounted on the pole at the
junction of Ontario Street and Liberty Street.
3. A small wooden heart-shaped sign mounted on the pole at
Queen Street and King Street."
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THAT the letter from The Ontario Heart Foundation, dated January
14, 1965, be received and that permission be granted for their
Page 10
1. Finance Committee:
j"Ioved by Deputy H.eeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT the report of the Finance Committee dated January 13, 1965
be received and adopted.
I"loved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-law:
1. A By-law to appoint one rllJmber to the Bowmanville Libr'"ry
Board, and two members to the Bowmanville Museum Board.
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens.
THAT the Bv-lClw b8 read a first time, referred to Council in
Committee of the '.[hole and read a second time, Mayor in the
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little.
TH"T we rise and report successful second reeding of the By-law
in Committee of the, 'dhole.
Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Fice.
TH;lT the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the
By-law be received and adopted, the same be now read a third
time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, scaled and
numbered as follows:
1. A By-law to Clppoint one member to the Bowmanville Library
Board, and two members to the BowmClnville Museum Board.
B/L No. 1927-A
II C ,iRR lED "
1. Oshawa Regional Planning jlSSOC iat ion:
The minutes of a special meeting of the Oshawa Regional Planning
Association were discussed in detail by Council following which
it was:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hughes.
THAT the Mayor and Secretary of the Planning Board attend the
forthcoming special meeting of the Regional Planning Association
and report back to Council.
Page 11
2. Bernard Street:
Nothing further reported.
3. Sturrock Road:
Nothing further reported.
4. Local Improvements:
This matter is being held for consideration at a later date.
5. Franklin Park and Park Land:
This matter is in the hands of the solicitor for necessary
6. Industrial Agreement:
This matter is in the hands of the solicitor who is to report
direct to the Industrial Committee.
7. Matters Referred to Roads & Streets:
1. Parking Meter removal on Silver Street: Nothing reported.
2. Repair of Pot Holes: Nothing reported.
3. s. R. James ~htter:
This matter was discussed at length following which it
]\loved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant.
THJiT the Roads 'lnd Streets Department estimate the cost of
continuing the same size sewer pipe through the McIntyre
property and negotiate with ~r. !!ie?arlane for part payment
and report b:'1ck to Councj_l.
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle.
TH~T the Roads & Streets Department be given the alrthority
to (,xcaV'lte on the East side of Centre Street to determine
if additional tiles join up with the James drain and report
their findings to Council.
3. Matters Referred to the Tr:lffic "dvisory Board:
1. King - Scugog Intersection.
2. Relocation of pole on Scugog St. at Queen St.
The Chairman reported that this committee had not yet met
on these matters.
9. Referred to Fire Committee:
1. Filling of vacancy on Department
Nothing reported in this
Page 12
10. Matters referred to Industrial Committee:
1. Petition re Goodyear:
The Industrial Committee Chairman reported that a filter built
and designed to eliminate the smell from the reclaim plant was
expected to be installed by the end of this week.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper.
THiiT the depositor of the petition received by Council com-
plaining of the smell from the Goodyear be advised of the report
presented by the Industrial Committee Chairman on this date.
2. Counties Brochure:
The Chairman advisc:d thilt this matter is still under consider-
11. Matters referred to the Building Inspector:
1. Sign request - "dams Furniture:
The following report was presented by the Building Inspector:
"In reply to your requc,st to investigate the erection of a sign
for "dams Furniture Store at 26 King Street East, Bowmanville.
Mr. Rlbert Cole, Secretary of the Bowmanville Planning Board,
and myself have had a close look at the signs in the business
district, and due to the lack of a sign by-law, find that the
older signs are an unsightly mess, all shapes and sizes, and
suspended at various heights which certainly does little to
enhance our streets. The more recent signs en,cted are fixed
parallel to the front face of the buildings above the store
fronts cmd do appear more :lttractive and when illuminated ,are
not creating a vision hazard.
If all new signs erected could be this type, I believe, it would
be a good start and would eventually clc,an up the over-1ElDging,
wind catching signs now creating Q public liability."
Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little.
THAT we concur in the Building Inspector's report dated January
15, 1965 pertaining to signs.
In Amendment it was moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by
Con. Hughes.
THRT the mot ion be amend,"d by add ing theret 0 "and that we advise
the Company that we have no sign by-law covering this matter
however, wish thtlt they would follow the Building Inspector's
report ,j.
The original motion w~,s then put as .lmended and carried.
12. Matters refE;rred to County Council:
1. Construction S~fety Officer.
2. Increilse iIl ;io~d Rebate,.
Nothinf yet reported in this regard.
13. Other Hatt ers fending:
1. Report of Deputy rtoeve on Gr~ve1 Fits.
2. Cert~in ['ntters re tr:lffic to Police Committee.
3. Zoning By-la,~;
Moved by Con. Hughes, secondc'd by Reeve Little.
THi\T vie do now'ldjourn.
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