HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1965 Page 6 . COUNCIL iHNUTES The regular meeting. of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, January 4, 1965 at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present except Con. Hughes who was absent owing to illness. I LORD'S PRiiYER: II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT the minutos of the Meeting held on Monday December 7, 1964 be received and adopted. "Ci,RRIED" ~ III PETITIONS & DEPUTATIONS: Petitions were received from homeowners on Sunset Road and Su~nerfield Court asking for installation of street lights on these streets. As these streets have not as yet been taken over by the Corporation under the terms of the Sub-division Agreement covering this development it was: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie. TH.,T the petition received from homeowners on Sunset Hoad and Summerfield Court be received and forwarded to the Sub-divider for his attention. "CARRIED" IV COMf<1UNIC,lT IONS: 1. Memorial Hospital: . "Once again another year is drawing to a close, and we would ask permission for the use of the iCuditorium on the evening of 20th January 1965 for our Annual Meeting. Last year we had an attendance or 191, which was an increase of the year before, which leads us to believe that people ARE interested in THEIR hospital and how it is run. Thanking you and wishing you the "Compliments of the Season", we remain." Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT permission be granted to the Memorial Hospital Board to use the Auditorium on the evening of January 20th, 1965, as in past years. "C"RRIED" 2. United Counties: .- "Your letter dated October 23rd, in regard to the matter of withdra"al from the Counties for the purpose of the Construction Safety J.,ct, was reported to these Count ies' Council at their November Session." . . . . . . . . Page 7 -2- Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter from the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, dated December 13th, 1964, be received and filed. "C;,HRIED!! 3. Mr. G. Jager: !!If it is possible, I would like parking meter No. 114 to be removed, so I can make a driveway on the south side of the House at 15 Silver Street.!! Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter from ~~. G; Jager, 15 Silver Street, be received and referred to the Police Committee and Roads & Streets Commit- tee for report back. "CARRIED!! 4. Ontario Municipal Association: A letter was received from the Town and Village Section of the a.M.A. advising of their forthcoming annual Conference being held in Delhi on January 29th and 30th, 1965. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter from the Town & Village Section of the Ontario 11unicipal Association, dated December 22, 1964, respecting the forthcoming Conference in Delhi be received and filed. "CARRIED!! 5. Brandwood Signs: !!PerQission is requested to erect a 4'6" x 8' illuminating sign at the Adams Eurniture location in your Town as per the attached sketch of the proposed sign. iivould you kindly advise the unders igned at your earliest conven- ience of your decision and please return the sketch.!! Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT permission be granted to the Brandwood Sign Co. to install a 4'6" x $' sign at the Adams Furniture Store subject to the Building Inspector's investigation and report. !!C,<RRIED!! 6. H. Powell Chemical Co.: !!It is with much regret that I have to announce a decision from the Board of Directors of Fidelity Pharmaceutical Company Limited, the parent company of Powell. Due to quite recent Canadian Food and Drug rulings limiting certain personnel in our industry to specific jobs, we have found that it is no longer economically feasible to continue manufacturing at our plant on Simpson Avenue. . . . . Page 8 -3- Consequently we are moving back to Toronto in to a warehouse close to our head office and are contracting all our manufact- uring out to other firms still large enough to survive. Our plant will be closed on January 15th of next month. Had we known all this 2 short years ago when the plant was constructed, we would have acted much differently. There are 13~ years remaining on the lease and we can offer a very attract- ive arrangement to any prospective company interested in the property. The property is listed through A. E. LePage of Toronto and they can furnish anyone with the particulars. \Je have always had loyal co-operation from your town officials and its citizens in general and deeply regrec that we have been forced into this abandonment." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter received from H. Powell Chemical Co. Ltd., dated December 22, 1964 be received and referred to the Indust- rial Committee. "C,lRRIED" V REPORTS: 1. Welfare Department: Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the report of the vlelfare Department for the month of December 1964 be received and adopted. "CARRIED" 2. Building Inspector: Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT the report of the Building Inspector for the month of December 1964 be received and adopted. "CARRIED" 3. Roads & Streets Department: Moved by Reeve Little, second"d by Con. Rundle. THAT the report of the Roads and Streets Department for the month of November 1964 be received and adopted. "CARRIED" 4. County Health Unit: Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for the month of November 1964 be rcceived aud filed for future refercmce. "CARRIED" e . . . Page 9 -4- 5. C.L.O.C.A.: Moved by Con. Fico, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the report of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Author- ity be received and filed. "CARRIED" VI REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: 1. Striking Committee Report: (See Appendix A) Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the report of the Striking Committee dated January 4th, 1965 be received and adopted and that the by-law necessary for the adoption of these recommendations be presented under By-laws. "CARRIED" 2. Fire Committee: Con. Fice, chairman, reported that the Fire Committee had sent the following letter to "~. L. Lyle of the Volunteer Department and asked for Council's Concurrence: "It has been brought to the Committee's attention that Mr. L. Lyle has been out of Town on two occasions for periods exceed- ing one week without leave of absence being granted. This, we feel, is in violation of the policy as adopted. It is the decision of this committee that if the above informa- tion is true and correct that ~~. L. Lyle's services will be terminated as of December 31, 1964. The Committee would be pleased to meet with your representatives at any time if you or ~~. L. Lyle wish to discuss this matter further." Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT we concur in the action taken by the Fire Committee in respect to the enforcement of Council's policy and authorize the Committee to fill the vacancy created by the dismissal of 1tr. Lyle. "CARRIED" VII ACCOUNTS: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the accounts of the PAID PRIOR in the total amount of $149,430.03 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED" Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the accounts of the FINANCE DEPT. in the total amount of $504.67 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED" . . . . Page 10 -5- Moved by Con. Rundle, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the accounts of the DOG COIITROL DEPT. in the total amount of $77;18 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Fice, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the accounts of the FIRE DEPT. in the total amount of $24.55 be and are hBreby passed for payment. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the accounts of the POLICE DEFT. in the total amount of $250.33 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Leslie. TIL,T the accounts of the PUBLIC PROPERTY DEPT. in the total amount of ~~16.66 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the accounts of the WELFARE DEPT. in the total amount of $1.119.19 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARRIED" Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the accounts of the ROADS & STREETS DEPT. in the total amount of $1,748.71 be and are hereby passed for payment. "CARIUED" VIII BY-LAWS: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fic~. THAT leave be granted to bring in the following By-laws: 1. A By-law to authorize Temporary Borrowing for Current Expend- itures. 2. ~ By-law to provide for the Jippointment of certain represent- atives to various Town of Bowmanville Boards and Commissions. 3. A By-law to authorize the sale of part of township lot 10 in the Broken Front concession in the Town of Bowmanville and option thereof to Harry Locke and Jack Con Locke. "CAHRIED" Moved by_ Con. Leslie, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the By-laws be read a first time referred to Council in Com- mittee of the Whole and read a second time - Mayor in the Chair. "CARRIED" . . e .- Page 11 -6- Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Deputy rteeve Stevens. THAT we rise and report successful Second Reading of the By-laws in Committee of the-v{hole. "CARRIED" Moved by Deputy i1eeve Stevens, seconded by R8eve Little. THAT the report of Council in Committee of the 'dhole be re- ceived and adopted, the Same be now read a Third time, Engrossed, Signed bv the Mayor and Clerk, Sealed and Numbered as follows: 1. A Bv-law to authorize the Temporary Borrowing for Current Expenditures. B/L No. 1924 2. A By-law to provide for the appointment of certain represent- atives to various Town of Bowmanville Boards and Commissions. B/L No. 1925 3. A By-law to authorize the sale of in the Broken Front Concession in and option thereof to Harry Locke part of Township Lot 10 the Town of Bo\~anville and Jack Con Locke. B/L No. 1926 "CARRIED" IX NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Bernard Street: Nothing further reported by the Solicitor. 2. Sturrock Road: A further submission is still awaited from l~. Rehder. 3. Park Land: Nothing further reported by the Solicitor. 4. Local Improvements: When all approvals have been received the By-laws will be pre- sented for Council's enactment. 5. Industrial Agreement: As nothing further was reported by the Solicitor it was: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the Clerk be instructed to contact the Town Solicitor in this respect and that the matter be referred to the Industrial Committee for their attention. "CARRIED" 6. S. R. James Matter: r~. James was present and outlined the drainage problem to Council who had considered the matter at the last regular Session. Page 12 . -7- Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by ;(eeve Little. THi,T authority be given to drain the James Property into the Centre Street Storm Sewer if this is possible, if not than the Roads Department has the authority to repair the present drain as outlined in the December 7th, 1964 resolution. "CARRIEDtt 7. Construction Safety Officer: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the United Counties of Northumberland-Durham be notified that the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville intends to withdraw from the County for purposes of the Construction Safety Act and that we are a')pointing an insp2ctor for Bowman- ville. . "Cill'tRIED" 8. Centennial Project: 9. Industrial Commit~ee: His Worship stated that owing to Con. Hughes being absent that the report of the Industri~l Co~mittee pertaining to the petition received complaining of the odour eminating from Goodyear would not be presented. 10. His worship the I1ayor presented a report on 1964 Operation of the Town. Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT His.iorship the ;';a.yor be congratulated for presenting a fine report on the 1964 operation of the Town. "CARRIED" . 11. Horsey & Elgin Drain: Con. Hooper questioned functioning properly. mittee advised that he the status of this drain in respect to its The Chairman of the Roads and Streets Com- would check the matter with his Department. 12. County Road Rebate: Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH"T we request the Counties Council to consider increasing the present County Road Rebate to 50% for Urban Municipalities within the County Structure. "CAHRIED" 13. Dump Cover: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. . TH,S the Finance Committee investigate the fe3.sability of pur- chasing a gravel pit for use by the Corporation. "CARRIED" . . . - Page 13 -3- 14. Matters Rei 'ed to the Traffic AdTisory Board: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Con. Hooper. TH~T the hazardous condition at the Scugog - King Streets intersection and the location of the hydro pole at the junction of Queen Street with Scugog Street be referred to the Traffic Advisory Board for the consideration and report. "CARRIED" 15. Road Patching: It was suggested that the Roads and Streets Committee investi- gate the patching material used for filling pot holes through out the Community to determine whether or not we are using the best patch and also to see if it is detrimental to the storm sewers when pushed to the side of the road. 16. Fire Department ~futter: Mr. L. Lyle, who was present at the meeting, asked and received permission to speak on the resolution passed earlier at this session pertaining to his dismissal from the Fire Department. This matter was again discussed at length with Mr. Lyle follow- ing which it was: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT we do now adjourn 9:45 p.m. "CARRIED"