HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-01-14 Minutes To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our community BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 14, 2015 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: J. Witheridge S. Laing O. Casimiro G. Humes (7:32) B. Seto J. Neal M. Morawetz M. Carlton J. Cashin-Oster Mayor A. Foster M. Adams (ED) Regrets: C. Morgan 1.Call to Order: The ED called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2.Adoption of Agenda: THAT: the agenda be adopted with changes. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: B. Seto MOTION CARRIED 3.Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4.Discussion of Secretary Position Reviewed history, policy, board member experience, shared position. THAT: position of secretary be created and filled by a sitting board member until the new board sits. Moved by: B. Seto Seconded by: A. Foster MOTION CARRIED THAT: M. Morawetz and O. Casimiro be nominated for shared secretarial duties until the new board sits. Moved by: B. Seto Seconded by: J. Witheridge MOTION CARRIED 5.Election of Officers THAT: terms of the existing officers be extended until the new board is formed as appointed by council. Moved by: A. Foster Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION WITHDRAWN following discussion of Bylaws, and Governance Policy from June 11, 2014. ED opened the process by reviewing the understanding that these positions will stand until the new board is formed as appointed by council sometime in 2015 as discussed. ED called for nominations for Chairperson. That: nominations for chairperson be closed with two names brought forward. Moved by: J. Neal Seconded by: J. Cashin-Oster B. Seto as Chairperson ED congratulated ED called for nominations for Vice Chairperson. That: nominations for vice chairperson be closed with two names brought forward. J. Witheridge declined. Moved by: J. Neal Seconded by: J. Witheridge J. Cashin-Oster as Vice Chairperson ED declared ED called for nominations for Finance Chairperson. That: nominations for finance chairperson be closed with one name brought forward. Moved by: A. Foster Seconded by: J. Neal G. Humes as Finance Chairperson ED declared ED called for nominations for Collections Chairperson. That: nominations for collections chairperson be closed with one name brought forward. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: J. Neal as Collections Chairperson ED declared S. Laing ED called for nominations for Property Chairperson. That: nominations for property chairperson be closed with two names brought forward. M. Morawetz and O. Casimiro declined. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: J. Neal That: accept offer by J. Neal to stand as property chairperson, all nominations be closed, new slate of officers be accepted, and ballots be destroyed. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: M.Carlton J. Neal as Property Chairperson ED declared MOTIONS CARRIED Chairperson B. Seto took the remainder of the meeting. 6.Correspondence No correspondence was received. 7.Announcements A. Foster announced the Mayor’s Annual Gala taking place Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015 at the Clarington Library, Bowmanville Branch. Tickets $50. All proceeds to benefit A Gift of Art and the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington. M. Morawetz announced with great sadness the passing of Camille Lou Anne Coombes, one of the founding members of ACO -Clarington. Camille was a bright light for many community causes including ACO and in particular, Camp 30, wife, and mother of two young boys. Her Celebration of Life Service would be held at St. Paul’s United Church, Bowmanville on Saturday, Jan. 17 at 3 p.m. Donations to the charities of Camille’s choice can be made through Northcutt Elliott Funeral Chapel. 8.Approval of Minutes THAT: the Board meeting of Dec. 10, 2014 minutes be approved. Moved by: J. Neal Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION CARRIED 9. Business Arising from Minutes Staff Compensation Review / Revision requested by B. Seto. Discussion included ongoing work by ED regarding tasks, job descriptions and titles in existence, and CMA 2015 Compensation Survey to be completed in 2015. This work would be an information piece useful in future planning including a revision of the Strategic Plan including realistic goals and objectives, and financial responsibility for the organization creating a sound business plan. THAT: theED be charged with a comprehensive review of roles and compensation before the next budget, of all other staff, without restricting the ED’s current staffing plans. Moved as amended by: B. Seto Seconded by: J. Neal MOTION CARRIED 10. Executive Director’s Report - Report submitted by M. Adams ED Summary included priorities for early 2015 based on highlights from late 2014 and work so far since hire, including the policy book found without signatures as required, and the museum’s position within the Municipality. We are a corporation of the Municipality according to the Municipal Act. Focus items included:  Museum Structure & Policy  Municipal, Community & Corporate Relations  Exhibit, Event & Programming  Fundraising, Sponsorship & Marketing  Staffing / Volunteering A board orientation is being planned. ED believes we need to review the Strategic Plan done in early 2013. It is too ambitious for our resources and must become more realistic if we are to be successful. THAT: t. he Executive Director’s report be accepted as submitted Moved by: J. Neal Seconded by: O. Casimiro MOTION CARRIED 11. Committee Reports a) Finance Report – Report Submitted by G. Humes A complete reconciliation has been requested of the municipal staff of the museum books in order to start the new fiscal year with a clean slate. The budget was approved allowing some flexibility at the last board meeting. O. Casimiro, G. Humes, M. Adams ED, and C. Taws have been working together to create work sheets including financial information that will be useful in planning with the target of end Feb. There are 3 buildings/properties with costs/programming at each to consider. Books will remain in Municipal hands for 9 months more. THAT: the Financial Report be accepted as submitted. Moved by: J. Neal Seconded by: J. Witheridge MOTION CARRIED b) Collections Report – S. Laing said that a written report will be ready for the next board meeting in February. c) Membership Report – B. Seto stated 73 individual memberships and 9 corporate memberships as previously reported. d) Property Report – M. Morawetz stated no report this month. e) Friends Report – S. Laing stated no report this month. 12. New Business: a) New Policies – Criminal Record Check Policy THAT: Criminal Record Check Policy be approved as submitted. Moved by: G. Humes Seconded by: O. Casimiro MOTION CARRIED Staff criminal record checks are already in progress and will be required ongoing. - Finance Policy Signing Authority Policy THAT: Finance Policy Signing Authority Policy be approved as submitted. Moved by: G. Humes Seconded by: A. Foster MOTION CARRIED b) Approve Michael Adams as signee . by consensus as discussed Note of clarification – Bylaws state that the museum board cannot do anything financially that ties the hands of the municipality (example - 5 year contract on services perhaps). Bylaws guide all policies of the board and should always be referred to for clarification. c) Doors Open Clarington 2015 – M. Morawetz asked that the Museum Board members and ED approve participation of Clarke Museum on the 2015 tour. DOC is set of Saturday, June 13, 2015 and will focus on the north central area of Clarington including the villages of Leskard and Kirby. Other sites being pursued include Brimacombe, Mosport, Kirby United Church, and several historic homes and trails. Consensus to participate. M. Morawetz will follow up with ED regarding details and programming. 13. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held, Wednesday Feb. 11, 2015 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre at 7 p.m. 14.Adjournment: THAT: the meeting adjourned Moved by: G. Humes MOTION CARRIED Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on _________________________________. _______________________________________ ________________________________________ Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives