HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/27/2015 (Special Budget)r � Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Agenda Date: February 27, 2015 Time: 9:30 AM Place: Council Chambers If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905 - 623 -3379 ext. 2102. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record. of General Purpose and Administration Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation to a General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on'the Municipality's website. Meeting Called to Order 2. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 3. . Delegations 3 -1 (a) Gail Rickard, Chair, and Linda Kent, Library Director, Clarington Public Library, Regarding 2015 Budget (b) Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth Centre (John Howard Society of Durham Region), and Judy Gales, Manager, Community and Youth.Justice Services, Regarding 2015 Budget (c) Craig Ryan, Board President, and James Campbell, Executive Director /Curator, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Regarding 2015. Budget (d) Michael Adams, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives, Regarding 2015 Budget (e) Sally Barrie, Administrator, and Brent Farr, Executive Director — Home Support, Community Care Durham, Regarding 2015 Budget (f) Cathie Ward, President, Clarington Older Adult Centre Board, and Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adult Centre, Regarding 2015 Budget Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 905 - 623 -3379 G.P. & A. Agenda . 2 February 27, 2015 4. Presentations Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance/Treasurer — 2015 Municipal Budget 5. Finance Department (a) FND- 003 -15 2015 Current and Capital Budget 5 -1 6. Unfinished Business 7. Adjournment DRAFT LIST OF DELEGATIONS r Special Budget GPA Meeting: February 27, 2015 (a) Gail Rickard, Chair, and Linda Kent, Library Director, Clarington Public Library, Regarding 2015 Budget (b) Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth Centre (John Howard Society of Durham Region), and Judy Gales, Manager, Community and Youth Justice Services, Regarding 2015 Budget (c) Craig Ryan, Board President, and James Campbell, Executive Director /Curator, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Regarding 2015 Budget (d) Michael Adams, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives, Regarding 2015 Budget (e) Sally Barrie, Administrator, and Brent Farr, Executive Director — Home Support, Community Care Durham, Regarding 2015 Budget (f) Cathie Ward, President, Clarington Older Adult Centre Board, and Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adult Centre, Regarding 2015 Budget 3 -1 Ell Finance Department Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905 - 623 -3379 ext. 2102. Report To: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date of Meeting: February 27, 2015 Report Number: File Number: FND- 003 -15 Department File# By -law Number: Report Subject: 2015 Current and Capital Budget Recommendations: 1. That Report FND- 003 -15 be received; 2. That Council approve the 2015 Operating and Capital budget as outlined in Schedule "A ", at an estimated tax levy impact of 2.65% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in FND- 003 -15; 3. That Council provide direction on the items listed as Priority "B" for consideration, as itemized in Schedule "B "; 4. That Council provide direction on the grants for external agencies per their requests itemized in Schedule "C ", at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.30 %; 5, That Schedules "D ", "E" and "F" outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions and new Reserve /Reserve Funds be approved; 6. That approximately $800,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; 7. That Council approve the transfer of $1 million to the Fire Equipment Reserve Fund and $1 million to the Operations Fleet Reserve Fund from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund; 8. That the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the attached documents be approved; 9. That the external agencies, referred to in Schedule "C" be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request; 10.That Council authorize the Mayor's Golf Tournament to take place for 2015 to 2018, at no cost to the tax base with the net proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament to be directed to Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington (2015), Clarington Museums (2016), the Clarington Project of Oshawa / Clarington Community Living (2017) and the Bowmanville Hospital Association (2018); 5 -1 Municipality of Clarington Report FND- 003 -15 Paae 2 11. That any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim financed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and General Municipal Reserve Fund, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits; 12. That Lennis Trotter and Mike Chesson be advised of Council's decision with respect to their request for funding support for the Children's Safety Village; 13. That Report FND- 003 -15 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; and 14. That the appropriate By -laws to levy the, 2015 tax requirements for Municipal, Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available. 5 -2 Municipality of Clarington Report FND- 003 -15 Page 3 Report Overview The purpose of this report is to provide necessary information to Council in order to approve 2015 Capital and Operating budgets. The report includes a number of important components and the detailed budget binder provides specific details. There are significant capital considerations for 2015 that further enhance the municipality's capital infrastructure. On the operating side, this proposed budget incorporates the final build in to various service level improvements, as approved by Council. 1. Overview 1.1. The 2015 budget is outlined in detail in the draft budget documents circulated in conjunction with this report. The approximate 2015 Priority "A" considerations is detailed in Schedule "A" attached hereto and provides a summary of the contents of the draft budget binder. 1.2. The Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Finance have worked diligently with all departments to review all areas and identify savings. 1.3. This impact is after assessment growth (growth is estimated at 1.78 %). Every I% increase in the budget generally results in a tax increase of approximately $11.85 for the average residential taxpayer for the local portion of the tax bill (based on average value of $285,800). This does not include the impact of tax policy changes determined by the Region of Durham. 1.4. Based on the 2015 returned roll, Clarington assessment splits remain at 90% for residential, farm and multi - residential and 10% for commercial and industrial properties. 1.5. Clarington continues to rely on reserves and reserve funds to alleviate tax levy impacts for capital and operating. Surpluses in a given year are transferred into the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund and then used in subsequent years to offset the levy. Contributions are made annually into reserve funds for future capital replacement and then drawn upon in those future years. For 2015, the net annual draw on reserves and reserve funds is approximately $19.7 million (2013 - $16.5 million) including $800,000 drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax levy. This includes Capital and Current (operating). The summaries for the reserves and reserve funds are included in the attached Schedule "D ", "E" and "F ". 1.6. Consistent with prior years, interest revenue from the Strategic Capital funds were factored in so as to mitigate the tax levy impact. Revenue increases for many departments, where possible, have been factored in. 1.7. For 2015, the budget is reflecting no change in Veridian dividends or the impact of any ice storm reimbursement funds that may be received in the future. 5 -3 Municipality of Clarington Report FND- 003 -15 2. Tax Rate Stabilization Paqe 4 2.1 Historically, Clarington has drawn on our Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund approximately $800,000 per year. This is proposed to remain similar for 2015. We have had stable but positive financial results so the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund is in the position to continue this practice. As well, due to challenges being faced in the Fire Equipment Reserve Fund and the Operations Fleet Reserve Fund, a one -time transfer is being recommended of $1 million to each reserve fund from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Further recommendations around annual surplus /deficit will come forward to Council in conjunction with the Asset Management Plan. 3. Tax Policy Changes 3.1 A long term strategic tax policy plan was approved in 2002 by the Region of Durham that may have an impact on the final tax rates. The 2015 update of the plan will be presented to Regional Council in early 2015: The tax ratio changes impact upon the relative share of the total taxes that each property class pays. Another impact to Clarington relates to the education retained portion of payment -in -lieu properties such as Ontario Power Generation. In the 2008 provincial budget, a provincially mandated reduction in the industrial education rate was announced. This reduces our education retained revenue. Commencing 2013, the province has frozen these rates. However, the education rates have been adjusted for reassessment impacts which will result in minor tax policy impacts. 4. Staffing 4.1 For the 2015 budget, we respectfully request a total of $400,000 tax levy funds to support staffing increases and changes in all departments. This increase is necessary for the following reasons: 1) Maintain current level of service and prevent deterioration of customer service. As the municipality's population increases, the demands for municipal services also increase proportionally. Typical areas of service demand associated with the growth include road maintenance (more roads), tax payment and inquiries (more taxpayers), recreational programs (more users), purchasing and tenders (more activities and projects), fire protection (more areas to cover), etc. 2) Provincial legislation /regulations compliance Over the last few years, there has been a slew of new provincial legislation, many of which are accompanied with complex regulations that affect our business. Legislation of recent past includes energy management, current legislation includes Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities, pending legislation includes financial accountability, ombudsman, etc. All this legislation 5 -4 Municipality of Clarington Report FND- 003 -15 Page 5 has and will result in significant workload which means existing tasks must be pushed aside to accommodate the additional work to ensure compliance. The overall results are unmanageable workload affecting various departments. While no particular single new staff is identified for the additional work, the works are spread through various departments. With additional funds being allocated to various departments, our goal is to ensure our responsibility to provide services to local residents would not be sacrificed at the expense of meeting Provincial legislation requirements. One specific staff requirement included in the Priority "A" consideration (item #51) is a Co- Ordinator to address Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act compliance, who may also fill a support role in Health and Safety. 3) Catching up with workload backlog In the 2011 budget approval, Council approved a general philosophy of not allowing the cost of any new staffing increase to exceed the value of assessment growth. Over the past 4 years, Council has consistently approved new staffing below the corresponding assessment growth value. Budget Approval History Year Assessment Growth Annualized Staff Approved 2011 $ 784,500 $ 556,500 2012 $ 995,000 $ 622,000 2013 $ 885,099 $ 465,750 2014 $1,425,488 $ 770,750 The effect of this is the increasing difficulty and to a certain extent the inability to keep pace with the service demand resulting from growth. The long term effect of understaffing includes low morale, burn -out and mistakes (sometimes costly) resulting from cutting corners just to get the job done. Examples include: the preparation of the new comprehensive zoning by -law, long waiting period to fulfil work orders, etc. Assessment growth for 2015 is $825,417. 5 -5 Municipality of Clarington Report FND- 003 -15 Page 6 4.2 Council also approved in 2011, in Report FND- 003 -11: "That the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to make any adjustment if necessary to ensure staff resources are allocated and deployed fairly and consistently among all departments and in adherence to maintaining the current service standard;" For the 2015 budget, total tax levy impact of $400,000 is requested ($65,000 for Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Co- Ordinator in Priority "A" and $335,000 in Priority "B "). It is intended that the Chief Administrative Officer, in consultation with Department Heads, would determine the allocation of the necessary staffing across departments, based upon positions noted in general at the budget workshop. 4.3 The $400,000 total budget split between Priority A and Priority B impact is well within the value of the assessment growth for 2015 which is estimated at 1.78% or $825,417 and is consistent with Council's direction to keep new staffing costs below that of assessment growth 5. Capital Budget Commentary 5.1 The recommended impact on the tax base of the proposed Capital Budget is $396,787 under the Priority "A" recommendations and $366,000 under the Priority "B" recommendations. This translates to a 0.87% tax levy increase on the Priority "A" recommendations and 0.81% on the Priority "B" recommendations. 5.2 There has been significant dialogue in recent years pertaining to the state of municipal infrastructure in Ontario. In Clarington, there has been consistent improvement to the tax levy support to Capital over the past 10 years. The combined Priority "A" and "B" recommendations are incorporated into the detailed budget pages. As Council is aware, a comprehensive Asset Management Plan is currently underway and will be presented to Council at various stages. The Asset Management Plan may have a significant impact upon our capital budgeting practices and prioritization. 5.3 Details of Capital projects, by department, are included in the Draft Capital Budget. 5.4 Federal fuel tax proceeds have been incorporated into the Draft Capital Budget at $2,510,000. New funding agreements have been signed regarding Federal Gas Tax that reflect a reallocation based on updated census population data. This has resulted in a slight increase to Clarington. Formula based funding under the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund has also been incorporated under the Engineering section of the capital budget in the amount of $433,780. 5.5 The Capital Budget is presented to Council for consideration and approval. The financing for most of the projects is a combination of Reserve, Reserve Funds, Development Charges and tax levy. 5 -6 Municipality of Clarington Report FND- 003 -15 6. Current Budget Impacts e7 6.1 Consistent with any other major employer, as well as all other municipalities, Clarington is experiencing costs increases in areas such as wage increases, benefit costs, building /facility maintenance costs and road maintenance costs. Also of note is utility costs, particularly hydro. The Current budget impacts are detailed in Schedule "A" to this report. Staff have endeavoured to find offsetting revenue increases and expense decreases to alleviate the tax levy impact. 7. Debt Status 7.1 Current projected annual debt repayment obligations for 2015 budget purposes total $3,765,510. This is comprised of debentures issued for the South Courtice Arena, the Bowmanville Indoor Soccer Facility, the Newcastle Aquatic facility, RRC Community Care Durham space, the Newcastle branch library and Green Road Grade Separation. 7.2 The total principal amount outstanding at January 1, 2015 is $22,995,326. New debentures will be required in 2015 for the Courtice Library Expansion as approved in 2014. As Council is aware, annual growth is required to maintain the debenture repayment obligations from development charges without impacting the tax levy. Growth numbers in 2009 were severely impacted by the economic conditions. As a result, Council approved interim borrowing from other Reserve Funds for 2009 through 2014. For 2015 growth is based on a projected 525 new residential units but will be monitored throughout the year. Repayments of the interim borrowing from previous years will be addressed in the future as the economy gradually improves. 7.3 Total debt is now projected to be $20,041,254 on January 1, 2016, most of which is growth- related through development charges.. New debt will also be issued for the Courtice Library expansion /renovation as included in the 2014 budget. Repayments may not occur until 2016. 8. Municipal Grant Program 8.1 The municipal grant program is administered through the Community Services Department. The budget presented via this report includes a total of $100,000 for the grant program which includes $60,000 consistent with prior years and $40,000 transferred from the Communications/Tourism division to streamline community access to funding. The $100,000 is allocated based on Council direction when the grant report is brought forward. While not listed as an option on Schedule "B ", should Council wish to reduce or eliminate this program, a cost saving would result. 9. Insurance 9.1 Insurance premium costs are fairly a significant cause for concern for all municipalities in Ontario. A number of news releases from AMO have highlighted this issue with an 5 -7 Municipality of Clarington Report FND- 003 -15 e8 attempt to have the Province address joint and several liability issues. These have been endorsed by Council. Clarington's participation in the Durham Municipal Insurance Pool has provided an insulating factor from fluctuating market impacts. Clarington has several risk management initiatives underway to assist in the reduction in or defence of claims. 10. Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions 10.1 Consistent with past practice, increases in reserve fund contributions are at times deemed appropriate to bolster balances in depleting reserve funds. For 2015, three changes are included on the Reserve and Reserve Fund summaries in the attached Schedules "D" and "E" and shown as items 5 through 7 of Priority "B" items on Schedule "B ". Contributions will need to be addressed in future years as part of a comprehensive long term asset management strategy to fund future capital replacement needs as there are several areas that will present challenges in the future. 10.2 In the interim, some bolstering of the primary fleet reserve funds have been recommended as described in Section 2 of this report. 11. External Agencies 11.1 The requests from the external agencies, including the Museum, Library, Visual Arts Centre, Clarington Older Adults Board, etc. are detailed in the External Agencies section of the Draft Current Budget for Council to consider their requests on an individual basis in Schedule "C" to this report. The external agencies tab in the Draft Current Budget provides background information pertaining to the requests by the external agencies. The increase in budget requests for the external agencies total $135,379 for 2015 which is a 0.30% total municipal levy increase. 12. Mayor's Golf Tournament and "For the Love of Art" Events 12.1 For the 2015 budget and the balance of this term of Council, Council is requested to provide continued direction on inclusion of the Mayor's Golf Tournament. The anticipated gross revenues to be generated are approximately $72,000. The net proceeds estimated at $25,000 would be donated to the Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington (2015), Clarington Museums (2016), Clarington Project of Oshawa / Clarington Community Living (2017) and the Bowmanville Hospital Association (2018). Municipality of Clarington Report FND- 003 -15 Page 9 12.2 Also included in the 2015 budget with no tax levy impact, is the "For the Love of Art" Event which is to be self- sufficient through the provision of sponsorship opportunities and donations. The event is in support of the Clarington Visual Arts Centre and The Gift of Art. Net proceeds are divided equally. 12.3 These events, commencing in 2015, are being administered through the Community Development division of the Community Services Department. 13. Kids Safety Village 13.1 Council received correspondence (Schedule "G ") for information at its meeting of December 15, 2014. Delegations came forward in January 2015 regarding this issue. At a meeting held on January 26, 2015, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington approved the following Resolution #GPA- 026 -15: That the delegation of Lennis Trotter and Mike Chesson, regarding funding support for the Children's Safety Village, be received with thanks and referred to the 2015 Budget. This has been included as Item #22 of the Priority "B" items on Schedule "B" for Council's consideration. 14. Ice Storm 14.1 Staff has undertaken an assessment of damages resulting from the 2013 ice storm including, but not limited to trees, roads, parks, etc. An application has been made under the Ontario Disaster Relief program to recover costs. The application was for approximately $1.3 million. Any funds recovered through this program would be allocated with a portion for tree replacements and the balance split between fleet reserve funds and facility reserve funds to compensate for the wear and tear effect this storm response had on municipal equipment and facilities. 15. 2015 Accrual Based Budget for PSAB per Ont Reg 284/09 15.1 Public Sector Accounting Board annual reporting requirements for municipal budgets require that certain accrual based items be reported to Council in conjunction with the budget for 2011 and onwards. 15.2 Accrual based expenses that are excluded from the 2015 tax based budget include post - employment benefits and amortization. Other items to transfer to a PSAB budget include tangible capital asset acquisitions, and accounting treatment of debt principal payments. 5 -9 Municipality of Clarington Report FND- 003 -15 Page 10 15.3 There is no immediate financial impact of these PSAB additions or reductions since the tax based budget approves necessary funds to provide municipal services for 2015. 15.4 However, the estimated change to the accumulated surplus at the end of 2015 resulting from the above items is as follows: PSAB Additions to the 2015 Budget Tangible Capital Asset Amortization $16,175,793 Post - Employment Benefit Estimate $ 734,431 Total PSAB Additions $16,910,224 PSAB Reductions to the 2015 Budget TCA Acquisitions ($20,377,515) Debt Principal Payments ($ 2,952,123) Total PSAB Reductions ($23,329,638) (Increase) Decrease in Accumulated Surplus ($ 6,419,414) 16. Future Years' Budgets 16.1 There are certain known impacts for the 2015 budget year such as staffing, wage settlements, fire master plan implications, increasing maintenance costs of roads and buildings /facilities and normal inflationary impacts. There may be implications with respect to the Courtice Library expansion opening, Clarington Older Adult Association service levels and strategic plan implications. 16.2 Other items for future consideration include increased tax support to capital as part of a comprehensive long term asset management plan that is currently underway. It is anticipated that this will have a significant impact on future decision making with respect to capital funding decisions. 17. Concurrence Not Applicable 18. Conclusion Staff are presenting a stable budget for 2015 Capital and Operating, incorporating important capital considerations and including phasing of service level improvements approved by Council. This report and accompanying documents are intended to provide Council the information necessary to make strategic decisions and ultimately adopt a budget for the 2015 year. MW11 Municipality of Clarington Report FND- 003 -15 19. Strategic Plan Application The recommendations contained in this report conform to the Strategic Plan. l JI' ' Submitted by: Reviewed by Nancy Tailor, BBA, CPA, CA Director of Finance/Treasurer Paae 11 Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance/Treasurer, 905 - 623 -3379 ext. 2602 or ntaylor@clarington.net Attachments: Schedule "A" — 2015 Priority "A Considerations Schedule "B" — 2015 Priority "B" Items for Consideration Schedule "C" — External Agencies Budget Requests for 2015 Schedule "D" — Reserve Funds Schedule "E" — Reserves Schedule "F ". — 2015 Operating — Reserves and Reserve Fund Contributions Schedule "G" — Communications from Kids Safety Village of Durham Region The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: • Clarington Museum and Archives • Clarington Older Adult Centre Board • Clarington Public Library • Durham Region Community Care Association • John Howard Society (Firehouse Youth) • Newcastle Community Hall • Orono Cemetery Company • Visual Arts Centre of Clarington • Lennis Trotter, Kid's Safety Village of Durham Region NT /hjI 5 -11 SCHEDULE "A' to REPORT FND- 003 -15 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2015 PRIORITY A CONSIDERATIONS DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REVENUE INCREASES: 1 Growth (Assessment and Education Retained) (825,417) 2 Supplementary Taxes (5,000) 3 Increase in transfer from Engineering Inspection and Review Reserve Funds (60,000) 4 Increase in Lease Revenue (20,000) 5 Increase in Marriage Revenue (11,000) 6 Operations Additional Sportfield Rental Revenue (43,000) 7 Operations Additonal Entrance Culvert Revenue (7,000) 8 Operations Additional Cemetery Revenue (12,000) 9 CSD Increased Advertising Revenue (7,000) 10 CSD Aquatic Revenue Increase (excl CFC) (80,000) 11 CSD Fitness Revenue Increase (14,250) 12 CSD Recreation Program Revenue Increase (30,300) EXPENSE DECREASES: 13 Decrease in COD Tax Levy Support to Capital (IT) (52,700) 14 Non - Affiliated and Cupe Grid and Retirement Savings (44,577) 15 Election Salary Savings (55,000) 16 Newcastle Part Time Firefighter Salary Savings (47,290) 17 Reduction in Elected Official Severance (due to first year of term) (10,087) 18 Decrease in Contribution to Fire Reserve Fund to Offset New Firefighters (201,500) 19 Decrease in Transfer to Municipal Gov't Enterprise Reserve Fund for Energy Savings (10,800) 20 Decrease in CFC Reserve Fund Transfer for Partial Year of Operations (49,600) 21 Reduction in Legal Professional Fees (15,000) 22 Reduction in HR Legal (10,000) 23 Reduction in HR Consulting and Staff Development (5,000) 24 Reduction in Toursim Materials (6,000) 25 CLD Volunteer Program Budget Realignment (10,500) 26 ByLaw Reductin in Professional Fees (6,500) 27 FIN Reduction in Legal -tax sales (5,000) 28 FIN - Decrease in Bank Service Charges (19,500) 29 ESD- Reduction to Prevention Promotion Account (15,000) 30 ESD- Reduction to Equip Maint and SCBA (40,000) 31 ESD- Savings on Phase out of Radio Equipment (50,000) 32 OPD- Reduction to Culvert Maintenance Budget (5,000) 33 OPD- Reduction to Pavement Resurfacing Contract (20,000) 34 OPD- Decrease Stormwater Pond Maintenance Budget (7,500) 35 PSD- Decrease in One -Time Funding to Camp 30 Study (45,000) REVENUE DECREASES: 36 CLD- Decrease in Commission of Documents /Miscellaneous Revenue 8,500 37 Loss of Dog /Cat License Revenue (net of commissions) 17,000 38 CSD Theatre Dance Lease Revenue Loss 9,788 39 CSD Reduced RRC Leasehold Recovery 9,000 5 -12 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2015 PRIORITY CONSIDERATIONS SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION AMOUNT EXPENSE INCREASES: 40 Salary and wages increase(CUPE, FIRE ASSOC, Non - affiliated) 815,820 41 EHT /CPP /EI /WSIB /EXT HEALTH 547,307 42 New Fire Staff Approved in 2014 365,695 43 New Non - Affiliated and CUPE Approved in 2014 211,737 44 Hydro and Water 94,574 45 CLD- Increased Tax Levy to Capital 30,000 46 ESD increased tax support to capital 48,815 47 EGD increased tax suppport to capital 168,672 48 OPD increased tax support to capital 151,600 49 CSD increased tax support to capital 50,400 50 Phase 1 Increase to Election Expense Reserve 2,500 51 Proposed New Staff- Assessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Co- ordinator (H &S also) 65,000 52 Telephone and Photocopiers 12,500 53 Post Employment Actuarial Liability 25,000 54 Corporate Design, Printing, Advertising 21,600 55 Toursim Events 3,600 56 Software Maintenance contracts 10,000 57 ByLaw GPS Units and Monitoring 7,500 58 Tax Write Off Expense 25,000 59 EMS - training, uniforms and bunker gear for increased staff. 11,000 60 EMS Epi pens 2,400 61 EMS- mandatory vehicle check increases 10,000 62 Ontario One call locates 20,000 63 Streetlighting 78,000 64 Playing field lighting 25,000 65 Parks contract - Cleaning at East Beach 11,000 66 Irrigation system costs 8,000 67 Playing field surface materials (risk issue) 15,000 68 Cemetery maintenance 6,500 69 OPD Next gen radio system 22,000 70 Gravel Patching 6,500 71 Winter Maintenance- operating supplies 31,500 72 Bowmanville Museum Veranda and Pillars 20,000 73 CSD -CFC opening 5,000 74 PanAm Games 10,000 75 New Years Eve Event 2,000 76 Planning consulting 12,500 77 Energy Park Street name change 3,500 78 Various miscellaneous changes in other accounts througout budget 48,456 GRAND TOTAL 1,203,443 PERCENTAGE INCREASE 2.65% dn: FinanceAdmin /2015 budget /rate Increase summary.xis 2/3/15 5 -13 SCHEDULE "B' to REPORT FND- 003 -15 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2015 BUDGET PRIORITY B ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 1 Electronic Agendas (Hardware and Software) 42,000 2 ESD- Diesel Vehicle Exhaust System Upgrade 50,000 3 OPD- Additional Rural Road Resurfacing 200,000 4 Planning capital tax levy increase to land acquisition 74,000 5 Increase in trsf to Eng Parks Cap R/f 25,000 6 Increase in trsf to Fac /Parks Maint R/f 25,000 7 Increase in trsf to CSD Capital R/F 25,000 .8 Proposed New Staff (tax levy impact) 335,000 9 Clerks Office Furniture 5,000 10 ESD- Station 1 kitchen and various improvements 10,000 11 ESD- training supplies 5,000 12 P/T Firefighter Training Pay Increase 60,000 13 ENG- streetlight inventory and design review 50,000 14 Bldg maint- Station 5 bay doors, PM for overhead doors 11,500 15 Bldg Maint- annual envelope improvements 10,000 16 Bldg Maint- ES1 Controls 5,000 17 Brush /tree removal 5,000 18 Block Tree pruning 15,000 19 Rural Road trees 5,000 20 Priority Green 12,000 21 CIP 9,000 22 Children's Safety Village Grant 15,000 dn: FinanceAdmin /2015 budget /rate increase summary.As 2/3/15 5 -14 SCHEDULE "C' to REPORT FND- 003 -15 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON EXTERNAL AGENCIES- 2015 INCREASES 2014 APPROVED 2015 REQUEST INCREASE ($) INCREASE (%) Community Care 28,953 29,532 579 2.00% Clarington Older Adult Centre 255,000 310,000 55,000 21.57% Clarington Public Library 2,825,610 2,892,478 66,868 2.37% Clarington Museums 270,342 277,101 6,759 2.50% Visual Arts Centre 198,688 202,661 3,973 2.00% Newcastle Community Hall 18,000 18,000 - 0.00% Orono Cemetery Board 10,000 10,000 - 0.00% Firehouse Youth 55,000 57,200 2,200 4.00% 3,661,593 3,796,972 135,379 PERCENTAGE INCREASE ON MUNICIPAL TAX LEVY 0.30% dn: FinanceAdmin /2015 budget /rate increase summary.xls 2/3/15 5 -15 to I J rn RESERVE FUNDS 2015 BUDGET Feb-.-r. 9015 ACC.# NAME 2014 2015 BALANCE (Estimated) FUND (Estimated) EXPENDITURES Contributions Est Revenues/ CAPITAL JOPERATING BALANCE I From General Trsf Btwn R/F 2015 NAME GENERAL 1 502 510 511 INDUSTRIAL/ECO. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC CAPITAL MUNICIPAL CAPITAL WORKS 498,883 9,708,089 2,816,675 (1,127,120) 50,000 I 235,000 161,704 548,883 9,708,089 2,086,259 INDUST /ECO. DEVMT STRATEGIC CAPITAL MUN. CAP. WORKS 515 528 DEBENTURE RETIREMENT IMPACT/ ESCROW 227,219 293,589 (225,000) (16,117) i 211,102 68,589 DEBENTURE RETIREMNT IMPACT /ESCROW 512 554 GENERAL MUNICIPAL RATE STABILIZATION 1,833,012 8,511,344 (50,000) (250,000)1 49,200 (800,000)' (2,000,000) 1,582,212 5,711,344 GENERAL MUNICIPAL RATE STABILIZATION 521 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 477,400 (240,000) ! 100,000 337,400 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 24,366,211 20,253,878 537 Sub -Total General CLARINGTON/REGION STN. AACC. I ' Sub Total CLAR/REGION STN. A 742,514 742,514 CLERKS 1 501 PARKING LOT 531,763 (10,000) (228,350)1 200,000 493,413 PARKING LOT 523 525 ANIMAL SERVICES CAPITAL CLERK FLEET 55,164 10,004 (10,000) (5,000) 7,000 5,000. 52,164 10,004 ANIMAL SERVICES CAPITAL CLERK FLEET FIRE 522 565 FIRE EQUIPMENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 817,175 200,000 (675,000) (200,000) (10,000)' 325,000 1,000,000 1,457,175 - FIRE EQUIPMENT COMM EMERGENCY MGMT NEW ENGINEERING 1 503 513 514 ROADS CAPITAL ENGINEERING INSPECTION ROADS CONTRIBUTIONS 141,554 2,368,274 506,200 (350,000) ! (350,000) 1 141,554 2,018,274 156,200 ROADS CAPITAL ENGIN INSPECTION ROADS CONTRIB "NS 517 ENGINEERING PARKS CAPITAL 308,382 (125,500) ; 25,000 207,882 ENG. PARKS CAPITAL 520 CEMETERIES CAPITAL 7,143 - 5,000 12,143 CEMETERIES CAPITAL 557 FEDERAL GAS TAX RECEIPTS 136,292 (2,510,000) I 2,448,122 74,414 FEDERAL GAS TAX RECEIPTS 558 505 564 BUILDING DIVISION RESERVE FUND ENGINEERING FLEET R/F ENGINEERING REVIEW 825,191 120,216 105,512 (45,000) (11,000)1 5,000 (40,000) 814,191 80,216 65,512 BUILDING DIVISION ENGINEERING FLEET R/F ENGINEERING REVIEW 4,518,763 3,570,385 Sub -Total 1 OPERATIONS 1 516 524 FACILITIES /PARKS MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT 517,323 564,478 (325,000) (562,000) 1 300,000 1 109,500 1,000,000 492,323 1,111,978 FACILITIES /PARKS MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS - FLEET 563 STORMWATER MGMT POND MTNCE 19,686 i 19,686 STORMWATER MGMT POND MTNCE 1,101,487 1,623,987 Sub -Total Sub Total COMMUNITY SERVICES I 560 518 CSO BUILDING REFURBISHMENT COMMMUNITY SERVICES CAPITAL 280,895 469,207 (283,700) ! 85,000 1 348,850 365,895 534,357 BUILDING REFURBISHMENT COM. SRVICES CAPTL PLANNING 1 504 507 508 PARKLAND CASH IN LIEU WESTSIDE/BOWMANVILLE MARSH NEWCASTLE WATERFRONT 228,570 52,958 84,826 (84,807) i I 228,570 52,958 19 PARKLAND CASH- LIEU WESTSD /BOW MARSH NEWCASTLE WATERFRONT 526 561 556 PORT GRANBY LLRW AGREEMENT BEAUTIFICATION/TREE PLANTING COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 152,291 5,205 L 137,430 - I 12,500 152,291 5,205 149,930 PORT GRANBY BEAUTIFICATION/TREE PLANTING COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 661,279 r 588,972 Sub -Total Sub Total M n o-rratl M -1-i r z O Op W (31 RESERVE FUNDS 2015 BUDGET Fehruary R. gyms ACC.# NAME 2014 2015 BALANCE (Estimated) FUND (Estimated) E X PE N D I T U R E S Contributions Est Revenues/ CAPITAL OPERATING BALANCE From General Trsf Btwn RIF 2015 NAME LIBRARY I 1 542 LIBRARY CAPITAL 543 LIBRARY COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,177,269 268,387 (55,000) I 30,000 ' 1,152,269 268,387 LIBRARY CAPITAL LIBRARY COMPUTER EQUIPMENT MUSEUMS /CEMETERIES /OTHER 1 _ 549 NEWCASTLE ARENA- OPERATING 539 OLDER ADULTS CTR - OPERATING 2,235 64,355 I 3,000 2,235 67,355 NEWCASTLE ARENA- OPERATING OLOR ADULT -OPER. 540 OLDER ADULTS CTR- CAPITAL 17,449 17,449 OLDR ADULT- CAPTIAL 544 MUSEUM CAPITAL - Bowmanville 52,687 1 3,000 55,687 MUSEUM - Bowmanville 545 MUSEUM CAPITAL - CLARKE 547 SOWMANVILLE B.I.A. 50,682 18,219 1 3,000 � 53,682 18,219 MUSEUM - CLARKE BOWMANVILLE B.I.A. 548 NEWCASTLE B.I.A. 121,193 121,193 NEWC B.I.A. 575 ORONO BA 72,240 1 72,240 ORONO BIA 559 IRENE RINCH TRUST -NCH 155,724 155,724 IRENE RINCH TRUST 553 MONTAGUETRUST 19,289 19,289 MONTAGUE TRUST 574,072 583,072 Sub -Total 1 Sub Total Sub - Total 35,774,191 (6,883,127) (1,705,467) 1,901,050 2,609,826 31,696,473 238,594 (166,500) 72,094 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES 580 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT CHARGES DIG GEN GOVT 581 PUBLIC LIBRARY 582 EMERGENCY SERVICES 583 INDOOR RECREATION 584 ENG -PARK DEV. & FACILITIES 585 OPERATIONS 586 ROADS & RELATED 587 PARKING 98,625 2,069,108 (3,025,374) 715,995 1,702,913 9,938,741 270,934 (77,143) (57,8671 (161,704) (2,807,648)• . (679,500) (13,500)! (524,700) 1 (5,682,451) (647,189) (19,800) (198,089) 2,069,108 (5,833,022) 22,995 . 1,178,213 3,609,101 251,134 LIBRARY EMERGENCY SERVICES INDOOR RECR. PRK DEV.& FACI OPERATIONS RDS & RELATED PARKING Total Development Charges 12,009,536 (6,983,594) (3,692,705)11 - 11 (161,704) 1,171,533 TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS 47,783,727 13,866,721 5,398,172 1,901,050 11 2,4483122 32,868,006 b2/ MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISE 24,536,113 1 1 30,801 -- 24,566,914 MUN.GVMNT 1552 AND 562 PERPETUAL CARE &HAMPTON UNION 1,467,621 (19,100)1 1 1,448,521 PERPETUAL CARE &HAMPTON UNION TOTAL 73,787,461 (13,866,721) (5,417,272) 1,931 851 2,448,122 58 883 442 CSI v cn �a DN: 2015 BudgefRes'RF OD RESERVES 2015 BUDGET January 29. 2015 ACC. # . NAME- 2014 2015 BALANCE 1 (Estimated) FUND COMMENTS AVAILABLE E X PE N D I T U R E S Contributions Transfers 100- X -X -X- CAPITAL OPERATING I From General Btwn. Funds 2015 NAME GENERAL 1 I 2902 SELF INSURED LOSSES 778,295 (70,000) - 708,295 SELF INSURED LOSSES 2903 MUNICIPAL ACQUISITION- PROPERTY 558,619 (63,000) 40,000 535,619 MUNICIPAL ACQ.PROPERTY 2905 TAX WRITE -OFF 306,045 75,000 381,045 TAX WRITE -OFF 1 2917 GENERAL CAPITAL 119,279 2,500 121,779 GENERAL CAPITAL 1 2924 LEGAL FEES 259,049• 259,049 LEGAL FEES 2933 CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE 8,056 (1,000) 7,056 CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE 2926 CONSULT /PROF FEES 70,760 70,760 CONSULTING 2,083,603 2,100,103 1 CLERK'S 1 2906 RECORDS MAINTENANCE 65,615 10,000 75,615 RECORDS MAINTENANCE 1 I 2928 ELECTION EXPENSES 15,377 73,500 88,877 ELECTION EXPENSES 1 FIRE 1 1 2908 FIRE PREVENTION RESERVE 12,132 (10,000) 2,132 FIRE PREVENTION RESERVE ROADS & PARKS 1 2918 PITS & QUARRIES 209,471 (300,000) 300,000 209,471 1 PITS & QUARRIES 1 2919 RURAL RD REHABILITATION 19,818 19,818 RURAL RD REHABILITATION 1 2927 PARK DEVELOPMENT 812 812 PARK DEVELOPMENT 1 2930 WATERFRONTTRAIL 17,818 (17,818) - WATERFRONTTRAIL 1 2931 BURKETON PARK IMPR. 7,569 7,569 BURKETON PARK 1 1 2932 SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA 523 (523) - SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE 1 256,011 1 237,670 TOTAL RESERVES 2,449,238 - 2,487,897 TOTAL RESERVES 1 (381,341) (81,000) 501,000 ;acp M0 -a _ 0m �o -n r zm om 00 w -F.115 2015 OPERATING - RESERVE & RESERVE FUND CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL SUMMARY RESERVE FUNDS RESERVES RESERVE RESERVES DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING RATE GENERAL OTHER NAME FUNDS CHARGES & INSPECT. STABILIZATION MUNICIPAL NAME GENERAL GOVERNMENT Rate Stabilization 800,000 800,000 800,000 Debt Retirement 16,117 16,117 16,117 DEBT RETIREMENT R/F Library debt retirement 57,867 57,867 57,867 Growth related studies 216,500 216,500 - 216,500 VeridianInterest 250,000 250,000 250,000 Various Risk Issues 70,000 70,000 70,000 SELF INS LOSSES Perpetual Care Interest 19,100 19,100 19,100 PERPETUAL CARE FIRE Fire Defibrillator Maint 10,000 10,000 10,000 FIRE EQUIP OPG MOU- Training 10,000 10,000 10,000 ,FIRE PREV CLERK Parking Enforcemer [match Acc. #72251 228,350 228,350. 228,350 PARKLOT COMMUNITY SERVICES South Courtice Debenture 1,075,351 1,075,351 1,075,351 Indoor Soccer Debenture 145,054 145,054 145,054 Newcastle Facility Debenture 1,587,244 1,587,244 1,587,244 PLANNING Heritaqe Committee 1,000 1,000 1,000 HERITAGE RES ENGINEERING Engineering Contribution re Admin. &consulting 390,000 390,000 350,000 40,000 ENG REVIEW R/F Engineering design - growth projects 75,000 75,000 75,000 Update Building Permit Fee Study 11,000 11,000 -. 11,000 BLDG DIV R/F Green Road Debenture 522,189 522,189 522,189 Parks Design 13,500 13,500 13,500 5,417,272 81,0.0: 3,692,705 350 000 600,000 250r000 324,567 81,000 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO OPERATING 5,498,272 t 00 X U) M C) -o z 0 �o -t c -I-[ r Z o� °oo r� 01 ::. -. SCHEDULE "G' to REPORT FND- 003 -15 e o f Du.�h?e lon � g g 1129 Athol St., Whitby (905) 668 -9893 c/o Durham Regional Police Service, 650 Rossland Rd.E., Whitby Ontario L1 N 9G5 The Clerk of the City of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 November 26, 2014 Dear Ms. Barrie, The Kids Safety Village of Durham Region, a joint project of the Durham Region Police Service, the Optimist Club of Ajax and the Rotary Club of Oshawa Parkwood, is located in Whitby. Since the inauguration of the Village in 1995, it has provided safety instruction to more than 200,000 primary grade students from across all of Durham Region. The Safety Village is a miniature village with buildings and roadways built to scale and "kid size ". It is an environment where children can learn about street safety in a classroom setting, and then go out and practice what they learn in completely safe surroundings. They learn by walking, biking and /or driving in miniature cars through the Village which has fully functioning stop lights, railway crossings, etc. You are invited to visit the Kids' Safety Village website at wwwidurhamsafetyvillage.com where you can look at some of the other activities that the Village offers to Durham Region's primary school children, as well as view an informative video that is accessible from the scrolling photographs at the top of the first page. The Kids' Safety Village Board of Directors is embarking on a $700,000 fundraising campaign to refurbish and enlarge the Kids' Safety Village to continue providing our children safety instruction for the next 20 years, beginning in 2015. The Village will expand to the west of the current building, incorporating a new Fire Safety classroom, new and larger washrooms and community meeting facilities. The Board of Directors of the Kids' Safety Village of Durham region is asking for support from all municipalities in Durham Region. A donation of $15,000 from each' municipality is requested, which will invest in a safer future for the children of Durham region for the ne 20S�R0B ��N Board members of the Safety Village would be pleased to attend one of your f 1Md6'��t�1' meetings, to provide additional information and answer questions. Please co • &IIEW- fr-equest and respond to Lennis Trotter, Chairman, at lennis@lennistrotterarchitect.ca ruatc t} 57fisbunlclL ❑FILE 6869 regarding any questions or the status of this request. D RECTION INFORMATION coPY To: Yours truly, Robert Kipling, Secretary ❑ MAYOR ❑ MEMBERS ❑ CAO OF COUNCIL • COMMUNITY ❑ CORPORATE ❑ EMERGENCY SERVICES ' SERVICES SERVICES • ENGINEERING ❑ MUNI AL E) OPERATIONS SERVICES CLERf;S • PLANNING ❑ SOLICITOR TREASURY Q OTHER _ MUNICIPAL CLERK'S 5 - L 0 . The OpErmml Club oFdj8A Durham .Qgyonal Pollee &riwc The 12ofary Club of Oshama Pad -rood February 2, 2015 Mayor and Members of Council Re: 2015 Budget Transmittal We respectfully submit the 2015 budget binder which incorporates summaries, operating budget by department, external agency requests, capital summaries and capital budget by department on a detailed basis. This binder cannot be read in isolation. It is critical to review the Finance department report in conjunction with this detail level. Report FND- 003 -15 provides the essential resolutions, corporate /overall level commentary and analysis, summaries, as well as addressing specific items referred to the budget process. The commentary provided is an invaluable tool to interpreting the budget submitted to you. Particularly Schedule "A" provides a tax impact summary of the bulk of the contents of the budget binder. The 2015 budget represents a continued stable approach to maintaining existing service levels and addressing identified needs. The Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance/Treasurer reviewed budget submissions in detail with each Department Head. Please feel free to contact either of the undersigned or each Department Head to answer specific queries you may have in your review of the budget documents. We trust that you will find this document, in conjunction with the budget report, FND- 003 -15, to be a useful decision making tool. Sincerely, C-) I, "e--9 -�' A�� Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer /hj I Nancy Taylor, BBA, CPA, CA Director of Finance/Treasurer THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 T 905 - 623 -3379 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2015 DRAFT OPERATING AND CAPITAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Operating Budget 2 Capital Budget 223 I MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2015 DRAFT BUDGET EXPENDITURE: CAPITAL CURRENT TOTAL REVENUE: - 903,734 903,734 Proposed Tax Levy 5,388,673 42,309,040 47,697,713 Estimated Growth - 825,417 825,417 Non - Departmental - 12,375,207 12,375,207 Administrator's Office - 85,500 85,500 Legal - 105,000 105,000 Corporate Services 240,000 100,500 340,500 Clerk's 47,000 629,300 676,300 Finance & Unclassified Administration . - 1,564,000 1,564.,000 Emergency Services - Fire 900,000 49,000 949,000 Engineering Services 10,685,328 .1,359,500 12,044,828 Operations 1,941,900 606,100 2,548,000 Community Services 970,900 4,708,215 5,679,115 Planning Services 63,000 405,000 468;000 Clarington Library Board 140,714 - 140,714 Clarington Museums - - - TOTAL REVENUE- MUNICIPAL ONLY 20,377,515 65,121,779 TOTAL CAPITAL & CURRENT REVENUE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 85,499,294 EXPENDITURE: Mayor & Council - 903,734 903,734 Administrator's Office - 747,794 747,794 Legal - 462,087 462,087 Corporate Services 380,400 4,706,403 5,086,803 Clerk's 77,000 2,859,756 2,936,756 Finance & Unclassified Administration - 4,665,987 4,665,987 Emergency Services - Fire 1,076,615 11,330,203 12,406,818 Engineering Services 13,056,000 4,296,491 17,352,491 Operations 3,456,000 14,659,584 18,115,584 Community Services 1,266,500 13,287,189 14,553,689 Planning Services 820,000 3,336,579 4,156,579 Clarington Library Board 245,000 2,962,478 3,207,478 Cultural Agencies - 903,494 903,494 TOTAL EXPENDITURE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 20,377,515 65,121,779 TOTAL CAPITAL & CURRENT EXPENDITURE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 85,499,294 NET LEVY Total from Overall Summary in Draft Budget Document Oltems Not Posted in Budget Worksheets until Final Approval: Tax Levy support to Capital Proposed New Staffing 2nd half of Council Electronic Agendas P/T Firefighter Training Children's Safety Village Estimated Assessment Growth (tax levy and education retained) 12015 Total Tax Levy 12014 Total Tax Levy Net Increase over 2014 (Percentage Increase in Budget Report (inclusive of options) driAnance Admin /2015 budget /rate increase summary.x1v $ 42,638,4571 $ 5,388,673 $ 400,000 $ 21,000 $ 60,000 $ 15,000 $ (825,417) $ 5,059,256 $ 47,697,713 1 $ 45,365,391 $ 2,332,322( 5.14% 3 Clarinaton I eading the Way Executive Assistant to the Mayor_ Linda Coutu Community _Coordinator Heather Kevzer CORPORATE ORGANIZATION CHART 2015 Administrative Assistant to the Councillors COUNCIL CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE _OF_FIC_ER_ _ _ _ _ Franklin Wu Corporate Executive Assistant Initiatives to the CAD Officer Jane Pascoe I d CORPORATE/ CLERKS COMMUNITY HUMAN RESOURCES EMERGENCY /FIRE ENGINEERING FINANCE LEGAL OPERATIONS PLANNING DEPARTMENT SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES DEPARTMENT SERVICES [Fred EPARTMENT SERVI CES CLERK DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR SOLICITOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Anne Greentree Joseph Caruana Marie Marano Gord Weir Tonv Cannella Nancv Tavlor Andrew Allison Horvath David Crome THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2015 DRAFT OPERATING BUDGET Departments Revenue 10 Mayor and Council 24 Administration 27 Legal Department 30 Corporate Services 33 Clerks Department 42 Finance / Unclassified Administration 55 Emergency Services 61 Engineering Department 72 Operations Department 82 Community Services 105 Planning Services 126 Levies / Business Improvement Areas 133 Clarington Library 135 Museums and Art 141 External Agencies 169 c7% Municipalitv �`rington 01/29/15 BUDGET W G PAPERS Claring&-. UMMARY _. 201,5 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (175,521,162.46) (177,861,674.02) GENERAL FUND - REVENUE (179,292,055.00) (172,655,144.00) (23,851,445.00) 148,803,699.00 (175,521,162.46) (177,861,674.02) Total REVENUE (179,292,055.00) (172,655,144.00) (23,851,445.00) 148,803,699.00 EXPENDITURE: 192,188,470.71 181,879,772.20 GENERAL FUND - EXPENDITURE 179,292,055.00 172,655,144.00 66,489,902.00 (106,165,242.00) 192,188,470.71 181,879,772.20 Total EXPENDITURE 179,292,055.00 172,655,144.00 65,489,902.00 (106,165,242.00) 16,667,308.25 4,018,098.18 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 42,638,457.00 42,638,457.00 c7% Municipality larington BUDGET WOL_ _NG PAPERS Clarington:GENERAL FUND 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 0.00 0.00 REVENUE: (764,898.27) 0.00 UNASSIGNED - REVENUE 1,240,536.10 51,669.00 PSAB - REVENUE (163,809,549.16) (165,530,178.06) NON- DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTS - REVENUE (2,329.07) (2,510.47) ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE - REVENUE (122,114.36) (99,472.42) LEGAL OFFICE - REVENUE (334,675.84) (219,324.30) CORPORATE SERVICES - REVENUE (638,114.98) (655,248.62) CLERK'S - REVENUE (1,890,132.83) (1,628,261.22) FINANCE & UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN - REVENUE (305,806.20) (292,123.23) EMERGENCY SERVICES - FIRE - REVENUE (2,850,557.49) (2,417,836.79) ENGINEERING SERVICES - REVENUE (697,768.56) (1,952,073.02) OPERATIONS - REVENUE (4,599,280.45) (4,605,926.46) COMMUNITY SERVICES - REVENUE (746,471.35) (510,388.43) PLANNING SERVICES - REVENUE (175,521,162.46) (177,861,674.02) Total REVENUE EXPENDITURE: 57,313.71 0.00 UNASSIGNED - EXPENDITURE 836,558.42 855,573.08 MAYOR - EXPENDITURE 639,344.27 650,885.01 ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE - EXPENDITURE 585,289.90 486,064.63 LEGAL OFFICE - EXPENDITURE 4,465,750.80 4,279,713.72 CORPORATE SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 2,643,101.78 3,321,458.19 CLERK'S - EXPENDITURE 10,355,776.16 9,166,764.28 FINANCE & UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN - EXPENDITURE 11,397,078.67 11,408,192.37 EMERGENCY SERVICES - FIRE - EXPENDITURE 15,400,399.75 5,896,573.40 ENGINEERING SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 19,456,074.29 17,586,132.39 OPERATIONS - EXPENDITURE 13,432,959.55 13,215,509.57 COMMUNITY SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 4,027,140.31 4,225,308.72 PLANNING SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 104,719,184.96 106,875,190.70 LEVIES - EXPENDITURE 3,405,688.66 3,040,610.00 LIBRARIES - EXPENDITURE 458,699.48 511,843.14 MUSEUMS & ARTS - EXPENDITURE 308,110.00 359,953.00 EXTERNAL AGENCIES - EXPENDITURE 192,188,470.71 181,879,772.20 Total EXPENDITURE 16,667,308.25 4.018,098.18 NET LEVY 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 0.00 0.00 (12,915,794.00) 0.00 (156,534,782.00) (163,174,172.00) (12,000.00) (2,000.00) (128,000.00) (107,000.00) (221,094.00) (228,170.00) (738,600.00) (703,800.00) (1,567,000.00) (1,562,000.00) (49,000.00) (49,000.00) (1,559,050.00) (1,359,050.00) (543,665.00) (545,665.00) (4,555,570.00) (4,434,787.00) (467,500.00) (489,500.00) (179 ,292,055.00) (172,655,144.00) 0.00 870,733.00 610,176.00 532, 088.00 4,491,092.00 2,877,604.00 4,794,665.00 10,718,857.00 14,287,535.00 16,474,244.00 13,952,514.00 3,799,309.00 102,133,748.00 2,983,777.00 457, 603.00 308,110.00 0.00 900,196.00 652,017.00 470, 622.00 4,761,220.00 3,154,127.00 4,676,015.00 10,769,266.00 6,322,705.00 14,939,301.00 13,010,914.00 3,895,366.00 105,233,516.00 ,2,999,896.00 510,030.00 359, 953.00 ,)ni � Q1 lnI pG 0.00 0.00 (14,239,330.00) (85,500.00) (105,000.00) (100,500.00) (629,300.00) (1,564,000.00) (49, 000.00) (1,359,500.00) (606,100.00) (4,708,215.00) (405, 000.00) (23,851,445.00) 0.00 903,734.00 747,794.00 462, 087 -00 4,620,403.00 2,851,756.00 4,615,987.00 11,255,203.00 4,261,491.00 14,479,584.00 13,287,189.00 3,274,579.00 1,864,123.00 2,962,478.00 485,762.00 417,732.00 01/29/15 INCREASE 0.00 0.00 148, 934, 842.00 (83,500.00) 2,000.00 127, 670.00 74,500.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 (450.00) (60,435.00) (273,428.00) 84,500.00 148,803,699.00 0.00 3,538.00 95,777.00 (8,535.00) (140,817.00) (302,371.00) (60,028.00) 485,937.00 (2,061,214.00) (459,717.00) 276,275.00 (620,787.00) (103,369,393.00) (37,418.00) (24,268.00) 57,779.00 179,292,055.00 172,655,144.00 66,489,902.00 (106,165,242.00) 0.00 0.00 42,638,457.00 42,638,457.00 _j TAXABLE ASSESSMENT MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON (BASED ON APPLICABLE ASSESSMENT 2007 ' 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Residential /Farm /Multi Residential 6,363,208,861 6,515,894,620 6,960,416,743 7,359,815,544 7,777,663,382 8,263,183,153 8,703,517,812 9,145,549,158 9,585,089,172 Commercial /Shopping Class 385,575,567 428,602,384 476,328,553 513,091,922 586,281,554 623,423,008 642,576,625 714,484,461 747,824,151 Industrial /Large Industrial 193,114,646 192,887,073 199,840,763 216,758,375 219,806,120 231,927,832 234,321,912 232,243,646 235,241,495 Pipelines /Managed Forest 46,961,270 40,042,490 51,465,343 55,455,486 57,865,198 61,493,970 62,932,953 66,224,961 69,295,337 Exempt 279,152,269 280,284,268 285,893,561 299,975,387 329,311,901 359,301,315 358,308,861 405,551,067 434,606,217 TOTAL 7,268,012,613 7,465,710,835 7,973,944,963 8,445,096,714 8,970,928,155 9,539,329,278 10,001,658,163 10,564,053,293 11,072 056 372 INCREASE 2.a5 °i° 2.72% ' G) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Residential /Farm /Multi Residential Commerical /Industrial /Pipeline /Etc. TOTAL (excludes exempt) 91.0% 90.7% 9.0 °0 9.3% 100.0% 100.0% 90.5% 9.5 °/ 100.Q% 90.4% 9.6% 100.Q% 90.0% 10.0% 100.0% 90.0% 10.0% 100.0% 90.3% 9.7% .100,0% 90.0% 90.11% 10.0% 9.9% 10010% QQ,Oyq ' G) YEARLY COMPARISON OF RESIDENTIAL TAX RATE TAX RATE YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Municipal 0.414 0.432 0.425 0.422 0.423 0.425 0.430 0.433 AT Region 0.736 0.772 0.768 0.752 0.744 0.738 0.735 0.724 FINAL Education 0.264 0.264 0.252 0.241 0.231 0.221 0.212 0.203 TOTAL 1414 11-40 IA45 I 15 1.396 1,384 1-1 INCREASE IN TAXES (% YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Municipal 8.78 4.19 -1.59 -0.60 0.27 0.46 1.14 0.83 AT Region 6.88 4.83 -0.53 -2.07 -1.13 -0.79 -0.35 -1.54 FINAL Education 0.00 0.00 -4.55 -4.37 -4.15 -4.33 -4.07 -4.25 OVERALL 3J4 -1.57 -2.04 �_2 OQ z-0.4-0 22 APPORTIONMENT OF TAX DOLLAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Municipal $0.27 $0.28 $0.27 $0.28 $$0.28 $C.29 $0.30 $0.30 AT Region $0.49 $0.49 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 FINAL Education $0.24 $0.23 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.20 $� IM -0 1.00 =Q 1. 0 9 OQ VAQ. 2009 to 2012 represent a four year phase -in of reassessment values, 2013 to 2016 also is a four -year phase -in I Municipalit arington 01/29/15 BUDGET WL,_ ,f1G PAPERS Clarington: N O N- DEPARTMENTAL 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (47,507,027.00) (50,555,279.00) REVENUE: (48,569,544.03) (50,929,298.78) MUNICIPAL TAXATION - REVENUE (75,974,366.87) (78,001,250.62) REGIONAL TAXATION - REVENUE (28,534,919.01) (28,682,379.28) SCHOOL BOARD TAXATION - REVENUE (25,399.08) (1,628.47) LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TAXATION - REVENUE (184,558.51) (189,999.85) BIA TAXATION - REVENUE (37,021.46) (191,883.89) GRANTS-REVENUE (76,747;75) (15,535.08) FEES SERV.CHGS -OTHER MUN. - REVENUE (305,352.79) (319,161.13) FEES SERV.CHGS- AGGREGATE ANNUAL FEES - REVENUE (8,648,779.75) (5,653,385.43) CONTRIBUTIONS - REVENUE (115,149.33) (105,551.37) RENTAL INCOME - REVENUE (134,004.89) (82,188.00) FINES - REVENUE (1,203,671.77) (1,357,905.35) INVESTMENT INCOME - REVENUE (33.92) (10.81) OTHER - REVENUE (163,809,549.16) (165,530,178.06) Total REVENUE (163,809,549.16) (165,530,178.06) NET LEVY (47,507,027.00) (50,555,279.00) (5,200,791.00) 45,354,488.00 (74,106,960.00) (76,840,445.00) (1,099,080.00) 75,741,365.00 (27,816,019.00) (28,200,573.00) (569,943.00) 27,630,630.00 (26,269.00) (2,498.00) (870.00) 1,628.00 (184,500.00) (190,000.00) (194,230.00) (4,230.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (23,000.00) (33,000.00) (33,000.00) 0.00 (280,000.00) (280,000.00) (300,000.00) (20,000.00) (5,324,954.00) (5,750,860.00) (5,498,272.00) 252,588.00 (86,853.00) (85,317.00) (106,944.00) (21,627.00) (90,000.00) (97,000.00) (97,000.00) 0.00 (1,089,200.00) (1,139,200.00) (1,139,200.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 156 ,534,782.00) (163,174,172.00) (14,239,330.00) 148,934,842.00 ( 156,534,782.00) _ (163,174,172.00) (14,239,330.00) 148,934,842.00 r—� 0 r—� Municipalib uington 01/29/15 BUDGET WO, .G PAPERS Clarington:MUNICIPAL TAXATI 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (41,393,75110) (43,776,293.57) 100 -05- 220 - 10538 -6100 TAXATION- MUNICIPAL (41,393,756.00) (43,776,324.00) 0.00 43,776,324.00 (910,431.62) (695,584.09) 100 -05- 220 - 10538 -6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES -MUN. (575,000.00) (600,000.00) (60,000.00) (5,000.00) (1,301,771.86) (1,589,098.68) 100 -05 -220- 10538 -6102 TAXATION,PIL -MUN. (1,301,772.00) (1,589,067.00) 0.00 1,589,067.00 (2,233,563.58) (2,287,230.80) 100 -05 -220- 10538 -6103 TAXATION, PI L-EDU CATION RETAINED (1,783,866.00) (2,137,231.00) (2,143,094.00) (5,863.00) (158,703.69) 0.00 100 -05 -220- 10538 -6104 TAX -SUPP- PIL —MUN. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,568,662.95) (2,578,394.38) 100-05-220-10538-6111 TAXATION —RIGHT OF WAY - MUNICIPA (2,450,000.00) (2,450,000.00) (2,450,000.00) 0.00 (2,657.23) (2,697.26) 100 -05 -220- 10538 -6112 TAXATION —HEADS & BEDS - MUNICIPA (2,633.00) (2,657.00) (2,697.00) (40.00) (48,569,544.03) (50,929,298.78) Total REVENUE' (47,507,027.00) (50,555,279.00) (5,200,791.00) 45,354,488.00 (48,569,544.03) (50,929,298.78) NET LEVY (47,507,027.00) (50,555,279.00) (5,200,791.00) 45,354,488.00 r—� Municipality 'larington' - 01/29/15 SUDGET WOn. -/HiCi PAPERS Clarington:REGIONAL TAXATIO 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (70,766,572.00) (73,078,853.00) REVENUE: (70,766,574.44) (73,078,800.08) 100 -05 -221- 10540 -6100 TAXATION- REGION (1,561,906.60) (1,165,457.61) 100 -05- 221 - 10540 -6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES -REGI (2,225,505.04) (2,652,793.91) 100 -05- 221 - 10540 -6102 TAXATION,PIL- REGION (271,318.97) 0.00 100 -05 -221 -10540 -6104 TAX - SUPP -PIL- REGION (40,210.29) (5,118.98) 100-05-221-10540-6110 TAXATION- CAPPING (1,104,308.76) (1,094,577.30) 100-05-221-10540-6111 TAXATION -RIGHT OF WAY- REGION (4,542.77) (4,502.74) 100 -05- 221 - 10540 -6112 TAXATION -HEADS & BEDS - REGION (75 974,366.87) (78,001,250.62) Total REVENUE (75,974,366.87) (78,001,250.62) NET LEVY (70,766,572.00) (73,078,853.00) 0.00 73,078,853.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,225,504.00) (2,652,740.00) 0.00 2,652,740.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,110,317.00) (1,104,309.00) (1,094,577.00) 9,732.00 (4,567.00) (4,543.00) (4,503.00) 40.00 (74,106,960.00) (76,840,445.00) (1,099,080.00) 75,741,365.00 (74,106,960.00) (76,840,445.00) (1,099,080.00) 75,741,365.00 r-' N Municipali+ 'arington 01/29115 BUDGET WG., iW PAPERS Ciarington:SCHOOL BOARD TAX 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (27,152,004.00) (27,512,351.00) REVENUE: (27,152,007.00) (27,512,403.76) 100 -05- 223 - 00000 -6100 TAXATION- SCHOOL BOARD (718,896:83) (481,738.44) 100 -05- 223 - 00000 -6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES -SCHO (94,072.00) (118,293.92) 100 -05- 223- 00000 -6102 TAXATION,PIL- SCHOOL BD, (410,114.02) (410,114.16) 100-05-223-10545-6111 TAXATION —RIGHT OF WAY- ENG.PUBL (155,452.00) (155,452.00) 100-05-223-10550-6111 TAXATION —RIGHT OF WAY- ENG.SEP (4,377.16) (4,377.00) 100-05-223-10560-6111 TAXATION —RIGHT OF WAY- FREN.SEP (28,534,919.01) (28,682,379.28) Total REVENUE (28,534,919.01) (28,682,379.28) NET LEVY (27,152,004.00) (27,512,351.00) 0.00 27,512,351.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (94,072.00) (118,279.00) 0.00 118,279.00 (414,371.00) (410,114.00) (410,114.00) 0.00 (152,095.00) (455,452.00) (155,452.00) 0.00 (3,477.00) (4,377.00) (4,377.00) 0.00 (27,816,019.00) (28,200,573.00) (569,943.00) 27,630,630.00 (27,816,019.00) (28,200,573.00) (569,943.00) 27,630,630.00 w Municipalio �'larington 01/29/15 BUDGET WUi.. -. NG PAPERS Cla rington: LOCAL IMPROVEMEN 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (25,399.08) (1,628.47) 100 -05- 225 - 10540 -6121 LOCAL IMP LEVY- NEWCASTLE SEWE (26,269.00) (2,498.00) (870.00) 1,628.00 (25,399.08) (1,628.47) Total REVENUE (26,269.00) (2,498.00) (870.00) 1,628.00 (25,399.08) (1,628.47) NET LEVY (26,269.00) (2,498.00) (870.00) 1,628.00 Municipalir Ington 01/29/15 BUDGET W0_ G PAPERS Clarington :BIA TAXATION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET. INCREASE (148,500.00) (154,000.00) REVENUE: (148,500.57) (153,999.97) 100 -05- 227 - 10565 -6106 B.I.A. - BOWMANVILLE -TAX LEVY (30,058.04) (29,999.87) 100-05-227-10566-6106 B.I.A. - NEWCASTLE -TAX LEVY (5,999.90) (6,000.01) 100-05-227-10567-6106 B.I.A: - ORONO - TAX LEVY (184,558.51) (189,999.85) Total REVENUE (184,558.51) (189,999.85) NET LEVY (148,500.00) (154,000.00) (158,230.00) (4,230.00) (30,000.00) (30,000.00) (30,000.00) 0.00 (6,000.00) (6,000.00) (6,000,00) 0.00 (184,500.00) (190,000.00) (194,230.00) (4,230.00) (184,500.00) (190,000.00) (194,230.00) (4,230.00) 11t rn Municipality 'arington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOh. _i1/G PAPERS Cla rington: GRANTS 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (37,021.46) (76,883.89) 100 -05- 230 -10006 -6200 GRANTS - CANADA- NON RECURRING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (115,000.00) 100 -05- 230 - 10008 -6201 GRANTS - PROVINCIAL- NON RECUR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (37,021.46) (191,883.89) Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (37,021.46) (191,883.89) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 rn Municipalit, arington BUDGETWW0_ GPAPERS Clarington:FEES SERV.CHGS -O 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (49,745.75) (7,983.58) 100 -05 -235- 00000 -6402 FEES & S/C - OTHER MUNICIPALITIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (27,002.00) (7,551.50) 100-05-235-10540-6401 FEES & S/C - REGION OF DURHAM (23,000.00) (33,000.00) (33,000.00) 0.00 (76.747.75) (15.535.08) Total REVENUE (23.000.00) (33.000.00) (33,000.00) 0.00 76 7, 47.75) (15,535.08) NET LEVY (23,000.00) (33,000.00) (33,000.00) 0.00 Municipality 'arington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA. _MG PAPERS Clarington:FEES SERV.GHGS -A 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (305,352:79) (319,161.13) - 100 -05- 237 - 35005 -6400 FEES & S/C - AGGREGATE ANNUAL F (280,000.00) (280,000.00) (300,000.00) (20,000.00) (305,352.79) (319,161.13) Total REVENUE (280,000.00) (280,000.00) (300,000.00) (20,000.00) (305,352.79) (319,161.13) NET LEVY (280,000.00) (280,000.00) (300,000.00) (20,000.00) 03 r-� Municipality -rington 01/29/15 BUDGET IWO,_ G PAPERS Clarington: CO W RIB UTIO NS 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (83,979.63) (219,702.98) 100 -05- 250 - 00000 -6590. PROCEEDS FROM DISPOSAL OF ASS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (377,740.06) (296,889.23) 100 -05- 250 - 00000 -6601 CONTRIB: RES.TO GEN. (10,900.00) (295,309.00) (81,000.00) 214,309.00 (6,331,406.97) (5,069,793.54) 100 -05- 250 - 00000 -6651 CONTRIB. -R /F TO GEN. (5,290,697.00) (5,438,091.00) (5,398,172.00) 39,919.00 (5,628.71) (5,963.10) 100 -05 -250- 00000 -6660 CONTRIB.FR:CAPITAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (42,203.90) (17,460.00) 100 -05- 250 - 00000 -6701 CONTRIB. -TRUST FUNDS TO GF. (23,357.00) (17,460.00) (19,100.00) (1,640.00) (194,996.48) (43,576.58) 100 -05- 250 -00000 -6770 CONTRIBUTION- OTHERS(DONATIONS) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,612,824.00) 0.00 100 -05- 250 - 10019 -6775 CONTRIB.FR:VERIDIAN- PROFIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (8,648,779.75) (5,653,385.43) Total REVENUE (5,324,954.00) (5,750,860.00) (5,498,272.00) 252,588.00 (8,648,779.75) (5,653,385.43) NET LEVY (5,324,954.00) (5,750,860.00) (5,498,272.00) . 252,588.00 r-� Municipality larington 01/29/15 BUDGET W0)t. 1V1G PAPERS Clarington:RENTAL INCOME 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (55,882.00) (54,343.00) REVENUE: (84,146.18) (74,513.06) 100 -05- 238 -00000 -6511 RENTAL REV. -OTHER RENTAL REV. (29,493.56) (29,528.72) 100-05-238-10156-6511 RENTAL REV- 132 CHURCH ST BOW (1,509.59) (1,509.59) 100 -05- 238 - 10159 -6511 RENTAL REV.-BEECH CENTRE (115,149.33) (105,551.37) Total REVENUE (115,149.33) (105,551.37) NET LEVY (55,882.00) (54,343.00) (75,534.00) (21,191.00) (29,461.00) (29,464.00) (29,900.00) (436.00) (1,510.00) (1,510.00) (1,510.00) 0.00 (86,853.00) (85,317.00) (106,944.00) (21,627.00) (86,853.00) (85,317.00) (106,944.00) (21,627.00) » O Municipalib rington 01/29/15 BUDGET WO,— G PAPERS Clarington:FINES 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (134,004.89) (82,188.00) 100-05-240-10540-6506 FINES- PROV.OFFENCES ACT (134,004.89) (82,188.00) Total REVENUE (134,004.89) (82,188.00) NET LEVY (90,000.00) (97,000.00) (97,000.00) 0.00 (90,000.00) (97,000.00) (97,000.00) 0.00 (90,000.00) (97,000.00) (97,000.00) 0.00 tv r–� Municipality �'larington 01129/15 BUDGET WOK - -MG PAPERS Clarington:INVESTMENT INCOM 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (200,000.00) (639,200.00) 0.00 (250,000.00) (639,200.00) 0.00 (250,000.00) (639,200.00) (250,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (250, 000.00) (1,089,200.00) (1,139,200.00) (1,139,200.00) 0.00 !v N REVENUE: (314,471.77) (468,705.35) 100 -05- 245 - 01001 -6540 INVESTMENT INCOME - OWN FUNDS (639,200.00) (639,200.00) 100-05-245-10019-6540 INVESTMENT INCOME - VERIDIAN DI 0.00 0.00 100 -05- 245 - 10024 -6540 INVESTMENT INCOME - STRATEGIC F (250,000.00) (250,000.00) 100 -05- 245 - 10175 -6540 INVESTMENT INCOME - STRATEGIC C (1,203,671.77) (1,357,905.35) Total REVENUE (1,203,671.77) (1,357,905.35) NET LEVY (200,000.00) (639,200.00) 0.00 (250,000.00) (639,200.00) 0.00 (250,000.00) (639,200.00) (250,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (250, 000.00) (1,089,200.00) (1,139,200.00) (1,139,200.00) 0.00 !v N Municipalit rington 01/29/15 BUDGET WO), . __, dG PAPERS Clarington :OTHER 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (33.92) (10.81) 100 -05 -255- 30646 -6400 DISCOUNTS TAKEN FEE (33.92) (10.81) Total REVENUE (33.92) (10.81) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 W Municipality i9ton 01/29/15 EUDGET WOK-_ PAPERS Clarington: MAYOR 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 411,340.00 EXPENDITURE: 384,143.36 ' 407,898.94 MAYOR - EXPENDITURE 452,415.06 447,674.14 COUNCIL - EXPENDITURE 836,558.42 855,573.08 Total EXPENDITURE 836,558.42 855,573.08 NET LEVY 411,340.00 425,630.00 426,836.00 1,206.00 459,393.00 474,566.00 476,898.00 2,332.00 870,733000 900,196.00 903,734.00 3,538.00 870,733.00 900,196.00 903,734.00 3,538.00 iv Municipality ,gton BUDGET J&Dk . PAPERS Ciarington:MAYOR 2015 DRAFT 01/29115 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 177,809.81 190,117.67 100 -10 -100- 00000 -7001 MAYOR'S - SALARY FIT 173,971.00 177,450.00 180,112.00 2,662.00 93,790.38 102,034.30 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7040 MAY0R'S - ELECT OFFICIAL REMUN 93,469.00 100,727.00 96,766.00 (3,961.00) 4,100.23 4,831.58 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7050 MAYOR'S - EHT 5,037.00 5,137.00 5,215.00 78.00 18,912.15 22,628.18 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7051 MAYOR'S- OMERS 26,125.00 26,686.00 26,953.00 267.00 7,496.98 7,945.15 100 -10- 100- 00000 -7052 MAYOR'S - CPP 6,920.00 7,069.00 7,277.00 208.00 2,537.64 2,669.41 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7053 MAYOR'S - El 2,352.00 2,495.00 2,626.00 131.00 27,393.96 29,184.37 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7054 MAYOR'S - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 27,383.00 29,813.00 30,510.00 697.00 3,732.36 3,866.08 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7058 MAYOR'S - WSIB 3,530.00 3,700.00 4,824.00 1,124.00 6,266.58 5,128.86 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7101 MAYOR'S- OFF SUPPLIES 5,305.00 5,305.00 5,305.00 0.00 290.98 657.26 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7132 MAYOR'S - PHONE/FAX 1,008.00 1,008.00 1,008.00 0.00 623,70 421.64 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7181 MAYOR'S - BOOKS /PERIODICALS 268.00 268.00 268.00 0.00 1,063.07 884.78 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7186 MAYOR'S - POST /COUR /FRT 1,061.00 1,061.00 1,061.00 0.00 1,421.48 2,579.62 100 -10- 100 700000 -7189 MAYOR'S OFFICE - ADV'T 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 384.94 376.51 100 -10- 100- 00000 -7200 MAYOR'S - MEMB /DUES 530.00 530.00 530.00 0.00 2,427.67 1,367.97 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7201 MAYOR'S - CONFERENCES 7,957.00 7,957.00 7,957.00 0.00 11,244.57 12,895.16 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7202 MAYOR'S - TRAVEL EXP (payroll only) 11,670.00 11,670.00 11,670.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7203 MAYOR'S - STAFF DEV 6,365.00 6,365.00 6,365.00 0.00 9,658.29 13,923.10 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7205 MAYOR'S - RECEPTION 15,847.00 15,847.00 15,847.00 0.00 7,681.00 6,112.19 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7207 MAYOR'S - OFFICE EXP 9,890.00 9,890.00 9,890.00 0.00 3.24 275.11 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7299 MAYOR'S - MISC EXPENSE 530.00 530.00 530.00 0.00 7,304.33 0.00 100 -10- 100 - 00000 -7506 MAYOR'S- FURNITURE/FIXTURES 2,122.00 2,122.00 2,122.00 0.00 384,143.36 407,898.94 Total EXPENDITURE 411,340.00 425,630.00 426,836.00 1,206.00 384,143.36 407,898.94 NET LEVY 411,340.00 425,630.00 426,836.00 1,206.00 iv Ln Municipality 'arington BU GET WOk_ , i(G PAPERS Clarington:COUNCIL 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 74,370.05 71,392.60 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7001 COUNCIL- SALARY F/T 73,279.00 74,745.00 75,866.00 1,121.00 225,095.48 242,377.65 100 -10- 105 -00000 -7040 COUNCIL- ELECT OFFICIAL REMUN 224,326.00 233,351.00 232,236.00 (1,115.00) 3,430.43 4,414.61 100 -10 -105- 00000 -7050 COUNCIL- EHT 5,376.00 5,484.00 5,565.00 81.00 7,191.54' 11,473.48 100 -10- 105- 00000 -7051 COUNCIL - OMERS 20,038.00 20,438.00 20,709.00 271.00 6,079.58 6,518.36 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7052 COUNCIL - CPP 8,292.00 8,476.00 8,647.00 171.00 1,268.82 1,334.99 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7053 COUNCIL- El 1,176.00 1,248.00 1,313.00 65.00 54,260.05 55,346.18 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7054 COUNCIL- LTD /LIFE/HLTH 54,251.00 56,600.00 57,827.00 1,227.00 1,697.02 1,749.15 100 -10 -105- 00000 -7058 COUNCIL- WSIB 1,605.00 1,674.00 2,185.00 511.00 2,019.88 2,033.59 100 -10 -105- 00000 -7101 COUNCIL- OFF SUPPLIES 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 4,916.02 4,074.59 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7132 COUNCIL- PHONE/FAX 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 275.35 275.34 100 -10- 105 - 00000 >7181 COUNCIL - BOOKS /PERIODICALS 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 18.50 14.09 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7186 COUNCIL- POST /COUR /FRT 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 13,983.88 3,219.29 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7201 COUNCIL- CONFERENCES 12,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 0.00 39,275.80 40,727.22 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7202 COUNCIL - TRAVEL EXP (payroll only) 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 1,962.76 75.00 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7203 COUNCIL- STAFF DEV 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,124.35 2,648.00 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7299 COUNCIL- MISC EXPENSE 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 14,445.55 0.00 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7416 COUNCIL - TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 -10- 105 - 00000 -7506 COUNCIL- FURNITURE/FIXTURES 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 452,415.06 447,674.14 Total EXPENDITURE 459,393.00 474,566.00 476,898.00 2,332.00 452415.06 447,674.14 NET LEVY 459,393.00 474,566.00 476,898.00 2,332.00 N O� Municipality ngton 01/29/15 BUDGET WO& 1 PAPERS Clarington:ADMINISTRATO R'S 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (2,329.07) (2,510.47) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE 0.00 0.00 PORT GRANBY- REVENUE (2,329.07) (2.510.47) Total REVENUE EXPENDITURE: 639;344.27 650,885.01 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 PORT GRANBY - EXPENDITURE 639,344.27 650,885.01 Total EXPENDITURE 637,015.20 648,374.54 NET LEVY (12,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (83,500.00) (83,500.00) (12,000.00) (2,000.00) (85,500.00) (83,500.00) 610,176.00 652,017.00 664,294.00 12,277.00 0.00 0.00 83,500.00 83,500.00 610,176.00 652,017.00 747,794.00 95,777.00 598,176.00 650,017.00 662,294.00 12,277.00 !V V N co Municipality igton 01/29/15 BUDGET WO& - PAPERS _ Clarington:AD MINISTRATION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (2,329.07) (2,510.47) 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -6400 ADMIN - MISC REVENUE (12,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (2,329.07) (2,510.47) Total REVENUE (12,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 455,746.95 473,374.42 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7001 ADMIN - SALARY F/T 419,403.00 451,120.00 461,401.00 10,281.00 8,304.45 9,428.54 100 -13 -130- 00000 -7050 ADMIN - EHT 8,179.00 8,740.00 8,883.00 143.00 53,582.73 59,947.71 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7051 ADMIN - OMERS 52,816.00 56,856.00 57,686.00 830.00 7,496.98 7,945.15 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7052 ADMIN - CPP 6,920.00 7,069.00 7,277.00 208.00 3,806.51 4,004.40 100 -13- 130 -00000 -7053 ADMIN - El 3,528.00 3,743.00 3,940.00 197.00 34,090.91 38,037.64 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7054 ADMIN - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 33,262.00 38,137.00 39,046.00 909.00 5,675.74 5,905.71 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7058 ADMIN - WSIB 5,368.00 5,652.00 7,361.00 1,709.00 1,307.11 1,827.21 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7101 ADMIN - OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 13,177.92 3,472.05 100 -13 -130- 00000 -7161 ADMIN - PROF FEES 12,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7174 ADMIN - R/M OFF EQUIP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 351.55 440.41 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7181 ADMIN - BOOKS /PERIODICALS 600.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 70.84 36.21 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7186 ADMIN - POST /COUR /FRT 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 3,449.35 1,904.05 100 -13- 130 -00000 -7200 ADMIN - MEMB /DUES 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 10,935.34 9,015.33 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7202 ADMIN - TRAVEL EXP 11,500.00_ 11,500.00 11,500.00 0.00 8,766.93 10,713.25 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7203 ADMIN - STAFF DEV 12,000,00 12,000.00 14,000.00 2,000.00 4,914.62 2,623.89 100 -13 -130- 00000 -7205 ADMIN - RECEPTION 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,000.00 (500.00) 18,558.77 20,374.63 100 -13 -130- 00000 -7208 ADMIN - STAFF RECOGNITION 25,000.00 25,000.00 24,000.00 (1,000.00) 497.42. 836.11 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7299 ADMIN - MISC EXPENSE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 6,941.52 0.00 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7415 ADMIN - TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,668.63 998.30 100 -13- 130 - 00000 -7505 ADMIN.- OTHER EQUIP PURCH 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 (500.00) 639,344.27 650,885.01 Total EXPENDITURE 610,176.00 652,017.00 664,294.00 12,277.00 637,015.20 648,374.54 NET LEVY 598,176.00 650,017.00 662,294.00 12,277.00 N co iv Municipality 'larington 01/29/15 BUDGET fiWOn._..MGPAPERS Clarington:AD MINISTRATION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE' REVENUE: 0.00 0.00 100 -13 -385 -10175 -6400 RECOVERIES - PORT GRANBY FEE 0.00 0.00 (83,500.00) (83,500.00) 0.00 0.00 Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (83,500.00) (83,500.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100 -13- 385 -10175 -7160 PT GRANBY - CONSULTING 0.00 0.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 0.00 100 -13- 385 - 10175 -7202 PT GRANBY - TRAVEL EXP 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 100 -13- 385 - 10175 -7299 PT GRANBY- MISC EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 83.500.00 83.500.On iv CLieading the Wa y LEGAL SERVICES ORGANIZATION CHART 2015 MUNICIPAL SOLICITOR Andv Allison LAW _ CLERK _ Joanne Barcherd Staff Complement Non - Affiliated 2 Union - Italicized 0 Part -time 0 Tota I La r—� Municipali` Iarington 01/29/15 BUDGET M. VG PAPERS Clarington:LEGAL DEPARTMENT 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (122,114.36) (99,472.42) LEGAL - REVENUE (128,000.00) (107,000.00) (105,000.00) 2,000.00 (122,114.36) (99,472.42) Total REVENUE (128,000.00) (107,000.00) (105,000.00) 2,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 585,289.90 486,064.63 LEGAL - EXPENDITURE 532,088.00 470,622.00 462,087.00 (8,535.00) 585,289.90 486,064.63 Total EXPENDITURE 532,088.00 470.622.00 462,087.00 (8,535.00) 463,175.54 386,592.21 NET LEVY 404,068.00 363,622.00 357,087.00 (6,535.00) La r—� Municipal' 'larington BUDGET W _NG PAPERS Clarington:LEGAL 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (24,950.00) (10,759.87) 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -6400 LEGAL ADMIN - MISC. REV (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (12,000.00) 13,000.00 (51,740.33) (39,420.12) 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -6460 LEGAL ADMIN - PLAN AGREEMENT F (30,000.00) (30,000.00) (40,000.00) (10,000.00) (625.00) 0.00 100 -14 -130- 00000 -6461 LEGAL ADMIN - ENG AGREEMENT FE (2,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 (6,894.90) 0.00 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -6462 LEGAL ADMIN - PROF. FEE RECOVER (30,000.00) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 (9,622.09) (6,892.10) 100 -14- 130 -00000 -6463 LEGAL ADMIN - DISBURSEMENT RE (5,000.00) (5,000.00) (6,000.00) (1,000.00) (28,282.04) (42,400.33) 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -6651 LEGAL - CONTRIB. -R /F TO GEN. (36,000.00) (36,000.00) (36,000.00) 0.00 (122,114.36) (99,472.42) . Total REVENUE (128,000.00) (107,000.00) (105,000.00) 2,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 250,760.10 260,835.16 100 -14- 130 -00000 -7001 LEGAL ADMIN -SALARY F/T 241,988.00 246,828.00 250,530.00 3,702.00 4,791.40 5,273.10 100 -14 -130- 00000 -7050 LEGAL ADMIN - EHT 4,719.00 4,813.00 4,885.00 72.00 30,150.42 32,524.64 100 -14 -130- 00000 -7051 LEGAL ADMIN - OMERS 29,719.00 30,314.00 30,697.00 383.00 4,997.64 5,296.23 100 -14 -130- 00000 -7052 LEGAL ADMIN - CPP 4,613.00 4,712.00 4,851.00 139.00 2,537.64 2,669.41 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7053 LEGAL ADMIN - El 2,352.00 2,495.00 2,626.00 131.00 22,041.93 23,892.58 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7054 LEGAL ADMIN - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 21,506.00 23,955.00 24,559.00 604.00 3,588.58 3,717.71 100 -14- 130 -00000 -7058 LEGAL ADMIN - WSIB 3,394.00 3,558.00 4,639.00 1,081.00 2,657.84 2,907.92 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7101 LEGAL ADMIN - OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 17,454.20 19,685.92 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7115 LEGAL ADMIN - CONVEYANCE EXP 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 66,638.81 70,413.58 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7161 LEGAL ADMIN - PROF FEES 75,000.00 75,000.00 60,000.00 (15,000.00) 3,053.73 5,123.59 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7181 LEGAL ADMIN - BOOKS /PERIODICALS 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 229.69 225.25 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7186 LEGAL ADMIN - POST /COUR /FRT 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 2,665.02 2,794.85 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7200 LEGAL ADMIN - MEMB /DUES 2,850.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,202.78 796.33 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7202 LEGAL ADMIN - TRAVEL EXP 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 606.43 349.05 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7203 LEGAL ADMIN - STAFF DEV 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 38,076.94 47,111.48 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7224 LEGAL ADMIN - PROF FEES RECOV'B 70,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 82,556.36 2,447.83 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7299 LEGAL ADMIN -MISC EXPENSE 1,647.00 1,647.00 2,000.00 353.00 51,280.39 0.00 100 -14- 130 - 00000 -7416 LEGAL ADMIN - TRSF TO RES 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 585,289.90 486.064.63 Total EXPENDITURE 532,088.00 470,622.00 462,087.00 (8,535.00) 463,175.54 386.592.21 NET LEVY 404,088.00 363,622.00 357,087.00 (6,535.00) r� CORPORATE SERVICES /HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANIZATION CHART 2015 Claw ln�;�M Leading the Way DIRECTOR Marie Marano James Murra - Database _Administrator John Zheno- Steve Griq'q Analyst Purchasing Clerk Scott Stoldt G.I.S. Analyst _ Michelin Mep"O"Ivt _ Analyst Elizabeth Taylor Jason Douglas Shaun Novak Technician _ Lind; Li - Payroll & Benefit Administration Corporate Advertising Customer /Reception Tenders/ Purchasing Information Technology Tourism Promotion Communication Corporate Health & Safety Staff Complement Non - Affiliated 12 Union - Italicized 15 Part-time CORPORATE Total RMATION HUMAN COMPENSATION PURCHASING HNOLOGY RESOURCES & BENEFITS HEALTH & SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER ---- - - - - - -- NAGER E-- SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR CO- ORDINATOR OFFICER --- --- - - - - -- ASSISTANT ------ - - - -.. Dave Ferguson Van D k Lisa Wheller Kerri McMullen Mike McCron Basia Radomski Gerry Jordan _ Sr. Buyer -- Network Employee Relations Communications Sandra Mckee _ Co- ordinator _ I _Administrator_ Jim Anderson _ _Representatives_ _ Adrienne Nazarko Jennifer Stycuk- Buver 1 Shard Dver Jan Vreeker James Murra - Database _Administrator John Zheno- Steve Griq'q Analyst Purchasing Clerk Scott Stoldt G.I.S. Analyst _ Michelin Mep"O"Ivt _ Analyst Elizabeth Taylor Jason Douglas Shaun Novak Technician _ Lind; Li - Payroll & Benefit Administration Corporate Advertising Customer /Reception Tenders/ Purchasing Information Technology Tourism Promotion Communication Corporate Health & Safety Staff Complement Non - Affiliated 12 Union - Italicized 15 Part-time 3 Total 30 Information Clerk_ Kim Macdonald Alison Jeschke Web Designer Leanne Walker - Tourism Co- ordinator Eleanor Cook (PIT) —Touris_m Otticers _ Suzanne Christie (PIT) Lindsav Dickson (PIT) Department Head Backup - Chief Administrative Officer Municipality gton 01/29/15 BUDGET WORj- PAPERS Clarington:CORPORATE SERVIC 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (3,000.00) (3,000.00) REVENUE: (125,865.13) (26,313.45) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (208,810.71) (193,010.85) COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING - REVENUE (334,675.84) (219,324.30) Total REVENUE 207,900.00 EXPENDITURE: 227,813.12 204,891.49 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 1,251,722.58 1,066,022.36 HUMAN RESOURCES PAYROLL - EXPENDITURE 1,137,426.95 1,066,993.89 COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING - EXPENDITURE 1,360,680.13 1,442,285.90 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - EXPENDITURE 456,577.05 475,974.68 PURCHASING - EXPENDITURE 31,530:97 23,545.40 HEALTH & SAFETY - EXPENDITURE 4,465,750.80 4,279,713.72 Total EXPENDITURE 4,131,074.96 4,060,389.42 NET LEVY (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (218,094.00) (225,170.00) (97,500.00) 127,670.00 (221,094.00) (228,170.00) (100,500.00) 127,670.00 207,900.00 217,700.00 227,950.00 10,250.00 1,317,659.00 1,353,708.00 1,383,666.00 29,958.00 1,093,277.00 1,190,734.00 1,045,400.00 (145,334.00) 1,389,470.00 1,497,812.00 1,456,023.00 (41,789.00) 452,186.00 466,566.00 472,164.00 5,598.00 30,600.00 34,700.00 35,200.00 500.00 4,491,092.00 4,761,220.00 4,620,403.00 (140,817.00) 4,269,998.00 4,533 050.00 4,519,903.00 (13 147.00) W Municipality gton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOn_ PAPERS Clari ngton:ADMINISTRATION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (3,000.00) (3,000.00) REVENUE: (125,865.13) (26,313.45) 100-16-130-30643-6400 CORP SERV - MISC REVENUE (125,865.13) (26,313.45) Total REVENUE 14,500.00 14,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 11,300.75 11,434.93 100 -16- 130 - 00000 -7101 CORP SERV ADMIN -OFF SUPPLIES 2,575.04 3,229.57 100 -16- 130 - 00000 -7112 CORP SERV ADMIN - MISC OPER /SH 121,486.62 116,290.52 100 -16- 130 - 00000 -7132 CORP SERV ADMIN - PHONE /FAX 0.00 122.11 100 -16- 130 - 00000 -7174 CORP SERV ADMIN - R/M OFF EQUIP 1,777.20 1,423.28 100 -16- 130 - 00000 -7186 CORP SERV ADMIN - POST /COUR /FRT 4,265.51 0.00 100 -16- 130 - 00000 -7416 CORP SERV ADMIN - TRSF TO RES 0.00 184.19 100 -16 -130- 00000 -7505 CORP SERV ADMIN - OTHER EQUIP 2,257.04 0.00 100 -16- 130 - 00000 -7506 CORP SERV ADMIN - FURNITURE/Fl 84;150.96 72,206.89 100 -16- 130 - 00000 -7520 CORP SERV ADMIN - OTHER CAP (NO 227,813.12 204,891.49 Total EXPENDITURE - 101,947.99 178,578.04 NET LEVY (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 14,500.00 14,000.00 12,500.00 (1,500.00) 3,700.00 3,700.00 3,700.00 0.00 110,000.00 115,000.00 120,000.00 5,000.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 (100.00) 2,200.00 2,200.00 1,800.00 (400.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 500.00 250.00 (250.00) 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 74,450.00 80,000.00 87,500.00 7,500.00 207,900.00 217,700.00 227,950.00 10,250.00 204,900.00 214,700.00 224,950.00 10,250.00 W In Municipalit± larington BUDGET WO), _MG PAPERS Clarington:HUMAN RESOURCES 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 605,698.72 719,437.00 100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7001 H /R - SALARYF/T 687,609.00 701,227.00 711,645.00 10,418.00 13,613.62 14,981.54 100 -16- 160- 00000 -7050 H /R- EHT 13,408.00 13,674.00 13,877.00 203.00 82,587.20 88,992.09 100 -16 -160- 00000 -7051 H/R - OMERS 79,773.00 81,370.00 82,342.00 972.00 17,493.36 18,538.19 100 -16 -160- 00000 -7052 H/R - CPP 16,147:00 16,493.00 16,979.00 486.00 8,881.87 9,343.25 100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7053 H/R - El 8,232.00 8,733.00 9,192.00 459.00 73,209.86 82,316.79 100 -16- 160- 00000 -7054 H/R - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 70,437.00 77,327.00 79,243.00 1,916.00 12,812.66 14,153.38 100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7058 H /R -WSIB 12,118.00 12,709.00 16,563.00 3,854.00 275,000.00 0.00 100 -16 -160- 00000- 7061•H /R -POST EMPLOY 275,000.00 275,000.00 300,000.00 25,000.00 55,598.86 24,534.57 100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7156 H/R -LEGAL 45,000.00 45,000.00 35,000.00 (10,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7160 H/R - CONSULTING 10,000.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 (2,500.00) 25,949.00 22,599.00 100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7161 H/R -PROF FEES(EAP) 20,000.00 23,000.00 23,500.00 500.00 1,288.59 1,768.94 100 -16- 160- 00000 -7181 H /R- BOOKS /PERIODICALS 1,500.00 1,650.00 1,500.00 (150.00) 3,264.42 3,366.87 100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7200 H/R - MEMB /DUES 3,335.00 3,425.00 3,400.00 (25.00) 405.58 527.56 100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7202 H/R - TRAVEL EXP 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 (500.00) 3,524.89 3,513.46 100 -16- 160 -00000 -7203 H/R - STAFF DEV 7,500.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 (2,500.00) 388.70 462.47 100 -16- 160- 00000 -7299 H/R - MISC EXPENSE 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 61,903.50 61,477.25 100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7303 H/R - BANK S/C OTHER 63,900.00 72,900.00 74,725.00 1,825.00 10,000.00 0.00 100 -16- 160- 00000 -7416 H/R - TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101.75 0.00 100 -16- 160 - 00000 -7505 H/R - OTHER EQUIP PURCH 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 1,251,722.58 1,066,022.36 Total EXPENDITURE 1,317,659.00 1,353,708.00 1,383,666.00 29,958.00 1,251,722.58 1,066,022.36 NET LEVY 1,317,659.00 1,353,708.00 .1,383 666.00 29,958.00 w ON 2013 ACTUAL Municipality ton BUDGET WOA.: = . _ PAPERS Clarington:COMMUNICATIONS & 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE w REVENUE: (3,625.35) (4,408.42) 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -6564 TOURIST INFO -INTNL BRANDG PKG (3,500.00) (3,500.00) (3,500.00) 0.00 (90,164.39) (84,218.41) 100-16-161-33010-6400 MKTG/TOURISM- ADVERTISING REV (90,000.00) (93,500.00) (94,000.00) (500.00) (65,019.53) (60,479.32) 100 -16- 161 - 33025 -6400 COMM/TOUR- EVENT- MAYOR'S GOLF (69,930.00) (70,000.00) 0.00 70;000.00 (50,001.44) (43,904.70) 100 -16- 161 - 33030 -6400 COMM/TOUR- EVENT- MAYOR'S LOVE (54,664.00) (58,170.00) 0.00 58,170.00 (208,810.71) (193,010.85) Total REVENUE (218,094.00) (225,170.00) (97,500.00) 127,670.00 EXPENDITURE: 392,141.23 432,839.30 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7001 COMMITOUR -SALARY F/T 400,934.00 408,952.00 397,087.00 (11,865.00) 49,002.49 68,658.79 100 -16- 161 -00000 -7007 COMM/TOUR - WAGES PERM PIT. 51,197.00 68,033.00 85,063.00 17,030.00 8,912.63 10,024.55 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7050 COMM/TOUR - EHT 8,778.00 9,250.00 9,338.00 88.00 42,353.03 45,687.56 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7051 COMM/TOUR -OMERS 41,747.00 42,582.00 40,451.00 (2,131.00) 17,217.09 18,608.85 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7052 COMM/TOUR - CPP 15,892.00 16,910.00 17,979.00 1,069.00 8,973.57 9,632.15 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7053 COMM/TOUR - El 8,317.00 9,207.00 10,032.00 825.00 50,323.57 51,353.86 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7054 COMM/TOUR - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 49,100.00 51,488.00 56,653.00 5,165.00 9,692.50 10,011.06 100-16-161-00000-7058 COMM/TOUR - WSIB 9,167.00 9,921.00 13,387.00 3,466.00 3,435.96 1,201.65 100 -16- 161 -00000 -7101 COMM/TOUR- OFF SUPPLIES 5,500.00 5,500.00 4,000.00 (1,500.00) 4,991.00 5,045.03 100 -16- 161- 00000 -7104 COMM/TOUR- CLEAN SUPPLIES 5,000.00 5,129.00 5,200.00 71.00 1,964.76 1,773.06 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7125 COMM/TOUR - HEAT 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,940.00 2,901.85 2,933.87 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7129 COMM/TOUR - HYDRO 2,400.00 2,800.00 3,500.00 700.00 303.26 530.48 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7130 COMM/TOUR - WATER /SEWER 400.00 400.00 370.00 (30.00) 1,213.31 1,165.05 100-16-161-00000-7140 COMM/TOUR -SNOW REMOVAL 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 0.00 '1,106.48 1,180.39 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7165 COMM/TOUR- WASTE DISPOSAL 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,100.00 100.00 51,125.55 33,919.71 100 -16 -161- 00000 -7167 COMM/TOUR - DESIGN 22,250.00 37,737.00 18,850.00 (18,887.00) 7,195.60 4,902.22 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7172 COMM/TOUR - R /M- BUILDING 8,500.00 8,500.00 6,000.00 (2,500.00) 8,338.19 4,613.15 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7186 COMM/TOUR - POST /COUR/FRT 5,500.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 100,142.50 90,570.02 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7188 COMM/TOUR - PRINTING 125,977.00 124,015.00 117,025.00 (6,990.00) 190,827.08 122,333.31 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7189 COMM/TOUR - CORP ADV'T 133,294.00 170,290.00 185,850.00 15,560.00 1,931.56 568.02 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7190 COMM/TOUR - INTERNL BRANDNG P 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 36,696.08 31,911.58 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7192 COMM/TOUR - SPECIAL EVENTS 30,480.00 39,000.00 14,125.00 (24,875.00) 11,702.42 642.55 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7198 COMMITOUR -TOURM MATL DISTR 12,500.00 12,500.00 6,500.00 (6,000.00) 4,425.18 5,101.93 100-16-161-00000-7200 COMM/TOUR - MEMB/DUES 4,000.00 4,100.00 4,200.00 100.00 7,777.98 5,971.67 100 -16- 161 - 00000- 7202COMM/TOUR- TRAVEL EXP 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 2,459.09 3,395.69 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7203 COMM/TOUR - STAFF DEV 5,000.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 0.00 844.66. 0.00 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7206 COMMITOUR - PROMO /OTHER 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 (4,500.00) 64,710.48 60,479.32 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7210 COMM/TOUR - EVENT- MAYOR'S GOLF 69,930.00 70,000.00 0.00 (70,000.00) 42,329.05 40,631.66 100 -16 -161- 00000 -7214 COMM/TOUR - EVENT- MAYOR'S LOVE 54,664.00 58,170.00 0.00 (58,170.00) 0.00 0.00 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7250 COMM/TOUR - COMMISSION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 w W 00 Municipality larington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOK ..,VG PAPERS Clarington:COMMUNICATIONS & 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $3,758.77 $1,307.41 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7299 COMM/TOUR - MISC EXPENSE $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 ($2,500.00) 8,630.03 0.00 100 -16- 161 - 00000 -7416 COMM/TOUR - TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 -16- 161 - 00000- 7506 COMM/TOUR - FURNITURE/FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,137,426.95 1,066,993.89 Total EXPENDITURE . 1,093,277.00 1,190,734.00 1,045,400.00 (145,334.00) 928,616.24 873.983.04 NET LEVY 875,183.00, 965,564.00 947,900.00 (17,664.00) W 00 2013 ACTUAL 705,376.77 7,687.68 12,861.27 72, 854.49 19,992.74 10,150.68 77,319.95 13,470.32 3,614.06 17,648.46 186,079.61 1,722.29 1,226.16 2,274.45 437.57 1,105.75 2,157.88 100,000.00 Municipality ton BUDGET WOA_ APERS ClaringtomINFORMATION TECH 2015 DRAFT 2014 ACTUAL Description 695,248.04 8,312.18 14,590.69 80,412.36 21,736.43 11,009.59 80,051.90 14,276.27 2,149.12 31,205.50 205,496.32 648.72 0.00 650.03 437.57 1,261.08 2,700.10 100, 000.00 1, 360, 680.13 1, 442, 285.90 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 100-16-162-00000-7001 INFO TECH -SALARY F/T 649,593.00 684,675.00 756,274.00 71,599.00 100-16-162-00000-7015 INFO TECH - WAGES STUDENT 8,839.00 9,016.00 9,151.00 135.00 100-16-162-00000-7050 INFO TECH - EHT 12,833.00 13,520.00 14,919.00 1,399.00 100-16-162-00000-7051 INFO TECH - OMERS 71,812.00 75,781.00 83,372.00 7,591.00 100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7052 INFO TECH - CPP 18,701.00 19,874.00 22,092.00 2,218.00 100-16-162-00000-7053 INFO TECH - El 9,625.00 10,642.00 12,050.00 1,408.00 100-16-162-00000-7054 INFO TECH - LTD /LIFE /HLTH 75,440.00 82,672.00 92,101.00 9,429.00 100-16-162-00000 ' -705 8 INFO TECH - WSIB 12,927.00 14,032.00 20,064.00 6,032.00 100-16-162-00000-7102 INFO TECH - DATA SUPPLIES 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7146 INFO TECH - H/W MTNCE CONTRACT 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 100-16-162-00000-7148 INFO TECH - SM/ MTNCE CONTRACT 230,000.00 240,000.00 250,000.00 10,000.00 100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7160 INFO TECH - CONSULTING 3,000.00 3,000.00 23,000.00 20,000.00 100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7166 INFO TECH - SM/ DEVELOPMENT 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 100 -16- 162- 00000 -7174 INFO TECH - R/M OFF EQUIP 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 100 -16- 162- 00000 -7200 INFO TECH - MEMB /DUES 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7202 INFO TECH - TRAVEL EXP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 100 -16- 162 - 00000 -7203 INFO.TECH - STAFF DEV 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 100-16-162-00000-7412 INFO TECH - TRSF TO RES FUND 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 100 -16- 162- 00000 -7418 INFO TECH - TRSF TO CAP FUND 124,700.00 172,100.00 0.00 (172,100.00) Total EXPENDITURE 1,389,470.00. 1,497,812.00 1,456,023.00 (41,789.00) NET LEVY 1,389,470.00 1,497,812.00 1,456,023.00 (41 789.00) W 2013 ACTUAL 337,590.14 6,507.31 34,496.61 12,453.47 6,344.18 45,605.87 7,107.35 0.00 143.86 754.09 2,130.17 768.06 1,817.18 78.45 266.42 Municipalit% 'larington BUDGET WOi,. __NG PAPERS C la ri ngto n: P U RCHASIN G 2015 DRAFT 2014 ACTUAL Description 350,719.39 7,209.70 37,569.33 13,197.68 6,673.84 46,529.45 7,424.97 610.56 121.75 321.69 2,095.43 1,238.28 1.998.53 34.60 229.48 456,577.05 475,974.68 EXPENDITURE: 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7001 PURCHASING -SALARY F/T 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7050 PURCHASING - EHT 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7051 PURCHASING - OMERS 100 -16 -163- 00000 -7052 PURCHASING - CPP 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7053 PURCHASING - El 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7054 PURCHASING - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 100-16=163-00000-7058 PURCHASING - WSIB 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7160 PURCHASING - CONSULTING 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7181 PURCHASING - BOOKS /PERIODICALS 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7186 PURCHASING - POST /COUR/FRT 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7200 PURCHASING - MEMB /DUES 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7202 PURCHASING - TRAVEL EXP 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7203 PURCHASING - STAFF DEV 100-16-163-00000-7206 PURCHASING - PROMO /OTHER 100-16-.163-00000-7299 PURCHASING - MISC EXPENSE 100 -16- 163 - 00000 -7506 PURCHASING - .FURNITURE /FIXTURES Total EXPENDITURE NET LEVY 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 328,680.00 338,647.00 342,923.00 4,276.00 6,409.00 6,603.00 6,687.00 84.00 34,003.00 35,179.00 35,483.00 304.00 11,495.00 11,742.00 12,025.00 283.00 5,880.00 6,238.00 6,566.00 328.00 44,497.00 46,651.00 47,784.00 1,133.00 6,722.00 7,106.00 9,246.00 2,140.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 (750.00) 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,400.00 (600.00) 2,500.00 2,900.00 2,500.00 (400.00) 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 3,000.00 4,200.00 3,500.00 (700.00) 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 2,700.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 (500.00) 452,186.00 466,566.00 472,164.00 5,598.00 452,186.00 466,566.00 472,164.00 5,598.00 r-� Municipalit, gton 01/29115 BUDGET WO,,._ 9APERS Clarington:HEALTh «SAFETY 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 3,161.21 1,887.33 100 -16- 165 - 00000 -7112 H /SAFETY - MISC OP EXP 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 347.72 352.78 100 -16 -165- 00000 -7113 H /SAFETY - PRESENTATION 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 3,561.60 2,281.46 100 -16- 165 - 00000 -7161 H /SAFETY - PROF FEES 3,000.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 2,547.05 100 -16- 165 - 00000 -7181 H /SAFETY - BOOKS /PERIODICALS 0.00 3,000.00 0.00. (3,000.00) 873.20 933.64 100 -16- 165- 00000 -7200 H /SAFETY - MEMBERSHIPS 600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,981.54 2,279.95 100 -16- 165 - 00000 -7202H /SAFETY- TRAVEL 1,500.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 11,605.70 8,541.04 100 -16 -165- 00000 -7203 H /SAFETY- STAFF DEV 12,000.00 12,000.00 14,000.00 2,000.00 7,913.91 2,500.00 100 -16- 165 - 00000 -7416 H /SAFETY- TRSF TO RES 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,086.09 2,222.15 100 -16- 165- 00000 -7520 H /SAFETY - OTHER CAP (NON TCA) 7,500.00 7,500.00 4,000.00 (3,500.00) 31,530.97 23,545.40 Total EXPENDITURE 30,600.00 34,700.00 35,200.00 500.00 31,530.97 23,545.40 NET LEVY 30,600.00 34,700.00 35,200.00 500.00 r-� CLERK'S DEPARTMENT OK�ANIZATION CHART 2015 ClaF.��;tW Leading t/ze Way MANAGER MUNICIPAL LAW -_• -- .ENFORCEMENT _ -_• -, Len Creamer Municipal Law _ En_for_cement Officer Teresa Mason Tom Vendrasco Jacky Mainguy _ Enfor_cem_ent Officer Allison Genosko Lvnnda Bell Parking Enforcement Officer PIT Bill Pearce MUNICIPAL CLERK Anne Greentree DEPUTY CLERK June Gallaaher MANAGER ANIMAL SERVICES — - — ° °_---- --- •- -.- -.. Duncan Anderson Senior Animal Services Officer — Animal Services Of to _ Mary Jane Bacon Tracy O'Donohue Denise LeBreton Animal Services Officer (Eg Amv Janes Municipal Elections Animal Services Municipal Law Enforcement Parking Enforcement Records and Inform ationManagement Licensing - Vital Statistics - Accessibility RECORDSIELECTION CO ORDINATOR Committee _ _Co_-or_dinator _ — Michelle Chambers Cemetery Services — and .. R_ec_ord_s Clerk_ — Teresa Aide _Clerk 11 Laura Preston _ _Clerk I ............. Monika Bradshaw ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT _ Cindv Flemina Staff Com lement Non- Affiliated: 6 Union - Italicized 15 Part Time 4 Total 25 Department Head Backup - Depuly Clerk Municipality n9ton 01/29/15 BUDGET WO&.. S PAPERS Clarington:CLERWS 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (8,800.00) (9,700.00) REVENUE: (8,499.65), (8,620.00) UNASSIGNED - REVENUE (109,815.28) (110,035.44) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (127,972.35) (106,925.98) ANIMAL SERVICES - REVENUE (22,324.00) (14,294.00) MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT - REVENUE (183,518.12) (280,835.83) PARKING ENFORCEMENT- REVENUE (22,034.75) (12,583.75) GRANTS-REVENUE, (163,950.83) (121,953.62) CEMETERY - REVENUE (638,114.98) (655,248.62) Total REVENUE 0.00 (738,600.00) (703,800.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 UNASSIGNED - EXPENDITURE 22,800.29 0.00 PSAB - EXPENDITURE 947,331.53 989,838.74 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 593,407.56 630,169.70 ANIMAL SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 568,763.36 603,808.40 MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT- EXPENDITURE 416,652.00 674,505.26 PARKING ENFORCEMENT- EXPENDITURE 75,000.00 402,250.96 MUNICIPAL ELECTION - EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 CEMETERY - EXPENDITURE 19,147.04 20,885.13 FLEET - EXPENDITURE 2,643,101.78 3,321,458.19 Total EXPENDITURE 2,004,986.80 2.666,209.57 NET LEVY (8,800.00) (9,700.00) (200.00) 9,500.00 (106,500.00) (108,800.00) (122,800.00) (14,000.00) (171,800.00) (171,800.00) (147,800.00) 24,000.00 (15,000.00) (17,000.00) (17,000.00) 0.00 (170,000.00) (170,000.00) (200,000.00) (30,000.00) (135,000.00) (100,000.00) (15,000.00) 85,000.00 . (131,500.00) (126,500.00) (126,500.00) 0.00 (738,600.00) (703,800.00) (629,300.00) 74,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 0.00 (10,500.00) 18,409.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,129,725.00 1,044,064.00 947,449.00 (96,615.00) 597,344.00 693,278.00 684,763.00 (8,515.00) 635,335.00 649,947.00 661,247.00 11,300.00 389,791.00 389,529.00 460,047.00 70,518.00 75,000.00 344,309.00 76,500.00 (267,809.00) 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,800.00 (3,200.00) 16,500.00 17,500.00 19,950.00 2,450.00 2,877,604.00 3,154,127.00 2,851,756.00 (302,371.00) 2,139,004.00 2,450,327.00 2,222456.00 (227,871.00) 4-1 W Municipalit, igton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOn � � PAPERS • Clarington.UNASSIGNED . 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUbGET INCREASE REVENUE: (8,499.65) (8,620.00) 100-19-000-30644-6400 COMMISSION DOCUMENT FEE (8,500.00) (9,500.00) 0.00 9,500.00 0.00 0.00 100 -19 -000 -30645 -6400 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES FEE (300.00) (200.00) (200.00) 0.00 (8,499.65) (8,620.00) Total REVENUE (8,800.00) (9,700.00) (200.00) 9,500.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100 -19- 000 - 10088 -7205 VOL PRGM - RECEPTION 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 (10,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100 -19- 000 - 10088 -7299 VOL PRGM - MISC EXPENSE 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 0.00 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 10,500.00 10,500.00 0.00 (10,500.00) (8,499.65) (8,620.00) NET LEVY 1,700.00 800.00 (200.00) (1,000.00 (109,815.28) (110,035.44) Total REVENUE 01/29/15 INCREASE 0.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 . (6,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,000.00) (106 500.00) (108,800.00) (122,800.00) (14,000.00) Municipality arington 632,319.40 BUDGET W/OA. -_. UG PAPERS 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7001 CLERK'S -SALARY FIT 668,426.00 631,138.00 613,901.00 (17,237.00) Clarington:AD MINISTRATION 13,505.33 100 -19 -130- 00000 -7008 CLERK'S - WAGES TEMP P/T 6,240.00 7,000.00 7,105.00 2015 DRAFT 12,228.71 13,570.09 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7050 CLERK'S - EHT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET 100 -19 -130- 00000 -7051 CLERK'S - OMERS 73,796.00 68,665.00 66,595.00 (2,070.00) 19,174.76 20,267.86 REVENUE: 20,006.00 17,981.00 18,882.00 (960.00) (510.00) 100-19-130-00000-6400 CLERK'S - WILDLIFE DAMAGE ADMIN (3,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (1,786.60) (2,375.60) 100-19-130-30641-6400 CLERK'S -MISC REVENUE (14,000.00) (10,000.00) (11,000.00) (17,390.81) (8,347.60) 100 -19- 130 - 30800- 6400.BY -LAW ADMIN - MISC REV (10,000.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) (22,750.00) (24,500.00) 100 -19 -130- 30815 -6400 CLERK'S - MARRIAGE CEREMONY - MI (17,000.00) (20,000.00) (26,000.00) (37,875.00) (45,875.01) 100 -19- 130 - 35010 -6500 MARRIAGE LICENCES (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (45,000.00) (3,134.00) (3,122.00) 100 -19- 130 - 35015 -6500 BINGO LOTTERY LICENCES (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (2,926.05), (2,062.20) 100-19-130-35020-6500 NEVADA LOTTERY LICENCES (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (2,632.82) (4,908.03) 100-19-130-35025-6500 RAFFLE LOTTERY LICENCES (1,500.00) (1,800.00) (1,800.00) (20,360.00) (18,335.00) 100 -19- 130 - 35520 -6500 OTHER LICENCES (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (17,000.00) (109,815.28) (110,035.44) Total REVENUE 01/29/15 INCREASE 0.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 . (6,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,000.00) (106 500.00) (108,800.00) (122,800.00) (14,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 632,319.40 654,317.23 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7001 CLERK'S -SALARY FIT 668,426.00 631,138.00 613,901.00 (17,237.00) 2,145.78 13,505.33 100 -19 -130- 00000 -7008 CLERK'S - WAGES TEMP P/T 6,240.00 7,000.00 7,105.00 105.00 12,228.71 13,570.09 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7050 CLERK'S - EHT 13,152.00 12,438.00 12,104.00 (334.00) 68,750.36 73,758.11 100 -19 -130- 00000 -7051 CLERK'S - OMERS 73,796.00 68,665.00 66,595.00 (2,070.00) 19,174.76 20,267.86 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7052 CLERK'S - CPP 20,006.00 17,981.00 18,882.00 901.00 10,068.71 10,549.72 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7053 CLERK'S - El 10,508.00 9,816.00 10,457.00 641.00 75,957.86 78,900.89 100 -19 -130- 00000 -7054 CLERK'S - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 81,048.00 79,107.00 79,394.00 287.00 11,848.37 12,454.02 100 -19 -130- 00000 -7058 CLERK'S - WSIB 12,449.00 11,919.00 15,571.00 3,652.00 13,133.49 12,948.90 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7101 CLERK'S -OFF SUPPLIES 10,500.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 • 0.00 0.00 676.25 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7132 CLERKS ADMIN - PHONE /FAX 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 994.22 206.94 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7174 CLERK'S - R/M OFF EQUIP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 88.75 279.23 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7181 CLERK'S - BOOKS /PERIODICALS 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 6,672.22 11,029.52 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7186 CLERK'S - POST /COUR /FRT 8,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 479.10 587.34 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7188 CLERK'S - PRINTING 700.00 700.00 700.00 0.00 1,687.55 1,944.98 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7200 CLERK'S - MEMB /DUES 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 5,922.07 1,922.08. 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7202 CLERK'S - TRAVEL EXP 4,000.00 6,800.00 4,340.00 (2,460.00) 4,991.81 4,046.90 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7203 CLERK'S - STAFF DEV 8,000.00 8,000.00 7,900.00 (100.00) 4,457,31 438.96 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7215 CLERK'S - RECORD RETENTION 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 14,400.00 19,200.00 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7240 CLERK'S - LIC /PERMIT EXPENSE 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 24,798.44 23,254.06 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7242 CLERK'S - LIVESTOCK EXPENSE 150,000.00 115,000.00 30,000.00 (85,000.00) 7,577.65 1,240.83 100 -19- 130 -00000 -7299 CLERK'S - MISC EXPENSE 12,000.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10019- 130 - 00000 -7412 CLERK'S - TRSF TO RES FUND 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 15,171.06 10,000.00 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7416 CLERK'S - TRSF TO RES 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 850.71 919.18 100 -19- 130 - 00000 -7505 CLERK'S - OTHER EQUIP PURCH 1,900.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 139.89 4,792.75 100 -19 -130- 10516 -7112 ACCESS. ADVISORY COMMITTEE -MI 500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 Ol Municipalit, gton 01129/15 BUDGET WOn: _ PAPERS Cla rington:AD MINISTRATION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $8,473.31 $14,027.57 100 -19- 130 - 10516 -7160 ACCESS. ADVISORY COMMITTEE -CO $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 947,331.53 989,838.74 Total EXPENDITURE 1,129,725.00 1,044,064.00 947,449.00 (96,615.00) 837,516.25 879,803.30 NET LEVY 1,023,225.00 935,264.00 824,649.00 (110,615.00) Ol 2013 ACTUAL (5,550.00) (20,666.08) (97.47) (1,980.80) Municipality arington BUDGET WOA. VG PAPERS Clarington:ANIMAL SERVICES 2015 DRAFT 2014 ACTUAL Description (4,005.00) (22, 992.29). (13.29) (1,728.90) REVENUE: 100 -19 -190- 30705 -6400 ANIMAL SERVICE IMPOUND FEE 100-19-190-30710-6400 SALE OF ANIMALS 100-19-190-30715-6400 ANIMAL TRAP RENTALS 100 -19- 190- 30720 -6400 ANIMAL DISPOSAL FEE 100 -19- 190 - 35525 -6500 DOG /CAT LICENCES Total REVENUE 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (7,000.00) (7,000.00) (7,000.00) 0.00 (18,000.00) (18,000.00) (19,000.00) (1,000.00) (200.00) (200.00) (200.00) 0.00 (1,600.00) (1,600.00) (1,600.00) 0.00 v EXPENDITURE: 241,429.32 268,969.63 100 -19- 190- 00000 -7005 A/SERV - WAGES F/T 248,714.00 334,620.00 343,901.00 9,281.00 99,687.27 95,078.59 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7007 A/SERV - WAGES PERM P/T 55,672.00 56,778.00 57,643.00 865.00 5,984.40 7,732.75 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7050 A/SERV - EHT 5,894.00 7,590.00 7,787.00 197.00 25,454.24 33,899.68 100 -19 -190- 00000 -7051 A/SERV - OMERS 25,090.00 34,546.00 35,509.00 963.00 12,491.36 14,503.37 100 -19 -190- 00000 -7052 A/SERV - CPP 11,530.00 14,137.00 14,525.00 388.00 6,554.59 7,511.85 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7053 A/SERV - El 6,075.00 7,675.00 8,025.00 350.00 31,823.77 42,452.10 100 -19- 190- 00000 -7054 A/SERV - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 31,050.00 42,563.00 43,807.00 1,244.00 6,998.43 9,110.37 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7058 A/SERV - WSIB 6,619.00 8,719.00 11,466.00 2,747.00 2,176.26 1,470.68 100-19-190-00000-7101 A/SERV- OFF SUPPLIES 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 3,266.75 4,331.42 100-19-190-00000-7104 A/SERV - CLEAN SUPPLIES 3,800.00 3,800.00 4,300.00 500.00 16,271.00 14,283.89 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7107 A/SERV - ANIMAL FEED /CARE 17,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.00 1,319.06 916.57 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7112 A/SERV - MISC OP EXP 1,200.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 0.00 8,253.35 8,224.50 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7125 A/SERV - HEAT 12,000.00 10,000.00 000.00 (500.00) 10,826.73 10,523.59 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7129 A/SERV - HYDRO 12,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 0.00 1,155.13 1,320.44 100 -19- 190- 00000 -7130 A/SERV- WATER/SEWER 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,300.00 (500.00) 2,365.65 3,125.42 100 -19 -190- 00000 -7132 A/SERV - PH0NE/FAX 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 643.05 122.11 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7142 A/SERV - EQUIP MTNCE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 26,921.76 31,912.00 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7162 A/SERV - VET SERVICES 33,000.00 33,000.00 32,000.00 (1,000.00) 10,428.56 11,294.27 100 -19 -190- 00000 -7164 A/SERV - JANITORIAL 11,400.00 11,400.00 11,400.00 0.00 2,095.90 2,404.57 100 -19- 190- 00000 -7165 A/SERV - WASTE DISPOSAL 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,500.00 200.00 1,837.72 1,685.99 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7168 A/SERV - DISPOSAL 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 9,883.50 , 4,610.44 100 -19 -190- 00000 -7172 A/SERV - R /M- BUILDING 45,700.00 4,800.00 6,950.00 2,150.00 949.95 854.86 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7173 A/SERV - R /NI OTHER EQUIP 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 2,300.86 2,258.66 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7180 A7SERV - SPAYED /NEUTERED 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,810.54 1,720.17 100 -19 -190- 00000 -7183 A/SERV - CLTH /UNIFORMS 2,000.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7186 A/SERV - PO ST/CO U R/FRT 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 200.00 200.00 100 -19- 190- 00000 -7200 A/SERV - MEMB /DUES, 200.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 2,085.37 2,365.59 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7203 A/SERV - STAFF DEV 3,000.00 4,500.00 3,000.00 (1,500.00) 1,884.13 2,298.71 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7240 A/SERV - LIC /PERMIT EXPENSE 4,400.00 4,400.00 2,000.00 (2,400.00) v 01/29/15 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET Municipality gton $27,000.00 $19,000.00 BUDGET WOk.._. , PAPERS 2,900.00 2,900.00 0.00 Clarington:ANIMAL SERVICES 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 2015 DRAFT 0.00 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET EXPENDITURE (continued): 0.00 693,278.00 684,763.00 $26,213.16 $13,561.43 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7250 A/SERV - COMMISSION EXPENSE $27,000.00 2,491.12 2,848.51 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7299 A/SERV - MISC EXPENSE 2,400.00 16,460.45 7,000.00 100 -19 -190- 00000 -7412 A/SERV - TRSF TO RES FUND 7,000.00 8,803.87 0.00 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7416 A/SERV - TRSF TO RES 0.00 1,975.20 17,507.14 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7506 A/SERV - FURNITURE & FIXTURES 3,500.00 365.11 4,070.40 100 -19- 190 - 00000 -7520 A/SERV - OTHER CAP (NON TCA) 4,000.00 593,407.56 630,169.70 Total EXPENDITURE 597,344.00 465,435.21 523,243.72 NET LEVY 425,544.00 01/29/15 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE $27,000.00 $19,000.00 ($8,000.00) 2,900.00 2,900.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 3,500.00 (16,500.00) 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 693,278.00 684,763.00 (8,515.00) 521,478.00 536,963.00 15,485.00 CO 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET Municipality arington INCREASE BUDGET WOk-NG PAPERS (15,000.00) (17,000.00) ClaringtomMUNICIPAL LAW EN 0.00 (15,000.00) 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description REVENUE: (22,324.00) (14,294.00) 100 -19 -191- 00000 -6506 BY -LAW ENFORCE - FINES (22,324.00) (14,294.00) Total REVENUE 119.00 8,305.00 EXPENDITURE: 354,638.93 388,468.01 100 -19- 191- 00000 -7001 BY -LAW ENFORCE- SALARY F/T 8,467.11 9,099.98 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7015 BY -LAW ENF. -WAGES STUDENT 8,432.37 9,298.70 100 -19 -191- 00000 -7050 BY -LAW ENFORCE - EHT 44,867.03 48,537.90 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7051 BY -LAW ENFORCE - OMERS 15,184.67 16,093.60 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7052 BY -LAW ENFORCE - CPP 7,846.06 8,252.36 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7053 BY -LAW ENFORCE - El 55,568.09 56,520.35 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7054 BY -LAW ENFORCE - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 9,358.39 9,697.59 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7058 BY -LAW ENFORCE - WSIB 3,040.80 2,119.40 100 -19- 191- 00000 -7132 BY -LAW ENFORCE - PHONE/FAX 4,194.48 5,603.18 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7140 BY -LAW ENFORCE- SNOW REMOVAL 10,391.88 8,781.89 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7161' BY -LAW ENFORCE- PROF FEES 21,717.44 19,032.36 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7169 BY -LAW ENFORCE - CONTRACT -CON 256.95 518.58 100 -19- 191- 00000 -7181 BY -LAW ENFORCE - BOOKS /PERIODI 6,810.27 4,179.72 100 -19 -191- 00000- 7183 BY-LAW ENFORCE -CLTH /UNIFORMS 846.00 781.99 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7200 BY -LAW ENFORCE - MEMB /DUES 9,174.08 8,876.64 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7202 BY -LAW ENFORCE - TRAVEL EXP 3,796.67 5,480.37 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7203 BY -LAW ENFORCE - STAFF DEV 1,535.40 1,391.08 100 -19- 191 - 00000 -7299 BY -LAW ENFORCE - MISC EXPENSE 850.71 0.00 100 -19 -191- 00000 -7520 BY -LAW ENFORCE - OTHER CAP (NO 1,684.27 822.06 100 -19- 191 -10515 -7041 PROPERTY STDS -OTHER PAY 101.76 252.64 100 -19 -191 -10515 -7213 PROPERTY STDS - APPEALS 568,763.36 603,808.40 Total EXPENDITURE 546,439.36 589,514.40 NET LEVY 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (15,000.00) (17,000.00) (17,000.00) 0.00 (15,000.00) (17,000.00) (17,000.00) 0.00 418,449.00 428,116.00 433,387.00 5,271.00 7,747.00 7,902.00 8,021.00 119.00 8,305.00 8,496.00 8,602.00 106.00 44,225.00 45,302.00 45,700.00 398.00 14,016.00 14,320.00 14,654.00 334.00 7,272.00 7,712.00 8,108.00 396.00 54,217.00 56,668.00 58,051.00 1,383.00 8,851.00 9,281.00 12,074.00 2,793.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 500.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 10,000.00 (6,500.00) 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 6,500.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,500.00 (500.00) 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,500.00 3,000.00 700.00 700.00 5,200.00 4,500.00 6,103.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 (1,500.00) 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 635,335.00 649,947.00 661,247.00 11,300.00 620,335.00 632,947.00 644,247.00 11,300.00 'O Municipality . igton 01/29/15 BUDGET WD).. _- . PAPERS Clarington:PARMNG ENFORCEM 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015-BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (85,019.09) (104,910.91) 100-19-192-10100-6409 PARKING METER REVENUE (98,499.03) (175,924.92) 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -6506 PARKING TICKETS FINES REVENUE (183,518.12) (280,835.83) Total REVENUE EXPENDITURE: 102,372.55 109,938.77 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7001 PKG ENFORCE -SALARY F/T 28,026.24 45,182.14 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7007 PKG ENFORCE- WAGES PERM PJT 2,841.91 3,138.71 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7050 PKG ENFORCE - EHT 9,789.07 10,663.38 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7051 PKG ENFORCE - OMERS 6,365.95 6,747.31 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7052 PKG ENFORCE- CPP 3,339.35 3,508.11 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7053 PKG ENFORCE _ El 17,259.64 17,286.85 100 -19- 192 -10100 -7054 PKG ENFORCE- LTD /LIFE/HLTH 3,323.17 3,444.98 100 -19 -192- 10100 -7058 PKG ENFORCE - WSIB 372.50 298.07 100 -19- 192- 10100 -7112 PKG ENFORCE - MISC OP EXP 666.84 2,210.39 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7132 PKG ENFORCE - PHONE/FAX 8,504.89 8,233.37 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7140 PKG ENFORCE - SNOW REMOVAL 11,886.43 7,005.94 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7173 PKG ENFORCE - R/M OTHER EQUIP 3,228.60 3,560.70 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7183 PKG ENFORCE - CLTH /UNIFORMS 3,600.21 1,748.30 100 -19- 192- 10100 -7202 PKG ENFORCE - TRAVEL EXP 17,830.22 702.41 100 -19- 192- 10100 -7299 PKG ENFORCE- MISC EXPENSE 194,918.12 450,835.83 100 -19- 192- 10100 -7412 PKG ENFORCE - TRSF TO RF 1,297.44 0.00 100 -19- 192- 10100 -7416 PKG ENFORCE - TRSF TO RES 1,028.87 0.00 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7505 PKG ENFORCE- SMALL EQUIP. PUR 0.00 0.00 100 -19- 192 - 10100 -7520 PKG ENFORCE - OTHER CAP (NON TC 416,652.00 674,505.26 Total EXPENDITURE 233,133.88 393,669.43 NET LEVY (80,000.00) (80,000.00) (80,000.00) 0.00 (90,000.00) (90,000.00) (120,000.00) (30,000.00) (170,000.00) (170,000.00) (200,000.00) (30,000.00) 114,525.00 117,599.00 119,213.00 1,614.00 30,164.00 30,767.00 62,464.00 31,697.00 2,799.00 2,870.00 3,496.00 626.00 9,649.00 9,986.00 10,065.00 79.00 5,876.00 6,004.00 7,478.00 1,474.00 3,095.00 3,274.00 4,207.00 933.00 16,840.00 17,332.00 17,761.00 429.00 3,143.00 3,297.00 5,163.00 1,866.00 500.00 650.00 700.00 50.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 2,000.00 9,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 (500.00) 300.00 750.00 500.00 (250.00) 170,000.00 170,000.00 200,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 11,400.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 389,791.00 389,529.00 460,047.00 70,518.00 219,791.00 219,529.00 260,047.00 40,518.00 Ln 0 r- - Municipality ^ 'arington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA. _MG PAPER'S Clarington.ELECTION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 55,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 106,949.48 100 -19- 193 - 10190 -7006 MUN ELECT -WAGES TEMP FIT 0.00 779.46 100 -19 -193- 10190 -7050 MUN. ELECT -EHT 0.00 1,263.76 100 -19 -193 -10190 -7052 MUN ELECT - CPP 0.00 625.64 100 -19- 193 -10190 -7053 MUN ELECT - El 0.00 0.00 100 -19- 193 -10190 -7058 MUN ELECT- WSIB 0.00 12,667.64 100 -19- 193 -10190 -7101 MUN ELECT - OFF SUPPLIES 0.00 140,820.32 100 -19- 193 -10190 -7102 MUN ELECT- DATA SUPPLIES 0.00 4,465.08 100 -19- 193 - 10190 -7112 MUN ELECT -MISC OPER 0.00 1,286.29 100 -19- 193 - 10190 -7186 MUN ELECT - POST /COUR/FRT 0.00 25,244.18 100 -19- 193- 10190 -7188 MUN ELECT -PRINTING 0.00 27,110.24 100 -19- 193 - 10190 -7189 MUN ELECT -ADV'T EXPENSE 0.00 1,064.33 100 -19 -193 -10190 -7202 MUN ELECT - TRAVEL EXP 0.00 703.84 100 -19- 193 - 10190 -7203 MUN ELECT- STAFF DEVELOPMENT 0.00 7,350.00 100 -19- 193 -10190 -7230 MUN ELECT - BLDG RENTAL 0.00 1,920.70 100 -19- 193 - 10190 -7232 ELECTION - OTHER RENTAL 75,000.00 70,000.00 100 -19- 193 - 10190 -7416 MUN ELECT - TRSF TO RES 75,000.00 402,250.96 Total EXPENDITURE 75,000.00 402,250.96 NET LEVY 51,890.00 0.00 55,000.00 0.00 (55,000.00) 0.00 1,073.00 0.00 (1,073.00) 0.00 2,356.00 0.00 (2,356.00) 0.00 1,248.00 0.00 (1,248.00) 0.00 1,232.00 0.00 (1,232.00) 0.00 55,000.00 0.00 (55,000.00) 0.00 55,510.00 3,000.00 (52,510.00) 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 (15,000.00) 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 . (15,000.00) 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 9,000.00 0.00 (9,000.00) 0.00 51,890.00 0.00 (51,890.00) 75,000.00 70,000.00 73,500.00 3,500.00 75,000.00 344,309.00 76,500.00 (267,809.00) 75,000.00 344,309.00 76,500.00 (267,809.00) r-' i Municipality 9ton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA PAPERS Cla rington: GRANTS 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (22,034.75). (12,583.75) 100-19-230-30631-6201 GRANTS- WILDLIFE DAMAGE COMPE (22,034.75) (12,583.75) . Total REVENUE (22,034.75) (12,583.75) NET LEVY (135,000.00) (100,000.00) (15,000.00) 85,000.00 (135,000.00) (100,000.00) (15,000.00) 85,000.00 Iv Municipality — "arington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA- .AW PAPERS Clarington:CEMETERY 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE to W REVENUE: (131,670.03) (97,214.83) 100 -19- 326- 10416 -6561 SALE OF PLOTS - BOWMANVILLE C (100,000.00) (100,000.00) (100,000.00) 0.00 (17,919.08) (11,938.79) 100 -19- 326- 10418 -6561 SALE OF PLOTS - BONDHEAD CEME (15,000.00) (12,000.00) (12,000.00) 0.00 (1,811.72) 0.00 100 -19- 326 - 10426 -6561 SALE OF PLOTS - ST. GEORGE'S CE (4,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (12,550.00) (12,800.00) 100 -19- 326- 35510 -6502 BURIAL PERMITS (12,500.00) (12,500.00) (12,500.00) 0.00 (163,950.83) (121,953.62) Total REVENUE (131,500.00) (126,500.00) (126,500.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100 -19- 326- 10419 -7225 CEMETERY MTNCE - RETURN GRAVE 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,800.00 (3,200.00) 0.00 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,800.00 (3200.00) (163,950.83) (121,953.62) NET LEVY (126,500.00) (121,500.00) (124,700.00) (3,200.00) to W 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE: Municipality gton BUDGrET WOAc _ - TAPERS Clarington:FLeET 2015 DRAFT 1,924.71 1,877.65 100-19-388-02009-71712009 DODGE TRUCK #020 - RIM-VEH 1,809.55 1,120.04 100 -19- 388 - 02009 -7194 2009 DODGE TRUCK #020- FUEL/OIL 699.04 240.62 100 -19- 388 - 02812 -7171 2012 FORD ESCAPE SUV -028 R /M -VE 1,431.09 1,795.80 100 -19- 388 - 02812 -7194 2012 FORD ESCAPE SUV -028 - FUEL/O 82.00 292.29 100 -19- 388 - 02913 -7171 2013 CHEV EQUINOX -029- R /M -VEHI 481.38 1,682.74 100 -19- 388- 02913 -7194 2013 CHEV EQUINOX -029 - FUEL/OIL 615.70 0.00 100 -19- 388- 40543 -7171 '04 CHEV ASTRO VAN #023 - R /M -VE 1,113.70 894.27 100 -19- 388 - 40543 - 7194'04 CHEV ASTRO VAN #023 - FUEL/OIL 0.00 0.00 100 -19- 388 - 40557 -7171 PKG NEW VEHICLE- R/M VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 100 -19 -388 -40557 -7194 PKG NEW VEHICLE - FUEL/OIL 1,067.90 1,132.91 100 -19- 388 - 40708 -7171 '05 PONTIAC PURSUIT CAR- R /M -VEHI 1,336.03 891.24 100 -19- 388- 40708 - 7194'05 PONTIAC PURSUIT.CAR- FUEUOIL 4,116.37 1,189.73 100-19-388-42109-71712009 CHEV VAN -R/M- VEHICLES 3,024.00 3,226.12 100 -19- 388 -42109 - 7194 2009 CHEV VAN- FUEL/OIL 359.25 6,026.90 100-19-388-42211-71712011 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT VAN - 1,086.32 514.82 100 -19- 388 - 42211- 7194 2011 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT VAN -4 19,147.04 20,885.13 Total EXPENDITURE 19,147.04 20,885.13 NET LEVY 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,200.00 200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 250.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 16,500.00 17,500.00 19,950.00 2,450.00 16,500.00 17,500.00 19,950.00 2,450.00 U, _- Clarin � . Leading the Way lKtLi,l'lk-AULWf ' Catherine Carr �LauraPintom..y� TAK COLLECTOR V MarvAnn Ma��e c Jessica James — , Liana Smith Heather McGregor Shannon Crombie DIRECTOR OF Nancv Tavlor DEPUTY TREASURER MANAGER _ Erika Watson Michael Ste. Croix -Risk Management - Investments and Banking - Financial Studies - Accounting -Tax billing and collections - Budget - Financial Reporting - Performance Measures - Internal Audit - ACCOUN1 MG F SERVICES _ FRosalie Brent Accountants Alexandra Baker Adam Yarascavitch Accounting Clerk H Nathan Schroor Cathy Rout o Laurie Cowell Dave McGowan ASSISTANT _ ®�I- leather Lynch _Clerk II _ ® Belinda Mackey Staff Complement Non - Affiliated 7 Union - Italicized 14 Part-time 0 Total 1 Department Head Backup - De ut Treasurer Municipality i9ton BUDGET W0J%- PAPERS Clarington:FINANCE & UNCLAS 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL . 2014 ACTUAL 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET REVENUE: (8,490.78) (18,800.52) UNASSIGNED - REVENUE (1,811,011.62) (1,605,709.00) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE 0.00 (3,751.70) FINANCE ADMIN. - REVENUE (70,630.43) 0.00 UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN. - REVENUE (1,890,132.83) (1,628,261.22) Total REVENUE 4,615,987.00 (60,028.00) EXPENDITURE: '225,000.00 225,000.00 UNASSIGNED - EXPENDITURE 3,004,232.51. 0.00 PSAB - EXPENDITURE 2,154,188.20 2,284,691.36 FINANCEADMIN, - EXPENDITURE 4,972,355.45 6,657,072.92 UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN. - EXPENDITURE 10,355,776.16 9,166,764.28 Total EXPENDITURE 8,465,643.33 7,538,503.06 • NET LEVY 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 375,472.00 (15,000.00) (10,000.00) (12,000.00) (2,000.00) (1,552,000.00) (1,552,000.00) (1,552,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 285,000.00 225,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 375,472.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,201,993.00 2,263,518.00 2,307,886.00 44,168.00 1,932,200.00 2,187,497.00 2,083,301.00 (104,196.00) 4,794,665.00 4,676,015.00 4,615,987.00 (60,028.00) 3,227.665.00 3,114,015.00 3,051,987.00 ( 62,028.00) Ut ON Municipality tcn BUDGET W®?.- ___ -'A ,PER.S Clarington:UNASSIGN ED 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description INCREASE REVENUE: (8,490.78) (18,800.52) 100 -21- 000 - 00000 -6506 INTEREST PENALTY ON A/R (8,490.78) (18,800.52) Total REVENUE (2,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 225,000.00 225,000.00 100 -21- 000 - 10525 -7112 BOARD OF TRADE - MISC OP EXP 0.00 0.00 100 -21- 000 - 10525 -7206 BOARD OF TRADE - OTHER - PHYSICIA 225,000.00 225,000.00 Total EXPENDITURE 216,509.22 206,199.48 NET LEVY 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (15,000.00) (10,000.00) (12,000.00) (2,000.00) (15,000.00) (10,000.00) (12,000.00) (2,000.00) 225,000.00 225,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 285,000.00 225,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 270,000.00 215,000.00 213,000.00 (2,000.00) In ti, co Municipality irington 01/29/15 BUDGET WO&. . /G PAPERS Clarington:ADMINISTRATION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (1,518,769.42) (1,344,740.99) 100 -21- 130 - 00000 -6506 PENALTIES /INTEREST ON TAXES (1,300,000.00) (1,300,000.00) (1,3C0,000.00) C.CO (292,242.20) (260,968.01) 100 -21- 130 - 30642- 640C FINANCE -MISC REVENUE (252,000.00) (252,000.00) (252,000.00) 0.00 (1,811,011.62) (1,605,709.00) Total REVENUE (1,552,000.00) (1,552,000.00) (1,552,000.00) 0.00 (1,811,011.62) (1,605,709.00) NET LEVY (1,552.000.00) (1,552,000.00) (1,552 000.00) 0.00 ti, co Municipality, 'on 01/29/15 SUDGETW/OR.__:-_ APERS Clarington:FINANCE ADMIN. 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 (3,751.70) 100 -21 -210- 30642 -6400 FINANCE - MISC REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3,751.70) Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,555,885.00 1,587,488.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,518,537.40 1,605,549.20 100-21,-210-00000-7001 FINANCE - SALARY FIT 1,515.13 7,448.50 100 -21 -210- 00000- 7008' FINANCE -WAGES TEMPP/T 29,629.54 33,539.52 100 -21 -210- 00000 -7050 FINANCE - EHT 163,649.26 181,202.71 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7051 FINANCE - OMERS 49,949.25 54,152.51 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7052 FINANCE - CPP 25,499.71 27,449.40 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7053 FINANCE - El 184,936.57 199,837.00 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7054 FINANCE - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 30,190.87 32,770.78 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7058 FINANCE - WSIB 18,055.63 17,304.34 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7101 FINANCE -OFF SUPPLIES 2,978.00 17,488.27 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7156 FINANCE - LEGAL 19,724.76 13,465.04 100 -21- 210 -00000 -7158 FINANCE - LEGAL/TAX 379.05 0.00 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7174 FINANCE - R/M OFF EQUIP 685.72 606.16 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7181 FINANCE - BOOKS /PERIODICALS 43,951.45 49,751.93 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7186 FINANCE - POST /COUR /FRT 15,194.44 17,282.77 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7188 FINANCE- PRINTING 3,533.79 3,600.59 100 -21- 210 -00000 -7200 FINANCE - MEMB /DUES 10,863.31 11,081.58 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7202 FINANCE - TRAVEL EXP 11,234.31 9,697.51 100 -21 -210- 00000 -7203 FINANCE - STAFF DEV 2,108.84 1,145.76 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7299 FINANCE - MISC EXPENSE 20,000.00 0.00 100 -21- 210 - 00000 -7416 FINANCE - TRSFTO RES 1,571.17 1,317.79 100 -21 -210- 00000 -7505 FINANCE - OTHER EQUIP PURCH 2,154,188.20 2,284,691.36 Total EXPENDITURE 2,154,188.20 2,280,939.66 NET LEVY 1,555,885.00 1,587,488.00 1,612,618.00 25,130.00 4,648.00 4,740.00 8,302.00 3,562.00 30,427.00 31,045.00 31,602.00 557.00 167,707.00 171,137.00 173,452.00 2,315.00 48,412.00 49,367.00 50,733.00 1,366.00 24,810.00 26,319.00 27,711.00 1,392.00 189,020.00 200,359.00 205,432.00 5,073.00 29,952.00 31,363.00 41,036.00 9,673.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 (5,000.00) 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 45,988.00 55,900.00 54,000.00 (1,900.00) 21,344.00 16,000.00 17,000.00 1,000.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 7,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 12,500.00 15,500.00 15,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 2,201,993.00 2,263,518.00 2,307,686.00 44,168.00 2,201,993.00 2,263,518.00 2,307,686.00 44,168.00 Municipality 'larington 01/29/15 BUDGET W ®h- .�NG PAPERS Clarington:U,NCLASSIFIED ADM 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 REVENUE: (70,630.43) 0.00 100 -21 -211- 30642 -6400 UNCLASS ADMIN - MISC REVENUE (70,630.43) 0.00 Total REVENUE 14, 500.00 15,500.00 EXPENDITURE: 65,000.00 6,105.60 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7154 UNCL ADMIN - AUDIT & ACCT'G FEES 30,667.06 24,077.95 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7161 'UNCL ADMIN -PROF FEES 14,280.04 15,449.18 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7200 UNCL ADMIN - MEMB /DUES 22,455.53 25,251.15 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7203 UNCL ADMIN - STAFF DEV 18,300.00 11,423.44 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7205 UNCL ADMIN - RECEPTION 701,363.37 531,978.24 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7212 UNCL ADMIN -TAX W/O 1,077,611.33 1,094,873.37 100 -21 -211- 00000 -7217 UNCL ADMIN - INSURANCE 59,950.00 0.00 100 -21 -211- 00000 -7298 UNCL ADMIN - CONTINGENCY 67,902.98 15,098.51 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7299 UNCL ADMIN - MISC EXPENSE 11,491.80 2,419.20 100 -21 -211- 00000 -7302 UNCL ADMIN - BANK S/C TAX 108,652.70 92,283.37 100 -21 -211- 00000 -7303 UNCL ADMIN - BANK S/C OTHER 2,656,313.04 4,684,918.71 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7412 UNCL ADMIN - TRSF TO RES FUND 121,367.60 139,023.00 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7416 UNCL ADMIN - TRSF TO RES 17,000.00 4,000.00 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7418 UNCL ADMIN - TRSF TO CAP 0.00 10,171.20 100 -21- 211 - 00000 -7505 UNCL ADMIN - SMALL EQUIP. PURCH 4,972,355.45 6,657,072.92 Total EXPENDITURE, 4,901,725.02 6,657,072.92 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 55,500.00 125,500.00 45,500.00 (80,000.00) 13, 500.00 14, 500.00 15,500.00 1,000.00 30,000.00 30,000,00 30,000.00 0.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 0.00 175,000.00 175,000.00 200,000.00 25,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,150,000.00 1,170,000.00 20,000.00 59,950.00 59,897.00 20,000.00 (39,897.00) 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 11,750.00 12,500.00 3,000.00 (9,500.00) 124,000.00 116,000.00 106,000.00 (10,000.00) 285,000.00 326,600.00 315,801.00 (10,799.00) 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 1,932,200.00 2,187,497.00 2,083,301.00 (104,196.00) 1,932,200.00 2,187,497.00 2,083,301.00 (104,196.00) 9 E.JERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPj,_.ZTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2015 CAeading the Way SUPPRESSION CAPTAINS Chambers iM. Dennis Lomax ■R. McCutcheon . Oliver I R. Vanderkooi Dusseldorp 'G. Bradley Shcherbak !M. Ulrich Cowan P. Dawson I I DIRECTOR/FIRE CHIEF I Gord Weir MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN _ .George Schroor DEPUTIES Bill Hesson Mark Bernev I I................................... I SENIOR TRAINING SENIOR FIRE _ OFFICER _FFIC__ _ . Tim Calhoun TRAINING OFFICER _ _ _ Ken Ostler PREVENTION OFFICER Randv Reinert FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTORS _ Bill Reid _ _ Jacquelyn Hill -Bower Jennifer Delaney _ _ VOLUNTEERS 5 District Chiefs _ 20 Captains 100 Firefiqhters STUDENTS 4 Jr Firefiqhters _ ASSIST_ANT_ _ Jo -Ann Macdonald ............... TrixieWrioht Catherine Purkott emergency Kesponse Emergency Planning Fire Prevention Public Education Fire Suppression Communications /Dispatch Training Staff Complement FIREFIGHTERS C. Coatham �P. O'Hare _ _ _ �D. Glaspell C. Camovale IS. Richardson IR. Gardner R. Day :B. Rogers .S. Proctor D. Worrall I P. Rowan IM. Oliver E. Donnelly 'R. Staples ' D. Tyte 0. Ferguson �D. White �B. Mercer J. Hansen IT Santos S. Snowden B. Speakman :B. Pearce :M. Gibson D. Pellerin IA. McConkey IS. Graham K. Crouch ■A. Hamilton ■M. Ayer M. Kalita !T. Muir !C. Forsey M. Schroor V. Pudlis Pesse Taylor M. Hoogsteen -E. Dion OC. Grani M. Ladouceur IS. Blanchard IR. teBogt James Tavlor ■T. Stone ■ I DIRECTOR/FIRE CHIEF I Gord Weir MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN _ .George Schroor DEPUTIES Bill Hesson Mark Bernev I I................................... I SENIOR TRAINING SENIOR FIRE _ OFFICER _FFIC__ _ . Tim Calhoun TRAINING OFFICER _ _ _ Ken Ostler PREVENTION OFFICER Randv Reinert FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTORS _ Bill Reid _ _ Jacquelyn Hill -Bower Jennifer Delaney _ _ VOLUNTEERS 5 District Chiefs _ 20 Captains 100 Firefiqhters STUDENTS 4 Jr Firefiqhters _ ASSIST_ANT_ _ Jo -Ann Macdonald ............... TrixieWrioht Catherine Purkott emergency Kesponse Emergency Planning Fire Prevention Public Education Fire Suppression Communications /Dispatch Training Staff Complement Non - Affiliated 4 Union - Italicized 64 Part-time 1 Students 4 Volunteers 125 Total 198 Department Head Backup - De ut Chief Municipalit. ington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOb:_ S PAPERS Clarington:EMERGENCY SERVIC 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (35,000.00) (35,000.00) REVENUE: (296,098.20) (280,579.23) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (9,708.00) (11,544.00) FIRE PREVENTION - REVENUE (305,806.20) (292,123.23) Total REVENUE 354,178.00 0.00 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 546,689.20 0.00 PSAB - EXPENDITURE 1,837,613.47 1,895,406.96 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 542,085.53 581,773.54 FIRE PREVENTION - EXPENDITURE 6,358,777.10 6,804,224.83 FIRE SUPPRESSION - EXPENDITURE 324,663.63 327,997.01 FIRE TRAINING TECH. SUPPORT- EXPENDITURE 493,460.84 558,759.34 FIRE COMMUNICATIONS - EXPENDITURE 95,830.46 103,524.56 FIRE MECHANICAL - EXPENDITURE 1,040,722.30 971,335.62 ALL STATIONS - PT ADMIN. - EXPENDITURE 28,105.17 32,065.73 MUN. OPERATIONS CENTRE - EXPENDITURE 129,130.97 133,104.78 FIRE MTNCE TECH SUPPORT- EXPENDITURE 11,397,078.67 11,408,192.37 Total EXPENDITURE 11,091,272.47 11,116,069.14 NET LEVY (35,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 (14,000.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) 0.00 (49,000.00) (49,000.00) (49,000.00) 0.00 354,178.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,523,885.00 1,702,427.00 1,478,615.00 (223,812.00) 557,195.00 576,075,00 580,006.00 3,931.00 6,281,892.00 6,487,949.00 7,259,539.00 771,590.00 295,340.00 305,331.00 321,079.00 15,748.00 551,000.00 535,000.00 485,000.00 (50,000.00) 117,500.00 117,500.00 127,500.00 10,000.00 878,553.00 878,948.00 832,081.00 (46,867.00) 35,100.00 37,100.00 38,600.00 1,500.00 124,214.00 128,936.00 132,783.00 3,847.00 10,718,857.00 10,759,266.00 11,255,203.00 485,937.00 10,669,857.00 10,720,266.00 11,206,203.00 485,937.00 N 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Municipality ington BUDGET WOA. _ S PAPERS CIarington:AD MINISTRATIO N 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET REVENUE: (260,223.20) (232,609.23) 100 -28- 130 - 30650 -6400 EMS - FIRE DEPARTMENT - MISC R (35,875.00) (47,970.00) 100-28-130-30652-6400 EMS -FIRE - EMERGENCY CALLS R (296,098.20) (280,579.23) Total REVENUE 0.00 (35,000.00) (35,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 565,965.96 585,319.55 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7001 EMS - ADMIN- SALARY FIT 10,999.85 25,422.46 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7007 EMS - ADMIN -SAL PERM P/T 10,732.12 12,186.98 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7050 EMS - ADMIN -EHT 69,941.28 75,436.60 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7051 EMS - ADMIN -OMERS 12,229.22 13,570.68 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7052 EMS - ADMIN -CPP 6,403.51 7,077.95 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7053 EMS - ADMIN -EI 52,752.64 56,518.37 100 -28- 130 - 00000- 7054 EMS - ADMIN- LTD /LIFE/HLTH 8,485.03 9,421.73 100 -28 -130- 00000 -7058 EMS - ADMIN -WSIB 11,213.72 11,210.58- 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7101 EMS - ADMIN -OFF SUPPLIES 217.02 973.47 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7112 EMS - ADMIN -MISC OP EXP 26,758.40 45,447.88 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7125 EMS - ADMIN -HEAT 67,454.78 116,775.22 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7129 EMS - ADMIN -HYDRO 11,425.38 14,282.01 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7130 EMS - ADMIN- WATER/SEWER 39,521.79 11,542.45 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7132 EMS - ADMIN- PHONE/FAX 70,000.11 0.00 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7160 EMS - ADMIN- CONSULTING 0.00 0.00 100 -28 -130- 00000 -7174 EMS - ADMIN -R /M OFF EQUIP 66.92 805.46 100 -28 -130- 00000 -7181 EMS - ADMIN -BOOKS /PERIODICALS 69,933.80 48,521.27 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7183 EMS - ADMIN -CLTH /UNIFORMS 923.14 680.20 100 -28- 130- 00000 -7186 EMS - ADMIN - POST /CO U R/FRT 29.67 299.13 100 -2 &130- 00000 -7192 EMS - ADMIN- SPECIAL EVENTS 5,660.90. 4,047.10 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7200 EMS _ ADMIN -MEMB /DUES 443.57 457.17 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7202 EMS - ADMIN - TRAVEL EXR 61,407.66 61,444.92 100 -28 -130- 00000 -7203 EMS -ADMIN -STAFF DEV 6,778.37 12,195.78 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7299 EMS - ADMIN -MISC EXPENSE 444,230.00 699,470.00 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7412 EMS - ADMIN -TRSF TO RES FUND 213,718.63 0.00 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7416 EMS - ADMIN -TRSF TO RES 70,320.00 82,300.00 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7418 EMS - ADMIN -TRSF TO CAP 0.00 0.00 100 -28- 130 - 00000 -7520 EMS -ADMIN -OTHER CAP (NON TCA) 1,837,613.47 1,895,406.96 Total EXPENDITURE 1,541,515.27 1,614,827.73 NET LEVY 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (35,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (35,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 542,170.00 553,014.00 561,309.00 8,295.00 25,983.00 27,563.00 27,977.00 414.00 11,057.00 11,298.00 11,468.00 170.00 68,930.00 70,309.00 71,203.00 894.00 12,358.00 12,669.00 13,000.00 331.00 6,575.00 6,978.00 7,270.00 292.00 51,470.00 56,666.00 58,092.00 1,426.00 8,572.00 9,017.00 11,754.00 2,737.00 8,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 31,500.00 31,080.00 39,912.00 8,832.00 65,300.00 86,258.00 96,100.00 9,842.00 10,700.00 14,075.00 14,630.00 555.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 51,500.00 51,500.00 55,000.00 3,500.00 ' 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 6,800.00 6,800.00 7,500.00 700.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 75,000.00 7,500.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 400,750.00 526,500.00 325,000.00 (201,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70,320.00 77,800.00 0.00 (77,800.00) 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,523,885.00 1,702,427.00 , 1,478,615.00 (223,812.00) 1,488,885.00 1,667,427.00 1,443,615.00 (223,812.00) rn W Municipality erington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOR. _ olG PAPERS Clarington:FIRE PREVENTION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE D1 r REVENUE: (3,432.00) (4,641.00) 100 -28- 280 - 30655 -6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE - COMMERCIAL/ (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (858.00) (234.00) 100 -28- 280 - 30660 -6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE - DAYCARE CTR (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (75.00) 0.00 100 -28- 280- 30665 -6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE -WOOD STOVE (200.00) (200.00) (200.00) 0.00 (780.00) (702.00) 100 -28 -280- 30670 -6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE- REFRESH.VEH (800.00) (800.00) (800.00) 0.00 (468.00) (1,170.00) 100-28-280-30675-6400 FIRE INSURANCE REPORT FEE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (4,095.00) (4,797.00) 100-28-280-35615-65.02 BURNING PERMITS (10,000.00) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 (9,708.00) (11,544.00) Total REVENUE (14,000.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 386,293.52 403,133.04 100 -28- 280- 00000 -7001 EMS - PREVENTION- SALARY FIT 381,634.00 392,933.00 405,996.00 13,063.00 17,093.56 18,139.60 100 -28- 280 - 00000 -7015 EMS - PREVENT -WAGES STUDENT 19,445.00 19,835.00 20,13100 298.00 7,926.72 8,775.57 100 -28- 280 - 00000 -7050 EMS - PREVENTION -EHT 7,807.00 8,034.00 8,295.00 261.00 45,730.43 51,493.59 100 -28- 280 - 00000 -7051 EMS - PREVENTION -OMERS 46,658.00 48,191.00 49,898.00 1,707.00 10,248.75 10,867.53 100 -28- 280 - 00000 -7052 EMS - PREVENTION -CPP 9,460.00 9,675.00 9,967.00 292.00 5,592.13 5,879.90 100 -28 -280- 00000 -7053 EMS - PREVENTION-El 5,183.00 5,493.00 5,762.00 269.00 39,799.74. 43,226.08 100 -28- 280 - 00000 -7054 EMS - PREVENTION- LTD /LIFE/HLTH 38,832.00 43,339.00 43,938.00 599.00 8,116.03 8,437.47 100 -28 -280- 00000 -7058 EMS - PREVENTION -WSIB 7,676.00 8,075.00 10,517.00 2,442.00 923.90 1,449.68 100 -28- 280- 00000 -7181 EMS - PREVENTION- BOOKS /PERIODI 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 19,138.09 30,268.52 100 -28- 280 - 00000 -7206 EMS - PREVENTION -PROMO /OTHER 33,000.00 33,000.00 18,000.00 (15,000.00) 0.00 20.85 100 -28- 280 - 00000 -7299 EMS - PREVENTION -MISC EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,222.66 81.71 100 -28- 280- 00000 -7520 EMS - PREVENTION -OTHER CAP (NON 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 542,085.53 581,773.54 Total EXPENDITURE 557,195.00 576.075.00 580,006.00 3,931.00 532,377.53 570,229.54 NET LEVY 543,195.00 562,075.00 566,006.00 3,931.00 D1 r 2013 ACTUAL 4,750,540.20 92,428.15 550,135.12 129,949.25 65,977.22 506,408.89 96,119.29 56,106.69 4,130.44 11,180.57 68,499.70 10,374.45 0.00 11,276.25 6,358,777.10 rn Municipality ngton 01/29/15 BUDGET WO.,,-- -;PAPERS Clarington:FIRE SUPPRESSION 2015 DRAFT 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 5,132,665.00 100 -28- 281 - 00000 -7001 EMS - SUPPRESSION- SALARYF/T 4,668,464.00 4,787,865.00 5,387,523.00 599,658.00 102,095.38 100-28-281-00000-7050 EMS - SUPPRESSION-EHT 91,032.00 93,361.00 105,057.00 11,696.00 617,391.91 100 -28 -281- 00000 -7051 EMS - SUPPRESSION -OMERS 561,294.00 576,853.00 653,530.00 76,677.00 137,712.82 100 -28- 281 - 00000 -7052 EMS - SUPPRESSION -CPP 119,948.00 122,522.00 135,828.00 13,306.00 69,405.99 100 -28 -281- 00000 -7053 EMS - SUPPRESSION-El 61,150.00 64,874.00 73,538.00 8,664.00 548,321.70 100 -28- 281 - 00000 -7054 EMS - SUPPRESSION- LTD /LIFE/HLTH 494,096.00 549,754.00 603,452.00 53,698.00 99,494.07 100 -28- 281 - 00000 -7058 EMS - SUPPRESSION -WSIB 90,908.00 95,220.00 136,611.00 41,391.00 0.00 100 -28- 281 - 00000 -7060 EMS - SUPPRESSION -SICK LEAVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,082.50 100 -28- 281 - 00000 -7103 EMS - SUPPRESSION -CHEM /FOAM 5,000.00 7,500.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 11,521.14 100 -28- 281 - 00000 -7106 EMS - SUPPRESSION - SAFETY SUPPL 9,000.00 9,000.00 12,000.00 3,000.00 55,210.54 100 -28- 281 - 00000 -7142 EMS - SUPPRESSION -EQUIP MTNCE 87,000.00 87,000.00 67,000.00 (20,000.00) 10,172.91 100 -28 -281- 00000 -7173 EMS - SUPPRESSION -R/M OTHER EQU 11,500.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 0.00 0.00 100 -28- 281 - 00000 -7520 EMS - SUPPRESSION -OTHER CAP (N 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 13,150.87 100-28-281-00000-7530 EMS - SUPPRESSION-BUNKER MISC 34,000.00 34,000.00 35,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 100 -28- 281- 00000 -7531 EMS - SUPPRESSION- S.C.B.A. 40,000.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 (20,000.00) 6,804,224.83 Total EXPENDITURE 6,281,892.00 6,487,949.00 7,259,539.00 771,590.00 6,804,224.83 NET LEVY 6,281,892.00 6,487,949.00 7,259,539.00 771,590.00 rn Municipality 'larington BUDGET WOO ,_ _/NG PAPERS Clarington:FIRE TRAINING TE 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 216,967.00 231,445.00 EXPENDITURE: 246,273.35 253,951:68 100 -28 -282- 00000 -7001 EMS -TRAIN &TECH SUP - SALARY F/T 4,295.85 4,871.40 100 -28- 282 - 00000 -7050 EMS - TRAIN & TECH SUP -EHT .26,550.47 30,817.97 100 -28- 282 - 00000 -7051 EMS - TRAIN &TECH SUP -OMERS 4,997.64 5,296.23 100 -28- 282 - 00000 -7052 EMS - TRAIN & TECH SUP -CPP 2,537.64 2,669.41 100 -28- 282 - 00000 -7053 EMS -TRAIN & TECH SUP-El 20,395.90 22,267.81 100-28-282-00000-7054 EMS - TRAIN&TECH SUP-LTD/LIFE/HL 3,899.44 4,054.15 100 -28 -282- 00000 -7058 EMS,- TRAIN & TECH SUP -WSIB 15,713.34 4,068.36 100 -28- 282 -00000 -7181 EMS - TRAIN &TECH - BOOKS /PERIODI 0.00 0.00 100 -28- 282 - 00000 -7299 EMS -TRAIN TECH SUPPORT -MISC E 324,663.63 327,997.01 Total EXPENDITURE 324,663.63 327,997.01 NET LEVY 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 216,967.00 231,445.00 239,301.00 7,856.00 4,231.00 4,513.00 4,666.00 153.00 27,089.00 29,260.00 30,324.00 1,064.00 4,613.00 4,712.00 4,851.00 139.00 2,352.00 2,495.00 2,626.00 131.00 19,900.00 22,326.00 22,559.00 233.00 3,688.00 3,880.00 5,052.00 1,172.00 16,500.00 6,700.00 6,700.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 295,340.00 305,331.00 321,079.00 15,748.00 295,340.00 305.331.00 321,079.00 15,748.00 I. .1 Municipality ngton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOn i PAPERS Clarington:FIRE COMMUNICATI 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE ON V EXPENDITURE: 126,359.15 183,891.12 100 -28- 283 - 00000 -7144 EMS - COMMUNICATION -RADIO EQU 151,000.00 110,000.00. 60,000.00 (50,000.00) 367,101.69 374,868.22 100 -28- 283- 00000 -7163 EMS - COMMUNICATION - CONTRACT 400,000.00 425,000.00 425,000.00 0.00 493,460.84 558,759.34 Total EXPENDITURE 551,000.00 535,000.00 485,000.00 (50,000.00) 493,460.84 558,759.34 ' NET LEVY 551,000.00 535,000.00 485,000.00 (50,000.00) ON V Municipalit% 'larington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOn_ _/1/G PAPERS Clarir gton:FIRE MECHANICAL 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 20,000.00 20,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 21,848.03 20,888.34 100 -28- 284 -00000 -7171 EMS - FIRE MECH -R /M VEHICLES 4,918.28 12,257.61 100 -28- 284 - 00000 -7173 EMS - FIRE MECH =R /M OTHER EQUIP 69,064.15 70,378.61 100 -28 -284- 00000 -7194 EMS - FIRE MECH- FUEL/OIL 95,830.46 103,524.56 Total EXPENDITURE 95,830.46. 103,524.56 NET LEVY 20,000.00 20,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 22,500.00 •22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 117, 500.00 117, 500.00 127, 500.00 10, 000.00 117,500.00 117 500.00 127,500.00 10,000,00 a, Co Municipalit, ngton 01129/15 BUDGET WO,. ,. S PAPERS _ Clarington:ALL STATIONS - P 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 7,515.64 9,379.55 100 -28- 285 - 00000 -7104 EMS - FIRE P/T -CLEAN SUPPLIES 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 13.84 0.00 100 -28 -285- 00000 -7105 EMS- FIRE PIT-LIGHT SUPPLIES 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 -28- 285 - 00000 -7112 EMS- FIRE P/f -MISC OP EXP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 7,878.83 20,943.69 100 -28- 285- 00000 -7132 EMS - FIRE P/T- PHONE/FAX 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 100 -28 -285- 00000 -7164 EMS -.FIRE P/T- JANITORIAL 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 26,592.39 25,032.55 100 -28 -285- 00000 -7172 EMS - FIRE P/T -R /M- BUILDING 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 240,309.21 215,234.70 100 -28 -285- 10588 -7016 EMS - BOW F /STN #1 -P/T F/F WAGES 180,000.00 180,000.00 180,000.00 0.00 3,563.84 3,871.37 100 -28- 285 -10588 -7050 EMS - BOW F /STN #1 -EHT 3,510.00 3,510.00 3,510.00 0.00 3,619.57 3,797.38 100 -28- 285 - 10588 -7052 EMS - BOW F /STN #1 -CPP 3,341.00 3,341.00 3,341.00 0.00 4,167.97 4,212.99 100 -28- 285 - 10588- 7058 EMS - BOW F /STN #1 -WSIB 3,942.00 4,032.00 5,184.00 1,152.00 272,723.75 240,236.65 100 -28- 285 - 10590 -7016 EMS- NEWC F /STN #2 -PIT F/F WAGES 247,290.00 247,290.00 200,000.00 (47,290.00) 4,895.94 5,318.40 100 -28 -285- 10590 -7050 EMS - NEWC F /STN #2 -EHT 4,822.00 4,822.00 3,900.00 (922.00) 7,228.31 7,583.38 100 -28- 285 - 10590 -7052 EMS - NEWC F /STN #2 -CPP 6,672.00 6,672.00 4,331.00 (2,341.00) 5,726.47 5,787.62 100 -28 -285- 10590 -7058 EMS - NEWC F /STN #2 -WSIB 5,416.00 5,539.00 5,760.00 221.00 196,971.15 172,155.22 100 -28 -285- 10592 -7016 EMS-'ORONO F /STN #3 -P/T F/F WAGE 175,000.00 175,000.00 175,000.00 0.00 3,465.35 3,764.34 100 -28- 285 -10592 -7050 EMS - ORONO F /STN #3 -EHT 3,413.00 3,413.00 3,413.00 0.00. 3,351.96 3,516.63 100 -28 -285- 10592 -7052 EMS - ORONO F /STN #3 -CPP 3,094.00 3,094.00 3,094.00 0.00 4,051.67 4,095.95 100 -28- 285 - 10592 -7058 EMS- ORONO F /STN #3 -WSIB 3,832.00 3,920.00 5,040.00 1,120.00 127,033.52 125,257.07 100 -28- 285 - 10594 -7016 EMS - COURT F /STN#4 -P/T F/F WAGES 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 1,979.87 2,150.75 100 -28- 285 - 10594 -7050 EMS - COURT F /STN#4 -EHT 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 0.00 2,315.55 2,340.54 100 -28 -285- 10594 -7058 EMS - COURT F /STN#4 -WSIB 2,190.00 2,240.00 2,880.00 640.00 111,502.01 110,671.17 100 -28- 285 - 10596 -7016 EMS- ENNISK F /STN #5 -P/T F/F WAGE 86,500.00 86,500.00 86,500.00 0.00 1,712.88 1,860.68 100 -28- 285 -10596 -7050 EMS - ENNISK F /STN #5 -EHT 1,687.00 1,687.00 1,687.00 0.00 2,002.58 2,024.99 100 -28- 285 - 10596 -7058 EMS - ENNISK F /STN #5 -WSIB 1,894.00 1,938.00 2,491.00 553.00 1,040,722.30 971,335.62 Total EXPENDITURE 878,55100 878,948.00 832,081.00 (46,867.00) 1,040,722.30 971,335.62 NET LEVY 878,553.00 878,948.00 832,081.00 (46 867.00) T+7 Municipality -1arin ton P �' 9 01/29/15 BUDGET W' Oi. NG PAPERS Clarington:M U N. OPERATIONS 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 100.00 100.00 EXPENDITURE: 35.15 0.00 100 -28- 286 - 00000 -7101 EMS - MUN OP CENTRE -OFF SUPPLIE 24,868.05 24,979.34 100 -28- 286- 00000 -7132 EMS - FIRE MUN OP CENTRE -PHONE 3,201.97 7,086.39 100 -28- 286- 00000 -7173 EMS - FIRE MUN OP CENTRE-RIM OT 28,105.17 32,065.73 Total EXPENDITURE 28,105.17 32,065.73 NET LEVY 38,600.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 10, 000.00 12, 000.00 13, 500.00 1,500,00 35,100.00 37,100.00 38,600.00 1,500.00 35,100.00 37,100.00 38,600.00 1,500.00 V Municipality, ``ington 01/29/15 BUDGET WO..' ' PAPERS Clarington:FIRE MAINTENANCE 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 95,472.00 98,337.00 EXPENDITURE: 99,966.12 101,053.50 100 -28 -287- 00000 -7001 EMS - MECH TECH - SALARY F/T 1,890.55 2,094.37 100 -28- 287 - 00000 -7050 EMS - MECH TECH -EHT 11,636.96 13,103.42 100 -28 -287- 00000 -7051 EMS - MECH TECH -OMERS 2,499.37 2,648.41 100 -28- 287 - 00000 -7052 EMS - MECH TECH -CPP 1,268.82 1,334.99 100 -28- 287 - 00000 -7053 EMS - MECH TECH-El 9,977.59 10,901.52 100 -28- 287 -00000 -7054 EMS -MECH TECH - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 1,891.56 1,968.57 100 -28- 287 - 00000 -7058 EMS - MECH TECH -WSIB 129,130.97 133,104.78 Total EXPENDITURE _. 129,130.97 133,104.78 NET LEVY 95,472.00 98,337.00 100,943.00 2,606.00 1,862.00 1,918.00 1.968.00 50.00 11, 873.00 12,263.00 12, 585.00 322.00 2,307.00 2,356.00 2,426.00 70.00 1,176.00 1,248.00 1,313.00 65.00 9,735.00 10, 930.00 11, 094.00 164.00 1,789.00 1,884.00 2,454.00 570.00 124,214.00 128,936.00 132,783.00 3,847.00 124,214.00 128,936.00 132,783.00 3,847.00 v N ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2015 lQi n Leading the Way Building Dennis George Kim Laing David Abramczuk Adam Dunn Brad Muma OFFICIAL tick Pi eon Sean Bagshaw Plumbing /Heating Inspectors ............ Lloyd Cullen John Tresise DIRECTOR ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Ron Alt, ht CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT MANAGER _ _ jENG_I_NEERING M_ANA_GE Norm Clark Leslie Benson Construction Coordinator Engineering _ Technician Ill_ J. Maloney Brent Mavin Tonv Ricciardi Traffic Co-ordinator Engineering Co- ordinator _ Ed Lisinski . PARK DEVELOPMENT MANAGER al Budgeting & Forecasting In and Construction Development lopment Review /Municipal Servicing ivision Construction Inspection sportation and Traffic men' Management ing Permit and Inspection ASSISTANT Permit _Clerk Dianne Graham Jennifer O'Donnell Clerk ll Donna VanSchyndel Brenda Copithom Nicole Lizotte Staff Complement Non - Affiliated Union - Italicized 19 Part -time 0 otal I E 28 11pepartment Head Backup - ssistant Director V W Municipalit, igton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOn ; PAPERS Clarington:ENGINEERING SERV 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (946.20) (2,110.97) UNASSIGNED - REVENUE (50.00) (50.00) (500.00) (450.00) (887,225.26) (338,833.33) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (40,500.00) (40,500.00) (40,500.00) 0.00 (1,962,386.03) (2,076,892.49) BUILDING INSPECTION - REVENUE (1,518,500.00) (1,318,500.00) (1,318,500.00) 0.00 (2,850,557.49) (2,417,836.79) Total REVENUE (1,559,050.00) (1,359,050.00) (1,359,500.00) (450.00) EXPENDITURE: 9,024,030.23 0.00 PSAB - EXPENDITURE 8,811,778.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,783,142.36 4,578,715.21 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 3,948,627.00 4,974,129.00 2,967,625.00 (2,006,504.00) 1,384,648.25 1,224,937.93 BUILDING INSPECTION - EXPENDITURE 1,384,530.00 1,217,976.00 1,223,266.00 5,290.00 70,000.00 60,000.00 STREETLIGHTING - EXPENDITURE 70,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 (60,000.00) 130,193.84 8,471.52 PARK - EXPENDITURE 17,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 4,748.80 21,618.78 ROAD MAINTENANCE- EXPENDITURE 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 3,636.27 2,829.96 FLEET - EXPENDITURE 5,600.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 0.00 15,400,399.75 5,896,573.40 Total EXPENDITURE 14,287,535.00 6,322,705.00 4,261,491.00 (2,061,214.00) 12,549,842.26 3,478,736.61 NET LEVY 12,728,485.00 4,963,655.00 2,901,991.00 (2,061,664.00) V W Muni6palit ngton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOi -;PAPERS Clarington: U NASSIGN ED 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (946.20) (2,110.97) 100 -32- 000 - 30645 -6400 ENG. PHOTOCOPY CHARGES FEE (946.20) (2,110.97) Total REVENUE (946.20) (2,110.97) NET LEVY (50.00) (50.00) (500.00) (450.00) (50.00) (50.00) (500.00) (450.00) (50.00) (50.00) (500.00) (450.00) v Municipality - 'arington BUDGET W/0A_ AG PAPERS Clari ngtomAD MINISTRATIO N 2015 DRAFT 01129/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET - 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (354.00) (53.10) 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -6565 ENG ADMIN - SALE OF PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (335,265.42) (17,063.64) 100 -32- 130 -31030 -6400 ENGINEERING -MISC REVENUE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (511,605.84) (281,716.59) 100 -32- 130 - 31034 -6400 ENG. & INSP. ADMIN. FEES REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 100 -32- 13b- 35605 -6502 ENG. MUNICIPAL CONSENT PERMITS (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 (887,225.26) (338,833.33) Total REVENUE (40,500.00) (40.500.00) (40,500.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,324,701.52 1,478,247.85 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7001 ENG ADMIN - SALARY F/T 1,396,934.00 1,449,335.00 1,513,131.00 63,796.00 1,073.20 0.00 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7008 ENG ADMIN - WAGES TEMP P/T 0.00 4,000.00 4,060.00 60.00 9,470.91 8,609.43 100 -32- 130 -00000 -7015 ENG ADMIN - WAGES STUDENT 7,747.00 7,902.00 8,021.00 119.00 26,120.52 30,378.60 100 -32 -130- 00000 -7050 ENG ADMIN - EHT 27,385.00 28,485.00 29,733.00 1,248.00 149,915.25 171,018.29 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7051 ENG ADMIN - OMERS 157,062.00 163,817.00 170,508.00 6,691.00 37,656.14 41,180:45 100-32-130-00000-7052*ENG ADMIN - CPP 37,064.00 37,880.00 40,121.00 2,241.00 19,237.52 20,912.13 100 -32 -130- 00000 -7053 ENG ADMIN - El 19,006.00 20,262.00 21,973.00 1,711.00 147,758.62 165,432.86 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7054 ENG ADMIN - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 153,874.00 165,865.00 175,065.00 9,200.00 25,308.13 28,095.95 100 - 32-130- 00000 -7058 ENG ADMIN - WSIB 25,725.00 26,899.00 35,900.00 9,001.00 5,392.88 5,592.86 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7101 ENG ADMIN -OFF SUPPLIES 5,400.00 5,400.00 6,000.00 600.00 7,075.40 6,927.49 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7132 ENG ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 7,284.00 7,284.00 7,499.00 215.00 6,144.49 0.00 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7159 ENG ADMIN - TRAFFIC WATCH CONSU 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 130,137.16 2,512.75 100 -32- 130 -00000 -7160 ENG ADMIN - CONSULTING 50,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 98,259.07 58,522.18 100 -32 -130- 00000 -7167 ENG ADMIN - DESIGN 150,000.00 150,000.00 180,000.00 30,000.00 775.58 1,194.34 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7181 ENG ADMIN - BOOKS /PERIODICALS 900.00 600.00 1,500.00 900.00 1,096.81 986.71 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7183 ENG ADMIN - CLTH /UNIFORMS 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,279.01 1,335.91 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7186 ENG ADMIN - POST /COUR/FRT 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 147.55 32.05 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7188 ENG ADMIN - REPROD /PRINTING 300.00 300.00 325.00 25.00 2,679.51 555.08 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7192 ENG ADMIN -,SPECIAL EVENTS EXP 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 6,245.64 6,348.58 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7200 ENG ADMIN - MEMB /DUES. 6,300.00 6,600.00 6,600.00 0.00 16,951.60 18,938.43 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7202 ENG ADMIN - TRAVEL EXP 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 0.00 8,363.62 3,995.41 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7203 ENG ADMIN - STAFF DEV 8,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,272.93 1,767.93 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7299 ENG ADMIN - MISC EXPENSE 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7304 ENG ADMIN- DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 0.00 430,000.00 341,000.00 (89,000.00) 0.00 90,605.24 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7305 ENG ADMIN- DEBT PYMT INTEREST 0.00 210,000.00 181,189.00 .(28,811.00) 852,998.64 286,716.59 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7412 ENG ADMIN - TRSF TO RES FUND 51000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 84,427.68 0.00 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7416 ENG ADMIN - TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,802,038.33 2,142,000.00 100 -32 -130- 00000 -7418 ENG ADMIN -TRSF TO CAP 1,794,646.00 2,142,000.00 0.00 (2,142,000.00) 1,207.59 265.78 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7506 ENG ADMIN - FURNITUREIFIXTURES 2,000.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 12,262.19 341.13 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7510 ENG ADMIN - STUDIES 40,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 J Un 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET Municipality igton INCREASE BUDGET WOA: - PAPERS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Cla ringto n:AD MINISTRATIO N $0.00 6,500.00 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description EXPENDITURE (continued): 2,967,625.00 (2,006,504.00) $1,890.26 $0.00 100 -32- 130 -00000 -7516 ENG ADMIN - DEVELOPMENT 254.61 6,201.19 100 -32- 130 - 00000 -7520 ENG ADMIN - OTHER CAP (NON TCA) 4,783,142.36 4,578,715.21 Total EXPENDITURE 3,895,917.10 4,239,881.88 NET LEVY 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 0.00 3,948,627.00 4,974,129.00 2,967,625.00 (2,006,504.00) 3,908,127.00 4,933,629.00 2,927,125.00 (2,006,504.00) v C1 Municipality ^ 'larington BUDGET WO.,.. _/VG PAPERS Clarington:BUILDING INSPECT 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 0.00 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -6506 BUILDING CODE INFRACTIONS FINES (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 -32- 321 - 30501 -6400 BUILDING INSPECTION - MISC REV (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (16,900.00) (15,200.00) 100 -32- 321 - 35515 -6500 PLUMBING LICENCES (14,000.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) 0.00 (1,935,556.03) (2,056,892.49) 1 0 0 -32- 321 - 3 56 0 0 -6 5 0 2 BUILDING PERMITS (1,500,000.00) (1,300,000.00) (1,300,000.00) 0.00 (6,150.00) (4,800.00) 100-32-321-35603-6502 POOL ENCLOSURE PERMITS (3,500.00) (3,500.00) (3,500.00) 0.00 (3,780.00) 0.00 100 -32- 321 -35606 -6502 SITE ALTERATION PERMITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,962,386.03) (2,076,892.49) Total REVENUE (1,518,500.00) (1,318,500.00) (1,318,500.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 821,307.42 851,221.61 100 -32 -321- 00000 -7001 BLDG INSPECTION - SALARY F/T 814,723.00 838,529.00 826,913.00 (11,616.00) 16,130.69 17,858.87 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7050 BLDG INSPECTION - EHT 15,887.00 16,350.00 16,125.00 (225.00) 85,948.86 93,514.62 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7051 BLDG INSPECTION - OMERS 84,719.00 87,524.00 86,365.00 (1,159.00) 29,967.39 31,758.01 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7052 BLDG INSPECTION - CPP 27,661.00 28,255.00 27,868.00 (387.00) 15,226.03 16,017.11 100 -32- 321- 00000 -7053 BLDG INSPECTION - El 14,112.00 14,971.00 15,101.00 130.00 105,892.69 107,594.95 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7054 BLDG INSPECTION - LTD /LIFE /HLTH 103,318.00 107,876.00 110,459.00 2,583.00 17,670.02 18,411.94 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7058 BLDG INSPECTION - WSIB 16,712.00 17,621.00 22,295.00 4,674.00 2,962.96 4,501.85 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7101 BLDG INSPECTION -OFFICE SUPPLIE 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,200.00 200.00 5,648.85 5,244.64 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7132 BLDG INSPECTION - PHONE/FAX 8,198.00 6,600.00 6,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7160 BLDG INSPECTION - CONSULTING 5,000.00 5,000.00 11,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7174 BLDG INSPECTION - R/M OFFICE EQU .500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 2,426.94 859.89 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7181. BLDG INSPECTION - BOOKS /PERIODI 2,500.00 1,300.00 1,500.00 200.00 2,091.41 1,488.65 100 -32- 321- 00000 -7183 BLDG INSPECTION- CLTH /UNIFORMS 5,000.00 3,100.00 3,250.00 150.00 9.57 348.35 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7186 BLDG INSPECTION - POSTAGE/COUR 400.00 400.00 450.00 50.00 503.21 391.77 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7188 BLDG INSPECTION - PRINTING 800.00 800.00 825.00 25.00 3,856.99 3,780.69 100 -32- 321- 00000 -7200 BLDG INSPECTION - MEMB /DUES 4,500.00 5,300.00 6,500.00 1,200.00 65,081.40 64,047.38 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7202 BLDG INSPECTION - TRAVEL EXP 60,000.00 63,000.00 66,000.00 3,000.00 8,803.58 5,558.02 100 -32 -321- 00000 -7203 BLDG INSPECTION - STAFF DEV 15,000.00 14,600.00 15,000.00 400.00 287.98 1,771.76 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7299 BLDG INSPECTION - MISC EXPENSE 500.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.00 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7412 BLDG INSPECTION - TRSF TO RES F 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 -32- 321 -00000 -7505 BLDG INSPECTION - OTHER EQUIP 500.00 500.00 515.00 15.00 832.26 567.82 100 -32- 321 - 00000 -7506 BLDG INSPECTION - FURNITURE /FIX 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,550.00 50.00 1,384,648.25 1,224,937.93 Total EXPENDITURE 1,384,530.00 1,217,976.00 1,223,266.00 5,290.00 (577,737.78) (851,954.56) NET LEVY (133,970.00) (100,524.00) (95,234.00) 5,290.00 v v Municipality -igton 01/29/15 BUDGET woo- - PAPERS Clarington:STREET LIGHTING 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 70,000.00 60,000.00 100 -32- 324 -10417 -7418 ENG- STREET LIGHTS -TRSF TO CAP 70,000.00 60.000.00 Total EXPENDITURE 70,000.00 60,000.00 NET LEVY 70,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 (60,000.00) 70,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 (60 000.00) 70,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 (60,000.00) v Co Municipality 'arington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA. _NG PAPERS Clarington:PARK 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 15,000.00 15,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 3,712.11 8,471.52 100 -32- 325 -10120 -7160 PARK DEV - CONSULTING 124,481.73 0.00 100 -32- 325 - 10120 -7299 ENG. SERVICES - PARK - DEV. -MISC. EX 2,000.00 0.00 100 -32- 325 - 10120 -7418 PARK DEV. - TRSF TO CAP 130,193.84 8,471.52 Total EXPENDITURE 130,193.84 8,471.52 NET LEVY 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 J Q0 Municipality 19ton 01/29115 BUDGET WOk. _ . PAPERS _ Clarington:ROAD MAINTENANCE 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 4,748.80 21,618.78 100 -32 -380- 10240 -7540 ENG- ROADSIDE IMPROVEMENTS 4,748.80 21,618.78 Total EXPENDITURE 4,748.80 21,618.78 NET LEVY 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Municipality o' -ington 01/29/15 BUDGET WORA_ ,G PAPER Clarington:FLEET 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET .INCREASE 2,000.00 2,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,338.69 1,009.85 100 -32- 388- 40120 -7171 '01 CHEV VAN- 504 -R /M- VEHICLES 1,043.56 752.52 100-32-388-40120-7194'01 CHEV VAN - 504 - FUEL/OIL 0.00 0.00 100 -32- 388 - 40220 -7171 '02 GMC SAFARI VAN - 559- R /M -VEHIC 0.00 0.00 100-32-388-40220-7194'02 GMC SAFARI VAN - 559 - FUEL/OIL 705.03 270.67 100 -32- 388 -55913 -7171 '13 CHEV EXPRESS VAN - 559- R /M -VEH 548.99 796.92 100-32-388-55913-7194'13 CHEV EXPRESS VAN - 559 - FUEL/ 3,636.27 2,829.96 Total EXPENDITURE 3,636.27 2,829.96 NET LEVY 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 0.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 0.00 CO OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2015 ciffineon Leading the Way DIRECTOR !! Fred Horvath rvwrvr�t��rc,vr t7PFROTInNS SUPERVISORS M. Devitt (Roads) R. Genosko (Parks) L. Postill (Roads) C. Peters (Roads) L. Longhurst (Fleet) Leadhands Building Supervisor Light Equipment -- --- -- --- --- 57 Operators T. Cox --- --- -- --- -'- R. Groen -- — -- — -- — -- — -- B. Jackson G. Duncan T. Beauvais M. Bourke Building B. Allin G. Somogyi dhand_ K. Sherwood K. Mercer _ _Lea_ _ _ - T Welsh B. Pascoe R. Stiles P. Schoonderbeek B. Cyr Building G. Evans Heavy Equipment ll_ R. McKay - — Operators _ - - _Services _ _ - - K. Baker B. Goldsworthy L . Alldread R. Farquharson K. Dillon C. Phillips J. Stephen C. Harris O. Bonekat J. Tennisco Building L. McBride T. Balson Services I P. Raesten B. Lynch _ _ _ _ P. IVeto - J. Brown D. McDougall S. Cobbledick L. McBride O. Fiorese K. Smith Labourers L. Haynes J. Shaw _ _ _ _ - P Fice - M. MacLean D. Forsey L. Muir D. Reid B. Parker J. Campbell M. McKeNie V. Rand 20 students B. Maartense Mechanic Moe Recoskie Tom Stout Mark Cowell Codv Tamlin Apprentice (PIT_)_ Vacant Technician_ _ S.Hainik Fleet Maintenance Parks Maintenance Winter Snow Clearing Program Parking Meter Maintenance Sidewalk Maintenance Contract Municipal Bldgs /Physical Plant Streetlight Maintenance wamimsiranve Assistant ............. a Clerk 11 C. Verhoog D. Collins - -- _Clerk J. vlor - -- Staff Complement Non - Affiliated 9 Union - Italicized 57 Part-time 1 Students 20 Total 1E=1 Department Head Backup IDirector of Engineering Municipalit 'ington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA. _ .G PAPERS Clarington:0 PERATIONS 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE IN REVENUE: (189,137.49) (102,794.10) UNASSIGNED - REVENUE (193,000.00) (193,000.00) (234,300.00) (41,300.00) (31,574.87) (55,806.66) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (47,000.00) (7,000.00) (109,154.21) (122,804.65) CEMETERY - REVENUE (99,300.00) (101,300.00) (113,300.00) (12,000.00) (23,700.50) (25,653.00) WASTE COLLECTION - REVENUE (22,500.00) (22,500.00) (22,500.00) 0.00 (852.01) (1,889.46) RECYCLING COLLECTION - REVENUE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 (328,509.48) (181,819.20) BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES - REVENUE (172,865.00) (172,865.00) (173,000.00) (135.00) (14,840.00) (16,480.00) ROAD MAINTENANCE - REVENUE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,444,825.95) FLEET - REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (697,768.56) (1,952,073.02) Total REVENUE (543,665.00) (545,665.00) (606,100.00) (60,435.00) EXPENDITURE: 175,780.25 140,751.64 UNASSIGNED - EXPENDITURE 103,050.00 103,000.00 108,500.00 5,500.00 3,150,027.84 0.00 PSAB - EXPENDITURE 2,201,444.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,333,785.55 3,448,195.76 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 2,772,018.00 3,249,095.00 2,373,478.00 (875,617.00) 947,114.35 1,021,736.60 STREET LIGHTING - EXPENDITURE 725,000.00 825,000.00 923,000.00 98,000.00 1,833,994.80 1,959,762.70 PARK - EXPENDITURE 1,882,588.00 1,928,788.00 2,020,270.00 91,482.00 480,522.13 324,440.83 CEMETERY - EXPENDITURE 259,253.00 243,864.00 228,352.00 (15,512.00) 22,500.00 20,000.00 WASTE COLLECTION - EXPENDITURE 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 915.00 1,858.00 RECYCLING COLLECTION - EXPENDITURE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,555,702.09 1,831,085.38 BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES - EXPENDITURE 1,895,602.00 1,807,794.00 1,839,657.00 31,863.00 1,942,937.18 2,072,487.18 ROAD MAINTENANCE- EXPENDITURE 1,974,696.00 2,037,821.00 2,096,036.00 58,215.00 845,264.08 795,530.61 HARDTOP MAINTENANCE - EXPENDITURE 816,409.00 864,447.00 880,278.00 15,831.00 433,810.37 405,302.91 LOOSETOP MAINTENANCE- EXPENDITURE 437,500.00 434,500.00 456,000.00 21,500.00 2,374,688.17 3,080,222.51 WINTER CONTROL - EXPENDITURE 1,842,569.00 1,842,569.00 1,924,533.00 81,964.00 483,140.25- 433,960.19 SAFETYDEVICES - EXPENDITURE 438,900.00 438,900.00 438,900.00 0.00 130,453.08 26,132.62 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT - EXPENDITURE 115,000.00 125,000.00 117,500.00 (7,500.00) 45,995.91 35,197.36 REGIONAL ROADS - EXPENDITURE 18,750.00 25,750.00 29,050.00 3,300.00 569,424.57 1,850,378.38 FLEET - EXPENDITURE 831,320.00 851,644.00 860,485.00 8,841.00 130,018.67 110,768.32 LIBRARIES - EXPENDITURE 129,645.00 137,629.00 115,445.00 (22,184.00) 0.00 28,321.40 OTHER CULTURAL- EXPENDITURE 7,000.00 0.00 44,600.00 44,600.00 19,456,074.29 17,586,132.39 Total EXPENDITURE 16.474,244.00 14,939,301.00 14,479,584.00 (459,717.00) 18,758,305.73 15,634,059.37 NET LEVY 15,930,579.00 14,393,636.00 13,873,484.00 (520 152.00) IN Municipalit ngton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOh. _- S PAPERS Clarington: U NASSIGN ED 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (100,000.00) (100,000.00) REVENUE: (101,514.88) (101,800.00) 100 -36- 000 - 31005 -6400 SPORT FIELD RENTALS REVENUE (87,622.61) (994.10) 100 -36- 000 - 31025 -6400 ROYALTIES /SITE RENTAL -TRSF STN (189,137.49) (102,794.10) Total REVENUE 72,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 62,600.39 59,461.65 100 -36- 000 - 10402 -7112 CON LINK/TRAFF.SIG. -MISC OP EXP 12,959.97 13,883.64 100 -36- 000 - 10402 -7129 CON LINK/TRAFF SIG - HYDRO 1,434.30 281.27 100 -36- 000 - 10440 -7005 WORK/OTHERS D #1 -WAGES F/T 17,686.93 49,903.10 100 -36- 000 - 10440 -7112 WORK/OTHERS D #1 -MISC OP EXP 80,798.66 17;113.18 100 -36- 000 - 10440 -7163 WORK/OTHERS D #1 - CONTRACT 300.00 108.80 100 -36- 000 - 10440 -7231 WORKIOTHERS D #1 -FLEET ALLOCA 175,780.25 140,751.64 Total EXPENDITURE (13,357.24) 37.957.54 NET LEVY (100,000.00) (100,000.00) (143,000.00) (43,000.00) (93,000.00) (93,000.00) (91,300.00) 1,700.00 (193,000.00) (193,000.00) (234,300.00) (41,300.00) 72,000.00 72,000.00 75,000.00 3,000.00 13,050.00 13,000.00 15,500.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 co 2013 ACTUAL Municipality c rington BUDGET WORA "rG PAPERS Cla rington:AD MINISTRATIO N 2015 DRAFT 2014 ACTUAL Description REVENUE: 100-36-130-31010-6400 ENTRANCE CULVERTS FEE Total REVENUE 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE co lr EXPENDITURE: 435,481.54 488,932.59 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7001 OPERATIONS -SALARY FIT 435,159.00 490,095.00 578,568.00 88,473.00 474,931.15 537,618.75 100 -36 -130- 00000 -7005 OPERATIONS -WAGES FIT 409,884.00 _ 408,417.00 420,911.00 12,494.00 53,740.74 59,587.36 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7050 OPERATIONS - EHT 52,929.00 54,594.00 58,115.00 3,521.00 262,671.60 286,330.65 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7051 OPERATIONS - OMERS 258,913.00 268,232.00 289,924.00 21,692.00 100,084.85 107,165.39 100 -36 -130- 00000 -7052 OPERATIONS - CPP 92,382.00 96,417.00 99,232.00 2,815.00 51,675.85 54,902.50 100 -36 -130- 00000 -7053 OPERATIONS - El 47,895.00 51,891.00 54,522.00 2,631.00 323,204.44 328,769.20 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7054 OPERATIONS - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 315,346.00 334,752.00 352,730.00 17,978.00 59,511.53 61,133.19 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7058 OPERATIONS - WSIB 56,285.00 59,547.00 80,483.00 20,936.00 26,784.33 25,087.12 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7074 OPERATIONS - MEAL ALLOWANCE 16,500.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.00 14,743.50 17,279.48 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7101 OPERATIONS -OFF SUPPLIES 12,000.00 12,500.00 13,500.00 1,000.00 15,370.92 4,512.32 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7112 OPERATIONS - MISC OPER 9,000.00 9,000.00 11,000.00 2,000.00 20,677.62 22,478.20 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7132 OPERATIONS - PHONE/FAX 21,000.00 22,000.00 26,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7161 OPERATIONS - PROF FEES 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 (500.00) 1,111.51 418.25 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7181 OPERATIONS - BOOKS /PERIODICALS 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 23,648.37 23,110.28 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7183 OPERATIONS - CLTH /UNIFORMS 25,225.00 24,150.00 27,693.00 3,543.00 706.15 523.86 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7186 OPERATIONS - POST /COUR /FRT 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 2,768.43 3,047.09 190 -36 -130- 00000 -7200 OPERATIONS - MEMB /DUES 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 3,741.63 3,714.05 100 -36 -130- 00000 -7202 OPERATIONS - TRAVEL EXP 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 21,229.38 20,151.92 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7203 OPERATIONS - STAFF DEV 19,000.00 25,000.00 22,000.00 (3,000.00) 2,025.29 1,404.28 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7206 OPERATIONS - PROMO /OTHER 3,200.00 3,200.00 2,500.00 (700.00) 15,493.48 5,266.03 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7299 OPERATIONS - MISC EXPENSE 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 159,492.00 0.00 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7412 OPERATIONS - TRSF TO R/F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 479,223.47 319,161.13 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7416 OPERATIONS - TRSF TO RES 280,000.00 280,000.00 300,000.00 20,000.00 782,900.00 1,074,000.00 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7418 OPERATIONS - TRSF TO CAP 699,000.00 1,074,000.00 0.00 (1,074,000.00) 2,567.77 3,602.12 100 -36- 130 - 00000 -7505 OPERATIONS - OTHER EQUIP PURCH 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 0.00 3,333,785.55 3,448,195.76 Total EXPENDITURE 2,772,018.00 3,249,095.00 2,373,478.00 (875,617.00) 3,302,210.68 3,392,389.10 NET LEVY 2,732,018.00 3,209,095.00 2,326,478.00 (882,617.00) co lr Municipalit. i9ton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOh:_. . PAPERS _ Clarington:STREET LIGHTING 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 468,231.69 495,687.60 478,882.66 526,049.00 0.00 0.00 947,114.35 1,021,736.60 947,114.35 1, 021, 736.60 EXPENDITURE: 100-36-324-10405-7136 ST LIGHTING - BOW/ NEWC/ ORONO 100 -36- 324 - 10410 -7136 ST LIGHTING - RURAL NEW STLE 100-36-324-10412-7123 ST. LIGHT -ONT 1 CALL - UTILITY LOCA Total EXPENDITURE NET LEVY 350,000.00 380,000.00 434,000.00 54,000.00 375,000.00 445,000.00 469,000.00 24,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 725,000.00 825,000.00 923,000.00 98,000.00 725,000.00 825,000.00 923,000.00 98,000.00 m Municipality r rington BUDGET WORA,,t(G PAPERS Clarington:PARK 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 555, 666.45 101,235.00 13,781.16 60,216.66 27,046.59 14,819.29 76,940.77 15,613.52 83,221.74 57,675.98 1,811.21 73,852.13 31,375.18 375,212.88 3,936.27 5,294.0.2 25, 849.03 7,712.45 785.00 549,262.95 106,442.24 15,182.44 63,641.00 28,493.68 15,570.15 74, 842.50 15,727.61 89,434.56 67,595.63 2,258.94 114,412.20 35,145.26 457,355.98 7,919.78 0.00 31,371.76 6,480.57 555.00 128, 048.50 134,478.90 23,031.14 22,619.81 44,000.00 20,000.00_ 5,489.37 3,824.94 101,380.46 97,146.80 1, 833, 994.80 1.959.762.70 1, 833, 994.80 1, 959, 762.70 EXPENDITURE: 100-36-325-10115-7005 PARKS MTNCE - WAGES FIT 100 -36- 325 - 10115 -7015 PARKS MTNCE - WAGES STUDENT 100-36-325-10115-7050 PARKS MTNCE - EHT 100-36-325-10115-7051 PARKS MTNCE - OMERS 100 -36- 325 - 10115 -7052 PARKS MTNCE - CPP 100 -36- 325 - 10115 -7053 PARKS MTNCE - El 100-36-325-10115-7b54 PARKS MTNCE - LTD /LIFE /HLTH 100 -36 -325- 10115 -7058 PARKS MTNCE - WSIB 100-36-325-10115-7112 PARKS MTNCE - MISC OP EXP 100 -36- 325 -10115 -7130 PARKS MTNCE - WATER/SEWER 100-36-325-10115-7132 PARKS MTNCE - PHONE /FAX 100 -36- 325 - 10115 -7137 PARKS MTNCE - LIGHTS /PLAYING FIE 100 -36- 325- 10115 -7140 PARKS MTNCE - SNOW REMOVAL 100-36-325-10115-7163 PARKS MTNCE - CONTRACT 100-36-325-10115-7155 PARKS MTNCE - WASTE DISPOSAL 100-36-325-10115-7172 PARKS MTNCE - RIM-BUILDING 100-36-325-10115-7178 PARKS MTNCE- RIM IRRIGATION SY 100 -36- 325 - 10115 -7183 PARKS MTNCE- CLTH /UNIFORMS 100-36-325-10115-720. 0 PARKS MTNCE - MEMB /DUES 100-36-325-10115-7231 PARKS MTNCE - FLEET ALLOCATION 100 -36- 325- 10115 -7232 PARKS MTNCE- OTHER RENTAL 100 -36- 325 - 10115 -7418 PARKS MTNCE - TRSF TO CAP 100 -36- 325 - 10115 -7505 PARKS MTNCE- OTHER EQUIP PURC 100 -36- 325 - 10115 -7516 PARKS MTNCE - PARK IMPROVEMEN Total EXPENDITURE NET LEVY 599,214.00 608,653.00 616,147.00 7,494.00 109,518.00 107,219.00 130,868.00 23,649.00 13,739.00 13,B65.00 14,468.00 603.00 59,355.00 58,712.00 61,835.00 3,123.00 25,212.00 25,186.00 25,952.00 766.00 13,952.00 14,533.00 15,201.00 668.00 75,070.00 75,038.00 77,620.00 2,582.00 14,953.00 15,447.00 20,739.00 5,292.00 55,000.00 65,000.00 67,000.00 2,000.00 75,000.00 100,000.00 90,000.00 (10,000.00) 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,900.00 200.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 100,000.00 25,000.00 35,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 419,000.00 469,000.00 480,000.00 11,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 28,000.00 8,000.00 9,275.00 6,535.00 9,640.00 3,105.00 500.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 97,000.00 97,000.00 109,000.00 12,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 0.00 55,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 (20,000.00) 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 0.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 105,000.00 15,000.00 1,882,588.00 1,928,788.00 2,020,270.00 91,482.00 1,882,588.00 1,928,788.00 2,020,270.00 91,482.00 Municipalit; `ngton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA.. S PAPERS Clarington:CEMETERY 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 13UDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (73,859.42), (78,130.26) 100 -36- 326- 10416 -6400 BURIALS - BOWMANVILLE (65,000.00) (65,000.00) (72,000.00) (7,000.00) (4,350.00) (4,800.00) 100 -36- 326 - 10416 -6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE -BOW VLLE CE (5,000,00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 (6,100.30) (8,340.87) 100 -36- 326- 10418 -6400 BURIALS - BONDHEAD (6,500.00) (6,500.00) (8,500.00) (2,000.00) (650.00) (400.00) 100 -36- 326 - 10418 -6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE - BONDHEAD CE (800.00) (800.00) (800.00) 0.00 (2,214.36) (1,620.50) 100 -36- 326- 10426 -6400 BURIALS - ST. GEORGE'S CEMETERY (1,500.00) (1,500,00) (1,500.00) 0.00 0.00 (250.00) 100 -36- 326- 10426 -6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE -ST. GEORGE'S (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (1,409.13) (4,764.70) 100 -36- 326- 10427 -6400 BURIALS - HAMPTON 0.00 (1,500.00) (4,500.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (200.00) 100 -36- 326- 10427 -6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE - HAMPTON CEM 0.00 (500.00) '(500.00) 0.00 (20,571.00) (24,298,32) 100 -36- 326- 31100 -6400 CEMETERIES - MISCELLANEOUS FEE (20,000.00) (20,000.00) (20,000.00) 0.00 (109,154.21) (122,804.65) Total REVENUE (99,300.00) (101,300.00) (113,300.00) (12,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 158,491.50 130,312.44 100 -36- 326- 10419 -7005 CEMETERY MTNCE - WAGES F/T 122,059.00 124,58100 101,227.00 (23,356.00) 9,973.68 20,005.66 100 -36- 326- 10419 -7015 CEMETERY MTNCE - WAGES STUDE 11,187.00 10,858.00 11,020.00 162.00 2,629.72 2,887.86 100 -36- 326 - 10419 -7050 CEMETERY MTNCE - EHT 2,590.00 2,633.00 2,181.00 (452.00) 11,532.02 12,459.10 100 -36- 326- 10419 -7051 CEMETERY MTNCE - OMERS 11,367.00 11,621.00 9,404.00 (2,217.00) 5,487.34 5,802.45 100 -36- 326- 10419 -7052 CEMETERY MTNCE- CPP 5,065.00 5,150.00 4,184.00 (966.00) 2,886.17 3,027.22 100 -36- 326- 10419 -7053 CEMETERY MTNCE - El 2,675.00 2,820.00 2,354.00 (466,00) 14,211.54 14,377.45 100 -36- 326 -10419 -7054 CEMETERY MTNCE - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 13,866.00 14,415.00 11,176.00 (3,239.00) 3,075,77 3,159,75 100 -36- 326 - 10419 -7058 CEMETERY MTNCE - WSIB 2,909.00 3,024.00 3,221.00 197.00 11,132.02 13,085.69 100 -36- 326 - 10419 -7111 CEMETERY MTNCE - FOUNDATION 5,000.00 6,000.00 7,500.00 1,500.00 15,218.95 8,689.46 100 -36- 326- 10419 -7112 CEMETERY MTNCE - MISC OP EXP 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 781.80 725.51 100 -36- 326- 10419 -7129 CEMETERY MTNCE - HYDRO 850.00 890.00 965.00 75.00 1,716.25 1,759.78 100 -36- 326- 10419 -7132 CEMETERY MTNCE - PHONE/FAX 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 6,283.68 3,672.10 100 -36- 326 -10419 -7160 CEMETERY MTNCE - CONSULTING 20,000.00 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 383.18 435.77 900 -36- 326- 10419 -7183 CEMETERY MTNCE - CLTH /UNIFORMS 435.00 870,00 620.00 (250.00) 46,893.30 . 46,841.85 100 -36- 326 - 10419 -7231 CEMETERY MTNCE - FLEET ALLOCAT 32,000.00 32,000.00 40,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 100 -36- 326 - 10419 -7232 CEMETERY MTNCE - OTHER RENTAL 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98,929.26 5,000.00 100 -36- 326 - 10419 -7412 CEMETERY MTNCE -TRSF TORESF 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 52,153.97 35,743.35 100 -36- 326- 10419 -7414 CEMETERY MTNCE - TRSF TO TRUST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 100 -36- 326 - 10419 -7416 CEMETERY MTNCE - TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,741.98 6,455.39 100 -36- 326 -10420 -7112 ABANDON CEM BD - MISC OP EXP 7,500.00 7,500.00 8,000.00 500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 100 -36- 326- 10425 -7112 ORONO CEM CO - MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 480,522.13 324,440.83 Total EXPENDITURE 259,253.00 243,864.00 228,352.00 (15,512.00) 371,367.92 201,636.18 NET LEVY 159,953.00 142,564.00 115,052.00 (27,512.00) Municipality c rington BUDGET WORh_, eG PAPERS ClaOngton:WASTE COLLECTION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET REVENUE: (23,700.50) (25,653.00) 100 -36- 350 - 10540 -6400 SALE OF GARBAGE TAGS (23,700.50) (25,653.00) Total REVENUE 0.00 (22,500.00) EXPENDITURE: 22,500.00 20,000.00 100 -36- 350 - 10540 -7112 PURCHASE OF GARBAGE TAGS 22,500.00 20,000.00 Total EXPENDITURE (1,200.50) (5,653.00) NET LEVY 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (22,500.00) (22,500.00) (22,500.00) 0.00 (22,500.00) (22,500.00) (22,500.00) 0.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P. Municipalit; igton 01/29/15 BUDGET woh. -._. J PAPERS - Clarington:RECYCLING COLL'N 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (852.01) (1,889.46) 100 -36 -351- 10540 -6400 SALE OF GOODS - RECYCLING (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 (852.01) (1,889.46) Total REVENUE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 915.00 1,858.00 100 -36 -351- 10540 -7112 PURCHASE OF GOODS - RECYCLING 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 915.00 1,858.00 Total EXPENDITURE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 62.99 (31.46) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Municipality 'arington BUDGET W0A_ ✓G PAPERS Clarington:BUILDING & PROPE 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET REVENUE: (328,509.48) (181,819.20) 100 -36- 370 - 31020 -6400 OPERATIONS -MISC REVENUE (172,865.00) (328,509.48) (181,819.20) Total REVENUE (172,865.00) (172.865.00) (173 000 001 (172,865.00) (173,000.00) 01/29/15 INCREASE (135.00) (135.00) H EXPENDITURE: 130,098:01 94,333.79 100 -36- 370 -10115 -7005 BLDG SERVICES -WAGES FIT 182,328.00 187,172.00 190,162.00 2,990.00 3,609.49 3,989.98 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7050 BLDG SERVICES - EHT 3,555.00 3,650.00 3,708.00 58.00 19,896.70 21,597.55 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7051 BLDG SERVICES - OMERS 19,612.00 20,191.00 20,473.00 282.00 5,717.00 6,058.44 100 -36- 370 -10115 -7052 BLDG SERVICES - CPP 5,277.00 5,390.00 5,526.00 136.00 2,939.04 3,089.33 100 -36- 370 -10115 -7053 BLDG SERVICES - El 2,724.00 2,885.00 3,015.00 130.00 20,812.04 21,633.48 100 -36- 370 -10115 -7054 BLDG SERVICES - LTD /LIFE /HLTH 20,306.00 21,690.00 22,247.00 557.00 3,980.83 4,109.55 100 -36- 370- 10115 -7058 BLDG SERVICES - WSIB 3,765.00 3,933.00 5,133.00 1,200.00 2,764.97 1,509.18 100 -36- 370 -10115 -7112 BLDG SERVICES - MISC OPER EXP 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 1,725.75 1,521.06 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7125 BLDG SERV - HEAT 2,170.00 1,985.00 1,870.00 (115.00) 4,033.60 1,204.73 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7129 BLDG SERVICES - HYDRO 1,455.00 1,292.00 1,496.00 204.00 259.94 939.07 100 -36- 370 -10115 -7132 BLDG SERVICES - PHONE /FAX 600.00. 600.00 750.00 150.00 22,511.71 18,943.75 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7140 BLDG SERVICES - SNOW REMOVAL 15,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 (5,000.00) 12,099.67 11,175.17 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7142 BLDG SERVICES - EQUIP MTNCE 8,000.00 8,000.00 11,250.00 3,250.00 724,228.25 5,571.37 100 -36- 370 -10115 -7170 BLDG SERVICES - R/M- GROUNDS 10,000.00 10,000.00 7,000.00 (3,000.00) 14,752.33 27,033.02 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7172 BLDG SERVICES - R /M- BUILDING 8,500.00 8,500.00 30,000.00 21,500.00 50,883.57 27,637.64 100 -36- 370 -10115 -7173 BLDG SERVICES - R/M EQUIPMENT 58,000.00 58,000.00 63,000.00 5,000.00 19,691.85 13,988.24 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7176 BLDG SERVICES - R/M FIRE EQUIP 7,100.00 8,100.00 8,500.00 400.00 322.28 459.73 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7183 BLDG SERVICES - CLTH /UNIFORMS 565.00 435.00 655.00 220.00 0.00 0.00 100 -36- 370 -10115 -7202 BLDG SERVICES - TRAVEL EXP. 300.00 100.00 0.00 (100.00) 556.98 720.31 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7203 BLDG SERVICES - STAFF DEV 1,200.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 800.00 288,451.18 343,649.33 100 -36- 370 -10115 -7412 BLDG SERVICES - TRSF TO RES FUND 275,000.00. 275,000.00 300,000.00 25,000.00 32,404.74 0.00 100 -36 -370 -10115 -7416 BLDG SERVICES - TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47,500.00 68,500.00 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7418 BLDG SERVICES -TRSF TO CAP FUND 47,500.00 68,500.00 0.00 (68,500.00) 46,135.01 1,027.27 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7501 BLDG SERVICES - RENOV /CONSTR'N 53,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 34,837.00 7,632.00 100 -36- 370 - 10115 -7520 BLDG SERVICES - OTHER CAP (NON 30,000.00 7,500.00 8,500.00 1,000.00 422,910.77 533,156.06 100 -36- 370 -10151 -7005 MAC - WAGES FIT 406,471.00 420,210.00 450,930.00 30,720.00 8,047.55 8,936.66 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7050 MAC - EHT 7,926.00 8,194.00 8,793.00 599.00 37,696.37 41,105.87 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7051 MAC - OMERS 37,157.00 38,514.00 42,254.00 3,740.00 18,014.45 19,207.23 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7052 MAC - CPP 16,628.00 17,202.00 17,861.00 659.00 9,897.16 10,423.71 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7053 MAC - El 9,173.00 9,756.00 10,028.00 272.00 59,504.81. 60,002.27 100 -36- 370- 10151 -7054 MAC - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 58,058.00 60,159.00 62,644.00 2,485.00 9,412.30 9,834.49 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7058 MAC - WSIB 8,902.00 9,412.00 12,987.00 3,575.00 20,543.86 18,591.37 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7104 MAC - CLEAN SUPPLIES 17,000.00 17,000.00 19,000.00 2,000.00 H N Municipalit ington 01/29/15 - BUDGET W0A. S PAPERS ClaringtomBUILDING & PROPE 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $2,853.37 $3,587.64 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7105 MAC - LIGHT SUPPLIES $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $0.00 2,426.06 487.58 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7112 MAC - MISC.OPER. 3,500.00 3,500.00 4,000.00 500.00 32,372.06 36,322.96 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7125 MAC - HEAT /AIR 27,350.00 24,105.00 33,285.00 9,180.00 182,988.85 187,201.43 100 -36- 370 -10151 -7129 MAC - HYDRO 187,470.00 194,970.00 195,375.00 405.00 16,564.55 19,039.58 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7130 MAC - WATER /SEWER 16,100.00 17,340.00 19,215.00 1,875.00 1,601.47 1,946.00 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7132 MAC - PHONE/FAX 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 300.00 6,502.74 6,174.17 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7142 MAC - EQUIP MTNCE 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,500.00 500.00 1,338.06 1,352.71 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7165 MAC - WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,723.92 4,374.83 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7170 MAC - R /M- GROUNDS 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 44,266.07 25,899.76 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7172 MAC -RIM-BUILDING 55,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 37,490.23 22,339.29 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7173 MAC - R/M OTHER EQUIP 30,000.00 36,500.00 30,000.00 (6,500.00) 6,365.20 3,843.08 100 -36- 370 - 10151 -7176 MAC - R/M FIRE EQUIP 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,350.00 350.00 23,615.15 15,370.43 100 -36- 370 -10151 -7177 MAC - R/M ELEVATOR 24,000.00 24,000.00 17,000.00 (7,000.00) 4,094.92 5,508.53 100 -36- 370 -10151 -7183 MAC - CLTH /UNIFORMS 4,045.00 3,740.00 4,345.00 605.00 3,583.23 3,491.49 100 -36- 370 - 10152 -7125 HAMPTON HALL - HEAT 3,875.00 3,580.00 3,605.00 25.00 2,335.60 2,675.36 100 -36- 370 - 10152 -7129 HAMPTON HALL - HYDRO 2,255.00 2,310.00 2,655.00 345.00 312.90 312.90 100 -36- 370 - 10152 -7142 HAMPTON HALL- EQUIPMENT MTNCE 150.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 2,586.01 5,147.43 1.00 -36- 370 -10152 -7172 HAMPTON HALL- R/M BLDGS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,030.40 1,491.38 100 -36- 370 - 10152 -7173 HAMPTON HALL - R/M EQUIPMENT 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 132.55 74.43 .100 -36- 370 - 10152 -7176 HAMPTON HALL- R/M FIRE EQUIPME 100.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 297.66 297.66 100 -36- 370 - 10155 -7142 TOURISM CENTRE - EQUIPMENT MT 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 118.12 228.00 100 -36- 370 - 10155 -7173 TOURISM CENTRE- R/M EQUIPMENT 750.00 750.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 -36- 370 - 10155 -7176 TOURISM CENTRE - R/M FIRE EQUIP 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 445.56 0.00 100 -36- 370 - 10156 -7104 132 CHURCH ST BOW - CLEANING SU 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 6,384.46 5,417.35 100 -36- 370 - 10156 -7125 132 CHURCH ST BOW - HEAT /AIR 7,000.00 6,350.00 6,355.00 5.00 15,091.89 19,434.67 100 -36- 370 -10156 -7129 132 CHURCH ST BOW - HYDRO 16,900.00 18,959.00 19,920.00 961.00 9,249.52 12,459.78 32 100 -36- 370 - 10156 -7130 1 CHURCH ST BOW - WATER /SEW 9,935.00 11,270.00 9,445.00 (1,825.00) 308.03. 264.11 100 -36- 370 -10156 -7140 132 CHURCH ST BOW - SNOW REMO 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,091.36 1,488.25 100 -36- 370- 10156 - 7142132 CHURCH ST BOW - EQUIP MTNCE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,820.98 2,037.48 100 -36- 370 -10156 -7165 132 CHURCH ST BOW- WASTE DISP 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 4,041.06 3,766.51 100 -36- 370 - 10156 -7172 132 CHURCH ST BOW - R/M- BUILDING 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 2,823.82 6,460.56 100 -36- 370 - 10156 - 7173,132 CHURCH ST BOW- R/M EQUIPM 8,500.00 8,500.00 9,000.00 500.00 816.07 489.94' 100 -36- 370- 10156 -7176 132 CHURCH ST BOW - R/M FIRE EQ 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 631.67 631:65 100 -36- 370 - 10158 -7142 KENDAL COM BLDG - EQUIPMENT M 400.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 5,085.06 5,257.97 100 -36- 370 - 10158 -7173 KENDAL COM BLDG - R/M EQUIPMENT 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 5,071.52 892.47 100 -36- 370 -10158 -7176 KENDAL COM BLDG - R/M FIRE EQUI 23,100.00 600.00 700.00 100.00 1,764.03 1,745.58 100 -36- 370 -10159 -7142 CLAR. BEECH CTR - EQUIP MTNCE 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 8,969.07 12,725.71 100 -36- 370 - 10159 -7173 CLAR. BEECH CTR - R/M EQUIP 9,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 570.98 1,091.80 100 -36- 370- 10159 -7176 CLAR. BEECH CTR - R/M FIRE EQUIP 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,975.00 75.00 N w w Municipality arington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOW. .,tG PAPERS Clarington:BUILDING & PROPE 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $7,412.86 $7,966.69 100 -36- 370 - 10195 -7204 BLDG HALL BOARDS - SPECIAL EQUI $35,250.00 $28,350.00 $28,600.00 $250.00 6,182.42 0.00 100 -36- 370 -10195 -7500 BLDG HALL BOARDS - ACCESSIBILI 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 24,103.40 14,206.57 100 -36- 370- 10195 -7501 BLDG HALL BOARDS - RENOVATIONS 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,555,702.09 1,831,085.38 Total EXPENDITURE 1,895,602.00 1,807,794.00 1,839,657.00 31,863.00 2,227,192.61 1,649,266.18 NET LEVY 1,722,737.00 1,634,929.00 1,666,657.00 31,728.00 w w Municipalit, in9ton BUDGET WOh. S PAPERS Clarington:ROAD MAINTENANCE 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (14,840.00) (16,480.00) 100-36-380-10400-6400 SR. SNOW CLEARING REVENUE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 (14,840.00) (16,480.00) Total REVENUE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 2,564.60 6,269.40 100 -36- 380 - 10200 -7005 BRIDGE MTNCE - WAGES F/T 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 18,764.89 4.68 100 -36- 380 - 10200 -7112 BRIDGE MTNCE- MISC OPER 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 412.90 2,818.85 100 -36- 380 - 10200 -7231 BRIDGE MTNCE- FLEET ALLOCATION 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 24,193.67 36,611.77 100 -36- 380 -10205 -7005 CULVERT MTNCE - WAGES FIT 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 15,970.53 2,745.49 100 -36- 380 -10205 -7112 CULVERT MTNCE - MISC OPER 44,000.00 44,000.00 39,000.00. (5,000.00) 15,133.70 28,782.55 100 -36- 380 - 10205 -7231 CULVERT MTNCE -FLEET ALLOCATI 34,000.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 0.00 13,549.33 12,003.66 100 -36 -380- 10225 -7005 ENTRANCE CULVERTS - WAGES FIT 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 18,849.01 4,755.01 100 -36- 380 - 10225 -7112 ENTRANCE CULVERTS - MISC OP EXP 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 0.00 10,415.00 8,053.75 100 -36- 380 -10225 -7231 ENTRANCE CULVERTS -FLEET ALLO 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 188,688.83 178,109.46 100 -36- 380 -10230 -7005 BRUSH/TREE REMOVAL -WAGES F/T 165,000.00 165,000.00 165,000.00 0.00 70,733.39 285,803.93 100 -36- 380 - 10230 -7163 BRUSH/TREE - CONTRACT 15,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 63,978.10 68,236.90 100 -36- 380 -10230 -7231 BRUSH/TREEREMOVAL -FLEET ALL 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 117,405.08 116,204.21 100 -36- 380 -10231 -7163 URBAN /RURAL TREE - CONTRACT 70,000.00 95,000.00 115,000.00 20,000.00 77,006.44 42,976.13 100 -36- 380 - 10232 -7005 WEED CONTROL - ROADSIDE - WAGES 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 0.00 45,359.70 29,879.40 100 -36- 380 - 10232 -7231 WEED CONTROL - ROADSIDE - FLEET 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 0.00 133,584.69 182,124.27 100 -36- 380 - 10240 -7005 DITCH /SHOULDER MTNCE - WAGES F 205,000.00 205,000.00 205,000.00 0.00 124,702.11 59,469.54 100 -36- 380 - 10240 -7112 DITCH /SHOULDER MTNCE - MISC OP 142,000.00 152,000.00 156,000.00 4,000.00 82,711.70 118,024.99 100 -36- 380 - 10240 -7231 DITCH /SHOULDER MTNCE -FLEET A 145,000.00 145,000.00 145,000.00 0.00 187.66 0 :00 100 -36- 380 - 10240 -7540 DITCH /SHOULDER MTNCE - IMPROV 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 29,160.40 21,549.09 100 -36- 380 - 10245 -7005 CATCH BASIN /SEWER MTNCE - WAGE 26,000.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 0.00 3,202.09 21,966.42 100 -36- 380 - 10245 -7112 CATCH BASIN /SEWER MTNCE - MISC 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 162,999.91 57,021.96 100 -36- 380 - 10245 -7163 CATCH BASIN /SEWER MTNCE- CON 160,000.00 170,000.00 170,000.00 0.00 10,577.40 5,590.35 100 -36- 380 - 10245 -7231 CATCH BASIN /SEWER MTNCE - FLEE 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 29,925.54 42,025.99 100 -36- 380 -10345 -7005 BLDG MTNCE - WAGES F!1' 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 ^0.00 75,586.84 64,633.13 100 -36- 380- 10345 -7112 BLDG MNTCE - MISC OP EXP 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,415.00 415.00 31,850.25 36,986.60 100 -36- 380 - 10345 -7125 BLDG MNTCE - HEAT 31,075.00 29,255.00 40,960.00 11,705.00 46,008.29 65,942.40 100 -36- 380- 10345 -7129 BLDG MTNCE - HYDRO 44,620.00 52,325.00 60,820.00 8,495.00 10,183.70 6,622.70 100 -36- 380 - 10345 -7231 BLDGMNTCE -FLEET ALLOCATION 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 252.84 0.00 100 -36- 380 - 10350 -7005 OTHER FENCE - WAGES F/T 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 5,635.95 2,246.27 100 -36- 380 - 10350 -7112 OTHER FENCE - MISC OP EXP 5,500.00 7,500.00 6,500.00 (1,000.00) 31.60 0.00 100 -36- 380- 10350 -7231 OTHER FENCE -FLEET ALLOCATION 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 26,297.04 26,302.13 100 -36- 380 -10355 -7005 PATROURADIO -WAGES F/T 20,141.00 20,141.00 20,141.00 0.00 31,474.83 36,919.39 100 -36- 380 - 10355 -7112 PATROURADIO - MISC OP EXP 37,460.00 34,900.00 56,900.00 22,000.00 -P t,n Municipalit; 'larington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOn.._i NG PAPERS Clarington:ROAD MAINTENANCE 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $3,223.70 $2,763.10 100 -36- 380- 10355 -7231 PATROL/RADIO -FLEET ALLOCATION $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 245.88 0.00 100 -36- 380- 10360 -7005 OFF ST PARKING -WAGE F/T 1,000.00 1,000.00, 1,000.00 0.00 687.86 373.84 100 -36- 380 - 10360 -7112 OFF ST PARKING - MISC OP EXP 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 2,032.81 1,904.33 100 -36 -380- 10360 -7140 OFF ST PARKING - SNOW REMOVAL 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 38.40 0.00 100 -36- 380 - 10360 -7231 OFF ST PARKING - FLEET ALLOCATIO 600.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 23,435.06 26,513.18 100 -36- 380 - 10370 -7163 UNSPEC CONST - CONTRACT 10,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 (10,000.00) 12,571.37 0.00 100 -36- 380- 10370 -7505 UNSPEC CONST - SMALL EQUIP PU 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,944.19 23,345.16 100 -36- 380 - 10385 -7005 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP - WAGES F!T 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 0.00 8,121.52 10,254.91 100 -36- 380 -10385 -7112 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP - MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,798.33 100 -36- 380 - 10385 -7163 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP - CONTRACT 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 7,555.20 5,798.05 100 -36- 380 - 10385 -7231 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP - FLEET ALLOC 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 58,354.09 66,328.93 100 -36- 380 - 10400 -7163 SENIORS SNOW CLEAR - CONTRACT 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 _ 0.00 43,738.26 28,301.55 100 -36- 380 - 10733 -7005 SIDEWALK MTNCE-WAGES FIT 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 77,760.79 85,843.88 100 -36- 380 - 10733 -7112 SIDEWALK MTNCE - MISC OP EXP 102,000.00 106,000.00 106,000.00 0.00 177,667.34 238,587.25 100 -36- 380 - 10733 -7163 SIDEWALK MNTCE- CONTRACT 165,000.00 183,800.00 191,400.00 7,600.00 13,162.70 5,99425 100 -36- 380- 10733 -7231 SIDEWALK MNTCE- FLEET ALLOCAT 11,500.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 0.00 1,942,937.18 2,072,487.18 Total EXPENDITURE 1,974,696.00 2,037,821.00 2,096,036.00 58,215.00 1,928,097.18 2,056,007.18 NET LEVY 1,959,696.00 2,022,821.00 2,081,036.00 58,215.00 t,n Municipalifi ngton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA _ J PAPERS Clarington:HARDTOP MAINTENA 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 5,000.00 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,340.16 10,386.27 100 -36- 381 - 10250 -7005 PAVEMENT RESURF - WAGES F/T 109,304.69 39,133.73 100 -36 -381 -10250 -7163 PAVEMENT RESURF - CONTRACT 518.70 5,373.45 100 -36- 381 -10250 -7231 PAVEMENT RESURF -FLEET ALLOCA 278,792.25 279,897.08 100 -36 -381- 10255 -7005 PAVEMENT PATCH - WAGES F/T 229,693.46 255,832:30 100 -36 -381- 10255 -7112 PAVEMENT PATCH - MISC OP EXP 68,361.30 70,078.65 100 -36- 381 - 10255 -7231 PAVEMENT PATCH -FLEET ALLO CAT 39,033.47 24,468.36 100 -36 -381- 10260 -7005 SWEEPING - WAGES F/T 39,724.90 28,064.55 100 -36- 381 - 10260 -7231 SWEEPING -FLEET ALLOCATION 2,772.98 2,442.81 100 -36- 381 - 10265 -7005 PAVEMENT MARK'G - WAGES F/T 71,743.64 67,395.61 100 -36- 381 - 10265 -7112 PAVEMENT MARK'G - MISC OP EXP 1,100.30 428.50 100 -36- 381 - 10265 -7231 PAVEMENT MARK'G - FLEET ALLOCA 2,536.23 10,632.40 100 -36- 381- 10270 -7005 SURF TREATMENT - WAGES F/T 0.00 0.00 100 -36- 381 - 10270 -7112 SURF TREATMENT -MISC OP EXP 342.00. 1,396.90 100 -36- 381 - 10270 -7231 SURF TREATMENT - FLEET ALLOCAT 845,264.08 795,530.61 Total EXPENDITURE 845,264.08 795.530.61 NET LEVY 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 132,500.00 132,500.00 112,500.00 (20,000.00) 5,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 253,409.00 288,447.00 324,278.00 35,831.00 205,000.00 225,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 62,000.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 0.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 39,000.00 39,000.00 39,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 816,409.00 864,447.00 880,278.00 15,831.00 816,409.00 864,447.00 880,278.00 15,831.00 rn { Municipality irington 01/29/15 BUDGET WORA<idG PAPERS Clarington:LOOSETOP MAINTEN 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 7,000.00 7,000.00 EXPENDITURE: '7,915.32 20,997.69 100 -36- 382- 10275 -7005 DUST CONTROL - WAGES FIT 90,888.81 87,418.35 100 -36- 382 - 10275 -7112 DUST CONTROL- MISC OP EXP 3,997.05 17,602.30 100 -36- 382- 10275 -7231 DUST CONTROL- FLEET ALLOCATION 31,949.82 32,496.26 100 -36- 382 - 10280 -7005 GR PATCH /RESURF - WAGES F/T 231,574.31 204,180.20 100 -36- 382 - 10280 -7112 GR PATCH /RESURF - MISC OP EXP 19,791.90 18,151.90 100 -36- 382 - 10280 -7231 GR PATCH /RESURF -FLEET ALLOCA 23,842.46 12,092.91 100 -36- 382 -10285 -7005 DRAGGING /GRADING - WAGES FIT 23,850.70 12,363.30 100 -36- 382 -10285 -7231 DRAGGING /GRADING -FLEET ALLOC 433,810.37 405,302.91 Total EXPENDITURE 433,810.37 405,302.91 NET LEVY 7,000.00 7,000.00 19,000.00 12,000.00 88,000.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 0.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 6,500.00 3,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 0.00 228,000.00 215,000.00 221,500.00 6,500.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 437,500.00 434,500.00 456,000.00 21,500.00 437,500.00 434,500.00 456,000.00 21,500.00 �o Municipality igton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOti _ PAPERS ClaringtonMINTER CONTROL 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 425,000.00 425,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 533,043.73 663,534.24 100 -36- 383 - 10300 -7005 WINTER MTNCE- PLOW /SAND /SALT -W 915,964.77 1,237,377.22 100 -36- 383 - 10300 -7112 WINTER MTNCE- PLOW /SAND /SALT -M 559,821.05 636,896.70 100 -36- 383 - 10300 -7231 WINTER MTNCE- PLOW /SAND /SALT -F 245,957.05 339,175.90 100 -36- 383 - 10305 -7005 WINTER MTNCE OTHER - WAGES F/T 15,211.97 59,497.85 100 -36- 383 - 10305 -7112 WINTER MTNCE OTHER - MISC OP E 104,689.60 143,740.60 100 -36- 383 - 10305 -7231 WINTER MTNCE OTHER - FLEET ALL 2,374,688.17 3,080,222.51 Total EXPENDITURE 2,374,688.17 3,080,222.51 NET LEVY 425,000.00 425,000.00 455,564.00 30,564.00 655,000.00 655,000.00 670;000.00 15,000.00 445,100.00 445,100.00 460,000.00 14,900.00 212,969.00 212,969.00 212,969.00 0.00 23,500.00 23,500.00 40,000.00 16,500.00 81,000.00 81,000.00 86,000.00 5,000.00 1,842,569.00 1,842,569.00 1,924,533.00 81,964.00 1,842,569.00 1,842,569.00 1,924,533.00 81,964.00 9 Municipality irington 01/29/15 BUDGET W0Rn_.tlG PAPERS Clarington:SAFETY DEVICES 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 3,917.67 1,534.31 100 -36- 384 - 10310 -7005 GUIDE RAIL/POSTS - WAGES F/T 22,420.05 2,117.26 100 -36- 384 -10310 -7112 GUIDE RAIUPOSTS - MISC OP EXP 1,618.80 484.10 100 =36- 384 -10310 -7231 GUIDE RAIL/POSTS - FLEET ALLOCAT 146,308.94 122,631.39 100 -36- 384 -10315 -7005 TRAFFIC SIGNS - WAGES F/T 80,815.98 116,963.37 100 -36 -384- 10315 -7112 TRAFFIC SIGNS - MISC OP EXP 29,618.50 25,972.20 100 -36- 384 - 103157231 TRAFFIC SIGNS - FLEET ALLOCATION 40,978.06 51,040.42 100 -36- 384 - 10320 -7005 COMM. EVENTS -WAGES F/T 5,493.90 6,164.29 100 -36- 384 - 10320 -7112 COMM. EVENTS - MISC OP EXP 7,483.70 11,096.80 100 -36- 384 - 10320 -7231 COMM. EVENTS - FLEET ALLOCATION 707.97 688.12 100 -36- 384 -10330 -7129 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - HYDRO 98,443.21 95,267.93, 100-36-384-10335-7112 RAILWAY CROSSING - MISC OP EXP 45,333.47 0.00 100 -36- 384 - 10335 -7540 RAILWAY CROSSING - IMPROVEMEN 483,140.25 433,960.19 Total EXPENDITURE 483,140.25 433,960.19 NET LEVY 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 0.00 97,200.00 97,200.00 97,200.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 28,000.00 28,000;00 28,000.00 0.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 438,900.00 438,900.00 438,900.00 0.00 438,900.00 438,900.00 438,900.00 0.00 �.a Municipalit; ngton 01129/15 BUDGET WOi.:.. S PAPERS Clarington:STORM WATER MANIA 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 10,000.00 10,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 6,850.66 6,500.92 100 -36 -386- 10210 -7005 S/WATER POND MTNCE -WAGES FIT 13,618.49 2,503.56 100 -36- 386- 10210 -7112 S/WATER POND MTNCE - MISC OPER 19,323.50 0.00 100 -36- 386- 10210 -7160 S/WATER POND MTNCE - CONSULTIN 88,862.83 14,888.14 100 -36- 386 - 10210 -7163 S/WATER POND MTNCE - CONTRACT 1,797.60 2,240.00 100 -36- 386- 10210 -7231 S/WATER POND MTNCE - FLEET ALL 130,453.08 26,132.62 Total EXPENDITURE 130,453.08 26,132.62 NET LEVY 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 12,500.00 (7,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92,000.00 92,000.00 92,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 115,000.00 125,000.00 117,500.00 (7,500.00) 115,000.00 125,000.00 117,500.00 (7,500.00) 0 0 Municipality uington 01/29/15 BUDGET WORA -WC PAPERS Claringto n.- REGIONAL ROADS 2015 DRAFT - 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 707.52 217.29 100 -36- 387- 10260 -7005 REG RD 14/17- SWEEP -WAGES F/T 835.10 298.25 100 -36- 387 - 10260 -7231 REG RD 14/17 -SWEEP - FLEET ALLO 6,598.59 6,572.36 100 -36- 387- 10300 -7005 REG RD14 /17- WINTERMTNCE -PLOW/ 29,850.30 20,490.26 100 -36- 387- 10300 -7112 REG RD14 /17- WINTERMTNCE -PLOW/ 8,004.40 7,619.20 100 -36- 387 - 10300 -7231 REG RD14 /17- WINTERMTNCE -PLOW/ 45,995.91 35,197.36. Total EXPENDITURE 45,995.91 35,197.36 NET LEVY 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 3,750 -00 0.00 8,000.00 15, 000.00 15, 000.00 0.00 1,200.00 9,200.00 4,500.00 3,300.00 18,750.00 25,750.00 29,050.00 3,300.00 18,750.00 25,750.00 29,050.00 3,300.00 a O N Municipal! "Ington 01/29/15 �— BUDGET W6 — _, dG PAPERS Clarington:FLEET .2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 255,659.35 266,074.54• 100 -36- 388 - 40690 -7005 FLEET OVHD - WAGES F/T 509,906.00 523,772.00 528,707.00 4,935.00 7,216.99 8,781.18 100 -36- 388- 4069.0 -7050 FLEET OVHD - EHT 8,169.00 8,404.00 8,473.00 r 69.00 36,677.93 43,574.37 100 -36- 388 - 40690 -7051 FLEET OVHD - OMERS 41,114.00 42,536.00 42,632.00 96.00 11,278.00. 13,216.98 100 -36 -388- 40690 -7052 FLEET OVHD - CPP 12,717.00 12,992.00 13,347.00 f 355.00 5,864.04 6,789.90 100 -36- 388- 40690 -7053 FLEET OVHD - El 6,611.00 7,005.00 7,337.00 - 332.00 37,438.28 46,329.97 100 -36- 388 - 40690 -7054 FLEET OVHD - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 44,013.00 46,451.00 47,539.00 1,088.00 8,145.64 9,799.99 100 -36- 388- 40690 -7058 FLEET OVHD - WSIB 8,895.00 9,379.00 12,150.00 2,771.00 2,575.50 3,106.81 100 -36- 388 - 40690 -7074 FLEET OVHD - MEAL ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 137,440.52 100 -36- 388 - 40690 -7112 FLEET OVHD - MISC OP EXP 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 583.52 100 -36- 388 -40690 -7171 FLEET OVHD - R /M- VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77,902.95 76,292.07 100 -36- 388 - 40690 -7173 FLEET OVHD -R /M EQUIP(FIRE) 85,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 0.00 4,969.34 4,605.49 100 -36- 388 - 40690 -7183 FLEET OVHD - CLTH /UNIFORMS 5,395.00 6,605.00 5,800.00 (805.00) 11,382.47 0.00 100 -36 -388- 40690 -7194 FLEET OVHD - FUEUOIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .. ... 109,500.00' 109,500.00 100 -36- 388 -40690 -7412 FLEET OVHD - TRSF TO RES FUND 109,500.00 109,500.00 109,500.00 0.00 569,424.57 1,850,378.38 Total EXPENDITURE 831,320.00 851,644.00 860,485.00 8,841.00 569,424.57 405,552.43 NETLEVY 831,320.00 851.644.00 860,485.00 8,841.00 O N Municipality o' -ington BUDGET WORK- S PAPERS Clarington: LIBRARIES 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET 01/29/15 INCREASE 0 W EXPENDITURE: 859.91 0.00 100 -36- 440 - 10571 -7129 SARAH JANE WMS - HYDRO 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 (10,000.00) 1,350.87 0.00 100 -36- 440 - 10571 -7142 SARAH JANE WMS - EQUIPMENT MT 900.00 900.00 0.00 (900.00) 0.00 0.00 100 -36- 440 - 10571 -7170 SARAH JANE WMS - R /M- GROUNDS 200.00 200.00 0.00 (200.00) 3,002.61 0.00 100 -36 -440 -10571 -7172 SARAH JANE WMS - R /M- BUILDING 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 151.70 0.00 100 -36 -440- 10571 -7173 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M EQUIPMENT 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 (4,000.00) 74.79 0.00 100 -36 -440- 10571 -7176 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M FIRE EQUIP 400.00 400.00 0.00 (400.00) 6,311.48 0.00 100 -36 -440- 10571 -7177 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M ELEVATOR 9,000.00 6,300.00 0.00 (6,300.00) 3,297.68 2,865.69 100 -36- 440 -10573 -7140 NEWC LIBRARY - SNOW REMOVAL 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 1,133.35 1,133.34 100 -36 -440- 10573 -7142 NEWC LIBRARY - EQUIPMENT MTNCE 900.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 19.15 100 -36- 440 - 10573 -7170 NEWC LIBRARY - R/M- GROUNDS 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 1,11V.63 89.04 100 -36 -440- 10573 -7172 NEWC LIBRARY - R/M- BUILDING 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1,089.44 0.00 100 -36 -440- 10573 -7173 NEWC LIBRARY - R/M EQUIPMENT 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 30.53 31.14 100 -36- 440 -10573 -7176 NEWC LIBRARY - R/M FIRE EQUIPME 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 61,000.00 63,000.00 100 - 36-440 -10573 -7304 NEWC LIBRARY - DEBT PYMT PRINCI 61,000.00 63,000.00 66,000.00 3,000.00 42,735.31 40,195.78 100 - 36-440 -10573 -7305 NEWC LIBRARY - DEBT PYMT INTERE 42,735.00 40,219.00 37,335.00 (2,884.00) 2,996.91 976.20 100 -36 -440- 10575 -7140 ORONO LIBRARY - SNOW REMOVAL 1,300.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 198.40 198.40 100 -36- 440 - 10575 -7142 ORONO LIBRARY -EQUIPMENT MTNC 150.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 4,190.17 2,063.89 100 -36 -440- 10575 -7172 ORONO LIBRARY - R /M- BUILDING 460.00 460.00 460.00 0.00 447.36 0.00 100 -36 -440- 10575 -7173 ORONO LIBRARY - R/M EQUIPMENT 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 30.53 195.69 100 -36- 440 - 10575 -7176 ORONO LIBRARY - R/M FIRE EQUIPM 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 130,018.67 110,768.32 Total EXPENDITURE 129,645.00 137,629.00 115,445.00 (22,184.00) 130,018.67 110,768.32 NET LEVY 129,645.00 137,629.00 115,445.00 (21184.00) 0 W Municipalit ington 01/29115 BUDGET WC.` ;PAPERS Clarington:OTHER CULTURAL 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 7,000.00 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 8,768.92 100 -36- 460 - 10137 -7501 VISUAL ARTS -RENOVATIONS 0.00 11,846.32 100 -36- 460- 10571 -7129 SARAH JANE WMS - HYDRO 0.00 1,350.87, 100 -36- 460- 10571 -7142 SARAH JANE WMS - EQUIPMENT MT 0.00 132.29 100 -36- 460 - 10571 -7170 SARAH JANE WMS - R /M- GROUNDS 0.00 1,970.80 100 -36 -460- 10571 -7172 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M- BUILDING 0.00 116.57 100 -36- 460 - 10571 -7173 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M EQUIPMENT 0.00 1,063.58 100 -36- 460 -10571 -7176 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M FIRE EQUIP 0.00 3,072.05 100 -36 -460- 10571 -7177 SARAH JANE WMS - R/M ELEVATOR 0.00 0.00 100 -36 -460- 10582 -7501 BOW. MUS.- RENOV. 0.00 28,321.40 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 28.321.40 NET LEVY 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,300.00 14,300.00 0.00 0.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 6,300.00 6,300.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 44,600.00 44,600.00 7,000.00 0.00 44,600.00 44,600.00 Q X, COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2015 Clarin� ton Leading the tiVay DIRECTOR FACILITIES MANAGER George Acorn _SUPERVISORS Mark Sutherland Dan Welsh Len Hunter CLERK ll Christine Faulkner FACILITY BOOKING ASSISTANT_ 1 art-time LEADHANDS Steve Parker Steve Burns Allan Meraw Jim Campbell FACILITY 0 PE_1: ORS_ Dave Potter Jack Rousseau Jeremy Czechowski Fred Cosgrove Andrew Laton Chris Welsh Justin Valckx tan LaFlamme Corey Strand Jason Muir Wayne Kernohan Grant Jones Erin Currie Andrew Davey Erin Haass Cliff Budgen Mark Underwood Jamie Mercer Tyler Leblanc PART TIME _MAINTENANCE _ 45 Part -time BARTENDERS 1 Part -time CONCESSION AQUATIC FITNESS /CUSTOMER SUPERVISOR COORDINATOR 1_7_rWe;1FN5r7' SERVICE COORDINATOR '— 'fpait -tme'— 351 — "W erCo�Tins —__— CONCESSION STAFF AQUATIC PROGRAMMER CLERK II — 25Fai -Eme— — 'Jeff Uar7uig —" —'" Arin_e LTafb7 N PROGRAMMER Kathryn Bu elli SOFTWARE CLERK AQUATIC ""16fe1issa'SiTva " " —" STAFF FITNESS _ _ 80 Part-time STAFF ____ 25 Part-time CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES — "' =15 -a time — " "— RESPONSIBILITIES: - Administration Aquatic Facility Operations Arena Facility Operations Municipal Programs Community Development Municipal Construction Community Grants Older Adult Liaison Youth Liaison Indoor Soccer Operations SERVICES MANAGER _ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR dice Tvlitt "ag "" " 73MMUNITY DE\ L PMENT PROGRAMMER RECREATION Non - Affiliated Union - Italicized Part Time Incl. Students ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR 307 ASSISTANT "— SieplienVy'ers " "— 351 Mic7yG'omiak —' RECREATION RECREATIO N PROGRAMMER SOFTWARE CLERK " "— Ratlyn7Cucoin' "— ""16fe1issa'SiTva " " —" PROGRAM STAFF 98 Part -time CLERK If Lydia Welch Staff Complement Non - Affiliated Union - Italicized Part Time Incl. Students 15 29 307 Total 351 Department Head Backup - Facilities Manager Recreation Services Manager Municipalitj i9ton BUDGET WOI. =.. & PAPERS ClaringtomCOMMUNITY SERVIC 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET (70,490.62) (49,309.32) (5,570.90) (5,447.62) (2,301,461.71) (2,293,783.44) (9,780.65) (7,655.60) (404,081.95) (395,273.03) (841,420.36) (845,894.04) (541,583.15) (557,181.56) (406,688.49) (434,614.60) (i a gn,) a,?� N 7F7 9F1 (4,599,Z6U.45) (4,605,926.46) 62,264.63 1,637,339.89 705,204.69 9,291,497.29 5,374.48 358,405.45 636, 049.51 282,401.12 362,903.15 34,167.34 F7 zF'? nn 13,432,959.55 8,833,679.10 0.00 1,724, 856.53 730,299.07 9,023,206.76 2,918.54 373,757.47 607, 980.48 278,681.99 384,799.60 33,009.13 .,a nnn nn �crr"�7Me A C,OU9,583.11 REVENUE: ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE PROGRAMS ADMIN - REVENUE FACILITIES - REVENUE PROSHOP - REVENUE CONCESSIONS - REVENUE AQUATIC PROGRAMS - REVENUE FITNESS PROGRAMS - REVENUE RECREATION PROGRAMS - REVENUE CS - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- REVENUE Total REVENUE EXPENDITURE: PSAB - EXPENDITURE ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE PROGRAMS ADMIN -EXPENDITURE FACILITIES - EXPENDITURE PROSHOP - EXPENDITURE CONCESSIONS - EXPENDITURE AQUATIC PROGRAMS - EXPENDITURE FITNESS PROGRAMS - EXPENDITURE RECREATION PROGRAMS - EXPENDITURE CS - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - EXPENDITURE COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM - EXPENDITURE Total EXPENDITURE NET LEVY (34,500.00) (4,000.00) (2,408,070.00) (10,300.00) (457,000.00) (717,500.00) (520,500.00) (380,800.00) (22,900.00) (4,555,570.00) 1,152, 356.00 1,257,469.00 708,08Z00 9,034,269.00 4,900.00 336,823.00 694, 843.00 291,806.00 376,538.00 35,428.00 Fn nnn nn 13,952,514.UU 9,396,944.00 (34,500.00) (4,000.00) (2,295, 687.00) (9,800.00) (462,700.00) (706,000.00) (515,500.00) (383,700.00) ro? onn nn) (41,500.00) (5,000.00) (2, 281, 265.00) (10,700.00) (431,700.00) (835, 000.00) (529,750.00) (414, 000.00) ti Fa snn nnn 01/29/15 INCREASE (7,000,00) (1,000.00) 14,422.00 (900.00) 31,000.00 (129,000.00) (14,250.00) (30,300.00) (1sF Ann nn) (4,434,f61.UU) (4,708,215.00) (273,428.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,709,061.00 1,476,377.00 (232,684.00) 713,479.00 821,336.00 107,857.00 8,792,639.00 8,902,174.00 109,535.00 4,600.00 5,100.00 500.00 348,802.00 336,780.00 (12,022.00) 646,285.00 728,304.00 82,019.00 302,753.00 312,216.00 9,463.00 393,883.00 421,563.00 27,680.00 39,412.00 183, 339.00 143, 927.00 60,000.00 100,000.00 40,000.00 13,010,914.00 13,287,189.00 276,275.00 8,576,127.00 8,578 974.00 2,847.00 a rn O V Municipality i9ton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOn_�„ -, i PAPERS _ Clarington:AD MINISTRATION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (35,590.62) (32,059.32) 100 -42- 130 -00000 -6400 COMM SERV - MISC REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (34,900.00) (17,250.00) 100 -42- 130 - 00000 -6491 COMM SERV- ADVERTISING REVENU (34,500.00) (34,500.00) (41,500.00) (7,000.00) . (70,490.62) (49,309.32) Total REVENUE (34,500.00) (34,500.00) (41,500.00) (7,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 581,853.17 631,333.15 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7001 COMM SERV ADMIN -SALARY F/T 605,385.00 621,164.00 630,436.00 9,272.00 147.26 106.30 100 -42- 130 -10085 -7008 COMM SERV ADMIN - WAGES TEMP P 9,318.00 9,504.00 9,647.00 143.00 12,163.72 13,439.23 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7050 COMM SERV ADMIN - EHT 11,980.00 12,291.00 12,475.00 184.00 69,402.08 75,217.08 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7051 COMM SERV ADMIN - OMERS 68,409.00 70,265.00 71,141.00 876.00 17,689.45 18,775.60 100 -42- 130 -10085 -7052 COMM SERV ADMIN - CPP 16,328.00 16,733.00 17,162.00 429.00 9,128.91 9,601.73 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7053 COMM SERV ADMIN - El 8,461.00 _ 8,973.00 9,436.00 463.00 68,773.16 72,296.14 100 -42- 130 -10085 -7054 COMM SERV ADMIN - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 67,101.00 72,485.00 74,293.00 1,808.00 11,088.18 11,571.08 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7058 COMM SERV ADMIN - WSIB 10,487.00 11,074.00 14,437.00 3,363.00 23,437.05 28,736.56 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7101 COMM SERV ADMIN -OFF SUPPLIES 28,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 244.20 244.20 100 -42- 130 -10085 -7132 COMM SERV ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 0.00 39,511.52 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7.160 COMM SERV ADMIN - CONSULTING 0.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 185.42 173.21 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7181 COMM SERV ADMIN - BOOKS /PERIOD 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 3,214.54 4,260.00 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7186 COMM SERV ADMIN - POST /COUR /FR 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,364.32 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7192 COMM SERV ADMIN - SPECIAL EVEN 0.00 1,400.00 17,500.00 16,100.00 2,833.73 3,610.02 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7200 COMM SERV ADMIN - MEMB /DUES 3,000.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 3,981.69 4,519.25 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7202 COMM SERV ADMIN - TRAVEL EXP 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 9,049.14 11,253.20 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7203 COMM SERV ADMIN - STAFF DEV 17,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.00 345,377.16 2,294.99 100-42 - 130 -10085 -7299 COMM SERV ADMIN - MISC EXPENSE 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 453,725.00 527,071.00 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7412 COMM SERV ADMIN - TRSF TO RES 384,200.00 507,672.00 483,050.00 (24,622.00) 5,596.53 0.00 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7416 COMM SERV ADMIN - TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 '0.00 16,500.00 266,779.56 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7418 COMM SERV ADMIN - TRSF TO CAP 7,500.00 245,200.00 0.00 (245,200.00) 2,949.50 2,698.39 100 -42- 130 - 10085 -7506 COMM SERV ADMIN - FURNITURE/FI 2,500.00 3,000.00 6,500.00 3,500.00 1,637,339.89 1,724,856.53 Total EXPENDITURE 1,257,469.00 1,709,061.00 1,476,377.00 (232,684.00) 1,566,849.27 1,675,547.21 NET LEVY 1,222,969.00 1,674,561.00 1,434 877.00 (239,684.00) O V Municipality 'larington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOt.. _.i%NG PAPERS Clarington:PROGRAMS ADMIN 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (4,000.00) (4,000.00) REVENUE: (5,570.90) (5,447.62) 100-42-420-10085-6480 PRGMS ADMIN -DEPT ISSUE CLOTHIN (5,570.90) (5,447.62) Total REVENUE 471,840.00 471,379.00 543,613.00 EXPENDITURE: 463,454.52 484,183.02 100 - 42-420 -10085 -7001 PRGMS ADMIN - SALARIES F/T 58,971.69 58,087.40 100 -42- 420 - 10085 -7010 PRGMS ADMIN - WAGES PT PGM 10,529.12 11,428.33 100 -42- 420- 10085 -7050 PRGMS ADMIN - EHT 52,810.66 55,929.65 100 -42- 420 - 10085 -7051 PRGMS ADMIN - OMERS 17,493.36 18,538.19 100 -42 -420- 10085 -7052 PRGMS ADMIN - CPP 8,907.38 9,343.25 100 -42 -420- 10085 -7053 PRGMS ADMIN - El 58,542.39 61,353.75 100 -42- 420 - 10085 -7054 PRGMS ADMIN - LTD /LIFE /HLTH 11,887.61 12,166.66 100 -42- 420 - 10085 -7058 PRGMS ADMIN - WSIB 1,511.28 1,093.07 100 -42 -420- 10085 -7132 PRGMS ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 5,061.29 6,814.43 100 -42 -420- 10085 -7184 PRGMS ADMIN - DEPT ISSUE CLTH 760.14 282.00 100 -42- 420 - 10085 -7200 PRGMS ADMIN - MEMB /DUES 15,275.25 11,079.32 100 -42- 420 - 10085 -7202 PRGMS ADMIN - TRAVEL EXP 705,204.69 730,299.07 Total EXPENDITURE 699,633.79 724,851.45 NET LEVY (4,000.00) (4,000.00) (5,000.00) (1,000.00) (4,000.00) (4,000.00) (5,000.00) (1,000.00) 471,840.00 471,379.00 543,613.00 72,234.00 59,300.00 60,100.00 61,800.00 1,700.00 10,357.00 10,364.00 11, 805.00 1,441.00 52,055.00 51,652.00 58,787.00 7,135.00 16,147.00 16,493.00 19,404.00 2,911.00 8,232.00 8,733.00 10,505.00 1,772.00 57,119.00 61,514.00 72,941.00 11,427.00 11,232.00 11,644.00 17,081.00 5,437.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 3,200.00 1,600.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 200.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 708,082.00 713,479.00 821,336.00 107,857.00 704,082.00 709,479.00 816,336.00 106,857.00 G.> 2013 ACTUAL (1,682.00) (290.17) (12,992.22) (24,439.31) (13,387.13) (1,087.33) (19,430.66) (14,640.25) (29,536.75) (37,948.37) (7,631.67) (17,581.87) (2,268.00) (743,116.28) (14,295.75) (10,844.89) (5,262.47) (251,028.57) (13,795.75) (78,523.08) (879.69) (2,828.60) (1,839.75) (635,563.55) (68,113.90) (48,489.41) (545.13) (11,547.82) (38,253.62) (188,475.37) (1,920.35) (3,222.00) 2014 ACTUAL (1,606.60) (499.77) (18,471.96) (25,563.02) (13,743.11) (880.49) (19,488.00) (20,684.92) (26,999.87) 0.00 (1,414.08) (24,510.66) (2,111.72) (758,159.72) (7,357:50) (12,835.99) (5,987.15) (249,016.83) (19,442.15) (78,523.08) (328.62) (5,252.08) (1,859.72) (658,203.86) (62,718.43) (52, 022.51) (187.62) (5,565.64) (22,480.46) (192,088.33) . (1,770.02) (4,009.53) (2,301,461.71) (2,293,783.44) 463,398.26 511,060.96 . 0.00 0.00 Municipality gton BUDGET WO&—_ _ PAPERS _ Clarington: FACILITIES 2015 DRAFT Description REVENUE: 100-42-421-10085-6480 FAC. ADMIN - DEPT.ISSUE CLOTHING 100 -42 -421- 10128 -6441 NDRC -LOCKER REV -POOL 100 -42 -421- 10128 -6516 NDRC - POOL RENTALS 100 -42 -421- 10128 -6519 NDRC - MULTI PURP.RM RENTALS 100 -42- 421 - 10128 -6522 NDRC - GYM RENTALS 100 -42- 421- 10129 -6441 CCC - LOCKER REVENUE - POOL 100-42-421-10129-6509 CCC - THEATRE DANCE LEASE REV 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -6516 CCC - POOL RENTALS 100-42-421-10129-6519 CCC - MULTI PURP FACILITY RENTAL 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -6520 CCC - DAYCARE CENTRE RENTAL 10.0 -42 -421- 10130 -6412 SCA- PATCH SKATING REV. 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -6414 SCA- SHINNY HOCKEY REV. 100 -42 -421- 10130 -6416 SCA - SKATE SHARPENING REVENUE 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -6514 SCA - ICE RENTALS 100 -42 -421- 10130 -6515 SCA -ARENA FLOOR RENTALS 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -6519 SCA- MULTI PURPOSE ROOM RENTA 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -6522 SCA - GYM RENTALS 100 -42 -421- 10131 -6514 DSC - ICE RENTALS 100 -42- 421 - 10131 -6515 DSC -ARENA FLOOR RENTALS 100 -42 -421- 10132 -6408 RRC - LEASEHOLD RECOVERIES 100 -42 -421- 10132 -6412 RRC - PATCH SKATING REV. 100 -42 -421- 10132 -6414 RRC - SHINNEY HOCKEY REV. 100 -42 -421- 10132 -6416 RRC -SKATE SHARPENING REV. 100 -42 -421- 10132 -6514 RRC - ICE RENTALS 100 -42 -421- 10132 -6595 RRC - ARENA FLOOR RENTALS 100 -42 -421- 10132 -6519 RRC - MULTI PURP FACILITY RENTAL 100 -42- 421 -10133 -6441 CFC- LOCKER REVENUE 100-42421-10133-6493 CFC- SQUASH ADMISSION REV.. 100 -42- 421 - 10133 -6516 CFC - POOL RENTALS 100 -42- 421 - 10134 -6510 BIS - RENTALS REVENUE 100-42-421-10134-6517 BIS - ROOM RENTALS 100 -42 -421- 10134 -6523 BIS - LACROSSE BOWL RENTALS Total REVENUE EXPENDITURE: 100 -42 -421- 10085 -7001 FAC. ADMIN - SALARIES F/T 100-42-421-10085-7008 FAC. ADMIN - WAGES TEMP P/T 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (300.00) (300.00) (450.00) (150.00) (20,000.00) (22,000.00) (16,000.00) 6,000.00 (21,000i00) (21,000.00) (21,000.00) 0.00 (11,000.00) (11,000.00) (11,000.00) 0.00" (1,100.00) (1,200.00) (1,200.00) 0.00 (19,176.00) (19,488.00) (9,700.00) 9,788.00 (20,000.00) (23,000.00) (12,800.00) 10,200.00 (32,000.00) (25,000.00) (24,000.00) 1,000.00 (90,943.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (9,000.00) (9,000.00) (5,000.00) 4,000.00 (28,000.00) (22,000.00) (22,000.00) 0.00 (2,064.00) (2,112.00) (2,200.00) (88.00) (745,000.00) (759,900.00) (764,900.00) (5,000.00) (12,000.00) (14,000.00) (10,000.00) 4,000.00 (8,500.00) (9,000.00) (10,000.00) (1,000.00) (3,000.00) (4,000.00) (6,000.00) (2,000.00) (255,000.00) (258,000.00) (263,000.00) (5,000.00) (17,000.00) (17,000.00) (19,000.00) (2,000.00) (78,523.00) (78,523.00) (69,285.00) 9,238.00 (1,000.00) (2,000.00) (1,000.00) 1,000.00 (7,000.00) (6,000.00) (5,000.00) 1,000.00 (1,864.00) (1,864.00) (1,930.00) (66.00) (625,003.00) (630,000.00) (645,000.00) (15,000.00) (61,000.00) (64,000.00) (64,000.00) 0.00 (62,000.00) (55,000.00) (55,000.00) 0.00 (600.00) (300.00) (300.00) 0.00 (22,000.00) (7,500.00) (7,500.00) 0.00 (37,500.00) (1.5,000.00) (27,000.00) (12,000.00) (210,000.00) (210,000.00) (200,000.00) 10,000.00 (1,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (3,500.00) (3,500.00) (3,000.00) 500.00 (2,408,070.00) (2,295,687.00) (2,281,265.00) 14,422.Q0 445,389.00 505,001.00 442,653.00 (62,348.00) 0.00 0.00 14,900.00 14,900.00 O LO 1—' O Municipalit!' ^ larington 01/29115 EUDG.ET !/V0h...t/47Sr ,0AP R5 Clarington:FACILT7IES 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $8,818.19 $10,423.20 100 -42- 421 - 10085 -7050 FAC ADMIN - EHT $8,685.00 $9,847.00 $8,912.00 ($935.00) 51,739.34 59,096.06 100 -42- 421 - 10085 -7051 FAC ADMIN - OMERS 50,999.00 56,583.00 49,985.00 (6,598.00) 12,495.73 14,495.57 100 -42 -421- 10085 -7052 FAC ADMIN -CPP 11,534.00 14,118.00 12,612.00 (1,506.00) 6,344.18 7,298.95 100 -42- 421 - 10085 -7053 FAC ADMIN - El 5,880.00 7,485.00 6,943.00 (542.00) 50,343.04 62,010.01 100 -42- 421- 10085 -7054 FAC ADMIN - LTD /LIFE /HLTH 49,119.00 62,172.00 53,583.00 (8,589.00) 9,131.06 10,672.47 100 -42 -421- 10085 -7058 FAC ADMIN - WSIB 8,636.00 10,214.00 11,710.00 1,496.00 1,707.25 1,616.35 100 -42 -421- 10085 -7132 FAC ADMIN - PHONE /FAX 2,600.00 2,600.00 4,200.00 1,600.00 11,424.04 9,764.19 100 -42- 421 - 10085 -7183 FAC ADMIN - CLTH /UNIFORMS 10,400.00 10,400.00 10,400.00 0.00 2,873.94 2,577.33 100 -42- 421 - 10085 -7184 FAC ADMIN - DEPT ISSUE CLTH 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,606.33 1,996.04 100 -42- 421 - 10085 -7200 FAC ADMIN - MEMB /DUES 1,925.00 1,925.00 1,925.00 0.00 10,595.51 9,271.20 100 -42- 421 - 10085 -7202 FAC ADMIN - TRAVELEXP 10,700.00 11,700.00 11,700.00 0.00 10,506.72 9,550.18 100 -42- 421 - 10085 -7204 FAC ADMIN - SPECIAL EQUIP.TRAINI 12,650.00 12,650.00 32,650.00 20,000.00 33,313.70 32,478.60 100 -42 -421- 10085 -7520 FAC ADMIN - OTHER CAP (NON TCA) 26,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 236,265.49 272,862.49 100 -42- 421 - 10128 -7005 NDRC -WAGES FIT 233,911.00 238,289.00 285,767.00 47,478.00 110,026.21 105,997.62 100 - 42-421 -10128 -7007 NDRC - WAGES PERM. P/T 100,667.00 103,070.00 107,500.00 4,430.00 19,689.33 20,799.35 100 -42 -421- 10128 -7008 NDRC - WAGES TEMP. P/T 19,599.00 20,791.00 20,791.00 0.00 37,561.43 .42,994.09 100 -42- 421 -10128 -7009 NDRC - WAGES P/T MTNCE 42,073.00 43,073.00 43,000.00 (73.00) 7,753.14 8,547.76 100 -42 -421- 10128 -7050 NDRC - EHT 7,636.00 7,809.00 8,816.00 1,007.00 22,125.60 23,860.23 100 -42- 421 - 10128 -7051 NDRC - OMERS 21,809.00 22,235.00 27,269.00 5,034.00 11,440.50 12,161.25 100 -42 -421- 10128 -7052 NDRC - CPP 10,560.00 10,856.00 12,449.00 1,593.00 9,405.12 9,869.38 100 -42 -421- 10128 -7053 NDRC - El 8,717.00 9,199.00 10,158.00 959.00 30,737.33 30,954.16 100-42-421-10128-7054 NDRC - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 29,990.00 31,035.00 36,195.00 5,160.00 9,067.62 9,372.65 100 -42- 421 - 10128 -7058 NDRC - WSIB 8,576.00 8,970.00 13,021.00 4,051.00 15,773.96 15,653.04 100 - 42-421 -10128 -7104 NDRC - CLEAN SUPPLIES 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 19,693.35 18,321.10 100-42 -421- 10128 -7112 NDRC - MISC OP EXP 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 62,972.13 66,060.18 100 -42- 421 - 10128 -7125 NDRC - HEAT 71,500.00 63,500.00 64,500.00 1,000.00 192,898.25 196,369.61 100 -42 -421- 10128 -7129 NDRC - HYDRO 189,000.00 197,600.00 194,800.00 (2,800.00) 26,005.59 29,879.86 100 -42- 421 - 10128 -7130 NDRC - WATER/SEWER 23,800.00 26,300.00 29,800.00 3,500.00 9,851.26 10,945.58 100 -42 -421- 10128 -7132 NDRC - PHONEIFAX 9,500.00 9,500.00 9;500.00 0.00 13,543.96 12,586.32 100 -42- 421 - 10128 -7140 NDRC - SNOW REMOVAL 16,200.00 16,200.00 16,200.00 0.00 2,405.45 2,573.61 100 -42 -421- 10128 -7165 NDRC - WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,858.59 2,332.71 100 -42 -421- 10128 -7171 NDRC - R/M VEHICLES 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 28,312.48 34,417.32 100 -42 -421- 10128 -7172 NDRC - R /M- BUILDING 22,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 0.00 27,737.12 34,214.60 100 -42- 421 - 10128 -7173 NDRC - R/M OTHER EQUIP 25,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 2,842.22 3,299.23 100 -42- 421 -10128 -7176 NDRC - R/M FIRE EQUIP 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,205,000.00 1,261,000.00 100 -42- 421 -10128 -7304 NDRC - DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 1,205,000.00 1,261,000.00 1,320,000.00 59,000.00 557,565.32 501,973.22 100 -42- 421- 10128 -7305 NDRC - DEBT PYMT INTEREST 557,565.00 501,973.00 443,604.00 (58,369.00) 11,982.11 0.00 100 -42 -421- 10128 -7540 NDRC- IMPROVEMENTS 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45,656.58 39,154.00 100 -42- 421- 10129 -7001 CCC - SALARY F/T 43,982.00 48,728.00 49,576.00 848.00 1—' O H I-� N Municipality igton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOl.� . PAPERS Clarington:FACILITIES 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $257,059.80 $250,521.09 100 -42- 421 -10129 -7005 CCC- WAGES F/T $257,907.00 $275,222.00 $281,760.00 $6,538.00 107,122.07 108,077.59 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -7007 CCC - WAGES PERM. P/T 108,332.00 111,000.00 113,800.00 2,800.00 11,771.86 13,058.18 100 -42- 421 -10129 -7008 CCC - WAGES TEMP. P/T 11,523.00 12,224.00 12,224.00 0.00 60,369.88 61,082.69 100 -42 -421- 10129 -7009 CCC - WAGES PIT MTNCE 58,491.00 60,491.00 60,491.00 0.00 1,510.67 1,056.80 100 -42- 421 -10129 -7010 GCC - WAGES P/T PRGM 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 9,446.68 10,641.73 100 -42 -421- 10129 -7050 CCC - EHT 9,304.00 9,827.00 10,023.00 196.00 28,054.45 31,639.31 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -7051 CCC - OMERS 27,653.00 30,119.00 30,836.00 717.00 14,142.46 15,266.25 100 -42 -421- 10129 -7052 CCC - CPP 13,054.00 13,854.00 14,173.00 319.00 11,120.67 11,718.80 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -7053 CCC - El 10,307.00 10,975.00 11,365.00 390.00 39,495.26 40,476.27 100-42-421-10129-7054 CCC - LTD/LIFE/HLTH 38,639.00 40,582.00 41,725.00 1,143.00 11,047.98 11,794.69 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -7058 CCC - WSIB 10,449.00 11•,288.00 14,804.00 3,516.00 22,936.56 21,481.35 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -7104 CCC - CLEAN SUPPLIES 26,000.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 0.00 561.44 560.32 100 -42- 421 -10129 -7108 CCC - BANQUET SUPPLIES 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 17,730.44 14,736.95 100-42 -421- 10129 -7112 CCC - MISC OP EXP 15,500.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 _ 0.00 16,171.97 19,703.51 100 -42 -421- 10129 -7125 CCC - HEAT 30,800.00 27,100.00 19,400.00 (7,700.00) 144,668.86 158,846.41 100 -42 -421- 10129 -7129 CCC - HYDRO 135,400.00 139,200.00 127,400.00 (11,800.00) 27,598.62 28,346.90 100 -42 -421- 10129 -7130 CCC - WATER /SEWER 34,500.00 34,800.00 34,000.00 (800.00) 9,080.72 9,532.63 100 -42 -421- 10129 -7132 CCC - PHONE /FAX 9,700.00 9,700.00 9,700.00 0.00 12,459.90 13,076.76 100 -42 -421- 10129 -7140 CCC - SNOW REMOVAL 14,100.00 14,100.00 14,100.00 0.00 4,189.64 4,554.91 100-42 -421- 10129 -7165 CCC - WASTE DISPOSAL 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 0.00 0.00 914.75 100 -42 -421- 10129 -7171 CCC - R/M- VEHICLES 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 34,142.18 34,906.73 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -7172 CCC - R/M- BUILDING 36,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 39,303.90 49,739.21 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -7173 CCC - R/M OTHER EQUIP 40,000.00 43,000.00 43,000.00 0.00 2,086.92 3,721.16 100 -42 -421- 10129 -7176 CCC - R/M FIRE EQUIP 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 23,900.20 0.00 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -7508 CCC - FITNESS EQUIPMENT 37,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,093.34 0.00 100 -42- 421 - 10129 -7540 CCC - IMPROVEMENTS 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49,009.37 0.00 100 - 42-421 -10130 -7001 SCA - SALARYF/T 49 .'711.00 0.00 51,466.00 51,466.00 312,073.82 313,341.24 100 -42- 421 -10130 -7005 SCA- WAGES F/T 300,336.00 305,920.00 333,424.00 27,504.00 58,529.77 57,224.45 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7007 SCA - WAGES PERM P/T 55,415.00 62,700.00 29,300.00 (33,400.00) 27,326.38 28,319.12 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7008 SCA - WAGES TEMP P/T 17,285.00 28,230.00 28,230.00 0.00 79,237.32 76,213.15 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -7009 SCA- WAGES PIT MTNCE 68,548.00 70,354.00 70,354.00 0.00 9,671.11 10,154.72 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7050 SCA - EHT 9,525.00 9,042.00 9,956.00 914.00 32,745.55 32,032.81 100-42 -421- 10130 -7051 SCA - OMERS 32,277.00 28,348.00 36,062.00 7,714.00 19,654.71 19,875.07 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -7052 SCA - CPP 18,142.00 16,753.00 18,817.00 2,064.00 11,205.91 11,273.68 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7053 SCA - El 10,386.00 9,992.00 11,187.00 1,195.00 47,032.68 38,912.36 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7054 SCA- LTD /LIFE/HLTH 46,013.00 39,014.00 49,680.00 10,666.00 11,311.28 10,853.25 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7058 SCA - WSIB 10,698.00. 10,387.00 14,704.00 4,317.00 13,229.72 14,175.14 100-42 -421- 10130 -7104 SCA -CLEAN SUPPLIES 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 67,309.85 62,429.18 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -7125 SCA - HEAT 69,200.00 65,300.00 71,100.00 5,800.00 H I-� N 2013 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE (continued): $262,745.75 29,519.96 9,261.47 13,823.01 4,189.64 18, 066.76 49,576.19 48, 572.32 5,689.40 985,000.00 86,333.18 77,662.48 80,753.77 30,538.54 26,123.33 2,301.76 6,290.00 3,945.68 2,690.85 6,405.88 2,690.88 4,179.40 15,654.93 75,286.60 1,705.21 12,805.35 1,600.40 3,797.58 16,916.36 17,647.73 2,184.92 9,445.30 52,073.86 342,454.54 19,983.97 28,538.35 79,433.66 3,905.48 9,827.45 01/29/15 2015 BUDGET INCREASE $257,000.00 Municipalit. 'larington 39,900.00 8,500.00 10,000.00 BUDGET WOi....i NG PAPERS 14,400.00 0.00 5,500.00 Clarington.FACILMES 11, 000.00 0.00 43, 000.00 2015 DRAFT 46,000.00 0.00 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 54,351.00 (17,137.00) 0.00 0.00 $272,568.12 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -7129 SCA -HYDRO $238,400.00 $243,000.00 35,218.06 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7130 SCA- WATER /SEWER 30,500.00 31,400.00 11,017.35 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -7132 SCA - PHONE/FAX 9,600.00 10,000.00 18,718.99 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7140 SCA - SNOW REMOVAL 14,400.00 14,400.00 4,684.81 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -7165 SCA- WASTE DISPOSAL 6,000.00 5,500.00 10,107.98 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7171 SCA - R/M- VEHICLES 10,000.00 11,000.00 47,226.68 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7172 SCA - R /M- BUILDING 40,000.00 42,000.00 50,213.01 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7173 SCA - R/M OTHER EQUIP 42,000.00 46,000.00 4,637.13 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -7176 SCA - R/M FIRE EQUIP 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,003,000.00 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7304 SCA- DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 985,000.00 1,003,000.00 71,487.80 100 -42 -421- 10130 -7305 SCA - DEBT PYMT INTEREST 86,333.00 71,488.00 0.00 100 -42- 421 - 10130 -7540 SCA - IMPROVEMENTS 77,000.00 0.00 82,512.71 100 -42- 421- 10131 -7005 DSC - WAGES FIT 68,477.00 69,914.00 28,387.57 100 - 42-421 -10131 -7008 DSC - WAGES TEMP PIT 26,189.00 29,120.00 22,542.32 100 -42- 421- 10131 -7009 DSC -WAGES P/T MTNCE 22,576.00 24,576.00 2,589.00 100 -42- 421 -10131 -7050 DSC - EHT 2,267.00 2,389.00 6,803.22 100 - 42-421 -10131 -7051 DSC - OMERS 6,200.00 6,349.00 4,296.13 100 -42- 421 - 10131 -7052 DSC - CPP 3,642.00 3,934.00 2,873.37 100 -42- 421 - 10131 -7053 DSC - El 2,494.00 2,731.00 6,531.94 100 -42 -421- 10131 -7054 DSC - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 6,267.00 6,549.00 2,867.16 100 - 42-421 -10131 -7058 DSC - WSIB 2,545.00 2,744.00 3,591.44 100 -42- 421 - 10131 -7104 DSC - CLEAN SUPPLIES 4,000.00 4,000.00 14,787.30 100 -42 -421- 10131 -7125 DSC - HEAT 13,800.00 14,800.00 88,492.38 100 -42 -421- 10131 -7129 DSC - HYDRO 61,500.00 77,700.00 2,340.06 100 -42- 421 - 10131 -7132 DSC - PHONE /FAX 2,000.00 2,000.00 13,179.59 100 -42 -421- 10131 -7140 DSC - SNOW REMOVAL 16,100.00 16,100.00 1,731.58 100 -42 -421- 10131 -7165 DSC - WASTE DISPOSAL 2,600.00 2,100.00 3,444.71' 100 -42 -421- 10131 -7171 DSC - R /M- VEHICLES 3,500.00 3,500.00 23,353.69 100 -42- 421 - 10131 -7172 DSC - R/M- BUILDING 14,000.00 16,000.00 22,133.13 100 - 42-421 -10131 -7173 DSC - R/M OTHER EQUIP 13,100.00 15,100.00 1,411.14 100-42 -421- 10131 -7176 DSC - R/M FIRE EQUIP 1,500.00 2,000.00 0.00 100 -42- 421 -10131 -7540 DSC - IMPROVEMENTS 11,000.00 0.00 51,877.12 100 -42 -421 -10132 -7001 RRC - SALARY FIT 49,711.00 50,705.00 331,850.69 100 -42 -421- 10132 -7005 RRC - WAGES F/T 334,737.00 340,917.00 31,263.88 100 -42 -421- 10132 -7007 RRC- WAGES PERM PIT 20,338.00 27,815.00 25,408.14 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7008 RRC - WAGES TEMP P/T 18,856.00 21,726.00 73,840.53 100 -42- 421 -10132 -7009 RRC - WAGES P/T MTNCE 70,200.00 72,500.00 3,819.72 100 -42 -421- 10132 -7010 RRC - WAGES PIT PRGM 4,000.00 3,500.00 10,942.74 100 - 42421- 10132 -7050 RRC - EHT 9,679.00 10,047.00 01/29/15 2015 BUDGET INCREASE $257,000.00 $14,000.00 39,900.00 8,500.00 10,000.00 0.00 14,400.00 0.00 5,500.00 -0.00 11, 000.00 0.00 43, 000.00 1,000.00 46,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 1, 021, 000.00 18, 000.00 54,351.00 (17,137.00) 0.00 0.00 70,853.00 939.00 29,120.00 0.00 24,576.00 0.00 2,407.00 18.00 6,401.00 52.00 4,009.00 75.00 2,802.00 71.00 6,736.00 187.00 3,555.00 811.00 4,500.00 500.00 15,500.00 700.00 82,600.00 4,900.00 2,400.00 400.00 16,100.00 0.00' 2,100.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.00 16,000.00 0.00 15,100.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (50,705.00) 330,217.00 (10,700.00) 71,900.00 44,085.00 21,726.00 0.00 72,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.00 9,676.00 (371.00) r-� t-� !v H W Municipality gton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA.� _, PAPERS _ Clari ngton: FACILITIES 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $36,928.42 $39,823.58 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7051 RRC - OMERS $36,400.00 $37,111.00 $30,903.00 ($6,208.00) 18,533.41 19,914.68 100 -42- 421- 10132 -7052 RRC - CPP 17,107.00 17,985.00 17,819.00 (166.00) 10,705.27 11,368.25 100-42 -421- 10132 -7053 RRC - El 9,922.00 10,739.00 10,859.00 120.00 48,116.20 48,617.01 100 -42 -421- 10132 -7054 RRC - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 47,073.00 48,744.00 40,614.00 (8,130.00) 11,492.08 12,060.07 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7058 RRC - WSIB 10,869.00 11,542.00 14,292.00 2,750.00 17,116.16 14,549.41 100 -42 -421- 10132 -7104 RRC - CLEAN SUPPLIES 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,500.00 500.00 3,442.76 1,914.25 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7108 RRC - BANQUET SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 44,662.58 38,589.08 100 -42- 421 -10132 -7125 RRC - HEAT 48,100.00 41,900.00 40,900.00 (1,000.00) 203,580.90 209,474.66 100 -42- 421 -10132 -7129 RRC - HYDRO 197,700.00 210,500.00 208,800.00 (1,700.00) 23,090.33. 25,207.31 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7130 RRC - WATER /SEWER 22,300.00 24,700.00 27,300.00 2,600.00 6,485.67 6,281.74 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7132 RRC - PHONE/FAX 7,000.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 0.00 22,476.63 25,085.11 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7140 RRC - SNOW REMOVAL 25,800.00 25,800.00 25,800.00 0.00 8,748.09 8,999.64 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7165 RRC - WASTE DISPOSAL 8,200.00 8,200.00 8,200.00 0.00 11,129.12 7,503.28 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7171 RRC - RIM VEHICLES 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 41,355.01 36,944.14 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7172 RRC - RIM BUILDING 31,000.00 36,000.00 38,000.00 2,000.00 59,386.15 54,014.62 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7173 RRC - RIM EQUIPMENT 51,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 3,928.20 4,166.84 100 -42 -421- 10132 -7176 RRC - RIM FIRE EQUIP 4,500.00 4,500:00 4,500.00 0.00 68,802.83 72,370.62 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7304 RRC - DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 68,803.00 72,371.00 76,123.00 3,752.00 36,615.81 32,962.13 100 -42- 421 - 10132 -7305 RRC - DEBT PYMT INTEREST 36,616.00 32,962.00 29,119.00 (3,843.00) 75,304.68 0.00 100 -42- 421- 10132 -7540 RRC - IMPROVEMENTS 70,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 107,533.62 109,906.03 100 -42 -421- 10133 -7005 CFC - WAGES FIT 113,649.00 114,653.00 113,043.00 (1,610.00) 82,233.60 42,752.59 100 -42- 421 - 10133 -7007 CFC - WAGES PERM. PIT 82,782.00 46,100.00 46,600.00 500.00 47,816.50 23,808.10 100 -42- 421 - 10133 -7008 CFC - WAGES TEMP. PIT 44,521.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 4,673.61 4,257.47 100 -42- 421 -10133 -7050 CFC - EHT 4,603.00 3,475.00 3,453.00 (22.00) 10,676.78 11,394.72 100 -42 -421- 10133 -7051 CFC - OMERS 10,524.00 10,564.00 10,454.00 (110.00) 7,930.36 7,024.49 100 -42 -421- 10133 -7052 CFC - CPP 7,320.00 4,905.00 4,795.00 (110.00) 5,906.12 5,376.21 100 -42 -421- 10133 -7053 CFC - El 5,474.00 4,138.00 4,121.00 (17.00) 15,228.27 15,282.08 100 -42- 421 - 10133 -7054 CFC - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 14,858.00 15,322.00 15,212.00 (110.00) 5,466.38 4,171.19 100 -42 -421- 10133 -7058 CFC - WSIB 5,170.00 3,992.00 5,100.00 1,108.00 4,603.73 . 1,708.85 100 -42 -421- 10133 -7104 CFC - CLEAN SUPPLIES 5,000.00 2,500.00 3,700.00 1,200.00 9,370.04 3,231.43 100 -42- 421 - 10133 -7112 CFC - MISC OP EXP 8,200.00 4,100.00 .6,200.00 2,100.00 37,326.69 35,303.77 100 -42- 421 - 10133 -7125 CFC - HEAT 40,200.00 25,000.00 34,300.00 9,300.00 51,789.36 39,015.05 100 -42- 421 - 10133 -7129 CFC - HYDRO 49,000.00 36,000.00 51,500.00 15,500.00 13,778.25 9,246.35 100 -42 -421- 10133 -7130 CFC - WATER & SEWER 11,600.00 9,800.00 13,000.00 3,200.00 1,683.05 1,839.95 100 -42- 421 -10133 -7132 CFC - PHONE/FAX 2,400.00 1,800.00 2,000.00 200.00 1,680.43 1,819.74 100 -42- 421 - 10133 -7140 CFC - SNOW REMOVAL 1,800.00 900.00 1,200.00 300.00 1,663.75 723.16 100 -42- 421- 10133 -7165 CFC - WASTE DISPOSAL 2,000.00 800.00 1,500.00 700.00 30,632.48 7,117.31 100 -42- 421 -10133 -7172 CFC - RIM BUILDING 18,300.00 7,500.00 13,300.00 5,800.00 18,741.84 7,756.40 100 -42- 421 - 10133 -7173 CFC - RIM OTHER EQUIP 20,000.00 7,500.00 11,000.00 3,500.00 H W 2013 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE (continued): $1,982.41 29,132.56 50, 098.23 1,423.52 2,616.43 2,781.04 1,873.05 3,954.73 1,665.28 3,068.93 15,434.65 26,461.54' 11,343.45 2,475.14 11,465.60 2,258.60 10,205.56 6,072.92 1,052.30 232,000.00 97,693.19 19,309.69 Municipality 'arington BUDGET WOA_ , dG PAPERS Ciarington:FACILMES 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE $883.46 100 -42- 421 - 10133 -7176 CFC - RIM FIRE EQUIP $2,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,000.00 ($200.00) 48,169.87 100 -42 -421- 10134 -7005 BIS- WAGES FT 28,656.00 50,431.00 51,125.00 694.00 51,218.64 100 -42 -421- 10134 -7008 BIS - WAGES TEMP PT 44,993.00 47,892.00 47,892.00 0.00 1,894.27 100 -42 -421- 10134 -7050 BIS - EHT 1,402.00 1,881.00 1, 895.00 14.00 4,195.30 100 -42- 421 -10134 -7051 BIS - OMERS 2,579.00 4,539.00 4,601.00 62.00 3,527.52 100 -42- 421 - 10134 -7052 BIS - CPP 2,567.00 3,704.00 3,738.00 34.00 2,265.29 10042 -421- 10134 -7053 BIS - El 1,736.00 2,430.00 2,448.00 18.00 7,366.77 100 -42 -421- 10134 -7054 BIS - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 3,869.00 7,386.00 7,569.00 183.00 2,258.00 100 -42 -421- 10134 -7058 BIS - WSIB 1,575.00 2,161.00 2,799.00 638.00 2,554.67 100 - 42-421 -10134 -7104 BIS - CLEANING SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 15,754.28 100 -42- 421 - 10134 -7125 BIS - HEAT 17,100.00 14,800.00 15, 900.00 1,100.00 29,429.89 100-42 -421- 10134 -7129 BIS - HYDRO 25,000.00 30,200.00 31,600.00 1,400.00 8,124.59 100 -42- 421 - 10134 -7130 BIS - WATER/SEWER 11,500.00 10,900.00 12,300.00 1,400.00 2,204.40 100 -42 -421- 10134 -7132 BIS - PHONE/FAX 2,000.00 2,400.00 2,500.00 100.00 11,501.69 100 -42- 421 - 10134 -7140 BIS - SNOW REMOVAL 10,900.00 10,900.00 10,900.00 0.00 2,39145 100 -42- 421 - 10134 -7165 BIS -WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 15,710.19 100 -42- 421 - 10134 -7172 BIS - RIM BLDG 12,200.00 14,000.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 10,912.06 100 -42- 421 -10134 -7173 BIS - RIM EQUIPMENT 10,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 990.42 100 -42- 421 - 10134 -7176 BIS - RIM FIRE EQUIP. 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 244,000.00 100 - 42-421 -10134 -7304 BIS - DEBT - PRINCIPAL 232,000.00 167,000.00 128,000.00 (39,000.00) 65,749.87 100 -42 -421- 10134 -7305 BIS - DEBT - INTEREST 97,693.00 42,363.00 33,171.00 (9,192.00) 0.00. 100-42-421-10134-7540 BIS - IMPROVEMENTS 21,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,291,497.29 9,023,206.76 6,990,035.58 6,729,423.32 r Total'EXPENDITURE NET LEVY 9,034,269.00 8,792,639.00 8,902,174.00 109,535.00 6,626,199.00 6,496,952.00 6,620,909.00 123,957.00 r—� N Municipality gton 01129/15 BUDGET WOA :`, _ PAPERS ClaHngton:PROSHOP 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE Ul REVENUE: (4,813.70) (4,176.97) 100-42-422-10128-6575 NEW REC FAC- MERCHANDISE SALES (5,200.00) (5,300.00) (5,300.00) 0.00 (2,689.74) (2,218.51) 100-42-422-10129-6575 CCC - MERCHANDISE SALES (3,700.00) (3,700.00) (3,700.00) 0.00 (2,277.21) (1,260.12) 100-42-422-10133-6575 CFC - MERCHANDISE SALES (1,400.00) (800.00) (1,700.00) (900.00) (9,780.65) (7,655.60) Total REVENUE (10,300.00) (9,800.00) (10,700.00) (900.00) EXPENDITURE: 2,953.95 1,390.94 100-42 -422- 10128 -7109 NDRC - PROSHOP SUPPLIES 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 0.00 1,675.04 877.69 100 -42- 422 -10129 -7109 CCC - PROSHOP SUPPLIES 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 0.00 745.49 649.91 100 -42- 422- 10133 -7109 CFC - PROSHOP SUPPLIES 700.00 400.00 900.00 500.00 5,374.48 2,918.54 Total EXPENDITURE 4,900.00 4,600.00 5,100.00 500.00 (4,406.17) (4,737.06) NET LEVY (5,400.00) (5,200.00) (5,600.00) (400.00) Ul Municipalitk 'larington B°'UDGET WO,. .lNir PAPERS Clarington:CONCESSIONS 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (9,257.20) (8,862.08) 100 -42- 423 -10128 -6512 NDRC - VENDING COMMISSIONS (8,000.00) (9,200.00) (9,200.00) 0.00 (13,269.57) (12,991.11) 100 -42 -423- 10129 -6512 CCC -VENDING COMMISSIONS (10,000.00) (13,500.00) (13,500.00) 0.00 (21,586.60) (26,153.58) 100 -42 -423- 10130 -6512 SCA - VENDING COMMISSIONS (25,000.00) (28,000.00) (28,000.00) 0.00 (142,257.53) (142,357.47) 100 -42- 423 - 10130 -6513 SCA- CANTEEN SALES (160,000.00) (160,000.00) (160,000.00) 0.00 (5,397.01) (4,909.70) 100-42-423-10131-6512 DSC - VENDING COMMISSIONS (6,500.00) (5,000.00) (6,000.00) (1,000.00) (18,020.74) (16,604.44) 100-42-423-10131-6513 DSC,- CANTEEN SALES (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (20,000.00) 5,000.00 (22,174.44) (21,515.87) 100-42-423-10132-6512 RRC -VENDING COMMISSIONS (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) 0.00 (142,117.11) (140,104.95) 100-42-423-10132-6513 RRC - CANTEEN SALES (170,000.00) (170,000.00) (150,000.00) 20,000.00 (11,872.37) (9,099.13) 100-42-423-10133-6512 CFC -VENDING COMMISSIONS (8,000.00) (5,000.00) (14,000.00) (9,000.00) (5,519.86) (4,504.89) 100 -42- 423 - 10134 -6512 BIS -VENDING COMMISSIONS (3,500.00) (6,000.00) (6,000.00) 0.00 (12,609.52) (8,169.81) 100 -42 -423- 10142 -6573 CATERING OPER - CATERING REV (16,000.00) (16,000.00) 0.00 16,000.00 (404,081.95) (395,273.03) Total REVENUE (457,000.00) (462,700.00) (431,700.00) 31,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 2,826.62 5,017.79 100 -42 -423- 10128 -7196 NDRC CONC - FOOD /BEVERAGE 2,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 4,255.13 6,411.55 100 -42 -423- 10129 -7196 CCC'CONC - FOOD /BEVERAGE 2,500.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 0.00 49,296.48 55,965.36 100 -42- 423 - 10130 -7011 SCA CONC - WAGES P/T CONC 46,304.00 50,230.00 61,330.00 11,100.00 916.87 1,051.17 100 - 42-423 -10130 -7050 SCA CONC - EHT 903.00 979.00 1,196.00 217.00 606.70 740.56 100 - 42-423 -10130 -7052 SCA CONC - CPP 560.00 754.00 1,303.00 549.00 1,279.63 1,378.12 100 -42- 423 - 10130 -7053 SCA CONC - El 1,186.00 1,322.00 1,614.00 292.00 1,072.14 1,175.49 100 - 42-423 -10130 -7058 SCA CONC - WSIB 1,014.00 1,125.00 1,766.00 641.00 96,282.91 102,988.37 100 -42- 423 -10130 -7196 SCA CONC - FOOD /BEVERAGE 91,000.00 90,000.00 85,000.00 (5,000.00) 11,792.11 10,466.43 100 -42- 423 - 10131 -7011 DSC CONC - WAGES P/T CONC 10,616.00 10,200.00 9,000.00 (1,200.00) 210.16 222.47 100 -42- 423 - 10131 -7050 DSC CONC - EHT 207.00 199.00 176.00 (23.00) 293.48 298.90 100 -42- 423 - 10131 -7053 DSC CONC - El 272.00 269.00 237.00 (32.00) 245.30 239.29 100 -42- 423 - 10131 -7058 DSC CONC - WSIB 232.00 229.00 259.00 30.00 11,656.86 14,316.05 100 -42- 423 - 10131 -7196 DSC CONC - FOOD /BEVERAGE 16,000.00 14,500.00 8,000.00 (6,500.00) 56,053.90 54,961.53 100 -42- 423 - 10132 -7011 RRC CONC - WAGES P/T CONC 48,528.00 52,000.00 63,100.00 11,100.00 960.51 1,092.79 100 -42- 423- 10132 -7050 RRC CONC- EHT 946.00 1,014.00 1,230.00 216.00 725.87 853.75 100 -42 -423- 10132 -7052 RRC CONC - CPP 670.00 842.00 1,391.00 549.00 1,341.11 1,436.02 100 -42- 423 - 10132 -7053 RRC CONC- El 1,243.00 1,369.00 1,661.00 292,00 1,123.94 1,217.31 100 -42- 423 - 10132 -7058 RRC CONC- WSIB 1,063.00 1,165.00 1,817.00 652.00 103,868.72 101,395.57 100 -42- 423 -10132 -7196 RRC CONC- FOOD /BEVERAGE 102,000.00 100,000.00 80,000.00 (20,000.00) 4,516.51 4,329.61 100 -42- 423 - 10133 -7196 CFC CONC - FOOD /BEVERAGE 1,500.00 2,000.00 6,300.00 4,300.00 1,348.77 3,195.51 100 -42- 423 -10134 -7196 BIS - FOOD & BEVERAGE 1,000.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 (1,000.00) 1,816.65 1,129.24 100 -42- 423 - 10142 -7011 CATERING OPER - WAGES PIT CONC 1,011.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 20.28 50.38 100 -42- 423 - 10142 -7050 CATERING OPER - EHT 20.00 59.00 0.00 (59.00) i� rn N V Municipality gton 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA-`_ _ PAPERS _. Clari ngton:CON CESSIONS 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $28.01 $55.28 100 -42 -423- 10142 -7053 CATERING OPER - El $26.00 $79.00 $0.00 ($79.00) 23.27 70.00 100 -42 -423- 10142 -7058 CATERING OPER - WSIB 22.00 67.00 0.00 (67.00) 5,843.52 3,698.93 100 -42 -423- 10142 -7196 CATERING OPER - FOOD /BEVERAGE 5,500.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 358,405.45 373,757.47 Total EXPENDITURE 336,823.00 348,802.00 336,780.00 (12,022.00) (45,676.50) (21,515.56) NET LEVY (120,177.00) (113,898.00) (94,920.00) 18,978.00 N V Municipality arington HUDGEP WOA_ -A IG PAPERS Clarington:AQUATIC PROGRAMS 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (3,877.41) (3,789.12) 100 -42- 424 -00000 -6570 SALE OF PUBLICATIONS- AQUATIC (3,800.00) (3,100.00) (3,800.00) (700.00) (5,338.79) (5,178.23) 100 -42- 424 -10127 -6490 ORONO POOL- ADMISSION /MEMBERS (5,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 (270,287.43) (306,844.07) 100 -42- 424 - 10128 -6420 NDRC -YOUTH AQUA PGMS REV. (215,000.00) (220,000.00) (295,000.00) (75,000.00) (35,024.01) (50,142.96) 100-42-424-10128-6422 NDRC -ADULT AQUAPGMSREV. (30,500.00) (37,500.00) (32,000.00) 5,500.00 (96,028.06) (96,934.46) 100 - 42-424 -10128 -6426 NDRC - SWIMMING REVENUE (100,000.00) (107,400.00) (100,000.00) 7,400.00 (235,731.13) (228,744.43) 100 -42- 424 - 10129 -6420 CCC -YOUTH AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (195,000.00) (198,000.00) (220,000.00) (22,000.00) (35,346.07) (49,270.49) 100 -42 -424- 10129 -6422 CCC -ADULT AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (35,000.00) (38,000.00) (35,000.00) 3,000.00 (60,274.79) (62,697.58) 100-42 -424- 10129 -6426 CCC- SWIMMING REV. (50,000.00) (62,400.00) (60,000.00) 2,400.00 (19,470.94) (9,941.73) 100-42-424-10133-6420 CFC -YOUTH AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (14,200.00) (10,800.00) (14,400.00) (3,600.00) (54,391.06) (18,365.20) 100 -42 -424- 10133 -6422 CFC -ADULT AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (47,000.00) (15,800.00) (44,800.00) (29,000.00) (25,650.67) (13,985.77) 100 -42- 424 - 10133 -6426 CFC- SWIMMING REVENUE (22,000.00) (8,000.00) (25,000.00) (17,000.00) (841,420.36) (845,894.04) Total REVENUE (717,500.00) (706,000.00) (835,000.00) (129,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 1,794.24 2,115.66 100 -42- 424 -10127 -7009 ORONO POOL - WAGES PIT MTNCE 2,309.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 0.00 20,174.67 19,006.35 100 -42 -424- 10127 -7018 ORONO POOL- WAGES PIT GUARDIN 20,600.00 21,000.00 21,800.00 800.00 453.87 499.54 100 -42 -424- 10127 -7050 ORONO POOL - EHT 447.00 456.00 472.00 16.00 633.33 662.89 100 - 42-424 -10127 -7053 ORONO POOL - El 587.00 616.00 637.00 21.00 530.77 547.51 100 -42- 424 -10127 -7058 ORONO POOL- WSIB 502.00 524.00 697.00 173.00 252.12 271.17 100 -42 -424- 10127 -7110 ORONO POOL - PRGM SUPP 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 1,432.88 1,136.74 100 -42- 424 - 10127 -7112 ORONO POOL- MISC OP EXP 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00 3,703.32 6,356.31 100 -42- 424 - 10127 -7125 ORONO POOL- HEAT 5,500.00 5,000.00 5,300.00 300.00 2,056.69 2,001.96 100 -42- 424 -10127 -7129 ORONO POOL- HYDRO 2,100.00 2,300.00 2,400.00 100.00 1,892.66 1,705.47 100-42 -424- 10127 -7130 ORONO POOL- WATER /SEWER 2,500.00 2,200.00 2,300.00 100.00 720.59 1,018.64 100 -42- 424 -10127 -7132 ORONO POOL- PHONE/FAX 450.00 450.00 750.00 300.00 3,501.63 1,019.51 100 -42- 424-10127 -7172 ORONO POOL- R/M- BUILDING 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,538.71 901.15 100 -42- 424- 10127 -7173 ORONO POOL- RIM OTHER EQUIP 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 0.00 83,878.55 102,400.65 100 -42- 424 -10128 -7017 NDRC - WAGES PIT INSTRUCTIONAL 87,000.00 96,000.00 115,500.00 19,500.00 148,840.02 156,693.72 100 -42- 424 -10128 -7018 NDRC -WAGES PIT GUARDING 170,000.00 176,000.00 175,200.00 (800.00) 5,088.86 5,740.09 100-42-424-10128-7050 NDRC - EHT 5,012.00 5,304.00 5,669.00 365.00 7,104.80 7,560.75 100-42-424-10128-7053 NDRC - El 6,585.00 7,159.00 7,651.00 492.00 5,950.64 6,366.50 100 -42- 424 -10128- 7058NDRC -WSIB 5,628.00 6,093.00 8,372.00 2,279.00 10,160.37 9,240.63 100 -42- 424 - 10128 -7110 NDRC - PRGM SUPPLIES 10,400.00 12,300.00 12,000.00 (300.00) 3,194.68 2,943.63 100 -42- 424- 10128 -7507 NDRC - PRGM EQUIP 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 .0.00 77,578.76 81,539.70 100 -42- 424 -10129 -7017 CCC - WAGES PIT INSTRUCTIONAL 84,400.00 82,300.00 95,200.00 12,900.00 128,916.53 124,517.67 100 -42 -424- 10129 -7018 CCC - WAGES PIT GUARDING 143,900.00 139,200.00 136,500.00 (2,700.00) 4,520.30 4,813.71 100 -42- 424 -10129 -7050 CCC - EHT 4,452.00 4,319.00 4,518.00 199.00 r-� 1-� cc 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET Municipality gton INCREASE BUDGET WOk_— . PAPERS $2,307.00 Clarington:AQUATIC PROGRAMS $2,426.00 $70.00 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description EXPENDITURE (continued): 3,727.00 5,195.00 $2,499.37 $2,648.41 100 -42- 424 - 10129 -7052 CCC - CPP 3,601.54 3,724.87 100 -42- 424 - 10129 -7053 CCC - EI 3,846.54 3,894.29 100 -42- 424 - 10129 -7058 CCC - WSIB 10,140.12 6,794.00 100 -42 -424- 10129 -7110 CCC - PRGM SUPP 2,685.46 2,747.54 100 -42 -424- 10129 -7507 CCC - AQUATIC PRGM EQUIP PURCH 21,650.20 9,079.27 100 -42- 424 -10133 -7017 CFC -WAGES P/T INSTRUCTIONAL 58,828.47 .30,016.49 100 -42- 424 - 10133 -7018 CFC - WAGES P/T GUARDING 1,754.51 1,235.42 100 -42- 424 -10133 -7050 CFC - EHT ' 2,449.17 1,914.14 100 -42- 424 -10133 -7053 CFC - El 2,051.21 966.50 100 -42- 424 - 10133 -7058 CFC - WSIB 11,689.90 4,413.89 100 -42- 424 - 10133 -7110 CFC - PRGM SUPPLIES 934.03 1,485.71 100 -42 -424- 10133 -7507 CFC - AQUATIC PRGM EQUIP PURCH 636,049.51 607,980.48 Total EXPENDITURE (205,370.8D (237,913.56) NET LEVY 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE $2,307.00 $2,356.00 $2,426.00 $70.00 3,338.00 3,414.00 3,819.00 405.00 3,638.00 3,727.00 5,195.00 1,468.00 11,100.00 11,100.00 10,600.00 (500.00) 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 24,100.00 9,600.00 21,900.00 12,300.00 64,500.00 31,700.00 53,800.00 22,100.00 1,728.00 805.00 1,476.00 671.00 2,270.00 1,087.00 1,992,00 905.00 1,940.00 925.00 2,180.00 1,255.00 13,700.00 3,800.00 13,400.00 9,600.00 1,700.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 694,843.00 646,285.00 728,304.00 82,019.00 (22,657.00) (59 715.00) (106,696.00) (46 981.00) r-� Municipality 'arington EUDGET LVDA.. . ✓,G PAPERS Clarington:MNESS PROGRAMS 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (27,829.19) (13,421.11) 100 -42- 425- 10128 -6430 NDRC- FITNESS PGMS- PROGRAM R (35,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (410,009.99) (435,178.74) 100-42 -425- 10129 -6435 CCC - MEMBERSHIPS - FITNESS REV. (375,000.00) (375,000.00) (400,000.00) (25,000.00) (69,557.25) (79,723.36) 100 -42- 425 - 10129 -6437 CCC - GROUP FITNESS REV. (70,000.00) (100,000.00) (102,000.00) (2,000.00) (1,125.00) (878.08) 100 -42- 425 -10129 -6440 CCC - LOCKER REVENUE- FITNESS (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (750.00) . 250.00 (10,821.10) (12,679.74) 100 -42 -425- 10129 -6447 CCC - PERSONAL TRAIN /ASSESS. RE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (12,000.00) 3,000.00 (22,240.62) (15,300.53) 100 -42 -425- 10129 -6492 CCC - DAILY FITNESS ADMISSIONS (24,500.00) (24,500.00) (15,000.00) 9,500.00 (541,583.15) (557,181.56) Total REVENUE (520,500.00) (515,500.00) (529,750.00) (14,250.00) EXPENDITURE: 26,384.96 0.00 100 -42- 425 - 10128 -7010 NDRC- FITNESS PGMS -WAGES P/T 26,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 524.92 0.00 100 -42 -425 -10128 -7050 NDRC- FITNESS PGMS - EHT 517.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 1,233.97 0.00 100 -42- 425 - 10128 -7052 NDRC- FITNESS PGMS - CPP 1,139.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 732.60 0.00 100 -42 -425- 10128 -7053 NDRC- FITNESS PGMS- El 679.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 613.25 0.00 100-42 -425- 10128 -7058 NDRC- FITNESS PGMS- WSIB 580.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 857.30 786.60 100 -42 -425- 10128 -7507 NDRC- FITNESS PGMS - EQUIP PURCH 2,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 79,747.96 101,679.53 100 -42- 425 - 10129 -7012 CCC - WAGES P/T FIT INSTRUCT 82,900.00 114,400.00 117,400.00 3,000.00 122,804.78 123,422.44 100 -42- 425 - 10129 -7013 CCC - WAGES P/T FIT TRAINERS 126,900.00 129,700.00 132,500.00 2,800.00 8,343.14 8,677.97 100 - 42-425 -10129 -7017 CCC - WAGES P/T INSTRUCTIONAL 9,400.00 10,300.00 10,500.00 200.00 4,339.58 5,407.71 100 -42- 425 - 10129 -7050 CCC- FITNESS PRGMS - EHT 4,274.00 4,961.00 5,078.00 117.00 6,933.62 8,868.66 100 -42- 425 -10129 -7052 CCC- FITNESS PRGMS- CPP 6,400.00 8,098.00 8,385.00 287.00 6,059.35 7,153.71 100 -42- 425 - 10129 -7053 CCC- FITNESS PRGMS - El 5,616.00 6,696.00 6,854.00 158.00 5,076.23 5,953.74 100 -42 -425- 10129 -7058 CCC- FITNESS PRGMS- WSIB 4,801.00 5,698.00 7,499.00 1,801.00 5,727.16 3,766.01 100 -42 -425- 10129 -7110 CCC - PRGM SUPP 4,500.00 -4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 9,383.10 10,075.30 100-42 -425- 10129 -7175 CCC - R/M MOVEABLE EQUIP 11,000.00 11,800.00 12,900.00 1,100.00 3,639.20 2,890.32 100 -42- 425 - 10129 -7507 CCC - EQUIP PURCH 4,400.00 6,600.00 6,600.00 0.00 282,401.12 278,681.99 Total EXPENDITURE 291,806.00 302,753.00 312,216.00 9,463.00 (259,182.03) (278,499.57) NET LEVY (228,694.00) (212,747.00) (217,534.00) (4,787.00) r-� ;v c� Municipality gton 01/29115 BUDGET WO,. . PAPERS _ Clarington:RECREATION PROGR 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE r-� REVENUE: (15,370.99) (23,461.47) 100-42-426-10130-6410 SCA- PUBLIC SKATING REV. (10,000.00) (11,000.00) (15,000.00) (4,000.00) (3,482.34) (2,898.17) 100 -42- 426- 10131 -6410 DSC - PUBLIC SKATING REVENUE (2,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (10,022.60) (13,965.04) 100-42-426-10132-6410 RRC - PUBLIC SKATING REV. (7,500.00) (6,000.00) (9,500.00) (3,500.00) (14,697.00) (13,230.00) 100 -42- 426- 10452 -6430 CCC PRE -TEEN DANCES REV -PRO (21,000.00) (18,500.00) (17,000.00) 1,500.00 (23,306.72) (30,584.46) 100 - 42-426 -10489 -6430 SPORT BALL - PROGRAM REG REVEN (23,000.00) (23,000.00) (27,000.00) (4,000.00) (30,738.00) (29,262.60) 100 -42- 426 - 10491 -6450 MARCH BREAK- CAMP REVENUE (24,800.00) (25,000.00) (30,000.00) (5,000.00) (230,271.96) (233,787.94) 100-42-426-10493-6450 SUMMER CAMP - CAMP REVENUE (200,000.00) (210,000.00) (230,000.00) (20,000.00) (54,223.39) (58,466.57) 100 -42- 426 - 10507 -6430 CHILDREN'S PRGM - PRGM REV. (62,700.00) (62,700.00) (57,000.00) 5,700.00 (16,915.23) (19,509.20) 100 -42- 426- 10508 -6430 YOUTH PROGRAM- PRGM REV. (19,900.00) (17,000.00) (18,000.00) (1,000.00) (7,660.26) (9,449.15) 100 -42- 426 - 10509 -6430 ADULT PRGM- PRGM REV. (9,900.00) (7,500.00) (7,500.00) 0.00 (406,688.49) (434,614.60) Total REVENUE (380,800.00) (383,700.00) (414,000.00) (30,300.00) EXPENDITURE: 16,486.90 20,353.99 100 -42 -426- 10085 -7010 REC PRGMS -WAGES P/T PRGM 17,500.00 20,400.00 23,700.00 3,300.00 346.22 417.51 100 -42- 426- 10085 -7050 REC PRGMS - EHT 341.00 398.00 462.00 64.00 483.37 539.43 100 -42 -426- 10085 -7053 REC PRGMS - El 448.00 537.00 624.00 87.00 404.95 477.50 100 - 42-426 -10085 -7058 REC PRGMS - WSIB 383.00 457.00 683.00 226.00 44,671.72 45,013.60 100 -42 -426- 10085 -7110 REC PRGMS - PRGM SUPPLIES 45,000.00 45,000.00 48,000.00 3,000.00 1,487.46 1,304.57 100 - 42-426 -10085 -7132 REC PRGMS - PHONE /FAX 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 997.54 0.00 100-42 -426- 10085 -7171 REC PRGMS - R/M VEHICLES 5,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 (4,000.00) 3,125.55 2,818.26 100 -42- 426- 10452 -7010 CCC PRE -TEEN DANCES -WAGES P/T 3,400.00 3,400.00 3,100.00 (300.00) 67.03 72.79 100 -42 -426- 10452 -7050 CCC PRE -TEEN DANCES- EHT 66.00 66.00 60.00 (6.00) 93.89 97.09 100 -42- 426- 10452 -7053 CCC PRE -TEEN DANCES- El 87.00 89.00 82.00 (7.00) 78.25 79.41 100 -42- 426 - 10452 -7058 CCC PRE -TEEN DANCES- WSIB 74.00 76.00 89.00 13.00 0.00 3,050.00 100 -42- 426- 10452 -7163 PRE -TEEN DANCE- CONTRACTED S 0.00 3,260.00 2,800.00 (460.00) 2,191.44 1,800.03 100 -42- 426- 10464 -7010. COMMUNITY PRGMS - WAGES P/T P 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 49.77 54.05 100 -42- 426- 10464 -7050 COMMUNITY PRGMS - EHT 49.00 49.00 49.00 0.00 69.04 71.69 100 -42 -426- 10464 -7053 COMMUNITY PRGMS - El 64.00 66.00 66.00 0.00 58.15 58.50 100 -42 -426- 10464 -7058 COMMUNITY PRGMS - WSIB 55.00 56.00 72.00 16.00 23,761.20 0.00 100 -42 -426- 10465 -7163 INTRODUCTORY PRGM- CONTRACT 18,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 362.12 0.00 100 =42- 426- 10465 -7230 INTRODUCTORY PRGM -BLDG RENT 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,721.12 5,342.99 100 -42 -426- 10476 -7010 MOBILE PLAYGROUND - WAGES P/T 7,200.00 7,400.00 7,400.00 0.00 142.13 157.30 100 -42 -426- 10476 -7050 MOBILE PLAYGROUND - EHT 140.00 144.00 144.00 0.00 198.50 208.71 100 -42 -426- 10476 -7053 MOBILE PLAYGROUND - El 184.00 195.00 195.00 0.00 167.06 173.43 100 -42 -426- 10476 -7058 MOBILE PLAYGROUND- WSIB 158.00 166.00 213.00 47.00 0.00 395.36 100 -42 -426- 10476 -7194 MOBILE PLAYGROUND - FUELJOIL 0.00 1,000.00 600.00 (400.00) 10,824.55 23,528.82 100 -42- 426- 10489 -7163 SPORT BALL - CONTRACT 17,600.00 17,600.00 20,250.00 2,650.00 r-� N I� Municipality arington 01/29/15 BUDGET W0A_ , ✓G PAP,-R.5' Clarington:RECREATION PROGR 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $18,375.84 $21,122.89 100 -42 -426- 10491 -7010 MARCH BREAK -WAGES P/T PRGM $15,000.00 $18,700.00 $22,000.00 $3,300.00 297.52 375.49 100 -42- 425 -10491 -7050 MARCH BREAK- EHT 293.00 365.00 429.00 64.00 616.45 744.86 100 -42- 426- 10491 -7052 MARCH BREAK - CPP 569.00 752.00 916.00 164.00 414.33 478.28 100 -42 -426- 10491 -7053 MARCH BREAK - El 384.00 492.00 579.00 87.00 346.80 437.81 100 -42- 426- 10491 -7058 MARCH BREAK- WSIB 328.00 419.00 634.00 215.00 164,550.78 176;365.91 100 -42- 426 - 10493 -7010 SUMMER CAMP -WAGES P/T PRGRM 168,600.00 181,500.00 200,000.00 18,500.00 3,338.45 3,808.81 100 -42- 426 -10493 -7050 SUMMER CAMP - EHT 3,286.00 3,539.00 3,900.00 361.00 2,499.37 2,648.41 100 -42- 426- 10493 -7052 SUMMER CAMP - CPP 2,307.00 2,356.00 2,426.00 70.00 1,268.82 1,334.99 100 -42 -426- 10493 -7053 SUMMER CAMP - El 1,176.00 1,248.00 1,313.00 65.00 1,891.56 1,968.57 100 -42 -426- 10493 -7058 SUMMER CAMP - WSIB 1,789.00 1,884.00 2,454.00 570.00 32,267.36 33,179.54 100 -42 -426- 10507 -7010 CHILDREN'S PRGM - WAGES P/T PR 36,200.00 34,000.00 33,000.00 (1,000.00) 716.80 747.44 100 -42- 426- 10507 -7050 CHILDREN'S PRGM - EHT 706.00 663.00 644.00 (19.00) 1,754.00 1,781.68 100 -42 -426- 10507 -7052 CHILDREN'S PRGM - CPP 1,619.00 1,510.00 1,460.00 (50.00) 1,000.21 1,007.84 100 -42- 426 -10507 -7053 CHILDREN'S PRGM - El 927.00 895.00 869.00 (26.00) 838.46 796.19 100 -42- 426 -10507 -7058 CHILDREN'S PRGM - WSIB 793.00 762.00 950.00 188.00 0.00 11,219.87 100 -42 -426- 10507 -7163 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS CONTRACT 0.00 14,640.00 13,400.00 (1,240.00) 0.00 746.87 100 -42 -426- 10507 -7230 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS BUILDING 0.00 2,250.00 2,000.00 (250.00) 11,911.56 11,664.02 100 -42 -426- 10508 -7010 YOUTH PRGM - WAGES P/T PRGM 12,800.00 11,000.00 11,500.00 500.00 253.87 250.32 100 -42- 426 - 10508 -7050 YOUTH PRGM- EHT 250.00 215.00 224.00 9.00 498.36 475.10 100 -42 -426- 10508 -7052 YOUTH PRGM - CPP 460.00 371.00 396.00 25.00 353.90 ' 343.21 100 -42 -426- 10508 -7053 YOUTH PRGM - El 328.00 290.00 303.00 13.00 296.06 257.03 100 -42 -426- 10508 -7058 YOUTH PRGM - WSIB 280.00 246.00 331.00 85.00 5,943.26 6,333.43 100 -42- 426 - 10509 -7010 ADULT PRGM- WAGES P/T PRGM 7,000.00 6,800.00 6,600.00 (200.00) 139.08 148.19 100 -42 -426 -10509 -7050 ADULT PRGM- EHT 137.00 133.00 129.00 (4.00) 187.42 191.26 100 -42- 426- 10509 -7052 ADULT PRGM- CPP 173.00 163.00 153.00 (10.00) 193.16 197.73 100 -42 -426- 10509 -7053 ADULT PRGM- El 179.00 179.00 174.00 (5.00) 161.77 158.83 100 -42 -426- 10509 -7058 ADULT PRGM- WSIB 153.00 152.00 190.00 38.00 362,903.15 384,799.60 Total EXPENDITURE 376,538.00 393,883.00 421,563.00 27,680.00 (43,785.34) (49,815.00) NET LEVY (4,262.00) 10,183.00 7,563.00 (2,620.00) N I� Municipality igton 01/29/15 EUDGET WOA :- . PAPERS _ Clarington:COMMUNITY DEV 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (20,500.00) (20,500.00) REVENUE: (17,464.12) (15,736.30) 100-42-427-10138-6400 SPORTS HALL/FAME- MISC. REV. (738.50) (1,030.95) 100 -42- 427 - 10139 -6430 COMMUNITY DEV - PROGRAM REG R 0.00 0.00 100 -42 -427- 10140 -6400 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT- MISC. REV. 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 427 - 33025 -6400 COMMUNITY DEV -EVENT MAYOR'S 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 427 - 33030 -6400 COMMUNITY DEV -EVENT MAYOR'SLO (18,202.62) (16,767.25) Total REVENUE 500.00 500.00 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 362.46 278.23 100 -42- 427- 10138 -7010 SPORTS HALL/FAME -P/T WAGES 5.67 9.25 100 -42- 427 -10138 -7050 SPORTS HALL/FAME - EHT 3.90 14.30 100 -42 -427- 10138 -7053 SPORTS HALL/FAME- El 8.23 -7.33 100 -42- 427 - 10138 -7058 SPORTS HALL/FAME - WSIB 29,579.51 26,816.24 100 -42- 427 - 10138 -7112 SPORTS HALL/FAME - MISC. OPER 493.54 480.68 100 -42- 427 - 10139 -7010 COMMUNITY DEV - PIT WAGES 4.38 11.02 100 -42- 427 - 10139 -7050 COMMUNITY DEV - EHT 2.98 14.38 100 -42 -427- 10139 -7053 COMMUNITY DEV - El 6.47 11.50 100 - 42-427 -10139 -7058 COMMUNITY DEV - WSIB 3,700.20 5,366.20 100 -42 -427- 10139 -7112 COMMUNITY DEV - MISC OPER 0.00 0.00 100 -42 -427- 10139 -7192 COMMUNITY DEV - SPECIAL EVENTS 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 427 -10139 -7210 COMMUNITY DEV - EVENT MAYOR'S 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 427 - 10139 -7214 COMMUNITY DEV - EVENT MAYOR'S 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 427 -10140 -7010 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT - PIT WAGES 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 427 - 10140 -7050 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT - EHT 0.00 0.00 100 -42 -427- 10140 -7053 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT - El 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 427 - 10140 -7058 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT - WSIB 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 427 - 10140 -7110 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT - PRGM SUPPL 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 427 - 10140 -7163 NEW YR'S EVE EVENT - CONTRACT 34,167.34 33,009.13 Total EXPENDITURE 15,964.72 16,241.88 NET LEVY (20,500.00) (20,500.00) (20,500.00) 0.00 (2,400.00) (2,400.00) (2,800.00) (400.00) 0.00 0.00 (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (72,000.00) (72,000.00) 650.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 13.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 17.00 8.00 8.00 0.00 14.00 7.00 9.00 2.00 30,000.00 32,757.00 33,100.00 343.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 0.00 11.00 11.00 14.00 3.00 4,200.00 5,800.00 5,950.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 72,000.00 72,000.00 0.00 0.00 62,000.00 62,000.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 11.00 11.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 2,500'.00 2,500.00 35,428.00 39,412.00 183,339.00 143,927.00 12,528.00 16,512.00 24,039.00 7,527.00 !V W Municipality 'arington BUDGET WOA. 16 PAPERS Clarington:COMMUNITY GRANTS 2015 DRAFT 01/29115 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 2,500.00 3,000.00 100 -42 -473- 20018 -7600 OPER GRANT- KENDAL COMMUNITY 2,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 473 - 20019 -7600 OPER GRANT- COURTICE HORTICU 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 500.00 500.00 100 -42 -473- 20020 -7600 OPER GRANT- BOW HORTICULTURA 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 500.00 500.00 100 -42- 473 - 20022 -7600 OPER GRANT- NEWC HORTICULTUR 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 500.00 500.00 100 -42- 473 - 20024 -7600 OPER GRANT - ORONO HORTICULTUR 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 1,500.00 1,500.00 100 -42 -473- 20038 -7600 OPER GRANT -NEWC VILLAGE HIST S 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 500.00 500.00 100 -42- 473 - 20040 -7600 OPER GRANT - ECOLOGY GARDEN /B 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 2,500.00 3,000.00 100 -42- 473 - 20044 -7600 OPER GRANT- NEWTONVILLE COMM 2,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 2,500.00 3,000.00 100 -42- 473 - 20046 -7600 OPER GRANT- ORONO TOWN HALL 2,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 2,500.00 3,000.00 100 -42 -473- 20048 -7600 OPER GRANT- HAMPTON HALL BOAR 2,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 2,500.00 3,000.00 100 -42- 473 - 20050 -7600 OPER GRANT - SOLINA COMM HALL BD 2,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 2,500.00 3,000.00 100 -42 -473- 20052 -7600 OPER GRANT - TYRONE HALL BD 2,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 2,500.00 3,000.00 100 -42 -473- 20054 -7600 OPER GRANT - BROWNSDALE COMM 2,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 0.00 1,500.00 100 -42- 473 - 20072 -7600 OPER GRANT -BOWM FIGURE SKATIN 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 1,500.00 0.00 100 -42 -473- 20074 -7600 OPER GRANT- NEWC VILL FIGURE S 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 100 -42- 473 - 20080 -7600 OPER GRANT - COURTICE PARKS BAS 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 100 -42- 473 - 20096 -7600 OPER GRANT -BIG BROTHER &SISTER 2,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 2,500.00 3,000.00 100-42-473-20107-7600 OPER. GRANT - ARCHITECTURALCO 2,500.00 3,000.00 0.00 (3,000.00) 0.00 1,000.00 100 -42 -473- 20118 -7600 OPER. GRANTS- DISTRESS CTR. D 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 2,000.00 0.00 100 -42- 473 - 20135 -7600 OPER GRANT - CLARINGTON PROJECT 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 100 -42 -473- 20192 -7600 OPER GRANT - NEWCASTLE ART SHO 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 2,000.00 2,000.00 100 -42 -473- 20203 -7600 OPER GRANT - LEARNING DISABILIT 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 1,000.00 0.00 100 -42 -473- 20213 -7600 OPER GRANT - BOWMANVILLE NEW 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 100 -42 -473- 20215 -7600 OPER GRANT - DRIFTWOOD THEATE 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 750.00 0.00 100 -42 -473- 20217 -7600 OPER GRANT -MUSIC NIGHT IN THE 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 750.00 100 -42 -473- 20221 -7600 OPER GRANT - NEWCASTLE VILLAGE 750.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 750.00 750.00 100 -42 -473- 20224 -7600 OPER GRANT -SOPER VALLEY MODE 750.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 2,000.00 0.00 100 -42- 473 - 20225 -7600 OPER GRANT -FEED THE NEED IN D 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 100 -42 -473- 20226 -7600 OPER GRANT -THE GATHERING PLAC 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 (4,000.00) 750.00 0.00 100 -42- 473 -20231 -7600 OPER GRANT -PRIDE DURHAM INC. 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 750.00 100 -42- 473 - 20232 -7600 OPER GRANT - LAKESHORE NEW HO 750.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) . 500.00 500.00 100 -42- 473 -20235 -7600 OPER GRANT- BOWMANVILLE ALLO 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 5,000.00 0.00 100 -42- 473 - 20236 -7600 OPER GRANT - ORONO PARK 90TH A 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100 -42- 473 - 20237 -7600 OPER GRANT -BEECH ST. THEATRE 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 2,000.00 0.00 100-42 -473- 20238 -7600 OPER GRANT -NEWC SCHOOL PLA 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 100 -42 -473- 20239 -7600 OPER GRANT -HOME BASE DURHAM 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 2,000.00 0.00 100 -42 -473- 20240 -7600 OPER GRANT -DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE/ 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N .P iv Ln Municipalit -19ton 01/29/15 �. BUDGET WOE _ PAPERS C(arington:COMMUNITY GRANTS 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $0.00 $0.00 100 -42- 473 - 20241 -7600 OPER GRANT- CENTRAL PUBLIC S $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 102.00 0.00 100 -42 -473- 20242 -7600 OPER GRANT -DOGS FOR DOGS 102.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 100 -42- 473 - 20243 -7600 OPER GRANT -BOWM. CREEK ANGLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 100 -42- 473 - 20244 -7600 OPER GRANT- CENTRAL PS PLAYG 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 750.00 100 -42 -473- 20245 -7600 OPER GRANT - BETHESDA CEMETER 0.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 0.00 1,000.00 100 -42- 473- 20246 -7600 OPER GRANT- WAVERLY PUBLIC SC 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100 -42- 473 - 20999 -7600 OPER GRANT- UNALLOCATED 4,148.00 3,500.00 100,000.00 96,500.00 57,352.00 56,000.00 Total EXPENDITURE 60,000.00 60,000.00 100,000.00 40,000.00 57,352.00 56,000.00 NET LEVY 60,000.00 60,000.00 100,000.00 40,000.00 iv Ln PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2015 CiafiRaOR Leading the Way MANAGER COMMUNITY PLANNING, DESIGN -- Carlos Salazar A7N Porras - Lisa Backus _ Planner 11 _ _ _ - Paul Wirch I DIRECTOR I David Crome MANAGER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Carlo Pellarin - PRINCIPAL SENIOR PLAN_N_ER PLANNER _ r Cindy Strike - I _ Amy Burke _ _Senior Planner _ _ _ Planner 11 _ Trace Webster Brandon Weiler I Planner II G/S Technologist r -- -- --- - - -- -- ----- - - - - -- Bob Russell Gerald Fradsham Ann Taylor Scott I G/S Technician I I Slits _ yv Anne I Planner I ' 1c71Voiaweti Dave Addington Planning Policy Urban Design Development Approvals Heritage Preservation Special Projects /Research Real Estate Geomatics Crossing Guards MANAGER SPECIAL PROJECTS Faye .La ngmaid - ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Sharon Norris Annette Van Dyk Amanda Hoffman ... Clerk I (P!r) Julia Pinale Clerk 11 1Crossing Guard Co ordin -ato_r - Dianne Fernlund Crossing Guards Staff Complement Non - Affiliated 6 Union - Italicized 16 Part Time 40 Total 62 Department Head Backup - Manager of Special Projects Municipality gton 01/29/15 BUDGET WORD ..i PAPERS Clarington:PLANNING SERVICE 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE (384,000.00) (406,000.00) REVENUE: (582,237.50) (366,855.98) ADMINISTRATION - REVENUE (164,233.85) (143,532.45) . ENVIRONMENTAL- REVENUE (746,471.35) (510,388.43) Total REVENUE 1,167,076.00 1,216,567.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,231,331.71 1,355,848.59 UNASSIGNED - EXPENDITURE 4,313.86 0100 PSAB - EXPENDITURE 2,740,958.39 2,745,587.19 ADMINISTRATION - EXPENDITURE 49,104.71 122,205.77 ENVIRONMENTAL - EXPENDITURE 1,431.64 1,667.17 SMALL BOARDS - EXPENDITURE 4,027,140.31 4,225,308.72 Total EXPENDITURE 3,280,668.96 3,714,920.29 NET LEVY (384,000.00) (406,000.00) (405,000.00) 1,000.00. (83,500.00) (83,500.00) 0.00 83,500.00 (467,500.00) (489,500.00) (405,000.00) 84,500.00 1,167,076.00 1,216,567.00 514,963.00 (701,604.00) 2,157.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,545,676.00 2,594,299.00 2,758,616.00 164,317.00 83,500.00 83,500.00 0.00 (83,500.00) 900.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 3,799,309.00 3,895,366.00 3,274,579.00 (620,787.00) 3,331,809.00 3,405,866.00 2,869,579.00 (536,287.00) r-+ N V co Municipalii ngton 01/29/15 SUDGET WOn.- ...i PAPERS _ Clarington: U NASSIGN E D 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE; EXPENDITURE: 683,000.00 683,000.00 100 -50- 000 - 10090 -7418 PLAN - LAND ACQUISITION - TRSF TO 683,000.00 683,000.00 0.00 (683,000.00) 338,942.47 321,887.80 100 -50- 000 -10170 -7006 CROSS /GUARD -WAGES TEMP FIT 341,141.00 347,964.00 353,183.00 5,219.00 6,161.05 7,023.92 100 -50 -000- 10170 -7050 CROSS /GUARD -EHT 6,397.00 6,524.00 6,622.00 98.00 9,743.92 10,657.54 100 -50- 000 - 10170 -7052 CROSS /GUARD - CPP 9,480.00 9,805.00 10,053.00 248.00 . 8,602.41 9,223.65 100 -50- 000 - 10170 -7053 CROSS /GUARD - El 8,404.00 8,806.00 8,938.00 132.00 7,205.67 7,831.41 100 -50- 000 - 10170 -7058 CROSS /GUARD - WSIB 7,184.00 7,495.00 .9,780.00 2,285.00 2,279.53 2,435.02 100 -50- 000 - 10170 -7112 CROSS /GUARD - MISC OP EXP 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,600.00 (2,400.00) 2,796.30 2,329.17 100 -50- 000 - 10510 -7041 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT - OTHER PAY 3,440.00 3,509.00 3,561.00 52.00 29.26 74.63 100 -50- 000 - 10510 -7050 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT - EHT 67.00 68.00 69.00 1.00 20.19 99.22 100 -50- 000 - 10510 -7053 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT- El 88.00 •92.00 94.00 2.00 44.10 82.54 100 -50- 000 - 10510 -7058 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT - WSIB 75.00 79.00 103.00 24.00 0.00 69.77 100 -50- 000 - 10510 -7299 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT - MISC EXP 500.00 525.00 550.00 25.00 1,182.47 27,358.76 100 -50- 000 - 10520 -7299 CLAR.HERITAGE COM.- MISC EXPEN 2,100.00 47,000.00 1,200.00 (45,800.00) 4,000.00 5,500.00 100 -50- 000 - 10524 -7299 HERITAGE GRANT INCENTIVE - MIS • 5,000.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 100 -50- 000 - 10527 -7299 GREEN COMMITTEE - MISC EXP 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 6,436.13 4,742.14 100 -50- 000 - 10530 -7209 COMM IMPROVE - ENVIRON STEWAR 7,000.00 8,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 27,910.00 80,236.85 100 -50- 000 - 10530 -7546 COMM IMPROVE - BOWMANVILLE 55,000.00 55,000.00 58,000.00 3,000.00 48,413.05 15,183.17 100 -50- 000 - 10530 -7547 COMM IMPROVE - NEWCASTLE 22,000.00 22,000.00 25,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 100 -50- 000 - 10530 -7548 COMM IMPROVE - COURTICE 10,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 12,625.33 0.00 100 -50- 000 - 10530 -7549 COMM IMPROVE - ORONO 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 221.27 100 -50- 000 - 10535 -7299 COMMITTEE - MISC EXPENSE 200.00 200.00 210.00 10.00 51,197.63 68,084.77 100 -50- 000 - 10542 -7002 SHOWCASING WATER INNOVATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.Op 15,11149 103,843.86 100 -50- 000 - 10542 -7520 SHOWCASING WATER INNOVATION - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,628.71 5,963.10 100 -50- 000 - 10543 -7520 LAND AQUISITION MAINTENANCE - N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,231,331.71 1,355,848.59 Total EXPENDITURE 1,167,076.00 1,216,567.00 514,963.00 (701,604.00) 1,231,331.71 1,355,848.59 NET LEVY 1,167,076.00 1,216,567.00 514,963.00 (701,604.00) co 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL (95.00) (439.00) (33,662.00) (1,041.00) (80,056.00) (134,288.92) (24,489.00) (16,260.00) (187,503.00) (14,818.00) (25, 069.00) (19,763.00) (21,276.58) (23,477.00) (582,237.50) (83.00) (274.00) (25,840.00) 0.00 (75,578.00) (49,496.52) (22,511.00) (14,399.00) (95,649.00) (20,416.00) (21,915.00) (3,436.00) (12,008.46) (25,250.00) Municipality ^ °larington BUDGET WO.k, .M6 PAPERS. Clarington:AD MINISTRATION 2015 DRAFT Description REVENUE: 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -6565 PLANNING ADMIN - SALE OF PUBLIC 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -6566 PLANNING ADMIN - SALE OF MAPS 100 -50- 130 - 32010 -6400 OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS FEE 100 -50- 130 -32011 -6400 PEER REVIEW APP'N FEE REVENUE 100 -50- 130 - 32015 -6400 REZONING REVENUE 100-50-130-32020-6400 SITE PLANS REVENUE 100 -50- 130 - 32025 -6400 SUBDIVISION CLEARANCE FEE 100 -50- 130 - 32030 -6400 ZONING CLEARANCE FEE 100 -50- 130 - 32040 -6400 SUBDIVISION APP'N FEE 100 -50- 130 - 32050 -6400 PART LOT CONTROL FEE 100 -50- 130 - 32060 -6400 COMM. OF ADJ. APPLICATION FEE 100 -50- 130 - 32065 -6400 CONDOMINIUM APPLICATION FEE 100 -50- 130 - 32070 -6400 PLANNING - MISCELLANEOUS REVE 100 -50- 130 - 35610 -6502 SIGN PERMITS (366,855.98) Total REVENUE 01/29/15 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (21,000.00) (21,000.00) (25,000.00) (4,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (62,000.00) (62,000.00) (80,000.00) (18,000.00) (77,000.00) (88,000.00) (100,000.00) (12,000.00) (11,000.00) (11,000.00) (16,000.00) (5,000.00) (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (13,000.00) (1,000.00) (118,000.00) (125,000.00) (75,000.00) 50,000.00 (16,000.00) (16,000.00) (20,000.00) (4,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (26,000.00) (1,000.00) (6,000.00) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 (15,000.00) (5,000.00) (8,000.00) (3,000.00) (21,000.00) (31,000.00) (32,000.00) (1,000.00) (384,000.00) (406,000.00) (405,000.00) 1,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,777,839.16 1,833,079.78 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7001 PLANNING ADMIN - SALARY F/T 1,817,819.00 1,853,230.00 1,872,994.00 19,764.00 21,037.06 26,254.36 100-50-130-00000-7007-PLANNING ADMIN - WAGES PERM P/T 25,495.00 26,005.00 26,395.00 390.00 9,641.22 10,101.89 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7015 PLANNING ADMIN - WAGES STUDENT 8,839.00 9,016.00 9,151.00 135.00 36,514.74 40,255.38 100 -50 -130- 00000 -7050 PLANNING ADMIN - EHT 36,091.00 36,795.00 37,189.00 394.00 201,050.87 216,861.38 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7051 PLANNING ADMIN - OMERS 198,174.00 202,112.00• 203,346.00 1,234.00 56,063.89 59,552.04 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7052 PLANNING ADMIN - CPP 51,997.00 53,118.00 54,604.00 1,486.00 28,665.62 30,187.12 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7053 PLANNING ADMIN - El 26,717.00 28,333.00 29,789.00 1,456.00 211,870.45 217,700.37 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7054 PLANNING ADMIN - LTD /LIFE/HLTH 206,719.00 218,269.00 223,455.00 5,186.00 37,188.32 38,473.87 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7058 PLANNING ADMIN - WSIB 35,325.00 36,821.00 47,793.00 10,972.00 15,517.84 12,226.61 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7101 PLANNING ADMIN - OFF SUPPLIES 23,000.00 23,000.00 21,000.00 (2,000.00) 1,357.15 1,457.10 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7132 PLANNING ADMIN - PHONE/FAX 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,200.00 200.00 17,680.57 4,163.76 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7160 PLANNING ADMIN - CONSULTING 25,000.00 25,000.00 150,000.00 125,000.00 2,106.93 2,202.10 100 -50 -130- 00000 -7174 PLANNING ADMIN - R/M OFF EQUIP 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,200.00 (400.00) 2,867.08 2,422.48 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7181 PLANNING ADMIN - BOOKS /PERIODIC 4,600.00 4,700.00 3,700.00 (1,000.00) 5,039.34. 4,575.74 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7186 PLANNING ADMIN - POST /COUR /FRT 6,700.00 6,700.00 5,500.00 (1,200.00) 154.33 0.00 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7188 PLANNING ADMIN = REPROD /PRINTIN 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 9,724.69 10,620.24 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7200 PLANNING ADMIN - MEMB /DUES 12,000.00 11,000.00 11,300.00 300.00 16,065.68 11,516.62 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7202 PLANNING ADMIN - TRAVEL EXP 9,000.00 13,000.00 13,500.00 500.00 6,150.79 9,687.40 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7203 PLANNING ADMIN - STAFF DEV 11,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 0.00 2,621.42 3,044.29 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7299 PLANNING ADMIN - MISC EXPENSE 6,000.00 8,000.00 9,700.00 1,700.00 i LA H W C> Municipality 3ton 01/29/15 BUDGET wo,:`,._ PAPERS' _ Clarington:AD MINISTRATION 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL' 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE (continued): $55,455.92 $173,545.49 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7412 PLANNING ADMIN -TRSF TO RES FU $25,000.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $0.00 138,830.32 0.00 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7416 PLANNING ADMIN - TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 756.96 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7505 PLANNING ADMIN - OTHER EQUIP P 5,000.00 3,000.00 3,100.00 100.00 2,552.14 0.00 100 -50- 130 - 00000 -7506 PLANNING ADMIN - FURNITURE & FI 3,100.00 3,100.00 3,200.00 100.00 56,233.90 36,902.21 100 -50- 130 - 10529 -7160 OP REVIEW - CONSULTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,728.96 0.00 100 -50 -130 -10536 -7112 BOW/WESTSIDE MARSHES - MISC 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,740,958.39 2,745,587.19 Total EXPENDITURE 2,545,676.00 2,594,299.00 2,758,616.00 164,317.00 2,158,720.89 2,378,731.21 NET LEVY 2,161,676.00 2,188,299.00 2,353,616.00 165,317.00 H W C> Municipality �'larington 01129/15 BUDGET WOn -A(G PAPERS Cla rington:EN VIRO N M ENTAL 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (164,233.85) (143,532.45) 100 -50 -385 -10175 -6400 RECOVERIES - PORT GRANBY FEE (83,500.00) (83,500.00) 0.00 83,500.00 (164,233.85) (143,532.45) Total REVENUE (83,500.00) (83,500.00) 0.00 83,500.00 EXPENDITURE: 47,456.33 121,191.47 100 -50- 385 - 10175 -7160 PT GRANBY - CONSULTING 80,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 (80,000.00) 1,648.38 1,014.30 100 -50 -385 -10175 -7202 PT GRANBY - TRAVEL EXP 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 0.00 0.00 100 -50- 385 - 10175 -7299 PT GRANBY - MISC EXPENSE 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 49,104.71 122,205.77 Total EXPENDITURE 83,500.00 83,500.00 0.00 (83,500.00) (115,129.14) (21,326.68) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t� r Municipalib" gton 01/29/15 BUDGET W®, PAIPER Clarington:SMALL BOARDS 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 1,431.64 1,667.17 100 -50- 430 -10520 -7112 CLAR HERITAGE COM (BOARD ACCO 900.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,431.64 1,667.17 Total EXPENDITURE 900.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,431.64 1,667.17 NET LEVY 900.00 1,000.00 1000.00 0.00 W N Municipal' ! ,Iarington 01/29/15 BUDGET Wi NG PAPERS Clarington:LEVIES 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 104,719,184.96 106,875,190.70 UNASSIGNED - EXPENDITURE 104,719,184.96 106,875,190.70 Total EXPENDITURE 104,719,184.96 106,875,190.70 NET LEVY 102,133,748.00 105,233,516.00 1,864,123.00 (103,369,393.00) w w Municipe 'larington BUDGET W . _NG PAPERS Clarington: U NASSIGN ED 2015 DRAFT 01/29/15 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 70,766,574.44 73,078,800.08 100-58-000-10540-7801 REGION - TAX REQUISITION 70,766,572.00 73,078,853.00 0.00 (73,078,853.00) 1,561,906.90 1,165,457.61 100 -58- 000 - 10540 -7802 REGION - SUPPS REQUISTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,496,824.01 2,652,793.91 100 -58- 000 - 10540 -7803 REGION - PIL REQUISITION 2,225,504.00 2,652,740.00 0.00 (2,652,740.00) 40,210.00 5,118.98 100 -58- 000 - 10540 -7806 REGION -OTHER CHGS- CAPPING REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,104,308.75 1,094,577.30 100 -58- 000 - 10540 -7808 REG -OTHER CHGS -RIGHT OF WAY R 1,110,317.00 1,104,309.00 1,094,577.00 (9,732.00) 4,542.77 4,502.74 100 -58- 000 - 10540 -7809 REGION -OTHER CHGS -HEADS & BEDS 4,567.00 4,543.00 4,503.00 (40.00) 25,399.08 1,628.47 100 -58- 000 - 10540 -7812 LOCAL IMP REQ- NEWCASTLE SEWER 26,269.00 2,498.00 870.00 (1,628.00) 21,706,285.00 21,953,484.00 100 -58- 000 - 10545 -7801 ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOL BD -TAX 21,706,285.00 21,955,154.00 0.00 (21,955,154.00) 608,717.13 415,036.59 100 -58- 000 - 10545 -7802 ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOL BD - SUP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 67,082.00 89,046.00 100 -58- 000 - 10545 -7803 ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOL BD - PIL R 67,082.00 87,376.00 0.00 (87,376.00) 414,371.00 410,114.16 100 -58- 000 - 10545 -7808 ENG PUB SCHOOL -RIGHT OF WAY R 414,371.00 410,114.00 410,114.00 0.00 5,259,720.00 5,304,380.00 100 -58- 000 - 10550 -7801 ENGLISH SEPARATE SCHOOL BD -TA 5,259,720.00 5,304,410.00 0.00 (5,304,410.00) 107,405.03 63,761.65 100 -58- 000 - 10550 -7802 ENGLISH SEPARATE SCHOOL BD -S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,424.00 27,820.00 100 -58- 000 - 10550 -7803 ENGLISH SEPARATE SCHOOL BD -PIL 23,424.00 27,790.00 0.00 (27,790.00) 152,095.00 155,452.00 100 -58- 000 - 10550 -7808 ENG SEP SCHOOL -RIGHT OF WAY R 152,095.00 155,452.00 155,452.00 0.00 25,164.00 84,804.00 100 -58- 000 - 10555 -7801 FRENCH PUBLIC SCHOOL -TAX REQU 25,164.00 85,428.00 0.00 (85,428.00) 0.00 1,299.32 100 -58- 000 -10555 -7802 FRENCH PUBLIC SCHOOL - SUPPS R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 624.00 100 -58- 000 - 10555 -7803 FRENCH PUBLIC SCHOOL -PIL REQU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 163,805.00 169,683.00 100 -58- 000 - 10560 -7801 FRENCH SEPARATE SCHOOL -TAX 163,805.00 169,683.00 0.00 (169,683.00) 2,777.85 1,640.89 100 -58- 000 - 10560 -7802 FRENCH SEPARATE SCHOOL- SUPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 596.00 789.00 100 -58- 000 - 10560 -7803 FRENCH SEPARATE SCHOOL - PIL R 596.00 789.00 0.00 (789.00) 3,477.00 4,377.00 100 -58- 000 - 10560 -7808 FRENCH SEP SCHOOL -RIGHT OF WA 3,477.00 4,377.00 4,377.00 0.00 148,500.00 154,000.00 100 -58- 000 -10565 -7801 BIA - BOWMANVILLE - TAX REQUISITI 148,500.00 154,000.00 158,230.00 4,230.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 100 -58- 000 - 10566 -7801 BIA - NEWCASTLE - TAX REQUISITION 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 100 -58- 000 - 10567 -7801 BIA - ORONO - TAX REQUISITION 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 104,719,184.96 106,875,190.70 Total EXPENDITURE 102,133,748.00 105,233,516.00 1,864,12100 (103,369,393.00) 104,719,184.96 106,875,190.70 NET LEVY 102,133,748.00 105,233,516.00 1,864,123.00 (103,369,393.00) w Municipality rington 01/29/15 BUDGET WO).... /G PAPERS Clarington:CLARINGTON LIB 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 0.00 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 54,411.66 0.00 100 -62 -440- 10570 -7299 CLARINGTON LIBRARY- MISC EXP (F 134,286.00 30,000.00 100 -62 -440- 10570 -7412 CLARINGTON LIBRARY - TRSF TO RF 40,000.00 40,000.00 100 - 62-440 -10570 -7416 CLARINGTON LIBRARY -TRSF TO R 0.00 0.00 100 -62 -440- 10570 -7418 CLARINGTON LIBRARY - TRSF TO CAP 2,759,491.00 2,825,610.00 100- 62-440 -10570 -7600 CLARINGTON LIBRARY - OPER GRANT 367,500.00 145,000.00 100 -62 -440- 10570 -7602 CLARINGTON LIBRARY- CAPITAL GR 50,000.00 0.00 100 -62 -440- 10570 -7603 CLARINGTON LIBRARY- STUDIES G 3,405,688.66 3,040,610.00 Total EXPENDITURE 3,405,688.66 3,040,610.00 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 104,286.00 104,286.00 0.00 (104,286.00) 2,759,491.00 2,825,610.00 2,892,478.00 66,868.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,983,777.00 2,999,896.00 2,962,478.00 (37,418.00} 2,983,777.00 2,999,896.00 2,962,478.00 (37,418.00) W Clarington Public Library 135 ® 163 Church Street, Bowmanville Ontario, Canada UC 1T7 fI�II� (905) 623 -7322 I www.clarington- library.on.ca February 4, 2015 Mayor and Members of Council Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BowmanviIle, ON L 1 C 3A6 Dear Mayor Foster and Members of Council: Please find attached the Clarington Public Library Board's 2015 current and capital funding requests, as well as the four =year forecasts (2016- 2019). At its November 26, 2014 Board Meeting, the Clarington Public Library Board passed Motion #LB136 -14 and LB #137 -14 as follows: MOTION: THAT the Clarington Public Library Board approve the 2015 Current and Capital requests .. and the 2016 -2019 Current and Capital forecasts, as outlined in this report; and MOTION: THAT the Clarington Public Library Board forward these requests and forecasts to the Municipal Council. Thank you for your assistance in the delivery of public library service to the residents of Clarington. Sincerely, Linda Kent CEO /Library Director Copied to: F. Wu, Municipal CAO N. Taylor, Director of Finance 1 137 A. 2015 Current (Operating) Budget The overall current budget request for 2015 is $3,079,798. The municipal tax levy funding request is $2,892,478, an increase of $70,465 or 2.34% over the year 2014 tax levy of $2,825,610. The major factors that make up this 2015 municipal increase of $70,465 include the following: Personnel Costs: The increase request for'$15,104 in 2015 represents estimated contractual salary, wage, and benefit increases as well as the collective agreement (still to be negotiated) and increased operating hours as noted above. The modest .66% increase reflects downward adjustments made for (a) long term disability and (b) differences in non -union salaries and benefits. 2. Courtice Library: . The renovated, expanded branch will open in Q2 2015. The Library's strategic documents (Library Services Delivery Model and Expansion of Library Services for the Courtice Community) plan for increased staffing levels in the expanded facility. An additional three operating hours have been built into the 2015 personnel budget. 3. Staff Development: The expanded Courtice Library will include upgraded technology (hardware & software) for use by the public. Overall, electronic services and access to technology remain essential components of the Library's public service strategy. Staff require training to maintain upgrade their skills. Accordingly, a modest of increase of $5,970 has been added to the budget for staff training. /A Clarington Public Library Current Budget Request 2015 Category Year 2014 Yr -on -Yr 2015 Total 2015 Change Impact Request % INCOME Subtotal Municipal Tax Levy $ 2,825,610 $ 66,868 $ 2,892,478 2.37% Subtotal Non - Municipal Revenue $ 186,722 $ 3,597 $ 190,320 1.93% A. TOTAL INCOME $ 3,012,332 $ 70,465 $ 3,082,798 2.34% EXPENSES SalariesMages Benefits $ 1,798,651 $ 478,227 $ 26,287 $ (11,183) $ 1,824,940 $ 467,044 1.46% - 2.34% Subtotal SalariesfWageslBenefits $ 2,276,878 $ 15,104 $ 2,291,984 0.66% Library Materials Facility Services, Products & Supplies Public Programs Purchased Services Computer Expenses Staff Development Transfer to Capital $ 252,460 $ 137,500 $ 39,709 $ 8,936 $ 100,840 $ 148,100 $ 11,710 $ 36,200 $ 17,540 $ 14,250 $ 500 $ 724 $ 12,261 $ 4,116 $ 5,970 $ - $ 270,000 $ 151,750 $ 40,209 $ 9,660 $ 113,101 $ 152,216 $ 17,680 $ 36,200 6.95% 10.36% 1.26% 8.10% 12.16% 2.78% 50.98% 0.00% Subtotal Other Service Areas $ 735,454 $ 55,361 $ 790,816 7.53% B TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,012,332 $ 70,465 $ 3,082,799 2.34% 138 B. 2016 -2019 Current Budget Forecast The four -year operating budget forecast incorporates a projected annual increase of 2.37°/x. It does not include new staffing or improvements in service levels. The development of the Courtice Main Street Secondary Plan and the opportunities for increased library service for the Courtice community will undoubtedly impact future budget forecasts. Clarington Public Library IIIII CURRENT BUDGET FORECAST 2016 -2019 CATEGORY 2016 BUDGET 2017 BUDGET 2018 BUDGET 2099 BUDGET INCOME Municipal Tax Levy Non-Municipal Revenue $ $2,963,692 192,223 $ $3,036,634 194,145 $ $3,111,349 196,087 $ $3,187,878 198,048 TOTAL INCOME $ 3,155,915 $ 3,230,780 $ 3,307,436 $ 3,385,925 EXPENSES Personnel $ 2,349,283 $ 2,408,015 $ 2,468,216 $ 2,529,921 Library Materials $ 275,400 $ 280,908 $ 286,526 $ 292,257 'Facility Services $ 154,785 $ 157,881 $ 161,038 $ 164,259 Products/Supplies $ 41,013 $ 41,833 $ 42,670 $ 43,523 Public Programs $ 9,853 $ 10,050 $ 10,251 $ 10,456 Purchased Services $ 115,363 $ 117,670 $ 120,024 $ 122,424 Computer Expenses $ 155,260 $ 158,366 $ 161,533 $ 164,763 Staff Development $ 18,034 $ 18,394 $ 18,762 $ 19,138 Transfer to Capital $ 36,924 $ 37,662 $ 38,416 $ 39,184 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,155,915 $ 3,230,780 $ 3,307,436 $ 3,385,925 % Increase 2.37% 2.37% 2.37% 2.37% MUNICIPAL REQUEST $ - 2,963,692 $ 3,036;634 ' $ _ 3,111,349 $ _3,187,878 % Increase 2.46% 2.46%1 2.46% 2.46% C. 2015 Capital Budget Request The library's Capital Budget covers longer -term needs for library materials (collection), automation, furniture /equipment, library studies and renovation /construction projections. Monies are set aside and accumulated by the municipality to meet the costs of these initiatives. Funding for these needs is derived from sources such as Development Charges, general tax levy, debentures and from special reserves. Currently, monies have been accumulated in Municipal `Reserve Funds' /Specified `Reserves' for the following capital initiatives: 1. Library Materials to cover expansion of collection materials and resources in response to population growth. 2. Library Technology such as replacement of the Integrated Library System (ILS), network servers, and computer upgrades /replacement. 3. Facility Refurbishment such as carpet replacement, repair /replacement of millwork, painting. 4. Strategic Plans including additional secondary strategic plans. 5. Professional Fees. 6. Dewey's Cafe Refurbishment (Community Living provides annual funds to the Library for refurbishment /restoration of the Cafe area at the Bowmanville Branch). Clarington Public Library CAPITAL BUDGET 2015 CAPITAL 2015 Library Collections General $ 110,000 Subtotal Collections $ 110,000 Library Technology Subtotal Hardware $ 35,000 Subtotal ILS/ RFID Replacement /Upgrade $ 45,000 Subtotal Library Technology $ 80,000 Library Studies Service & Organizational Review Subtotal Library Facilities $ 55,000 $ 55,000 TOTAL $ 245,000: 4 1310 D. '2016 -2019 Capital Budget Forecast 140 The time frame for the Courtice Main Street Secondary Plans appears to be 2031. In that event, the library's capital budget requests for funds to support expanded library service to the Courtice community have been removed from the four year forecast. Library Studies in future years will focus on Strategic /Master plans. They will include a Library Technology plan and a Strategic Master Plan in order to determine how best to address the growing needs of our community's expanding population. 1i Clarington Public Library Capital Budget Forecast 2016 -2019 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 2016 2017 2018 2019 Library Collections Branch Collections $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 Subtotal Collections $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 Library Techn6logy Computer Hardware $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 ILS /RFID /majorsystems $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Subtotal Library Technology $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 Library Studies Strate is /Master Plans $50,000 $50,000 Subtotal Library Studies $50,000 $0 $50,000 $0 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $240,000 $190,000 $240,000 $190,000 Report submitted by Linda Kent, CEO /Library Director February 4, 2015 5 Municipality •ington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOA_ ;PAPERS Clarington:OTH CULTURAL 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE 192,901.00 198,688.00 EXPENDITURE: 192,901.00 200,501.14 100 -64- 460- 10137 -7600 VISUAL ARTS CENTRE - OPER GRANT 258,701.00 270,342.00 100 -64- 460 - 10581 -7600 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS & ARCHIVE 1,097.48 0.00 100 -64 -460- 10581 -7601 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS & ARCHIVES 0.00 35,000.00 100 -64- 460 - 10581 -7602 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS & ARCHIVE 3,000.00 3,000.00 100 -64- 460- 10582 -7412 BOW MUSEUM - TRSF TO RES FUND 3,000.00 3,000.00 100 -64- 460- 10584 -7412 CLARKE MUSEUM - TRSF TO RES FU 458,699.48 511,843.14 Total EXPENDITURE 458,699.48 511,843.14 NET LEVY (24,268.00) 192,901.00 198,688.00 202,661.00 3,973.00 258,702.00 270,342.00 277,101.00 6,759.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 0.00 (35,000.00) 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00. 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 457,603.00 510,030.00 485,762.00 (24,268.00) 457,603.00 510,030.00 485.762.00 (24,268.00) r 142 SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET 'BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 PLEASE PRINT /TYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 30, 2014 Organization Name Telephone # i�1 b, Ord c �(- Address 1? 2 TO XsrMZO City / Town Province Postal Code ,ontact Information.. Position Name 11 �('L' ' ` Email Address dtllril,-i/6f1,OWIIX P,kb'j?.i'A, Telephone # qO9 2.3- 233L J Officers for Current Year: Position Name Contact Information President lovtl' r (home #): (business #): Cs Cl� ' IDS - (email):) I,AJi�e, Secretary. /Oi(I g7a4l (home ft Y� (business #): (email): Treasurer Drojl� -H04S (home #): (businessft (C;�1� qf b- 92G -42� I XS. �-V'\ C: \Users \Owner\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content. Out] ook\EO07JB JH\201 5 Grant Application (2).docxx (email): Cud c� 143 Is your Organization incorporated as , / non - profit? Yes r No�,,d If yes, when? (ddlmrWyy) Is your Organization based within the / Municipality of Clarington? Yes No ❑ Is your Organization based within the Region of Durham Yes No ❑ List the programs /services provided by your Organization What is the total program registration or association membership in your Organization? What percentage of your registration c or membership are Clarington % residents? Describe how the program /services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. C:\ Users \Owner\AppData \Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content .Outlook \EO07JBJH\2015 Grant Application (2).docxx Terms and conditions 144 In the event that the funds allocated are not used for the services, event or project as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the amount of the financial assistance will be payable forthwith to the Municipality. 2. The applicant will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources, external to the Municipality of Clarington. The applicant will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the services, event or project described in the application. 4. The applicant will retain and make available for inspection by the Municipality or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organization upon request from the Municipality, (which may be made within two years of the grant award): 5. If the recipient is an arms - length agency, the Grant Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality.of Clarington against any claims, costs,- causes of action, fines or .any other losses or other penalties the Municipality of Clarington suffers related to the giving and usage of the grant to the grant recipient. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent and accept conditions as noted in this application. Name Title Date Signature �Fl,;2c, 14/ �A This Application must be signed by two (2) Member tie Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets /Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvill'e, Ontario L1 C. 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623 -3379 ext. 2602 Email: ntaylor Qclarington.net C:\ Users \Owner\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \EO07JBJH\2015 Grant Application (2).docxx 145 What funding category does your ❑ Recreation & Leisure Organization fall into? ❑ Civic ❑ Social. VBoards of Council / Hall Boards 2015 Request (insert dollar. figure) _ Have you made a previous request for a Municipal grant to the Municipality Yes u,"' No ❑ of Clarington? If YES, please complete the following: Year Requested Amount Requested Amount Received o; G� LuitrtiY 20 l 6 Ll U �l Gait - 23 23E,057( Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Yes No ❑ Department or Agency? If YES, please complete the following: Agency Year Requested Received G� LuitrtiY 20 l 6 Ll U �l ti 2& �� /JC�C�j' QO 6 C:\ Users \Owner\AppData\Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \EO07JBJH\2015 Grant Application (2).docxx 145 Budget Information Revenue 2014 2015 Grants — Federal / Provincial Municipal Grant Memberships Registrations Fundraising Other (Specify) Last Year Surplus /Deficit Total Revenue Expenditures 2014 2015 Salaries — Full Time Salaries — Part Time Facility Rental Office Supplies Telephone Advertising Maintenance Utilities Other (Specify) Total Expenses Surplus (Deficit) 2014 2015 MOTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. C :\ Users \Owner\AppData \Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \EO07JBJH\2015 Grant Application (2).docxx Clarington Museums 905 . 623 . 273f C1 al- 1119tollinwse UInS.Coll] Clarke Museuln GRANT APPLICATION - List the programs /services provided by your Organization 1) Exhibitions at Clarington Museums comprises 3 Museums that are open to the public. The Sarah James Williams Heritage Centre is open 6 days per week and houses the museum main rotating exhibits, archives and administrative offices. The Bowmanville Museum (Jury House) and Clarke Museum (Kirby School House) are open by appointment. All 3 locations have themed exhibits, special events and related programming. (5 year Exhibit Schedule attached) 2) Programs, Activities and Events at the museums complement permanent /rotating exhibits and include school group programming, guided tours, special and seasonal events (2015 Monthly Detailed Exhibit Program and Outreach Calendar attached). 3) Community Outreach programs throughout the Municipality of Clarington include Traveling Displays, Curatorial Speaking Series, Articles and Publications, Architectural and Cemetery Tours, Historic Site Tours, Festival and Event programming. 4) Collaborations with community partners on outreach /heritage /tourism events and programs with such organizations as Clarington Heritage Committee; New Castle Village & District Historical Society; Old Bowmanville Neighborhood Association; Orono Horticultural Society; Port Darlington Community Association; Architectural Conservancy of Ontario — Clarington Chapter; Clarington Tourism; Clarington Public Library; Clarington Older Adult Association, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington and Clarington Doors Open. . 5) Archival, Preservation and Research services. The Museum collects historical records and artifacts form every area within the Municipality. The archives and collection are publically accessible through consultations, programs and exhibits. The records and artifacts provide valuable research information to scholars, school children, community organizations, local business as well as the Municipality. GRANT APPLICATION - Describe how the program /services provided by your organization will benefit as a result of Municipality funding. All programs and services provided by the museum are supported by Municipality funding. This includes exhibit development /installation, educational programming, outreach programs, special events, collection conservation /storage, archival and administrative support services. Funding also covers utilities and basic property maintenance. The capital costs association with the 3 buildings are budgeted and. paid for directly by the municipality. The museum will work with Municipality Operations to develop a Capital Plan for all 3 sites. Saarall,jane \Villiauns Heritage Centre. Bowmanville Museum 7086 Old Kirby School Rd. Clarington ON 62 Temperance St. Bowmanville ON 37 Silver St. Bowmanville ON 147 Clarington Museum and Archives Statement of operations (formerly income statement) for the period ended November 30, 2014 OPERATING 2014 2015 ' budget Budget Actual Forecast Total Actual forecast Assumptions Jan 1 to Dec 31 Jan 1 t0 110v Dec 1 to Dec 31 Plus Forecast Revenues Grants - Government or Canada 14,000 5,600 - 5,600 5,600 no change Grants - Province of Ontario - 7,170 7,170 25,161 from defered revenue Grants - Munlclpallty.of Clarington 270,342 270,342 270,342 277,101 2.5% Average Increase 2010 -2014 4 % per year Grants - Municipality of Clarington - one -time 35,000 35,000" . - 35,000 - zero -one time grant Grants -Other 10,000 18,541 - 18,541 19,005 2.50% Sponsorships 35,000 23,900 - 23,900 23,900 no change Publications 3,000 1,259 100 1,359 1,359 no change Memberships 3,500 3,071 100 3,171 3,171 no change ' General admissions 3,800 554' - 554 554 no change Public programming and events 9,000 11,262 - 11,262 11,544 2.50% Formal education - 6,191 500 6,691 6,858 2.50% Other Income - 188 - 188 188 no change ' Research Income 600 611 - 611 611 no change Gift shop 2,500 418 100 518 531 2.50% Rentals 2,000 684 - 684 684 2.50% Donations 5,000 3,787 100 3,887 3,984 2.50% Bank Interest Income 1,500 322 140 462 462 no change Heritage Harvest revenue 10,000 $10k Total revenues 395,242 388,900 1,040 389,940 390,712 Expenses Salaries, -wages and benefits 276,290 229,556 37,696 267,252 276,290 hold as current -new ED to review staff model Contract positions 27,000 - - - 15,000 sponsorshlp /fundrasing initiatives General office expenses 7,900 10,065 914 10,979 11,254 2.50% Utilities 19,900 17,340 1,509 18,849 20,545 9% Increase per municipality Building and yard expenses 18,500 17,845 1,000 18,845 19,316 2.50% Professional fees 3,263 6,125 1,500 7,625 7,625 no change Travel expense 500 859 300 1,159 1,159 no change Collection management 1,000 1,753 50 1,803 1,803 no change Exhibit expense 20,000 9,976 3,000 12,976 12,976 new ED to review Programming and events 12,000 22,152 1,000 23,152 14,994 new ED to review ' Heritage Harvest expense - 135 - 135 5,000 $5k Gift shop purchases 1,500 1,134 1,134 500 $500 Transfer to Reserve Funds Rinch /Sturch Estates - Interim financing re a ment 2,000 2,000 2,000 zero Total expenses 389,853 318,938 46,969 1 365,908 386,462 Annual operating surplus Deficit 5,389 69,961 (45.929)1 24,032 1 4,250 N Page 1 of 1 Co Clarington Museum and Archives Statement of operations (formerly income statement) for the period ended November 30, 2014 Y vo 2014 Forecast 2015 ' RESERVE FUNDS (formerly Development Fund) Total Actual plus Forecast nuager . forecast Assumptions Budget Actual Dec 1 to Dec 31 Revenues Donations 429 50 479 .0 zero development fund revenue Bank Interest Income 881 140 1,021 1000 Pik Kirby Church Project 5,582 2,545 8,127 0 zero development fund revenue Contribution - Reserve Funds (Rinch and Sturch Estates 100.519 100,519 0 Total revenues 107,411 2,735 110,146 1,000 Expenses Kirby Church Hydro -Kirby Church 931 100 1,031 0 zero Kirby church expense Water heater rental - Rellance Home Comfort 35 45 80 0 zero Kirby church expense Furnace oil- Sutherland Coop 3,065 200 3,255 0 zero Kirby church expense Water supply- Black's Water 100 - 100 0 zero Kirby church expense Repairs -John Potter 140 - 140 0 zero Kirby church expense Septic -Court Ice Septic 160 160 0 zero Kirby church expense G.Berry- garden expense 133 133 0 zero Kirby church expense Reimbursement of donations 1,800 1,800 0 zero Kirby church expense zero Total Kirby Church 6,364 345 6,709 Revenue Development & Communication Plan -Judy Mead 14,400 13,400 1,000 14,400 0 Revenue Development & Communication Plan 1,600 1,600 1.600 0 zero Total - board approved November 13, 2013 16,000 13,400 2,600 16,000 Boy's bedroom project- E.R.A. Archltects1RCI Restoration - board approved November 13 2013 7,400 7,420 7,420 board approval required SI na a 5,000 - - board approval required Total expenses 23,400 27,184 2,945 30,129 - Increase (decrease) In Reserve Funds balance - January 1 to November 30, 2014 80,227 (210) 80,017 1,000 Reserve Funds balance -January 1, 2014 83,657 83,657 83,657 163,674 . Reserve Funds balance at November 30, 2014 163,884 1 83,447 163,674 164,674 Y vo Clarington Museum and Archives Statement of operations (formerly income statement) for the period ended November 30, 2014 Reconciliation of Reserve Funds: 2014 Reserve Funds - Sturch Estate 22,464 Reserve Funds - Rinch Estate 78,055 Reserve Funds - Unspeclfled 63,366 Revenues 163,884 RESERVE FUNDS (Rinch and Sturch Estates) 2014 Budget Actual Revenues Bank Interest Income 1,040 Total revenues 1,040 Expenses Transfer to Development Fund 100,519 Forgiven Interim financing from Operating Fund 100,636 Total expenses 201,155 Increase In Reserve Funds (Rlnch•and Sturch Estates) balance - January 1 to November 30, 2014 (200,115) Reserve Funds Rinch and Sturch Estates balance - January 1 2014 200,115 Reserve Funds (Rinch and Sturch Estates) balance at November 30, 2014 - 0 r✓ Page 3 of 3 C Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance, Municipality of Clarington. 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville G��` r +. i I fal November 28, 2014 r- 2014 MUNICIPALIIyol Dear Nancy: FINANCE APINGiQN Please find enclosed The Visual Arts Centre of Claringtoh's municipal operating grant request for 2015. Included in this package is the required budget (with addendum sheet for budget clarification), and copies of appropriate portions of our.2013 audited statement from Sullivan and Co., Bowmanville. I have also enclosed balance sheet previous year comparison and profit & loss previous year comparison, up to November 27. Also included is a copy of our very recently completed updated and revised strategic plan, setting our path and goals for 2015 — 2018. As last year, we again enjoy an increase in assets from same time previous year (14.5 %). Income has increased from previous year by 4.1 %, however you will also note a 12.3% increase in expenses over said period. As shall be explained in the aforementioned budget addendum sheet, these expenses were incurred to allow /facilitate positive growth in our programming efforts and capabilities. The current substantial (as of November 27) revenue over expenditures surplus is somewhat misleading, as considerable exhibition publication costs shall be incurred prior to December 31. We will reach year end in stable financial condition. After discussion with the board and meeting with you, we are requesting a grant of $202,661. This represents a 2% increase from last year's generous allotment of $198,688. As was done with last year's percentage increase, these additional funds will assist in continued expansion of our program offerings for the residents of Clarington. We are cognizant of budgetary constraints and challenging decisions faced by Mayor and Council as they consider a myriad of very worthy requests, and greatly appreciate their consideration. The VAC now nears its 40th anniversary as a dynamic and engaging visual arts exhibition and education centre for the people of Clarington and beyond. This simply would not occur without the considerable support of the Municipality of Clarington. We are also grateful for the ongoing support of The Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and The Bowmanville Rotary Club, and our expanding and dedicated membership. The Board of Directors, staff and membership of the VAC express sincere thanks for the ongoing support of the Municipality of Clarington. Sincerely: /,, --( James Campbell, Executive Director /Curator The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 143 Simpson Avenue P.O. Box 52 Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada L1 C 31<8 Ph: 905- 623 -5831 Fax: 905 - 623 -0276 Email: visual@vac.ca www.vac.ca 152 VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLARINGTON 2014 SLATE OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE President: Craig Ryan HR Consultant candiryan sympatico.ca Vice President: Pete Smith Artist, Professor (painting), OCADU psmith @faculty.ocadu.ca Treasurer: Michael Patrick Local business owner, Bowmanville Foundry mpatrick @bowmanvillefoundry.com Secretary: Fred Mandryk Retired Teacher /Principal, Past President, Rotary Club of Bowmanville fredmandryl(@gmail.com DIRECTORS Liz Parkinson: Artist liz(@lizparl<inson.com Allison Fellowes- Strike: Local business owner, Strike Insurance, Bowmanville astrike @rogers.com Koren Kassirer: Musician, visual artist, independent art educator aubreyl<oren @rogers.com Paul Sloggett: Artist, Professor (painting), OCADU psloggett(@faculty•ocadu.ca Sean McQuay: Program Coordinator, Fundamentals of Art and Design, Durham College, Oshawa sean.mcguayCabdurhamcollege.ca Jeremy Desjardine: Art Teacher, Bowmanville High School afugitiveandluridgleam @yahoo.ca Jen Cooke: Retired, former Manager of Communications and Tourism, Municipality of Clarington icooke2008@gmail.com Member of Council: Willie Woo, Regional Councillor wwoo @clarington.net EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR /CURATOR'S HIGHLIGHTS, 2014 Next year marks the 40th anniversary of The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington; much has been achieved since our humble beginnings as "The Visual Arts Centre of Newcastle ". The fundamental dream of that dedicated group of visionaries who made the VAC happen remains the same: to inspire, expand, and celebrate the 'creative impulse' of the people of Clarington. Through our exhibition and educational offerings of 2014, this mission has continued, and evolved. This is possible only because of our dedicated Board of Directors and staff. Thanks to the monumental efforts of our current president and his support committee, this'mission', and how we shall continue to fulfill it, has been very recently clarified and presented in our modified strategic plan for 2015 -2018. We regularly expand our efforts beyond the Mill walls through cooperative programming with numerous other Clarington organizations /service groups: the Library, the Museum, Orono Fair, Fire Hall Youth Centre, A Gift of Art, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Clarington Older Adults, Durham College, the Wilmot Creek Conservation Authority and the KPRDSB. We also interact regularly with our fellow public galleries in Durham Region, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, and The Station Gallery, Whitby. Such interactions benefit all involved. After immense effort and commitment from my predecessors and past board members, the VAC enjoys a sound reputation with numerous funding sources. Plans are underway for a third consecutive "Mayor's Gala for the Arts" in February. Thank you Mayor Foster, Members of Council, and tireless MOC staff for this greatly appreciated windfall. We were once again successful with our Ontario Arts Council yearly programming grant request. This marks five straight years in which our OAC allotment has not diminished; this is acknowledgment from our peers that we are achieving professional standards through our exhibition programming initiatives. We also continue to apply for and receive Federal assistance (Service Canada, Canadian Museums Association) to enable the hiring of two Durham Region post- secondary visual arts students to run our summer art camps, providing them invaluable early work experience. Our summer art camps once again attracted more than 100 budding artists, led by our students, and by professional Durham based artist /instructors. New offerings throughout the year in our seasonal workshops and classes introduced numerous first -time attendees to the VAC and what we offer. As a direct result of broadened and increased studio classes and workshops, both adult and children's program revenue are up more than 10% from last year. The Rotary Club of Bowmanville continue their strong (and historic) support of the VAC, by covering half our grounds- keeping costs, and regularly sponsoring children for art classes through community service groups. We also joined a 'coalition' of Clarington organizations to apply for and receive a substantial Ontario Trillium Foundation grant for the purchase of a mobile stage for the people of Clarington. Working with the MOC, Rotary, and the Orono Fair Committee, we served as lead applicant for this grant request. Our exhibition mandate continues to reflect a strong commitment to the work of Clarington /Durham . based artists, infused with exhibits celebrating the work of established or emerging artists from beyond our region. Our 2014 season presented richly deserved major retrospective exhibitions for two long- 1.53 154 time Durham artists, Edward Falkenberg, and Rowena Dykins. A substantial publication was produced to document Edward's show, with an unprecedented result; five contributing writers, among them all three Durham based public gallery curator's; yours truly, Linda Jansma from the McLaughlin Gallery, and Olexander Wlasenko from the Station Gallery. Through a show organized and toured by The Art Gallery of Peterborough, we also brought the work of inter - nationally exhibited and collected Millbrook, Ontario printmaker, George Raab. Another unprecedented cooperative effort in programming occurred with the major retrospective of the work of Toronto /North Bay artist and teacher, Paul Kelly. Paul initiated the visual arts program at Nipissing University in North Bay. Said university contributed considerable funds to the VAC to assist with substantial shipping costs, and in the production of a 61 page catalogue documenting Paul's life and work through our exhibition. To my knowledge, this is the largest publication yet produced by the VAC. These shows enjoyed extremely popular opening receptions, and a sustained flow of enthusiastic visitors through their duration. To my delight, a co- operative "co- curated" exhibit is in the works for next year. Co- organized by myself and Charles Taws of Clarington Museum and Archives, the exhibit will feature the work of five prominent Durham /Clarington photographers who shall access historical regional images from the archives, and produce contemporary photographs of their own inspired by these regional /local buildings and places of bygone years. None of these exhibits would occur without the support of our funding agencies. We are also soon to be the beneficiaries of a most generous bequest from the late Marjorie Louise Couch, formerly of Newcastle, who has left the VAC a $10,000 donation through her will. Our 34th Annual Juried Show (one of the longest continuously running juried shows in the province), and "100 Small Paintings Members Show and Sale" continued a rich tradition of showcasing countless local and regional artists in the galleries of the Mill. Our exhibit season kicked off with our ever popular "Art from the High Schools" show, providing a professional forum for, literally, the artistic future of Clarington. "Shakespeare in Soper Creek Park" continues as Drift Wood Theatre is confirmed for next summer; we are now the longest continuous venue in Durham Region for this incredibly talented troop. And in closing, the remarkably successful and rewarding children's art festival, "Picasso's Picnic ", is slated for its fourth year next summer. The VAC shall enter its fifth decade full steam ahead! James Campbell SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 PLEASE PRINTITYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 30, 2014 Organization Name Telephone # Address Atl F5 6 I1 /� U C VE; P.O. &C x 50, City I Town Province Postal Code h6V,110A NU IL i b I__. 1 3 Contact Information Position Name LT M/q S C- A-RA I "L7C L Email Address av+ae'q Telephone # Officers for Current Year: Position Name Contact Information President 1Z A& RYA N (home ft (business ft (email): t.ciovU c`y<A Secretary (home #): F% u� b M A I\J D 1� (business #): (email): f'redYA41n �ly� Treasurer (home ft (business ft c1o5 6� 3 31 155 raflec) 6'k C:\ Users \User\AppData\ Local\ Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.IE5 \l9ISXP7Q\2015 Grant Application.docxx vv) 156 (email): m pc b(74,kh !)S fJ ; S( Is your Organization incorporated as No non - profit? Yes r ❑ If yes, when? } } , (dd/mn*y) Is your Organization based within the tJV• U u' �``7�1 �� `7 i� d^ �'�!7 C I/j �` � �?� Gl1' � `7 � � y i� Municipality of Clarington? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is your Organization based within the No Region of Durham Yes r/ ❑ List the programstservices provided by your Organization EKE > 6 14; o o 75 F6 -r- P 4 � 6 � �� 1 Gt +ti � i�' � �' iJ i ir\ C � Cj � g LL-'5 , r;oi�tc1Gb41 �� G�.�� �dc� ut'S �5' �klfts �� LS.�ibt +io•vi-Y -F-cr n�v��er�i Env` S{ t rc7aIe���e�U1 �� �cu� ��•r qt1 What percentage of your registration tJV• U u' �``7�1 �� `7 i� d^ �'�!7 C I/j �` � �?� Gl1' � `7 � � y i� G YLiL��vt �-t'1� � t� Y�O� �"I.t't_ L Ex V b E �s b-V � 66 gj A r 41, v(A f u e_ L; 1,rctt VreAwtc�, -dry j-e,,,'4-a(-5 U fvt ,kviA -Fe - ,f,'V1(5. What is the total program registration � 5 u vt ` tir � �- S c �•ti� `('�� iN I }-�Yi J L� � r 1 lj C� �j• � � or association membership in your Vt/ (1 A viol Organization? What percentage of your registration 7 5 or membership are Clarington 'A �, r`,V n residents? Describe how the programiservices provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. W v5 t�r� 1fl G CM2 �tUG PccJ" 6TIri Q 154cl10 ( L � 5 u vt ` tir � �- S c �•ti� `('�� iN I }-�Yi J L� � r 1 lj C� �j• � � �Gr•� _ � I,tPti � �tIr1G'� S � �/ Vt/ (1 A viol G• — y u �- I.-Col C.'i1 F ytiAGt Gtr t'Y:0 I"vtn �h �t l�io A � w i ('2/l tl b ( ri n Vid Vk 01 0 rr GL J C� — C e S C:\ Users \User\AppData\LocalWicrosoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Fi1es \Content.IE5 \19ISN?7Q\2015 Grant Application.docxx Vve 5c'wo{ rr'gv�ut-- v1ciw', I r`5 eYt� co����+'i4 M JAI' f 4­5 5 0 a du} 1.57 What funding category does your ❑ Recreation & Leisure Organization fall into? ❑ Civic V Social o Boards of Council / Hall Boards 2015 Request (insert dollar figure) $ 'Q 0 , G 6 j 10 0 Have you made a previous request for a Municipal grant to the Municipality Yes e� No ❑ of Clarington? If YES, please complete the following: Year Requested Amount Requested Amount Received Requested Received �o 13 Yev ill 6i Vi ak M, V"• `� G /V l A 26 1 -f L4 6, - I 'f G, Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Yes No ❑ Department or Agency? If YES, please complete the following: Agency Year Requested Received � Yev ill 6i Vi ak M, V"• `� G /V l A 26 1 -f L4 6, - I 'f G, I Li L{ L4 5 9- 4 0P, 6 A P T i N v 5T M EAJ U,V P 0 i L C b G J �7E �LVA ! /t,�G� t7rZ rfo 1K C6)v-A M .3 �LiTf�� eX fV "l( %Vtin Fpvvt e(+lbvt �t' �l °�+� ���. �1' de-, �lne �e cnrcl S `% � e ��e(/t VA c UC i K C' SCCd wadr out �� M 6 G� �5 ��5 P;��e �s` vF ��erer-/-,a,�� ivt`� ��Ur f;6Ut5� C:\ Users\ User \AppData \Loca1\Microsoft�Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.IE5\2SB96VQD\2015 4 ev%ce +\a,e j -�e � k �i � J! � e F �; � �i � �{ 6 j 'S Grant Application.docxx 158 Terms and conditions In the event that the funds allocated are not used for the services, event or project as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the amount of the financial assistance will be payable forthwith to the Municipality. 2. The applicant will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources, external to the Municipality of Clarington. 3. The applicant will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the services, event or project described in the application. 4. The applicant will retain and make available for inspection by the Municipality or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organization upon request from the Municipality, (which may be made within two years of the grant award). 5. If the recipient is an arms - length agency, the Grant Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality of Clarington against any claims;-costs, causes of action, fines or any other losses or other penalties the Municipality of Clarington suffers related to the giving and usage of the grant to the grant recipient. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent and accept conditions as noted in this application. Name Title Date Sign ure r This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets /Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Ll C 3A6 Telephoner (905) 623 -3379 ext. 2602 Email: ntaylor(c clarington.net C:\ Users \UserlAppData \Local\Microsoft\Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.IE5 \19IS)27Q\20l5 Grant Application.docxx Budget Information up -f-o NO e a7, x,-00 ) L' I }-6 yeat PKi ©1'5- Revenue 2014 2015 2015 Salaries — Full Time Grants — Federal / Provincial Q, 7, +6 3 (10 Municipal Grant E Q ,` Q 7 (2 6 Memberships f ?� 2 /`� -7 10 a Registrations , Office Supplies �1,1 UC&4 VA Ce— �2 / "� 06 ,see-6,ul Fundraising Telephone 0 Other (Specify) PO'na4,0V 7 U d- S � I � �(�� Last Year Surplus /Deficit -7 •Z Go Total Revenue 17: o o Expenditures 2014 2015 Salaries — Full Time NOV- 27; Salaries — Part Time Facility Rental Office Supplies �1,1 UC&4 VA Ce— , Telephone Advertising 5rez.,a { Pne)Fe'f`ri(gv;e O r-e'C s . Cue -7 , • 6 9 r r Maintenance Q) y 1 o o Utilities Other (Specify) 6 3) 1 . 7 1 6 Q Total Expenses NO IA all- 0.0 o Surplus (Deficit) N&V �7: 2014 2015 159 6t a I cE b�t C (•� A� 'OTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. C:\ Users \User\AppData\Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.IE5 \23MWUJCW\2015 F-1- � v + � 660 j101)1:20,C L�' Qr Gra nt Application (1).docxx STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2013 2013 2012 ASSETS C[ RRENT C. $ 88,171 $ 55,338 as Short term investments (Note: 3) 12,096 12,078 ccounts receivable - 2,336 Ca ernment rebate receivable 4,718 4,754 ?-;maid amounts 3,623 2,024 $ 108,608 $ 76,530 LIABILITIES _ : Cl�RRENT ;Mounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 17,442 $ 8,891 Government remittances payable 3,217 2,056 -`erred revenue (Note 6) 15,650 21,198 36,309 32,145 CO- LIIITMENTS (Note: 10) NET ASSETS U-N RESTRICTED 72,299 44,385 $ 108,608 $ 76,530 ..,• ��y • :•••D 160 THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLARINGTON STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 2013 2012 EVENUE The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Note: 6) $ 192,901 $ 185,482 Wages and benefits 49,528 45,617 Program revenue Government grants (Note: 6) 26,095 27,321 Donations (Note: 5) 20,911 8,895 7,685 1,926 Fundraising and special events 5,072 5,310 Membership fees 2,147 1,367 Interest and other revenue (Note: 7 8,114. 7,643 Professional fees 305,549 274,708 OPERATING EXPENSES 150,787 143,017 Wages and benefits 35,842 33,022 Education programs 31,97 30,462 Exhibition programs 13,4497 12,781 Repairs and maintenance 13,187 11,193 Utilities 13,021 14,564 Office and sundry 8,114. 7,643 Professional fees 5,815 5 2,789 Special events 2,567 2,867 Advertising and promotion 2,534 2,644 Insurance Ca � ital ex enditures ote: 4 1.226 3,244 277,635 264,226 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES 27,914 10,482 NET ASSETS BEGINNING OF YEAR 44,385 33-903 NET ASSETS END OF YEAR $ 72,299 $ 44,385 The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. 3. 161 162 THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLARINGTON STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 2013 2012 CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 10 482 Excess revenue over ex eases $ 27,914 $ CHANGES IN NON -CASH WORDING CAPITAL: (23) (18) Short term investments 2,336 3,350 Accounts receivable 36 978 Government rebate receivable (1.,599) - Prepaid amounts Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 8,551 1,161 3,357 (1,064) Government remittances payable (5,548) 2,282 Deferred revenue 4,919 8,880 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 32,833 19 362 NET INCREASE IN CASH 32,833 19,362 CASH BEGINNING OF YEAR 55,338 35,976 CASH, END OF YEAR $ 881171 J. 55,338 The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. 4 163 THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLA.RINGTON NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2013 6. Deferred Revenue and Government Grants Deferred revenue, including government grants, is comprised of: 2013 2012 Ontario Arts Council - Arts Investment Fund $ - $ 2,048 Ontario Arts Council - Public Art Galleries 15,650 15,650 Rotary Club of Bowmanville - 3,500 $ 15,650 $ 21,198 Government grants, recognized as revenue, are comprised of: 2013 2012 Ontario Arts Council - Public Art Galleries $ 15,650 $ 15,650 Ontario Arts Council - Arts Investment Fund 2,048 3,266 Government of Canada - Young Canada Works Program 3,885 3,975 Canadian Museums Association (summer student grant) 4,512 4,430 26,095 27,321 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 192,901 185,482 $ 218,996 $ 212,803 The Municipality grant is for the purpose of funding operations. This grant is approved on an annual basis. See also Note: 9. The Ontario Arts Council - Public Art Galleries grant is for three years, 2011 through 2013, for the purpose of funding operations. A similar grant was received for 2010. Receipt of the grant is contingent upon the organization providing various required documentation and reporting annually, of which the organization is currently in compliance. The Ontario Arts Council - Arts Investment Fund grant is for three years, 2010 through 2013, for the purpose of mitigating the effects of the economic downturn on endowment and private sector support, building capacity to maintain and grow earned revenues, and support new ways to expand audiences. The total grant of $8,956 was received as follows: 2013 $2,048, 2012 $3,266, 2011 $3,642. None of the grant was used during 2010. Receipt of the grant. is contingent upon the organization providing various required documentation and reporting annually, , of which- the organization is currently in compliance. i 164 BUDGET /PROFIT AND LOSS PREVIOUS YEAR COMPARISON EXPLANATIONS Following are entry lines on our enclosed Profit and Loss Previous Year Comparison Sheet; explanation will follow: Revenue Line 4001 — General and Service Club Donation, increase of $7216. Line 4015 — Catalogue Sale, decrease of $1,144. Line 4050 — Special Events, decrease of $7,552. Line 4001 is primarily due to calendar timing of two substantial rotary Club donations, for grounds - keeping fees, and children's education activities. Line 4015 is due primarily to the substantial catalogue sales for the 2013 exhibition, "Reclamation: Sally Thurlow." Line 4050 is due to the fact that we did not have our "Wall to Wall" fundraiser in 2014. This event generally raises approximately six to seven thousand dollars. The event was not held this year as our fundraising committee is being re- formed and organized in conjunction with the updating /re- writing of our strategic plan. At least one major fundraising event will occur in 2015, possibly more. Expenditures Line 6200 — Maintenance & Repairs, increase of $4,413. Lines 6426 and 6427 — Fine Art Policy, Director's Insurance, cumulative increase of $2,017. Line 6503 — Casual Labour, increase of $7,288. Line 6500 —Wages and Salary, increase of 11,149. The above expenditure entries constitute a cumulative increase of $24,867 from previous year. Lines 6426 and 6427 are simply a result of calendar billing time for our insurance policies, in which billings either occur late in calendar year, or early in following calendar year. The other listed expense entries occurred to facilitate the expansion and upgrading of our studio resources to improve, and increase our programming offerings to our community. Line 6200 involves substantial improvements /upgrades to our very active pottery studio, primarily repairing /rebuilding our three kilns, the addition of substantial shelving for drying of student pieces, and the purchase of a 'pug mill' to allow the recycling of used clay. Line 6503 relates directly to 6200. This past year our pottery instructor, Lindsay Anderson, was also made pottery studio technician. The substantial increase in casual labour expenses are due to his considerable upgrades to the pottery studio and equipment. Line 6500. The substantial increase here is readily explained. Dionne Powlenzuk, our Programming and Operations Associate, will complete her first full year as a full -time employee at the end of 2014. The Ed /Curator was also given a substantial raise in early 2014. i 16$ 12:30 PM The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison 11/27/14 Accrual Basis As of November 27, 2014 Nov 27, 14 Nov 27, 13 $ Change % Change ASSETS Current Assets ChequinglSavings 1000 • Scotia Bank 101,337.98 90,984.10 10,353.88 11.4% 1005 -Scotia Bank 2 15,624.27 15,811.67 - 187.40 -1.2% 1010 - Petty Cash 204.60 42.08 162.52 3861% 1085 • GIC Endowment 12,109.86 12,091.72 18.14 0.2% Total ChequinglSavings 129,276.71 118,929.57 10,347.14 8.7% Other Current Assets 1400 • Prepaid Exp. 3,622.80 2,024.00 1,598.80 79.0% 1499 • Undeposited Funds 0.00 2,646.86 - 2,646.86 - 100.0% Total Other Current Assets 3,622.80 4,670.86 - 1,048.06 -22.4% Total Current Assets 132,899.51 123,600.43 9,299.08 7.5% Other Assets 1603 • Deferred OAC AIF Grant 0.00 - 2,048.00 2,048.00 100.0% 1600 • Deferred Rev. Ont. Arts Council - 15,650.00 - 15,650.00 0.00 0.0% 1604 • Deferred Rotary Revenue 0.00 - 3,500.00 3,500.00 100.0% Total Other Assets - 15,650.00 - 21,198.00 5,548.00 26.2% TOTAL ASSETS 117,249.51 102,402.43 14,847.08 14.5% LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 2000 • Accounts Payable 17.61 836.17 - 818.56 -97.9% Total Accounts Payable 17.61 836.17 - 818.56 -97.9% Credit Cards 2201 - Scotia Classic Visa 135.48 446.80 - 311.32 - 69.7% 2202 • Staples Busin. Depot 61.56 122.42 -60.86 -49.7% Total Credit Cards 197.04 569.22 - 372.18 -65.4% Other Current Liabilities 2200 - GST Payable - 7,883.41 - 6,161.89 - 1,721.52 - 27.9% 2205 • Accruals 12,940.65 6,181.00 6,759.65 109.4% 2310 • C.P.P. Deductions 955.32 886.96 68.36 7.7% 2315 • E.I. Deductions 327.91 420.79 -92.88 -22.1% 2320 • Income tax deductions 1,677.22 1,502.60 174.62 11.6% 2325 • WSIB Payable 94.15 70.61 23.54 33.3% Total Other Current Liabilities 8,111.84 2,900.07 5,211.77 179.7% Total Current Liabilities 8,326.49 4,305.46 4,021.03 93.4% Total Liabilities 8,326.49 4,305.46 4,021.03 93.4% Equity 3540 • Retained Earnings 72,299.49 44,384.68 27,914.81 62.9% Net Income 36,623.53 53,712.29 - 17,088.76 -31.8% Total Equity 108,923.02 98,096.97 10,826.05 11.0% TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 117,249.51 102,402.43 14,847.08 14.5% 166 Page 1 12:28 PM The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 11/27/14 Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison Accrual Basis January 1 through November 27, 2014 167 Jan 1 -Nov 27, 14 Jan 1 -Nov 27, 13 $ Change % Change Income 4000 - General Donations 4001 • General & Service Club Donation 8,881.25 1,665.10 7,216.15 433.4% 4003 • Receipted Donations 4,725.00 3,216.00 1,509.00 46.9% Total 4000 • General Donations 13,606.25 4,881.10 8,725.15 178.8% 4009 • Art Material Income 1,442.50 900.00 542.50 60.3% 4011 • Rental (rental studio etc) 325.00 400.00 -75.00 -18.8% 4015 • Catalogue Sale 75.00 1,219.00 - 1,144.00 -93.9% 4020 • Art Work Sales 825.00 1,650.00 - 825.00 -50.0% 4030 • Juried Art Show Fee 1,399.00 1,013.00 386.00 38,1% 4050 • Special Events 12,059.65 19,612.50 - 7,552.85 -38.5% 4b86 • GIC Interest Income 13.57 13.55 0.02 0.2% 4090 • Membership Dues 6,330.00 4,927.23 1,402.77 28.5% 4091 • Adult Programs 27,645.48 25,547.78 2,097.70 8.2% 4092 • Children's Programs 22,482.00 21,135.00 1,347.00 6.4% 4110 - Total Grants 4111 • Clarington Operation 188,688.00 182,901.00 5,787.00 3.2% 4112 • Trillium 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 4113 • Ontario Arts Council 15,650.00 15,650.00 0.00 0.0% 4114 - Govt of Cda - Summer Students 4,524.00 8,396.55 - 3,872.55 -46.1% 4116 • Govt of Cda - Museums 4,646.25 0.00 4,646.25 100.0% 4118 - OAC AIF Grant 2,660:00 2,144.00 516.00. 24.1% Total 4110 • Total Grants 216,168.25 209,091.55 7,076.70 3.4% Total Income 302,371.70 290,390.71 11,980.99 4.1% Expense 5001 • Education Programming 5020 • Art Instructor Expense 27,504.51 25,452.66 2,051.85 8.1% 5025 - Art Supply Expense 10,695.65 7,895.71 2,799.94 35.5% 5026 • Model Fees 1,500.00 240.00 1,260.00 525.0% 5027 • Art Equipment 0.00 196.52 - 196.52 - 100.0% Total 5001 • Education Programming 39,700.16 33,784.89 5,915.27 17.5% 5030 • Exhibition Fees 4,917.00 8,195.00 - 3,278.00 -40.0% 5040 • Art Work Sold 825.00 1,970.00 - 1,145.00 -58.1% 5043 • Sundry General 3,001.92 2,148.15 853.77 39.7% 6010 - Exhibition Programming 6011 • Catalogue Expense 6,478.00 7,431.16 - 953.16 -12.8% 6014 • Documentation 1,547.60 2,975.00 - 1,427.40 -48.0% 6015 • Shipping 1,781.03 1,783.24 -2.21 -0.1% 6017 • Artist Talk 800.00 600.00 200.00 33.3% 6018 - Installation 2,318.00 2,140.00 178.00 8.3% 6019 • Juror's Fees 150.00 150.00 0.00 0.0% 6020 • Sundry Exhibition 0.00 202.05 - 202.05 - 100.0% 6021 • Art on Public Lands 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.0% Total 6010 • Exhibition Programming 14,574.63 16,781.45 - 2,206.82 -13.2% 6035 • Special Event Expenses 1,925.00 3,554.34 - 1,629.34 - 45.8% 6037 • Picasso Exp. 3,278.50 2,221.99 1,056.51 47.6% 6040 - Awards/ Bursaries 2,750.00 2,600.00 150.00 5.8% 6045 • Advertising & Promotion 3,005.00 2,382.95 622.05 26.1% 6051 - Travel Expenses 621.37 487.38 133.99 27.5% 6199 • Building 6200 • Maintenance & Repairs 11,414.42 7,000.77 4,413.65 63.1% 6201 - Janitorial 4,936.78 5,217.72 - 280.94 -5.4% 6204 - Enbridge 2,820.62 2,377.88 442.74 18.6% 6206 • Security System 621.40 746.40 - 125.00 -16.8% 6210 • Capital Projects 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00. 100.0% Total 6199 • Building 20,993.22 15,342.77 5,650.45 36.8% 6410 • Insurance 6426 • Fine Art Policy 972.00 - 108.00 1,080.00 1,000.0% 6427 • Directors Insurance 937.37 0.00 937.37 100.0% 6428 • Office Contents, Equipment 741.95 741.96 -0.01 0.0% Total 6410 • Insurance 2,651.32 633.96 2,017.36 318.2% 6500 • Wages & Salary 6501 • CPP Expense 6,035.11 5,386.19 648.92 12.1% 6502 • E.I. Expense 3,156.53 3,010.78 145.75 4.8% 6503 • Casual Labour 8,631.82 1,343.15 7,288.67 542.7% 6504 • W.S.I.B. 506.58 442.51 64.07 14.5% 6510 - Payroll- Vac.Pay Exp. 423.00 551.12 - 128.12 -23.3% 6500 • Wages & Salary - Other 133,070.44 121,920.54 11,149.90 9.2% Total 6500 • Wages & Salary 151,823.48 132,654.29 19,169.19 14.5% Pagel 12:28 PM The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 168 11/27/14 Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison Accrual Basis January 1 through November 27, 2014 Jan 1 - Nov 27, 14 Jan 1 - Nov 27, 13 $ Change % Change 6550 • Office Supplies 6551 • Postage 482.67 177.04 305.63 172.6% 6554 • Bank Service Charges 806.83 674.14 132.69 19.7% 6555 - Equipment 249.99 0.00 249.99 100.0% 6556 • Office Sundry's 4,722.89 4,234.94 487.95 11.5% 6557 • Credit Card Charges 770.44 532.63 237.81 44.7% 6558 • Mail Box Rental 150.00 140.00 10.00 7.1% Total 6550 - Office Supplies 7,182.82 5,758.75 1,424.07 24.7% 6645 • Professional Fees 6650 • Accounting 8,168.75 7,527.50 641.25 8.5% 6655 • Membership Fees 330.00 635.00 - 305.00 -48.0% Total 6645 • Professional Fees 8,498.75 8,162.50 336.25 4.1% Total Expense 265,748.17 236,678.42 29,069.75 12.3% Net Income 36,623.53 53,712.29 - 17,088.76 - 31.8% Page 2 169 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2015 DRAFT OPERATING BUDGET EXTERNAL AGENCIES John Howard Society (Firehouse Youth Centre) 171 Community Care Durham — Clarington Newcastle Community Hall 183 I Clarington Older Adult Association 213 Orono Cemetery Company (budget line included in Operations) 218 I r-� V 0 Municipality ington 01/29/15 BUDGET WOi, ..G PAPERS _ Clarington:EXT AGENCIES 2015 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL Description 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 55,000.00 55,000.00 100 -66- 474 -20010 -7600 OPER GRANT - FIREHOUSE YOUTH 55,000.00 55,000.00 57,200.00 2,200.00 28,110.00 28,953.00 100 - 66-474 -20016 -7600 OPER GRANT- CLAR COMM CARE 28,110.00 28,953.00 29,532.00 579.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 100 -66- 474 -20042 -7600 OPER GRANT- NEWC COMM HALL 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 100 -66 -474- 20138 -7412 CLAR OLDER ADULT CTR BD -TRSF R/ 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 204,000.00 255,000.00 100 -66- 474 -20138 -7600 OPER GRANT -CLAR OLDER ADULT C 204,000.00 255,000.00 310,000.00 55,000.00 308,110.00 359,953.00 Total EXPENDITURE 308.110.00 359.953.00 417,732.00 57,779.00 308,110.00 359,953.00 NET LEVY 308,110.00 359,953.00 417,732.00 57,779.00 r-� V 0 f` Y SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOL1 C 3A6 PLEASE PRINT /TYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 30, 2014 Organization Name Telephone # The Firehouse Youth Centre - The John Howard 905 - 623 -6814 Society of Durham Region Address - 132 Church Street City / Town Province Postal Code Bowmanville Ontario I L1 C 1T6 Offrcersor r v =r �, v n- Name Email Address Telephone # Chris Newman Chris.newman(oD-ihsd.ca 905 - 623 -6814 (ext.30) Offrcersor Position Name Contact Information - President Gord Brook (home #): (business ft (email): bygord @distributel.net. Secretary Abb Gilbert (home ft (business ft (email): I iz.q(c_sym patico.ca Treasurer Peter Stephenson (home ft (business ft (email): C:\ Users \Chris.Newman\Desktop\2015 Grant Application.doexx 171 172 Is your Organization incorporated as non - profit? Yes ® No ❑ If yes, when? 06/12/1999 (ddlmmlyy) Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington? Yes ® No ❑ Is your Organization based within the Region of Durham Yes ® No ❑ List the programs /services provided by your Organization The Firehouse Youth Centre.offers a wide range of services and programming tailored to the needs of the youth aged 12 -19 within the Municipality of Clarington. Open four nights per week (Tuesday — Friday) from 3p.m. — 8p.m. the centre provides youth with a fun and encouraging environment, to not only hang their hats but access the resources the centre has to offer, such as computers with full internet access and use of a fully operational kitchen. Beyond these resources the centre also supports a wide variety of recreational and social based opportunities and a space that allows for basketball tournaments, pool tournaments, floor hockey, video gaming, music programs, girls club and a host of life skills training opportunities as well; spanning from self esteem presentations to employment focused workshops. Additionally, the centre offers drop in counselling services and referral supports for higher needs clients. Beyond these structured programming opportunities, the Firehouse also encourages proactive youth involvement by offering a wide variety of volunteering opportunities, either by assisting in the daily operations and up keep of the centre or by participating in community based events as representatives of the Firehouse. Some of the most influential opportunities for youth involvement include events such as: Bowmanville's Ribfest, Firehouse Fundraisers (ie. Battle of the Bands, Firehouse Fright Night and Great Balls of Fire Golf Tournament), Applefest, opportunities offered in conjunction with Clarington's Safe Communities Committee, Family Safety Day and Rotary's Super Spring Clean Up to name a few. Not only do these opportunities provide the youth with their required community service hours, but they serve to enlighten the youth to understanding the value of community participation. Outside of the ongoing programming offered on a consistent basis, the Firehouse also offers more complex and interactive programming during the Summer Programming piece of the Program. This particular initiative offers several opportunities for the youth to experience and participate in a wide variety of trips and other activities they may not have the opportunity to participate in other wise. 2014 was the busiest summer on record both in terms of programming and attendance, having over 1.00 youth participate in various events. Beyond these factors it is the intention of John Howard Society and the vision of the Firehouse Youth Centre to gradually increase the structured programming and number of fundraising opportunities throughout the year in order to enhance the diversity of programming available to the youth who frequent and access the resources of the centre. New programs launched this year, include Run For Me, Run For Us, Girls' Club, Music Madness and the monthly concert series to name a few. C:\ Users \Chris.Newman\Desktop\2015 Grant Application. docxx 173 What is the total program registration Amount Requested or association membership in your 326 (totaling 3200+ visits to date) Organization? $ 55 000 What percentage of your registration $ 55 000 or membership are Clarington 100% residents? $ 55 000 Describe how the program /services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. The funding received by the Municipality of Clarington directly goes to the continuation of the after - school programs and services provided by The Firehouse Youth Centre. The Firehouse could not function without the support of the Municipality of Clarington. The core funding supports the wide variety of pro - social and recreational programming offered within the centre. Often the most valuable investment we can make in many of these youths lives' is giving them a safe and supervised environment where they feel like they belong and that is exactly what this Municipal Funding does, The Firehouse provides the youth of Clarington a venue to engage in pro - social relationships and activities. On a whole the funding provided by the Municipality plays an integral role in ensuring that the youth of Clarington have an additional avenue to explore social and recreational opportunities, geared towards enhancing their social, physical, cognitive and life skills development, What funding category does your ® Recreation & Leisure Organization fall into? ❑ Civic ® Social ❑ Boards of Council / Hall Boards 2015 Request (insert dollar figure) $ 57 200 Have you made a previous request for a Municipal grant to the Municipality Yes ® No ❑ of Clarington? If YES, please complete the following: Year Requested Amount Requested Amount Received 2014 $ 55 000 $ 55 000 2013 $ 55 000 $ 55 000 2012 $ 55 000 $ 55 000 2011 $ 47 500 $47500 Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Yes ❑ No Department or Agency? C: \Users \Chris.Newman\Desktop\2015 Grant Application. docxx 174 If YES, please complete the following: Agency Year Requested Received C: \Users \Chris.Newman\Desktop\2015 Grant Application.docxx 175 Terms and conditions 1. In the event that the funds allocated are not used for the services, event or project as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the amount of the financial assistance will be payable forthwith to the Municipality. 2. The applicant will make or.continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources, external to the Municipality of Clarington. 3. TheapplicantwiII keep properbooksofaccountsofalIreceiptsand expend itures ,relatingtoth eservices, eventorprojectdescribedintheapplication. 4. TheapplicantwillretainandmakeavailableforinspectionbytheMunicipafityoritsauditorsallrecord sandbooksofaccountsoftheOrganization upon requestfromtheMunicipaIity , (which maybemad ewithintwoyearsofthegrantaward ). 5. If the recipient is an arms - length agency, the Grant Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality of Clarington against any claims, costs, causes of action, fines or any other losses or other penalties the Municipality of Clarington suffers related to the giving and usage of the grant to the grant recipient. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent and accept conditions as noted in this application. This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets /Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623 -3379 ext. 2602 .Email: ntaylor .clarington.net C:\ Users \DIANNA- I.EAS\AppData \Local \Temp \2015 Grant Application.docxx Signature E M W , 1 Zvi . WE V� INT-M, ■: !Il ��� /�11MU 1 This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets /Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623 -3379 ext. 2602 .Email: ntaylor .clarington.net C:\ Users \DIANNA- I.EAS\AppData \Local \Temp \2015 Grant Application.docxx Budget Information Revenue 2014 !M Grants —Federal /Provincial NIA NIA Municipal Grant 55000 Memberships N/A Registrations N/A Fundraising 10000 Other (Specify) — Service Club Donation 2.500 Other (Specify) — Christmas Dinner 500 Other (Specify) — United Way of Durham 10000 Last Year Surplus/Deficit NIA Total Revenue 78000 14, Expenditures 2014 !M Salaries —Full Time 40070 Salaries —Part Time 9500 Other — CPP/El 4080 Other — JHSO 6011 Other Benefits Administration 880 Facility Rental 1 000 Office Supplies 500 Telephone 300 Advertising N /AIA Maintenance 1 000 14, Utilities NIA NO Other — Administration 8250 Other — Mileage 700 176 C:\Users\Chris.Newman\Desktop\2015 Grant Appfication.docxx Other — Christmas Dinner 600 8Q:0 Other— Food 400 40Q, Other — Client Assistance 110 2OD Other — Fundraising 2000 Other — Program Supplies 2 600 Other — Staff Training N/A Other - Insurance NIA 7U0 Total Expenses 78 001 $:59;50 Surplus (Deficit) 2014Or15: (1) 1Vl NOTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. 177 C: \Users \Chris.Newman\Desktop\2015 Grant Application.docxx 178 Budget Information - The Following Charts represent a projected budget break down from 2016- 2019 representing both our capital and operating budgets; as this is merely .1 projection the figures identified below may be affected by factors such as inflation, an increase in programming costs, etc... Revenue 209rfi 2 Grants -Federal /Provincial 4 1O 44_'874 Municipal Grant 57t2U =0' 5:93488 Memberships 4 Other — JHSO 05Q.0 AN Registrations .FaGility Rental Fundraising Telephone T, Other (Specify) — Service Club NIA Donation 3 000 3 20:00 Other (Specify) — Christmas Dinner 75Q, 1'LO:U0 Other (Specify) — United Way of Durham 1O Q00: 12 -OUO Last Year Surplus/Deficit Total Revenue Expenditures 209rfi 2 Salaries —Full Time 4 1O 44_'874 Salaries —Part Time 1:0=000 Y =0020 Other — CPP/El 4 Other — JHSO 05Q.0 AN Other — Benefits Administration .FaGility Rental Office Supplies Telephone Advertising1% NIA Maintenance Utilities C:\Users\Chris.Newman\Desktop\2015 Grant Application.docxx Other — Administration 8 5.80 9_£049` Other — Mileage Other — Christmas Dinner Other — Food 400: x:00 Other — Client Assistance Other — Fundraising 2 50:0: 2 =L5OQ Other — Program Supplies Other —Staff Training Other-Insurance 7:0;0 730 Total Expenses ;8519`50` 9O:4,8g F77! urplus (Deficit) 20'1;5 2Or18 NIA NTA C: \Users \Chris.Newman\Desktop\2015 Grant Application.docxx 179 Revenue 20:'1_8 Grants —Federal /Provincial IN A 4fi 68,0 Municipal Grant Membership's x_50:0 465Q Other — JHSO 0 Registrations Facility Rental 13j200' Fundraising Telephone Other (Specify) — Service Club NA Donation Other (Specify) — Christmas Dinner Other (Specify) — United Way of Durham 000 Last Year Surplus/Deficit COQ Total Revenue 250 Expenditures IF 20:'1_8 Salaries —Full Time 874 4fi 68,0 Salaries —Part Time Other — CPP/EI x_50:0 465Q Other — JHSO 0 Other — Benefits Administration Facility Rental 13j200' .Office Supplies Telephone Advertising NA Maintenance Utilities Other — Administration Other — Mileage Other — Christmas Dinner10001 000 . Other— Foodv00 COQ Other — Client Assistance5;Q 250 Other — Fundraising_ 101 180 C:\Users\Cb-ris.Newman\Desktop\2015 Grant Application.docxx Other – Program Supplies- Other – Staff Training Other - Insurance ;75_Q -7- Total Expenses 90 48`8 9;3 8:68: Surplus (Deficit) 201, 201$: Note: As indicated previously it is the goal of the Firehouse Youth Centre to continue to support the youth within the Municipality of Clarington by offering a balance of- structured as well as drop in based programming. On, a whole there are specific plans to increase the programming offered to the youth accessing the resources of the centre. Over the past two years the Firehouse has not only consistently increased programming opportunities, but pursued additional community partnerships, seen a substantial increase in the number of youth accessing the centre as well as a marked increase in the amount of support these youth require. The Firehouse will continue to adapt and alter programs and supports to meet the ever changing needs of youth in Clarington. C:\ Users \Chris.Newman\Desktop\2015 Grant Application.docxx 181 JHS OF DURHAM REGION AAPI Income Statement with Breakdown For the Period Ending10 /31/2-014 Printed 11127/2014 02 :08:47 PM Departments: Dept CLY - CLARINGTON YOUTH 182 Current Month Current_ TQ Total, Budget Elud et lance FT}pItAISING :. 6,9.59. ; 21557 .. : •10,000 (11) 557) MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 55,000 55,000 ( ) 'UNITED.' AY. L77i:�RHAM 10,000 10' . ( ) CHRISTMAS DINNER 500 500 DONATIONS 2,500 2,500 DONATIONS SERVICE CLUBS .. Total Revenues 6,959 86,557 78,090 (81557) FULL' T 'IDvIESTAFF 3,375 23,625 40,070 16,445 RET Z$F i SJRI�ERS " 819 5.251 9,5.00 4,249 CPPM1 1,426 4,080 2,654 7I S,o. SO1 3,456 ... 6,011:. -2,555 BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION $3 580 880 300 A.T�ME,iISTRATION 540 4,11.9: 8,250 4,131 OFFICE SUPPLIES 147 500 353 XffLEA�GE .: 175 552 700 ' ; " 148 TELU14ONE 50 450 300 .. RENT' . ' • ' ... • , 10..0 .700 '1;000 ' REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 222 1,000 778 CIiRISTMAS.bm4NEIZ 600. , 600 FUNDRAISING 17 2,963 2,000 (963) GI,lENT A.SSISTANC " .. 110 ' 110 t. FOOD 400 400 - PROGRAM. SUPPLIES' 971 ' 2;600 1,629 OTHER 2,009 (2,009) Total Expenses 6,160 46,472 78,001 31,529 798 40,085 (1) (40,086) Net Earnings(Loss) -Pagel - �PE Mental Health Program Individual Support Group Support Specialized Geriatrics Education Home Support Program Meals on Wheels Transportation/ Accessible Van Friendly Visiting Foot Care Clinics Luncheon Out Telephone Reassurance Home Maintenance Home Help . . Respite Program Adult Day Programs In-Home Respite Long -Term Emergency Avoidance Program Assisted Living Services )me at Lest rrogram . Client Settlement from Hospital to Home Offices: Ajax- Pickering Brock Clarington Oshawa Scugog Uxbridge Whitby Charitable Reg.# 11888 9955 RR0001 Supported by f 'Ontario ConkFA East Lacal Health Inter9ra0on Network A Unilad Way MemberAgency 183 Community Care Durham Clarington Supporting People, Strengthening Community 2440 Hwy. 2, Unit #1 'Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 COPE Mental Health Program November 28, 2014 Tel: 905-623-4123, Fax: 905 -623 -2604 Home Support Program Tel: 905- 623 -2261 - Fax: 905 - 623 -2604 Adult Day Program Tel: 905 - 697 -7231 - Fax: 905 - 623 -2604 Respite Program Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Tel: 1-888-255-6680 r Fax: 905 - 839 -5513 Municipality of Clarington www,communitycaredurham.on.ca 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Dear Director: Please find attached the 2015 budget application and request for Community Care Durham — Clarington. The 2015 budget request and projections reflect anticipated service delivery for the Clarington location as we prepare for the next few years serving our growing municipality and community. The overall aging of the population in the Municipality is a demographic trend that is typical of most Ontario communities. As noted in the Clarington Community Forecast Update of 2013, demands for community services, fire and emergency services and transportation were identified as areas affected as an increase in the number of seniors in Clarington is forecasted. These demographic patterns will play a part in determining our service delivery to Clarington clients. We ask for your full consideration of our request and as in previous years, I would be most willing to provide further details to council and municipal staff if requested. We look forward to continued service provision within the Clarington community. Yours truly, Sally Barrie, Administrator Volunteering enri he yo SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ll C 3A6 PLEASE PRINTITYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 30, 2014 Organization Name Telephone # Community Care Durham — Clarington 905-623-2261 Address 2440 Highway 2, Unit 1' City / Town Province Postal Code Bowmanville Ontario Ll C OK6 Contact WORM NE-111-RCH .44 mom Email Address Telephone # Name Jennifer Cree (home Sally Barrie - Administrator sbarrie @communitycaredurham.on.ca 905 - 623 -2261 x223 184 mom Position Name Contact Information President Jennifer Cree (home (business ft (email): Jenhifer@moorshead.com Secretary Charlotte (home ft Empringham (business ft (email): chemp@rogers.com I't Vice President Keith Tournay (home ft (business (email): ktournay@hotmail.ca 184 Is your Organization incorporated as non - profit? Yes No ❑ If yes, when? 24 February 1983 ddlmmtyy Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington? Yes No ❑ Is your Organization based within the Region of Durham Yes No ❑ List the programs /services provided by your Organization Community Care Durham is a multi - service registered charitable organization that provides Home Support, Respite (Caregiver Relief) and COPE Mental Health services for adults and their caregivers with needs related to aging, physical and /or mental health. Our services are provided free of charge or for a minimal fee and are administered through service locations across Durham Region. The Home Support Program includes a broad range of services that play an important role in assisting clients to remain as independent as possible in their own homes and maintain involvement and connections with their communities. Some services have a user fee while others are offered free of charge. Home Support services include: Meals on Wheels: Nutritious hot and /or frozen meals are delivered to clients in their homes. In response to client/caregiver requests, frozen meals can also be ordered online (for eligible clients). There are presently 12 routes throughout the Municipality of Clarington where hot meals (includes an entree, soup and dessert) are delivered five days each week. Frozen meals (entree and soup /dessert as per client preference) are available on a weekly basis. Variety of meals is provided through the use of two different suppliers. Meal choices can accommodate a variety of nutritional requirements (diabetic, renal, minced etc.). Frozen meals can be picked up at the office or delivered to the door. Transportation: Escorted transportation is provided for clients to access medical appointments, shopping, etc., with priority given to medical appointments and to our Adult Day Program. The transportation service is provided through the use of both volunteer and paid drivers. Volunteer drivers primarily use their own vehicles. Our paid drivers also utilize a fully accessible van and two minivans that are equipped with a special chair on the passenger side to facilitate entry and exiting for individuals with mobility issues. Luncheon Out: These gatherings provide group outings for clients to enjoy a meal and entertainment with other individuals from their community. The luncheon out service is offered primarily ten months of the year in a variety of locations across the Municipality of Clarington. There are presently two separate locations in Bowmanville, and one location each in Orono, Newcastle and Courtice. Where needed, transportation to the event is also available. Home Help and Home Maintenance: Brokered helpers provide assistance to clients with needs inside and outside the home (light housekeeping, yard work, grass cutting, snow shovelling, etc.) Friendly Visiting: Volunteers visit with clients on a regular basis to share their time, companionship and talents. Effective April 1, 2014, the Volunteer Visiting service from VON was transferred to CCD, increasing bur total number of clients served within this service. 185 186 Telephone Reassurance / Visiting: Volunteers provide regular phone contact — for social reasons or for security reasons to check on a client's well- being. For security calls, the client's emergency contact is called if the client does not respond to the call. Foot Care Clinics: Foot Care Services provided by registered foot care nurses in a community based setting. The clinics provide basic foot care and recommend chiropodist services where needed. Foot care clinics are located throughout the Municipality of Clarington as follows: 2 locations in Newcastle (offering a total of 4 clinics each month); 1 location in Orono (offering 1 clinic each month); 3 locations in Bowmanville (offering weekly and. monthly clinics); 1 location in Courtice (offering 2 clinics each month) and 1 location at Wilmot Creek (offering 3 clinics a month). The Collaborative Health Intake Proiect (CH/P) is a collaboration between Community Care Durham (CCD) (and the Central East Community Care Access Centre ( CECCAC). Two Supported Referral Coordinators work out of the CECCAC office and perform a screening function and assist clients who call with accessing CCD services easily and seamlessly. Now in its 5th year, the service has resulted in significant increases in the number of referrals from CECCAC to CCD services. The COPE Mental Health Program of Community Care Durham is a unique community - based mental health program that uses trained volunteers and staff with the goal of supporting adults with mental health concerns to live and participate in their community, while maintaining an optimum quality of life. The COPE Mental Health Program currently includes the following components: • Individual support and non - intensive case management services for mental health clients living in the community in the form of one -to -one support provided by trained volunteers and supervised by our Program Managers; • Support and coping skills groups for mental health clients living in the community, co- facilitated by trained volunteers and Program Managers. • Recruitment, screening, comprehensive mandatory training, ongoing support and supervision of volunteers to provide programming for mental health clients living in the community and their families. • Community development activities that include education to the community on mental health issues; • Referral and mental health /social service information to the community. The Psychogeriatric Community Support Program (PCSP) is a collaborative program offered by Community Care Durham's COPE Mental Health Program and Ontario Shores for Mental Health Sciences, with support from CMHA Durham. This program offers screening, assessment and clinical consultation plus referral and supportive services for high risk older adults 65 years + with mental health concerns and living in the community. There are two components: (1) Outreach assessments conducted by a nurse clinician in.consultat ion with a geriatric psychiatrist; (2) Supportive Service Assessments, referral and follow up conducted by COPE staff; supportive services including: individual short term supportive counseling; psycho - educational and.social recreational support groups; and one -to -one support provided by staff and /or trained volunteers. The Home at Last (HAL) Program is a collaboration between community hospitals, the CE CCAC and Community Care Durham, which assists-clients with their settlement home upon discharge from the hospital and provides short term personal support to assist with this transition (i.e., transportation home, safety check of the home environment, linkage to J community resources, grocery shopping, meal preparation etc.). It also ensures appropriate referral and linkage to Community Care Durham services. Access to Primary Care Service (APCS) enables high risk seniors access to their primary care appointments by utilizing the successful service delivery structure of the existing Home at Last program (above). APCS Personal Support Workers accompany older adult clients (or those with special needs) to critical primary care appointments. APCS workers stay with the client throughout their appointment, to provide support, and settle the client home safely following their appointment. This service ensures clients have access to primary care support in a delivery method that is cost - effective and client focused. (New in in fall 2093) Exercise & Falls Prevention is a provincial initiative with the primary objectives of maintaining, expanding, and improving access to exercise and falls prevention classes for older adults requiring this service. Community Care Durham currently provides oversight for this initiative in 18 sites in Durham Region, with 4 sites hosting exercise and falls prevention classes in Clarington. In -Home Respite: In -Home Respite is a caregiver relief program offering a temporary break from the responsibility associated with caring for a loved one with needs related to aging and /or a disability. Care is delivered by qualified registered Personal Support Workers who maintain a safe environment and are trained to provide personal care, assistance with routine living activities, social interaction, meal preparation, client centered homemaking and more. Adult Day Program: The Adult Day Program offers a safe and comfortable setting for clients with needs related to aging and /or a disability to enjoy a wide array of social and recreational programs. Qualified staff and volunteers provide the recreational programs and assist with routine living activities. The program operates Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and clients from all areas in Clarington may utilize the CCD accessible van for transportation to and from the program. Assisted Living Services For High Risk Seniors (ALS): Assisted Living Services are available to eligible clients residing in the retirement community of Wilmot Creek in Newcastle. This service provides support to high risk seniors living at home and includes personal support, homemaking, security checks and reassurance services. Regularly scheduled visits are provided through registered Personal Support Workers and the care provided is based on the needs of the client. Clients also have the option to call for an unscheduled visit for urgent needs that cannot wait until the next scheduled visit, twenty four hours seven days a week. What is the total program registration or association membership in your 8,000 -Organization? As of March 31, 2014 What percentage of your registration or membership are Clarington 23% residents? Registration is broken down as follows:, 187 I Home Support- Clarington Home Support Clients 1,506 Served 47 Registered Volunteers 410 COPE — Clarington COPE Clients Served 189 Registered 47 Volunteers Adult Day Program - Clarington ADP Clients Served 68 Registered Volunteers 14 Respite - Clarington In -Home Respite Clients 23 Served Assisted Living Clients 56 Served Describe how the program /services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. In Clarington, Home Support services (Meals on Wheels (hot and frozen), Transportation, Luncheon Out, Friendly Visiting, Foot Care, Home Help and Home Maintenance-, Telephone Reassurance, Information and Referral) provide needed supports to enhance the ability of adults with needs related to aging physical and /or mental health to remain in their own homes and communities and to function as independently as possible. Annual operating costs for these services increase each year, as does the cost of actively promoting our services so that the community is aware of the supports available. This includes producing written materials, providing presentations to groups, and maintaining contact with physicians and community groups. We rely on approximately 2,000 volunteers (450 of whom are in Clarington) to assist in the delivery of Home Support Services across the Region, As a result, Volunteer Recruitment remains an ongoing need and challenge, requiring that we invest more time and dollars each year for advertising and recruitment efforts in order to attract new volunteers. Recruitment of new volunteers then requires appropriate screening, interviewing, orientation and ongoing training to ensure that our volunteers are properly supported. In addition, we also need to adapt to varying expectations from new volunteers. This requires the'need to look at more flexibility, training and support so that we meet the varied needs of our new and existing volunteers and thus retain them. The Clarington area has, and continues to experience significant population growth, particularly seniors. In the 2011 Census, Statistics Canada reports an increase of 8.6% in overall population for the Clarington area as compared to the 2006 census data. 189 However, those aged 55 and over in Clarington increased another 25% from the last census (with an additional 27 %- increase in this age group when comparing the 2006 and 2001 census). Those over 75 increased 20% over that same period (with an additional 30% increase in this age group when comparing the 2006 to 2001 census). With future anticipated growth, along with the recognition that people are best supported within their own communities and in their own homes, the demand for our services will continue to increase. The Transportation service continues to be a necessary and important support to Clarington residents, ensuring that they can access medical appointments, attend our Adult Day Program, and go shopping-for groceries or other necessary items. The Transportation service provided 15,162 units of service in 2013 -2014. This includes ensuring that clients access the Adult Day Program in Clarington, utilizing both our'minivan and accessible van, as well as assisting clients with medical trips, grocery trips, attending Luncheon Out events, attending COPE support groups and other trips.for other necessities. The Meals on Wheels service continues to be in high demand. Since 2005, the average total number of meals delivered each year in the Clarington area has been around 15,000. Since 2012, our meal delivery has increased to exceed 18,000 meals each year for Clarington alone. This past fiscal year we delivered an all -time high of 19,912 meals. For the current fiscal year, our 2nd quarter stats indicate that we will surpass even those numbers. Referrals continue to be received from the Central East Community Care Access Centre, health care professionals, family members and self - referrals. Our meal delivery is important to clients who rely on the service all year round, as well as clients who might use our service for a limited time when first discharged from hospital or when recovering from a fall or lengthy illness. The coordination and management of these services places ongoing demands on staff time to both ensure timely and flexible service delivery and maintaining a large volunteer base to support the demand. Our hot meal provider continues to be the local hospital (Lakeridge Health Bowmanville). We continue to face the challenge of needing to find an alternative hot meal provider, as identified in past submissions. This would require both a provider who can manage the volume of meals required for the Clarington area as well as access to a proper staging area, to allow for the storage and heating of meals. Additional staff hours would also be needed to manage the staging area. With the potential of another increase in the cost of our meals, or the loss of the hospital as our meal provider, finding an alternative solution is an imminent concern. CCD continues to explore its various options regarding the provision of hot meals in Clarington. Our frozen meal service continues to be very popular, providing clients with additional choices and options to assist them during holidays when our hot meal service is not available. Frozen meal costs increase each year and this places additional demand on our financial resources. In addition, the increase in food safety issues has meant additional staff time to ensure that clients are kept safe and aware of what is happening. The Luncheon Out service is also extremely popular. Approximately 44 Luncheon Out events happen each year in Clarington. This service incurs costs for the meal provided, but also for entertainment and transportation for our clients so that they are able to attend. With some Luncheon Out sites our meals costs now exceed what we charge for the event, as we have tried to minimize increases in costs for our clients. Approximately 300 clients benefit from our Luncheon Out each month with an additional 50 people waiting for a spot to open up as we are at capacity at most of our locations. Foot care services also continue to be in high demand for the Clarington area, with more than 14 clinics being offered in different locations in Clarington. Our foot care nurses provide an invaluable service for clients who need this assistance due to mobility issues, illness or because they have diabetes and require special care and attention. The cost of 190 nursing, foot care supplies (sterilization materials, foot care instruments etc.) increase each year. The Supported Referral Coordinators fill an important role in helping clients access services in a timely fashion. They are now part of an e- Referral system that started in October 2014 that facilitates the sharing of information to allow for timely referrals and the best use of staff time. Over the past six months, the SRC's assisted over 880 clients in accessing requested CCD services as well as providing information on the full.breadth of services available. We also gratefully receive funding support from the United Way each year. Funding is always contingent on a successful United Way Campaign as well as the number of requests for support. The continued support from the Municipality would be of great assistance to us and would allow us to continue providing our services in light of revenue shortfalls and increases in operating costs. The COPE Mental Health Program in Clarington is a community program that offers support to adults 1.6 years and older with emotional and /or mental health concerns living in the community. Clarington COPE currently supports clients through one -to -one matches and offers 11 local psycho - educational support groups. In 2013/14, COPE Clarington provided 174 staff and volunteer led support group sessions. COPE is an active partner in Making Connections Clarington, which offers social recreation support for isolated persons with mental health concerns, and operates 2 days per week out of Bowmanville. The COPE Mental Health Program is unique in Durham Region particularly with respect to the significant role volunteers have in service delivery. Additionally, COPE supports high risk older adults with mental health concerns to remain at home with support through the Psychogeriatric Community Support Program described above. The COPE Program has the ability to respond to local community needs. We are able to provide group programs, for example, based on needs identified by our clients and community stakeholders which are unique to the local community we serve. We are able to engage clients in a non - institutional, friendly and safe environment that is mutually agreed upon by the client, staff and volunteer. Recruitment of volunteers, their training, monitoring and supervision is ongoing. Volunteers receive a mandatory 12 week Fundamentals of Mental Health & Group Facilitation training program . Training focuses on the development of active listening skills, group dynamics, respecting boundaries, and the importance of client confidentiality; training is offered several times per year. Volunteerism enhances and enriches Clarington as a caring community. Educational opportunities such as COPE's Distinguished Speaker Series are also offered, as is community awareness events. Programs are determined by local need and organized by the local Program Manager with the support of volunteers. COPE is accessible with satellite locations throughout Durham Region and referral criteria that is inclusive and is non - diagnostic. In 2013/14, COPE Clarington provided clients with 2,928 hours of direct service. Although more than half of referrals are generated by self - referrals or from family and friends, COPE is well established within Durham's health care services with one -third of referrals from health care service providers such as acute care hospitals, family physicians, and psychiatrists. MOHLTC guidelines prevent community mental health programs from charging fees for services for which the Ministry provides funding. A significant gap remains between MOHLTC funding for COPE and the actual cost of the program. With the existing gap plus increased operating costs that are not adequately supported by MOHLTC, additional funding sources have become increasingly important to sustain COPE program services. 191 The In -Home Respite Program in Clarington is part of a regional service providing caregiver relief to informal /family caregivers caring for frail elderly, adults with dementia or physical limitations since 1989. Service is provided in clients' homes by registered Personal Support Workers for a minimum of three hours providing personal care, homemaking and a safe environment to the receiver of care. This service recognizes and supports the commitment informal /family caregivers have undertaken, enabling them to continue in their caregiving role and in turn lowering the risk of illness and caregiver burnout. The Adult Day Program in Clarington is housed under the same roof as the Home Support and COPE Mental Health programs and has been offered in the municipality of Clarington since 1998. Community Care offers an integrated program that is geared to our target population. The Day Program clients participate in social and recreational group activities while receiving assistance with daily living activities in a safe and comfortable home like setting. This program assists in maintaining the participants' maximum level of independence to prevent premature or inappropriate institutionalization and at the same time provides caregiver relief to the informal /family caregiver. The demand for Community Care's In -Home Respite and Adult Day Program services will only increase as the population ages and as adult children, spouses, and other informal caregivers find it necessary to take on the responsibility of caring for a loved one full time. These caregivers will turn to Community Care Durham for the support of community based services to keep their loved ones at home. Many of our caregivers also work outside the home, in addition to caring for young children. These informal /family caregivers are essential to the health care continuum and need to be guaranteed affordable respite options to continue in their caregiving role. The In -Home Respite and the Adult Day Programs are partially funded through the Central East Local Health Integration Network and the remainder of the cost is made up by a nominal user fee. Many clients use both services. The Clarington Municipal Grant assists us in offering a further subsidy when the service cost is a barrier to service. Assisted Living Services for High Risk Seniors is a partnership between the Central East Community Care Access Centre (CECCAC), the Central East Local Health Integration Network (CELHIN) and Community Care Durham (CCD). Assisted Living is provided to eligible residents living in the retirement community of Wilmot Creek, and is coordinated out of an office shared with the Home Support Program, located within the Wilmot Creek community. The Home Support program has been coordinating meals on wheels, transportation, friendly visiting and other Home Support services for the residents of Wilmot Creek for many years out of the long standing Bowmanville office. Having a new local office situated in Wilmot Creek working alongside the Assisted Living program has created a site of excellence in integrated seamless care, with one point of contact to open the door to whatever CCD service is required. Community Care Durham began offering Assisted Living services in Clarington in February 2014 and is funded to provide service to 55 ongoing clients. There is no significant data to report from the last fiscal year but at the time of writing we are serving 56 ongoing clients and have provided service to 68 discrete clients. Assisted Living provides care for those residents with complex and long -term needs that place them at risk of avoidable hospital admissions or premature institutionalization. The Clarington Municipal Grant will assist us in the coordination and provision of all CCD services coordinated out of both Clarington offices. 192 What funding category does your ❑ Recreation & Leisure Organization fall into? ❑ Civic 4 Social ❑ Boards of Council / Hall Boards 2015 Request (insert dollar figure) $ 29,532 Have you made a previous request for a Municipal grant to the Municipality Yes No ❑ . of Clarington? If YES, please complete the following: Year Requested Amount Requested Amount Received 2014 -2015 $28,953 $28,953 2013014 $28,110 $28,110 2012 -2013 $27,157 $27,157 2011 -2012 $26,265 $26,265 Has your Organization requested, funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Yes No ❑ Department or Agency? If YES, please complete the following: Agency Year Requested Received CE LHIN 2014 $698,708 $698,708 Canada Summer Jobs 2014 $9,937 $9,937 193 Terms and conditions In the event that the funds allocated are not used for the services, event or project as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the amount of the financial assistance will be payable forthwith to the Municipality. The applicant will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources, external to the Municipality of Clarington. The applicant will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the services, event or project described in the application. 4. The applicant will retain and make available for inspection by the Municipality or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organization upon request from the Municipality, (which may be made within two years of the grant award). 5. If the recipient is an arms - length agency, the Grant Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality of Clarington against any claims, costs, causes of action, fines or any other losses or other penalties the Municipality of Clarington suffers related to the giving and usage of the grant to the grant recipient. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent and accept conditions as noted in this application. Name Title Date Signature Brent Farr Executive Director Nov 25th, 2014 Annamaria Maccarone Director, Home Support Nov 25th, 2014 This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets /Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623 -3379 ext. 2602 Email: ntaylor(alclarington.net 194 Budget Information Revenue 2014 2015 -Grants— Federal / Provincial $698,708 $1,134,256 Municipal Grant 28,953 29,532 Memberships (Earned Revenue from Services Provided )- 297,466 295,058 Registrations 19,847 16,590 Fundraising 6,880 5,923 Other (Specify) Donations, United Way and Miscellaneous Revenue 64,281 54,611 Last Year Surplus /Deficit 14,616 13,762 Total Revenue $1,096,288 $1,519,380 Expenditures 2014 2015 Salaries — Full Time $553,068 $905,105 Salaries — Part Time 165,939 .214,980 Facility Rental 82,536 87,134 Office Supplies 19,847 16,590 Telephone 16,493 17,232 Advertising 403 1,300 Maintenance 14,616 13,762 Utilities 900 Other (Specify) Program Supplies and Misc. Expenses 243,386 262,377 Total Expenses $1,096,288 $1,519,380 Surplus (Deficit) 2014 2015 0 1 0 NOTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM REPORT ON CLARINGTON HOME SUPPORT SERVICES Period: April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 # of clients served (discrete): 1,506 # of volunteers on file: - 410 Service Service Numbers Individuals Served Meals On Wheels 19,912 meals 223 (Hot & Frozen) Transportation 15,162 one way trips 668 2,280 meals (including Luncheon Out entertainment in a social 479 setting) Visiting Services (Friendly 18,401 visits 195 Visiting & Telephone Reassurance) Service Arrangements (Home 9,100 hours 195 Help & Home Maintenance) Foot Care 2,860 appointments 501 J 195 196 CON Yf NITY CARE DURHAM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2014 197 Smith H. Howard Smith, FCA (Retired) Richard A. Chappell, CPA, CA Chappell Deborah L. Marsh, CPA, CA Marsh Vesa K. Vilander, CPA, CA VilanderLLP Chartered Accountants INDEPENDENT AUDITOR_'S REPORT To the Members of Community Care Durham We have audited the accompanying statement of financial position of Community Care Durham as at March 31, 2014 and the statements of operations, changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Monagement's.Responsihility fdr the Financial. Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these statements in accordance with Canadian Accounting Standards for Not - for -Profit Organizations, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's R esp o n s ih ility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgement, including the assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but .not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. ' An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation -of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. 21 Gladstone Avenue, Suite 306, Oshawa, Ontario LIJ 4E3 Tel. 905 -720 -0265 Toll free 1- 877 -326 -3422 , Fax 905- 720 -0301 Entail: Accounting @SCMV. ca Website: www.scmv,ca Basis for Qualified Opinion In common with many charitable organizations, the organization derives revenue from donations and fundraising, the completeness of which is not susceptible of satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, our verification of these revenues was limited to accounting for the amounts recorded in the records of the organization and we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to revenue, excess of revenue over expenditures, assets and net assets. Quaked Opinion In our opinion, except for the .effect of the matter described in the Basis. for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Community Care Durham as at March 31, 2414, and the results of its operations, changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian Accounting Standards for Not -for -Profit Organizations. Chartered Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants June 9, 201.4 Oshawa, Ontario i9€3 199 CONQYIUNITY CARE DURHAM (INCORPORATED 'WITHOUT SHARE CAPITAL UNDER THE LAWS OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT MARCH 3 ASSETS Current Cash Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Investments (Note 2) 2014 2013 Association Operational $ 380,223 $ 1,257,019 $ 1,637,242 $ 1,104,645 497,888 497,888 379,294 - 63,221 63,221 27,065 380,223 1,818,128 2,198,351 1,511,004 544,526 56,370 600,896 600,896 Capital - net book value (Note 2 and 3) 461,681 274,703 736,384 669,235 $ 1,386,430 $ 2,149,201 $ 3,535,631 $ 2,781,13S LIABILITIES Current Accounts payable Due to Central East LIIIN Deferred revenue (Note 2) Deferred Contributions Related to Capital Assets (Note 4) NET ASSETS . Invested in Capital Assets (Note 5) Internally Restricted Funds (Note 6) Restricted Trust Funds (Note 7) Unrestricted Funds Approved: $ - $ 1,072,814 $ 1,072,814 $ 761,397 711,278 711,278 .406,125 34,036 34,036 27,799 1,818,128 1,818,128 1,195,321 274,703 274,703 189,695 461,681 461,681 479,540 544,526 - 544,526 544,526 - 56,370 56,370 56,370 380.223 - 380,223 315,683 1,386,430 1 56,370 1,442,800 1,3 96,119 $ 1,386,430 $ 2,149,201 $ 3,535,631 •$ 2,781,135 I. Director Director V COMNrMTY CARE DURRAM STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, Association. Operational 2014 2013 Revenue Central East LHIN Community Support Services Central East LE IN Paymaster /Flowthrough Funding Central East LIEN Community Mental Health Ministry of Health, Personal Support Worker Training United Way Local municipal grants Trillium grants Fundraising and other income Donations Meals on wheels Respite program fees Reimbursed subsidies Other program fees Interest Amortization of deferred contributions (Note 4) Summer employment grants Expenditures Salaries and benefits Staff training Volunteer training, recruitment and recognition Travel Occupancy Office Purchased services Contra6ted by client Food costs Service supplies and expenses Other operating costs Bad debts and subsidies Publicity and promotion Amortization Equipment, minor capital and maintenance (Note 2) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue Over Expenditures S - $ 24,980 38,665 15,683 46,01.2 60,054 185,394 35,81.3 9,718 80 2,988 10,414 77,913 1.787 138,713 $ 46,681 8,518,563 (1,329,481) 435,396 35,000 211,500 28,321 70,661 157,480 550,914 711,595 148,170 244,591 10,755 37,334 -9830,799 7,147,540 34,554 29,677 307,615 600,524 318,791 142,677 89,367 591,498 263,272 102,108 36,693 23,721 142,762 9,830,799 $ 8,518,563 '(1,329,481) 435,396 35,000 211,500 28,321 24,980 109,326 173,163 550,914 711,595 148,170 290,603 10,755 60,054 37,334 10,.016,193 7,183,353 34,554 39,395 307,695 600,524 321,779 142,677 89,367 591,498 263,272 102,108 36,693 34,135 77,913 144,549 9,969,512 $_ 46,681 6,929,742 (1,231,159) 406,697 16,454 2Q3,799 27,395 116,892 219,937 521,689 622,408 164,682 276,051 10,925 72,940 39,992 8.398,444 6,253,455 18,404 41,131 3 14,377 489,271 272,117 104,119 91,338 578,167 174,364 83,539 38,293 91,291 49,609 8.599,475 $ 201 31-) a 0 20.11 COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2014 2013 Invested in Capital Assets Opening balance $ 479,540 $ 492.960 Transfers to /from bperations Amortization (77,913) (91,291) Capital asset acquisitions 145,062 161,969 Funding provided by deferred contributions - net (Note 4) (85,00 X84.098) (17,859) (13,420 Closing balance $ 4611681 $ 479.540 Restricted Funds Internally Restricted Funds Opening balance $ 544,526 $ 406,187 Transfer to /from Unrestricted Funds - 138,339 Opening and closing balance $ 544;526 $ 544.526 Restricted Trust Funds Opening and closing balance $ 56,370 $ 56.370 Unrestricted Funds Opening balance $ 315,683 $ 641,633 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures 46,681 (201,031 362,364 440,602 Transfers to /from Restricted Funds - (138,339) Transfers to /from Invested in Capital Assets - net 17,859 13.420 Closing balance $ 380,223 $ 315.683 COMA MTY CARE DURHAM STATEMXNT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED ALA -RCH Operating Activities Net income (loss) Charges (credits) to income not involving cash Amortization Provided from working capital (Note 8) Investing Activities Additions to capital assets Purchase of investments Increase In Cash Cash, beginning of year Cash, end of year 2014 2013 $ 46,681 $ (201,031) 77,913 91,291 553,065 415,225 677,659 305,4485 (145,062) (161,968) (138,339) 145 062 300 307) 532,597 5;178 1104 64.5 1,099,467 $1,637,242 $ L104,645 202 203 COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM . NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2014 1. Status and Nature of Activities Community .care Durham is a registered charity whose mission is to provide community based home support and respite services to adults with needs related to aging, physical. and/or mental health. The organization was incorporated without share capital on February 24, 1983. 2. Significant Accounting Policies The financial statements were prepared in accordance with Canadian Accounting Standards for Not - for -Profit Organizations and include the following significant accounting policies: Revenue Recognition Community Care Durham follows the deferral method of accounting for contributions. Restricted. contributions are recognized as revenue in the year in which the related expenses are incurred. Unrestricted contributions are recognized as revenue when received or receivable if the amount to be received can be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured. Revenue from fenders is recognized in accordance with the contracts. Funding now received from the Central East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) was previously received from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. Fees for services are recognized when the service is provided. Fundraising revenue is recorded- when the event is held. Deferred Revenue Certain revenues are received during the year for events to be held or programs to be completed in the next fiscal year. These revenues are deferred to the next year's operations. Investments Iuvestments consist of a Guaranteed Investment Certificate with an interest rate of 1.2% and maturing April 4, 2014. All interest has been accrued to the year end. These investments represent the externally and internally restricted funds. Capital Assets The policy of the organization is to capitalize purchases of major capital assets at their cost and to amortize that cost by charges to operations over the useful lifetimes of the assets as described below. Minor capital assets are expensed in accordance with Board policy. Fully. amortized assets that are no longer in use are removed from the asset class. - Amortization Amortization is recorded on the straight -line basis over the following periods: Computer equipment 5 years Office equipment 5 years Leasehold improvements over term of lease Furniture and fixtures 5 years Vehicles - 5 years Amortization is recorded on a 5% declining balance for the building. - Donated Services The organization does not record the value of donated services in revenues or expenses. ..Total volunteer service hours during the year were approximately 143,975 which translates to avalue of $2,879,500 using an hourly rate of $20 estimated by management to be reasonable. The value of these hours has been cafculated by management and are not audited nor reflected in the financial statements. 204 COMMJ[UNM CARE DURHAM NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2014 2. Significant Accounting Policies (continued) Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Canadian Accounting Standards for Not -for- Profit Organizations requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenditures during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates. Financial Instruments Measurement offznancial instruments The organization initially measures its financial assets at fair value. The organization subsequently measures all its financial assets and financial liabilities at amortized cost, except for investments in equity instruments that are quoted in an active market, which are measured at fair value. Changes in fair value are recognized in net income. Financial assets measured at amortized cost include cash, accounts receivable and investments. Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost include accounts payable. The organization has no financial assets measured at fair value. Impairment Financial assets measured at cost are tested for impairment when there are indicators of impairment. The amount of the write -down is recognized in net income. The previously recognized impairment toss may be reversed to the extent of the improvement, directly or by adjusting the allowance account. provided it is no greater than the amount that would have been reported at the date of the reversal had the impairment not been recognized previously. The amount of the reversal is recognized in net income. Transaction costs The organization recognizes its transaction costs in net income in the period incurred. However, financial instruments that will not be subsequently measured at fair value are adjusted by the transaction costs that are directly attributable to their origination, issuance or assumption. 205 COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2014. 3. Capital Assets Land Building Vehicles Furnishings and equipment Leasehold improvements $ 1,572,530 $ 836,146 4. Deferred Contributions Related to Capital Assets Net Book Value 2014 2013 $ 250,000 278,740 99,073 4,232 104,339 $ 736,384 $ ' 250,000 293,411 62,016 6,347 57.461 $ 669.235 Contributions have been received for the purpose of acquiring certain capital assets. These funds are being recognized as revenue in amounts equal to the. amortization of the acquired asset. The amounts recognized in the current year are included in the operating statement as Amortization of deferred contributions. 2014 2013 Opening balance $ 189,695 $ 105,598 Add: Contributions received during the year 145,062 157.037 334,757 262,635 Less: Amount amortized to revenue (60,054) (72,940) $ 274,703 $ 189,695 5. Invested in Capital Assets This fund represents the net book value of capital assets (cost less accumulated amortization) less deferred contributions related to capital assets_ Accumulated Cost Amortization $ 250,000 $ 339,260 60,520 547,946 448,873 42,964 38,732 392,360 288.021 $ 1,572,530 $ 836,146 4. Deferred Contributions Related to Capital Assets Net Book Value 2014 2013 $ 250,000 278,740 99,073 4,232 104,339 $ 736,384 $ ' 250,000 293,411 62,016 6,347 57.461 $ 669.235 Contributions have been received for the purpose of acquiring certain capital assets. These funds are being recognized as revenue in amounts equal to the. amortization of the acquired asset. The amounts recognized in the current year are included in the operating statement as Amortization of deferred contributions. 2014 2013 Opening balance $ 189,695 $ 105,598 Add: Contributions received during the year 145,062 157.037 334,757 262,635 Less: Amount amortized to revenue (60,054) (72,940) $ 274,703 $ 189,695 5. Invested in Capital Assets This fund represents the net book value of capital assets (cost less accumulated amortization) less deferred contributions related to capital assets_ 206 COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM NOTES TO FINANCIAL, STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2014 6. Internally Restricted Funds The organization has established internally restricted funds. The purpose of these funds is to temporarily restrict monies fundraised and donated in excess of local projections to benefit designated local areas. Ultimately, the funds may be used to benefit all clients of the organization. 7. Restricted Trust Funds The funds. are held under trust arrangements with Community Care Durham. Under terms of the trusts, the organization may use the interest income derived from the monies invested for operating activities. 8. Cash Provided From (Used For) Worldug Capital Cash otherwise available from operating activities is influenced by increases or decreases in the following items: $ 553,065 $ 415,225 9. Pension. Plan The organization maintains a defined contribution pension plan that covers all full -time employees and some part-time. employees. The plan provides pensions based on the accumulated value of both the organization's and the employees' contributions. The organization contributes four percent of employees' gross earnings while the employees' contribution is optional. The organization's contributions are vested after two years of employment. 10. Commitment The organization is committed to annual amounts under lease agreements with respect to several premises. Each location is under a separate lease. These leases expire at various times with varying terms for renewal. Future minimum lease payments will total $1,368,474 plus applicable taxes and common area costs and include the following payments over the next 5 .years: 2015 $ 276,925 2016 -$ 279,158 2017 $ 272,985 2018 $ 198,328 2019 $ 175,745 2014 2013 Accounts receivable $ (118,594) $ (18,497) Prepaid expenses (36,156) 18,050 Accounts payable 311,415 209,429 Due to Central East LIEN 306,699 1,18,772 Deferred revenue 89,701 87,471 $ 553,065 $ 415,225 9. Pension. Plan The organization maintains a defined contribution pension plan that covers all full -time employees and some part-time. employees. The plan provides pensions based on the accumulated value of both the organization's and the employees' contributions. The organization contributes four percent of employees' gross earnings while the employees' contribution is optional. The organization's contributions are vested after two years of employment. 10. Commitment The organization is committed to annual amounts under lease agreements with respect to several premises. Each location is under a separate lease. These leases expire at various times with varying terms for renewal. Future minimum lease payments will total $1,368,474 plus applicable taxes and common area costs and include the following payments over the next 5 .years: 2015 $ 276,925 2016 -$ 279,158 2017 $ 272,985 2018 $ 198,328 2019 $ 175,745 207 • 111 I NOTES TO FINANCIAL, STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2014 11. Financial Instruments Risks and concentrations The organization is exposed to various risks through its financial instruments. The following analysis provides a measure of the organization's risk exposure and concentration's risk exposure and concentrations at March 31, 2014. Liquidity risk Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the organization may not be able to meet or settle its obligations as they become due. The organization has taken steps to ensure that it will have sufficient working capital to meet its obligations. Credit risk Credit risk arises from the potential that counterparties including clients will fail to perform their obligations. The organization is subject to credit risk through its receivables. Account monitoring procedures are utilized to minimize risk of loss. Interest rate risk Interest.rate risk arises because of the fluctuation in interest rates. The organization is subject to interest rate risk through their investments. The organization has formal policies and procedures that establish target asset mix: 12. Economic Dependence In' common with similar publicly funded agencies, the organization derives the majority of its revenue from the Central East LHK ,Newcastle Village Community Hall Board 20 King Avenue West Newcastle ON UB 1H7 905 987 3856 info@ newcastlevillagecommunityhall .com December 10, 2014 Municipality of Clarington 30 Temperance Street Bowmanville ON L1C 3A6 Dear Ms. Taylor, Enclosed please find the 2015 proposed budget as well as projections for years 2015 - 2019 for Newcastle Village Community Hall. The Hall Board has once again been able to submit a budget without an increase in their request for operational support from the Municipality of Clarington. We respectfully request $18,000.00 to support the budget proposal attached. The hall board actively fundraiser for capital expenditures. This past year we held the 4th annual Jewelry, Extravaganza, participated in Fall Festival with BIA and presented the very successful concert featuring Hotel California. We were able to replace the upper portion of flooring in the main auditorium. Presently the board is working with the Operations Department on plans for updating the kitchen. The support of the Municipality is greatly appreciated not only at budget time but throughout the year. Please let us know if you require any further information. Sincerely, Cathy Abraham Chairperson Newcastle Village Community Hall Board 203 2015 Expenses Budget Newcastle Village Community Hall 2015 9000 WAGES 10000 Custodial 42432 Coodinator 24480 Vacation 1800 Benefits 5642 WSIB 1391 Dental /Medical 4050 SUB TOTAL 79795 UTILITIES Gas 9000 Hydro 10000 Water 1500 Phone /Cell 2200 SUB TOTAL 22700 MISCELLANEOUS Snow Removal 3500 Carpets 500 Closings 7500 Office Supplies 1000 Hall Repairs /Supplies 7500 Bank Fees 600 Advertising 2000 Miscellaneous 500 SUB TOTAL 23100 TOTAL 125595 209 Income Budget 2015 Newcastle Village Community Hall 2015 - CONTRACTS Lions 2214 Masons 3501 YMCA 11850 Historical Society 1052 Bowling Alley 1849 Model Trains 1706 SUB TOTAL 22172 AUDITORIUM BIA 200 Chamber 878 Auctions 2500 Lions Club 4000 ' Weddings 49000 Miscellaneous 25000 Chair Rental 1000 Glasses 50 NVMHA 3800 Meeting Rooms 1000 SUB TOTAL 87428 TOTAL 109600 Less HST 8000 SUB TOTAL 101600 BANK BALANCE 5000 GIC 5500 MUNICIPALITY 18000 TOTAL 130100 (t 210 211 5 year Projection Operating Budget 2n14 - 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 WAGES Custodial Coodinator Vacation Benefits WSIB Dental /Medical SUB TOTAL 79795 81390 83017 84677 86370 UTILITIES Gas Hydro Water Phone /Cell SUB TOTAL 22700 23608 24552 25534 26555 MISCELLANEOUS Snow Removal 2500 2500 Carpets 1000 1000 Closings 6750 6750 Office Supplies 1200 1200 Hall Repairs /Supplies 8000 8500 Bank Charges 650 700 Advertising 2431 2552 Miscellaneous 600 600 SUB TOTAL 23100 23802 • 24278 24763 25258 TOTAL 125595 128800 131847 134974 .138183 CAP EXP 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 212 5 year Projection 2014-2019 Riirinat Inrnma 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CONTRACTS Lions Masons YMCA Historical Society Bowling Alley Model Train Assoc SUB TOTAL 22172 22615 23067 23528 23998 AUDITORIUM BIA Auctions Lions Weddings /Dances Chair Rental Kitchen Fee Meeting Rooms SUB TOTAL 79428 81016 82636 84288 85973 TOTAL 101600 103631 105703 107816 109971 BANK BALANCE 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 GIC 5500 5000 5000 5000 5000 MUNICIPALITY 18000 20000 21000 22000 23000 TOTAL 130100 133631 136703 139816 142971 Wedding Fees increased to $950.00 includes 1 2014 Increased Contracts by 2% each year Increased Auditorium Fees 2% yearly Meeting Rooms increased to $50.00 per half d 2014 CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION. Operated by the Clarineton Older Adult Centre Board 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, ON Ll C 3A2 905.697.2856 Fax; 905.697.0739 coaa @bellnet.ca 28 November 2014 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street. Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Director of Finance Nancy Taylor Dear Ms. Taylor, DEC 3 2014 MIUNICIPALI7Y OF CLARINGTON FINANCE Please find attached the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board 2015 budget submission for your kind attention.. Our request for the municipal grant is $310,000. The 2015 budget reflects the successful, continued growth of our organization. At this time we are proud to support over 2200 members together with additional programming and events at the Clarington Beech Centre and expanded satellite programming within Newcastle, Courtice and other rural areas of our Municipality. Currently organization is in the final stages of working with the Municipality of Clarington's Community Services Department to complete the `Municipality of Clarington Older Adult Strategy'. This report -along with the launch of our permanent location within the Courtice Community Complex will undoubtedly lead .to additional income and expenses. We would be pleased to provide you with any additional information or explanations if required. Yours sincerely, A Alan Bayliss Treasurer www.claringtonolderadults.ca 213 �w CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION. Operated by the Clarineton Older Adult Centre Board 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, ON Ll C 3A2 905.697.2856 Fax; 905.697.0739 coaa @bellnet.ca 28 November 2014 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street. Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Director of Finance Nancy Taylor Dear Ms. Taylor, DEC 3 2014 MIUNICIPALI7Y OF CLARINGTON FINANCE Please find attached the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board 2015 budget submission for your kind attention.. Our request for the municipal grant is $310,000. The 2015 budget reflects the successful, continued growth of our organization. At this time we are proud to support over 2200 members together with additional programming and events at the Clarington Beech Centre and expanded satellite programming within Newcastle, Courtice and other rural areas of our Municipality. Currently organization is in the final stages of working with the Municipality of Clarington's Community Services Department to complete the `Municipality of Clarington Older Adult Strategy'. This report -along with the launch of our permanent location within the Courtice Community Complex will undoubtedly lead .to additional income and expenses. We would be pleased to provide you with any additional information or explanations if required. Yours sincerely, A Alan Bayliss Treasurer www.claringtonolderadults.ca 213 214 APPLICATION FOR MUNICIPAL GRANT FILE # PLEASE PRINTITYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 4, dame of Organization /Association: 2. 3. 5. SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 Older Adult Centre Board NAME .26 Beech Avenue STREET ADDRESSIPOST OFFICE BOX Bowmanville Ontario TOWN PROVINCE Contact Person for this Application: Angie Darlison — Executive Director NOME #: 905 - 697.2856 TELEPHONE WORK #: 905. 697.2856 L1 C 3A2 POSTAL CODE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 28th 2014 Is your Organization Incorporated as non - profit? Formerly a non - profit if yes, when? January 1998 Became a Board of Council in 2005 Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES List the programs /services provided by your Organization. The Clarington Older Adult Association offers social, physical, educational and informational programs for the active older adults living within the Municipality of Clarington. Our mission is to promote the health and happiness of older adults by providing opportunities to enhance their quality of life. Active living programs and courses include: golf, cycling, various levels of cardio fitness, men's fitness, yoga, chair yoga, pilates, Tai Chi, Qigong, line dancing, ballroom dancing, tap dancing. Our creative courses consist of: acrylic painting, water colour painting, drawing, music theory, French and Spanish lessons, etc. We also offer numerous computer and digital photography courses and workshops. In addition to our registered courses, we offer various drop -in social activities such as dancing, weekly luncheons, cards, etc. along with health and wellness workshops and special fundraising events. In the Fall 2014 season, the Clarington Older Adult Association offered over 315 programs /activities, special events and workshops for the older adults of Clarington. DN:C.S. /H: WP51 DATAlGRANTSIAPPLIC 215 16.. Describe how the programs /services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. Municipal funding will help offset the operating costs associated with the Clarington Older Adult Association. These include: The cost of staff required to manage the Beech Centre facility, and organize and run all of the COAA activities; development and implementation of programs and events including satellite programming to match our growing membership within the Municipality of Clarington; hiring qualified instructors; maintenance of the facility including Waste Removal, Snow Clearing and Janitorial Services. By receiving this funding our Association is able to promote active living through the provision of excellent top quality programs, and- services to the older adults within our Municipality. Participation by our membership is forever increasing ensuring positive results towards achieving our mission. 7. CATEGORY: Recreational I Social 8, Amount Requested $310,000.00 9. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle)? YES If YES please complete the following: YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 2014 $255,000. * $255,000 * 2013 $204,000 * $204,000 * 2012 $180,225 * $180,225 * 2011 $170,500 * $170,500 * 2010 $132,000 $132,000 2008 $125,000 $125,000 * Starting in 2011 the COAA received funding from the Municipality of Clarington to bring the facility utilities bills in house, prior to this date the 100% of the utilities amounts where covered directly through the finance department. 10. Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES If YES, please complete the following: i AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED Ministry of Health 2014 $42,750 $42,750 (Elderly Person Centre Grant Application) Service Canada 2014 T$3,650 $3,650 DN: C.S.IH:WP51 DATA/GRANTS /APPLIC 216 11. Total programs or association membership in your organization. Peak Membership of 2224 12. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent. NAME I TITLE DATE SIGNATURE Alan Bayliss Treasurer— Board of Directors November 28,14 S Angie Darlison Executive Director November 28,14 •.._ ^T This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 13. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. 14. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 DN:C.S. /H:WP51 DATA/GRANTS /APPLIC %17 BUDGET PROJECTION INFORMATION REVENUE SOURCE 2012 2013 2014 2015 GRANTS - FED /PROV $421000 $42,750 $421 750 $46,400 MUNICIPAL GRANT $153,745 $204,000 $255,000 $310,000 MEMBERSHIPS $34,000 $45,000 $45,000 $39,000 REGISTRATIONS $152,435 $132,500 $146,500 $172,900 FUNDRAISING $33,000 $47,500 $47,500 $68,200 OTHER $59,500 $95,500 $93,650 $83,400 TOTAL REVENUE $474,680 1 $567,250 $630,400 $719,900 EXPENDITURES 2012 2013 2014 2015 SALARIES - FULL TIME $229,950 $290;000 $325,000 $378,000 FACILITY RENTAL $10,600 $5,500 $6,500 $8,500 OFFICE SUPPLIES $11,000 $12,000 $15,000 $20,000 UTILITIES $5,465 $7,500 $10,000 $35,000 ADVERTISING $12,000 $22,000 $15,000 $20,000 MAINTENANCE $72,900 $45,000 $50,000 $48,000 OTHER $132,765 $185,250 $208,900 $210,400 TOTAL EXPENSES $474,680 $567,250 $630,400-$719,900 DN:C.S. /H:WP51 DATA/GRANTS /APPLIC 218 SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 PLEASE PRINT /TYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS Ole V 2 5 1-014 MUN1C1PAL1 0F CC4,RINGTOj► Fh "'NCE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 30, 2014 Organization Name Telephone # Address City / Town Province Postal Code Position Name Contact Information Pres+de & /,� (home ft (business ft (email): Secretary 7-7 y �y�,� j (home #): (business ft (email): Treasurer y ��/��7 T (home #): 4'- (business (email): I:\Administration\2015 budget \2015 Grant Application.docxx 219 Is your Organization incorporated as non - profit? Yes ❑ No If yes, when? What percentage of your registration (ddlmr*y) Is your Organization based within the % Municipality of Clarin ton? Yes w,/ No ❑ Is your Organization based within the / Region of Durham Yes lu No ❑ List the programs /services provided by your Organization S What is the total program registration. or association membership in your Organization? What percentage of your registration or membership are Clarington % residents? Describe how the program /services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. ze GP Td �i� /idZ�l��tpll)ZS I:\Administration\2015 budget\2015 Grant Application. docxx F i What funding category does your ❑ Recreation & Leisure Organization fall into? ❑ Civic ❑ Social m4oards of Council / Hall Boards 2015 Request (insert dollar figure) $ Mu OD Have you made a previous request for a Municipal grant to the Municipality Yes No ❑ of Clarin ton? If YES, please complete the following: Year Requested Amount Requested Amount Received b f -5, � )1-7 • f1 S �� a�� Has your Organization requested funding in the.last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Yes ❑ No Department or Agency? If YES, please complete the following: Agency Year Requested Received I: \Administration\2015 budget\2015 Grant Application. docxx 220 221 Terms and conditions In the event that the funds allocated are not used for the services, event or project as described in the application, or if there are misrepresentations in the application, the amount of the financial assistance will be payable forthwith to the Municipality. 2. The applicant will make or continue to make attempts to secure funding from other sources, external to the Municipality of Clarington. 3. The applicant will keep proper books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, relating to the services, event or project described in the application. 4. The applicant will retain and make available for inspection by the Municipality or its auditors all records and books of accounts of the Organization upon request from the Municipality, (which may be made within two years of the grant award). If the recipient is an arms - length agency, the Grant Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality of Clarington against any claims, costs, causes of action, fines or any other losses or other penalties the Municipality of Clarington suffers related to the giving and usage of the grant to the grant recipient. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent and accept conditions as noted in this application. M This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets /Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623 -3379 ext. 2602 Email: ntaylor a(),clarington.net I:\Administration\2015 budget\2015 Grant Application.docxx Name Title Date Signature M This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures and statement of Assets /Liabilities (balance sheet), for the most recent fiscal year. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623 -3379 ext. 2602 Email: ntaylor a(),clarington.net I:\Administration\2015 budget\2015 Grant Application.docxx 2015 10,000 5000 15,000 2015 26000 4800 200 50 9300 275 40625 2015 222 ORONO CEMETERY BUDGET INFORMATION 2014 REVENUE SOURCE 2014 GRANTS- FED/PRO MUNICIPAL GRANT 10,000 MEMBERSHIPS REGISTRATIONS FUNDRAISING OTHER (PERPETUAL CARE) INTEREST 4882 LAST YEAR SURPLUS /DEFICIT TOTAL REVENUE 14,882 EXPENDITURES 2014 SALARIES - 25000 FULL TIME SALARIES - 4800 PART TIME FACILITY RENTAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 200 ADVERTISING 300 MAINTENANCE 9000 . OTHER(SPECIFY) OTHER(SPECIFY) 200 BANK CHARGES TOTAL EXPENSES 39500 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 2014 2015 10,000 5000 15,000 2015 26000 4800 200 50 9300 275 40625 2015 222 223 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2015 DRAFTCAPITAL BUDGET 2015 Summaries 224 Corporate Services 235 Clerks Department 238 Emergency Services 243 Engineering Department 251 Operations Department 332 Community Services 347 Planning Services 391 Clarington Public Library 393 224 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY 2015 16 CORPORATE SERVICES 380,400 19 CLERKS 77,000 28 EMERGENCY SERVICES - FIRE 1,076,615 32 ENGINEERING SERVICES 13,056,000 36 OPERATIONS 3,456,000 42 COMMUNITY SERVICES 1,266,500 50 PLANNING SERVICES 820,000 62 LIBRARIES 245,000 TOTAL 20,377,515 225 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CAPITAL FUNDING BY SOURCE 2015 EXPENDITURES 20,377,515 EXTERNAL FINANCING (740,780) INTERNAL FINANCING (5,388,673) RESERVES (381,341) RESERVE FUNDS (6,883,127) DEVELOPMENT CHARGES (6,983,594) TOTAL - [u {mot CT Municipality of Clarington `5 Capita) Budget 20166 Revenue Summary by Type Total Total Corporate Clerks Emergency Engineering Operations Community Planning Library 2014 2015 Services Services - Fire "Services Services Services External Financing " Other ($198,000) .($2S,000) ($25,000) Developer Recovery ($108,000) ($19,500) ($19,500) Grants - Federal ($130,000) " Grants - Province ($433,780) ($433,780) Other Municipalities Recovery ($262,500) ($262,500) ($436,000) ($740,780) ($25,000) ($715,780) Internal Financing ' Municipal Tax Levy ($4,646,886) ($5,388,673) ($140,400) ($30,000) ($176,615) ($2,370,672) ($1,514,100) ($295,600) ($757,000) ($104,286) ($4,646,886) ($5,388,673) ($140,400) ($30,000) ($176,615) ($2,370,672) ($1,514,100) ($295,600) ($757,000) ($104,286) Reserves Municipal Acqulsltlons ($63,000) ($63,000) Pits & quarries ($440,000) ($300,000) ($300,000) Election Expense ($6,000) Waterfront Trall ($17,818) ($17,818) Samuel Wilmot Nature Area ($S23) ($523) ($509,000) - ($381,341) ($18,341) ($300,000) ($63,000) Reserve Funds Parking Lot ($20,000) ($10,000) ($10,000) Building Division ($11,000) Engineering Fleet ($45,000) ($45,000) Municipal Capital Works Program ($118,613) ($1,127,120) ($2,200) ($778,949) ($30,200) ($307,200) ($8,571) General Municipal Purposes ($350,000) ($50,000) ($50,000) Road Contributions ($350,000.) ($350,000) ($350,000) Facilities/ Parks Maintenance ($416,500) ($325,000) ($325,000) Engineering Parks Capital ($168,250) ($125,500) ($125,500) C/S Capital ($325,000) ($283,700) ($283,700) Cemeteries Capital ($5,000) Computer Equipment ($189,900) ($240,000) ($240,000) Fire Equipment ($1,090,000) ($675,000) ($675,000) Animal Services Capital ($10,000) ($10,000) Operations Equipment ($422,500) ($562,000) ($562,000) Impact /Escrow Funds ($225,000 " ($75,000) ($150,000) Federal Gas Tax Receipts ($2,518,245) ($2,510,000) ($2,080,000) ($200,000) ($230,000) Strategic Capital ($770,000) Library Capital - ($110,000) ($55,000) ($55,000) Clerks Fleet ($5,000) ($5,000) Newcastle Waterfront ($84,807) ($84,807) Community Emergency Mgmt ($200,000) ($200,000) ($6,865,008) ($6,883,127) ($240,000) ($27,200) ($873,000) ($3,S89,256) ($1,117,200) ($970,900) ($63,571) [u {mot CT Note: In 2011, projects were transferred from the capital budget to the current budget to comply with PSAB capital reporting requirements. 2013 Tax Levy Financing $3,657,952 Municipality of Clarington Tax Levy Financing $3,555,836 2011 Tax Levy Financing $3,228,626 2016 Tax Levy Financing $4,070,448 Capital Budget Tax Levy Financing $3,710,305 2008 Tax Levy Financing $3,169,471 2007 Tax Levy Financing $2,854,874 Revenue Summary by Type: Tax Levy Financing $2,825,874 2005 Tax Levy Financing $2,806,001 2004 Total Total Corporate Clerks Emergency Engineering Operations Community Planning Library 2014 2015 Services Services - Fire Services Services Services Development Charges Public Library ($77,143) ($77,143) ($77,143) Eng: Park Dev. & Facilities ($520,250) ($679,500) ($679,500) Operations Department ($64,8001 ($524,700) ($524,700) Roads & Related ($2,678,158) ($5,682,451) ($5,682,451) Parking ($19,800) ($19,800) ($3,340,351) ($6,983,594) ($19,800) ($6,361,951) ($524,700) ($77,143) DC Debt ($990,000) TOTAL FINANCING ($16,787,245) ($20,377,515) ($380,400) ($77,000) ($1,076,615) _ ($13,056,000) ($3,456,000) ($1,266,500) ($820,000) ($245,000) 2014Total Financing ($16,787,245) ($379,000) ($20,000) ($1,517,800) ($9,475,745) ($2,578,500) ($780,200) ($746,000) ($1,290,000) 2014 Tax Levy Financing ($4,646,886) ($172,100) $0 ($77,800) ($2,202,000) ($1,162500) ($245,200) ($683,000) ($104,286) Note: In 2011, projects were transferred from the capital budget to the current budget to comply with PSAB capital reporting requirements. 2013 Tax Levy Financing $3,657,952 2012 Tax Levy Financing $3,555,836 2011 Tax Levy Financing $3,228,626 2010 Tax Levy Financing $4,070,448 2009 Tax Levy Financing $3,710,305 2008 Tax Levy Financing $3,169,471 2007 Tax Levy Financing $2,854,874 2006 Tax Levy Financing $2,825,874 2005 Tax Levy Financing $2,806,001 2004 Tax Levy Financing $2,788,318 ?v v 2015 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Fund Financing 16 CORP.SERVICES 162 IT 16- 162 -07100 Computer Hardware 16- 162 -07200 Computer Software Total 162 IT Total 16 CORP.SERVICES 19 CLERK'S 190 ANIMAL SERV. 19- 190 -15001 Commercial Dishwasher Total 190 ANIMAL SERV. 191 MUN. LAW ENF. 19- 191 -14001 Municipal Law replacement vehicle Total 191 MUN. LAW ENF. 192 PARKING ENF. 19-192-15001 New Central Meters in Newcastle 19-192-15002 Central Meter Replacement - Silver Street Total 192 PARKING ENF. Total 19 CLERK'S 28 EMERG.SERVICES -FIRE 281 FIRE SUP. 28- 281 -09002 S.C.B.A. 28- 281 -10017 Bunker Gear 28- 281 - 15400 Leather Bunker Boots Total 281 FIRE SUP. 282 FIRE TRAIN/TECH. SUPP. 28- 282 -15500 Training Survival Prop Total 282 FIRE TRAIN /TECH. SUPP. Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Funds Charges 212,900 167,500 (22,900) (117,500) (190,000) (50,000) 380,400 (140,400) (240,000) 380,400 (140,400) (240,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 35,000 (30,000) (5,000) 35,000 (30,000) (5,000) 22,000 10,000 (2,200) (19,800) (10,000) 32,000 (12,200) (19,800) 77,000 (30,OQO) (27,200) (19,800) 25,000 68,615 25,000 (25,000) (68,615) (25,000) 118,615 (118,615) 8,000 (8,000) 8,000 (8,000) N >v b Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2015 Department/Project Gross Cost. Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 284 FIRE MECH. 28- 284 -15600 Diesel Vehicle Exhaust System Upgrade , Station 1 50,000 (50,000) 28- 284 -15700 Standby Generator- Rickard Recreation Centre 225,000 (25,000) (200,000) Total 284 FIRE MECH. 275,000 (50,000) (25,000) (200,000) 388 FLEET 28-388-15100 Pumper 14 675,000 (675,000) Total 388 FLEET 675,000 (675,000) Total 28 EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE 1,076,615 (176,615) (25,000) (875,000) 32 ENG. SERVICES 324 ST. LIGHTG 32- 324 -05102 Street Light Installation - Various 100,000 (100,000) 32- 324 -15103 Highway 2 Streetlighting (Haines St to Bennett Rd) 20,000 (20,000) 32- 324 -15104 RR 57 Streetlighting (Aspen Springs Dr to King St) 46,000 '(46,000) 32- 324 -15105 Baseline Rd Streetlighting (Green Rd to West Side Dr) 55,000 (3,630) (51,370) 32- 324 -15106 South Service Rd Streetlighting (Lake Rd to Bennett Rd) 186,000 (9,858) (176,142) Total 324 ST. LIGHTG 407,000 (100,000) (13,488) (293,512) 325 PARK 32- 325 -15102 Springfield Parkette 50,000 (5,000) (45,000) 32- 325 -15104 Foster Creek Neighbourhood Park 600,000 (60,000) (540,000) 32- 325 -15105 South Courtice Parking Expansion 175,000 (175,000) 32-325-15107 •Newcastle Leash Free Park 105,000 (10,500) (94,500) Total 325 PARK 930,000 (250,500) (679,500) 329 BRIDGES 32- 329 -13101 Structures Rehabilitation 1,100,000 (666,220) (433,780) Total 329 BRIDGES 1,100,000 (666,220) (433,780) 330 RIDS & STRUCT. 32- 330 -05118 Pavement Rehabilitation Program 1,315,000 (1,315,000) N N �9 2015 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Fund Financing 32-330-10101 Roadside Protection Program 32- 330 -10112 Jane St. Reconstruction 32-330-11117 Flett Street Road Reconstruction 32- 330 -12105 Scogog St. /Middle Rd. Reconstruction 32- 330 -13104 Green Road Reconstruction (Harvey Jones to Longworth) 32- 330 -13113 Odell Street Reconstruction 32- 330 -14101 Concession Road 3 (Middle Rd to Liberty St) 32-330-14105 Rudell Road Reconstruction 32- 330 -14109 Jackman Rd Reconstruction (Bridge to Scugog St) 32- 330 -14110 Fourth St Reconstruction ( Scugog St to Elgin St) 32- 330 -15104 Holt Rd Shoulder Improvements 32- 330 -15105 Port Darlington Earth Removal 32- 330 -15106 Holt Rd Reconstruction (Hwy 401 to Hwy 2) Design 32- 330 -15107 Green Rd Surface Asphalt (Baseline to Aspen Springs) 32- 330 -15108 Green Rd Surface Asphalt (Aspen Springs to Boswell) 32- 330 -15109 Third Street Reconstruction (Bernard to Liberty) 32-330-15110 Townline Rd South (Cherrydown to Bloor) 32- 330-15111 Mill St Orono Drainage Improvement 32- 330 -15112 Mill St South Active Transportation Improvements 32- 330 -15113 Bicycle Repair Station 32-330-15114 Boundary Rd Rehabilitation (Kawartha Lakes) 32- 330 -15115 Pebblestone Rd Slurry Seal Total 330 RDS & STRUCT. 331 S/WALKS & WALKWAYS 32- 331 -05102 Sidewalk Replacement - Unspecified 32-331-14107 Regional Road 57 Multi -Use Trail (Nash Rd to Longworth Ave 32- 331 -15101 Green Road Sidewalk (Boswell (west side) to Hwy. #2) Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Funds Charges 140,000 (140,000) 111,000 (111,000) 55,000 ,(55,000) 1,500,000 (200,250) (1,299,750) 1,070,000 (159,965) (910,035) 550,000 (435,000) (115,000) 2,120,000 (286,836) (1,833,164) 60,000 (60,000) 555,000 (555,000) 90,000 (90,000) 60,000 (60,000) 75,000 (21,750) (53,250) 200,000 (30,000) (170,000) 374,000 (3,740) (370,260) 86,000 (860) (85,140) 230,000 (230,000) 182,500 (182,500) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 4,000 (4,000) 525,000 (262,500) (262,500) 53,000 (53,000) 9,405,500 (1,232,600) (262,500) (3,128,801) (4,781,599) 200,000 (200,000) 150,000 160,000 (150,000) (160,000) N W Q 2015 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Fund Financing 32- 331 -15102 Highway #2 Sidewalk (Given to Rudell) . 32- 331 -15106 Rudell Rd Sidewalk (Sunset to Hart) - East side 32-331-15107 Waterfront Trail Realignment and Bridge west of Toronto St Total 331 S/WALKS & WALKWAYS 338STSCAPE 32- 338 -16101 Newcastle Streetscape Improvements Total 338 STSCAPE 340 EROSION PROTECT 32- 340 -11101 Brookhill Tributary Nick Point Remedial Works 32 -340 -15101 Various Erosion Protection Works Total 340 EROSION PROTECT 388 FLEET 32- 388 -15101 Engineering Services Replacement Vehicle Total 388 FLEET Total 32 ENG. SERVICES 36 OPERATIONS 325 PARK 36- 325 -10100 Various Park Upgrades 36- 325 -10110 Park Furniture % Equipment Total 325 PARK 330 RDS & STRUCT. 36- 330 -14200 Retaining Walls Total 330 RDS & STRUCT. 370 BLDG & PROP. SERV. 36- 370 -08210 Baseline Community Centre 36- 370 -10340 Various Community Buildings 36- 370 -11106 MAC Upgrades Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Funds Charges 86,000 43,000 240,000 (136,852) (18,341) (84,807) (86,000) (43,000) 879,000 (336,852) (18,341) (84,807) (439,000) 70,000 (35,000) (35,000) 70,000 (35,000) (35,000) 19,500 200,000 (19,500) (66,660) (133,340) 219,500 (19,500) (66,660) (133,340) 45;000 (45,000) 45,000 (45,000) 13,056,000 (2,370,672) (715,780) (18,341) (3,589,256) (6,361,951) 105,000 90,000 (50,000) (55,000) (90,000) 195,000 (50,000) (145,000) 20,000 (20,000) 20,000 (20,000) 10,000 (10,000) 150,000 (150,000) 153,500 (28,500) (125,000) tv w Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2015 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 36-370-11500 Various Arenas 10,000 (10,000) 36- 370 -12120 Hampton Office Expansion 281,000 (28,100) (252,900) 36- 370 -14100 Operations Depot Improvements 33,000 (33,000) Total 370 BLDG & PROP. SERV. 637,500 (239,600) (145,000) (252,900) 380 RD MNTCE 36- 330 -10100 Rural Road Resurfacing 1,700,000 (1,200,000) (300,000) (200,000) Total 380 RD MNTCE 1,700,000 (1,200,000) (300,000) (200,000) 388 FLEET 36-388-10100 Fleet Replacement - Roads 562,000 (562,000) 36-388-10150 Fleet New - Roads 302,000 (30,200) (271,800) Total 388 FLEET 864,000 (592,200) (271,800) 460 MUSNAC 36-460 -09100 Bowmanville Museum 4,500 (4,500) 36-460 -14400 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 35,000 (35,000) Total 460 MUSNAC 39,500 (4,500) (35,000) Total 36 OPERATIONS 3,456,000 (1,514,100) (300,000) (1,117,200) (524,700) 42 COM. SERVICES 421 FAC. . 42-421 -14301 OPP - Perimeter Concrete Replacement 20,000 (20,000) 42-421 -14302 OPP - Perimeter Fence Repairs 7,500 (7,500) 42-421 -14405 RRC - Olympia Natural Gas Refueling Station 20,000 (20,000) 42-421 -14406 RRC - Exterior Concrete Storage Unit 9,000 (9,000) 42-421 -14504 CCC - Walk Behind Scrubber 9,000 (9,000) . 42-421 -14702 FAC ADMIN - Annual Building Studies 47,600 (47,600) 42- 421 -14801 SCA - Heat Pump Compressor Partial Replacement 20,000 (20,000) 42- 421 -14804 SCA - Banquet Tables /Chairs Partial Replacement 6,200 (6,200) 42-421 -15101 CFC -Accessible Pool Lift 9,000 (9,000) • ^J W N Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2015 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development Fund Financing Funds Charges DC Debt Debentures 42-421 -15102 CFC -Automatic Pool Vacuum 3,200 (3,200) 42-421 -15103 CFC - Janitorial Maintenance Equipment 5,000 (5,000) 42-421-15,104 CFC - Lane Ropes 6,000 (6,000) 42-421-15105 CFC - Office Furnishings 7,500 (7,500) 42-421 -15106 CFC - Upright Lift 16,000 (16,000) 42 -421 -15201 NDRC - Banquet Tables /Chairs Partial Replacement 6,000 (6,000) 42-421-15202 NDRC - Snow Blower 3,000 - (3,000) 42-421 -15203 NDRC -Wheel Chair 2,800 (2,800) 42-421 -15204 NDRC - Accessible Patron Transfer Lift 6,700 (6,700) 42-421 -15301 OPP - Filtration Building Renovation 7,500 (7,500) 42 -421 -15401 RRC - Scissor Lift 30,000 (30,000) 42- 421 45402 RRC - Roof Top Unit #1 Pad B 25,000 (25,000) 42-421 -15407 RRC - Office Door /Insulating Outside Wall 5,500 (5,500) 42- 421 -15418 RRC - Pad A Hallway Repairs 7,500 (7,500) 42-421-15419 RRC - Lobby Flooring Replacement 27,500 (27,500) 42 -421 -15513 CCC. -Auto Sliding Doors Main Entrance 45,000 (45,000) 42- 421 -15514 CCC - Pool Tile Re -grout 40,000 (40,000) 42- 421 -15515 CCC -Pool Deck Lighting Replacement 24,500 (24,500) 42-421 -15516 CCC - Fitness Equipment Replacement 45,700 (45,700) .42-421-15517 CCC - Water Wheel Chair 2,800 (2,800) 42- 421 -15518 CCC - Pool Change Room Counter Top Replacements 13,500 (13,500) 42-421 -15519 CCC - Lease Space Renovation - COAA - 525,000 (67,800) (457,200) 42- 421 -15601 DSC - Natural Gas Refueling Station 20,000 (20,000) 42-421 -15602 DSC - Fire System UST Replacement 30,000 (30,000) 42-421 -15603 DSC - Walk Behind Scrubber 7,500 (7,500) 42-421 -15604 DSC - Sidewalk Replacement and Sodding North Exit of Builc 20,000 (20,000) 42- 421 -15800 SCA - Ride On Scrubber Replacement 20,000 (20,000) I N W W 2015 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves I Reserve Development Fund Financing Funds Charges 42-421 -15801 SCA - Aluminum Doors - Partial Replacement 42-421 -15807 SCA - Rubber Flooring in Player Bench Areas - Replacement 42 -421 -15903 BIS - Recaulk Exterior Wall Panels 42-421 -16804 SCA - Refrigeration Plant Main Controls Upgrade 42-421 -17501 CCC - Roof Top Unit #5 Library 42-421 -18502 CCC - Roof Top Unit #4 Library. Total 421 FAC. Total 42 COM. SERVICES 50 PLAN.SERVICES 130 ADMIN 50- 130 -10001 Land Acquisition Total 130 ADMIN Total. 50 PLAN.SERVICES 62' LIBRARIES 440 LIBRARIES 62-440 -05020 Library Technology 62- 440 -06100 Library Collection 62- 440 -15001 Library Studies Total 440 LIBRARIES Total 62 LIBRARIES Total DC Debt Debentures 12,000 (12,000) 8,000 (8,000) 35,000 (35,000) 50,000 (50,000) 40,000 (40,000) 20,000 (20,000) 1,266,500 (295,600) (970,900) 1,266,500 (295,600) (970,900) 820,000 (757,000) (63,000) 820,000 (757,000) (63,000) 820,000 (757,000) (63,000) 80,000. (80,000) 110,000 (24,286) (8,571) (77,143) 55,000 (55,000) 245,000 (104,286) (63,571) (77,143) 245,000 (104,286) (63,571) (77,143) 20,377,515 (5,388,673) (740,780) (381,341) (6,883,127) (6,983,594) N Ca Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2015 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 16 CORP.SERVICES 162 IT 16-162-07100 Computer Hardware 16- 162 -07200 Computer Software Total 162 IT Total 16 CORP.SERVICES Total CORP.SERVICES 212,900 (22,900) 167,500 (117,500) (190,000) (50,000) 380,400 (140,400) (240,000) 380,400 (140,400) (240,000) 380,400 (140,400) (240,000) N W Ln Project version Department Sub - Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 16- 162 -07100 Computer Hardware Ca ital Plan Year 12015 CORP.SERVICES IT Description Project Description Corporate $160,000; $25,000 DR planning, $15,000 Server hardware upgrades, $10,000 replacement printers, $50,000 workstation replacements, $15,000 upgrade switches, $30,000 additional storage, $15,000 phone system upgrades. Corporate Services $3,200; $1,200 (6) 24" monitors, $1,000 laptop, $1,000 projector -H &S. Emergency Services $30,200; $10,000 mobile units - pumper truck, $1,200 (6) 24" monitors, $3,000 (3) replacement laptops, $10,000 linkto station 5, $1,500 GPS devices - volunteer trucks, $500 laser printer, $4,000 Pre - alerts- station 3 & 5. Engineering $400; (2) 24" monitors. Community Services $3,000 (3) workstations. Mayor's Office $1,000 laptop. Clerks $7,700; $3,500 (4) Computers - Council Members, $2,000 (2) laptops, $2,200 (11) 24" monitors. Operations $4,200; $1,000 workstation, $200 monitor- leadhand, $3,000 (3) information screens. Finance $2,200; $1,000 workstation 200 monitor, $1,000 laptop. Planning $1,000 laptop. Location: 235 /ending ,dunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 382,900 22,900 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 382,900 22,900 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Reserve Funds Computer Equipment 550,000 190,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 550,000 190,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Funding Total 9323900 212;900 180,000 ` 180;000 180,000 180,000. Atfributes Attribute Value Comment inr�nn c+rrnnnrc+ � - _ Sub-Department _ IT IProject Approval Not Approved _ ,m_ Location All - _ -_____ Project Classification PrCogRram /AcctievitNyo_. - IT- COMPUTER _________ _ _______ .__ - __ __- _____ _ ____ __ �D - � - ___._ _ i _ _T_.___________.�_____n _ Road Segment No. _ _ _ _ # I i Expected UsefulLife_. '_.-____.__� __________ ______ __ _ ___ __- .__._. -_ _--_y.....__-_--__-_- __ F f roj---- ager`__- _____ -- ...__-____'______________ i .._.___- _- ___- __- ____-- .__- _ -- -Buc[get - - Total 2015 2016 > 201T . - 1Q1;8 2019 2020 2021 - Expenditures Computer Hardware 932,900 212,900 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 932,900 212,900 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 Expenditures Total 932,900 212,9.00 480,000 `. 180,000 :, 180,Q00 1;80,000 /ending ,dunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 382,900 22,900 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 382,900 22,900 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Reserve Funds Computer Equipment 550,000 190,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 550,000 190,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Funding Total 9323900 212;900 180,000 ` 180;000 180,000 180,000. Atfributes Attribute Value Comment inr�nn c+rrnnnrc+ � - _ Sub-Department _ IT IProject Approval Not Approved _ ,m_ Location All - _ -_____ Project Classification PrCogRram /AcctievitNyo_. - IT- COMPUTER _________ _ _______ .__ - __ __- _____ _ ____ __ �D - � - ___._ _ i _ _T_.___________.�_____n _ Road Segment No. _ _ _ _ # I i Expected UsefulLife_. '_.-____.__� __________ ______ __ _ ___ __- .__._. -_ _--_y.....__-_--__-_- __ F f roj---- ager`__- _____ -- ...__-____'______________ i .._.___- _- ___- __- ____-- .__- _ -- Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 16- 162 -07200 Computer Software Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department ICORP.SERVICES Sub - Department IT C. Description 237 (Project Description Corporate $95,000; $25,000 DRP planning, $20,000 Server software upgrades, $30,000 upgrade MS software, $20,000 application upgrades. Clerks $35,500; $17,500 Agenda Builder /Minute Publisher, $18,000 (26) laselfiche licenses. Operations $1,000 Microsoft training software. Finance $21,000; $5,000 Great Plains scripts & customized report, $16,000 City Wide Works module. GIS $15,000 software Location.: _ Atfributes Aftrbufe _Budget Comment:. '.. - Total 2015: =2016 2017 .._ . _ 2018 ; 2019 - 2020 _ _2021; Expenditures Computer Software 447,500 167,500 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 447,500 167,500 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Expenditures Total Y 447500p ~ �, � 167;500 _ 70 00Q 7000Q _ yfi0,000x LL 70,000 L Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 197,500 117,500 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 197,500 117,500 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Reserve Funds Computer Equipment 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Funding Total 447;500 167;500 70,000 791 000 w 70,000 _ Atfributes Aftrbufe ;Value - -, ` . Comment:. '.. 'Department y_ l C O RP.SERV'ICES - __.. N - - r _ - _ M - - - u -- - - _ _R -' _ ^ -__ _- _- _- z_ - 3ubem-_ _ _ _ _ _ -�T m- _ _ _ _ SDpa_ - M M- __.____ _ ®_s__ a ___--- _ .._ _. _ - ______w_ _ .Project Approval ' Not Approved __ ___-.m__-m ________a____�__ _ _ _ _ Location_ _ ______ ym -____ __--------------------------- Proj_ctClassifcation I __ - _ --- Program/ Activity IT ___ - - _____ _____ -_ __ __ _____ -_ _ _-_____ __ DCReferenceNo, -_-_-__- _ - _ -- _ ___ __ _m_-« _ -Y____ _ t s __® _ --- - Road Segment ___________ _I-_ _ ________ - -________ - ____W__ _____ __ _______' I ,Expected Useful Life_________ _____ _ _ ____________________ _________ __ ,ProectManager ________ L_________.______- ___- _._______- E I j ; i s .______�..�___.�___i, Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2015 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 19 CLERK'S 190 ANIMAL SERV. 19-190-15001 Commercial Dishwasher Total 190 ANIMAL SERV. 191 MUN. LAW ENF. 19-191-14001 Municipal Law replacement vehicle Total 191 MUN. LAW ENF. 192 PARKING ENF. 19-192-15001 New Central Meters in Newcastle 19- 192 -15002 Central Meter Replacement - Silver Street Total 192 PARKING ENF. Total 19 CLERK'S Total CLERK'S 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 35,000 (30,000) (5,000) 35,000 (30,000) (5,000) 22,000 10,000 (2,200) (10,000) (19,800) 32,000 (12,200) (19,800) 77,000 (30,000) (27,200) (19,800) 77,000 (30,000) (27,200) (19,800) :v w CA . 239 -Municipality of Clarington Caoitm| Projects Project 119-190-15001 Commercial Dishwasher ersion [Ca�i�tal Plan Year 12015 Department Sub-Department Proi ect Description: Commercial dishwasher Equipment 10000 10000 10,000 10,000 Expenditures Total �����/um���i��nno�����./.�L\'�!�����������]����������.��`��,�����I�^`'�'^^^������^� mding -Reserve Funds Animal Services Capital 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Funding Total 06 ,-_b-!Department NI..�____-__-_--__��_--____-_-_______�__--___-� �Project -/-`�- - __-__-___�__-__-___----_______--�_-_______________________- Location ( __-____ ---- _-____-_-____ --- ___-_�____________-___-____-__-�� Project '�c----�� __-_____- ---__-______-_____-_-_____--_________-__-------� .~.~~~.~.~^ -_-__-__ ""=-Segment .= ___-____- _---------------------- �-------------- -___-___--__ Expected Useful Lif �--e--------- ------ -------------------- f LProjeManager _______-_-_ _____-____L -_____--____~___-__________' � \ )` _/ i 240 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 19- 191 - 14001 Municipal Law replacement vehicle Version ICapital Plan Year 2015 Department CLERK'S Sub - Department IMUN. LAW ENF. Description Project Description::.. = - To replace the 2005 Pontiac Pursuit with a 4 -door sedan. This vehicle is used by Parking Enforcement Officers during snow storm and plowing enforcement, thereby necessitating a larger more durable vehicle than the Pontiac Pursuitwhich is being replaced. (FLEET- LIC - 028) Location Attributes Attnbtate _ _ Vale Comment t, !Sub-Department -- ,_,._s. - -_ = MUN.---- F.. .._.__.- ____...______�.___�_..--------------- .__,._...___�____ _Y Proj ---- royal- ,�_- _y.,__- -- _�..____.__-.A.____ - - - - - -__.___� .Location _ _ ___ __ __ ___ _____ ____ ____ _ _ __ ________ �ProjectClassification _____Replacement - - - - - - - - - -___�____�_______ 'Program /Activity __cN o_- ._,..____ .___-_ -..H.-.,,. ._. �____...__ --- _._ .__._.. I I - -..- �__.__._.______ _- M _ W _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,D_ Refe -__-._ - ___ _ ___ o Segment No. d_ _ _ _z..___- - --- _-_ ____ - - -__ _._ ._________._____� i I -i 'Expected _ _ -__ _____€ L ____ __ _____________ _...,_- ..._..______ - _ __ ___ _ Projectmanager_,..._- ____.,.__i_____--- ._____ -___ ___,. i ..____- _.______.________ ______� r Budget Total - a 2015 -- u _2016 = 2017 2018 _ _ "2019 2-0-20 2021 : - - -_ _ _ -_. _. _. _.. Expenditures Fleet Replacement 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Expenditures Total 35;000 35,000' Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Reserve Funds Clerks Fleet 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Funding Total 35,000 35 000 Attributes Attnbtate _ _ Vale Comment t, !Sub-Department -- ,_,._s. - -_ = MUN.---- F.. .._.__.- ____...______�.___�_..--------------- .__,._...___�____ _Y Proj ---- royal- ,�_- _y.,__- -- _�..____.__-.A.____ - - - - - -__.___� .Location _ _ ___ __ __ ___ _____ ____ ____ _ _ __ ________ �ProjectClassification _____Replacement - - - - - - - - - -___�____�_______ 'Program /Activity __cN o_- ._,..____ .___-_ -..H.-.,,. ._. �____...__ --- _._ .__._.. I I - -..- �__.__._.______ _- M _ W _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,D_ Refe -__-._ - ___ _ ___ o Segment No. d_ _ _ _z..___- - --- _-_ ____ - - -__ _._ ._________._____� i I -i 'Expected _ _ -__ _____€ L ____ __ _____________ _...,_- ..._..______ - _ __ ___ _ Projectmanager_,..._- ____.,.__i_____--- ._____ -___ ___,. i ..____- _.______.________ ______� r Municipality of Clarington 24� Capital Projects Project 19 -192 -15001 New Central Meters in Newcastle ersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department ICLERKS Sub - Department IPARKING ENF. Description Project Description New Central Meters as identified in the DC study Location:.::: _ - Newcastle Budget = ;Total 2015 >,` 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021: Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total nding (eserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Parking Funding Total 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22;000 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 Attributes Attribute Al Value_ _ G_ omnient Department '.CLERK'S Sub- Department PARKING ENF. Project Approval �Location� Project Classification ��_'New - ______ _pl !Program /Activity _ _ _I _ _ _ _ ' I ate_ �DCReferenceNo. ________ -.--� -6.2.3 '"_._._.__._.______. � _.._____ __________,________I RoadSegm_ ent_ No--_ y..----____ F___ __.._._....____,_,.-- �.... --___ ____..____ ..___...____- _____..._.,__,...I �ExpectedU_seful--- _- _-- --- -_' �_ �_ �_ �_ �-_____________ ___ ___ --- ______ --- _____________I - ProjectManager______. ____ L___________________,..._ _L_________- _..,__ --- ___- _____ -_ J 74� Municipality. of Clari0gton ` Capital Projects Project F1 9-192-15002 Central Meter Replacement - Silver Street Version FCapital Plan - Year 12015 / Department FCLERKS Sub-Department escrip on Project Description:- Replacement of one unit in the Silver Street Lot | 201' 2020 2021: Expenditures Equipment 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Parking Lot 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Funding Total I nt Nttribute ' 'Panm � waENF ' __-__-__-__-____-__________--�_-__--___--_--_-__-__-_-_-) Project Approval -_ --- _______-_-�---_-_--_________-________/ Location ________ -_--___ --- -_--___ ---_-____-__-____-_�__-__�-� :Project Classification �Replacemet ---------f�������n�----------------�--------------------------! �DC Reference No. .�gy ��____-______-_________-____| .~~. Segment ---------�----------------------�-------------------�------( � __--___-_ _--__-________-______ --__-_-________-_--____-_-� ��____-___-�____________-_-____-__�_-________-_--_______----_` cLcct Manager _-____--__- -_--__---________--__---____-______--_____-- __---__' '/ Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2015 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 28 EMERG.SERVICES -FIRE 281 FIRE SUP. 28- 281 -09002 S.C.B.A.- 28- 281 -10017 Bunker Gear 28- 281 -15400 Leather Bunker Boots Total 281 FIRE SUP. 282 FIRE TRAIN/TECH. SUPP. 28- 282 -15500 Training Survival Prop Total 282 FIRE TRAINITECH. SUPP. 284 FIRE MECH.' 28- 284 -15600 Diesel Vehicle Exhaust System Upgrade - Station 1 28- 284 -15700 Standby Generator - Rickard Recreation Centre Total 284 FIRE MECH. 388 FLEET 28- 388 -15100 Pumper 14 Total 388 FLEET Total 28 EMERG.SERVICES -FIRE Total EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE 25,000 68,615 25,000 (25,000) (68,615) (25,000) 118,615 (118,615) 8,000 (8,000) 8,000 (8,000) 50,000 225,000 (50,000) (25,000) (200,000) 275,000 (50,000) (25,000) (200,000) 675,000 (675,000) 675,000 (675,000) 1,076,615 (176,615) (25,000) (875,000) 1,076,615 (176,615) (25,000) (875,000) t�> W ` 244 Municipa;itnof Clarington Capital Projects Project 128-281-09002 S.C.B.A. nrsion lCapital Plan Year Department Sub-Department IFIRE SUP. JProject Description*: SCBA equipment - upgrade SCBA fit tester, further upgrades to SCBA compressor etc. Equipment 125,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Expenditures Total 1�5/xn>|����u6�oo���:��/mV.��'���'2x,00�-���^�25,ovo,.�,,� 26f090�!�_'����'��'[�������`��� | mumg -Municipal Tax Levy � Municipal Tax Levy 125,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Funding Total l�������Vo �.2 w���------------- -���L`�.������ ,Department 's�sno�osnvoso'FIRE -- ~ _-_--- -------- !FIRE ^--�-----------------�--------------------------\ Project Approval --- ____________-_--_f -_____-_-__-____-__�-_-____/ �~~~~~' ---------F--------------_------------------------~---------� 'Project -------- - ----------F--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --( ' 'GCB8 2004 ' � ' - - - ~- - - ---------F--- �������— '- ��-----------�--------------------------} D..~.~~~~'~. _____-_-_�______-�_-________-__-�-______-_________________-| .~. Segment _-_--____ -_________-_-_________ F-___ --- _--___--__-_-___-__- Expected Useful � �.-__-______�_____~__-_-_-___-_-___�-_____--_____---______--_-� �g`L __-~------------_-------------------------- - - - - - - ' � Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 128- 281 -10017 Bunker Gear Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE Sub - Department FIRE SUP. Description Project. Description Replace 18 sets of worn (over 10 years old) FT and PT bunker gear @ $1,905 = $34,290 Supply 15 new recruits with new bunker gear @ $1,905 = $28,575 Replace 23 helmets (over 10 years old) @ $250 = $5,750 Location:' - All Stations Expenditures 245 Bud et 2018 2019 2020 2021: Total 2015 2016 - WIT ..,_ .:.___. Equipment 268,615 68,615 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 268,615 68,615 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Expenditures Total 268,615 68,615 = 50 000 _- - - - 50,000 Sa,000 - 50,000 = _ Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 268,615 68,615 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 268,615 68,615 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Funding Total _ 268,615 68,615 50,000 _ 50;OQ0 50,000 50,000 - =_ -- ` Attributes Attnbufe _- Value - - - Gommenf :Department ;EMERG.SERVICES -,FIRE Sub- Department 'FIRE SUP. ; 'Project Approval Not Approved Location -:. All e ___ __ - F- - - _ - - __.. W._.._._ _ _ - -..-.-.._- -- - _ .,.....__ � ._ ,_ _,- �_ .e_ 'Project Classification `New ;Program /Activity _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ 9 IfM _ _ -_ _ - _ _ - rence No DC Refe-. � - Mv_ .... _yy_- - -,-- _- __ r _ - - � __ __ _ - _ - - - _ _ _ RoadSegm_ent No. �_ _- _-____---- - _._- d____ - k _ - - z - _ - ___ -_ v.__-__-. -:� 11 ____- .- ,.__.._._.._---- :..__ -_€ Expe_ct_ed Useful Life FProjectManager - M __ ���- -5- ___e_�_y____....,- u.__w_ - - -__q _-_ _ - __ __ - - -__ �_,__�____.M -_ - ---- _ . _.....--- .._._... � �,-----__---_ ..._,.�_---- ..._- __ ..___._._.w .___. -_ -_ - - -A -= �, „.___- . Municipality � np�laKington 246 Capital Project 128-281-15400 Leather Bunker Boots' qrsion lCapital Plan Year uepartmmnt Sub-Department FFIRE SUP. Project. Description: Upgrade to leather bunker boots. Boots last 5 years. Current price is $3751pair. Lgcarnon:�� Bud t ge Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total � numg . ^unioipa|Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 125,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 25,000 25,OOG 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 oOo 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Attributes -,' F'_--, � roject-- -_______________-__-__--_-----------_-------------( -----� ------- ----�---�-------F--------------------------) Project Classification n�_____--_____-_-_�___--____--__-__-___�____-/ Program/Activity ��—�---------�----------------------�--------------------------> ~~'~~^~~~'~^ ---------�----�----------�---------------------------------| ._--._'-- ____-___ -____-___-________-__- -------------------------- 'Expected Lm, '1~s -----------F---------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� Manager -_-_--__--______- --__------` Municipality of Clarington 247 Capital Projects Project 28- 282 -15500 Training Survival Pro Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JEMERG.SERVICE8 - FIRE Sub - Department IFIRE TRAIN/TECH. SUPP. - - Description: _ Project Description:. - Materials to build Survival Prop - Section 21 recommends annual training (Location: Station 2 - = -. Budget Totai 201;5 2016 2017 2018_ _;: 2019 2020 2021 Expenditures — - - - -- -- --�- -__. _ - _ -- Equipment 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Expenditures Total 8,000 8,000 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Funding Total i 8;000 8,0 OQ Attributes Affribpt al e Vu e Comment _. Department EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE :Sub-Department FIRE TRAIN/TECH. SUPP. Project Approval - Location_ _ _ :Pr_ojectClassific_ation __� -_ _Ne_w - __.._._m..._-_._.__a-_=___..- LProgram /Activity_ w =., _ �__ _ k_ ____- K,- _- _v__..._- ,__- ___...__ 1DC Reference No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ` U- - - egmentNo; .,,w_____.,..__ - __ __.____- ...._m_.__..._._ - -. � ________,�_______�_________.v 'Expected Useful Life ;l 1-15 _£ Project Manager_.,__.__...__.___ m,__._____.�____�.- ___..____w- ____ ____.____....,.__,- .�___m- Municipality ofClarington , Capital Projects '�roject J28-284A5600 Diesel Vehicle Exhaust System Upgrade - Station 1 unsion lCapital Plan Year Department Sub-Department IFIRE MECH. Project Description.- Diesel vehicle exhaust system upgrade 248 udget Expenditures Equipment , } Expenditures Total . momo MunioipanmLevy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 ''Attribu es. ' 's�eRo poRe ' D7epartment 'FIRE MECH _____-___�-__-��__________-_--_-_�_-____---_________________� Troject Approval _____-___�______________--__�-_-_�_____---- - - - -__-______-�--\ Location — �� Betterment ---------F������--------�--`----�-�---�----------------------| 'P -A.- ---------�---------------------��--------------------------| --------_�----------------------�--�-----------------------i ____--__ lExpected Useful Life '16-20 ` � -----------f---------------------- -- - - - - - - - i ��Manager - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - --- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, \ > « � � ^ ' 's�eRo poRe ' D7epartment 'FIRE MECH _____-___�-__-��__________-_--_-_�_-____---_________________� Troject Approval _____-___�______________--__�-_-_�_____---- - - - -__-______-�--\ Location — �� Betterment ---------F������--------�--`----�-�---�----------------------| 'P -A.- ---------�---------------------��--------------------------| --------_�----------------------�--�-----------------------i ____--__ lExpected Useful Life '16-20 ` � -----------f---------------------- -- - - - - - - - i ��Manager - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - --- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, \ > « � � ^ 249 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 128- 284 -15700 Standby, Generator - Rickard Recreation Centre J , Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JEMERG.SERVICES - FIRE Sub - Department FIRE MECH. - Descrptiori Project Description u.dget - - Toial 1015 2016 201.7 20448 2019 2020 2021.; Expenditures — Equipment 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 Expenditures Total 225,000 - - - - Funding External Financing Other 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Reserve Funds Community Emergency Mgmt 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Funding Total ;:. 225;600 225;000. .. Attributes >:R ;DPepartment ` E. MERG,SERVICES - FIRE _ _ a> - � - - .- � __ __. _ _- - - - _ - - _ _ - 'Sub- Department , FIRE MECH. __-_ ________.-_ --- __ __- __ _ _ _ _ .__ .. _ -a -- a_ _ __ _. _ .w_ ,_....._ _ _ _ a _ .__.. _ _ A AM roject Approval -_i_ -- .______-w �° � ° � _ _ _ � a.___ ___. w___ � a_ __ -_ Locaton LPojectClassificati - New u ---- _ -_ --- __________ _ -_____ _ ___ � _. Program /Activity .______ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ -x_______ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DCReference No �R__ _�- ___- _____ oadSegment No. - _- __________________ - _-______ _ _ _____ ____ e- - --__-hl6 - 20____LflExpectedUseful L ___ __ -- W - - - -_____-____________ ProjectManager -. .________.____ -_ - -__ „__- _____s.___________- - ______.____.- � i Municipality of Clarington 250 Capital Projects Project 28- 388 -15100 Pumper 14 rsion lCapital Plan Year 2015 Department JEMERG.SERVICES - FIRE Sub - Department FLEET Descrip #ion Project Description: Replace 2004 Spartan Pumper as per replacement schedule (FLEET - FIRE - 015) Location. 1 Station 4 Budget 'Total 2015; 2016 Z01Z 2018 2019. 2020 2021: Expenditures Fleet Replacement 675,000 675,000 675,000 675,000 Expenditures Total 675;000 675,000 iding .eserve Funds Fire Equipment 675,000 675,000 675,000 675,000 Funding Total 675 >000 - ;: :6A OV Attributes: Attribute -Value Coffin of - ':Department 'EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE !Sub- Department _ FLEET Project Approval Location- a____. -- _- a _ _a_z.a e _.___ fI _.. _ ._ - __ .. e - _ ._ ;Project Classification .._ _ _ _ Replacement _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ Program /Activity- _,--- _F. -__ 3 _-_...m__-a_m_ ®�_ -a =aM, Im�_._ �_�i PC Reference No. �_ __________________�# _____ ______________ ___ I _ -- _ RoadS_egm_ent_No.�' _____� _ __ _ - _1 _ tFeit ected Use ful Life _ _ - - - �, m _ ;11 -15Manager_.._____._____I -...__...______-,..____,___..__ �__ ___...._.__________._______.__i __o_ _________A__ #.- --__--__...____._____ - ___..._.____- ____.,-_____ -___ - 2015 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 'Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Fund Financing 32 ENG. SERVICES 324 ST. LIGHTG 32- 324 -05102 Street Light Installation - Various 32- 324 -15103 Highway 2 Streetlighting (Haines St to Bennett Rd) 32-324-15104 RR 57 Streetlighting (Aspen Springs Dr to King St) 32-324-15105 Baseline Rd Streetlighting (Green Rd to West Side Dr) 32- 324 -15106 South Service Rd Streetlighting (Lake Rd to Bennett Rd) Total 324 ST. LIGHTG 325 PARK 32- 325715102 Springfield Parkette 32- 325 -15104 Foster Creek Neighbourhood Park 32- 325 -15105 South Courtice Parking Expansion 32-325-15107 Newcastle Leash Free Park Total 325 PARK 329 BRIDGES 32- 329 -13101 Structures Rehabilitation Total 329 BRIDGES 330 RDS & STRUCT. 32- 330 -05118 Pavement Rehabilitation Program 32-330-10101 Roadside Protection Program 32-MO-1 0112 Jane St. Reconstruction 32- 330 -11117 Flett Street Road Reconstruction 32- 330 -12105 Scogog St. /Middle Rd. Reconstruction 32- 330 -13104 Green Road Reconstruction (Harvey Jones to Longworth) 32- 330 -13113 Odell Street Reconstruction 32- 330 -14101 Concession Road 3 (Middle Rd to Liberty St) 32- 330 -14105 Rudell Road Reconstruction 100,000 20,000 46,000 55,000 186,000 (100,000) Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Funds Charges (20,000) (46,000) (3,630) (51,370) (9,858) (176,142) 407,000 (100,000) (13,488) (293,512) 50,000 (5,000) (45,000) 600,000 (60,000) (540,000) 175,000 (175,000) 105,000 (10,500) (94,500) 930,000 (250,500) (679,500) 1,100,000 (666,220) (433,780) 1,100,000 (666,220) (433,780) 1,315,000 (1,315,000) 140,000 (140,000) 111,000 (111,000) 55,000 (55,000) 1,500,000 (200,250) (1,299,750) 1,070,000 (159,965) (910,035) 550,000 (435,000) (115,000) 2,120,000 (286,836) (1,833,164) 60,000 (60,000) N U1 2015 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Fund Financing 32-330-14109 Jackman Rd Reconstruction (Bridge to Scugog St) 32 -330 -14110 Fourth St Reconstruction ( Scugog St to Elgin St) 32- 330 -15104 Holt Rd Shoulder Improvements 32- 330 -15105 Port Darlington Earth Removal 32- 330 -15106 Holt Rd Reconstruction (Hwy 401 to Hwy 2) Design 32- 330 -15107 Green Rd Surface Asphalt (Baseline to Aspen Springs) 32- 330 -15108 Green Rd Surface Asphalt (Aspen Springs to Boswell) 32- 330 -15109 Third Street Reconstruction (Bernard to Liberty) 32- 330 -15110 Townline Rd South (Cherrydown to Bloor) 32- 330 -15111 Mill St Orono Drainage Improvement 32- 330 -15112 Mill St South Active Transportation Improvements 32-330-15113 Bicycle Repair Station 32- 330 -15114 Boundary Rd Rehabilitation (Kawartha Lakes) 32-330-15115 Pebblestone Rd Slurry Seal Total 330 RDS & STRUCT. 331 S/WALKS & WALKWAYS 32- 331 -05102 Sidewalk Replacement - Unspecified 32-331-14107 Regional Road 57 Multi -Use Trail (Nash Rd to Longworth AVE 32- 331 -15101 Green Road Sidewalk (Boswell (west side) to Hwy. #2) 32- 331 -15102 Highway #2 Sidewalk (Given to Rudell) . 32- 331 -15106 Rudell Rd Sidewalk (Sunset to Hart) - East side 32 -331 -15107 Waterfront Trail Realignment and Bridge west of Toronto St Total 331 S/WALKS. & WALKWAYS 336 STSCAPE 32- 338 -16101 Newcastle Streetscape Improvements Total 338 STSCAPE 340 EROSION PROTECT L Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Funds Charges 555,000 (555,000) 90,000 (90,000) 60,000 (60,000) 75,000 (21,750) (53,250) 200,000 (30,000) (170,000) 374,000 (3,740) (370,260) 86,000 (860) (85,140) 230,000 (230,000) 182,500 (182,500) 25,000 (25,000) 25,000 (25,000) 4,000 (4,000) 525,000 (262,500) (262,500) 53,000 (53,000) 9,405,500 (1,232,600) (262,500) (3,128,801) (4,781,599) 200,000 (200,000) 150,000 (150,000) 160,000 (160,000)' 86,000 (86,000) 43,000 (43,000) 240,000 (136,852) (18,341) (84,807) 879,000 ,(336,852) (18,341) (84,807) (439,000) 70,000 (35,000) (35,000) 70,000 (35,000) (35,000) N Ln iu N (n Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2015 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 32- 340 -11101 Brookhill Tributary Nick Point Remedial Works 19,500 (19,500) 32- 340 -15101 Various Erosion Protection Works 200,000 (66,660) (133,340) Total 340 EROSION PROTECT 219,500 (19,500) (66,660) (133,340) 388 FLEET 32 -388 -15101 Engineering Services Replacement Vehicle 45,000 (45,000) Total 388 FLEET 45,000 (45,000) Total 32 ENG. SERVICES 13,056,000 (2,370,672) (715,780) (18,341) (3,589,256) (6,361,951) Total ENG. SERVICES 13,056,000 (2,370,672) (715,780) (18,341) (3,589,256) (6,361,951) N (n 254 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-324-05102 Street Light Installation - Various / mnyion lCapital Plan Year Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department �Descrlp ion 1project Description: The purpose Of this project i8f0D[OvidSillUDliO8tOOiO8CcORj8OCewithR«-LaVV#84-21,"C[iteri32nd Warrants for Street Lighting". ' Various Expenditures Contract Admin. 25,000 5,000 5,000 *,000 5,000 5,000 Design , 00.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 Construction 415000 :ooOO 83,000 83,000 83,000 83,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Expenditures Total ���{�ouuu �^'�1uo.uuu���_�.�u�uuo: Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 000000 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000 500,000 Funding Total __600;000, 100'.000, 1100.000" 1( U00 --J00 000 Val _:�c6nnment ___-__-__--____-____--_--� -- - - - - - - -- - - �--------------------------( Location ________ ~~.~.~... �___�-_�____-__-_-_--___-____-_� Project Classification New ---------------------- �--------------------- ___-_/ Program/Activity ��.�.� ...L~..~IMPROVEMENT-VARIOUS ����. � ---------F�-------- ----------�--------------------------/ ~..~~~~_No. _-__-__--�_____-___-______-_-__-�_________-___- --- __-__-_--_/ '---c� Segment ''- --______-_ ___--____-_- --- --_--_�___-�__---______________-_ Expected Useful \ ^ �e '1O-2V ' -----------N ---------------7------ --------------------------( . -__-__-____�������v__--_-_-___-_--_L -_____-____-__--___-__�___-| Municipality of Cla 255 ������� � � Capital Projects Project 132-324-15103 Highway 2 Streetlighting (Haines St to Bennett Rd), Version FCa�ital Plan Year Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department Contract Admin. 8,000 8,000 Design 20.000 20,000 Construction 272000 272000 300,000 20,000 280,000 Expmnditun�7utal 3ooJ0V��'�����o/x�_���ao9Gmo��&�-2�������'|���1�����''���'���������`��`��/����&�I��/ Funding Development obo,ues Roads &Related ooOOOO 20000 280000 300,000 20,000 280,000 Funding Total 300� 000 2%000, 280 000 ent -------- ^~``^~~`~���---------------�--------------------------! ~~~ --'- ----� -------------------------' 'ST. ProjectApp..~ -______- ___--_-___-___________-_-_� 'Locodon ' 3 -- - - - - - - -----------------------�--------------------------} Project Classification _-_______11� - --___-_--_-_ --- -__-___�_-__-_________-_____-__--_� . Logra. _-______ ____I______--_- ________---___-_______-_�__] ~~.~~~.~..^ ^~ _-_-____ -________---___ -------------------------- 'Road ������No. _________ . __-__--____--__- -__----_____-__-___�___�__\ 'Expected Life '�n�o _______-_____-__- ___-_-____-________-_____-\� Manager - - - -c�--__-________--__-__-_______-__-_-_______-__' 256 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 324 -15103 Highway 2 Streetlighting (Haines St to Bennett Rd) Brsion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department ST. LIGHTG Gallery._ LIADepartmen8Capital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Maps132- 324- 15103.jpg BO WMANVILLE 0 a 0 ca m 2 I f HIGHWAY No. 2 ILLUMINATION M M 257 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Construction of new street lights using existing hydro poles, where possible. This will provide additional safety for all road users including vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. Location: Regional Road 57 from Aspen Springs Dr to King St Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding Development Charges Roads & Related Budget - Total 3_ 20T5 2016 v 2097 ___ 2018 2019 _2020 2023 2,000 2,000 6,000 6,000 38,000 38,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 324 -15104 RR 57 Streetlighting (Aspen Springs Dr to King St) ersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department ST. LIGHTG Gallery l:l ^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapsUg RR57 (Aspen Springs to Hwy2).jpg 1 BOWMANVILL ' rsITEVENS,ROAD I r i LPTOW AVE. I RFG/p � �. NqL m yq pN cR o o F F � U Z HIGHWAY Zvi ��d > y O J YJl� F Z U W m m PRINCE WI. LLIAM BOULEVARD 3 U O1P Py t w 0 C U' w n: 1 1 LANE iB LU REG. RD. 57 ILLUMINATION i �r - c A \ I .c:ma r= i 0 258 �� • •r al • A 1 JP�pO P 11111111/ (1111 , i 258 �� • •r al • A 1 JP�pO P Municipality of Clarington 259 Capital Projects Project 32- 324 -15105 Baseline Rd Streetli htin Green Rd to West Side Dr Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub- Department ST. LIGHTG Descrptiori _ Project Description: Construction of new street lights using existing hydro poles, where possible. This will provide additional safety for all road users including vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. Expenditures Contract Admin. 2,000 2,000 Design 7,000 7,000 Construction 46,000 46,000 55,000 55,000 Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital works Program 3,630 3,630 3,630 3,630 Development Charges Roads & Related 51,370 51,370 51,370 511-370 Funding Total 55;000 55 }000 _` Afttibutes = =_ _ _ =Aftrbcife Value Department.__ 'EN_G. - ERVI_CES _M - -_ —_ -- ____ - -� —_,-- .— _.___- - -__, _------ __.._� ;Sub - Department_ -- ___SST. LIGHTG------------ ----- _—_..— _...._.__---- -- __._.__-- -- - - -° FProjectApproval — —_-- _ _ _— _— _.- -_ —_ -- -I f Location�'_____ ____ ���____ _____.___...— ______Hµ_____„ —___ , ProjectClassific _ation-- __— _— __._ —_ 'New___ —_�___ __— �__— _______— ___ —_ —_ -- _ ^_— _� ^__— ^_�_ —_ «_�_— _�_____ —___I Program/ Activity_.________—— _-- - - -___ _ _____ __N_________ __ _ _____ _____�l DC _Reference No. _ 6 (2005) D/C STUDY _ — _ _ _ — — �RoadSegmentNo._ —_ _ - -_ -4030 — r-- °"— "' °"— ___._.- - M______________ ___.._____ —I IRoadtegmentlo. 1- 6-2_0- ---- -- ----- --- - - -- -- ---- ------------ -- --- --- - — 'Ron Municipality of Clarington 260 Capital Projects Project 32-32415105 Baseline Rd Streetli htin Green Rd to West Side Dr ersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department ST, LIGHTG Gallery I:1 ^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapsV_tg Baseline (Green to Westside).jpg M 1111101111111111 11111111111 1111111 Ifi111111111►��• • ��� 1111111 //� �i� ►� - 1111111111 • 1111111111111_ 1111111 ►����I - �- -� �� HBO WMANVIL LE J I BASELINE ROAD ILLUMINATI N N`GON 4p1 Municipality of Clarington 261 Capital Projects Project 32-324 -15106 South Service Rd Streetli htin Lake Rd to Bennett Rd Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department ST. LIGHTG - _Descfiption = _ - Project Description Construction of new street lights using existing hydro poles, where possible. This will provide additional safety for all road users including vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. This is also in support of the recently extended Lake Road to South Service Road completed in 2014. Expenditures Contract Admin. 8,000 8,000 Design 23,000 23,000 Construction 155,000 155,000 186,000 186,000 Expenditures Total 186;000 186,000 Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 9,858 9,858 9,858 9,858 Development Charges Roads & Related 176,142 176,142 176,142 176,142 Funding Total 18f>000 186,000 - - 4ftn'bri�e Vai`ue _ , :comment'_ _ Sub- Department _ ___________ mmx�� _ ~ST.LIGHTG� ��______ ____ LProjectApproval —___ __�— �~— —_____ _ D_C m Location Ward 3 ____ _ _ _ _ _ -- ______ — — _ _ — __ -- — __X -- — - -M_ — "—_ -- - - - _______ --- ___ _ Project Classifca INew ___ ______ _______ w —- __— _ ___ _ Program /Activity A ____________________________i _ -------- 2 -------------------- No. Update _ I Roads _egm_ent_No.-------- - -F--- --` �...._—______--_._— _ -- __- _a.._________— __— _.____ ....� F�cpe_cted_U_sefuILife_!_ M_ w_ M_ — —y_ 6_- 20~ A—_ y— _—_r—_ ^_—___A_—_—__ ^—_ __ _____- ProjectMahagerRonAlbright��___________ _____ _______�.______— Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 324 -15106 South Service Rd Streetlighting (Lake Rd to Bennett Rd) ersion Ca ital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub- Department ST, LIGHTG Gallery,- l:l^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapsV-tg S Service (Lake to Bennett).jpg ANJi =./ 'Idt G� BOW_MANVILLE W a SOUTH SERVICE ROAD ILLUMINATION oaNE Page No.: 4 262 Municipality of Clarington. Capital Projects Project 32- 325 -15102 Springfield Parkette Version Ca ital Pian Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department PARK 263 William Ingles Drive, Courtice Attributes 4ttnbute Value _ - - Gomrrienf - `Sub- Department PARK :Project Approval 'Location -- ._,__.__._ ___- __- w_____._-- ______ __ ___________ __ _I i:. -j ctClassific ---- - - - -__ -New -------- --- -------- �..___�,_____- ___________ - -___I lProgram/Activity �_ _ i _ _ - - - _[ DCRReferenceN_o. ____ ___. L�_____r__ ____,____Y; �° - H_ ____- ____�.___.___ __- _ Road --- m---- ______ ___.- .______�.__�a....___- - - _ Expected Useful Life f - - __.___.___y ____ __ _ _________ ___ ___ ______ -..__ _ ___ __ -I ' LProjeg1Manager ^��________PeterWin dolt -, -_, - _ - _ ___ _______________ .______.____ Page No.: 5 Budget - Total _ 2015 _ - 2016 2017 = 2018 " 2019 2020 2021° Expenditures Construction 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Expenditures Total 5.Q,000 - - - - 50,000 Funding Reserve Funds - Engineering Parks Capital 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Development Charges Eng. -Park Dev. & Facilities 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Funding Total 50;000 $0,000 Attributes 4ttnbute Value _ - - Gomrrienf - `Sub- Department PARK :Project Approval 'Location -- ._,__.__._ ___- __- w_____._-- ______ __ ___________ __ _I i:. -j ctClassific ---- - - - -__ -New -------- --- -------- �..___�,_____- ___________ - -___I lProgram/Activity �_ _ i _ _ - - - _[ DCRReferenceN_o. ____ ___. L�_____r__ ____,____Y; �° - H_ ____- ____�.___.___ __- _ Road --- m---- ______ ___.- .______�.__�a....___- - - _ Expected Useful Life f - - __.___.___y ____ __ _ _________ ___ ___ ______ -..__ _ ___ __ -I ' LProjeg1Manager ^��________PeterWin dolt -, -_, - _ - _ ___ _______________ .______.____ Page No.: 5 264 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 325 -15102 Springfield Parkette ersion lCapital Plan Yea 12015 Department ENG. SERVICES Sub - Department PARK - = Ga lery - - l:l ^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Maps132- 325- 15102.)pg �i►���I . ' �I = � ems' � ���111/111�Q� "� � a►llt►l0` : = =� �. �/�� -� .��1� /� �lll � / .. ,_/111 �� �■ ►����.• �� �� ,. /� 1111/1 111 / /lll///lllll/ll/ •- . - ��r�0 �i���� ii���� _��� _� — • .1 ��IIlI11t11i1B���� gas������������������������. ►� �� "�- - -- -- .. - IIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIItII -- �NIIIIIIIIII:. ��= i� �� . `.=•= � .. � � :1111111111111: �� "�' / /IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -� 8 -IR1r� _. 1111111,.. '`� � /11 Illllf ►��������� �j -- .- - - 1� �IIIIIl1�,1 i1111111I������� � illlllll � � , � 111111111111111 /� �� � �� 11 1111111111111111 �- ��=� �:��'� z r 2.65 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 325 -15104 Foster Creek Neighbourhood Park Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department PARK Description'.;' Project Description. Construction of a 2 ha park in the Foster Creek subdivsion in Newcastle. The park will include a water play area, playground, soccer field, shade structure and walkways connecting the various park features. This park will serve the existing occupied homes in Foster Creek and the future residential development to the north. Construction inspection and contract administration will be done in house by Engineering Department staff. Location:.> Grady Drive, Newcastle Budget - Total 2015 20 t6 ,r 2012 Y 2018 _2019 20.20 2021 Expenditures Design 25,000 25,000 Construction 575,000 575,000 Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Engineering Parks Capital Development Charges Eng. -Park Dev. & Facilities 600,000 600,000 600;000 ::- 600,0001 _ _ 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 540,000 540,000 540,000 540,000 Funding Total — 600,000 - 600;000 ;Department ;ENG. SERVICES - --- _ 1 _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ _ ® . Project Approval - _"___-________- ______ _______- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IDEx__ C p _ eRce_tfee dUse_ fuN_loL�_. �_ _ _________ _ _ _ Location - - - - - - - - ___ __ _____ __ I ProjectClassification - ~- x - - - - -New Y-- ----- M_--- - - - - -- - -^ __-- _-- ______- __- __ --- _.___ Progra m /Activity �_._9_______- - ~$-_ - - - - ___� _ _____________ ___________ -i________�4.12 rence 'Road -_--_- - - -_ ____ ment _______ ______________ ____ _____ _______________ _ _________ __ __ __ _____ ��� _ _ ________ WProectManager eerno LZI _Y - _ - - - - - ,_ ____________ ___ ___-________ i = i I I i _________ - _ =Attibtttes_,,. AttnBute Value -- - Comment' ;Department ;ENG. SERVICES - --- _ 1 _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ _ ® . Project Approval - _"___-________- ______ _______- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IDEx__ C p _ eRce_tfee dUse_ fuN_loL�_. �_ _ _________ _ _ _ Location - - - - - - - - ___ __ _____ __ I ProjectClassification - ~- x - - - - -New Y-- ----- M_--- - - - - -- - -^ __-- _-- ______- __- __ --- _.___ Progra m /Activity �_._9_______- - ~$-_ - - - - ___� _ _____________ ___________ -i________�4.12 rence 'Road -_--_- - - -_ ____ ment _______ ______________ ____ _____ _______________ _ _________ __ __ __ _____ ��� _ _ ________ WProectManager eerno LZI _Y - _ - - - - - ,_ ____________ ___ ___-________ i = i I I i _________ Municipality of Clarington 266 Capital Projects Project 32-325 -15104 Foster Creek Neighbourhood Park orsion Ca P Year Department FENG. SERVICES Sub-Department PARK Gallery 4 MADepartmentlCapital Wbrks1201512015 Capital BudgeN9015 Budget Maps132-325-15104.)pg C5 z MONROE STREET W GRADY DRIVE GRADY DR < U1 0 11'_ Ed ERSKINE DRIVE 0-- w w 0 o THOMAS A w z 11 \X w FLOODAVENUE O GEORGE STW WILMOT STREET I �=W � � 111 1I // r'���� TL NE WCAS J 1 267 Municipality of.Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-325-15105 South Courtice Parking Expansion Version Fcapitai Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IPARK Description Description: Construction of a 51 car parking lot at South Courtice Community Park. Expansion of the existing north parking lot to accommodate the addition of the South Courtice Artificial Turf Field to the facility. Design, construction supervision and contract administration to be done in house by Engineering Department staff. ILocation:* South Courtice Community Park Budget get 2020-,,:--- 2021; -Total -204.5:_ 2019��- Expenditures Construction 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 Expenditures Total 76,000 ;� Funding Reserve Funds General Municipal Purposes 50,000 50,000 Engineering Parks Capital 50,000 50,000 Impact/Escrow Funds 75,060 75,000 175,000 175,000 Funding Total 175W .O 1175,000 Attributes u es�,_ Attribute _ & o'Value Comment Department ."ENG. SERVICES 'Sub-Department PARK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - %Project Approval - - - - - - - - - _- - - -- -- - -- Iocatio ;Ward 1 - _ ____ ___________-__- __ -___n _ _ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - i Project Classification 'New ___.___...-- .v._________ -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DC Reference No. - - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Road Segment No. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expected Useful Life � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - F, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - LpEoLec�Manager . Albright - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ron - - - - - - - - - - - - ._____________ 2.68 Municipality of Clarington Capital-Projects Project 132- 325 -15105 South Courtice Parking Expansion ersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department IPARK Gallery _ l:l ^DepartmenACapltal Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Maps132- 325- 15105.jpg Project Version Department Sub - Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 32- 325 -15107 Newcastle Leash Free Park lCapital Plan Year 12015 ENG. SERVICES PARK i 259 Description _ _ Project Description: This project is to provide a fenced, leash free dog park. It will include the installation of fencing, bag dispensers, waste receptacles, regulatory signage, and benches. The proposed location was selected based on input from residents at a Public Open House in February 2014. Design, construction inspection and contract administration will be done in house by Engineering Department staff. Location: Newcastle Community Park, west of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Elementary School Funding Reserve Funds Engineering Parks Capital 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 Development Charges Eng. -Park Dev. & Facilities 94,500 94,500 94,500 94,500 Funding Total 105,000 105,000 -- Attributes Aftcibute _ Value _ Com_ment Deoartment ENG. SERVICES Sub- Department ;PARK V m_______ -- _ - M_- ____-- __—_____ Project Approval ° Location __-.._,.._____.___ I_ --- ___.._..,._._______,____... .... €- -._._ __ _` ,Project Classification__. _!New __ ____ -___ _-___— -------------------------- ___ _____________________i _� _ 'Program /Activityw�� �____ i_ —� ° ° " #___�____� _ �_________ ____________ _ Reference __- __ _ _,____ — — --I ,Road SegmentNo_. ___ __ —_.— ___ _ __ _____ __ � !_________ _________..______� _ _ _ FEx_ petted_ U_ sefulLife______________ ________________________a______ _ ______________ LProjectManager. N. _T. ____ 'Peterwindolf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Municipality of Clarington 270 Capital Projects Project 132-325-15107 Newcastle Leash Free Park ersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IPARK 71 Gape 1:11DepartmentlCapital Wdrks1201512015 Capital BudgetI2015 Budget Maps132-325-15107.Jpg DURHANI-HIG MIN ----------------------- -------------- ,NEPV S TL - E 0 0 x w ty w LLI PV 11-,4v 13 CA E 0 w C1 cc w C "I OX s EDWARD STREET W DONCAc Nil SUNSET BOULEVAR HIGHWAY 401 NEWCASTLE LEASH FREE PARK 1-1101111111 wf W1111111111, 271 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 329 -13101 Structures Rehabilitation Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department IBRIDGES - _ - Description - - Project Description Replacement, rehabilitation and maintenance of structures throughout the Municipality resulting from the legislated inspections that occur every 2 years on all bridges. Improvements are at various locations. Through the Highway Traffic Act and Bridges Act, Clarington is responsible for ensuring bridges are kept safe and in good repair. Evaluations and priorities are assigned to bridges. Due to variables, results are fluid from one years inspection to another. Location: Various .Budget Total 2015__ 2016 __ 2017 = 2018 2019 2020 - .2021_ Expenditures Contract Admin. 670,000 90,000 95,000 105,000 115,000 125,000 140,000 Design 503,000 65,000 73,000 80,000 85,000 95,000 105,000 Construction 7,262,000 945,000 1,042,000 1,145,000 1,250,000 1,380,000 1,500,000 8,435,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 1,330,000 1,450,000 1,600,000 1,745,000 Expenditures Total 8435,000 1;100,000 T,210,000 T,3301)00 1;450,000__ 1,604 000 1,745,000 Funding External Financing Grants - Province 2,168,900 433,780 433,780 433,780 433,780 433,780 2,168,900 433,780 433,780 433,780 433,780 433,780 Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 6,266,100 666,220 776,220 896,220 1,016,220 1,166,220 1,745,000 6,266,100 666,220 776,220 896,220 1,016,220 1,166,220 1,745,000 Funding Total _ 8,435;1300 1,100,000, 4,21.0,000 T,330000 1,450,000' 1,600,000 (,745,000 - : - _ Au Department_ __- _O ENG. SERVICES -__ -- __- __ -____' -____ ___� Sub- Department M _ M BRIDGES _ .TM _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ (. Pro'ectA Approval _ ______________� r_______________________ �l Project PP _ Location _ _______ -AII _ _________ ________ 1 _________________________I Pr_ ojectCla _ssific_ationµ_- -__T__Better __ _ __________ ______ ______ ___�____ Program/ Activity~_-_--- i- °"___�________.____ ______ ____ _ -_____-_______.,,,.___r__-- DCReferenceN_o. - u_-.______ �_________ ____________��_________________ iRoad S_egm_ent_ No. _ _ _ FE--- tedUseful- - -_____ ___________________... ___ __- _____________- _________I ProjectManager_wY�__�___ Sean Bagshaw ______________ _______;___ ^u��___________ 272 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 330 -05118 Pavement Rehabilitation Program ersion Ca ital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. Description : Project Description: The purpose of this project is to extend the life cycle of road pavement structures with asphalt overlays in conjunction with asphalt base repairs such as cold milling, joint sealing, and full depth crack repair. A cost benefit analysis is undertaken on the roads network to determine the road and treatment type that is most cost effective. This project is funded in part by the Federal Gax Tax Reserve Fund. Location: Unspecified Locations. - B_d et 9 .Total 201,5. , 2016: 2017 - , 2018 2019 _. _ 2020 2021 Expenditures Contract Admin. 1,373,000 115,000 195,000 226,000 279,000 279,000 279,000 Design 688,000 57,000 98,000 113,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 Construction 13,749,000 1,143,000 1,957,000 2,261,000 2,796,000 2,796,000 2,796,000 15,810,000 1,315,000 2,250,000 2,600,000 3,215,000 3,215,000 3,215,000 Expenditures Total 15,810,000 11315,000 '`. 2,250,000 _ 2,600;000 :3,215;000 3;215,00.0 _..._.._ _ , _... 3,216,000 _.,.. Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 1,811,300 200,000 265,000 265,000 1,081,300 1,811,300 200,000 265,000 265,000 1,081,300 Reserves Pits & Quarries 540,000 200,000 200,000 140,000 540,000 200,000 200,000 140,000 Reserve Funds Road Contributions 700,000 350,000 350,000 Federal Gas Tax Receipts 12,758,700 1,315,000 2,250,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 1,993,700 13,458,700 1,315,000 2,250,000 2,400,000 2,750,000 2,750;000 1,993,700 Funding Total 15 810,000 1,315,0002250,000 ` 2,600t1Omm15,00U3 Z ?5,000�2�1TS'000 �.f %3 r - _ K Attributes f�_ T . o AttrliJtlte „:Value " , _ril'- Department !ENG. SERVICESR Sub- Department __ - ---- -rR- -- T---- -- - - - - ---- -r____-------- ______________I P roject Approval ------- __--- Not App[oved - - - - _� -" _____ Lo_ca_tion__- _- _-- _- __ - -__- -All - ___� "- ____ -- -_ - - -� --,..----------------------- �ProjectClassif 'ic_ation_- -__ -M_ - Be_tter_me_nt_^ �- - -- -_. ____ - - -_�_ : _.____� Pro ra_m /Activi _ - -- Fr- ---- -- - PROGRAM-_ _ _ _ _ __ --------------------------- IP 9 tY DC_Refere______ ________�._ --------------------- 1.__...__---__-.__.__-________-- IZ-- Segment -- ____ -_- -� - - - - - -- - -___ -- -- - �- __ ______I jf.oad ------ _ -__... - � .________.__ - r- __ -_ _ _ -__--__ - -_-_-_-_-_- _- -__ -_ - _-- _ __ -_ FE - - `Tected Useful Life' 20 --- ---- _ 1-- _______Y__ ___ - - oje-_ nager LZ-- --- - - -- --- - - -L_#_----- - - -_ -, - - -- - - - - _i 273 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project F32-330-1 0101 Roadside Protection Program Version lCapital Plan Year ' Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department Description Project Description: The work includes construction of roadside safety improvements such as the installation of new guide rail, upgrading of deficient roadside protection measures or removal of hazards from the clear zone adjacent to the road. Expenditures Contract Admin. 03,000 11,000 13.000 13,000 13,000 13,000 Design 44,000 8,000 9,00 9,00 9,00 8,00 Construction 638000 121000 128000 128000 128000 128000 740,000 140,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 � Expenditures Total � pxnumg Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 748000 140,000 150000 150000 150000 150000 740,000 140,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 '80 00 utes bJ ornme 'Department _, 'ENG 'GTRUCT ' � RDG & .roje ct App.,~ Not �Approved ��__--_____-__-___�__-_--_-_______-_____-_-__� 'Location Combination ~~'�- - ^-'-----------------�--------------------------i 'Project ~`~.~..~~^~..--_____-_ New - ---______________-__-�-_-_____-___________-_____( 'Pro ~~ ~ � �'^u_______-_ ---___-__-_____-__---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� "^"===~="". __-_-___ -___-_____�_-____-�__�_-_-___-__-____________� """"��''='^'^�--------- ----------------------�----------------------�---> ' L�, `o1�s ' ' -----------F---------------------- --------------------------| L�e��rnag.r-_--___-_-_L -_______--__--------------------------------------` / \ ` 274 Municipality of Clar{ngton Capital Projects Project 132-330-1011'2 Jane St. Reconstruction ersion ICapital Plan Year Department IENG. SERVICES Sub-Department | Project Description: The road was reconstructed tO2O urban standard including underground services iO2011. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt. cmt Jane St from Liberty St to Simpson Ave Total :2016 2017 :26l;9 2 211 :2018 0 Expenditures Contract Admin. 7,000 7,000 Construction 104,000 104,000 111,000 111,000 Expenditures Total �114,000 ,ill 'nm0����'|�^�������.�'�����.-^�����.�^������.i������^.�`"�'��~�,��������| Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 111,000 111000 111,000 Funding Total 11�,006 11t000":!���i_`�-i�.��4������.�-�.����-.�����±�����-�������i���� Value Comment �Sub-Department __----_-_- __-_---- -----_---____-�_-_-__-__-___--_--_-_-_---� roject Approval ----_-__ Not Approved 'Location ._-' � ____----________-'-_--___-_---____-____--__-� Project Classification 'Betterment — ---------F- --------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - --------,------/ __-________-__--__--___-_-__-_____-__ --- ___-_____-- PC Reference No - — � --__-__- _- --- -___-_-__-_�_-_-_____--__-_-______-__-� Road ��^^~~'~^ ~-~~'��r�� __________ -___-____________ -------------------------- Expected Useful ' Life '16-2V -----------�- ------------------�--�--------------------------i . __-________�������-____---________�-___________-__-_____�--_-/ 275 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 330 -10112 Jane St. Reconstruction 1 \ �-1 J - r—r-- OW1 AN- , MLLE a� a x cn Prince St EL IT ;� ����I�III�IU■ Hobbs Dr .. 276 Municipality ofClarington Capital Projects Project F32-330-11117 Flett Street Road Reconstruction �rsion lCapital Plan Year Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department FR D —s& STRUCT. .e crip ion Project Description: The [O8d was [ec0OSfOJcfed to an urban standard including UOd8[gnDUOd services in 2012. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt. Flett St-from Southway D r to Jane St en Department `ENG�GERNCEG ` ------------------ --------------�--------------------�-----i ,Sub-Department :RD STRUCT. _---_-_- ' �c-- Not ``___-____-_-____---__� "Location _— _--__- ---- Classification __ _-_-__-___�_-_-__�_---___-____--_-__-_____--( ---- --- ---�- Betterment �-�---�-----------�--------------------------i Program/Activity — ---------� _--__-___�--____-____-_--___-_-_--____--___-____-_________--� LZ DC -Reference No. -_________-____�`___--___-__--___-____-__-_� 'Road Segment No: ---------- ---------------�--------------------------{ ' Life 116-20 � _je�t Manager -----------���--------------------�--------------------�-----> PEo ' ___-_--__--�������L_______-__-____L --__--__-__________________/ / � �/ Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 - 11117 Flett Street Road Reconstruction Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. _Gallery J:UennyB12012 BudgetlFlett St.jpg Millis .`� �,♦ 111'., ■ ■ �� /► a ♦� �- � ,� �., �_ 11111111111111 /l� I a MAP 11 ►..� 51 1�11�111�11111�1111� / /1111 � � �je I ♦� ♦�� ���- I�■ - 111111111/ � . i ���� ♦ �,��� ; 1111111111 Illi �11111111�■ mill �� ♦� � ■ ■, � �IIIIIi111111 ►� �� 0, ♦ �I � ii�p � �i 1111► ■ %111111 1 ■1111111 �i %�� !, � � �L � � �� � 111111111 ►� _ ME111� 277 278 . Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 330 -12105 Sco o St. /Middle Rd. Reconstruction ersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: 2015 - Reconstruction to urban standard including sidewalks, street lights, underground services, concrete curb and gutter, new road base, and base asphalt. 2018 - Surface asphalt JLocation: Scugog St from Bons Ave to Con Rd 3 Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total Budget Total 2015 2016 2017 201.8 2019 = 2020 2021_ 97,000 95,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 1,455,000 1,395,000 60,000 1,562,000 1,500,000 62,000 - 1,562,000 _=1,500;000 =_ 62,000 208,527 200,250 8,277 208,527 200,250 8,277 1,353,473 1,299,750 53,723 1,353,473 1,299,750 53,723 1,562 000 1,500;000 - - 62,000 -_ Attributes Attn6ute _Value _- ,comment 'Department _ _ — — 'ENG. SERVICES _ - --_— — ___ —_. _ — _ __---- .....--- ...,___ ;Sub - Department �'� _ — —'FRDS &STRUCT.— _ ProjectApprovalr—______...._...—___.___..._____.__.__.._,._.__.. .....___...___.._____.._....__I Location -------------- - - - ----- - - --- Ward2--- -- -- -- ---- -- _--- _ ---- _ —__ -- __----- _- -_ - -_I ProjectClassifica - Replacement - - -- — - - - - - -- �--------------------- - - -�T� Program /Activity — _— _--- __- - bDCRefere --- ------- - - :t-- - -- - - - - -- — — — — — — — — — — --- --- ------ --- -_.— _-- _ —_ —_I ---- m_ ent_ No_._-------------------------------- -------------------------- Road bExpe_cted_U_seful --- _------- _F— __- -_ —_ —_ ---- ---- -- -------------------------- LFProjectManager----------- KarenRichar -- -------------- L___ ____ ___ _______ __ ___ _ __i 279 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -12105 Scogoq St. /Middle Rd. Reconstruction I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. Gafl - l:1^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Maps132- 330- 12105.jpg ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 0. I 1 W ❑ > ° x ° ❑ ° ! z 5 HSCG � N G,p J K ❑I{ .j ';B O W VIANVIL 1 1 3 • • • 0 i ��` �_�_ �s � SE E= = RENO :1 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -13104 Green Road Reconstruction (Harvey Jones to Longworth) ersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department IRDS & STRUCT. Descript ion, - Project Description: 2015 - Design and reconstruction to urban standard including sidewalk, street lighting, underground services, concrete curb and gutter, new road base, and base asphalt 2018 - Surface asphalt Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 100,000 100,000 70,000 70,000 1,045,000 900,000 145,000 1,215,000 1,070, 000 145,000 1;215,000 . = 1,070;000. _ =- 145,000 181,642 159,965 21,677 181,642 159,965 21,677 Development Charges Roads & Related 1,033,358 910,035 123,323 1,033,358 910,035 123,323 Funding Total 1;216,000 1,070;000 = J _ `145;000 `- - Attributes - - - Attribute s Value - 7777 nt Department _ _ — ;ENG. SERVICES Sub -De artment-- _.____— _ — _RDS &STRUCT.----— _ —���� P _ Project Approval — ��— �--- �—"' I""'_____...____..,__....___.__ m.__ 1... _________________.____.__...___ a 1Location --- ---- ----- ----�_________ Project Classification —_�— _-- _�rBetter_me_nt ------- --- - - ---- Program /ActivityW_-- ______ —— ____ _ _____________��___— �__________ ________�t DC _Reference No. 20_10_DC#14— — _ R--- m_ent_No_._— _--- _-- - -F,-0 ---- _____ ____ __ _ _____ --------------------------- . { _ Segment , �ExpectedUsefulLife ______—_____________..1... —. __ __ __ ________________ _i Project Manager _____----_— URonAlb----------------- --L-- _— __________________ - - -__I i�_� 281 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -13104 Green Road Reconstruction (Harvey Jones to Longworth) I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery I: 1ADepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budgefl2015 Budget Maps132- 330- 13104.jpg BO WVIANVILLE � N 0 o E S, a = L'ONGWORTH_AVENUE 0 a �yy � i 1 r j LNDEN LANE 1 (PRIVATE) C A m3 JOMeSAVF�UE r cu T o e �oMKtER it O CRFSOeNT W LUVERMECT w mom rFOMtteRCR�sc 0 1 ! ENr u �e BROp QOU /--- ��ARO I o GREEN ROAD RECONSTRUCTION Z U o r 282 Project / ersion Department ` Municipality of Clarin |_n Capital Projects 132-330-13113 Odell Street Reconstruction lCapital Plan I Yea 12015 JENG. SERVICES Project Description: 2015 - Reconstruction to urban standard including underground services, concrete curb and gutter, new road base, and base asphalt. This project would be done in coordination with the Region of Durham as they have some watermain and sanitary sewer needs on the street. 2018 - Surface asphalt Odell St from Scugog St to Elgin St gp ig 2021' Expenditures Contract Admin. 47,000 45,000 2,00 Contract 545000 505000 40000 5K,000 550,000 42,000 Expenditures Total 592,006:/����690/n00 42 �uo��.�'����L-^���������������^��� Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 477000 435,000 42,000 477,000 Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 115000 115000 115,000 115,000 Funding Total 592,060,: 656,000 42,00Q IVa 0e kftribuie --------------�--------------------------{ .. -_-_____ .~~.~..~... ___-_____-___-�_-__-________-___-_____-__� 'Project Approval -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - { Location________ ,,~.. _____-__�_-_____�___-___-_-_____-_-___-_-__� f�n�-___--__________�__-___-___-___-__�--__-_--/ IDC Reference No. ---------�----------------------�--------------------------| ___-__-_ _-__-__-_-__--_-___-'--______-_____-� 'Road Segment No. ---------f������-----------------�--------------------------� ��_�--__ � ___-____-_____��__--____'_____-__-___�__-_� LPEoLe(:_____-____-- =__`-�-,---__--__-__-__-_L -_-________________,-__-___-, � ` ` ` ` '. 283 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 330 -13113 Odell Street Reconstruction Version ICapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery J:XJennyBk20l3 Budgefl32- 330- 13113Jpg 284 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 330 -14101 Concession Road 3 JMiddle Rd to Liberty St ersion Ca ital Plan - Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: 2015 - Reconstruction to urban standard including sidewalks, street lights, underground services, concrete curb and gutter, new road base, and base asphalt 2018 - Surface asphalt Location: Concession Rd 3 from Middle Rd to Liberty St Attributes ..,. 4ttrilute - - Value , - Comment Department 'ENG. SERVICES - - - ;Sub - Department 'RDS & S_TR_U_CT. rprojectApproval - - - - - ~ -_- -''Not Approved ------ - _ - - - - -- _ -_ ..- __- _--- ..- _-- _..,- .__- - - - - -� Location "________---- ['w- -2 __ ___ ____ __________ ProjectClassificatio - - - -__ - -- Replacement- ------ -- -------------------------- tProgra_m/ Activity__ _________ DC Reference No. -- �- - -10B- 20_10 RoadS_egm_ent_----- - - - - -- -94080 ---- -'-- --- -- -- - - - - - --- _.- _--- _----------- - - -_ -i Expected_ U_ se_ fulLif e__-- -- - - -- -- -------- -------- Pr.L-- ------- - - - - -- -Ron Alb------------------- L-------- __-- __- _-- -_ - - -- - - - Budgef ; - Total -: 2015 "2016 •` 2017 -" '2018 2019 _ ::,,2020 ` 2021 Expenditures Contract Admin. 165,000 140,000 25,000 Design 12,500 12,500 f Construction 2,192,500 1,980,000 212,500 2,370,000 2,120,000 250,000 Expenditures Total °2 1370,000 `', -= ._. ... -- 2,'120;000 - -- -° `250,000 Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 319,511 286,836 32,675 319,511 286,836 32,675 Development Charges Roads & Related 2,050,489 1,833,164 217,325 2,050,489 1,833,164 217,325 Funding Total 2,370,000 2,120;000 - 250,000 Attributes ..,. 4ttrilute - - Value , - Comment Department 'ENG. SERVICES - - - ;Sub - Department 'RDS & S_TR_U_CT. rprojectApproval - - - - - ~ -_- -''Not Approved ------ - _ - - - - -- _ -_ ..- __- _--- ..- _-- _..,- .__- - - - - -� Location "________---- ['w- -2 __ ___ ____ __________ ProjectClassificatio - - - -__ - -- Replacement- ------ -- -------------------------- tProgra_m/ Activity__ _________ DC Reference No. -- �- - -10B- 20_10 RoadS_egm_ent_----- - - - - -- -94080 ---- -'-- --- -- -- - - - - - --- _.- _--- _----------- - - -_ -i Expected_ U_ se_ fulLif e__-- -- - - -- -- -------- -------- Pr.L-- ------- - - - - -- -Ron Alb------------------- L-------- __-- __- _-- -_ - - -- - 285 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-330-14101 Concession Road 3 (Middle Rd to Liberty St) Version Ca_ it_aIP12n Year Department JENG, SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery J:UennyB12013 Budge832-330-14101Jpg ELF.R. CRIJIVE E OR 0 ZRTM J WE AMPI E SO ARE EY� OELO�F OR a ice- •HOCKLEYAVENUE �NNINGS E FRrELAND AVENUE AVENUt ILDS OT =1 TLIL__�' FENWICK 0 AVE 0 R� M. at- 12 11 1 il il '� kV ]ILL EN BONS AVENUE :REELAND oo w. lENUE U. . r w z Q 1E LLa: MAXWELL CT 0 L SQUARE U-_ LONGWORTH AVENU LONGWORTH AVENUE EL DAD DRIVE 0 STEPHENS z Ci YTON C _0 YI ID 0 - CLAYTON CRESCENT CRESCENT 2; CONCESSION RD. 3 RECONSTRUCTION TSDAL _MIKE 286 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project F32-330-14105 Rudell Road Reconstruction / ersion lCapital Plan Year Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ioni Project Description: Full urbanization of road associated with the development of the residential lands on either side of the road. There is a cost sharing arrangement with the developer of the subdivision reducing our overall share for this project. 2015 - Surface asphalt From Hwy. #2 to 500m north of Hwy. #2. Bud Total I Expenditures Construction 60,000 60,000 60,000 �tvn e�pon� Total s�Oup�� nu�mu� muinu Development Charges Roodo8 Related 00000 60000 60,000 60,000 Funding Total '60 06 -000 Attributes Corn Ment Department `ENG�SERVCES ------- ---------------+--------------------�--'-'! � �xuuao/xuu/. ' ',Project Approval 'Not Approved ---------�--=_---__-___--__---__,_---_-___--_-___-�_-_-____� Location —__ roject Classification ---�-----Frmen�-~---------------��--------------------------| � ���.-���� � _______- ________________' -------------------------- -------- - ---------------�---------------------- - - - - | E Road Segment No. �Expected Useful Life __---�-'_����-__-___-_________�_________----_____-______�� - --------- ----------- --- ------------------------------�{ LPEoLe���narr_____-_____U, ^2�r____--__---__---_____-___--__-__ *____, i 287 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -14105 Rudell Road Reconstruction I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery J.- EngineeringlRon Albright12011 BudgetlRude11Rd jpg ' 208 Municipality of Cyarington Cooit;MProeots Project F32-330-14109 Jackman Rd Reconstruction (Bridge to Scugog St� ersion lCapital Plan I Year Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department dription Project Description: 2015 - Construction - The road reconstruction work includes, contract administration, utilities relocation, installation of services and street lights, and road construction to base coarse asphalt including new sidewalk. The project is a combination of full reconstruction to an urban standard and pavement rehabilitation. This project would be done in coordination with the Region of Durham as they-have some watermain and sanitary sewer needs on the street. 2018 - Surface asphalt Budget 2 2020 2021 2016 2017' Expenditures ConhactAdmin. Construction Expenditures � = Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds Road Contributions Federal Gas Tax Receipts Funding Total 48,00 45,000 576,000 510,000 3,00 66.00 624,000 555,000 69,000 69,000 69,000 69,000 69,000 350,000 350,600 205,000 205,000 555,000 555,000 ____--_- ___-_--- ___-__---_-___�____-__________--____-____| --- -----�---f���-'�---------------��-------------------------� Project Ap proval Location —_ _____--_ -________��_____�___----__--______--__-�^�_� Project Classification --------- Betterment �-----------------�----------------------�---� .���---. --______- __-__-___________-____ ___-_---_--____________-__/ � ,DC Reference no� ________ �_____________-__�__________________________� `Rood o. '9�������1o4uso ' ---------F ---------- ------ --------------------------} ` �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - �a �2,o p��Monu '�___-__-__--L�__- - - - - _____________--L__-__--__-________-______-� � . 289 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 - 14109 Jackman Rd Reconstruction (Bridge to Scugog St) I Version Ca ital Plan. Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub- Department RDS & STRUCT. Gallery l:l^DepartmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital Budgefl2014 Budget Maps132- 330- 1.4109.jpg Project arsion Department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects F32 330-14110 Fourth St Reconstruction (Scugog St to Elgin St) FCapital Plan Year 12015 FENG, SERVICES FRDS & STRUCT. ! 290 :.Description Project Description: The road reconstruction work includes design, contract administration, utilities relocation, installation of services and - street lights, and road construction to base coarse asphalt including new sidewalk. This project would be done in coordination with the Region of Durham as they have some watermain and sanitary sewer needs on the street. This budget amount is requested to increase the overall budget to ensure sufficient funding for 2015 construction. 2015 - Additional budget due to shortfall in 2014 Location- Scugog Street to Elgin Street, Bowmanville. Budget - Total ::2015 2016 _2017 - '2018 2019 2020 2021, Expenditures Contract Admin. 3,000 3,000 Construction 150,000 90,000 60,000 153,000 90,000 63,000 Expenditures Total 153,000 90;000 Poo Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 153,000 90,000 63,000 153,000 90,000 63,000 Funding Total 1'53;000: :90,000: _63,000 ��. Attributes Comment "ribu I te ! IValue 7' rn Sub- Department :RDS & STRUCT. Project Approval `Ward 2 - - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - Project Classification ".Replacement P------------------ 'Program/Activity Fr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -__w-____. -.-_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DC Reference No. F� ------------------- ---------------------- ---------- 7 --------------- Road Segment No. 94265 b------------------ K ---------------------- -------------------------- Expected Useful Life 36-40 LFr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _U_____ _____ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - Project Manager aren Richardson l I r___--_ w__- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 291 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -14110 Fourth St Reconstruction (Scugog St to Elgin St) I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub- Department RDS & STRUCT. Gallery - rY l:1 ^DepartmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132- 330- 141 10.jpg 292 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Iension lCapital Plan Year Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department Description Project Description: Clarington share of MTO project includes paving of shoulders to further promote cycling access to the major employer and waterfront trail south of the 401. Highway 401 to north limit of MTO work Jotal 2016 2016 2017 -2616 2019 �_-2020 2021, Expenditures � Construction . sDmm 60000 60,000 60,000 Expenditures Total .��� 60,000 60,000 ����i����'=f�`�������. inding � Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Funding Total 66,006 601POO 'ENG�GERV�E3 � __----_--__--_----- arR& STRUCT. '----- ------�-___--_-___---___----_-__-�. ' Project Approval ---_---- _--_- -_--_-_-_-_�_____-_----_-___--___'--_- `Location !Combination � ./ _ — --_--__-_--_-__--�_-_-_-__---_____-_-_-___-.�� :Project Classification tter_men�--__-__-_- ---------�----------------------�--------------------------! DC Reference No. ___----_ __-___-__-__-_-_�__-_-__--______-____ --- ____' """"��'=`N^ -----------F--�-------------------- --------------------------| 'Expected Life _�-__-_-_� -_____--_--___-__ --__________-_-��____--__-_� c���- - -____-___-___L ='-�- -c�___-_____-__-____�______-_______--_____-_---' 293 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -15104 Holt Rd Shoulder Improvements I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub- Department RDS & STRUCT. Gallery l:1^DepartinentlCapital WorksTO1512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Maps132- 330- 15104.jpg 294 Municipality ofClarington Capital Project 132-330-15105 Port Darlington Earth Removal ersiom ICapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department Project Description: Removal of excess earth stockpile from East Beach Rd reconstruction. This material was excess from road relocation work required to develop the par k as well as the rehabilitation of the existing road. This material was excess from road rehabilitation work required to develop the park as well as the rehabilitation of the existing road. Conditions did not permit removal in 2014. East Beach Park Budget -2017. 2018 Expenditures Construction 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 Expenditures Total 75000`{00 ��/��i'�. ,nmng � Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 21,750 21,750 21,750 21,750 Development Charges Roads &Related 53,250 53,250 53,250 Funding Total � -:75 000 '7Y5 uno�����������,.`�_,�������_�� i-I _____-___�-___-_____-_-_____-___�-___-_____-__-_-____-____-� Project Approval --�----- --------------------�--------------------------i 'Lnuauun 3 _-_'__-__ -_______________-___�______-___-__-_-_____-____( � -c�' Classification __^_-____F ---------------------- �-------------------------- | ---------�----------------------�--------------------------| --___--_ _-___-___�__-___-_____�_________�_-__-_-__-----__-____-____) Road �����N� ----------�----------------------�----------�---------------/ ' U� ' ' ' ,,Expected Useful -----------�-------------------_--�-_------------------_-----} Manager ,PEcq - - - --_____-__-_L --______.--__-______-___L -_________________-________/ Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -15105 Port Darlington Earth Removal I Version Capital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. = Gallery = I.-ODepartmentlCapital WOrks1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapslPort Darlington Earth Removal.jpg �,B4OWWANVI L t _r ``VV, EAST BEACH ROAD 295 296 Municipality of Glarington Capital Projects Project 32- 330 -15106 Holt Rd Reconstruction (Hwy 401 to Hwy 2) Design ersion lCapital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. Description. - Project. Description: 2.015 - Design 2016 - Reconstruction to a rural arterial standard including widening of the road platform and paved shoulders for bike lanes. Rationale for this project is the anticipated additional traffic demand for Holt Rd. with the improvement to the Hwy 401 interchange and continued growth in west Bowmanville. Location: Holt Rd from Highway 401 to Highway - - Attributes,: - - Attnb6te Budget - Total 2015 - __: 201.6 2017 20.18 -2019 =2020 .; , .2021;; Expenditures Contract Admin. 200,000 200,000 Design 200,000 200,000 Construction 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,600,000 200,000 3,400,000 Expenditures Total ::':, :3 ;600,000 20000 3;400,000 Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 540,000 30,000 510,000 540,000 30,000 510,000 Development Charges Roads & Related 3,060,000 170,000 2,890,000 3,060,000 170,000 2,890,000 Funding Total 3;600,000..'.; 20,0,000 3;400,000 - - Attributes,: - - Attnb6te Goinmerit . Department 'ENG. SERVICES _ _ - _m-~..Mmµ-c- ___- ________ ___ - Sub-Department �RDS &STRUCT. Project Approval PLo_rca_ti- _on-_Combination ------------------ ___ - ---- -- - - - - -- ~ � ---- --------- Project ______ ___ ProjectClassifca Betterment -- __- _- _- _--- __ -.__ --- _-- __- - - -_- -- ____ - -_ Program /Activity _1 ________i______ ._________- _ _- _ _ - - - -- - - _ _ -- ---------- -_ - - -- Wil_b__o_sideredasprojectnDCupdate DC Reference F, ------------------- ----- - -- - -- __ -_---------- - - - - -^ Segment No. 99451,99453 [ ------------------ Expected Useful ` -- -_ ------------------ oj_ct_a_ager Ron Albright - -_-_ �� _��- ___________ ___________- ________- _____I I I i I I Municipality of Clarington 297 Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -15106 Holt Rd Reconstruction (Hwy 401 to Hwy 2) Design I Version lCapital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. _Gallery l:l^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapskHolt Road Recon.jpg } Project ersion Department Sub - Department Project Description: Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 32- 330 -15107 Green Rd Surface Asphalt (Baseline to Aspen Springs) Ca ital Plan Year 12015 ENG. SERVICES RDS & STRUCT. Description - _ - Green Rd was constructed to an urban standard in 2007. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt. Location: Green Rd from Baseline Rd to Aspen Springs Dr 298 Bridget Total 2016 2016 2017 2018 20119 2.0_2_0 2021; Expenditures Contract Admin. 26,000 26,000 Design 23,000 23,000 Construction 325,000 325,000 374,000 374,000 Expenditures Total 374;000 :' . -. 374;000 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 3,740 3,740 3,740 3,740 Development Charges Roads & Related 370,260 370,260 370,260 370,260 Funding Total 374,000 374,000 - _ Attributes {Attribdte . _ Value _ _Gomrnell Department _ _ IENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ' RDDS _ &_STR_U_C_T.R — ______ -- _--- _.----- _. - - - -- I ProjectApproval — — — — — — — — — — — � — — — — -- — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — ------------- - - - - -- — -- — - - - —j Location _ _ _ _ Ward 2 ProjectClassiflcation — — — —__ —New - ---- --- --- -------—-- ___�-- _______— ~� —" " ___I Prog_ra_m/ Activity—,__________ �. �..__________________. .__�.�....,_____.__________..._ LDCReferenceNo. �� - - -�_— __20_05_- -------- - - - --, — __.. -- -- __--- ..,-- ---------------- � -- — — m_ent_------ ..------ I.9- -- __—_---_---_.—__---- F---- -- ------ ---- ....-- _- - - -_ —I Road Ex_pe_cted_U_se_ful---- _ - - - -�" _ � __ - - -__ ___ Project Manager----------- 'Sean Ba Z-- -gshaw ----------- ---- L-__— __-- _— __-- ____-- _ - -_ —__ .J Municipality of Clarington 299 Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -15107 Green Rd Surface Asphalt (Baseline to Aspen Springs) I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. Gallery - - t:l^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Maps132- 330- 15107.Jpg Municipality of Clarington 300 Capital Projects Project 32- 330 -15108 Green Rd Surface Asphalt (Aspen Springs to Boswell ersion ICapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. Description - Project Description: This project includes the surface asphalt on Green Rd through the CPR subway. Location: Green Rd from Aspen Springs Dr to Boswell Dr - Budget. Total:: 201:5 201,6, 2017 201.8 ?2019 2020 2027. Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 75,000 75,000 86,000 86,000 86,00.0: !:.­,86,000 860 860 860 860 Development Charges Roads & Related 85,140 85,140 85,140 85,140 Funding Total 85,00V: 86,000" Attributes _ - kttr_ibute _= Value G_omrrent Sub - Department _ ------ - -RDS& STRUCT. V- _- _-- ___.._-- _.�._�_ r__...----- _----- _�>_,_y,,,. - -_._ -� ...U-_- ___- ___-- °- __- ...._.,...,__. -r _ Lrr- ctApprov----- _ -_ -__ 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �Location 'Ward 2_________________�.. Project Classification --- ��- ✓�KNew Program/Activity ___ ___ _____ __ __ ___ -- _- _-- -_ -_-- DCReferenceNo. __________ 35___.______ ______ _.-- __ -_ -_i Road Segment No._____`_____ _.___- __...__.___--- _ - - -,. - .__,..._____-- ______. ___ - - - -_i �ExpectedU_ se_ fulLife_ �_- �^ �~- �_ �_....________________...._ __�._____....__..._�.,_....____ Project Manager---- - - - - -- -Ron Alb------------------- L-__-- __________-- _-- _,- _ - - -_� Municipality of Clarington 301 Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -15108 Green Rd Surface Asphalt (Aspen Springs to Boswell) I Version lCapital Plan Year 2015 Department ENG. SERVICES Sub- Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery . 1:1"DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Maps132- 330- 15108.jpg Project ' 'enuion Department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects F32-330-15109 Third Street Reconstruction (Bernard to Liberty) lCapital Plan Year 12015 JENG. SERVICES 302 escrip ion:: Project Description: 2015 - Storm sewer improvements from 60 m west of Bernard St to Liberty St. Extension of urban cross section from 40 m east of Bernard St to Bernard St. Construction of sidewalk from Bernard St to Liberty St. This project would be done in coordination with the Region of Durham as they have sanitary sewer needs on the street. 2018 - Surface asphalt Third St from 60 m west of Bernard St to Liberty St Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 266,000 230,000 36,000 266,000 230,000 36,000 266,000 23 -36,0 ri Value t prnmen Liupalu /lul I L-_---_______ ocxviur-O_______________� G 'RoG&GTRUCT ` Project Approval _ _-______ _ -�' _-______-____--__-___-____] 'p ���c|onomoo Betterment Program/Activity ^ -�-------r----�-----------------�--------------------------{ _--------F------��--------------�--------------------------| ~~ Reference No. ' -------�- -- -------------------�' F� --------�---------�--�-------------------------------------�---------------- 'Road �o �mo mw n� 'o«zao �-----------F ---------------------- ,Expected Useful L� ------- ----------------- L-L_--�-___-__-_-__�=__`-=---�_-____--_______--________---_________-____, � � - ' ` ' ` ` Expenditures - Contract Admin. 15,000 13,000 2,080 Design 20,000 20.000 Construction 231000 197000 34000 266,000 230,000 36,000 Expenditures Total [� '266�00� 230/000��` `���'�i`' `�` ^'����!�'.��` u�0oV�/�' Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 266,000 230,000 36,000 266,000 230,000 36,000 266,000 23 -36,0 ri Value t prnmen Liupalu /lul I L-_---_______ ocxviur-O_______________� G 'RoG&GTRUCT ` Project Approval _ _-______ _ -�' _-______-____--__-___-____] 'p ���c|onomoo Betterment Program/Activity ^ -�-------r----�-----------------�--------------------------{ _--------F------��--------------�--------------------------| ~~ Reference No. ' -------�- -- -------------------�' F� --------�---------�--�-------------------------------------�---------------- 'Road �o �mo mw n� 'o«zao �-----------F ---------------------- ,Expected Useful L� ------- ----------------- L-L_--�-___-__-_-__�=__`-=---�_-____--_______--________---_________-____, � � - ' ` ' ` ` Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -15109 Third Street Reconstruction (Bernard to Liberty) I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department IRDS & STRUCT. - Gallery - l:l^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Maps132- 330- 15109.)pg 303 304 Project ersion Department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects F32--330-151 10 Townline Rd South (Cherrydown to Bloor) lCapital Plan Year JENG. SERVICES IRDS & STRUCT. Description; ­ - Project Description: Cost sharing with City of Oshawa in accordance with Boundary Rd Agreement. The total project cost is $365,000. Clarington's share of the costs is 50% = $182,500. The scope of work includes replacement of the asphalt, and repairs to the concrete sidewalk and concrete curb and gutter. Location:..: Townline Rd South from Cherrydown Dr to Bloor St East Budget '2015 2016- 20 ­2018 201V ��',2020 2021 .:,17, Expenditures Construction 182,500 182,500 182,500 182,500 Expenditures Total 162,50 0 182;500 .inding Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 182,500 182,500 182,500 182,500 Funding Total 182,500 182500 - AttribUrtes., %ttribute... Value_ == tornment., uepartment -Su-b] Department 'RDS & STRUCT. Project Approval Location 'Ward 1 'Project Classification 'Replacement I — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — — Program/Activity — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ _____ _______ ____w._,__._- _.d... DC Reference No. F, — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - — — — — — — — — — Road Segment No. Boundary Road Oshawa 's section to maintain. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- --- - - - ---- n � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expected Useful Life 116-20 — _1_� — — — — — V — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — r-r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - LPLoLect: Manager . . . . . . . . . . . ��onAIbrig�t — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — L - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 330 -15110 Townline Rd South (Cherrydown to Bloo Version lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. - Gallery - - MADepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapslTownline Rd S.jpg C'®VI� TICE ►, �� ���V1 ►fir., .- �� -��.. .. . , �., � - - ., 1&19 305 l 306 Municipality of Clarinmfon Capital Projects Project ' areion Fc a Ital plan Year Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department escrip, ion. lProject Description: [}[3iD8g8 iDlp[O\keOleDfS direct road runoff towards ditch @fMillGOD Hill [>[ (lnd8[ByiSting conditions, runoff spills out of the asphalt gutter and flows between houses #108 and #104. Design 3,00 3,000 Construction 22,000 25,000 25,000 � fxpnn�un�7ubd ��� uV� Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 25000 z000O ua000 u*oo Funding Total 25,'Oob _M000 Qpmm -d 6nt EN8 SERVICES jD�x� ���_---_--__ ---�-� y -�---_-_--_--_-____ -_---__---_-_--_____-__---� Sub-Department RD8&GTRUCT ---__--_-�__--_-_�-__---____-_---�____-____-_-__--_--_-_---��| Project Approval Location -_--_-____-__- ---- __--___-_-_) '---Fc�rmen�-_________--_�-__-__________-_---_______� Program/Activity ~ ____--_- `-_-�__-___--__-_______�-__-___-____--_-____-__ --- _ �uuno��ncunu - � -------- -------------------�--------------------------| �--��--'N— ---------F�- -^------------------- --------------------------� �.�___-_____�_____-_____�_____-____�-___�____-__________`__�_-_� ' 'xeunBogahmw � ����_-________-c�-___-__-__________-__�_____________-____-_____-_/ ` 307 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-330-15111 Mill St Orono Drainage Improvement I Version lCapital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery la^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapslMill St Orono.jpg i N W � E S I � vNHk �d w I� cE .� f w METERYRO _ 1 y ORONO CHURCH AVE MILL STREET (ORONO) DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Project ens/on Department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington -Capital Projects F32-330-15112 Mill St Sbuth Active Transportation Improvements lCapital Plan Year 12015 JENG. SERVICES Descriotion Project Description: Collection of background information including tree assessment, topographic survey, confirmation of property limits by OLS, geotechnical investigation, as required. A public information Centre is scheduled for Nov 2014 to gather input and assess alternatives Mill Street from Graham Creek to south Limit Total- 20i,6 -2016 2017: 2018 2019 Expenditures Design Expenditures Total mdino Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 16 000 25,000 IV- 'Department ENG.GERVCEG 'G � .RoG&GTRUCT 'Project Approval -------- ��----------------------�--------------------------/ ---- --_-_---_ Vard 4 !Project Classification '����-______--____--___�__�__-______-___-_______--/ _-_--__-_ -_-_--___-__________-_�_________-___ --- -_--_______/ TC Reference No. -_______ 'Rood No 93115i93118 93117 ' --------_F-----z----------------�-------------------------- 'Expected Life � � LPLojee�t Manager 'Ron Albright Will tie into future Park Expansion -Peter Windolf -- - - - - - - -- ----------------- - - - - | / "9 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -15112 Mill St South Active Transportation Improvements Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department ENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. G alfery l:l^DepadmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Mapsl32- 330- 15112.jpg � 310 Municipality of ClarYngton Capital Projects Project ermion Year' Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department Project Description: Installation of bicycle repair station at the Courtice Community Complex. This will complement the Municipality's efforts to promote cycling and active living. Courtice Community Complex 2020 2021. 1016 '2017 20118 2019 Expenditures Construction 4 4000 4 4,000 ` Expenditures Total - -600 4, 4 4,000 ��� "d"g Municipal Tax Levy ` ` Municipal Tax Levy 4 4,000 4 4000 kttribute ENG. ' uou'oo pa � mn � nonmsTuucT --.-__--� __-_--_.-__---___--__-- Project Approval - - 'LooaUoo 'VVu�1 P------n---------F����-----------------------------------------------� . r�~.... ~� __-__-___-_____-`_____-_--_______ -___-________________-_-__- ' ,DC Reference No. __-__-___ _____--_______________�-___-____________--_____--| Road������� _-___-___�__--_----___-_-_______ ---___--_______--_________` Expected Useful �f�_____--_-�-__-________-____-____ -__--_____-_-_____________� ' ' 'p�e VV�do� c���- - - -___-_-__-_-L�_-___-_______________-L --__--____-__-_____-_-___-_' 311 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -15113 Bicycle Repair Station Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub- Department RDS & STRUCT. - Gallery l:l^DepartmentlCapital WorW201512015 Capital Budgefl2015 Budget Maps132 -330- 15113.jpg 312 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32 -330 -15114 Boundary Rd Rehabilitation (Kawartha Lakes) ersion ICapital Plan Year 12015 Department ENG. SERVICES Sub - Department RDS & STRUCT. - Description = Project Description: The proposed scope of work inludes upgrading the surface from surface treatment to hot mix asphalt, ditching and tree clearing. City of Kawartha Lakes to contribute 50% in accordance with the boundary road agreement. The total project cost is $525,000. Clarington's share of the costs is 50% _ $262,500. Location: - Boundary Rd from Highway 35 to Highway 115 _Total 2015 2016" X2017 2018 2019 2020— 2021; —_ - — Expenditures Construction 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 Expenditures Total 525,000''" . 525,000 - -` - ending External Financing Other Municipalities Recovery 262,500 262,500 262,500 262,500 Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 262,500 262,500 262,500 262,500 Funding Total _525,000 Attributes \tfribute Value;; - Comriment ;Sub-Department _ 1 RIDS & STRUCT. m__ W,___ � � _- _______ Project Approval ;Location ______ __._ „_ __t- -- --- __.___ --- _-_W— _�._...— -I ____ ___._____.___ ___ _':— _ —_„_— -- -- --- -- - - -A__ �ProjectClassification (Replacement — ��-- _____�—— ��— ~��_ —�� Program /Activity_— ___.______� __,_._ ______.___ -- _..r __,_.___. ______.____ �--- ere ---- -- -- --- -- —.____..---_--__--_--_ _— _— _ - - - — _— _--- _---- __— - -- - -_ —_ -€ N 1 Road SegmentNo.� - - - -- - - - 98- 24- 3 -------------------- I ,..-- __--- ___— __-- _— __ - -- -_ Expected_U_se_ful ::--__--_—__--_—_— h----- _ ^_--- _— _— __— _---- _ —_- - -_ —_ -- ---- --- --- ------- - - - - -I LProjectManager __________— SeanBaFhaw ^____ ____ - - - - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — _ _ r__________r Municipality of Clarington 313 Capital Projects Project 132- 330 -15114 Boundary Rd Rehabilitation (Kawartha Lakes) I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department ENG. SERVICES Sub- DepaAment RDS & STRUCT. Gallery . l:1^DepartmentlCapital Works120 9 5120 9 5 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapslBoundary Rd jpg Project / ersion Department Sub-Department 314 Municipality 0fClayington Capital Projects 132-330-15115 Pebblestone Rd Slurry Seal lCapital Plan Year 12015 JENG. SERVICES Descrip ion Project Description: The road was re-surfaced with a double surface treatment in 2014. A slurry seal will be placed in 2015 to improve the smoothness of the surface and protect the surface from water penetration. Centre line and edge line painting will be included. This will provide for a smoother and quieter ride for users. Pebblestone Rd from West Townline Rd to Tooley Rd and from Trulls Rd to Courtice Rd Expenditures Contract Admin. Construction Expenditures Total Pvnmno ' Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 3,000 3,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 53,000 53 00 6 606 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 530 0 Uepartment `ewosenvcss 'G - r--------------------------� Project Approval __-_____ -_-___-____-__-_�-__-_____-_________-__-_--� -_____--_-_____----__-_____-____---_-__-__-| Project Classification ___������� -___-_ �� - -_________-_____-�-___-_-___-_____-_________| _-___-_-_r-__________________--_ --___-___-________-___-__- DC Reference No - — / -------- ----------------�----------_---------------| Road Segment No. Exp _ U� _ ' L 'o4u _-________ ___-______�_-____�__-___-_--__-_-__-__---_-_� ,Project - ������-_____-____-c�2 - - -c�______-_____--_-_L -_-____________________-___/ / \ �_' Project Version Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 32- 330 -15115 Pebblestone Rd Slurry Seal Ca ital Plan 7 Year 2015 ENG. SERVICES LAADepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapslPebblestone Rd jpg 315 316 ' Project � ersion Deportment Municipality of Clarington ' Capital 132-331-05102 Sidewalk Replacement - Unspecified lCapital Plan Year 12015 Description— Project Description: The purpose of this project is to provide funds for the replacement of deficient sidewalk throughout the Municipality. Deficiencies include cracking, trip hazards, excessive slopes, etc. Also included are missing links in pedestrian facilities. Annual inspections are completed to assess priorities based on deficiencies, pedestrian usage and location. Various locations Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 1,400,600 Budget ` 1 400,000 200,000 Total 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Expenditures oontromxumm 63,000 9,00 l\mm 9,00 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 u*uw» 83.000 9,000 9.000 9,000 8.000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Construction 1,274,000 182000 182000 182000 182000 182000 182000 182000 1,400,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Expenditures Total .� � '' V0�oo _ �� V�nV`���».uu�OV0 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 1,400,600 ` 1 400,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 uepartment '�w��asnwcss ' -__----_ Project Approval __--____ __-�_--_______-__-_____-______� Location __-_____ _-- --__-______________________) -- - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----f Program/Activity r; - - tDC Reference No. --------- ---------------------�--------------------------| ------------------ ------- --------------- -------------------------- Road Segment No -__--_____ ___-__�__-______-_-_�_______-________--__-�____� ' L�, ` ' ---_--__�__�___ ____-__________ ____.______-_-�_-_____-____� LP Lo L=- a - ,°_-_____-____cc - - - - - -___--__-_______ -__________________________' Project Version Department Sub-Department ' 3.17 Municipality ofClarington Capital Projects 132-331-14107 Regional Road 57 Multi-Use Trail (Nash Rd to Longworth -'Ave) West Side FCapltal Plan Year JENG. SERVICES ` - Project Description: The work includes the design, legal, survey and potential property purchased for future construction of a multi- use pathway on the west side of Regional Rd 57 from Nash Rd to Longworth Ave. This is an important safety link for cyclists travelling between Courtice and Bowmanville and is included in the Regional Cycling Plan. Upon completion of detailed design the Region will be approached for a contribution towards the cost of the project should property or road works be required to accommodate a platform for the trail as per the Region's current approved Regional Cycling Plan funding criteria. West side of Regional Road 57 from Nash Road to Longworth Avenue. Funding Development Charges Roads &Related 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Funding Total orh �ENG�SERVK�EG � 'Gub-Do dmen� Gx0ALKS&VVALKVVA/G p���� -_-___--_ 'rojec'p`ca'---__-----� -_--__--------------�--------------------------� 'L000Uon Ward -_--_---_,--_--___-__--__--__-_--�__------__-__-_---___-___-/ 'PnojactC|000ificodon New _-__-____-_-_______-___| 'Program/Activity _-______ ---___---_-____-_____--_---______-___--___--__-- ." � �",== = .`~� �___-__-���__-__-_________-_-_-_�-__-_____-_____-___-__-___� 'Road ��.~.^..~- ---___-_ __--___________-____-_ __-____-_-__--___________-� ^ �edUw,�|�� 'ue40 - - - - - - - ----F----------------------�--------------------------\ LpEoLe��anager - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -' Municipality of Clarington 318 Capital Projects Project 132- 331 -14107 Regional Road 57 Multi -Use Trail (Nash Rd to Longworth Ave) West Side ersion lCapital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department ISMALKS & WALKWAYS Gallery l:l "DepartmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132- 331- 14107.Jpg 319 Municipality of.Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-331-15101 Green Road Sidewalk (Boswell (west side) to Hwy. #2) Version rCapital Plan Year . Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ISMALKS & WALKWAYS De's cri Project Description: The work includes construction of sidewalk OOthe west side of Green Rd from Boswell D[to Highway 2. The sidewalk will service existing and future development. Green Rd from Boswell [}[tO Highway 2 (west side) Total -2,015- 2016 2017, 2018 Expenditures Contract Admin. 7,000 7,000 Design 5,000 5,00 Construction 148000 148000 160,000 160,000 Expenditures Total ���``..�oV�uu����160,000[��^i�����������������^'i����������������`�^��f������/����I������ Funding Development Charges Roads &Related 160000 160000 160,000 160,000 Funding Total 46 .0 0 'ENG�8ER ' Department _�vCEs 8u�oo ��� 'S��LKG&Y�Lm8�YG ����P� . - ---. _--__ �'����-��__-_______-�- ~ 'c����___---___- `LnuaUon ''-- 2 -- - - -------------------------F--------------------------i New Program/Activity � __-__-_- ___-_---_--______ --------------------------- ~..~.~.~...~.,.- ____-___ .~ ----------------------- -------------------------- Road��..~.^No. ___-______~~.. -____-___-__�-___�_--_-_-____-___---____-_--� ^ ��duaam|Ld� 'oa�o ' -__-__-_-- n�.�___-___-___�`- - '- ��- '- ^- '------------------------------------------` ` � } � ` Municipality of Clarington 320 Capital Projects Project 132- 331 -15101 Green Road Sidewalk (Boswell (west side) to Hwy. #2) 'ersion Ca ital Plan I Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub- Department JSNVALKS & WALKWAYS Gallery ' : ' I:1^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Maps132- 331- 15101.jpg Now,;\�%111� US kill /� .. ♦111111 '' ��� • ��j� � \1111181111111111; �. G.•9 11� �� — illlueilu� � ♦� �� ���������� � ►` ,�,,,''�ulliallaillilillliillr� _ � _ ° -� elr _ _ . �illlalllallllliau = _� wuuunul�; _ _ o , � � =' _ = 1111111►��`��► � /111111 ��111111111, . _.��� • 1 � _— • n�1 1111 11111 111111 ►1 � /111111111 = lt��li�1�� Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132-331-15102 Highway #2 Sidewalk (Given to Rudell) Version F-lan Year Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department escri Project. Description: The work includes construction of sidewalk on the north side of Highway 2 from Rudell Rd to Given Rd. The sidewalk will service the new and future development on the north side of Highway 2. Highway 2 from Rudell Rd to Given Rd (North Side) Bud et 2016 :2018, 2019 2 Expenditures 321 Contract Admin. 6 6,000 6 6,000 Design 5 5,000 5 5,000 Construction 7 75000 7 75000 86,000 Expenditures Total � ���.����861000 -r%��uo/�o����'���i���1��S�����.������1��'.`����d�����������l����������c� Funding Development Charges Roads &Related 8 86000 8 86000 AttribU es, Cbmrn 'ems�u�xv|:Eu _____-------------�--------------------------� G b^-D�n part�n � n�t -----------F'8NA'L�K�G�&�WALKWAYS -----------�-------------------------- . -p�-- 'Location _--_-__ ______ __--___-_-_-_____-_-� " _-_--__ _-__-7____-__-_____-_�-_--___-__-_______-__---_-� --- -_-__________ -______-____-_____-__----_ .^~ \ ,DC Reference No. ____-___ ____--____-____� ___-__---_-_____-_-_-� _-___-__ . - -__-__-_-_______-�-________-__-_-_-_-__-_-_-/ ,Expected Useful Lif -�_-_______ -__�_______--_____-__-�--_________-____-____-__-_( ' ___________��������.____-______-_-_L___----__--______---------� 322 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 331 -15102 Highway #2 Sidewalk (Given to Rudell) ersion lCapital Plan Yea 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department ISIWALKS & WALKWAYS - Gallery l:1^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapsU2- 331- 15102.jpg �-- p: -; !!� • - -- - — �Irl 111111 ' 1111 __ _= _ �� • .� � /tttlll/ �= == �IIIIIIIIIIII■ � � ■lid 111: 111 ' . : = ►111 W win '� -• -� �11111t1 11111111111111/► � �. � �, ��. �� ���11 .D 11111111111/ a. %Il1111� `� �� Will 11 �C IIIIIIItIII/ �� /Illlllltlll. � � �'� � i�liil�lililll �' / /I /I /r�i�i /ice • — Ilia 1� �■ HUM C � �� :: Illlllllll�llllllllllll :::11 _ � �• p ��� SIR I�II.�III.:��ii��ii��� X1111111111► - •_ • ■ � . 111111111�����!tlttllr � -• i__• •.Illllllltl� KING-AVENUE-SIDEWA W yUy' t r 44 h Project Version Department Municipality WfClarington Capital Projects r3-2-331-15106 Rudell Rd Sidewalk (Sunset to Hart) - East side FC_aTit_a1P1an Year JENG. SERVICES Ddscr Project Description: The work includes construction of sidewalk on the east side of Rudell Rd from Sunset Blvd to Hart Blvd. The sidewalk will be constructed as part of the Region of Durham's trunk sanitary sewer and watermain construction project. Rudell Rd from Sunset Blvd to Hart Blvd, East Side Budget Tota Expenditures Contract Admin Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding Development Charges Roads & Related 323 3,500 3,500 2,500 2,500 37,000 37,000 43,000 43,000 43,000 43,000 43,000 43,000 Funding Total ribu es Aft Lie 'ENG. � Department ±""-------------� -'-----------------�--------------------------� 'SubD � t 'GVV8LKVVAY8 -Department N��LKG& Project Approval --------- --------------------�--------------------------} ;—Location '��nd4 _-_____________--___�__-_-_____-_-____-____- . !Project �^=".."""".,_________���— —____________________�_____________________-____� New ,'"#�"'''"=",'�y ___-___-- -------------------` --------------------------\ "^n"===.`"� _________ '�" ____-_____---------�------------------______-_} Road Segment �" ` ------------------- Useful 36-40 / � -----------F---------------------- -----------_--------------| 'r Lcq Mo_, _-_-__----- L ---------------------- L - ---------------------- __-_' Municipality of Clarington 324 Capital Projects Project 132- 331 -15106 Rudell Rd Sidewalk (Sunset to Hart) - East side ersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department JSNVALKS & WALKWAYS -Galle 1:1^DepartmentlCapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget MapslRudell Rd Sidewalk.jpg HIM 10111111111 Ing tilm /111111/ N /1111111111112 HE Ilion �I _ �_ =_ : � \111 �� �� /111111111 / ►� .� � � � � - 1111111 11111111111111 /►j � � �1�� �� ■� �� a �% /11111. + � ■■ ��: M: 11111111111/ �� HIC4iWAY, 401 �'ly, �� /Illllllllllt►f ���� / / /A�1 11�' � ���� �■ �:�� ���1111111111�1111111111111 / /�, � � 1 ■� �: �= :� IIIIIIIIIGIIIIIIIIIIIII ::.11 � � � C p - ,1��I>t������ illl�llllll� �i����i�i��1 ■1■ �� is ■ - = �III�IIIa�i�ii�� �IIII : Ilill►r -_ • �- �- i viii j�� WCASTLE RUDE ■- F . Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 331 -15107 Waterfront Trail Realignment and Bridge west of Toronto St Version ICapital Plan I Year 12015 Department JENG, SERVICES Sub - Department ISMALKS & WALKWAYS Descriptlorn Project Description: Toronto St will be reconstructed as part of the Region of Durham's trunk sanitary sewer and watermain construction from Milligan St to the north limit in 2016. The proposed trail re- alignment will allow the trail to remain in service during the construction of the Region's services. It will eliminate the section of on -road trail at Toronto St, which has been identified as a safety concern. The ro osed trail will include a new ipedestrian brid e over Foster Ck. Location: - Waterfront Trail at Toronto St, Newcastle Total 2015. _ 2016 2017 201$_. = 2018 2020 2021 Expenditures Contract Admin. 10,000 10,000 Design 30,000 30,000 Construction 200,000 200,000 Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 240,000 240,000 24Q;b00 : .. 240,000 136,852 136,852 136,852 136,852 Reserves Waterfront Trail 17,818 17,818 Samuel Wilmot Nature Area 523 523 18,341 18,341 Reserve Funds Newcastle Waterfront 84,807 84,807 84,807 84,807 Funding Total 325 Department - IE-- -- -- - -- --- - - - - -- -------- __--- __— _- - - - - -_ Sub-Department — — _ _ — _ _ _ ISMALKS & WALKWAYS— _ � — _ I P _1 Project - --- "`____ 1 __ ________ ___________ _I Location _______________ _--- -____— Classification -- - - -- `Betterment -- - -- _— __ —___ Al-µ-- ____— ..._._.____ __ ______ _ ProjectClassi _� hProgram /Activity ____ ___ _ __ _ ____ _ _____ _______ ___ �— ________ —__ —_ ___________I DCReferenceNo___ ________________-- -_____ —________________ ___ Road Segment No. � — - - - - -� -------------- ------ — ExpectedUse_fulLife __-- T - - - -- --- ------ -- - --- __.__ — ____— _— ___--- ___ —_.. -- LProjectManager — — _ — _ _____�_______ ______Y- — __-- -_ -_.. __— ____�-- ___- -__; —_ Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 338 -16101 Newcastle Streetscape Improvements ersion ICapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG, SERVICES Sub - Department ISTSCAPE Description = Project Description: The Newcastle Streetscape Plan was included in the 2013 budget. This project is for preliminary design and implementation of the Streetscape Plan. 2015 Work would include for Detailed Design of the Streetscape work from Baldwin /North Street to Arthur /Brookhouse. 2016 Work would include for the construction of improvements in the "Historic Core" from Baldwin /North to just east of Beaver. Location: King Ave from North St to Arthur St 326 _- 35,000 35,000 'Budget.- - `` Total, 2015 - -- 2016_ 207.8 = -2019 _.2020 2021 i Expenditures Contract Admin. 160,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 Design 70,000 70,000 330,000 235,000 240,000 Construction 1,450,000 600,000 420,000 430,000 Roads & Related 1,680,000 70,000 660,000 470,000 480,000 Expenditures Total 1.;680,000._ -,` 70;000 660;000 470 ";000 480;000 = Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 805,000 330,000 235,000 240,000 805,000 330,000 235,000 240,000 Development Charges Roads & Related 840,000 35,000 330,000 235,000 240,000 840,000 35,000 330,000 235,000 240,000 Funding Total 1,680,000 70,000 BGO,000 470,000 480 Department _ _ 'ENG. SERVICES , ' Sub- Department - - S- -- E-------- ---- - - - - -- ------'----______-__-_--_-- �;---- --- ---------- _-- ___ _____ ___________ __________ -:___- _ - - - - -- - - - � Project Approval Lo_ ca_ tion___ __-- __--- ~_- - Ward 4 ___�����_- ---- -------------------------- _ ProjectClassifcation -__ _ -_ _ - Betterment ----------- - ------ -------------------------- _ DC Reference --- No. 'Road Segment No. __- _ ~r___- 9303_7,9_30_39, 93041,_RegionalR_oa_d_-___- ____- __ -___ -_ _r___T_- �_a_ -__ -_- ExpectedU_se_fulLife -- ^__ ____ _------------ _ _________ _ ____ ^__________________ oj-- --ag -- ----- _--- URonAlb--- _ - -_ -- - -`^ -- � - - - ----- - - - - -_ - - - - -_i J Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 338 -16101 Newcastle Streetscape Improvements Version ICapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub- Department STSCAPE. Gallery 1. JA DepartmentICapital Works1201512015 Capital Budget12015 Budget Maps132- 338- 16101.jpg 327 1 328 Municipality ofClayingfon Capital Projects Project 132-340-11101 Brookhill Tributary Nick Point Remedial Works ersibn ICapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department JEROSION PROTECT escrip ion Project Description: Annual monitoring program including minor remedial works as required to ensure the safety and integrity of existing valley slopes. Contract Admin. 25,000 25,000 Design 25.800 25.000 Construction 231200 19500 11,700 200000 . 281,200 Expenditures Total 281,200� �%soo -11 7�Vu 2 5n0, >oQ_�..�.`�`��/.�����-���� Funding External Financing Developer Recovery 281200 18500 11,700 aaonoO 281,200 19,500 11,700 250,000 Funding Total 281 200 19 00:9:: 11,700 250;0 00 Attribute Sub-Department _-----__ O_TECT--__--__-___-�_----___-_-__-___---_-___-� Project Approval 'Not Approved 'L000Von 2 __-__--- ___-____--__--__-_--�_______________-___-_--___ Project Classification \ ---------fNew �---------------------�----------------------- --- -� ...~~~~~.~^ __-__-_-_ -____-_________-_--__- -_________ --- __-______-___-_� Road Segment No. �---_--____�___-_-__-_______-_-___�-_____-__-__ --- --�_________� ` L�� ' -__________ _____`'____ -------------------------- F, ------------------ - - ---______----�__-_-___-_______ -________-___________, Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 132- 340 -11101 Brookhill Tributary Nick Point Remedial Works I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub- Department EROSION PROTECT Gallery /:IADepartmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132- 34 0- 1 1 1 01.jpg NCkM J 5ilMniiu ca f ( %��� %1]��//a�,/�/ J��IT�/J C� ,, � tn�t' R ST — FMMERFIEL Sfiit_U O I M JS1 \ I ILL d w `l'% ROAI ¢ TQP Off{ o K �� I Di'hi�'dFSt 1V 1 LUVERME CT Frederick.\.- ;VET NS F z FREDERICK AV AV D i w m Ftdiil(•:1r�V SEC N ST m � ' Sec nd SI � �'O`LJi' LCI ?imi g RENDER W rn w = Q t CT m S $l`pp _ ' AVENUE g FIRS ST �rfb bhill�_ STURROCK ENUE DEL Sj O{ Ai.fiYl =�'Pd CT i ? CONCESSION T W I STEVENS ROAD HIGHWAY2 p aQ N c~7 Div Y��d Y Cox, P O G X yY s•,ls G� K NA d O Z > > y0�RSFy �� Ly hGRC roti �; ti v e� a` P /fj�CSTr. � 7E � LOVERS ALEXANDI Z � U LIBERTY ARLISLE AV PRINCE WILLIAM BOULEVARD j m Z ST I EAV U FFN �i C� {Pad w ° > ¢ SrpF cUsr o� w TREWIN o! < w FT F 0\i \`I� EN Ii LANE SPRINGS GV 0 w S N Q�2 U w OS I LAWRENCE 60 3 PSN`NG'CO,I\,6 tL L O c`P ^ VPC� ¢G P MEADOWS ¢ HAR y H t�9 e P s� zqV DOREEN CR z AND Z BROOKHILL TRIBUTARY NICK POINT REMEDIAL WORKS ROAD K Y - U. "I Tucer•RUF- ) "o w ;TUCKER RD A.V nQ n R I _ I ,a LULL St Z z Z �' „HERSRWAN TRUDEAU MARCHWOOD C DRIVE Z K J ,L a U¢' CHURCH ST y KING ST � � w c7 rr � O N Y UEEN � z TREET rn PRINCE STREET JANE 329 338 Municipality ofClarington Capital Projects Project 132-340-15101 Various Erosion Protection Works �rsion ICapital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department JEROSION PROTECT 4. :Descri ion: Project. Description: The work involves erosion remediation works within watersheds impacted by increased development. Due to the changing demands of this type of remedial work a specific location has not been identified as it allows staff to be more reactive to specific situations that may arise after the Capital Budget has been submitted for approval. Much of this work will occur along our main creek systems and will typically be implemented to protect either infrastructure, parkland or private property. Bowmanville Ck, Soper Ck, Farwell Ck, Tooley Ck, Oshawa Ck, Wilmot Ck or Foster Ck mdino Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total Att 333,300 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 333,300 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 666,700 133,340 133,340 133,340 133,340 133,340 666,700 133,340 133,340 133,340 133,340 133,340 Expenditures 000 ��K 000 -200 0do 296,000 2do 00 Construction 1,000,000 0000Uo 200000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 mdino Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total Att 333,300 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 333,300 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 666,700 133,340 133,340 133,340 133,340 133,340 666,700 133,340 133,340 133,340 133,340 133,340 1,000,000 000 ��K 000 -200 0do 296,000 2do 00 �-__-______--__-__-_-`-__-___-__� 'Project Approval Location -- - - - --- -----------------� -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | ' '� -c-�------- � Betterment ' ��� - --------^F- ---------------------�------------�-------------� ��� ____ ___-_---_-__--_______�___-____---_____-______-__] 'oone m� nvnmu '1�'Tab�4 ' --Segment ----- ____��_--_____-____-_____-_�___-_____-_-_-______--_�__` Expected Useful �"�-------- �----------------------|---------------------�--�-' . . , T�=___-__-____L -_____-_____-__-__-____�__-___- --- -__-_____-_-_____/ / � \� � 331 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32- 388 -15101 Enginee'ring Services Replacement Vehicle Version Capital Plan Year 12015 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub - Department FLEET Descr�pt�on_ Project Description: Replacement of Engineering Services van (FLEET- LlC - 009) Location: Funding Reserve Funds Engineering Fleet 45,000 45,000 \ e 2015 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 36 OPERATIONS 325 PARK 36- 325 -10100 Various Park Upgrades 105,000 (50,000) (55,000) 36- 325 -10110 Park Furniture /Equipment 90,000 (90,000) Total 325 PARK 195,000 (50,000) (145,000) 330 RDS & STRUCT. 36- 330 -14200 Retaining Walls 20,000 (20,000) Total 330 RDS & STRUCT. 20,000 (20,000) 370 BLDG & PROP. SERV. 36- 370 -08210 Baseline Community Centre 10,000 (10,000) 36- 370 -10340 Various Community Buildings 150,000 (150,000) 36- 370 -11106 MAC Upgrades 153,500 (28,500) (125,000) 36- 370 -11500 Various Arenas 10,000 (10,000) 36- 370 - 12120 Hampton Office Expansion 281,000 (28,100) (252,900) 36- 370 -14100 Operations Depot Improvements 33,000 (33,000) Total 370 BLDG & PROP. SERV. 637,500 (239,600) (145,000) (252,900) 380 RD MNTCE 36- 330 -10100 Rural Road Resurfacing 1,700,000 (1,200,000) (300,000) (200,000) Total 380. RD MNTCE 1,700,000 (1,200,000) (300,000) (200,000) 388 FLEET 36- 388 -10100 Fleet Replacement - Roads 562,000 (562,000) 36- 388 -10150 Fleet New - Roads 302,000 (30,200) (271,800) Total 388 FLEET 864,000 (592,200) (271,800) 460 MUSNAC 36-460 -09100 Bowmanville Museum 4,500 (4,500) 36- 460 -14400 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 35,000 (35,000) Total 460 MUSNAC 39,500 (4,500) (35,000) Total 36 OPERATIONS 3,456,000 (1,514,100) (300,000) (1,117,200) (524,700) Total OPERATIONS 3,456,000 (1,514,100) (300,000) (1,117,200) (524,700) _ LO w N 333 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 136- 325 -10100 Various Park Upgrades I 'ersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department OPERATIONS Sub - Department PARK Descri tion p - - Project Description. - - = = _Budget Tota( 20'15 - 2016 2Q78 `. ' 2019 =_a 2020 2021= Expenditures Renovation 425,000 105,000 80,000 80,000 .80,000 80,000 425,000 105,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Expenditures Total 4251000 105;000 _ 80,00.0_ _ _ _ _80,000 _ - 80_000 _ _ 80,000 -_ _ coding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 150,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Reserve Funds Facilities / Parks Maintenance 275,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 Funding Total 425,000 105,000 80,000 80;000 80;000 _50,000 Attributes Attribute Valuer - - Cbrnm_ en, benartment !OPERATIONS a- m.__.- ___ -- --. - -_ -__. _�._.. :__-, Sub - Depart_ m_entPARK ______.�,w__�,___...._.�_�Sm IPr_ ojectApproval - - -_- - - - - M - - �No_tApproved �9�__.._.,�_____._.___ � ________..___.._____�.. _I Location___- ._____- _ - - - - I -- '-__- _.__.._�__--- _,--- -M . -_ __ Project Classification , - -�� -- Betterment -�� �4 Program /Activity _ �DCReferenceNo. "____.____.________,.-,____._. i - _-_____...________. --- ________� . Fr-- egmentN -. ______ - - _______---_--_..._.__-_.,.. _- ...____- _..__- __..._.___._ - -___ - 1_x-- tedUseful- - _- _ - -__ -_ -� -1- r- -_________--_-- �..�___- __- __- _._ ___ ____ _ _____ LProjectManager _________~_____��_ ____ _____________________-- ___-____ _____ C 334 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 136-325-10110 Park Furniture Equipment Version ICapital Plan Year Department JOPERATIONS Sub-Department To replace playground structures in accordance with CSA Playspace Guidelines - To be determined. /^~~at~`^^,e Bud- 2017 ��2021 Expenditures Equipment 450,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90000 450,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Expenditures Total '.�- �����m�91Y����'�9�ovn�������z����l��i��1 Funding ' Reserve Funds Facilities / Parks Maintenance 450000 80000 ow000 80000 90000 90000 450,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 fts ttriby valu !Sub-Department PARK ;Project Approv~ —�c'-- ' ____-_______-__-_______� ^...... --____-_____--______--___-� .. __-__ --- -_r ��������______-______-__�_-__--_______-_______--___� Program/Activity ��.~�.� __-__-___I-__-____-_______�_______----_____-__-___-__� ~~.~.~~.~.~^ ____-__-____________-_�___�_____--____-__-_-_____� '~~~�g^'^''^'`�-----------�--�-------------------�--------------------------( 'Expected - � -- - - - - - - - - - - � -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | i�rojeCt Manager ________ --- -�________--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ` 335 Project ,irsion - apartment Sub - Department Municipality -of Clarington Capital Projects 36 -330 -14200 Retaining Walls Ca ital Plan Year 2015 OPERATIONS . RDS & STRUCT. Replace retaining walls in accordance with our annual inspection program. Expenditures Construction 160,000 20,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35;000 160,000 20,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Expenditures Total 160 000A 200003 35000 35,`000 X35,000,35`000 v ding ,anicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy . 160,000 20,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 160,000 20,000 35,000 35000 35,000 35,000 Funding Total 3L�160;OOOy% y 20,000�x 33,000,,, 35;000 35,000 3000,_ _if Attributes =$ Comment n r�r�co n-rt�nc - Sub- Department 'fRDS &STRUCT. _—______ _s____ --- --- -- ____.__ Project _____ _— ______ -- _t £ _ — __— ____.______— ___—___— Location _Pr_ojectClassification- -___�� _FRepla --- ---------- ---_.__ — _---- _-- _-- ___— _______ ',Program /Activity _— __ ___ __ _____—__ _______,__.�____ DCReference No_ ��---__L.._—_—_,._______ ____ __ _'._._— I --------------------------- I R-- -gment — -- ______ f i —_____________________i i ----- _-- __----- _— _- - - - - -. Y LExpected Useful Life — _-- _____—— ____ ____________—___ -- _____ __________ ----- ____— ProectManager � ________ _______ _ _ —___ _____ __— ______—_________ i I _____ Engineering design for installation of HVAC system in 2016 2444 Baseline Road, Bowmanville Expenditures Equipment 110,000 10,000 100,000 110,000 10,000 100,000 Expenditures Total - W �10t000 i 10,d0 y 1000OOa _�n__ Funding - -� ~�� _ s Reserve Funds Facilities / Parks Maintenance 110,000 10,000 100,000 110,000 10,000 100,000 Funding Total =: 110;000 10000 100,000 s z r at Department `OPERATIONS _ _ _ - -.._ _ _, _ ,- -- _,Sub-Department ;B LDG& PROP. SERV. - _ _ - a - y _ - _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ 'N a s M s Not Approved Approval _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ -. _ - __ ________a__ Location # i __ _ _______ __ __ ___ _ _ _ ...._________ --__ __. ____� ProjectClassifi - - - __ __________ ______ - _____,____- _______.______- j _ _ ;w - '.Program /Activity _ __ - _ _ _ _ `BASELINE COMM CNTR -ROOF w ry� - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ - _ .-. - _ _. -_ _ _ - ._ _ i �DCReferenceNoT��µ��� ____F___..____ �.____ _ _____ _ _ _______________ _.______ ___________________ -__ __I Road Segment No. ^_- - - - ^-, __ __ _________ _ __ _________________,___......___I 'Expected Useful Life -{ _ ____'_______________ _____________ --- ___________ ProjectManager_____ __ __ -_� __ ___- ___ ___ _ _ ____________ _ ________ Project ' `, qn*iom , ` -apartment Municipality of ClariMgton Capital Projects 36-370-10340'Various Community Buildings CaDital Plan I Year F2 0 1-5 JOPERATIONS Various roof replacements 88 detailed iOthe 2010 Roof Assessment Audit. Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total ' tiding ` _inicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 834,000 150,000 260,000 152,000 136,000 136,000 834,000 150,000 260,000 152,000 136,000 136,000 834,000 150,000 260000 152,000 136,000 136,000 834,000 150,000 260,000 152,000 136,000 -- - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - ~^^~'~'~ ------------^-------------i ~.~ ---_-.._�- ���__-__-__-__---_________--__-__________-� '-c -.��~`~ -_-______ - -�- '- - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -| ;Location --_-____ ----_--___-______�-__-_-__-_-_-_---____-_-__` .. _-_______ !Betterment �____-_--_____-__-�__-___-__-__---_-_________� 'Program/Activity ^��--------�--------7-------------F--------`------------------ ~~.~~~~-._^ . __-___-_-_-__--�-_____-____-_---___-___-_-� - ---------T------- . , -__--___-+__----____-- _-_-____-�-----_-_____--_-___�______| 'Expected Useful Life ��---------�----------------------� -------------------------- | LPEoc���nage.--_--_-___- ---___- --- --------------�------_-------------------, Project 1106 MAC Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 338 Replace air cooled chiller $125,000; Replacement of railings design cost $28,500 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Expenditures Design 28,500 28,500 Renovation 65,000 65,000 Equipment 285,000 125,000 160,000 378,500 153,500 225,000. Expenditures Total "° 378 500 4'=153 5U0 s X225 000 _ aaz Y p u n _ Lim' r..t. Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 253,500 28,500 225,000 253,500 28,500 225,000 Reserve Funds Facilities / Parks Maintenance 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 Funding Total378;500 r� -.a 153;5OUg225,000',� s.t, Department _ __-- -_____ !OPERATIONS _ -- -- —____— _ _—___.—_..___—_------___--- LSub- Department________ _ `BLDG& PROP. SERV.___ K_------ ----- --- --- ---- -- ---- --- -- -- -I Project Approval Not Approved - - __ _________________ _ —___I Location ______ __ _____ ------------------ . ____ —___I ProjectClassific _ation— _y_— ____ -- Betterment ----- - ___________ _ _________— ___— __._..__ ____ -_ 1 'Program /Activity _____________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I DCReferenc eNo,_— ______________________ _____. ____— ________— _____________i ;Road Segment — -- - --- -- -- --- --:- ._-- __— _-- - - - -_1 __ ___ ________ _ _ —_ —I Expected_U_sefulLife_— ____ _____________________— — ____ _I !Project Manager_______ ___ L-_______________________ ___ ___.— __— ______— _.:_...__ —__ — Municipality �of���rin���� 339 Capital Projects � - ' ` Project 136-370-11500 Various Arenas ` ems|Pn lCapital Plan Year ,podmmnd Sub-Department Structural adequacy reports for Newcastle -and Orono Arena, iOaccordance with the Ministry ofLabour @tiOO8l Health and Safety A[�$10.000 As Specified Expenditures Consulting 10.000 10.000 Equipment 40,000 40,000 omvvv 10,000 40,000 Expenditures Total ` odivg Reserve Funds Facilities / Parks Maintenance 50.000 10.000 40.000 50,000 10,000 40,000 Funding Total 'OPER/�loNS ' ^ IV- Department __-____- �^~......�~~`.� � __-______---' - --------- T --------------- - - - - - - -/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - | pc~'~ __-__�_-_�___�_-_____---------_-�--------------------------| ^..~~. _-__--__ -_____-_-________-__� � ____-_-__-__-__-__--__-__� ':�::�~~`~'~~~~'____--___�`�~--___-__-_---- - - - - - - - - � -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------) '��y -------- ---�------------------�-------------------7------| ,DC Reference No. ' ' � ----------------- ---------------------- --------------------------!� -Road ������� -r------ -------- --- ------------�--------------------------( 'Expected Life -------- ` ------�----------�-----. ------------- -_----------- - �p �. ' -_______' __-- _-___--____L______-____-____--____ -_-______--_- 77 f Department __-____- �^~......�~~`.� � __-______---' - --------- T --------------- - - - - - - -/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - | pc~'~ __-__�_-_�___�_-_____---------_-�--------------------------| ^..~~. _-__--__ -_____-_-________-__� � ____-_-__-__-__-__--__-__� ':�::�~~`~'~~~~'____--___�`�~--___-__-_---- - - - - - - - - � -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------) '��y -------- ---�------------------�-------------------7------| ,DC Reference No. ' ' � ----------------- ---------------------- --------------------------!� -Road ������� -r------ -------- --- ------------�--------------------------( 'Expected Life -------- ` ------�----------�-----. ------------- -_----------- - �p �. ' -_______' __-- _-___--____L______-____-____--____ -_-______--_- Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 136- 370 -12120 Ham 340 2320 Taunton Road, Hampton Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Development Charges Operations Department 281,000 281,000 281,000 281,000 ..,._.. �.. a._ �.... i... �._. r. x. e.+ �..... ....— t.�.�.iF�t._.�.,.......... v.,.c , �.., �u_.._ ...1..ud.^..c.....,..._�...._ —_ .. _� +>. ._._ __ ,a..i �.. «..e l.t.._ _...._m ..,s..e..__ 3_.. t.. �.ie 28.100 28,100 28,100 28,100 252,900 252,900 252,900 252,900 Funding Total - 281:000= a 28T,000 — !Sub-Department __ — BLDG &P----------- - -_M —_ --- _________------- -- __ - --- ,Project Approval ___ __Not Approved- __— _--- __ —__— .... ._-- _...__...-- __— __..,.- - - -_ —. � — _ _ j 'Lo_ca_tion —__ —__ _ r_____ __—_— I.--_ _-- __— _._.u.__.— ___--- ___..__._ ,,Project Classification~ ^- --_ -- Better _me_nt_--- _—__— _�_�_— __�_____ ____,,__---- _.,____ ___ ____ __ :Pr_ogra_m /Activity_— —_______ -- —_` - -" _ _______ ______ _ _____ ___ _______ __- - -� DCReferenceNo. -- ___—__— _ ~ —_____ __ ____ ___— Y'________ _____r__— __ —_ —__ RoadSegmentNo.-- __— __ — - - -- - - - -- - - -- — ___ _______ __ ___ ___ _ _ __ __ _ . - -___ Expected Useful Life _� —— ____— __— __----- -- --- - -- - -- ------ — — _ - - - -_- -_ .Project Manager----- _-- _-- L_ ____ ___ _____ __ ___ __ _i._________ _-- __..— ....___— _ _ -� _4 Project 136-370-14100 Munlci����~ �0�������~ �ton . Capital Projects mvements 341 Installation Ofoverhead door iO the fleet technician a.Re8$28'000 Office Furniture -$5,000 . Hampton Operations Centre, 2320 Taunton Road, Hampton Expenditures Contract Renovation Furniture Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 28,000 28,000 5,000 5,000 63,000 33,000 30,000 63,000 33,000 63,000 33,000 30,000 PARK JLI -K bu ZkV !Department ' ' OPERATIONS -___---- _-__-_______-_-_-___________-__-_______( -���c��-- -_--__-_ �������_-_-_�-_-_-_'__--_--__--_-_--______----|_ T- - - roject A�p�-- -------7 -�--------------�----------------------------------i PLocation --- -------- -----------------�--_-----------------------{ ���---'------------F�������---------�-------'--------------------------/ `p ' ' ' —��-- - - __-__-_-_ __-___-__-_-__--_-___- ________-__________--_-7_-/ =~"="e"="" ------- --�----------------------F--------------------- -----� 'Road ������ ---------�--�-�---�------�------F-�--------------------�---� � ' me ' ' ^ ` ---------------------------------- ---�--------------�--------| LPLoje�t Manager ______-__-_L-____~_____-__--_--___L__---_-_-__—__--__--______' Project Version . Municipality of Clarington 36-330-10100 Rural Road Capital Projects Year 12015 342 TnBeDetermined 11"VIA U, -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r--� ` ^ xumn/u= ---------------------- -__-___------------__-_-`-_| ---�_--__-__--___---_-__--_____�____ --_---------_-----pproval Not _-__-_______-__- Loo on _^_-__---------- _______- ' -_-_-_______-__ ,P Lo -------uvp�mvn ----------------- --------------- ----___------ - ______-_-�-_____-_-_---_--, � �`oc5oferencemu __-____-__--_ _ __----_--- ________ ^Rnod � � ' � --__�---_-___-__-___-______� _-____-__--_-- ___-__------ _-_____ roject ______-____L___-__---------------------------------------�---/ sxprvuuunes Consulting 150,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Contract ~ 10,790,000 10,940,000 1,700,000 2,160,000 2,360,000 2,360,000 2,360,000 Expenditures Total QL Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 8540000 1200000 1685000 1885000 1885000 1885000 8,540,000 1,200,000 1,685,000 1,885,000 1,885,000 1,885,000 nusonms Pits aQuarries 1000000 uouono 175000 175000 175000 175000 1,000,000 300,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 1400000 on000b au0000 n000no nnoono uou000 1,400,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Funding Total 11"VIA U, -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r--� ` ^ xumn/u= ---------------------- -__-___------------__-_-`-_| ---�_--__-__--___---_-__--_____�____ --_---------_-----pproval Not _-__-_______-__- Loo on _^_-__---------- _______- ' -_-_-_______-__ ,P Lo -------uvp�mvn ----------------- --------------- ----___------ - ______-_-�-_____-_-_---_--, � �`oc5oferencemu __-____-__--_ _ __----_--- ________ ^Rnod � � ' � --__�---_-___-__-___-______� _-____-__--_-- ___-__------ _-_____ roject ______-____L___-__---------------------------------------�---/ 34-3 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 136-388-10100 Fleet Replacement - Roads fersion ICapital Plan Year Jepartment JOPERATIONS Sub-Department IFLEET Description' Project. Description: To replace equipment in accordance with Resolution #GPS-475-93 "Criteria used to determine when to replace Vehicles and Heavy Equipment'. One 2000 Volvo Tandem truck #00537 (FLEET- LIC - 008); 2001 JD Loader #01003 (FLEET- UNLIC - 009); One Water Tank; Radios; All equipment to be replaced with same. Fleet Replacement 5,497,000 562,000 1,555,000 1,060,000 1,240,000 1,080,000 5,497,000 562,000 1,555,000 1,060,000 1,240,000 1,080,000 Expenditures Total 6A97,000 562,000 11,665i000 _21,060,000 inding <eserve Funds Operations Equipment 5,497,000 562,000 1,555,000 1,060,000 1,240,000 1,080,000 5,497,000 562,000 1,5155,000 1,060,000 1,240,000 1,080,000 Funding Total 562 000 �1,6 5, 00:-, 0 11060,00M, 11,240jtl(lo, .1,080;000, -- Attributes Value Comment rn Sub Department 'FLEET 7 Project Approval Not Approved ..__— _.,__,___—_,w___, 'L'ocation }All — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _.E , - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - Project Classification Replacement Program/Activity - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — PC Reference No. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Road Segment No. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Expected Useful Life IT, - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — ___________I LPLoLei�t Manager — — — — — — — — — — — L - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — L Municipality of Clarington 344 Capital Projects Project 3E-388 -10150 Fleet New - Roads Version Capital Plan Year 2015 Department OPERATIONS Sub - Department FLEET Project Description:-_ - As per DC Study: 5.1.36 Plow Truck Combination unit $230,000; 5.1.33 Four truck mounted tanks for salt brine with GPS $52,000; Small Equipment Upgrades $20,000; Expenditures Fleet Replacement 1,782,000 302,000 920,000 520,000 20,000 20,000 1,782,000 302,000 920,000 520,000 20,000 20,000 Expenditures Total 1,782,000 302,000 920,000 = 520,.000 _ 20,000 20,000 Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 155,200 30,200 69,000 52,000 2,000 2,000 155,200 30,200 69,000 52,000 2,000 2,000 Development Charges Operations Department 1,626,800 271,800 851,000 468,000 18,000 18,000 1,626,800 271,800 851,000 468,000 18,000 18,000 Funding Total `_ 1,782;000 302,000 $20,000 - 520,000 20,000= -20 000 Attributes Attribute Value = Comment:' - _.a..,.....a '>l1DFRATIlIAIS `_ Sub- Departm_ent__„- .___-- - FLEET -_ -_ __� - _ - _ �_ _ __. �, __,�-- ______.__- _.,-- ___- ..- -_w 'Pr_ojectApproval _ m_ -__ _- __F Not Approved - _an�m _ ,___ _r.-- _-- .,. ---..- --- e,._._ -__�_ _..v€ ,. `Location .__�y_____.n.. _ _ ___ _____________ __._�; {j ,Project Classification - - - - - - - - New - - - - - - - --_-- -- - - - -- ----- ------- _- ___..,- _-- ,.,,_., -- ----- __.. - -� Program /Activity _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I DCReferentivity _--_-__-_-_- 5. 1. 3_ 6_ AND_5.1.33-- __- _-- _-- _--- -_ -_ -` --_-_-_-_--_- _- _- __-- _- _- _- _--- _- _- _- _ -_ -_w_ RoadS_egm_entNo. -_--- _ __ ____- -_______ �____ _- -------------------------- Expected_ Useful Life____ _____- ______________ _______ _- ______________ _ Project Manager - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - 345 -Munici������8��- ton � ' ' ' Capital Projects Project 136-460-09100 Bowmanville Museum fenoiom Department JOPERATIONS Sub-Department IMUSNAC Engineering design costs to replace boiler in 2016 37 Silver Street, Bowmanville Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total , xnding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 54,500 4,500 50,000 54,500 4,500 50,000 -000 pa,000: 54,500 4,500 50,000 54,500 4,500 50,000 64,500 4,500 50000 Attributes �MUSNAC -_--_-____________---__-__-� :Project Approval Not Approved __=-__-__-_-__-__-_______________---____-| Location �_--_____ ____-__ --- -__-______--_ _-_-______________--______� Troject Classification ___-_-__ -__-__-___-_____-�_____-____________________` 'p 'eovv Mus.8ALCONY ' --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------�------\ __-_--__- Road Segment �__-________-______-___�___-_--_-_________-_____--� No. --------------------------\ 'Expected Life ' LF-__-___-__- _____-_____-__________�__--____-___-______ _-__-_� Eo e�t Manager L - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �z - - - - - - - - - - - --� Municipalit 4� �0�lari 346 ����� � Capital Projects. Project 400 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre Version ' Department JOPERATIONS Sub-Department IMUSNAC Project DescrIption.- Replace air conditioning units and air handlers. Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Totai Funding Reserve Funds Facilities / Parks Maintenance Funding Totai 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Aft Department 'opem�nomS ' ~~~,.~ Project ���~`~ ---------�-------------�--------�---------------------�----< -~.-.-. _--_-___ - -__-________-__--_--______-� 'Project ________-~-r- -'---'-______-____-----�--------------------------( Program/Activity ^ __-_-__-_�_---------------------�--------------------------� ~~.~.~~.~.,.. -____-__-�__-___-___-_-_-_�______-_-____-_-_____-__--� . ------------------ ----------- 'Expected Useful Life F_______-________________-_) ----------- ----------------------F--------------'------------/ LPLocc�t Manager 2015 j 77 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve . Development DC Debt Debentures. Fund Financing Funds Charges 42 COM. SERVICES 421 FAC. 42-421 -14301 OPP - Perimeter Concrete Replacement 20,000 (20,000) 42-421 -14302 OPP -Perimeter Fence Repairs 7,500 (7,500) 42- 421 -14405 RRC: Olympia Natural Gas Refueling Station 20,000 (20,000) 42-421 -14406 RRC - Exterior Concrete Storage Unit 9,000 (9,000) 42-421 -14504 CCC - Walk Behind Scrubber 9,000 (9,000) 42- 421 -14702 FAC ADMIN - Annual Building Studies 47,600 (47,600) 42-421 -14801 SCA - Heat Pump Compressor Partial Replacement 20,000 (20,000) 42- 421 -14804 SCA - Banquet Tables /Chairs Partial Replacement 6,200 (6,200) 42- 421 -15101 CFC - Accessible Pool Lift 9,000 (9,000) 42-421.-15102 CFC - Automatic Pool Vacuum 3,200 (3,200) 42-421 -15103 CFC - Janitorial Maintenance Equipment 5,000 (5,000) 42421-16104 CFC - Lane Ropes 6,000 (6,000) 42-421-15105 CFC - Office Furnishings 7,500 (7,500) 42-421-15106 CFC - Upright Lift 16,000 (16,000) 42-421 -15201 NDRC - Banquet Tables /Chairs Partial Replacement 6,000 (6,000) 42- 421 -15202 NDRC - Snow Blower 3,000 (3,000) 42-421 -15203 NDRC - Wheel Chair 2,800 (2,800) 42-421 -15204 NDRC,- Accessible Patron Transfer Lift 6,700 (6,700) , 42- 421 -15301 OPP - Filtration Building Renovation 7,500 (7,500) 42-421 -15401 RRC - Scissor Lift 30,000 (30,000) 42-421 -15402 RRC - Roof Top Unit #1 Pad B 25,000 (25,000) 42-421 -15407 RRC - Office Door /Insulating Outside Wall 5,500 (5,500) 42-421 -15418 RRC -Pad A Hallway Repairs 7,500 (7,500) 42-421-15419 RRC - Lobby Flooring Replacement 27,500 (27,500) 42421 - 15513 CCC -Auto Sliding Doors Main Entrance 45,000 (45,000) w v Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2015 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 42-421-15514 CCC -Pool Tile Re -grout 40,000 (40,000) 42-421-15515 CCC - Pool Deck Lighting Replacement 24,500 (24,500) 42-421-15516 CCC - Fitness Equipment Replacement 45,700 (45,700) 42-421 -15517 CCC - Water Wheel Chair 2,800 (2,800) 42-421-15518 CCC - Pooh Change Room Counter Top Replacements 13,500 (13,500) 42- 421 - 1.5519 CCC - Lease Space Renovation - COAA 525,000 (67,800) (457,200) 42- 421 -15601 DSC - Natural Gas Refueling Station 20,000 (20,000) 42-421 -15602 DSC - Fire System UST Replacement 30,000 (30,000) 42-421 -15603 DSC - Walk Behind Scrubber 7,500 (7,500) 42-421 -15604 DSC - Sidewalk Replacement and Sodding North Exit of Buiic 20,000 (20,000) 42-421 -15800 SCA - Ride On Scrubber Replacement 20,000 (20,000) 42 -421 -15801 SCA - Aluminum Doors - Partial Replacement 12,000 (12,000) 42-421 -15807 SCA - Rubber Flooring in Player Bench Areas - Replacement 8,000 (8,000) 42- 421-15903 BIS - Recaulk Exterior Wall Panels 35,000 (35,000) 42-421 -16804 SCA - Refrigeration Plant Main Controls Upgrade 50,000 (50,000) 42-421 -17501 CCC -Roof Top Unit #5 Library 40,000 (40,000) 42- 421 -18502 CCC - Roof Top Unit #4 Library 20,000 (20,000) Total 421 FAC. 1,266,500 (295,600) (970,900) Total 42 COM. SERVICES 1,266,500 (295,600) (970,900) Total COM. SERVICES 1,266,500 (295,600) (970,900) w Cd 349 Municipality of Cl@rihgfon Capital P 'mutt Project lerokon Year Department [EO�ERVICES __J Sub-Department Description Project Description: Supplemental funding from 2014 project. Pool perimeter concrete lifting. Installation of a rubberized, slip resistant treatment that will correct the concrete lifting and provide a softer perimeter surface for pool patrons. Project cost based on aoproximately4,000 square feet of concrete at $8.00/square foot plus surface preparation costs. Location:. . 61 Princess Street, Orono, ON LOB 1 IVIO Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total mding municinoTamLovy Municipal Tax Levy Budget Tota 1'. 2015 2016: 20IT 201s 2019, 2020- 20217 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Funding Total 20,000 20660 Attributes Attribute' 'comment ~~~ ---------fA��--------------------�--------------------------i 'rp-'- � '' _-_______--_-----�--------------------------\ Location --. -______-_________ ____-_____---_-____---___-� ,roje^�°"=w."a`o"F ��'�~-'-_________________�__________________________ Program/Activity � _-_-_____ __-_--________-____-__�____________--____________ ~~.~'~~~~.-^ _--__-_-_ _____-_____-__-___-__-�--_________-____-_-_______( Road��''^^'`'`�-----'-----�----------------------�-------------------------- Expected i . �e ` . -_____-___ ________--_ ___--__�__-_________-_____________\ . -________- ' �o�__---__-__-_____L -______-__-______________--, 350 Municipality of Clarington - Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -14302 OPP - Perimeter Fence Repairs Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department COM. SERVICES Sub - Department IFAC. 'Qescrpt;on = - - Projectpescription. Supplemental funding from 2014 project. Replacement of approximately 450 linear feet of fencing and installation of new gate at entrance to pool area. Vertical posts to remain. Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 74500 Funding Total 7;500 7 500 Attributes _ 4ti ibufe Value - 'Gommeri !Sub- Department 'FAC. '_Project Approval ..,__.- ._.a..0 _a #. TM T x _ s_ --- _a— _ - — -- — -_ r. ,_ __.. ..___ _______..— — __ ____—_ _ Location _ _ ~ _ TM x aWard 4 Project Classification !Replacement I i — --- _____ --_ a_________. —_....__»_w..—____ ____.___�_ w w _ y _ _ _ r _ _ _ Program /Activity I I DCReferenc — — — - � µ :mm___ _ u__ ____ — _ _— �,______,_....�_,_�._____— __ _ _ wi RoadS_egm_ent_No. =y _ _,____ ____ _.� �_____...K_ __ Expected UsefulLife_�._._______�__.__ ___a._.�._.,.�.�..__ --- — — ° --_ �.._ _.,.._.— _._.�,..._.______- -._._ LProjectManager -- ----- ____Georg!A orn ___ - -.M rv- --- _..m_a _ — __...._.____ z..___...— —_.__..____n- . -.._._ ` 351 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ._ `4ymdmn FCa7ital Plan Year Jeportmen Sub-Department FAC. Description Project. Description: Replacement of the natural gas vehicle refueling system for arena ice resurfacers. The unit is nearing the end of the useful life with recent inspection supporting the need to replace this unit. Expenditures Equipment 20,000 20,000 20,000 Expenditures Total �����20,u0m:,:,- 000 �������'��-�.'�'�£z�..��'�����'�±��' / znding .<eoonmpundo Federal Gas Tax Receipts 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Funding Total 20,000 20 000, Attributes ktribute -------- ---^�������--------------F�-------------------------} ---------f��`�--------------------�--------------------------) Project Approval Location ________ -_--______-__--_�____-____�___--___________\ Project Classification ____-__-_�- � - - - �-________-__-_-__-__ --- -_____-_-__-__�____-__� � -___-_-� -- Reference �� ____--_-_ -______-__-_-__-__-____ __________-_____-_-______-� Road ��.~.^No. ---------�----------------------�-------------------------- 'Expected Useful Life ! ���-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - ` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - ! ' ' Aoom c�cc���___-__________--___L ---____-___---_____-___-_ __` Municipality of Clarington 352 Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -14406 RRC - Exterior Concrete Storage Unit Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Description - Project= Description Double door storagelutility unit for storage of gas powered equipment not allowed for storage inside facility. Size 12'8" x 66" x 67" Including footing pads. 9,000 9,000 Funding Total Attributes =- . 4tfnkiiafe Value - = Gamment = . Su_b- Department _ _ r FAC. 'Project Approval V_-m__-___-_. _ _ _ - r - -. - - _ . _ _ -i ; Ward- ,_Location_ __- _u„-____-____ -_w - _--- _v_-___- -n____- Project Classification _ _ _ _ _ M New _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ } _ _. _ _. - .a,_.___..�. _._._�; ADC Reference Nom -- _ _ _ l F,--- Segment --I-__ -__= m__- W__=_ �.z._..____.._,__...__..___.,o__ �._.-.._. .- ,_.__..__.._- _.�,...___. -_�._ _.. 9 _ _ _ ____ _i :1-- edUseful- -._..._.�.___ �.__ 1___. ��._ -�.._.,-.._____...__--- _e_._-______-________-____. Project Manager_ #_JGeorgeAcorn m._. -.-.. ... w...._ ...__.,.._..__ i-___._..,. .._____--- _-- _.._____-..._._� Municipality ofClaK;ngton Capital Projects Project ''eraion lCapital Plan Year Jopertmnmnt Sub-Department Description Project., Description: 353 Walk Behind Scrubber replacement. Original UDitVVaS purchased iD2007.Annual costs for the repairing of the scrubber indicate replacement. Useful life was estimated 8f7years. (EQUIP -FAC-001\ 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON LIE 2H8 Expenditures Equipment 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Expenditures Total 9j000_-- ' mdino \ .esemvpunds C/S Capital 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Funding Total Mtribule (comment. Value- -------- --------------------�--------------------------| -_-- / ---------f��--------------------�--------------------------. !Project Approval -____________-�_�__________-_-________-____� Location .._-I P-------'_--__-___f�,'�n�__--_-__________�-_-_-____-______---___-___/ Program/Activity ~..~.~~~~..^ -____-___�_______-_-_--�______-_�_______-____-__--_____-___� ,Road Segment No. ----------- __-__-___--_-_-___ 'Expected- Useful � � --_----_��----_--_-_-_--_-__-----_---_--__-__-_____-/ ��-------- - - - - - - --------- --------- �'� 'G o Acorn -_____-__-_c- z�__-_______-____---_-_________--_-_-___________| ` , Municipality of Clarington 354 Capital Projects Project 142 -421 -14702 FAC ADMIN - Annual Building Studies Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Description, - - Project Description 2015 - SCA/DSC Building Audit Designated Substances Surveys 2015 - SCA/CCC Hot Water System Re- Engineering 2015 - RRC Pad ASound System Design 2016 - CCC /NDRC Building Audit Designated Substances Surveys 2016 - BIS Field HV Unit Engineering 2017 - RRC Building Audit Designated Substances Surveys 2018 - Desi nated Substance Surveys Various Recreation Facilities - _ — Budget .: 34,500 34,500 34,500 - - Total2015 47,600 2016 201:7 2018: -- 2019 2020 2021; Expenditures 47'600 38 500 <' 34;500 - 34,500`; 34,500 Consulting 189,600 47,600 38,500 34,500 34,500 34,500 189,600 47,600 38,500 34,500 34,500 34,500 Expenditures Total _ 189;600 �" 47,600 38 500 - 34 5QQ ; 34,500 `- 34,500 _ Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 189,600 47,600 38,500 34,500 34,500 34,500 189,600 47,600 38,500 34,500 34,500 34,500 `- 1.89;600 47'600 38 500 <' 34;500 - 34,500`; 34,500 ..Attributes Attribute - Value = - _ Comment` ;Department COM. SERVICES Sub - Department _ _ _ FAC. !Project Approval _ ; p 'Location Combination - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TM - -A 42, - M _ _ - Project Classification New _ _,. �. _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 - - - - - - - - - _ Program /Activity__, ,.. .__ �.,_...._ m_.. _.._______.____.___- _____ - -- - -- DCReferenceNo. ___________ .x___ -_ _ I RoadS_egm_ent_N-- ..- '_________� _. _..__.____.._____.._.____,�___L -------------------------- Ex_pectedUse_fulLife_- - - __ ___..,. ___,...__..._____�:._:________� -__ ____..__.________-_.__�..._.�__ 'Project Manager_ ____.__ _mGeorgeAcorn - - ____- - - _ - - ___ _v_- _____ __ w -a- - - - __ - -- Municipality ofClarington Capital Projects Project 142-421-14801 SCA - Heat Pump Compressor Partial Replacement 'erekon ICapital Plan Year ---------- Department Sub-Department IFAC. Descrip ion. 1project. Description:,: Partial Replacement Of Heat Pump Compressors that provide heating for arena common areas. Compressor estimated life cycle i810-12years. Failure Of units has started hJoccur. Approximately units per year. 2017/2018 will be 6 units. Total of 23 units. 355 Budget TotaF 2015: 201,6 2017 2019, 20W 2021 Expenditures Equipment e0000 20,000 10,000 15,000 60,000 20,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 Expenditures Total e0,000 �'��-uV�qa .10'000:� 16,0um- 15;000 l�r�`�������������1���� mmng aeservoFunu Federal Gas Tax Receipts 60,000 20,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 00 10,000 15,000 15,000 Funding Total 60,000 20,000 .1, 6 M000 ____-__­ ~~~^�����--______--_____�___-----____-__-__-__--___� _______-_����- -_--___--_-_--_-____�_-__-_-______---__-____-__� 'cFzp~`~ _--__-_- ___-__-__-______�___-______-___-__-__-___--�� Location ________ :Ward . -_---_-_--_____-F ______--___�-___________--` Project Classification ____-__-_fz- - - - Replacement -___-_-_____ -___-_-______--__--__-_� ___-r____-____-____________�__-_-____--_-____________-� DCReference No. _-_____-- --_--_-__-______-_-____�-_�___-_---__-_____-_-_--_� Road Segment No. _________I -_--__--__--______-___-�____-_--__--____-_-_-__�__� __-__-__ ________--_-__-____�_--_-__-_______-_-____-_--� ' ' �cum ���- - - =�-___________c_- -__-________-_____-- ---__-____--_--__-_-_______` Municipality of Clarington 356 Capital Projects Project 142- 421 -14804 SCA - Banquet Tables /Chairs Partial Replacement Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. - D es rip on = _ Project Description Partial replacement of banquet tables and chairs inventory. 2015 - 35 chairs, 20 tables, 2 carts 2017 - 35 chairs, 20 tables, 2 carts J[ocation. 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 12,400 6,200 6,200 Funding Total 12;400 6;200 6,2U0 Attributes kttribnfe - -= Value Comment: . ySub- Dep_artm_ent aFAC. ----------- , Project Approval _... ._ � ,.___--- I-- _.,__.__.__w.. -_._,_ Location _ — Ward 1 — w T - w — Prolect Classification y Replacement — _ — — a — _ _ Program /Activity n.....,. -__—__...___--- °--- .--._ -. RoadSegmentNo.__�� .______________._______ _,:oKd ed — — — Life _ _____ _____ ____i _____ ,_ _— ___.__,.- — __..__n� _ MGeorgeL. — — — — __ — _— _L; --— __.___ ___ - -_. _ —_e _____—__.— _- -____ -- ._......_____i _ = Budget Total - 2015,--. -_ _2016 2017 2018 2019 - 2020 - .2021! Expenditures Furniture 12,400 6,200 6,200 12,400 6,200 6,200 Expenditures Total 1 2;400 y- 6,200 6 200 LL Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 12,400 6,200 6,200 12,400 6,200 6,200 Funding Total 12;400 6;200 6,2U0 Attributes kttribnfe - -= Value Comment: . ySub- Dep_artm_ent aFAC. ----------- , Project Approval _... ._ � ,.___--- I-- _.,__.__.__w.. -_._,_ Location _ — Ward 1 — w T - w — Prolect Classification y Replacement — _ — — a — _ _ Program /Activity n.....,. -__—__...___--- °--- .--._ -. RoadSegmentNo.__�� .______________._______ _,:oKd ed — — — Life _ _____ _____ ____i _____ ,_ _— ___.__,.- — __..__n� _ MGeorgeL. — — — — __ — _— _L; --— __.___ ___ - -_. _ —_e _____—__.— _- -____ -- ._......_____i Municipality of Clarington 357 Capital Projects The purchase of a new, portable pool/spa lift for patrons. This will provide assistance to patrons with accessibility Challenges to enter and,exit both the main pool and the whirlpool. _ocation: _ - 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 21_8 Expenditures Equipment Budget ..- Total y 2015 2016 2012 2018 2019 2020 2021; 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Expenditures Total ..._.... coding Reserve Funds CIS Capital 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Funding Total 9,000 -9,000 Attributes: Value- - comment ..11 �i ivy E _ i suC artment�_�_ ___ '�FAC ______a__ —_.__ __..W_, —L._ .,__4.— _.___a____ . _ _.._ _v p - _.- __-- -_-- -- _..mm_ . _ _ - -m_sm- - - , - __ _ - I a _ ._. __ _ - _ ._aa__ _,. _, ._....-I Project Approval { _ _ _ Lo_ca_tio_n___�_________ =-i -- — m._— _..____.m.._. °__.__ —__ —„ _.___—:— ____ --- --- _-- .�___ - -_—I —_ __.—_ --w ard__..-___.. _,........__a......,.__.._ -�___ F,Project Classification ;New — __ _ — — _ _ _ _ _ _M ._ _. Program/ Activity — t �DCC_ Reference No-�.—____ �,____ �. �._,.___.____, ��._ �.,_.__—_ w .__,...__�.___�_�— ._,�.________ �Road Segment _ No. _ W-- �_,.,.y. v__.._ ...____d.�._________.._____,..j Expe_ ctedU_ sefulLife_...._--_—___ �__— _....__._.__._-- _.__...__ -- i u,_.._.,,,_,.___------- _— ____ —. _1 Projec---T-------- --- LG ----- — --- ------------- L-------- >_— _____— e - - -___ — — _ 358 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects The purchase of a new automatic pool vacuum. This unit is important to operational efficiency as it completes the vacuuming of the pool with minimal staff requirement. Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds C/S Capital 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 :3;200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 Funding Total - 7° 3,'200 _ 3,200 = Attributes Vaue 4ttribute l - = comment — - vcNai u i �c� ii vv�v� ----------- Sub- Department „ _ _ _ _ _ _ .FAC• Project Approval _ _ _ _ _ _ m m _ _ ._ — r __ _Pr_ojectClassification¢p— —s— N ;New _m =____ _,— __,— __ .u.__m a___—__ _ __�V— yi ,Progra_m /Activity m — _T________ __ _ _ _I__ __ ____ _ — _ Y�—__ ___ _ _ f I LDCReferenceNo. ____— _____z_ __— _ _ _____—_ _ M___�ry N—___— _ ______ _____— _ ,Road Segment No. _; _ � � 'Expected Useful Life --------------- _ ���_�___�:, _.__ _____ -------------------------- _—__—_ ______ �ProjectManager — µ ,w— __w—,.._. -- George Acorn _w _ — -- __— __ —_.___ L�,._,..,_ —...__... u.._.__—s...._,_..—.__,_____— 359 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ' feraion ICapital Plan Year 12015 ` Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department IFAC. Project Description: Following the renovation of this facility, new janitorial and maintenance equipment will be required. This will include @ small walk behind scrubber, G floor machine and 8D industrial shop vacuum. 49 Liberty Street North, BOVVDl8nvill8. ON [1C 2[8 sxponmuvna Equipment ' a_xponditunes7am/ , unmmo Reserve Funds C/SCopita| Funding Total Budget 20, 7 2021 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 --- ~~~������-----------------------------------------i ~ ----- .. ..____-__________-__�_�______-____________-_-___-� roject Approval -------- --------------------�-------------------�------| 'Lononvo n _____ Troject Classification New � _-__-_____-_[ ______-____-_�__-___________-_______-___\ _______-_ ______-___---______-__ ---___-__-_-_---_-___-__-_( Reference No. --------- ----------�----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / No. - __-___�-___-___-_-_-_-________-_-- _--__ --- __-_--_____________� ,Expected Useful ' U� `� ---------- -------------------�------------�-------------( ' �oom ' ' �oj_jt 360 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15104 CFC - Lane Ropes Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department COM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Description Project Description:.*. Replacement of main pool lane ropes, not including lane rope reel. _ocation . 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 2L8 Budget Total 20 C5 2016 2017 ­2018 :, .2019 2020 _ 2021:< Expenditures Equipment 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Expenditures Total 6 000 6,000 Funding Reserve Funds C/S Capital 6,000 6,000 Funding Total 6;000 6;000 Attributes Atfribute ; _Value Comrnent . Department _ `COM. SERVICES Sub- Department ^�FAC. _ .._ _ M ..:_ �..� _._ .., _.. � _�, _y ° _ Project A ppro_va_l .�.._.w___171 _ _ _ ____ ___._ � ___� _ -_ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ v _ _ _ m ard3Location " = __M., m____y_— _. — __ — — _ — _ Project Cla_ssific_ation ------------ _ Replacement Program/ Activity M---- ,___�.�._i__n.M�___ __-._ _,a_____�.__,.___ _— ____.___._____.____ed.__E DC Reference No, .�.�_. -._._. —..,._.- ,_�.__......_____.- .— __,_.�__M � ___._._______m-- ~...—___o,�_ -- ,RoadSegmentNo. _ _ _ _ ______________ v ._ _._..e________—�,_._....._____- EExpectedUsefulLife _ — — s __Miy�,___._ — _ _ �__________ i ___-- .�,.__ _ _____.. --- _�,_.. -_ _. _ Project— — — H — — — — - Lw — rge — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ — L----- y--- -- N— ^— _---- __ —r_ —__ 361 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 142 -421 -15105 CFC - Office Furnishings version Ca it_a Plan Year 12015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department IFAC. Description _ Project Description: _ The purchase of new office furniture for the office following the facility re- opening in spring 2015. Items to include: 2 desk units, 2 file cabinets and 3 office chairs. Location.;. 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 21_8 Budget Sotal 20_45 2016 y2017 2018 2019_ 2020 - 2027: Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total 'inding . <eserve Funds C/S Capital 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 Funding Total 7,500 7,500 - ,Attributes` 'Wribute Value ' Comment -_ DeDartment - `COM. SERVICES I „___-- - -y .-__________m__z. _ ____ v ________ Sub-Department FA �Project�Approval,w _______._____. �._.. m__ �.....________ -__.____ _..______.______________.,_.___ Location Ward3 __________�_ I _____ - Project Classification I s ,New Program/ Activity____..,,.__....__ �___._ �._ �, u.. n,-, �.._,_.___ �,_.____._. �.____. ,_...__�___..�_____________,_'i ---------------------- ----------------- _ DC Reference No - iRoadSegm_ ent_ No. -______....._ a__________,...__...,______ __...�._.,�.,,._____,.,._______ Expected Useful Life _ ___..,__ ___________._____ a_ m ,___.__- __--- ____._._.__- ._- -1 Project Manager -- --- - - - - -U orge - - - - - - - - --- »`www -- ,y- R____________...•..._ _,_.._____ 362 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 142- 421 -15106 CFC - Upright Lift 1 Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department COM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Description Project Description: The purchase of a new upright lift to access squash court lighting as well as high bay pool deck lighting. Existing lift units in the department will not fit through narrow squash court doors. Equipment 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 Expenditures Total 16;000 1Cr,000 Funding Reserve Funds C/S Capital 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 Funding Total 164000 Attributes. gttti6ilte Value = - Gommont: { Sub - Department _. m _ y `FAC. Proje_ct Approval `. - - -- . - � - ��� �____._y__.RO �__ €- a_,___- ..�___,_- _.__.__._�._ -- ,Location_ _____M�__ 4W_ard36� _ _ -_.__. �.__,.__--- _..- _.,.___._�,w.__. Project Classification -fNew _____� �_ ___ __ Program /Activity _____ _____ _ __ - ________..a���� i_�w r _ .�___ _ __�____ __ �DCReferenceNo. __ _...Y_ .n M- -^ - -____�� _ _� �_.____� ______ -___- ._____,_- _______ 1 �- _ __ _ ______ °-�`_ ,RoadS_egm_entNo_.m___ � ____..__.....�____- - .__._______.�v,___.______._.__ ,Expected Useful Life __.__.,__ -i ____- _______ -, -- �l LProjectManager _ M �� w'GeorgeAcorn ���s�� M µ ��y�� --- _- _.____ _______._____- _,... -- 363 Municipality of Clarington, Projects Capital Project �rsion lCapital Plan Year Department ERVICES Sub-Department FFAC. ti Tescrip on- Project. Description, Replacement/ Partial inventory of tables and chairs 8 - round banquet tables $2600 8 - rectangular tables $1250 "-`^"°" °='^" p125" / 1780 RUdell Road, Newcastle, <]N L1B1E2 ' sx9onmt.ums � Equipment Expenditures Total / ` xnong -Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 omme -------- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - � --------------------------1 pa nt -- - - - - - - - � -� - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i -- -_--� ____--_- 'Ward _� __-_____--___-__�_____-__-____-____-_______� � � � � �Lc�---'---'---------f�����----------------�--------------------------} Program/ --.i�� ." Reference No. ___-_____�__-_-_�_-__-_�-________�--_-_--___-__________-_-_-� �-_���_-No. _____----�__-__-__-_____---_-___ --____-__-___-_______-__--| lExpected Useful ��--------- -------------------�--------------------------| 'P 'ono Aoum c�����— - --____--___-_����___________-- -'-__-_L ----___--_- L --_-_--__---_--_-_` 364 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 142- 421 -15202 NDRC - Snow Blower I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department COM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. _ Description: - Project. Description: Replacement snow blower. Current machine has reached the end of service expectancy. IL.ocation. - -. 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle, ON 1_113 1E2 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Funding Total - ?: 3000 3 000' Attributes Attribute Value Comment n___j innnn oco�nn�o ,.....F.... ... w.0 �......... Sub- Department —_�yv_ .., _,. IFAC--- -__.:_ — _ >-- w_.�___..w__ �.. —» _:m.G— �____,.R_ 1„ _ ProjectApprovalP __ ___ ____ _ --- _ _ _. — - — �,_.,_>_ �, ._.>.___.e..____�..___.�___ -_ -s Location .� _ —_ -..� IW_ard4___LL____ — r z__,_____—__— _____._,_____._.._ Project Classirication _ _ _ - Replacement mm'M — — w— M __ - _—____y > I D_ CReferenceNo..,_.__ �,-.>,. _._..,.__r.__m________ >_._,.__� _�.__ _I ___ ___������__________.___ — _____, _ ____ __.,.___ .a___,___.__ s- ,�,,...,_.....__ 1 "Road Segment No. _ _ ,Expected Useful Life __ _____ __ ______ ____ __ ,Project Manager__._ .__.,TGeorgeAorn ___ ___W .__ —._i--------------------------- 365 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects, Project 142- 421 -15203 NDRC - Wheel Chair I rersion Ca ital Plan Year 12015 Department COM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Description - Project Description :. Second aquatic wheelchair to accommodate expanding accessible programs. Location: -- 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle, ON L1 B 1E2 Budget Total 2015 2016 20.17 2018 = ­'20 19 2020 = 2021 Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total finding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 - -2,800 Attributes Attribute Value -Co_ mment . -___ ___mISub- Department g_ tFAC. _ I ___--- __— _—_______,___>__ � _____r—_ —__v,__ —___._____ Project � _ _ Location Ward ____--- ____ Project Classification > m __ New - �Prog_ra_m/ Activity______.. _ �, DCRefere_____ ___ _____ >. ,> _ - _______.,.._________ --. >_ —_. ..... >_— _,-- _- _— __.a— >--- _...__ URoad Segment vNo. ___ �_ _- -__ >_ _ _______ >__ »6___ Expected Useful — __ —_ __ ____ __________1 _�— __— M_— _ —__ —_— _w__ - -_ —_> — __ __ —�_�_ _..-I _ Project Manager----------- 1z --eA— ------_—_—...__---L--__ .._..._-- _— _--- _....-- >v. - -_- -- 366 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15204 NDRC - Accessible Patron Transfer Lift Version Capital Plan Year 2015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department FTC-7 M scriptwn - Project Description:-4: Electric patron transfer lift installed in the accessible pool change room. This equipment would enhance the use of the pool for patrons who have significant mobility challenges. Location. - 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle, ON U B 1E2 Attributes -- - - - Atribute =Value _ Comment: _ ;Department COM. SERVICES Sub- Department Project Approval Location_..__..„....-- _.-- ____w_a ---- ..__ —„___.__ M_____ ___,__a____.._.._______�.______ — __ Project Classification —_„_. -- -- - -New __._.. ___.______..... ..,.__._.._.__.�., ____v..__ .,..�_...___ Program /Activity ____,__ ___._.,__________________.._.._ DCReference No. __—a,__._ q_R—.-----..____._...__a._....___...____..._.__ w__.�..______________.�___ -.._- _ ___ __ s. m__ ____ ______ ____ #__________________________ Road Segment No -- :— ..___ —i __w...______.._., .d ____., ..----- __--- ___.._.__.�__...__� -- ctedUsefulLife ___ __ ________ _______ __ ___ ____________ LProjectManager- - - - - -- --- LGeorgeAorn______ m___ d_......__ L,_ _.—__..._.---- ____—_______ - -- 367 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 142- 421 -15301 OPP - Filtration Building Renovation I Version Ca ital Plan Year 12015 Department COM, SERVICES Sub- Department FAC. Description_ - Project.Description: _ This project will provide repairs to the filtration building. Work to include re- siding of building and re- shingling of the roof. The cost is for. materials only, work to be completed by Community Services staff. _ocation = 61 Princess Street, Orono, ON LOB 1 MO -- .Attributes 4Cttribute Value - Comment -- . -- — — .,- Su_b- Department IFAC. i �ProjectApproval „�.____.._ _ �. �. �... n._„ -�__.__,-_____..,_____.___.,,_ i.._.- �______ !Location! - Ward �._.- --------- - --- -- ; 'ProjectClassifica- - - - - - - - - Betterment ----- '------ ' -_____ Program/ Activity___.___ �- --- ere --- - -_ ---____ I-- .__..a______- e,__._._________ - _. .�___.__�.____--- _�._.___ - -___- ,DC ReferenceN - - -_-. -- :___ _,_. -... -- - -_,_ -- ___,___ -_.,_ ____----- _- _--- .---- ,__- -- -_.. - -I _ _ _ _I Road egmentlo. -- �_____- _ _ ____.__._� _ ___ __________ ___________M__ eo Project Manager---- '------ L.: ----- -_____..._--____...- _L-- _-- _--- _- ...___ ___ __ _____ _ _i .: Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Purchase of a new piece of equipment to assist with projects working at heights. Would be available to transport between facilities as needed. This cost would include the purchase of a trailer for ease of transportation. This purchase would greatly improve the efficiencyfor a number of tasks in all facilities. Although the lift will be located centrally at the Rickard Complex, it will circulate through Community Services facilities as needed. Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds C/S Capital 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 .30 ,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Funding Total 30;000 30,000 _ Attrihutes �ttr"bute - value .,< ` . 'Comment` - .-. - ..- - -. .- », - - ,- - f,- - - - - -- - w - - - - - - - - - € - _ -.. - -... -.. - «- - _- - _. -pie t Sub - Department FAC. _._-- ,..__. __.__-- ._ . -- — — — - ,___.. -„.. -_ ---- .,--_.._ --- -_ -- ~ ,Project Approval _______ ___ _ _ _ __ m-__ _ _____ ocation __�_ ;Ward , �____ ,Project Classification _ New - _ _ 41— — _ - — — _ — iProgram/ Activity }--°.~--°-_____,...____ �._ ._�...�_._i...______._____.____ __ DC Reference No. .._ - ' __... -,-- 'Road Segment No._____� �__— _____ _� ________ —__ _ ________—__ ____________ � � - --------- --- ----- ____. —___ -- ;Expected Useful Life _L Project Manager --- _- -_ - - -- ',George Acorn — — -- -y --- ..,._ —___— ..____.,.__ —__ -- --- _______— _� 0 369 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 142- 421 -15402 RRC - Roof Top Unit #1 Pad B rersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC, Location:—. 2440 Highway 2 West, Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 unding Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Funding Total 25,000- 25;000 _ Attributes Attribute value, = Comment.!= u 'Department 'COM. ERyV_IC_ ES _ _ w = _ M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ epartment FAC. ;Project Approval Location Ward 2 ________.__......_.�,.______ ___ _ r _ __ _ ___ ___ _ � Project Cla_ssific_ation (Replacement ! Program/ Activity ~— ____,._____ ___- _________.___________� ________.__________.________ _________.____._._______________�__.____ _______________._.__. _IDCReferenceNo. t IT-- _egm_ent_N�._________ ® ____. F. —_...._,________.__ 4.__,___. � __________.__.._...._..____4._- _ �_ _ ExpectedUsefulLife__ ���____ w�16- 2_ O��Y�� _�_M__� ~_�_'�y__�w�_tl_�_�� I �' °� °— _..__________________ Project Manager _--_--w---- LGeorgeAcor ny_..____-- .,________ __,.._____ _.._...___....,_,,..d..________ 370 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15407 RRC - Office Door/Insulating Outside Wall Version lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department [EOM. SERVICES Sub - Department IFAC. escription = Project Description Elimination of exterior door and exit sign in photocopier room. Minor renovation of existing millwork to convert the space into functional work space. Expenditures Renovation 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 Expenditures Total 6,500 5,500 Funding Reserve Funds C/S Capital 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 Funding Total 5;500 6,500 Attributes = = - gttritaute Value -'< _ _= Comment Department— ,HIN,_...,__ „ _.s -._ _�;COM.SERVICES T �_.._._ .,___ ___ ______,._ —__—.___._ --- _---____a.___ !Sub-Department `FAC. ;Project Approval _, _a.a_ ,_____,__� .________.__w___.________ _- .__,______s < Location ��� �Ward2 �� � _4 _ _�,a —1 Project Classsificcation�- �N ^A A j Betterment jAN �_ R�_i_�_� _ ~_�_�__�� ^_�_�_m_________—_,__ Program /Activity i _____ ____ _.� _ _ _____� _ _ ____ _____.___ __ _.._. DC_ Reference N_ o =��_Mv�mµ�� Road Segment _No. ________._ f __ �__ ____.__ ______________ __ PExpectedU _se_fulLife_— _A_-- _y_y_w_— -------- _!_— _— _-- _��u— _µ— _— _ —__'_ ----------- _________ __ LProjectManager_ y- y��µ �GeorgeAcorn �� __� __ m______e_ .. ,..,_________...______________i 371 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 142-421-15418 RRC - Pad A Hallway Repairs lerokzn ICapital Plan Year 12015 Department Sub-Department Repairs to the hallway adjacent to Pad A lobby and Community Care DUrham.Gpace.Repairs to include replacement lighting 8S needed, repairs tOexisting p@[ged walls G[ Sports Hall Of Fame area, re-hanging of inductee portraits as needed and repainting of walls. ILocat-Ion' 2440 Highma«2 WeG[BOVVDO@nville'ON L1[|OK6 Value �,Comment ________ ~~~^�����-_-______-_-__-�__---_____�__-_____-_____-� -___--__��-___-__--_______--____�_-_____-_______-____-_____� Project Appr6val Location _---_-__ ,,~.^ _______--__�_____r___-__-___________________� Project Classification I rmen�--____-______-_--�_-_____-_-_--__-___-____-_/ ---------�--------------�-------�--------------------------\ DC Reference No. --__--_-_�_-__________-____-__-_�---______--_-_-_-__-______� ,:Road Segment No - ---------�- --- -------------------�-----�'--------------------} =�--------- ------------�-------�----------------'----------| ' 'aeo Auvm ' ` ��-���-.=���___________c-- -_-__-___-______-~___L --_____________---___-_-_-_` 372 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15419 RRC - Lobby Flooring Replacement Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department COM, SERVICES Sub - Department FTC. Description _. - Project.Description -_ =- Replacement of existing hallway carpeting adjacent to Pad A lobby and multi - purpose room. The flooring to be replaced with resilient rubber sport flooring. Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 27;500 27,500: 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 Funding Total 27,500 27,500'- Attributes Tttrlbu Value == - = Commert' Department C;um. SERVIUL6 " . _r - r, _ ._ - z __ _ _ . _ .M ._ n. __ _ - .... _ _. - . _ xi _, ._ _ __ 'Sub- Department -;FAC. _ _' 4r » Project Approval v _ -v �-_.,_ :..n,- ---- ______ -1_W _- v--- ----- -- -- - -__ -- Location _..,...x,.:. - - -.. - -Wa- - ___ ---- - I � r,P rojectClassific _a----- �----- -- -la- -- _N -- TM- 4�- __- _ - - - -_- --_----_-_`-- _- _- _- _- _- _- -- _- ___-- _- _ -_ -_ -I Program/ Activity _._ _ __ -__ -- -- » "_ - -- _W -. -- ___ - - __ - - - - _a - DCReferenceNo. M - -m n - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - _ - - - --I ,Road Segment No. �___ -____ - �t__________ -_-__ - ----....-------_-_.----------- -r — —iri i IExpected Useful Life_________ -L- -- - - - ---------- - - -,_- _______ ________ ______ Project Manager - - -- - - - - -- 'George Acorn ---------- - - -a „_ I - ,- - - - - -_ .-_----------_--- - d. e._ 373 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 142- 421 - 1551.3 CCC - Auto Sliding Doors Main Entrance 1 rersion FC a—p ital Plan Year 12015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department IFAC. Descnption Project. Description: Accessibility improvement. The replacement of four sets of doors at the main entrance to the facility with automatic, motion activated sliding doors for exterior and vestibule. This improvement will significantly enhance patron movement in and out of this busy facility. This project was identified in the Barrier Removal Action Plan completed in 2010 and would be supported by the Accessibility Advisory Committee. _ocation _ - 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Budget Total 20,15--- 2016 2017 201:8 '7 2019- 2020 2021. Expenditures Renovation 45,000 45,000 Expenditures Total finding deserve Funds C/S Capital Funding Total 45,000 45 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 _ 45,000.`` 45;000 Attribute Value Comment Sub-Department _ . �-_ Pr_. --- --. ��~ FAC. µ�---____._._—__,____._ �m� .�a._....-.._�,__— .,__.�__ „__. _ ®______ € _ IProject Approval��- �=_....—_—_ v,___ ��,_ ��...-_—_.___ s_--_,.___ i�a. Rn.:__ y._ ._..,___.�._.___�______�.�. ®_�� --___ Lo_ca_tio_n_ _ _ _ Ward 1 Project Classification _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Betterment 'Progra_m/ Activity_---__.__ .__— _F— ___— _____..._-- ____ —_ -__ _________ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ____, �DCReferenceNo. _ __ �RoadS_ egm_ ent_ No _.____s..__...,.________...._. ....__....___.,__,..._._ l.._ __..__._.___ --- _____a__________t 'Expected_U_se_ful& ----”- � `�__ ®�_____— _._______— __— _... -- —____—__—__—...,-______________ ProjectManager'" - - - -_-- . -- Georg --- - ----- '"'__— ___._._._ __—,,,—__.____.__,_—,...________-- ______ __ — — _______r _ o__ ___ - - __ -- _-- _ —__ -- --...___.. _.___..._..,_.__....__— __ - -_ - -a 374 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 142- 421 -15514 CCC - Pool Tile Re -grout I Version IEa ital Plan Year 2015 Department COM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Project Description: Repair of pool tank, deck and change room areas. Existing grout in places has deteriorated over the years due to constant exposure to pool and cleaning chemicals and pressure washing for disinfecting. Scope to include chipping out as needed. New grout to match existing in colour and texture. Location _- 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 -- - = - Budget - y - Total _ 20 f$ 2016 u,__ _. 2017 ` 2018 2019_- _2020 - 2021 Expenditures f Renovation 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Expenditures Total 40;000 _ 40,000 Funding Reserve Funds C/S Capital 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Funding Total 40000 40,000 .Attributes -r Attribute-Gomrnent Sub - Department _ fFAC. _ _, _.. _ _. _ s, 7 N m n _ _ r s. _ > _ _ _ _ 1 ;Project Approval _. _, .0 r_ _ _ _ _ _ -,, - Lo_ca_tio_n__ - ..�.- ._.. ~��"_�yWard1 �����- M__w._.,._-_____.. .__- m,.,.___-__s_�,___.�_____. _i _. =a. Project Classification -� _M ��_�_ f8etter_ me_ nt��_ �_ � _- _- pµM���_m- M� ^_- X�;�W -M�- A�h£ Program /Activity ,- _____a __- gym_- .._w____,.._,.- _..�__v,.____ ( _- ___- ...�__a ___- .�.<....._.____..._�i D_C _Reference Noy t _ f° _ F,RoadS_ egm_ ent_No_.- __._...._._.____r_..,. _____. __..._..________ ____....____________..,._______ - _€� _ ExpectedUseful Life ��__ __ ______________� �__�_- _________ _______- - _____�I ProjecL -- g-- ------- M_Georg --- __w-____s _..._____ ______._ _-- e__...- __a____ti__...,,...._i 1 375 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15515 CCC - Pool Deck Lighting Replacement 'ersion lCapital Plan Year 12015 Department COM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Descri Lion - p Project. Description: - Replacement of the 14 high bay metal halide fixtures over pool areas with energy efficient LED fixtures. The scope to include replacing supply wiring to the fixtures as needed. Ontario Power Authority Incentives may be available and will be researched by staff. Location - 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Bud et 9 Total 201.5 x201:6 2017 20-18 : 2019 N 01, 2021, Expenditures Equipment 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 Expenditures Total = 24,500 24,500 ending .teserve Funds C/S Capital 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 Funding Total 24,500 - Attributes Attribute `, Value Comment `Department _ _ 'COM. SERVICES _ _ _, i Sub= Deartm_ ent__. ��, a__ �... �-.. �_°- FAC,__ :_,- _- ,__._,_._..�___,.. -_,�. � ._ m_- ._.____v._._- __,__._.__.___..__ P rojectAp-------_ �---- __- F- _..___..__- .,_�.__ - -- --- __:..___-_, -___ ___ ___ _____.a___.,_ -__ -- Location Ward 1 Project Cla_ssific_ation Betterment Program/ Activity- ____._.W - - -- _...,..--------- ----- --- -__ __ u,._- _..._--- _-- _____.._._- ..__ - - - -i DC _ram/ Reference ___- .____. �RoadSe ment_No._________ __ Segment _ �ExpectedUsefulLife -- -`__ ...__ .____.___.,.,__.._.___... �.__ ___ - ...______._______._;___________ - _- __- __- -_ - - -_.. - - - -- ---- - ------ -- Pr.ectManager - - --- mm�- �VGeorg!A orn ----- - - - - -- ,---- L------------ --- - --- -_ - -__ -- a Project Version Department Sub - Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 142- 421 -15516 CCC - Fitness Equipment Replacement Ca itai Plan Year 2015 COM. SERVICES FAC. Description. oject Description:-- _ Partial replacement of fitness equipment according to the equipment renewal program: 2015 -1 Cross Trainer, 3 Treadmills, 2 Stationary Bikes; 3 Strength Machines 2016 -10 Spin Bikes, 2 StairMasters, 2 Strength Machines, 1 Stationary Bike 2017 - 3 Treadmills, 3 Cross - trainers, 4 Strength Machines 2018 - 3 Bikes, 7 Strength Machines, 7 Spin Bikes, 1 Treadmill, 1 StairMaster 2019 - 2 Cross - trainers, 2 Treadmills, 3 Spin Bikes, 3 Strength Machines Location. 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Expenditures Equipment 376 - Budget Total - _ , 2015 =2016 - 2017 2018 _- 2019 2020 T: 2021 Expenditures Total Funding Municipal tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 265,500 45,700 49,800 54,000 58,000 58,000 265,500 45,700 49,800 54,000 58,000 58,000 265,500 45,700x 49,800 54;000 58,000 58,000 _ :. 265,500 45,700 49,800 54,000 58,000 58,000 265,500 45,700 49,800 54,000 58,000 58,000 265;500 45,700 _49,800 54;000 58,000 58,000 Attributes . Attribute - Value Gommerit ueNaiuiic�ii - �vvrvi. X1=1 --- _-- _�,<_w- .�,_, --_L gym..:.- __- __,.._.n,...__- _,----- ...._ -- F Sub- Department _.,. - _ _ - - - r ! FAC. _ _ ._ n g t . - a _ _ _. _ „ _. __ _ _, _ Project Approval w. _ _ _, . , _ _.. i- _ mm . Location __� -�� -�� Ward1 ___ _ -.__ -� -- Replac_emment - _ _ -_ __ _- �_ �_ -_ _ _ _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Progra _m /Activity,...,..a...__.,..__ - j - ___ -__,_ _ -- __- __ -....� _.a _- ..__- ._..._M_..- _- __----- -_. - -€ _..1, - - iDCReferenceNo. ________ ____ _ RoadS_egm_ent_No . p -_ - __ -___ y.__ __ ___ ____ ___ ____ ______ _____a.__-- .______ - -_ 'Expected_ Useful Life______ __ __ _________- _,._..__f --- __--- __._�._.._- __ -- _ - -_ -I Project Manager � :_ __- __- Sharon Mere- T--- _-- _- __ -__.- i - -_, ...-- -- ---- -- -------- -.. - -i -, ....... ... i...... _ i 1 377 Municipality ofClarington Capital Projects - Project 142-421-15517 CCC - Water Whe6l Chair fersion ICapital Plan Year 12015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department- Project. Description' Additional water wheel chair for patrons with accessibility challenges. '-Total. -201.5 2016 2017 201B 02,11 Expenditures Equipment 2800 Expenditures Total ' _ � znumg Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 Funding Total Attributes __-_-___ ,Sub-Department �r !Project Approval F-__-____--_______-____ _______-____--_--____-____� ----------- _-____-____--______-_-_______-__-___________--/ 'Lnoouon 1 � -------- -------------------- --------------------------i ,Project Classification New --------_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / FIDC Reference No. --�------�-----------------------1"- --- -----------------------} rRoad Segment No. --------- ---------------------- �-------- --_---------------i __-____---_ ____-_-_______--_-____ -------------------------- ,Expected Useful ^ Life ' ' -_____-___ ___--_-_-__--____-_�___________________-___-__ Project Manager � ^ ' Aoom �----_____--�-�_-__-___--____--__-,_L -______-_-___-______---____` 378 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15518 CCC - Pool Change Room Counter Top Replacements Version Capital Plan Year 2015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Description - 3roject. Description:::- Replacement of the counter tops and sinks in the male, female and family change rooms. - 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 . 1 Funding Reserve Funds C/S Capital 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 Funding Total - 13,500 13,500 ',Department COM. SERVICES _ DU __ Sub-Department _ _ FAC. _.. a— _. __ ... Project Approval :_____— _ _ __________.._.___.____�..___� ____ �__,____ _ .____�__-- .._._I Lo_ca_tio_n__ __� ____ Ward ___ ___ _ _ Pr_ojectCla_ssification___—_M~ — h, --- ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — __---- ___M_____- - - - -;»—y_— _ — _ aA— _y— _— _M— _— _— — _y— _— _— — _— - -- — _ -- - �_—� Program /Activity - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - _______.. _. I >___n._— ...,_,_______._..,....._,__.__ — ; DCReferenceNo. __..____�...._._ - - -- - - ______ __ _______�� __ __ _ �_ _l __. w.___.__- ._....______________.._..._..i RoadSegmentNo. _____...,_.__%.______.._______..... M _..______ ___________„_______ __ lExpected Useful Life I _ ____ _____________ i _________ _________ Pr.jectManagerry� ______ wMGeorgeAcorn _������__ a____yl �____________ _ ____ ___�i _a _ s 9 Project rersion Department Sub - Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 42- 421 -15519 CCC - Lease Space Renovation - COAA I Plan ICOM. SERVICES FAC. Year 12015 379 Description` Project Description: This project involves the renovation of two existing spaces at the complex. The current multi - purpose room, kitchen and bar area w ill be renovated to create a satellite program facility for the Clarington Older Adults Association. Costs to include a separate entrance at complex front lobby, select demolition, interior renovation, internal accessible washrooms as well as mechanical and electrical modifications. The current lease space adjacent to the fitness gym w ill be renovated to provide department recreation programs that are currently located in the multi- purpose room. This designated space w ill accommodate the increased demand for active program space. Costs to include - selective demolition, interior renovations and minor mechanical and electrical modifications. This project also includes $25,000 for furnishings and equipment for the Community Services program space. NOTE To be financed to the maximum allowable extent possible from future development charges. Growth related cost, Location. 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 - Budget Total_ _2015 20167 2017 = 2018 =2019 _ 2020 2021_: Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total unding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Impact/Escrow Funds Funding Total 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000. 525 000 67,800 67,800 67,800 67,800 307,200 307,200 150,000 150,000 457,200 457,200 525 000 525 000 - — —_ � .._ Attributes Attribute Value : Gommeht Sub-Department ___ - - -- FAC'� Project Approval �Location Ward l Project Classification Betterment Program/ Activity eN ---------- — ._--_ —_ _ — y _ __ __ _y _ _ ___ ___ ________ _______ -- _-- _-________-- .--- ___ - -_ DC Refe ------------------ ---------------------- -------------------------- RSegment.. 1-- _ — __— _— __ ___ _______ _____ _—__ -- _____ --- _--- __-- _— ___ — --- _ Expected Useful LProj___ George �ectManager ,— — -- - — — --- ___________ _______—______ --- _____—___ 380 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15601 DSC - Natural Gas Refueling Station Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 Department COM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Description Project. Description: - -_ Replacement of the natural gas vehicle refueling system for the ice resurfacer. The unit is nearing the end of the useful life, with recent inspection supporting the need to replace this unit. Expenditures Equipment 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Funding Total , ; =20;000 2Q,Q00= — = Attributes = - 4ttn6uf`e- Value _ G.omment ` _w__.._ - _s..w�- _____�.._Y _ _ _x___..._,__.._._-_____ ub -De artment rFAC . s__.__�.____ - _ _-____�__ a m Project Approval --- __- _ i r�- - - WardLocaton___ f Project Classificationm-� -'- - � - 'Replacement »_�_____s _ - _ -_ - _-- .,.-- ____ -_Y -_ _ -- _V___� Program/ Activity _____ -_w - 6� _- ___-- ____,____ -___. I v .____.._____a___...__.._______. -( DC ------------------ Reference No. Yc µ _.__....__.__..__.,...__.__..____. �.�._._- ,_.__...___e.___......- Road S_e m_enf_No. _ l_ _ _ _ _ g _ _ -j ExpectedUsefulLife �_ �_ �_ �_ �_ � __�___._�_�- �_��_ -____ _ ���'���"° - ______ _______�l ProjectManagery��M��µ��GeorgeAcorn _____ _______� -�__r w___�_A______i _ - - 3 -- 0 381 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15602 DSC - Fire System UST Replacement jersion ICapital Plan Year 12015 Jepartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department IFAC. Description Project Description: Replacement of the 3,000 gallon underground well water storage tank. This tank services the fire fighting hose cabinets in the facility. This tank should be replaced prior to the resurfacing of the east parking lot, scheduled in the 2015 Operations Department submission. Location: _ 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, ON LOB 1 JO Budget Total 204.5 2016 2017 2018 2019 _ X020= 2021: Expenditures Equipment 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Expenditures Total 30,000" ending reserve Funds C/S Capital 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Funding Total 30,000 =' 30,000 = - Attributes Mribute Value'_ __ Comrrment - :=..,....... ,........... , Sub - Department FAC. _______ - --- - _ -____.- y _ _ _______ - --- -- tl Protect Approval f -_....___..___........_______ -___.._.__-- .- __a._--_--_______.._,..__ Location W. ard2 _- _- ___ _ _____f___ ___ a _________ __i _.______--- - ____-____ _ _.yu__t Project Classification Replacement Program /Activity __________�_ �DCReferenceNo. _.....__:.._____ ____._____._.,_ �_._____.,_..,___ �, _._._..___..- _-- .__.__�..____,_ RoadSegment _No. --------------- ___ ExpectedUseful - - -- - -' --- I-__.____ -- --------------------- -------------------------- F,Proj-- --ager _�- _____.__ „Georg --- __._._.__... _...__..._____ ________________ ...________,.I �..._______.......__.......,_ _....,_.._. €, Le. .._ .....___._.._._-- a -._______ - - -___. ....._..._---- ___..______...__z 382 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Purchase of a 20" walk behind scrubber for cleaning of dressing rooms, lobbies and arena floor (in off- season). Currently the facility is using an aging unit from the Rickard Complex. _ocaton = _ 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, ON LOB 1J0 7,500 7,500 Funding Total _ 7,500 - - -- 7;500 Attributes Mtribute -- Vaiue Comment L -JVYGI U I ICI II iSub- Department m, ... ...... FAC ProjectApproval _ ._„ _ .. __ _ _,. .`_ . a_ _. _u r_ ... w . __ _ ti .. .__ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w _ _ _ FLocation _ _ _ i ____„__ - --- __.,__s-- -__-_ __ _ !Project Classification 'New _ _ _ z s _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ Program /Activity _ �i_,. -___., -_.- ---_ -- _--- _n.�.,..a___� _.y_- _x- a.. -___- _ -_-.V._-_.....__-- DCReferenceNo� __ _____ t __ ______________ ____ __________ __ Road S_egm_ent_No. _ __ _ _ _M 1 ...,_M____.__....__ --- �.___r_____...._,.- - - - - ____,....._._ Expected Useful- __ _ ,,,_.__._-_ �,____.--- I- v_...---- _______s______e_.._ � ,Project Manager u w� - - - - - -- ;George Acorn_..._- ,...- .a_-____--_. L ___..,_. v ....-____---- @-__..._.. -__- -- 1 Km Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15604 DSC - Sidewalk Replacement and Sodding North Exit of Building "ersion ICapital Plan Year 12015 Jepartment COM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC, Description Project. Description: _ Replacement of deteriorated concrete apron and sidewalk at the north east end of the facility, including sodding as needed. This work will connect to east side sidewalk and provide improved access from the rear of the building. Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total coding dlunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 2%000 ' 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Funding Total 20,000 20;000 Attributes.: Attribute - Value Comment n,......4 ..,,...+ =rnnn ccoviI-cc - - Sub-Department _ _ _ _ T _ _ ;FAC. _I i €Project Approval I _ _ I ; ILocation - ° °'Ward2 - _____ -I _ __ __._ _____- _,.__ml..__.- - .___ -_.__ w .,_ w. ___- `ProjectClassifi - - - Betterm_e_nt_____ _ _ ____ _#. ------ ____.__M- _m- ___.�_. - __- _ ^_�.__ I L__- ___..__._.__- -_- -_, _ Program /Activity ,- _a_____ i - .ew.___ -__-_— w..- ....____��� �__M _ _______ _ __.- _Y ;DC Reference No. _ _ , r,-- -e Segment ---- _ -__ -- .._ a______, �_-___..-_--_-_ �_-..__ v. .___- _,__- _- ___a__- _..r,...____ 9 �.__ _ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ .._ - - - -__ _,__ _---____ �-_.._...._-_ _..-- ____- ___- _...__..a._.__..l Ex _pected_Useful Life __________ Project Manager----------- LG ----- ---------------Y L----- --- _-- _...__-- _.___.- _- ..x.__i 384 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15800 SCA - Ride On Scrubber Replacement Version Ca ital Plan Year 2015 I Department. ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department IFAC. Description Project. Description: Replacement on this unit that was originally purchased in 2007. The unit will be in 8th year of operation in 2015. The estimated useful life based on the types and amount of usage is 7 years. (EQUIP - FAC - 003) Expenditures Equipment 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds C/S Capital 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Funding Total 2;000 20;000 _ = ::.Attributes lAttriiute Value Commenf -_ Department _ `COM. SERVICES Sub - Department s n ~ ._ FAC. _ itojectApproval. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - _..m___ _ _. - - - - __.,M_ __. -- - __-- v-_,__. __ __________.__.__, ____._,-_ � .____.___._�.______s- _--- -_..._ Location -------------- Iward 1 _ _ c., -. __._._...._._.,_,__- _...,.._____,-- .e__,a___..._ Project Classification 'Replacement _ _ _ i s _ i w _ _ ` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1Pr_ogram(Activity_..._____. -__ � _�_._,_._w__.....___.r.___ - -- �._.___-- ,._._.___._�.., ___V y- ___........__ DC Reference No. m___ __u.___i x __ _____ _______ _ I ----------------- _____� LRoadSegmentNo -- mm - - q_ - � _ w______ __ ____R _. ____- _ _ �___�,__________ -I lExpectedU _se_fulLife________�_6 -10 �_ � ______ __ _______ - 'ProjectManagerM _� �� �_GeorgeAcorn - -- __ �_. �___y - ____- __- H.______ ___i 79 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -15801 SCA - Aluminum Doors - Partial Replacement rersion Ca ital Plan Year 12015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Description = 'roject Description:.. - Supply and installation of 6 new aluminum doors, including panic hardware and latches. For the doors entering Pad A and Pad B from arena lobby. The doors have deteriorated based on the use they receive. The current doors have twisted and hinge connections have failed. .ocation: _ `= 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 Budget Total 2015 2016` 2017 .'201.8" 201 9 -2020 - 2021.; Expenditures Equipment 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Expenditures Total 12,000 - 12;000 coding Reserve Funds C/S Capital 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Funding Total = = 12,000 12,000 Attributes= 'Wribute IValue - - Comment ,Sub-Department m�FAC. -- — — — .__-- -m ,___e____;__e___s ,__.______-- . ;Project Approval _ __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iLocation _ _ _ _ _ iWard 1 Project Classification Replacement , }..____,....,,.__,_..__..,_, __.__� _ ____,_ _ ____--._.___... ......,.._._— ....__ °__._..__ °.� Program /Activity �. — — -- _ _ — __.___i�_�_ _ _ _____ ___ _ _ ___w_________ - — _ __-___ ____ _______.___.________—_____ __ _ __- .__ _ = DC Reference No. __ _______ �_ _____________ ___ __ ___________ __ _ ____ _ Segment___ _____ __ _, __ —____ _________ __ _____m __ ________ __ — _ Expected Useful Life F, --------------- ctManag GeoeArn � l € i 386 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 142-421-15807 SCA - Rubber Flooring in Player Bench Areas - Replacement Version FCa ital Plan Year ! Department Sub-Department IFAC. escr SUppk/aOd install new [Vhbe[flOOriOgiO player bench areas OO Pad /\ and Pad B.TOinclude replacement Df any damaged plywood GUb'flOO[. 20i9--:7 2020 2021 Expenditures Renovation 8,000 aoOO 8,000 8,000 Expenditures Total ��\ouV�� �00 `�. Funding ` Municipal Tax Levy ' Municipal Tax Levy 0000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Funding Total 8.000_= AfftibLit ornmen F)Pnnrtmnnt SERVICES .-_-_-_--_____-_-__-_�___-____--_-_-_-_____-___-� !Project Approval ^..~~~. Ward __---____-______---_-___) '�C��~'a~^'`~~''____--_-_ - � -�- - '-----------------�-------------------�------( .��a.,..",.�� _________ __—_____-__ --- ____�_-_-�__--______-____--_________\ ~".==~,.~.,.. ----------------------- -------------------------- """"��"='`"�----------�----------------------�--------------------------1 ^ Life ` ' ___-__-___ ________--_-_-_____�_-___-______-______-_-___-� ]zm�o �ong,�___________y������r�________________-_______________ _________ --- ' Project 'ersion Department Sub - Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 42- 421 -15903 BIS - Recaulk Exterior Wall Panels Ca ital Plan Year 2015 COM, SERVICES FAC. 387 Description. Project Description: - In March 2014, Morrison Hershfield completed a building condition assessment for this facility. The purpose was to identify and assess existing building conditions and to identify remedial work that would be required in the future to maintain an excellent condition. In the report they identified failure with both interior and exterior sealants between the large precast panels that make up the majority of walls for the building. The construction system is designed to permit proper drainage at these panels. This failure is inhibiting proper drainage and left unrepaired will lead to premature deterioration of concrete wall. Location �= _ 2375 Baseline Road, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K3 :Budget Total 2015 2016: 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total anding Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts Funding Total 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Attributes:- = _ Attribute Comment _ .era " -- _.t _ _ Sub - Department I FAC. _, ____.._ >__..a_,u_._____.yl_.... Project Approval 17 _______ --_.__.__<_____ I_ -______ s_ u._________ -__ __ ___- a._..__._,____-.___- -____, _ LocationWard 1 — _ , _ -. _ __ _ _ _ — _ — F- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ s_ __ _,_ _____ ___ _.__ e___ ____� Project Classification Replacement `Program /Activity _ �_ -- — — — - — —____.._._— � .____._._„_____ -- s___.___ _____._. m. ____.,_.,,_�.___,.,,_____...__� Roads _egm_ent_No_._.,_<d_____..___� _.. __�,.- ..�---- _..._____.s._____� _._._,. _.__.-- _________....._____._.__ ExpectegmentNo- -- __�.,— _��_�_ __ _�_��____ _ ___ _ ____, __l _ .,.__________,.._____.,..__ Project Manager - - ---- -- _- 9--RT— Acorn______ — - .,_._____ _m______,...W=_— __w__._._._ -.,— � _ 388 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42- 421 -16804 SCA- Refrigeration Plant Main Controls Upgrade Version lCapital Plan Year 2015 Department [COM. SERVICES Sub - Department FAC. Description Project Description: Installation of 6000 SC Refrigeration Controls System for the arena operation. This upgrade includes state of the art technology for the effective and energy efficient operation of the ice plant. Through remote PC controls (computer included) this system, complete with a variable frequency drive condenser fan motor will provide floating head pressure capability. This permits efficient heat transfer at variable rates. Due to the improved efficiency of this system the Ontario Power Authority has been approving Save On Energy grant submissions. Staff will be researching this funding. Location:: 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 - Budget. = - Total 2015 2016 201 2018 =201, 9 2020 202.1_ Expenditures Equipment 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Funding Total 50;000 50',000 _ -- _ - -. A - _;. tfributes Attribute Value _ - _- Comment Department 'COM. SERVICES 'Sub - Department � -IFAC� Project Approval - .________,—.__ '_ Y_._ ...MS___- ._._._e__.uR_____.__Mj Location____- -- -___ -Ward- __ .... ._.v____.,_.r__- _._,_.,_._�____ �._,.-:_ _�.,_____�____.,_w.,_,_.l Project Classification m`Replacement _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ ,_ _ _ ._ — _ -- _, _ — , Program lActivity�m.'�__._..__�__ ��.�____..._,....w_� ..,h__�_�.__,...�._...��.__ x._...__ w:__�.en -..� DGReferenceNo. ___...__....,_._ . - .,_ ._____ _......___________.___e _ a..___ __.__ ___.__._..__�.______- ,.__._.__� �Road Segment _No. �_ __a____...,�i _.__.__.__.- .._______.,_.m �________— ExpectedUsefulLife __„_____ �....__..._________..___ �_ .- ,— ____._�._________...__ -____ ,Project Manager _ y �� ____.M- George'Acorn ®z_,_ _______ .w ..___. ..__.._..__________......__ -__� 389 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects ' Project 142-421-17501 CCC - Roof Top Unit #5 Library 'ono|mn Fc—apitai Plan Year 12015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department Project Description: Replacement of the Roof Top HVAC Unit that services the library area. This equipment was originally installed in 1997. For a number of years library administration has been concerned with the high humidity levels in the library during the hot and humid summer months. This replacement unit will have de-humidification capabilities and will be more energy efficient. This replace has been moved forward to coincide with the library expansion project. The cost will also include controls connection to the building automation system. unding Reserve Funds ' Federal Gas Tax Receipts Funding Total 40,000 40,000 40,000 42,000 Attributes Attribote ---------6AC,_ _-------------------r-------------- — - - - - - - - - - - - | -F _1___--_--_--__-_________-__� _-______-_______r_____-___--____-__-_______� -- - - - - - - ----------------�----------------------�---| 'Project . --------1-----------------------.------------------�-------| _______-_�______-___-_-_______�_____________-____-__-__--� ,DC Reference No. ____-__-_ _____-____-___-__-----�_--____________ --- -__-_____( Road Segment No. -------- -------------------F-------------------------- Expected Useful � L-' � ---------- ------------------- --------------------------i ' ' �oom ' � ��____=_--____-__--�-_-_____-__---_-_--L -__________-__________-_-_-' / 390 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 142- 421 -18502 CCC - Roof Top Unit #4 Library I Version lCapital Plan Year 2015 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub - Department IFAC. Descri p tlon - Project Description: Replacement of the rooftop HVAC unit that services the library office area. This unit was installed in 1997 and is being scheduled for replacement to coincide with the library expansion project. The cost will also include controls connection to the building automation system. _ocation: 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON LIE 2H8 Attriliutes< . Attribute - Value 11 Comment., - Dennrtment °COM. SERVICES `.Sub - Department �FAC. _ 'Project Approval_. _,__ .._ss __________.__ ..__,__. n._., -_ -- _,m._.a___.__x____.. -__I �__.-. _______�_ �Ward1 __ Location _ _ __ ____ a_- .�,_�_._ -. ___ ,_____ __�. _ _.__ .. _. w_.._.___.w_ ______ - — !Project Classification _!Replacement _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _.. .__ F_. _ _. _ w M - _ :. --- _ _ — _ _ _ — _ 1ProgramlActivity_._.__..�. -- -_ _. _._.. _____d_�._„.a.m,___...._- - --TM -� _ .__ __ ______ _j DCRef--- N_---- ______ _ _...�._.._.___..______...__�._. 3 —.__._. _._,_._--_..____.__._________ _RoadS_egm_ent_No_. _ ________i ___, ____..___ __ _________ _� _I �ExpectedUsefulLife � _______�.__________. ___ _____ 1 _______ Project Manager- _-Y __a_ „ - -I.;— George Acorn —N - - -M, -- r - -_ _— W________ — ____�,____ — � _ _ _ w _ J 2015 50 PLAN.SERVICES 130 ADMIN 50- 130 -10001 Land Acquisition Total 130 ADMIN Total 50 PLAN.SERVICES Total PLAN.SERVICES Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Fund Financing Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Funds Charges 820,000 (757,000) (63,000) 820,000 (757,000) (63,000) 820,000 (757,000) (63,000) 820,000 (757,000) (63,000) W �.o ti., 392 Municipality of Cl@riDgƒOD Capital Projects Project 150-130-10001 Land Acquisition `lersion Year / npa�n�ont ` Sub-Department Gr iption IProjeGt Description:.- Land Acquisition financial analysis 8Sapproved bV Council ODMarch 2.7007 | / n:.' Total 20,115: _2021 201.6 2017 201,8 2019 21020 Expenditures Land Expenditures Total / 'vnuing ' unicipai Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserves Municipal Acquisitions Funding Total 3,475,000 820,000 860,000 885,000 i 3,475,000 820,000 860,000 885,000 910,000 475,000 820 00V: 000 885,000 910, 000 3,223,000 757,000 797,000 822,000 847,000 3,223,000 757,000 797,000 822,000 847,000 252,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 252,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 Attributes Comment ueparimeni ' :, ���� ' ����-_-____---____--_--��-_-_--_-_____---__-__--_-- '� � ���^�� � ` _--__-__--__-_--�_-___----__-_-------------� 'Location _— ---'*w�_-_____---______-_-_�____---__--_-___----�-----/ ;Program/Activity --N_ .--- Segment No. , Life ,Project Manager 2015 62 LIBRARIES 440 LIBRARIES 62- 440 -05020 Library Technology 62- 440 -06100 Library Collection 62-440-15001 Library Studies Total 440 LIBRARIES Total 62 LIBRARIES Total LIBRARIES Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds _ Charges 80,000 110,000 55,000 (80,000) (24,286) (8,571) (77,143) (55,000) 245,000 (104,286) (63,571) (77,143) 245,000 (104,286) (63,571) (77,143) 245,000 (104,286) (63,571) (77,143) w w W Municipality ofC|aYingtoM 394 Capital Projects Project )onakon lCapital Plan Year Department Sub-Department FLIBRARIES Project Description. Library Technology such as replacement Ofthe integrated Library system /ILS\. network servers and computer upgrades and replacements. ' Bowm@nville' Clarke, COirtiCeand Newcastle Branches. udge 2015 -201.6 -26,17 2018 2619 2026- 2021: Expenditures Computer Hardware 140,000 35.000 35.00 35.00 35.000 Equipment 180,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 'Road Segment ____--__-�__-_______________-_-_ No.-__-_-_--- _-______-_-_____-___-_-___| Useful Life -_____----_-_________--__-_( '1'5 ,_�r2cted -- - - - - - ��,��'c���`-_-_____--__ Expenditures Total �320'0Vn'�����801000 �'.._�_-8u0,000 �����aViou6� F»»dinD Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 320000 80000 onoun 000uo uonno 320,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Funding Total 320,000 -80,000 80�000 80,000 8 0,000- ,Department -------- 'UanARss ` ' ----------------�------------------------�-1 'Sub-Department 'Project Approval Not�����___-__-_-__-__--�_-___--_-_----____-_-_____� Location--- ___--_-�_________-__-__-_----_�--_-__-_-_-_--_________-_-� P-------' Program/Activity ' C Reference No. -___-__-_-__-_._---_- ___-_-__--�_-_--_________-� 'MA� UNoR�NcM'BRARYAUTOMAT0N � _________--____--___--�________--_-______________/ 'Road Segment ____--__-�__-_______________-_-_ No.-__-_-_--- _-______-_-_____-___-_-___| Useful Life -_____----_-_________--__-_( '1'5 ,_�r2cted -- - - - - - ��,��'c���`-_-_____--__ - -F----------------------�-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] ____-_--___-_- _-__-_________-__/ / 395 Municipality ofClaringfQn Capital Projects Project 162-440-06100 Library Collection Version lCapital Plan Year Department Sub-Department FLI -BRARI ES Project Description: Library materials to cover expansion of collection materials and resources in response to population g[0VVfh. Various Library locations Expenditures Miscellaneous 440,000 110,000 11 110000 110,000 440,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Expenditures Total � ��11o�no���?y�mlo���-''2lu 000 i Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 97,144 24,286 24,286 24,286 24,286 97,144 24,286 24,286 24,286 24,286 Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 34284 8,571 8571 8,571 8571 34,284 8,571 8,571 8,571 8,571 Development Charges Public Library 308572 77,143 77,143 77143 77143 308,572 77,143 77,143 77,143 1 Fundin 11A000 A-10. ________ '_- ____-_____-_________-__-_--____� ``~ -------- --'''-- - ----- - - - - - - -------------- - - - - - ) _pgartment Project Approva '`~^�r�'``^~ ___-�_______-____-----_________| !Location -------- --------------------�--------------�---- -------i ' ~~` cation -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --� -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - { ' '��wBRANCH U ' 'za--��� -----�����-��- - CTION -----�'---------------------�----! ~..~~.~~~..^ - - --_-_-__________--__---_________-_-_________-_--( .~.. - -_--__-____-________--____________-_______-____\ ` Lh� ^84O -----------F------ ---------------- ------------------------� ,�LoL~����'`��_____--___�_-___-______--________ __-_-__-___--____-____` 39 6 Municipality ofC!aYiOgƒQn Capital Projects Project 162-440-15001 Library Studies �reion ICapital Plan Year Uepmrtmnent ILIBRARIES Sub-Department ILIBRARIES Descrip ion �Project Description: Strategic plans including service level and organization review | n:'�v�'�� u 99 al 2015 2017 2018 201b, -_�-,20201 2021, Expenditures Miscellaneous 55,000 55,000 Expenditures Total 5U00., ::551000 ;nding -�bsamnFvnds Library Capital ' 55,000 55,000 6 55,000 Funding Total 5_000 ���'�'���------------ ~~`^`~'---- --'---------�--'--------------------� -| 'uux*wEo ' ---------�----------------------�-'------------------'-'-'-( ,Project Approv~ ' __�___--_�--_-_'-_--_--_-_-_---��-----__-_--__----____---_-/ 'Location Project Classification New _-----_- /___-----_--------____-�_-__-_----_-__--_--_----'-� :Program/Activity --------------------------------�--------------------------i �DC Reference No. ,Roa Segment No. -______-__-_--__--_________/ . Ld� -- - - - - - - - --�----------------------�--------------------------i ��eqMz,�______-- ___ _L,__--__-.-- ____ ____ _---�______________--__- -_-__--� -/ Clarington Memo Clerk's Department If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Date: February 26, 2015 Subject: Special General Purpose &Administration Committee Meeting Agenda — February 27, 2015 — Update File: C05.General Purpose and Administration There are no changes to the Agenda for the Special GPA agenda for the meeting to be held on Friday, February 27, 2015. n4 Greentree, uni i al Clerk CAG/mc c: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads r 2015 Budget Presentation Gail Rickard, Chair Clarington Public Library Board BR2015 UDGETEQUEST 2014 Percent2015 Approved ChangeTotal Budget PersonnelExpenses$2,276,8780.66%$2,291,984 Other Expenses$735,4547.53%$790,816 Total Expenses$3,012,3322.34%$3,082,799 Non-Municipal Revenue($186,722)1.93%($190,320) Municipal Request$2,825,6102.37%$2,892,478 LCPC, 2013 IBRARYOSTSERAPITA Pickering$60.75 HaltonHills$59.88 Oshawa$55.39 Caledon$48.27 Cambridge$47.19 Belleville$40.56 Whitby$38.20 Milton$38.09 Ajax$35.27 Clarington$35.25 (Municipal Performance Measurement Program, 2013) 3 TBYY HEESTEARET 1.4 million visits 97.8% increase LV: 5-YT IBRARYISITSEARREND 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 20102011201220132014 In PersonWebsiteMobile App 64,000 eCircs 38.8% increase C: 5 YT EIRCULATIONEARREND 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 20102011201220132014 eBookseAudioeMagazines Cool Digital Tools Lynda Tutorials, Mango Languages, ZinioeMagazines Hands On Learning Lego iPad Movies, Paws to Read, PC Cooking School Special Events Mayor’s Gala, Winter WonderLearn, How-To in 10 Community Engagement Food for Fines, LakeridgeHealth Card, Local Events Core Services Collaborative Spaces, March Break, Summer Reading Club Core Services Instruction and Education Courtice Expansion Meeting Community Needs MYOLEGO M! AKEOURWNOVIE --"DurharAeion TFn i�t Uv Ontario Early Years ` BALD Launch and Accelerate Your Business CDCD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL DURHAM OUR PARTNERS 0 Lakeridge Clarington Museums Health 2,04WIM i6stypeyr- creep YCIM1009 %. Clarington Older A �qpt�,Agqoat!qq C0 UTIC.0 clp CAN Not. DURHAM REGION j COMMUNITY MME Society of Saint Vincent de Paul THE FIREHOUSE YOUTH CENTRE John Howard Society of Durham Region Presented to Council on February 27, 2015 th Developed by: Chris Newman –Firehouse Youth Centre Coordinator SUCCESSES OF 2014 2014 represented a very successful year for the Firehouse defined by new partnerships, programs and proactive involvement in the community COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Museum, VAC and COAARotary Club of Bowmanville •• DRPS/ProActionCops and Kids • Municipality of Clarington • CHRISTMAS DINNER 2014 ANNUAL EVENTS/FUNDRAISERS 2014 Fundraisers/Events: • Firehouse Christmas Dinner • Firehouse Battle of the Bands • Great Balls of Fire Charity Golf Tournament • Firehouse Fright Night • Boston Pizza Celebrity Server Night • Charity BBQ hosted by RBC • FUNDRAISERS/EVENTS DEFINING SUCCESS Yearly Visits 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Yearly Visits 1500 1000 500 0 2010 (1301)2011 (2050)2012 (2237)2013 (3128)2014 (3365) WHAT’S NEW FOR 2015? Run For Me, Run For Us • A weekly physical activity based program • Youth Safety Initiatives • Presentations developed and delivered in partnership with DRPS • Music Madness • Bi-monthly music lessons and jam space for local musicians • BHS After School Initiative • Weekly recreational and life skills based programming taking place at Bowmanville • High School YOUTH WEEK 2015 Shining the Spotlight on Clarington’s Youth 2015 BUDGET SUBMISSION When examining the 2015 budget submission, only minor changes have been • made in comparison to 2014: Requesting a Municipal funding increase of $2,200 (4%) • 1requested increase since 2012 st • Increase of over 1000 visits since that time • Works out to a $0.65/visit • Increase is being directly allocated to program supplies, staff training, and other direct • programming costs Expenditure increases are offset by a marked increased in fundraising dollars • Budget Meeting Presentation February 27, 2015 Who We Are Clarington Museums and Archives operates as a committee of council (Municipal Services Board) governed by a Council appointed board called the Clarington Museums and Archives Board. We are supported by the Municipality of Clarington, provincial and federal grants, our members and private corporate, community and individual donors and sponsors. What We Do We work to collect, preserve and present locally significant archives and artifacts that are the history and heritage of local villages and communities that comprise the Municipality of Clarington. Mission & Vision Our Mission To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programs that inspire future generations and enliven our community. Our Vision To be a vibrant community heritage hub where people come to discover, explore and create. 2015 Grant Request 2.5% Increase from 2014 $277,101 * 2015 CMOG Grant Planning Started Exhibits, Events, Programs & Outreach 3 Museums/Heritage Centre 3 Exhibits 7 Collaborative Events 9 Public Programs 6 Outreach Projects Targets for 2015 20142015 targetStrategy Visitors& 6,0408,000+Education/ Outreach Programming Earnedrevenue15%15%Secure Sponsorships Members8695Incentives Public Volunteer1,1381,500Volunteer hoursPlan *Not including Board Management Priorities Theme: Transition Museum Structure & Policy • Efficiency & Staffing • Municipality & Community Relations • Fundraising/Sponsorship & Marketing • Exhibit, Event & Program Planning • Community Collaborations Clarington Heritage Committee Architectural Conservatory of Ontario –Clarington Tourism & Recreation Board of Trade Public Library Visual Arts Centre Sports Hall of Fame Clarington Older Adults Centre Clarington Doors Open Big Brothers Big Sisters of Clarington Gift of Art Jury Lands Committee Orono Horticultural Society New Castle Village & District Historical Society Beach Street Theatre …..and others Sponsorship & Educational Programs 42% Increase in Visitors • (Nov 2014 -Feb 2015) Sponsorships • Educational Programming & Admissions Sponsors & Granters Municipality of Clarington Ontario Power Generation Ministry of Tourism Culture & Sport Hydro One TD Canada Trust Meridian Credit Union St Marys Cement Group Veridian Connections Ontario Arts Council Federal Government Province of Ontario HoopersJewellers Evergreen Farm & Garden James Insurance Royal Canadian Legion Clarington Presentation to Municipal Council February 27, 2015 Who We Are Community Care Durham is a registered charitable organization that currently provides 25 services categorized within Home Support, Respite (Caregiver Relief) and COPE Mental Health & Specialized Geriatrics Services to adults and their caregivers who have needs related to aging, physical and/or mental health. What We Do Our Mission “Community Care Durham helps people live at home with a network of support in caring communities.” What We Seek To Accomplish “ To ensure adults and their caregivers, with needs related to aging, physical and/or mental health, who live in Durham Region, have equal access within each local municipality to the range of services offered by Community Care Durham.” Funding (Approximate) Central East LHIN (78%)  Client Fees (15%)  Fundraising and Donations (3%)  United Way (2%)  Other (2%)  Our Services More than 2,000 volunteers (providing over  140,000 hours of service annually) and approximately 250 staff serve over 8,000 individual clients (more than 14,000 across all services) across Durham Region annually through: Our Services (cont’d) Access to Primary Care  Adult Day Services  Assisted Living Services (ALS)  Collaborative Health Intake Program (CHIP)  Congregate Dining  COPE Mental Health –Group Support  COPE Mental Health –Individual Support  Exercise Clinics  Falls Prevention Clinics  Foot Care  Home At Last (HAL)  Home First Initiative  Our Services (cont’d) Home Help  Home Maintenance  Information and Referral  In-Home Respite  Long-Term Emergency Avoidance Program (LEAP)  Luncheon Out  Meals on Wheels –Hot  Meals on Wheels –Frozen  Psychogeriatric Community Support Program (PCSP)  Supportive Housing Services  Telephone Reassurance  Transportation (including Accessible Van)  Volunteer Visiting  InClarington …. We have 4 programs across 2 sites: Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex  houses the Home Support, COPE Mental Health and Adult Day Programs Wilmot Creek community houses the  Assisted Living Services -Clarington InClarington …. In 2013-2014 Total Number of clients –1674 Total Number of volunteers –508 3,052 hours of support to COPE clients  2,280 luncheon out meals at 5 sites across  Bowmanville, Courtice, Newcastle and Orono 15,016 one-way drives  InClarington ……… 195 clients received friendly visiting  1,324 hours of social interaction for 68  Adult Day Program members 174 clients supported with  home help and maintenance InClarington ……… 19,912 hot & frozen meals delivered • with 10 routes across Courtice, Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Wilmot Creek and Bowmanville InClarington ……… 501 clients received foot care at • community sites St. Paul’s United Church, Rehoboth • Christian Reformed Church, Salvation Army-Bowmanville Faith United Church –Courtice • Parkview Apartments –Newcastle • Orono Seniors Complex –Orono • Wheelhouse –Wilmot Creek • Thank you for caring… Community Care Durham Clarington (905) 623-2261 www.communitycaredurham.on.ca Clarington Older Adult Centre Board Budget Presentation Membership Comparison 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Visit Summaries Financial Income Revenue Budget 2015 Grants (Fed/Prov)46,400 Municipal Grant 310,000 Membership 39,000 Registrations172,900 Fundraising 68,200 Other 83,400 (Rentals, Advertising, Catering, Don.) TOTAL 719,900 Financial Expenses Expense Budget2015 Salaries / Benefits378,000 Facility Rentals 8,500 Office Supplies20,000 Advertising 20,000 Maintenance48,000 Other (Program, Catering, Fund, HST)210,400 Building Utilities35,000 TOTAL 719,900 Volunteer Updates • 232 Registered Volunteers • Registered over 21,000 Volunteer hours in 2014 Value of $357,000 Thank you … p A J Aw 4m 4do, • Op -qm v - ..- Ow CI 03 C 1 v�; �_ 17ff== OF::= It A.I re 0 I L-. im ii.i�• l*` a _ Y -glow AO fi0. lob - J 0 0 � 45 01* r / �����}��:. 7: . � { � ��: \� . �_ \ \� � \�y . ` � J �� - _ .R4©� ,� [ ���~ � �^J I.Aff" , �: f W It Alk q Rai "NOW, 7-N il. I WOO As - J 4 W or ll� 401' 0 ...4 ..4 MEMORIES ES F-�11'�1bY I r fis .v I �3 174 I 1 r �i, ro 0.,0 —-.- 21 - fo 1 AIM IV -P 4 � 4 w, -r4,fir- 1 Zvi 14t /�► • n ...' w %A b -Ca-M, 1 , 1 • Ian �,. a� 1 � S O ,► - m I i Mw J Wil ■ F A, 4 w ;.� �4 � �� !,�t r� s N r �� 1 e a � - js�t +w AN 1 r. ��. swim AN 1 r. �� 1�� C� I I� 1 1 1 1 1 1 � I �� � ;�. 1 I 14 1 i l� l' IV�i: f E' f-�i-l:iS ' � t i :1 ;f'��' Y I 'Y e, Rd& .&-' I VIO - � kla gift. vl� qQ6 I w IL '46 lop VL IML IL m&. IL Is I& I& WL 4 � s �o bk �4 to 'A E. •7" 7". :.A`' v 0 r 3 �T L�� 'tea !.•. /• 'Y.. �b„4R ., r - ♦+ .? ✓`, dA. \�l * _!'. - .:. �, ' ' '� r i -moi I � FF I !• !1f • � ,n: •Fye '•- r yi AA ' 1m .. iii - i f. I �1 I` # F oel 1 r 4 /* PW vl o7;;k I ;., %- .0- i 0 RIP r• _ 1l F � i ' i • �� > AOL IL f 1�t 2 • <"� f4 �-._=• Fti - - per. 7 k �. -�ict,`�'',- 61= ~� � �� - , i'�.-� �\ rhlb7l, iFTT ii"" � f t •t 'r •� • ' 1. ' AM' I t �:�� • +�.; ,.mea,: ,.d _� '�� ' log I 0 --TAPP,, a "I. 1� Mao Ie PO t, IS net INW a P.M.12 Via CIA, F -AW L24 O'l OIL �*j1A'�,Y7A' kc AP -4, OIL �*j1A'�,Y7A' 0 kavx,z otx 00 . 2015 BUDGET OVERVIEW st Friday, February 27, 2015 Important High Level Facts •1% tax levy = $454,000 •1% on an average household = $11.85 •Average assessed value of home for Clarington for 2015 budget (year three phase in) = $285,800 FINANCIAL INDICATORS BMA STATISTICS Average Household Income Municipality2013 Estimated AverageRating Household Income Caledon$129,199High Milton$117,930High Whitby$116,550High Pickering$114,188High Newmarket$113,616High Ajax$106,088High Clarington$103,461High Port Hope$ 83,044Mid Oshawa$ 82,838Mid Niagara Falls$ 73,145Low GTA Average$114,353High Survey Average$ 93,038Mid Net Municipal Levy per Capita Selected Municipalities Municipality2014Levy Per Capital Upper & Lower Milton$ 980 Newmarket$1,215 Ajax$1,246 Clarington$1,332 Whitby$1,439 Caledon$1,459 Port Hope$1,494 Oshawa$1,495 NiagaraFalls$1,563 Pickering$1,645 GTA Average$1,360 Survey Average$1,397 Net Municipal Levy per Capita Clarington Trends YearCombinedGTAStudy Average Average 2005$ 836$1,003 2006$ 930$1,025$1,025 2007$1,067$1,143$1,121 2008$1,094$1,202$1,163 2009$1,134$1,185$1,167 2010$1,145$1,208$1,228 2011$1,220$1,248$1,283 2012$1,304$1,338$1,367 2013$1,268$1,322$1,348 2014$1,332$1,360$1,397 Property Taxes as a Percentage of Income Municipality2014 Average %of Relative Residential TaxesHousehold Ranking Income Milton$ 3,3372.8%Low Caledon$ 4,4943.5%Low Clarington$ 3,8653.7%Mid Niagara Falls$ 2,7303.7%Mid Newmarket$ 4,3033.8%Mid Whitby$ 4,6774.0%Mid Pickering$ 4,7954.2%High Ajax$ 4,5674.3%High Port Hope$ 3,6704.4%High Oshawa$ 3,8544.7%High How each $100 of Clarington Local Levy is utilized in 2015 Draft Budget HOW EACH $100 OF CLARINGTON LOCAL LEVY IS SPENT IN 2015 DRAFT BUDGET OPERATIONS* $21.33 FIRE SERVICES $20.09 CORPORATE SUPPORT $14.34 CAPITAL FINANCING $11.30 RECREATION FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS $9.52 LIBRARY $5.32 COMMUNITY PLANNING $4.36 WINTER MAINTENANCE $3.46 ENGINEERING SERVICES $2.83 TOURISM AND COMMUNICATIONS $1.70 CULTURE $1.62 MUNICIPAL LAW AND PARKING ENFORCEMENT $1.25 ANIMAL SERVICES $0.96 CROSSING GUARDS $0.70 DEBT SERVICING $0.59 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $0.40 COMMUNITY GRANTS $0.18 BUILDING INSPECTION $0.05 * INCLUDES ROADS, PARKS, CEMETERIES, BUILDINGS, STREETLIGHTS & SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE ETC. Budget Deliverables •Assumption that service levels be maintained •Picking up provincial downloading (i.e. AODA, Ontario One Call, etc.) •Core services provided by each departments such as: –Animal services –Protection of citizen’s interests through both bylaw enforcement and parking enforcement –Cemetery services Budget Deliverables •Provision of eight major recreation facilities, including rinks, pools, fitness opportunities along with related recreation and aquatic programming ($172.6 million in assets) •Support for community development through grants, community workshops and community resources •IT services whereby residents can perform many desired functions electronically and access information 24/7 •Communications resources to our residents to keep them informed of important issues and opportunities Budget Deliverables •Fire protection and prevention ($30.6 million in assets) •Emergency Response and planning •Safe design of roads and infrastructure •Provision of valued parks and infrastructure ($32.3 million in assets) •Protection of residents own investment in their properties through both ensuring developer installed infrastructure is appropriate as well as inspection services for private infrastructure Budget Deliverables •Public accountability for municipal assets through robust budget practices, investment policies, financial reporting, risk management and insurance protection •Protection of the municipality/taxpayer interests through minimizing exposure to legal liability and promoting corporate objectives •Maintenance of roads (year round), parks, sport fields, cemeteries, buildings, streetlights, sidewalks($497 million in assets) Budget Deliverables •Land planning for sustainability and prosperity of residents including managing growth in a responsible fashion •Managing development approvals to meet community objectives •More specifically in 2015: –Finalization of full time fire services in Newcastle –Focus on Accessibility for Ontarians Budget Deliverables •Increased focus on capital infrastructure renewal (particularly roads and related infrastructure) •East beach washroom facilities as a new level of service •Emergency Standby generator for community safety •Fleet renewal •Street lighting service level increases •New park facilities Budget Deliverables •Expanded sidewalks and trails •Expanded space for Older Adult Services •Increased level of service for library hours in Courtice 2015 Budget Overview •Currently at 2.95% after growth has been applied at 1.78%, including external agencies, without options •1% is approximately $454,000 •Increase on average house (valued at $285,800) approximately $11.85 per each 1% •$35 for an average house for Clarington portion of tax bill, plus any options selected Looking forward to 2016 Increased tax support to capital –Asset Management Wage settlements and benefits Address contributions to reserve funds Staffing pressures to maintain service levels COAA future directions and increased space Fire master plan recommendations New development charges by-law Continued monitoring of cash flow on indoor recreation DC debt Strategic Plan Implications Budget Impact Summary •Schedule “A” items included in recommendation #2 of Report unless specifically deleted/amended •Schedule “B” items require specific resolutions to consider each item individually or specific items Committee wishes to move on •Schedule “C” -External agencies require specific resolutions