HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-18 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting November 18, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Angela Tibbles Kim Vaneyk Bonnie Seto (arrived at 7:30) Councillor Hooper Karin Murphy David Reesor Tracey Ali REGRETS: Ruth Goff (ex-officio) Victor Suppan Robert Malone Tenzin Gyaltsan Joe Earle STAFF: Faye Langmaid Brandon Weiler A. Tibbles welcomed all to the meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 14.30 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Tracey Ali, THAT the agenda be adopted. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 14.31 Moved by Tracey Ali, seconded by David Reesor THAT the minutes of the Meeting of October 21, 2014 be accepted. 1 | Page BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) F. Langmaid reported that there have been recent news articles on Camp 30, including one in the Toronto Sun. Marilyn Morawetz received an award at the ACO awards dinner in Toronto in early November. The structural engineer has been on site and inspected the four buildings that were recommended for further analysis by the architect. It appears that the buildings are in good shape. The architect and structural engineer will be reporting to the Foundation at their next meeting. The Foundation has also submitted their charitable status paper work. The Jury Lands Foundation next meeting will be November 25, 2014. Designated Property Owner Outreach There are some outstanding visits to be conducted by various committee members. Some reports have been submitted since the last meeting. Generally the impressions are positive, plaques are in place for the most part, most residents do not have their by-laws so appreciated receiving one. Most were happy to hear about the heritage incentive grants. Municipal Register Discussion There were a few members absent and not all of the property owner outreach visits had been conducted. The discussion was deferred to the next meeting hoping all the visits would be completed and more members would be at the next meeting. REPORTS from OTHER COMMITTEES (community improvement plans, etc.) Bowmanville CIP No news to report. Orono CIP No news to report. Newcastle CIP No news to report. ACO, Clarington Branch Annual General meeting to be held in January. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society (NVDHS) The fall newsletter has been published. F. Langmaid advised that the Clarington Heritage Committee is a member of the NVDHS and that the committee does receive a copy. The summer and fall newsletters will be scanned and sent out to the Committee members. Museum B. Seto reported that Michael Adams has been appointed the new executive director at the Museum. He brings a wealth of knowledge from previous positions and 2 | Page they are excited to welcome him. The Edwardian Christmas open house will be on December 5, 2014 from 7 pm 9 pm and admission is free. Heritage Week Committee A. Tibbles reported that the Heritage Week Committee has decided to change the date of Heritage week from February to August. Heritage Week thth will be from August 10 to the 17. See attached Heritage Week Committee Report for details. CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL Council extendedthe appointment of members to all Committees of Council until new members are appointed at a later date. F. Langmaid reported that the target of March 2015 for new committees to be appointed, a report will be going forward in January to address the process. The continuation of the existing committees is anticipated to end at the same time. F. Langmaid received an e-mail from Bert Duclos at the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS) about training opportunities. Mr. Duclos indicated that he organizes training sessions around the time when new committees are appointed and wondered if been appointed and there is no firm date on when that will happen this information was passed along to the committee for information. T. Ali and A. Tibbles indicated they went to a training session at the beginning of this term of the committee and they found it very informative and useful. A request was received from David Crome, Director of Planning Services, for a member of the Clarington Heritage Committee to attend a density round table workshop being hosted by the Municipality as part of the Official Plan review. T. Ali indicated that she would be interested in going as the representative from the committee. PROJECT REPORTS Barn Book Project Many of the calendars have been sold. A report on sales numbers will be presented at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS Accomplishments by the Committee this term F. Langmaid reviewed project possibilities that were identified by the Heritage Committee in 2007. Many of those projects carried over to the work that the current Heritage Committee has been able to undertake and 3 | Page successfully complete. A full list of the accomplishments of the Committee are found in attachment 2. After recapping the accomplishments of the Committee many members indicated how successful they thought this Committee has been. One of the regrets of the members was that only one property was designated during the current term. The members would have liked to be able to get more property owners interested in designating their properties. Chair Angela Tibbles announced that she will be taking on other responsibilities in January and has asked Tracey Ali the Vice-Chair to assume the role of Chair until the new committee is appointed and elections can happen. Angela expressed her gratitude to committee members and staff. 302 Given Road: The Belmont B. Weiler reported that the property is currently owned by a developer and that it is staffs understanding that they will be looking to sever the dwelling from the property in advance of the subdivision proceeding. This will allow the dwelling, which is currently vacant, to be sold and hopefully restored. Staff is waiting to receive a complete heritage impact assessment for review. It is expected that it would be brought to the Committee at some point in the new year. Community Heritage Ontario (CHO) Membership Renewal F. Langmaid advised that the membership for CHO was up for renewal and advised that there was funds in the budget to cover the renewal. 14.32 Moved by Karen Murphy, seconded by Bonnie Seto That the CHO membership be renewed at a cost of $75 David Reesor moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: Jan 20, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C Attachments: Attachment 1: Heritage Week Committee Report Attachment 2: Accomplishments of the Heritage Committee between 2010 and 2014 4 | Page Attachment 1 Heritage Week 2014 Working Group Report to C.H.C. November 18, 2014 The group met on Friday November 14 with representatives from the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (Clarington), Clarington Heritage Committee, Clarington Museums and Archives, Newcastle Village & District Historical Society, Visual Arts Centre, Municipal Planning and Communications staff in attendance. Alternative dates for Heritage Week At the March wrap-up meeting, the view was expressed that attendance at various 2013 and 2014 Heritage Week events had been severely affected by February weather. spring or summer. A comprehensive list of events scheduled May through September 2015 had been circulated prior to the meeting. After careful consideration, the week of August 10 to 17 was selected (Monday to Monday). Weather should be fairly reliable for outdoor activities. Reservation of Art Display Areas The Art exhibits in the Library Mezzanine, main M.A.C. hallway and area surrounding the stairs to Council Chamber had been well received during Heritage Week 2014. Availability will be checked for the months of July, August and September. Subject to availability, Eric Bowman and Todd Tremeer will be invited to display work. (It was subsequently determined that only the Library Mezzanine was available. The space has been booked and Mr. Bowman has agreed to undertake a display of his work). Banner/Flags There was discussion on the value of purchasing another banner or replacing it with several flags (to be installed outside municipal buildings in various locations in Clarington). It was decided to replace the banner (using funds remaining in the Heritage Week account). There was general agreement that it should be longer, if possible. All design elements (other than date) will be unchanged. 5 | Page Activities for Heritage Day, Monday February 16 2015. agreement that The Ontario Heritage Trust Awards will be presented as close as possible to Heritage Day, and letters of appreciation will again be sent to all owners of designated properties. Theme All were in agreement on the importance of a unified theme for Heritage Week. This had proved very useful in 2014. A number of suggestions were made, includi Then and Now. As several key members of the Working Group were not present, it was decided to defer this decision to the next meeting. Working Group Chair The out-going Chair, Angela Tibbles, had earlier suggested that Heritage Week 2015 be chaired by a representative of a group other than the Heritage Committee (the Week being an inter-agency event). Bob Malone indicated that the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society is giving this proposal consideration. Next Meeting The next meeting will be on Thursday January 29, 2015. 6 | Page Attachment 2 Accomplishments this term (2010-2014) Heritage Week 2013 and 2014 participation. Heritage Incentive Grants 2013 and 2014. Letters to Heritage Property owners thanking them their contributions to protecting heritage resources, sent for Heritage Day (Feb) 2012 2014. Launch of Clarington Heritage website March 2012 (soft launch to owners of designated properties) and fully up and running later in 2012. Items continue to be added to the website. Display and education/engagement at Orono Fair, 2013, 2014 and Doors Open 2012 - 2014 Barn research initiative Photographing, writing of sections, display of photographs during Heritage Week, 2014 and at Orono Fair in 2014, 2015 calendar published and being sold -- Work is ongoing. Instrumental in identifying the 407 Salvage Process for heritage resources from buildings that were going to be removed. Connecting current heritage property owners with materials and providing some networking opportunities as a bonus. Committee members undertook to visit designated property owners to ensure information on website is current and to reach out to property owners about heritage incentives (i.e. Grants) 2014. Walking Tours (by others) Bowmanville, Tyrone, Newcastle. Up on heritage website (Newcastle coming soon). OHT Nominations/Awards 2011-14 recognizing 10 individuals and 1 group. Comments on Official Plan for OP Amendment #77 (the urban design amendment and when revisions required after Heritage Act, 2005 were included). This OPA is now in force. Additional comments have been provided to the OP Review. Designation of 20 Horsey Street. 7 | Page Providing comments and advice on proposed alterations to designated heritage buildings or propose proposed buildings adjacent to heritage resources (e.g. No Frills and Shoppers Drug Mart in Newcastle, Bowmanville Sr. Public School, etc.) Provide comments and advice on the refurbishment of The Walbridge House. Worked through the process of updating the designating by-law on 210 King Avenue West in Newcastle. Reviewed and provided recommendations on all heritage permits and alteration applications that came forward during this term. 8 | Page