HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-21 Minutes Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes of Meeting October 21, 2014 Members Present: Angela Tibbles Kim Vaneyk Bonnie Seto (arrived at 7:20) Councillor Hopper Tracey Ali Tenzin Gyaltsan (arrived at 7:15) Karin Murphy David Reesor Joe Earle Regrets: Ruth Goff (ex-officio) Victor Suppan Robert Malone Staff: Faye Langmaid Brandon Weiler A. Tibbles welcomed all to the meeting. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest None declared. Adoption of Agenda 14.27 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by David Reesor, THAT the agenda be adopted. Carried Adoption of Minutes 14.28 Moved by Tenzin Gyaltsan, seconded by Joe Earle THAT the minutes of the Meeting of September 16, 2014 be accepted. Carried Presentation Joe Earle gave a presentation on heritage conservation and sustainability. The presentation focused on how common perception may not see these items as linked but the reality is the two are very closely linked. A change in mindset is needed so these issues are considered together moving forward. 1 | Page Business Arising Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) - The Municipality approved $45,000 during the budget review to retain an architect to conduct a structural analysis on the buildings. F. Langmaid advised that the architect has completed the structural analysis of the six buildings (Jury House, Natatorium, Kiwanis House, Triple Dorm, Infirmary and Cafeteria). The buildings are in relatively good condition and the roofs of the buildings are in surprisingly good shape given what has occurred over the last six years. The architect recommended that a structural engineer review three of the buildings (Jury House, Triple Dorm, and Kiwanis House). A quote for the structural engineer was received and is within the approved budget. The next step will be to hire a structural engineer to provide a report on the three buildings. The Jury Lands Foundation have applied for charitable status and a next step will be to discuss and identify a fundraising strategy. The Jury Lands Foundation next meeting will be October 30, 2014. Ontario Heritage Trust Nominations - The nominations have been submitted. Designated Property Owner Outreach - There are still some outstanding visits to be conducted by various committee members. Generally the experience has been very positive, plaques are in place, most residents do not have their by-laws so appreciated receiving one. Most were happy to hear about the heritage incentive grants. The discussion regarding overall thoughts and experience was moved to the November meeting to allow members to finish visiting all the properties on their list. Municipal Register Discussion - This discussion had been deferred so that results of the designated owner outreach can be finalized. 210 King Avenue, Newcastle - F. Langmaid toured the property and advised that the work being completed is very good quality. The owners were happy to save the old windows as many of them were made of American Chestnut which is very rare. The owner also advised that the front windows were not the original windows and that having them in front of the new windows would not be visually appealing; however, they would keep the windows in storage with the other windows. Reports from Other Committees (Community Improvement Plans, etc.) Bowmanville CIP - The committee discussed how incentive grants were distributed. One suggestion was to have the grant funds be divided over the year, having two intake times, allowing for projects that come forward later in the year to have opportunity for funding. This would be more of a comparison of the value of the grants than the first come first serve basis that is currently employed. Another suggestion was to reduce the percentage of grants, for example change to 25% from 33% funding to the maximum. This idea was generally not supported as majority of projects exceed the maximum funding and this would have little to no impact on creating additional funding for more projects. 2 | Page There was a good discussion on accessibility and the members agreed that time needs to be spent with merchants on how they can meet accessibility standards, and that it is not always physical improvements that are possible. While the building code grant helps on the physical aspect it is not possible in all of the buildings and very costly to accomplish. There was a suggestion that accessibility issues be dealt with under a separate grant and not under the building code grant or that accessibility issues be addressed separately from the CIP grants and include design assistance and education. Orono CIP - Movie requests will be dealt with like special events permits moving forward. be forming a response group to movie requests in Clarington. The Region film office will assist with promoting the various venues throughout the Region. The grant funding formulae was discussed and members felt that given the demand and value of projects in Orono the current way of approving grants should remain as is. Getting quotes for redoing the signs for Sid Rutherford at the entrance to the walkways. The Municipality has the rights to the artwork from Petrus Boots and we will be asking a local sign company to reproduce the sign with a photographic technique. There was discussion on the accessibility of Town Hall and a request for a centre railing up the stairs or a more stable way for members of the public to approach the stairs. Also, the Post Office needs an automatic door opener and new flagpole and flag. The intersectio people make these movements which is highly dangerous. Faye followed up and it is a Regional Road so the Municipality cannot place electronic speed monitors. Newcastle CIP - While not finalized the Streetscape Study was discussed and concerns of accessibility were raised, including raising sidewalks. Costs of implementing the plan and signage were also discussed. The Walbridge House is being restored and the exterior work has been completed. The interior work continues but the work on the project so far is very well done and the house looks great. The allocation and ways of providing grants was discussed. The idea of altering the percentages of grants was discussed to provide funding for more projects (similar to . This idea was not supported as majority of projects exceed the maximum funding and this would not provide opportunities for additional projects. Members expressed a need for more funds in Newcastle and Bowmanville as they see a lack of funding delaying improvements. 3 | Page restore the brick underneath. A CIP grant was issued for the property. Brookhouse Condominium sales office is now open. Service club signs were replaced and the Region is being consulted for a proper location to locate them. Some discussion on making a request to use the electronic sign at the new fire hall to advertise community events. The old fire hall has had environmental testing done on it and is in the process of being rezoned. No determination of being declared surplus and sold has been made. ACO, Clarington Branch - T. Ali reported that the booth at Applefest was very successful. A very strong interest in the Jury Lands and what is happening with the Foundation. Many other inquiries about grants and heritage in general. Donations received were approximately $100. The annual general meeting will be held in January. Marilyn Morawetz was nominated for the ACO awards and she was selected. Marilyn will receive the award at the ACO awards dinner in Toronto. A press release was sent out and the ACO is excited for Marilyn and to have her represent Clarington at the awards. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society (NVDHS) Would like to create a tourism profile for Lakeshore Road. F. Langmaid advised a road cannot be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act but municipalities can have provisions in their Official Plan to ensure routes and vistas are preserved. The Newcastle Self-Guided Walking Tour brochure is complete and ideas of reproducing a version of it to use as a fundraiser are being discussed. NVDHS will hold a General Meeting on November 4 in one of the basement rooms of the Newcastle Community Hall. The meeting will feature a presentation by Sher Leetooze of her new book about nurses in World War I. Museum - B. Seto reported that the final interviews are being held for a new executive director. Hoping to have someone in place by the end of November. The Harvest Dinner was cancelled due to low ticket sales. A new exhibit has opened th commemorating the 100 anniversary of World War I, focusing on the contributions of the residents of Clarington. The exhibit is free thanks to funding received from different organizations. Correspondence and Council Referral Council extendedthe appointment of members to all Committees of Council until new members are appointed at a later date. A. Tibbles described how disappointed and shocked she was with this decision. The committee members who volunteer their time to committees were not consulted prior to making the decision. Her feelings, which were shared by some members, were that committees and acted disrespectfully by assuming that current members would continue to sit on committees, for an undisclosed period of time, until new members are appointed. 4 | Page Points were also raised about Council assuming members would continue their current roles on committees and how that could lead to some committees not having quorums or the work of some committees not being productive as any meeting could be their last. It was asked that Council be made aware of the issues the members raised. Project Reports Barn Book Project The calendars have been distributed to a number of stores to sell. Kim will provide an update on the amount of sales at the November meeting. New Business Municipal Register Symposium (Cobourg) V. Suppan circulated an e-mail with his summary prior to the meeting. B. Weiler provided an overview of the symposium and discussed how Whitby, Cobourg and Markham approved their registries. The differences in the public engagement approaches were discussed as well as some of the experiences with how properties and inquiries are dealt with once on the register. Budget F. Langmaid advised that the 2014 budget was not exceeded. 14.29 Moved by Karen Murphy, seconded by Tracey Ali That the 2015 CHC budget be submitted as follows: Membership $150 Conferences, workshops and other education opportunities $500 Miscellaneous $350 David Reesor moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: Nov 18, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 5 | Page