HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-8-88 DN: 8-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, January 4, 1988 REPORT #: PD-8-88 FILE #: 18T-76011 SDJECT: PROPOSED REVISIONS AND EXTENSION TO DRAFT PLAN APPROVAL PENWEST DEVELOPMENTS PART LOT 9, CONCESSION 1, BOWMANVILLE FILE: 18T-76011 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-8-88 be received; and 2. THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the proposed redline revisions, prepared by Conroy Dowson Planning Consultants Limited, Project No. 75-17-5 and dated September 28, 1987 as further revised by Staff and attached hereto; and 3. THAT the conditions of draft approval be amended to include a provision that the Owner covenants and agrees to provide a cash contribution equivalent to Fifty Percent (500) the cost of extending Street "G" immediately abutting Lots 189 and 204 as shown on the revised draft plan; and 4. THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs be advised that the Town of Newcastle would have no objections to the extension of draft approval of Plan of Subdivision 18T-76011 for a further one (1) year period to January 23, 1989. . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD-8-88 PAGE 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: It is noted for the Committee's information that Council, at a meeting held on January 23, 1984, endorsed the following resolution: "It is respectfully recommended to Council that: 1. THAT Staff Report PD-39-84 be received; and 2. THAT the attached by-law be approved; and 3. THAT Staff not clear conditions of draft approval in respect of Plan 18T-76011 until such time as the detailed location of Street 'IF" and boundary descriptions have been resolved to Council's satisfaction." Staff would note that the above by-law in question was the zoning amendment in conjunction with draft plan of subdivision 18T-76011. As Committee may recall, the neighbours to the west of the proposed development, Mrs. VanderVeer and Mr. Mutton both expressed their objections to the north/south road (Street 'IF,') to Concession Street. Mrs. VanderVeer's preferred solution, at that time, was the removal of the proposed future road entirely from her lands or to, at least, provide that it be located half on her lands and half on the developers. Alternatively, she would not object to the acquisition of these lands by the developer, thus eliminating the problem. As noted in Staff Report PD-39-84, Staff are sympathetic to the concerns identified by Mr. Mutton and Mrs. VanderVeer and would suggest that, while certain commitments have previously been made through draft plan approval and these commitments reflect a draft pattern which respects the development potential of all the lands within the neighbourhood without regard for land ownership, there is room for negotiation on this point. However, the underlying assumption must be that vacant and developable lands be developed in accordance with the optimal subdivision design. It is noted for the Committee's information that the revised plan submitted on behalf of Penwest Development Inc. proposed, in addition to the proposed relotting and relocation of a walkway, a revision to Streets 'IF" and 11GII. Staff would note that, although the location of Street 'IF" has not been changed insofar as it is proposed to develop as originally located, the northerly portion of same to Concession Street has been eliminated. This deletion would appear to satisfy Mrs. VanderVeer's concerns yet provide for the potential development of her lands 3 }/ / REPORT NO. : PD-8-88 PAGE 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ fronting Street "Q^ if and when Street nQn is constructed immediately abutting Lots 189 and 204. In consideration of the proposed location, Staff as noted within the recommendations of this Report have requested that a condition of approval include the Owners providing m cash contribution equivalent to Fifty Percent (50%) , the cost of extending Street »Gx adjacent to Lots 304 and 189. It is Staff's opinion that this location of Street xQ^ would permit the developable lands to be developed in accordance with the optimal subdivision design thereby providing adequate depth for lots proposed on Mrs. VaudecVeer'o and Mr. ' Mutton's properties having frontage onto Street oGn east of the "Environmental Protection (EP)II zone. The proposed aboziug of the coat of extending Street '/Gn would be consistent with similar applications and practices within the Town where joint ownership has been involved. Staff umoId also note for the Committee's information that the walkway shown as Block xCx is proposed to be relocated between Lots 81 and 82 would then directly abut Soper Creek Drive on the east aide of Meacu'n Avenue and provide a ueoeaaecy mcoeaa to the west and the pock site. We would also recommend relocation of proposed walkway Block nDn, to the east of Imta 177 and 188 to provide a better aooeoa to the intersection and future tcouolt atwDa and avoid � conflicts with the existing residential lot. Thus Block »8`` is enlarged and Block "Do relocated with Block v\7o being reduced in size accordingly. Staff would note that copies of this Report have been provided to Mc. Mutton and Mrs. VaudecVeec. It is noted for the Committee's consideration that, should support of the proposed revisions not be acceptable at this point in time' Staff would respectfully request that consideration be given to a � resolution whereby extension to draft approval of the presently approved plan, | thereby extending said approval to January 23, I989 be considered. ' � | ^ . .4 � � B8P0BT N0. : PD-8-88 PAGE 4 / ___________________________________________________________________________ Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee CAT --- --�7----------- -C�- - -------------- T.T. Bdv��zdov1�^�.I.�. �owce oef� / nirantoc of Planning Chief Ad 'u st�ative Officer ` - Q}T*TT8* 'ip *Attach. December 18, 1987 CC: Conroy Iowoou Planning Consultants Inc. 203 Rushton Road TORONTO, Ontario M6G 3J2 Mc. Robert Mutton 45 Concession Street East 80WM&KVILLE, Ontario LIC lY2 Mrs. K. VandecVeec 53 Concession Street East B0WMA0VILLE, Ontario LlC lY2 � / | �~ | ' Iss 186 181 we 109. 190 1 163 102 101 180:179 Ire 199- 97 96 195 194'193 11,2 191 202 2203 20 20-6. 0 '199:200 201 SURVEYORS 144 152 207 200-- 145- 146, 140 149 150 151 LOCK 09 08 87 86 1 106 IOT 108 109' 44 43 1 05 2 43 46 81 112 m no 115' 114 113 c. OLK WALKWAY 142 211 To 135 136 13T 13 1 9 140: 76 41 18 134 133 132 131 1 0 129" 74 39 F- uj It 27 120 - NOTE: THIS PLAN WAS 36 53 69 ORIGINALLY DRAFT 4 35 34 APPROVED MINISTER ON JonvoryZ9, 5 1981, ond INCLUDES 5 54— 575 67 6 11 56 .6 REVISIONS TO Junelt,1984 32 ST 65 31 0 64 KOCK ST. 59* 63 60 62 28 61 23 22 21 PART OF LOT 9. CONCESSION I .1 r, tFORMERLY TOWN OF BOWMA"VILLEI TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AS APPROVED OY COUNCIL 18T7601 1 ' I­1.-f 1 It OLK.'G' 8LK.'H' 2 S 5 Be.T E GLOaV BLOCK 18 7 188 OPILkWAV EILOCK-V 182 181 178 177 /•i BL K,L REST XEY PLAN TEMP 189:19 9 9 193 r94 19_5 196: 1175 T RNI _ _ •174 ci C 198 197-- 173 _OLX.T AUTHORIZATION 7172 ILOC9,0, ... .. . ILOC.X.�Q lG# BLOCKV 63 164 165 166 167 168 16 170 w 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 U) TSURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STREET 'F' = U., 4 140 146 147: J 4 8 149 150 151 1 153 154 155, J. 98 —gr'90. 89 so 87 as 05 84 J I AND USE I,IX,x S R E T 'E' 03 44 45 82 10 105 106 107 108 109: in 101 102 43 46 42 47 C: BLOCK 14 113 112 Ill RO C 117 w t 208 207 WALKWAY lie PEAC TREE : 142 206 78 119 141 205 77 135,1 36 137 138 1 9 140^ 41 48 76 bi 120 73 121 40 49 134:133 132 131 1 129 3', 74 AOnITIONAL INFORMATION 0: 122 - ? �O LLJ f 73, BLK.V ;? CRESCENT 0- ST., '19' LL1 72 J: i ui X bi 1 ZG 2 28: 124 5 ' 7-1 1 7 It 2 x t 37 .52 36. 53 69. NOT THIS PLAN WAS 11 ORIGINALLY DRAFT 4 35 54 Go APPROVED BY THE MINISTER ON Jonvory 29, 5 c p !,,34—--I�i : 67 1981, and INCLUDES 1 ALL MINISTER APPROVED 33 as 66.. REVISIONS TO Junell,1904. ROYAL PINES 7 32 57 65 COURT---,, 31 58-, 64 ' A RED-LINE REVISION JeLOCKV 30 ----LL— 6 -SEPTEMBEB--28- 1987 59' 3 8 A 29 4. 61 62 t 26 —40 ­ DIIAPT PtAn of 24 44 22 21 sumvision aT-76011-R PART OF LOT 9, CONCESSION I �1`1 N,III I (FORMERLY TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE) 6/,' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE RFGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM 17 18 19, 9 20 BLK.'X' V Is OLOCX • AS APPROVED BY COUNCIL • OCTOBER 9,1979 OWSON PLANNING CONSULTANTS INCORPORATE. 7 �t �, s { f' � � ., 5 d' iJ t .. s i p t� it` .. S", . /� �4 f Gam_' (ro ' � () `�'. CARR & COLEMAN BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS ROGER N, CARR, 4.c. 50 WALTON STREET BRUCE H. COLEMAN, B.E.s., LL.B. PORT HOPE, ONTARIO L1A 1N1 (416) 88 5.814 6 December 29 , 1987 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville , Ontario L1 C 3 A 6 `tt _nu I CLUB K DEPARTMENT Dear Sirs : �� � `� 6 Re: Planning and Development Report -8-88 To General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting - January 4, 1988 Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-76011 We have been retained by the agent for Mrs. VanderVeer, the adjoining property owner on the west side of the above noted plan of subdivision. At no time has there been any communication initiated by the developer with respect to the use of Mrs. VanderVeer ' s lands for road allowance purposes as shown by the dotted line on the original draft plan and as further shown on the red line revision. The red line revision requires the use of a portion of Mrs . VanderVeer ' s lands at some unspecified date, and until the matter has been properly negotiated and resolved with Mrs . VanderVeer it would be premature of the municipality to approve of the red line September revision , From a planning perspective , we submit that the use of turning circles at the end of G Street as a temporary measure is also un- acceptable , because it would create an undesirable road pattern which, if proceeded with, would never be subsequently rectified. Subject to further instructions, we would be prepared to support recommendations numbers 1 and 4 of the above noted report , with perhaps the proviso that no further extension on January 23 , 1989 , will be given . Would you kindly provide us with a copy of the recommend- ations made by the General Purpose and Administration Committee, when those recommendations will be forwarded to Council , and in due course copies of any resolutions of Council dealing with this matter . Yours very truly, CARR �FOLEMAN :dog dr N. Carr. C' R N C:r y C.C. Mrs . K. VanderVeer '`