HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-16 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting September 16, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Angela Tibbles Kim Vaneyk Karin Murphy Tracey Ali Marion Saunders David Reesor Councillor Hopper (arrived at 8:00 p.m .) REGRETS: Ruth Goff (ex-officio) Tenzin Gyaltsan Bonnie Seto Victor Suppan Joe Earle STAFF: Faye Langmaid Brandon Weiler A. Tibbles welcomed all to the meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 14.23 Moved by David Reesor, seconded by Tracey Ali, THAT the agenda be adopted. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 14.24 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by David Reesor THAT the minutes of the Meeting of June 17, 2014 be accepted. BUSINESS ARISING Storage Shed at Beech Centre The committee had been circulated with the recommendation of the HCD review committee, consultant and staff in the summer. The proposed reconstruction is a rebuild of the existing shed with little change. Essentially it is replacing what was damaged during the ice storm. No additional funds 1 | Page were allocated to be able to carry out any enhancements as had been envisioned by some of the user groups. 14.25 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Marion Saunders THAT the recommendation of the HCD Review Committee be ratified. Orono Fair DisplayDisplays were considered to be successful. A number of barn owners to follow-up with, distribution of some heritage designation brochures. Good as Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) F. Langmaid advised that the by-laws for the Jury Lands Foundation have been finalized. The articles of incorporation have been received. A next step will be to seek charitable status. Meeting in August provided an opportunity to summarize lessons learned by Brickworks tour. Chair has met with and briefed new MPP The Municipality approved $45,000 during the budget review to retain an architect to conduct a structural analysis on the buildings. Consultant has been working on this and report is anticipated this week. Will be reviewed with Foundation and owner. A next step out of the report will be to apply for money to moth-ball the buildings properly. Ontario Heritage Trust Nominations No additional nominations had been received. The report has been submitted for the Sept 22 GPA Meeting, to be ratified by Council on thth Sept 29 and will be submitted by Sept 30 deadline. Designated Property Owner OutreachThere are still some outstanding visits to be made by various committee members. Generally the experience has been very positive, plaques are in place, most residents do not have their by-laws so appreciated receiving one. Most were happy to hear about the heritage incentive grants. Give members the ability to discuss misconceptions. It would be a good thing to do on a regular basis, especially when owners change. Most owners do not recall letters from Committee in February, the members would recommend not sending the letters in Municipal envelopes so that owners are sure to open them. Heritage Incentive GrantsAll five grants are complete. Report will go to Council in January on the program. Chair of CHC should appear at budget meeting to request additional funds be allocated. Municipal Register DiscussionThis discussion had been deferred so that results of the designated owner outreach was known. There are a number of misconceptions out there that will have to be addressed through some form of outreach. One thought would 2 | Page information is accurate and beginning to contact those owners. Experience from other municipalities on municipal register is tailored to each community. The only advantage of being on the municipal register is the 60 days allocated to staff to address a demolition permit; it was noted that when an owner comes for a demolition permit is typically very far along in the process. Staff have a directive from Council to notify owners if we are moving buildings onto the Municipal Register. REPORTS from OTHER COMMITTEES (community improvement plans, etc) Bowmanville CIP The next meeting is scheduled for October 15, 2014. Orono CIP The next meeting is scheduled for October 1, 2014. Newcastle CIP The next meeting is scheduled for October 8, 2014. ACO, Clarington Branch T. Ali showed the new Provincial/local combination logo. The Doors Open thank you event was very successful. Doors Open plans for 2015 are underway with northern Clarke Township being the focus. The ACO will have a booth jointly with Museum at AppleFest. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society (NVDHS) M. Saunders reported that the next meeting of the Board will be at the Municipal Administrative Centre on October th 20 with a presentation on the GIS System by municipal staff. Members of the CHC are welcome to attend as well. th Museum The Harvest Supper is September 27, tickets are available from Board members and are $35. The Board is in the process of hiring an Executive Director. Kim provided an update on the events that will be held at the Museum over the next couple of months. CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL -- None. PROJECT REPORTS Barn Book Project 250 calendars printed in time for Orono Fair, production cost is about $3 each they are being sold for $5. 60+ sold at the Fair plus some books. Good visibility for the barns book project, the beams from Windy Lea Barn interested people as did the carpentry tools for barn building. The calendars have been distributed to a number of stores to sell. 3 | Page NEW BUSINESS 210 King Avenue, Newcastle A Heritage Permit application for the designated property at 210 King Avenue, Newcastle has been received. The proposal is to replace the windows with replicated windows while retaining the original frames and sills and without disturbing the outside or inside sash treatments. Committee members had some questions about what you were going to be doing with the existing windows once they come out and also had concern that some of the original window (they think the 20x20 ones) had original (wavy) glass in them. But they were very appreciative of the time invested by the owner in investigation and of the desire to proceed this fall. 14.26 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by David Reesor That the heritage permit for 210 King Avenue for a minor alteration be approved with the owners use and that the potential to reuse the 20x20 windows be considered for retention in-situ in addition to the new window; with the details of the concerns and heritage permit to be issued by the Director of Planning Services. Historic Municipal Buildings concern was expressed that installation of solar panels on municipal facilities may detract from their heritage qualities. Faye to look into whether any proposed. David Reesor moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: Oct 21, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 4 | Page