HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-09 Minutes Draft minutes – Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 7:00PM Present: (Voting) Kate Potter Brian Reid (Chair) Michael Goleski Suzanne Land Councillor Corinna Traill Melanie McArthur Leo Blindenbach Geoff James Jim Cleland Bonnie Seto Regrets: Karin Murphy 1.AGENDA Additions None Acceptance of Agenda MOVED SECONDED : by Leo Blindenbach by Suzanne Land THAT : the agenda for September 9, 2014 be accepted CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED:SECONDED by Michael Goleski by Bonnie Seto THAT: the minutes of July 9, 2014 be approved as amended. CARRIED SWNA September 2014 Minutes 2 3. ITEMS/UPDATES Fall Clean-up Now that fishing season has begun there is an increase in the number of users and amount of litter at the SWNA. The committee will establish a date for the annual fall clean-up at the October meeting. The date will likely be in late October or early November and will be coordinated with the anglers that have assisted the past 3 years. It was also decided that a windshield notice will be prepared that can be placed on the cars using the SWNA parking lots. The notice will politely request that all visitors to the SWNA use the waste receptacles. SWNA Photo Contest Sub-committee A sub-committee comprised of Councillor Traill, Suzanne Land and Mike Goleski will consider the following suggestions and will report back at the October meeting.  Begin promotion earlier and endeavour to include all seasons;  Consider a category where entrants take the same shot in different seasons;  Consider a category highlighting activities in SWNA;  Display winning photos AFTER the event and include copies on the kiosks at each entrance;  Display ALL entries in the gallery and invite all entrants – do not announce the winners until the evening of the event (this would require many additional frames and additional time, etc.);  Try to avoid conflict with other events. It was understood that we are somewhat dependent on the availability of the gallery;  Display winning photos elsewhere, including town halls in Bowmanville and Newcastle;  Endeavour to get high schools, scouts, etc. involved. Toronto Street Construction Project The Region of Durham will be constructing a new sewer connection to their Toronto Street Treatment Plant in 2016. The road will also be re-constructed as part of the project. There may be an opportunity to relocate the Waterfront Trail off-road as part of that project. Cost estimates for two scenarios will be prepared for a future capital budget. -Above curb on the west side of Toronto Street -Through the treed area connecting to the existing trail behind the sewage treatment plant SWNA September 2014 Minutes 3 Scavenger Hunt Update th The date of this year’s event will be Saturday October 4 starting at 10:00AM. It will be promoted in conjunction with the Newcastle Fall Festival. Laminated posters will be prepared for Kate and Brian to distribute and post where appropriate. GRCA has been contacted to provide a speaker for the event but have yet to respond. In the absence of a GRCA representative a committee member can give a basic overview of the flora and fauna of the SWNA to participants. Peter will be asked about obtaining small prizes and about arranging a press release for the local paper. Kate and Brian confirmed they will be at the event and other members are also encouraged to attend. Waterfront Trail Reconstruction Project The re-alignment of the Waterfront Trail on the east side of the pedestrian bridge is currently out for tender. The tender will close on September 11. It is anticipated that construction will begin in October and will be completed in late November. 4. OTHER BUSINESS Committee status during and following election period P. Windolf confirmed with the Municipal Clerk that the committee can meet in October and November. Council will appoint the members of the new SWNA committee in January 2015. Depending on the timing of the appointments the first meeting in 2015 will be either February or March. P. Windolf will bring applications to the November meeting for those members interested in returning to the committee. 5. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: SECONDED by Councillor Traill by Melanie MacArthur THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment 8:00PM Next Meeting: Tuesday October 14 at 7:00 PM Notes prepared by: P.Windolf