HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-17 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting June 17, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Angela TibblesKim VaneykKarin Murphy Councillor HooperRobert MaloneJoseph Earle David Reesor REGRETS: Ruth Goff (ex-officio)Tenzin Gyaltsan Bonnie SetoVictor Suppan Tracey Ali STAFF: Faye LangmaidCyrus Yan A.Tibbles welcomedall to the meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 14.19 Moved by Robert Malone, seconded by Karin Murphy, THAT the agenda be adopted. “CARRIED” ADOPTION OF MINUTES 14.20 Moved byJoe Earle, seconded by Ron Hooper THAT the minutes ofthe Meeting of May 20, 2014 be accepted. “CARRIED” 1|Page INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER R. Malone introduced himself to the Committee and noted that he was the President of the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society. He also advised the Committee that two alternate members from the NVDHS were selected to attend future Heritage Committee meetings should he be available, these members were Marianne and David Saunders. ACTION:F. Langmaid to add Marion and David Saunders onto the mailing list of the Clarington Heritage Committee. BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation(Camp 30)-F.Langmaid advised that the by-law for the Jury Lands Foundation is at the finalization stage and the articles for incorporation will be submitted shortly. Following incorporation the organization will seek charitable status. The Jury Lands Foundation members will be going on a tour of the Brickworks in Toronto on Thursday, June 19, 2014 with Stewart Chisholm the Executive Director or Evergreen, the purpose is to discuss and view how rejuvenations can happen. The Municipality approved $45,000 during the budget review to retain an architect to conduct a structural analysis on the buildings on Camp 30. A site visited was conducted with the owner, foundation chair, F. Langmaid, and Chris Borgal on Friday, June 13, 2014. C. Borgal will be conducting a structural analysis and the deliverables will include a scan of the original drawings for the Boys Training School, an analysis of the six municipal register buildings on site, priority listing for repair and securing the buildings with associated cost estimates. Ontario Heritage Trust Nominations–No additional nominations had been recommended. F. Langmaid advised that a report was due to Council before September 30, 2014. Geographic Information System and Heritage Database Presentation–F. Langmaid and C. Yan gave a presentation on the Municipality’s Geographic Information System (GIS) and Land Development Office (LDO) property database management system for the Committee’s information. It was demonstrated that the system allows Planning Services staff to quickly access information pertaining to a property for which an inquiry is made. In addition to the heritage inventory being added as a geographical layer that can be accessed, there are also layers for zoning, CA regulation area, aerial photographs from 2|Page 2000 to 2013 (every couple of years) and other geographical based information. The LDO system is linked to the GIS system but is a tracking system for applications such as building permits, zoning, subdivision, committee of adjustment, etc. In addition to these two systems the Municipality has the photos that Karin and David have taken of cultural heritage resources which can be used to track change over time to a property. The heritage file for each designated property has been scanned and is available electronically. This is the basis from which the website was built a couple of years ago. The next step would be to take the heritage inventory binders, scan each page and attach those files to the property fabric. This is a matter of time and resources. It was through a combination of the GIS system and the taxation information for properties that the database for barns of a certain age and their owners was created. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLANS, ETC.) Bowmanville CIP–The next meeting is scheduled for October 15, 2014. Orono CIP–The next meeting is scheduled for October 1, 2014. Regarding the culvert work on Main Street, F. Langmaid informed the Committee that the construction work had been deferred until 2015. Newcastle CIP–The next meeting is scheduled for September 18, 2014. ACO, Clarington Branch–T. Ali had submitted a report noting that a couple of new members had joined the organization. It also was noted that the Doors Open event was very successful. It appears that at the core venues in Bowmanville that approximately 1000 people toured through the various sites. The organization was very good and the committee is to be congratulated. The CHC display in Strike’s Carriage House was well attended, some books were sold, donations received for the barn book. There appears to be good interest inthe barn book project. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society (NVDHS)–R. Malone reported that the Heritage Week went well. It was also noted that the NVDHS is currently preparing a self-guided walking tour of Newcastle. 3|Page Heritage Conservation District–J. Earle informed the Committee that the architect had assessed the garage at the Beech Centre (next to the tennis courts) whose roof collapsed due to the ice storm. Two options are proposed, either to repair the damage, or demolish the building and rebuild with the same materials/style. Council will make a decision on the options at their next meeting. CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL None. PROJECT REPORTS Barn Book Project–The estimate for the production of 200 calendars was $565, and 250 calendars for $706. To have the calendars ready for Orono Fair and the Clarington Older Adults Assoc. Labour Day weekend event it was recommended that seed funding for the first run of calendars should be approved. 14.21 Moved by Robert Malone, seconded by Karin Murphy, THAT approval be given to allocate $706 in seed money for the production of the Barn calendars, proceeds to be set aside for the publication of the Barn Book. “CARRIED It was noted that the Committee had two separate accounts, one for projects and publications, and the other was for ongoing committee expenses. The funds while managed by the Municipality are the committee’s funds that have been raised over time from previous projects such as the publications, house tours,calendars, etc. Funds were received from OPG to sponsor the Heritage Week activities in 2014. NEW BUSINESS 68 Centre Street–A Heritage Incentive Grant application for the designated property at 68 Centre Streethas been received. The proposal is to replace the rotten portion of the front porch, carry out maintenance and repair work, and paint. 4|Page 14.22 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Joseph Earle THAT the maintenance work for the front porch of 68 Centre Street; with replacement of elements that have rotted or deteriorated with like materials as proposed be approved. “CARRIED” Volunteers for Orono FairDisplay–It was noted that volunteers will be needed to provide assistance for the heritage committee display and sale of the barn calendars. The CHC display will be in partnership with the Museum. K. Vaneyk advised that she will confirm volunteer availability via e-mail. Sustainability & Heritage Article–An article on sustainability and heritage conservation written by J. Earle will be circulated to members in advance of his presentation at the September meeting. David Reesor moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: Sept 16, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 5|Page