HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-25 MinutesSUSTAINABLE CLARINGTON COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting of June 25, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room 1A, Municipal Administrative Centre, Bowmanville Present: Michael Patrick, Chair Mike Dymarski Suzanne Elston Lorraine Jones Ian Kruis Kerry Meydam (at 7:25 p.m.) Kira Nowick Regrets: Allan Hewitt Mayor Adrian Foster Councillor Ron Hooper Also Present: Curry Clifford, Corporate Initiatives Officer Linda Coutu, Executive Assistant to the Mayor 1. WELCOME Chair Michael Patrick welcomed the Committee members to the meeting. 2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 2014 Moved by Suzanne Elston, seconded by Mike Dymarski THAT the minutes of the June 19, 2014 meeting be approved. CARRIED. 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES The Committee discussed how to best respond to the Conservation Authorities’ reply to the Committee’s three questions of all community organizations given the reply did not indicate their goals in measureable terms. It was decided, later in the meeting, to include this request within the body of the final report, rather than submit a separate resolution to Council. 1 4. DISCUSSION OF LOGISTICS AND TIME FOR COMPLETING, APPROVING AND PRESENTING THE FINAL REPORT th The Committee discussed the options of submitting the final report on July 7 or, after th summer recess, on September 15 and agreed to present the final report to Council at their meeting on September 15, 2014. The Committee also agreed to hold one further meeting on August 14, 2014, for final review of the report. 5. DISCUSSION OF DRAFT REPORT There was a lengthy discussion about the draft report and Curry was asked to incorporate the changes and circulate a final draft in early August for further review at the th Committee’s final meeting on August 14. 6. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. 7. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Ian Kruis, seconded by Suzanne Elston That the meeting adjourn at 9:05 p.m. CARRIED 2