HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-11 Minutes To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our community 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A8 905-623-2734 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre BOARD MEETING MINUTES June 11, 2014 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: Mayor Foster C. Morgan M. Morawetz Grant Humes O. Cassimiro Cllr Joe Neal M. Carlton Regrets: John Witheridge Bonnie Seto S. Laing Julie Cashin Oster Staff: Julia Fielding Executive Director 1.Call to Order: The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A quorum of 7 in attendance 2.Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: Cllr Neal Seconded by: Grant Humes THAT: the agenda be adopted. MOTION CARRIED 3.Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4.Approval of Minutes a)THAT: the Board meeting May 14, 2014 minutes be approved. Moved by: Marilyn Morawetz Seconded by: Olinda Casimiro MOTION CARRIED 6.C.M.O.G. Updates: The Executive Director presented the Governance Policy MOTION that all presented polices be approved with minor changes requested by various members of the Board. Carried by: Grant Humes Seconded by: Marilyn Morawetz MOTION CARRIED Correspondence: 7. Letter from Council re the inclusion of arts and culture in the Strategic Planning process of the new Council. The Board were pleased to hear this. The Mayor suggested the Museum keep in touch with Frank Wu who will be leading the strategic plan process. MOTION to accept the correspondence. Carried by: Clayton Morgan Seconded by: Grant Humes MOTION CARRIED 8.Announcements: a)Canada Day: Julia reminded everyone that help will be needed for this event. If people are not able to help at the event if they could help getting donations etc. Please let Jen know what people are able to do. b)Tractor Day will be held on Sat 23 August. The Mayor advised speaking to the Municipality re road closures and Marilyn mentioned that is the date for Blackstock Fair and so there may not be as many 4H volunteers available. c)Marilyn mentioned Doors Open event which will take place on Saturday June 14 in Bowmanville. She thanked the number of Museum staff who were volunteering for the day. 9.Executive Director’s Report: (J. Fielding) Motion to accept the Executive Directors Written Report Moved by: Joe Neal Seconded by: Grant Humes MOTION CARRIED A discussion took place about the lower admission numbers than would be hoped by this time of the year. This extended to removing the admission fee and making it pay by suggested donation instead. A further discussion followed about the impact on membership and the Museum would have to offer other options to members. Clayton included a point about reintroducing member publications. MOTION that Board request the ED present a report at the Sept Board meeting with proposals for moving forward on a payment by donation and the impact on membership. Moved by: Grant Humes Seconded by: Clayton Morgan MOTION Passed 10.Committee Reports: a)Finance (G. Humes) Grant Humes took the Board through the finance report. He reported that although revenue is projected to be lower than the budget expenses have also been lowered so it is currently being projected there will be a surplus of $6,800. He has worked through a cash flow projection to show if there will be an issue with cash flow through the year. th The balance of the Development Fund on June 5 was $64,149.69. With the planned projects (signage, Boys bedroom and sponsorship) this is projected to be at $32,549 at the end of the year. Grant also presented a report on the risks and opportunities available in the upcoming months. The risks are associated with $13,000 in the fundraising, gift shop and public programming projections. The opportunities are $25,000 from being allowed to apply for CMOG funds and $10,000 current proposals in for sponsorship. The gift shop inventory and the Kirby Church monies are also risks associated with the budget, totalling $27,000 Grant recommended to the Board that the Kirby Church issue be resolved by the end of 2014. Mayor Foster recommended Julia speak to Nancy Taylor regarding the background to the buying of Kirby Church and any associated agreements regarding this. Grant finished his report by stating that if all these risks come to fruition they could drive the budget into deficit. MOTION THAT the Kirby Church and gift shop inventory issues be resolved by the end of the financial year. MOVED by Marilyn Morawetz Seconded by: Joe Neal Motion passed THAT : the Board accept the Finance Report. Moved by: Joe Neal Seconded by: Olinda Casimiro MOTION CARRIED b)Fundraising (J. Neal) The tent is booked for Heritage Harvest although there was a discussion about where the tent will be placed. It was recommended to produce the tickets and posters for the event in the next month. All Board members were requested to help sell tickets to the event. Run a save to date campaign. It was recommended the ED speak to Clarington Tourism regarding this campaign. Marilyn recommended starting earlier to recruit volunteers. c)Collections (S. Laing *absent) d)Membership There are now 5 business memberships. The Museum will be hosting the next Clarington Board of Trade Simply Social event which is taking place on Thursday June 26. The Board are welcome to attend. e) Property (M. Morawetz) Julia reported she is meeting with the Municipality team on Friday to discuss moving ahead with the project. There was a further discussion over the relationship between the Museum and Municipality over maintenance issues and in particular for major capital projects. The Mayor suggested contacting the Older Adults Association regarding the agreement they have with the Municipality. f)Kirby Church The ED passed on an email report from Julie Cashin Oster regarding the Kirby Church. With the ED she has discovered we are currently holding $14,700 in funds for the Church. The Board reiterated the earlier financial discussion that this project be resolved by the end of the year. The ED reminded people it had been agreed to have Julie Cashin Oster, the ED and John Witheridge on a sub-committee to end the relationship with the Kirby Church. 11.New Business: a) The Board Chair proposes a motion “to reconsider the vote at the May Board meeting on having the Municipality look after the Museum books for 1 year”. Due to his absence at the meeting Clayton outlined the concerns John had discussed with him after the May Board meeting. These concerns as Clayton understood them were- the high workload of the current team at the Museum, to get the books sorted out so that they are more clearly in line with the needs of the Municipality. A discussion took place over how this could work and if it would in fact help the Museum. There was also the issue raised over sending out an RFP to recruit a new book keeper. The following motion was proposed MOTION That Clarington Museums request a letter of understanding from the Municipality on how they would manage the books of the Museum for one year and what services the Museum would receive. If this letter was not received within 30 days the Museum will undertake an RFP process to recruit a new book keeper. MOVED by Joe Neal SECONDED: by Grant Humes The above motion was discussed. Joe Neal reminded the Board this would be a saving of around $5,000. This would be helpful when the museum makes its annual budget request to the Municipality. Clayton agreed with this. The motion passed. b)Signage- the Executive Director presented a new logo for the Museum. The logo will be used on signage but is also a rebranding exercise for the Museum. The letterhead also included altered coloured images of the 3 sites. Each site will have its unique colour. MOTION that the new logo be accepted but without the 3 images. MOVED by Olinda Casimiro Seconded by Clayton Passed c)The Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre- as in the Strategic Plan of the Museum the ED recommended the Board hold a discussion panel with other members of the Municipality and the community over the use of the SJWHC and possible partnerships. Olinda reminded the Board to make sure any partnerships or other plans for the building would not be in conflict with the Museum by-law. It was felt this would not be the case but was a point worth noting. 14. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held September 10th, 2014 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre at 7 p.m. 15.Adjournment: THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Moved by: Clayton Morgan MOTION CARRIED th May 14 Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on ______________________________. ______________________________ ____________________________ Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives