HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-04 Minutes CLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 4, 2014, 6:00 P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer, Chair Shea-Lea Latchford, Vice Chair Tim Hick Councillor Partner Sally Barrie Julie Michalejko-Earle Andrea Horgan Also Present: June Gallagher, Deputy Clerk 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Tim Hick, seconded by Shea-Lea Latchford THAT the minutes of the meeting of April 2, 2014 be approved, with the following amendment: Page 1, Section 2 (b), Last Paragraph should read: “The Municipal Clerk will contact Marshall Hohmann to arrange for a presentation.” “CARRIED” 2. PRESENTATION (a) Debbie and Viki Hillyer, FishAbility Sports Club Inc., Regarding the FishAbility Sports Club Debbie and Viki Hillyer, from FishAbility Sports Club Inc., were not present. 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES nd (a) Marshall Hohmann’s Presentation at June 2 Council Meeting Regarding “General Accessibility Awareness and This is my Town” Shea-Lea and Sylvia both attended Mr. Hohmann’s presentation and provided the Committee with a summary of his presentation and both stated that they were impressed with his presentation. Councillor Partner informed the Committee that Mr. Hohmann has been invited to attend a future meeting to continue his presentation. The Committee members will be informed of the date of the presentation. Clarington Accessibility - 2 - June 4, 2014 Advisory Committee 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) Correspondence from the Durham Deaf Accessibility Committee Regarding the Lack of Closed Captioning of Televised Council Meetings The Deputy Clerk distributed correspondence from the Durham Deaf Accessibility Committee regarding the lack of closed captioning of televised Council meetings. Moved by Tim Hick, Seconded by Julie Michalejko-Earle THAT the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee supports, in principle, the Durham Deaf Accessibility Committee’s efforts to ensure that the Clarington Council meetings, broadcast by Rogers TV, be closed captioned. “CARRIED” (b) Correspondence from the Town of Whitby Containing Report PL 30-14, the Town of Whitby Accessibility Plan 2013-2015 Status Report The Deputy Clerk distributed correspondence from the Town of Whitby containing Report PL 30-14, the Town of Whitby Accessibility Plan 2013-2015 Status Report. The Committee received the correspondence from the Town of Whitby containing Report PL 30-14, the Town of Whitby Accessibility Plan 2013-2015 Status Report for information. 5. REGIONAL UPDATE (a) Regional AAC Chairs Group Minutes of Meeting of May 14, 2014 Sylvia asked if the Town of Ajax’s “accessibility information toolkit” could be provided to the Committee. The Deputy Clerk will contact the Town of Ajax to obtain one of their toolkits. It was suggested that, in the new term of the Committee, there may be the possibility of having a member volunteer to review a particular municipal facility, with a view to reporting back to the Committee on accessibility at the next meeting. Another suggestion was to organize a day to have all the new Council members experience life in a wheelchair. Sylvia noted that it was a good idea to include the Regional AAC Chairs Group minutes in the agenda, moving forward. Clarington Accessibility - 3 - June 4, 2014 Advisory Committee (b) New Regional Accessibility Coordinator— Janet Traer Sally Barrie informed the Committee that Deb Skinner, Accessibility Coordinator for the Region of Durham's contract has ended and that the new Coordinator is Janet Traer, effective May 26, 2014. 6. OTHER BUSINESS (a) Pet Valu Store Door Accessibility Councillor Partner was at the Pet Valu store, located at the Bowmanville Mall, and observed a gentleman using a walker trying exit the Pet Valu due to lack of automatic door opener. This was difficult for the gentleman as there is no automatic door opener. The Committee acknowledged that there is no requirement, in the Building Code, for a small retail space to have an automatic door opener. (b) Tim Hick's Interview with Clarington This Week Tim informed the Committee that he spoke with Jennifer O'Meara regarding accessible voting devices. The Deputy Clerk informed the Committee of the accessible voting options for the 2014 Clarington Municipal Elections. 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 commencing at 6:00 p.m. in Committee Room 1A. 8. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Tim Hick, seconded by Sally Barrie THAT the meeting adjourn. "CARRIED" The meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Chair 4Secretary c