HomeMy WebLinkAboutOPD-005-14 Clarftwn REPORT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: June 9, 2014 Resolution#: t - �1 1 By-law#: Report#: OPD-005-14 File#: Subject: ADOPT A PARK PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report OPD-005-14 be received; and 2. THAT the Adopt a Park Program be approved. Submitted by: Reviewed by: �f Fre rick J. Horvath Franklin Wu, Director of Operations Chief Administrative Officer FJH:bg CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: OPD-005-14 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Municipality of Clarington offers a wide variety of parks, trails, and outdoor recreational facilities for residents and visitors to enjoy. The concept of an Adopt a Park program would help promote community involvement in providing a clean natural environment for our resident's and their children while they participate in recreational an social activities in our Parks. Programs like this will promote environmental and community stewardship by establishing relationships with local community groups such as churches, service clubs, schools, youth groups, and recreational sports associations. 1.2 The Adopt a Park program would engage interested community volunteers to assist in the reporting of areas of concern and maintenance issues such as: • Litter and Debris Pickup • Fundraising for Bench and Tree Donations • A Community Garden and Maintenance program • Graffiti and Vandalism Reporting 2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Interested organizations will appoint or select a liaison to the Municipality to attend a safety meeting and in turn assist with the training of all volunteers. 2.2 All volunteers must adhere to the safety requirements as established by the Municipality. 2.3 All volunteers participating in the program will be required to execute an indemnity and release form which shall be provided to the Corporation prior to the clean-up activities. 2.4 Adopted parks will requires cleanup at least two times per year, during daylight hours. The cleanups could include adding wood chips to tree wells and gardens, as well as weeding of gardens (wood chips would be supplied by the Municipality) 2.5 If volunteers wish they can also hold events or fundraise for park enhancements such as benches, and trees. 2.6 Participants will be encouraged to do a regular "walk through" of adopted Parks which will provide: • An expanded frequency and monitoring of parks, trails and open spaces • Improve service times for Police, and Operations staff • Provide visible community engagement and inspire others to do the same REPORT NO.: OPD-005-14 PAGE 3 • Improve the tracking of destructive behaviours and increase overall coordination, response, and strategic prevention action 2.7 The liaison will submit a post cleanup project report to the Municipality within ten days of conducting clean-up activities. 2.8 The liaison will also provide adequate insurance or a waiver indemnifying the Municipality for any and all losses that may arise from or in connection with the group or individual's negligence or willful misconduct. Individuals signing the waiver indemnifying the Corporation must be at least 18 years old. 2.9 All participants must comply with all terms, conditions and responsibilities set out in the Adopt a Park Agreement. 2.10 The Municipality will also offer a training session in the fall of each year to interested Adopt a Park participants to learn how to prune trees within the adopted Parks. The City of New York has developed a similar program which was in response to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. In New York with limited funds, but great need, volunteer stewardship greatly increased the survivability of street and Park trees in dealing with the widespread damage. If the Adopt a Park pruning program is successful, this program may be extended to interested participants to prune street trees and develop a citizen tree pruner program here in Clarington. 3.0 OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT 3.1 The Operations Department will administer the program, which will include: • Processing applications. • Providing safety training. • Arranging for the installation of signage at the adopted park identifying the program. The cost for this signage supplied by the Municipality would be approx. $100.00 per sign • Complying with all terms, conditions and responsibilities set out in the Adopt a Park Agreement. • Reviewing the policy one year after implementation. • Providing advice as necessary. 4.0 PROCESS 4.1 The interested group shall submit a completed Adopt a Park application form, an indemnity and release form, or proof of Commercial General Liability Insurance to the Parks Supervisor. 4.2 The applicant will clearly identify the Organization's preferred locations. REPORT NO.: OPD-005-14 PAGE 4 4.3 Should the preferred location already be adopted, the Department will provide the organization an opportunity for an alternate choice and/or recommend an alternate choice. 4.4 If more than one organization applies to adopt the same location and a suitable alternative cannot be agreed to, the Director of Operations shall make the final determination with respect to the adopted park. 4.5 The organization shall be notified in writing 30 days of submission of the Adopt a Park application, as to the approval of the application. 4.6 If the Adopt a Park application is approved, the organization will be required to enter into an agreement to the satisfaction of the Municipal Solicitor. 5.0 CONCURRENCE - Not applicable 6.0 CONCLUSION 6.1 The Adopt-a-Park Program has been recommended as a way to keep municipal parks and trails inviting and clean through the assistance of community minded individuals and groups. As part of our Strategic Plan, Showcasing our Community, this program will allow residents to lead by example by participating in cleanup, maintenance and monitoring activities and help with the beautification of parks and communities. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN - The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: (Place an "X" in the box for all that apply) Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives Investing in infrastructure X Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Fred Horvath, Director of Operations Attachment: Attachment 1 - Adopt-a-Park Brochure Adopt-A-Park Program (Leading the IT'ay JOIN CURINGTON'S For more information con- AdOpt-a-park Operations Department PROGRAM 1 Ontario 2320 Taunton Road I (905) 263-2291 ' operations@clarington.net �ul:y 1sf#rill!.alaour Day ,' ` "►µ ' �' Mourn: 7.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. - �•�_ � Leading the Way 1 o u\, 1 Your commitment to the community is crucial in Adopt-a-Park is a public service pro- keeping our park system clean, safe and beautiful ;5 gram whereby a volunteer group con- As a special "thank you":, the Municipality will tracts with the Municipality to collect acknowledge your commitment and dedication with an official Adopt-a-Park Sign upon second successful refuse and debris from a designated clean up. park area on a periodic basis. AND Get involved in Clarington's Adopt-a- PROGRAN OV HYW Park program, and be a part of the 6111BRINU preservation and enhancement of the Interested groups and individuals can enter into parks system. Volunteer on your own, agreements with the Municipality, committing them or with your family, neighbours, com- to perform litter and debris cleanup at least twice a year for three (3) years in a specified park. The a munity group or business to donate Municipality participates in the selection of park to time to take special care of a Munici- be adopted. pal park. VOLUNTEER 6ROUPl - The program is an effective way for environmentally conscious individuals Rf0U/RfMfNTI and community groups to show their • Appoint an Authorized Group Representa- civic pride by contributing to a cleaner tive and let the Municipality know -4 _ and more scenic park system. . Give Municipal staff 48 hours notice prior to a clean-up • Work only during daylight hours and when weather conditions are good • Place filled bags at designated locations and separate recyclables • Abide by all laws and regulations to safety including wearing appropriate clothing and safety apparel /" _ I