HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-059 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2014-059 A By-law to regulate traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property Whereas pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2009, S.O. 2001, c.25 and the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8 municipalities may pass by-laws to regulate traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: Interpretation 1. In this by-law, "authorized sign" means a sign or other device placed or erected on a highway or elsewhere pursuant to this by-law and includes official signs; "boulevard" means all parts of a highway except any roadway, shoulder or sidewalk; "Director" means the Municipality's Director of Engineering Services or a designate; "driveway" means improved land on a highway which provides vehicular access from a roadway to a laneway or a parking area on adjacent land, "emergency vehicle" has the same meaning as in section 144 of the HTA; "high density residential" means a site which contains six or more residential units; "highway" has the same meaning as in subsection 1(1) of the HTA and includes unopened and unassumed road allowances; "HTA" means the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8; "holiday" has the same meaning as in section 87 of the Legislation Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 21, Sch. F; "laneway" means improved land adjacent to a highway which provides access from the highway to adjacent property and includes routes constructed for the purposes of providing site access for emergency vehicles, maintenance vehicles, pedestrians and/or stormwater management; "Municipality" means The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington or the geographic area of Clarington as the context requires; "Municipal property" means property of the Municipality or any board of the Municipality; "Officer" means a police officer as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.15 or a municipal law enforcement officer or parking enforcement officer appointed by the Municipality pursuant to subsection 15(1) of the Police Services Act to enforce the provisions of this by-law; "parking space" means that part of the surface of a roadway, municipal property or private property designated by painted lines for the purpose of parking a vehicle; "pedestrian" means a person on foot, in a wheeled chair or baby carriage; Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 2 "shoulder" means that part of a highway immediately adjacent to the travelled portion of the roadway and having a surface that has been improved with asphalt, concrete or gravel for the use of vehicles; and "sidewalk" means that part of a highway set aside for the use of pedestrians or used by the general public for the passage of pedestrians. 2. In this by-law, unless otherwise specified, (a) "bicycle", "bus", "crosswalk", "intersection", "official sign", "park" or "parking", "roadway", "stop" or"stopping", "through highway" and "vehicle" have the same meanings as in subsection 1(1) of the HTA; (b) where any expression of time occurs or where any hour or other period of time is stated, the time referred to shall be standard time except in periods when daylight saving time is in effect, in which periods it shall be daylight saving time; (c) a grammatical variation of a word or expression defined has a corresponding meaning; (d) each entry in a column of a Schedule shall be read in conjunction with the entry or entries across from it; (e) references to sections, subsections, clauses and Schedules are references to sections, subsections, clauses and Schedules in this by-law, and (f) reference to any Act, Regulation or By-law is reference to that Act, Regulation or By-law as it is amended or re-enacted from time to time. 3. This by-law shall be read with all changes in gender or number as the context requires. 4. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any section, or any part of any section, of this by-law to be invalid, or to be of no force or effect, it is the intention of the Municipality that every other provision of this by-law be applied and enforced in accordance with its terms to the extent possible according to law. 5. The following Schedules are attached to and form part of this by-law: Schedule 1 — No Stopping Schedule 2 — No Parking Schedule 3 — Parking for Restricted Periods Schedule 4 — Reserved On-street Parking Schedule 5 — Parking Meter Zones on Highways Schedule 6 — Parking Meter Zones on Municipal Property Schedule 7 — Loading Zones Schedule 8 — One Way Highways Schedule 9 —Through Highways Schedule 10 — Stop Signs Schedule 11 —Yield Right-of-way Signs Schedule 12 — Maximum Rate of Speed on Highway Schedule 13 — Maximum Rate of Speed Passing Over a Bridge Schedule 14 — Highways Exempt from Weight Restrictions Schedule 15 — School Bus Loading Zones Schedule 16 —Accessible On-street Parking Schedule 17 —Turning Movements Prohibited Schedule 18 — Designated Bicycle Lanes Schedule 19 — Designated Turn Lanes Schedule 20 — Municipal Safety Zones Schedule 21 — Community Safety Zones Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 3 6. The distances identified on the Schedules shall be determined by measuring from the extension of the nearest curb line or, if there is no curb, from the nearest edge of the pavement. General 7. The Director is authorized to place, erect and maintain such signs as are required to give effect to the provisions of this by-law. 8. The Chief of Police of the Durham Regional Police Service or a designate and the Director are authorized to erect or place temporary "No Parking" signs and "No Stopping" signs on any highway. 9. No person shall place, maintain or display on any highway, any sign, marking or device, which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles an authorized sign or an official sign. General Stopping and Parking Regulations 10. No person shall park or stop any vehicle on any highway except, (a) where there is a curb, on the right side of the roadway, having regard to the direction such vehicle was proceeding, with right front and right rear wheels parallel to and not more than 15 centimetres out from such curb; or (b) where there is no curb, with the right front and right rear wheels parallel to and as near to the right hand limit of the highway as is practicable without parking or stopping on or over a sidewalk, footpath or boulevard. 11. No person shall park or stop any vehicle, (a) except wholly within a parking space; (b) so as to occupy more than one parking space; or (c) in such a manner as will prevent other persons from utilizing adjacent parking spaces or obstruct the flow of traffic. 12. (1) In this section, "bus stop" means that part of the highway designated by a sign where buses will stop to take on or let off passengers and includes 30 metres in advance and 18 metres beyond the sign. (2) No person shall stop any vehicle on any highway, (a) on or over a sidewalk or footpath; (b) within an intersection, roundabout or crosswalk; (c) within 15 metres of a crosswalk; (d) in such a manner as to interfere with highway cleaning operations; (e) on the roadway alongside of any stopped or parked vehicle; (f) upon any bridge or elevated structure or within any tunnel or underpass; (g) on any median strip separating two roadways or adjacent to either side or ends of such median strip; (h) in a bus stop, except to temporarily stop for the purpose of and while actively engaged in loading or unloading passengers when such stopping does not interfere with any bus; (i) alongside or across a highway from any excavation or obstruction in the roadway where the free flow of traffic would thereby be impeded; Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 4 (j) in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic; (k) within 1 metre of a driveway or laneway or so as to obstruct vehicles in the use of the driveway or laneway; (1) within 30 metres in advance of and 15 metres beyond any traffic signal or school crossing measured in the direction of travel of the vehicle where authorized signs to that effect are erected; (m) within 6 metres of a commercial, industrial, institutional or high density residential entrance; or (n) within 15 metres of an intersecting roadway or, where authorized signs to that effect are erected, within a distance of up to 30 metres of an intersection. 13. (1) No person shall park any vehicle on a highway, (a) within 1 metre of a driveway or laneway or so as to obstruct vehicles in the use of the driveway or laneway; (b) within 3 metres of a point on the curb or edge of the roadway adjacent to any fire hydrant; (c) within 15 metres of an intersection or, where authorized signs to that affect are erected, within a distance of up to 30 metres of an intersection; (d) on or over any boulevard; (e) for the purpose of displaying a vehicle for sale; (f) for the purpose of washing, greasing or repairing a vehicle except for such repairs as have been necessitated by an emergency; (g) within the approach lanes and circle of a roundabout; (h) within 30 metres in advance of and 15 metres beyond the nearest rail of any level crossing of a railway, measured in the direction of travel of the vehicle; (i) between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.; (j) for a period longer than 3 hours; (k) in the centre of a cul-de-sac; (1) within 15 metres of the end of the roadway on a dead end highway; (m) within 6 metres of a commercial, industrial, institution or high density residential entrance; (n) within 3 metres of a community mailbox; or (o) when snow is being ploughed or removed from any part of a highway. (2) Notwithstanding clause 13(1)(d), parking on the paved portion of the driveway apron is permitted provided that the vehicle does not encroach on the sidewalk, or the travelled portion of the roadway. 14. Where appropriate signs are displayed, no person shall park any vehicle on, (a) private property without the consent of the owner or occupant of such property; or Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 5 (b) any roadway or laneway on private property marked as a fire route by a sign displaying the information "No Parking" or a symbol in lieu thereof and the words "Fire Route". 15. No person shall park or stop any vehicle on Municipal property, (a) where, by means of one or more signs, it is indicated that parking or stopping is not permitted; or (b) in contravention of posted terms and conditions. 16. No person shall park any vehicle, (a) within 30 metres of a Regional road on an intersecting highway under the jurisdiction of the Municipality; or (b) on any highway within 8 metres of any fire hall on the side of the highway on which the fire hall is located or within 30 metres of such fire hall on the opposite side of the highway. 17. Nothing in sections 10 through 16 shall be deemed to permit the stopping or parking of a vehicle where stopping or parking is prohibited. Commercial Vehicles 18. (1) In this section, "commercial vehicle" means any vehicle designed or operated for construction activity, the transportation of property, or a bus, excluding public transit vehicles, which vehicle or bus exceeds 2.6 metres in width or 7 metres in length. (2) No person shall park any commercial vehicle on any highway, except in an industrial area, unless the commercial vehicle is actually engaged in the loading and uploading, delivery and receipt of goods, wares, merchandise or passengers to adjacent premises. Permit Parking 19. (1) In this section, "parking permit" means a permit issued by the Municipal Clerk for the purpose of providing exemptions from certain parking prohibitions. (2) No person shall use a parking permit in a manner or for a purpose not provided for in this section. (3) A parking permit shall be displayed by affixing it to the rear view mirror or on the lower right corner of the windshield on the passenger's side of a motor vehicle parked on the street named on the parking permit. (4) A parking permit shall be valid unless it has been cancelled by the Municipal Clerk. Retail Sales 20. (1) No person shall sell or offer for sale by retail any goods, wares, merchandise, produce, food or other edible substance or beverage within the limits of any highway. (2) Any Officer who has reason to believe that any object or thing referred to in subsection (1) is placed or left on any highway in contravention of this by-law may cause the object or thing to be removed and taken to and stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for such removal and storage shall be a lien upon it which may be enforced in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. R.25. (3) Any object or thing removed and stored in accordance with subsection (2) and not claimed by the owner within 60 days shall become the property of the Municipality Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 6 and may be sold and the proceeds shall form part of the general funds of the Municipality. (4) Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3), anything that is perishable shall become the property of the Municipality immediately upon being removed and may be destroyed or given to any charitable institution. (5) This section shall not apply to any retail activity in respect of which the Municipality has issued a licence. Stopping Prohibitions on Specific Highways 21. No person shall stop a vehicle where signs are displayed on any highway on that side and between those limits set out in Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 1 during the prohibited times or days set out in Column 4 of Schedule 1. Parking Prohibitions on Specific Highways 22. No person shall park a vehicle where signs are displayed on any highway on that side and between those limits set out in Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 2 during the prohibited times or days set out in Column 4 of Schedule 2. Parking for Restricted Periods 23. No person shall park a vehicle on any highway on that side and between those limits set out in Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 3 for periods of time exceeding those set out in Column 4 of Schedule 3. Reserved On-Street Parking 24. (1) In this section, "veteran" means military veteran who has served or is serving in the Canadian Forces. (2) No person shall park a vehicle on any highway on that side and between those limits set out in Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 4 other than the current mayor of the Municipality and veterans. Parking Meter Zones 25. The erection, maintenance and operation of a parking meter and the designation of a parking space in connection with such parking meter is hereby authorized, (a) on the highway, at the sides and between the limits set out in Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 5 for the purpose of controlling and regulating parking during the days and hours set out in Column 4 of Schedule 5; and (b) at the municipal address set out in column 1 of Schedule 6 for the purpose of controlling and regulating parking during the days and hours set out in Column 2 of Schedule 6. 26. Where a fee is stipulated for a given parking period in a parking space, the fee shall be paid for that period or any portion thereof, and the period shall be as measured by the parking meter controlling such parking space. 27. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any slug, device or other substitute for a coin of Canada. 28. Where parking meters have been erected on a highway, no person shall park any vehicle in a parking space unless the parking meter controlling such parking space is used and a fee is deposited in accordance with the rate set out in Column 5 of Schedule 5 or for a longer period than that set out in Column 6 of Schedule 5. 29. Where parking meters have been erected on Municipal property, no person shall park any vehicle in a parking space on such Municipal property unless the parking meter controlling such parking space is used and a fee is deposited in accordance with Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 7 the rate set out in Column 3 of Schedule 6 or for a longer period than that set out in Column 4 of Schedule 6. 30. Where parking meters have been erected, no person shall park any vehicle in a parking space for a period longer than 3 hours during the times or days such parking space is not controlled by a parking meter. 31. (1) Where parallel parking is permitted in connection with a metered parking space, no person shall park a vehicle in such parking space unless the front of the vehicle is opposite to the parking meter except that, in any case when two meters are mounted on the same standard, the rear of the forward vehicle shall be opposite to, or a close as is practicable to, the forward parking meter and the front of the rear vehicle shall be opposite to, or as close as is practicable to, the rear meter. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), if a single parking meter has been erected at the rear of a parking space, with respect to the direction of travel, no person shall park in such parking space unless the rear of such vehicle is opposite to the parking meter provided for such space. 32. Where angled parking is permitted in connection with a metered parking space, no person shall park a vehicle in a parking space unless the front of such vehicle is a close as is practicable to the parking meter for such space. 33. If a metered parking space has been designated by lines painted on the roadway, no person shall park any vehicle in such a manner that it is not wholly within the area designated as a parking space unless such vehicle is of such length or width as to render it impossible to park it in one parking space, in which case the adjoining parking space shall also be used and the necessary deposit of coins shall be made in the parking meters provided for both parking spaces. 34. (1) No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked in a metered parking space where the parking meter has been covered with a parking meter cover to indicate that it is not to be used. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person authorized by the Director may park a vehicle in a parking meter space where the parking meter has been covered with a parking meter cover or removed to indicate reserved parking and stating "No Parking". (3) Notwithstanding subsection (1), Council, by resolution, may designate an area or areas for a certain period to be exempt from the payment of parking fees and any areas so designated shall be denoted by a parking meter cover placed over the meter. Loading Zones 35. No person shall park a vehicle on any highway on that side and between those limits set out in Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 7 unless the vehicle is actually engaged in the loading and uploading, delivery and receipt of goods, wares, merchandise or passengers to adjacent premises. One-Way Highways 36. No person shall travel on any highway between those limits and during the times of day set out in Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 8 in the direction opposite to that set out in Column 4 of Schedule 8. Through Highways 37. (1) The highways set out in Schedule 9 are designated as through highways for the purposes of the HTA. (2) Any designation under subsection (1) shall not include any intersection where the highway intersected is a King's highway or where traffic control signals are installed. Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 8 Stop Signs 38. The erection of stop signs is authorized at each of the intersections set out in Column 1 on the highway approaches as identified in Column 2 of Schedule 10. Yield Signs 39. The erection of yield right-of-way signs is authorized at each of the intersections set out in Column 1 on the highway approaches as identified in Column 2 of Schedule 11. Rate of Speed 40. No person shall drive a vehicle at a rate of speed greater than 50 km/h unless otherwise posted. 41. Where any highway or portion of highway set out in Schedule 12 is signed in compliance with the regulations under the HTA, the maximum rate of speed thereon shall be the rate of speed prescribed in Schedule 12. Maximum Rate of Speed Passing Over a Bridge 42. No person shall pass over a bridge identified in Column 1 at a rate of speed greater than that set out in Column 2 of Schedule 13. Reduced Load Highways 43. For the purposes of subsections 122(1), (2) and (3) of the HTA, the reduced load period shall commence on March 1St of each year and end on April 30th of each year. 44. The highways or portions thereof set out in Schedule 14 are exempt from the reduced load restriction. School Bus Loading Zones 45. No person shall stop a vehicle, other than a school bus actually engaged in the receiving or discharging of school children, in any school bus loading zone on any highway on that side and between those limits set out in Columns 1, 2 and 3 during the prohibited times and days set out in Column 4 of Schedule 15. Accessible Parking 46. (1) In this section, "accessible parking permit" means an accessible parking permit issued under the HTA or a similar permit, number plate or other marker or device bearing the international symbol of access for a person with a disability and issued by another jurisdiction; "designated parking space" means a parking space identified by an official sign for the exclusive use of a vehicle displaying an accessible parking permit; "dwelling unit" shall mean one or more habitable rooms occupied or capable of being occupied as a single, independent and separate housekeeping unit containing a separate kitchen and sanitary facilities; "parking lot" means any parking lot or other parking facility, to which the public has access, whether on payment of a fee or otherwise, for the purpose of parking vehicles; and "person with a disability" has the same meaning as in section 1 of Reg. 581, R.R.O. 1990. Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 9 (2) An accessible parking permit issued to an individual is not valid when displayed on a vehicle and the vehicle is not being used to pick up or transport the holder of the accessible parking permit. (3) An accessible parking permit issued to a corporation or organization is not valid when displayed on a vehicle and the vehicle is not being used to pick up or transport a person with a disability. (4) An accessible parking permit shall be displayed on the sun visor or on the dashboard of a vehicle so that the international symbol of access for a person with a disability, the permit number and the expiry date of the permit are clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle. (5) Every owner and operator of a parking lot shall provide a minimum number of designated parking spaces therein in accordance with clause 3.16(b)(ii) of Zoning By- law 84-63. (6) For the purpose of calculating the required minimum number of designated parking spaces for multi-unit residential developments consisting of 10 or more dwelling units, the requirements of subsection (5) shall be applied only to the visitor parking provided for the development. (7) Each designated parking space shall be, (a) hard surfaced and be painted with a non-slip paint in bright blue for the entire surface, with the universal symbol of access overlaid in white or yellow paint; (b) level; (c) of the dimensions consistent with clause 3.16(b)(i) of Zoning By-law 84-63; (d) located so sidewalks, paths or walkways will be accessible to persons with a disability whether via ramps, aisles, depressed curbs, or other appropriate means without requiring a person to pass behind parked cars or cross a traffic lane; (e) located with sufficient clearance around the vehicle in terms of other vehicles or obstacles such as light standards and waste receptacles to permit free access by a wheelchair; (f) identified by the official sign mounted with the base of the sign no less than 1.7 metres and no more than 2.0 metres above grade; and (g) located in a place approved by the Municipality. (8) Where the Municipality permits a gravel surfaced parking space, each designated parking space shall, (a) be identified with a pre-cast bumper curb across its entire width painted a bright blue and securely anchored in place; and (b) meet the requirements of clauses (b) through (g) inclusive of subsection (7) (9) No person shall park such a vehicle in a designated parking space unless, (a) the vehicle is displaying a valid accessible parking permit; and (b) the vehicle is being operated by or is conveying the person with a disability to whom the accessible person parking permit has been issued. (10) Designated parking spaces on Municipal streets and highways are described in Schedule 10. Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 10 (11) Designated off-street parking spaces located on Municipally-owned or privately owned property are enforceable when accessible parking signs are displayed in accordance with provincial regulations. Turning Movements Prohibited 47. No vehicle in any intersection or portion of highway set out in Column 1 of Schedule 17 proceeding in the direction or emerging from a property set out in Column 2 of Schedule 17 shall be turned in the direction set out in Column 3 of Schedule 17, during the times or days set out in Column 4 of Schedule 17. Bicycles 48. (1) No person shall ride a bicycle with one wheel greater than 50 centimetres in diameter or other vehicle however powered along or upon any sidewalk, or parts of sidewalks, or ride such bicycle or other vehicle upon a pathway or foot path used or set apart for the use of pedestrians and forming part of any highway or bridge, boulevard, park, park lot, garden or other place set apart for ornament or embellishment or for public recreation, within the limits of the Municipality. (2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to persons with disabilities or other persons requiring the use of such vehicles as may be necessary for their means of mobility. 49. Those parts of highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule 18, having been divided into clearly marked lanes for traffic between the limits set out in Column 2 and Column 3 of Schedule 18, designated for travel only in the direction set out in Column 4 of Schedule 18, are reserved for the use of bicycles only. 50. Where a lane of a highway has been reserved for the use of bicycles only, no person shall, (a) drive a vehicle other than a bicycle in such lane, or (b) stop or park a vehicle in such lane other than an emergency vehicle or public utility emergency vehicle, or a vehicle actually engaged in works undertaken for or on behalf of any municipal corporation, including public transit vehicles and waste collection vehicles. 51. Persons operating bicycles upon a roadway shall ride in single file. 52. A person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as near to the right hand side of the roadway as practicable and shall exercise due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. 53. No person riding a bicycle to carry anything thereon shall do so in such a manner as to prevent, or interfere with, full control of such bicycle while upon any highway. 54. No person shall leave a bicycle lying on any public sidewalk, or park, or leave such bicycle against any window, or in front of or across any door, stairs or entranceway to any building so as to obstruct or interfere with ingress to or egress from such building. Designated Turn Lanes 55. The highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule 19, between the limits set out in Column 2 of Schedule 19, in the lanes set out in Column 3 of Schedule 19, during the times set out in Column 4 of Schedule 19, and in the directions set out in Column 5 of Schedule 19 are designated turn lanes. Community Safety Zones 56. The highways or portions thereof set out in Column 1 of Schedule 20 between the limits set out in Column 2 of Schedule 20 and during the times set out in Column 3 of Schedule 20 are designated as community safety zones. Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 11 Municipal Safety Zones 57. (1) In this section, "municipal safety zone" means that part of the highway and the fire route connected to that part of the highway where parking and stopping restrictions are in force and where all applicable fines for parking and stopping are doubled. (2) The highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule 21, between the limits set out in Column 2 of Schedule 21, on the side set out in Column 3 of Schedule 21 and during the times or days set out in Column 4 of Schedule 21 are designated as municipal safety zones. Enforcement 58. Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine for each offence as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33. For purposes of this section, a separate violation shall be deemed to have been committed for each and every day during which any such contravention continues, and conviction in respect of a contravention shall not operate as a bar to further prosecution if such contravention continues. 59. Part II of the Provincial Offences Act applies in respect of all parking infractions under this by-law. 60. Any Officer, upon discovery of any vehicle parked or stopped in contravention of this by-law, may cause it to be moved or taken to and placed or stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for removing, care and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicle, which may be enforced in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act. 61. Where a vehicle has been parked or stopped in contravention of this by-law, the owner of the vehicle, notwithstanding that the owner was not the driver of the vehicle at the time of the contravention, is guilty of an offence unless, at the time of the offence, the vehicle was in the possession of some person other than the owner without the owner's consent. 62. For the purposes of this by-law, where a number plate issued pursuant to the HTA is exposed on a vehicle, the holder of the permit corresponding to such plate shall be deemed to be the owner of that vehicle and, if such vehicle is found in contravention of this by-law, the owner shall be guilty of an offence unless the number plate was used without the owner's consent. 63. The provisions of this by-law may be enforced by any Officer. Application 64. This by-law applies to all highways under the jurisdiction of the Municipality and, where applicable, to Municipal property and private property. 65. This by-law shall not, if compliance therewith would be impracticable, apply to, (a) emergency vehicles or public utility vehicles; (b) vehicles actually engaged in works undertaken for or on behalf of any municipal corporation; or (c) vehicles actually forming part of a funeral procession for as long as may reasonably be required for the purpose of such funeral. 66. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the date that the Chief Judge of the Ontario Court (Provincial Division) approves set fines for offences under this by- law. Traffic and Parking By-law No. 2014-059 Page 12 67. Sections 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 35, 36, 38, 39, 45, 46, 47, 56 and 57 shall not be effective unless authorized signs that clearly indicate the regulation or prohibition have been erected. BY-LAW passed this 2nd day of June, 2014 t Adrian oste 9ayor A ne Greentree, Municipal Clerk SCHEDULE#1 NO STOPPING k F COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Beaver Street South West Robert Street East and 30 m southerly anytime Church Street, Bowmanville South St. George Street and Lambert Street 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday inclusive Division Street East&West King Street and 22 m northerly anytime Fourth Street South High Street and Elgin Street 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday inclusive Glass Court East Edward Street East and south limit of Glass Court anytime Glass Court West South limit of Glass Court to 20 m north of Bridges Drive anytime King Street South Temperance Street and 23 m westerly anytime King Street North&South Durham Regional Road 14 and Brown Street anytime King Street North &South Durham Regional Road 14 and Haines Street anytime King Street North Temperance Street and 62 m westerly anytime King Street North Temperance Street and 44 m easterly anytime King Street North Scugog Street and 43 m easterly anytime King Street North &South Scugog Street and Roenigk Drive anytime King Street North Division Street and 20 m easterly anytime King Street North &South Division Street and 20 m westerly anytime Mosport Road East&West 375 m and 1400 m south of Concession Road 10 anytime SCHEDULE#1 NO STOPPING f COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Nash Road South 125 m and 325 m west of Regional Road 34 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday inclusive Parkway Crescent Both sides Durham Regional Road 14 and junction of Parkway Crescent Anytime Prince Street North Durham Regional Road 14 and 120 m easterly anytime Rhonda Boulevard East&West Doreen Crescent and Lawrence Gate 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday inclusive South Service Road North &South 500 m and 920 m east of Durham Regional Road 34 anytime Temperance Street West King Street and 36 m northerly anytime Temperance Street East King Street and 23 m southerly anytime West Beach Road Both Port Darlington Road to 660 m westerly anytime SCHEDULE#2 NO PARKING COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Albert Street South Brown Street and Durham Regional Road 14 Anytime Apple Blossom Boulevard South &East Tucker Road and Mann Street Anytime Barley Mill Crescent North West junction of Soper Creek Drive and east junction of Soper Creek Drive Anytime Baseline Road North &South Martin Road and Haines Street Anytime Baseline Road North &South 345 m and 875 m west of Trulls Road Anytime Beaver Street North East King Street East to a point 75 m northerly Anytime Beaver Street North West King Street East and Andrew Street Anytime Beaver Street South East Emily Street East and King Street East Anytime Beaver Street South West Robert Street East and King Street East Anytime Beech Avenue East&West Lowe Street and Concession Street Anytime Bennett Road East&West South Service Road and 250 m southerly Anytime Bernard Street West Third St and south limit of Bernard Street Anytime Boundary Road Both Regional Road 57 and the westerly limit of Boundary Road Anytime Brown Street East&west King Street and Wellington Street Anytime Brown Street East King Street and Queen Street Anytime Carlisle Avenue North Centre Street and Durham Regional Road 14/Liberty Street Anytime SCHEDULE#2 NO PARKING COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Caroline Street South Baldwin Street and Church Street Anytime Caroline Street North 47 m east of Baldwin Street to Church Street Anytime Centre Street East Carlisle Avenue and Concession Street Anytime Centreview Street South Main Street and Church Street Anytime Centreview Street North Church Street and east limit of Centreview Street Anytime Church Street, Bowmanville North Silver Street and 39 m easterly Anytime Church Street, Bowmanville Both Temperance Street and Division Street Anytime Church Street, Bowmanville South Division Street and George Street Anytime Church Street, Bowmanville North George Street and 90 m westerly 6:00- 18:00, Monday-Friday Church Street, Bowmanville North 90 m and 110 m west of George Street Anytime Church Street, Bowmanville Both George Street and Liberty Street Anytime Church Street, Orono West Station Street and Somerville Drive Anytime Church Street, Orono West Dickson Street and Churchill Avenue Anytime Church Street, Orono East Centreview Street and Churchill Avenue Anytime Church Street, Orono West Centreview Street and south limit of Church Street Anytime Clarington Boulevard West 90m north of King Street to 90 m south of King Street Anytime SCHEDULE#2 NO PARKING COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Caalington Boulevard East Uptown Avenue and 90m south of King Street Anytime Cobbledick Street North King's Hwy 35/115 and Durham Regional Road 17 Anytime Concession Road 10 North&South Durham Region Road 20 and Mosport Road Anytime Concession Street North&South Wellington Street and Lambs Road Anytime Darlington Park Road North &South Courtice Road and the west limit of Darlington Park Road Anytime Darlington-Clarke Townline Road East&West Concession Road 10 and 230 m southerly Anytime Dickson Street North &South Church Street and Mill Street Anytime Division Street North &South Wellington Street and Lowe Street Anytime Down Road East&West Darlington Park Road and south limit of Down Road Anytime Duke Street West Baseline Road and Park Street Anytime Elgin Street East Horsey Street and First Street Anytime Fourth Avenue West Nash Road and Westmore Street Anytime Fourth Street North Scugog Street and High Street Anytime George Reynolds Drive West Devondale Street&Dunkin Avenue Anytime High Street West First Street and Fourth Street Anytime Hobbs Drive North Simpson Avenue(North Junction) and Hally Court Anytime SCHEDULE#2 NO PARKING f COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Horsey Street Northeast Concession Street and Elgin Street Anytime Horsey Street Southeast Elgin Street and Temperance Street Anytime Jackman Road North and South Scugog Street and Durham Regional Road 57 Anytime John Scott Avenue North West limit and east limit Anytime John Scott Avenue South Fairbairn Court and east limit Anytime King Street North Ontario Street and 85 m east of Ontario Street Anytime King Street South Ontario Street and 70 m west of Ontario Street Anytime King Street East North 33 m east of George Street and 45 m east of George Street Anytime King Street North and South Durham Regional Road 57 and Roenigk Drive Anytime Lambert Street West King Street and Queen Street Anytime Lambs Lane East and West Odell Street and north limit of Lambs Lane Anytime Leigh Street Both Princess Street and Station Street Anytime Liberty Street North Both North and south limit of#6275 Liberty Street North Anytime Lockhart Gate East Baseline Road and John Scott Boulevard Anytime Lovers Lane North and South Centre Street and Durham Regional Road 14/1-iberty Street Anytime Maconnachie Place North and South Apple Blossom Boulevard and the west limit of Maconnachie Place Anytime SCHEDULE#2 NO PARKING COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Martin Road East Alonna Street and Durham Regional Road 57 Anytime Martin Road West Baseline Road and Durham Regional Road 57 Anytime Meadowglade Road North Prestonvale Road and Robert Adams Drive Anytime Mill Street East and West Toronto Street and Metcalf Street Anytime Mill Street,Orono East and West Durham Road 17 and King's Highway 351115 Anytime Milville Avenue North 50 m east of Old Scugog Road and North Division Street Anytime Mosport Road East and West Concession Road 10 and 375 m southerly Anytime Mosport Road East and West From 1400 m to 2750 m south of Concession Road 10 Anytime Nash Road North Durham Regional Road 34 and 75 m westerly Anytime Nash Road South 210 m and 350 m west of Durham Regional Road 34 Anytime Nash Road South Townline Road North and Varcoe Road Anytime Nash Road North Trulls Road and Fourth Street Anytime Old Scugog Road Both Boundary Road and 365 m southerly Anytime Ontario Street West Durham Regional Road 14 and Wellington Street Anytime Park Street North Durham Regional Road 17 and east limit of Park Street Anytime Prestonvale Road Both 330 m south of Bloor Street and 660 m south of Bloor Street Anytime SCHEDULE#2 NO PARKING COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Prestonvale Road Both Bloor Street and Meadowglade Road Anytime Prestonvale Road East Glenabbey Drive and Meadowglade Road Anytime Prestonvale Road West Glenabbey Drive and 60 m south of Glenabbey Drive Anytime Prestonway Drive South Bonnycastle Drive and Martin Road Anytime Prince Street South Durham Regional Road 14 and Simpson Avenue Anytime Prince Street North Simpson Avenue and 300 m westerly Anytime Princess Street Both Leigh Street and Main Street Anytime Prospect Street East and West Concession Street and Fourth Street Anytime Queen Avenue West 150 m south of Queen Street and south limit of Queen Avenue Anytime Queen Street Both Scugog Street and Temperance Street Anytime Queen Street South Devitts Lane and Durham Regional Road 14 Anytime Queen Street North Temperance Street and Durham Regional Road 14 Anytime Queen Street Both Durham Regional Road 14 and St. George Street Anytime Rhonda Boulevard East Doreen Crescent and Lawrence Gate Anytime Robert Adams Drive West Meadowglade Road and Glenabbey Drive Anytime Robert Adams Drive East Whitecliffe Drive and Renwick Road Anytime SCHEDULE#2 NO PARKING f f COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Hi hwa Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Robert Street East North Beaver Street South and Regional Road 17 Anytime Roenigk Drive East and West King Street and Waverly Road Anytime Sandringham Drive South Trulls Road and Stuart Road Anytime Sandringham Drive North Stuart Road and Grandville Drive Anytime Sandringham Drive South Granville Drive and Yorkville Drive Anytime Sandringham Drive North Yorkville Drive and Glenabbey Drive Anytime Sandringham Drive Both Glenabbey Drive and Claret Road Anytime Sandringham Drive East Claret Road and Durham Hwy 2 Anytime Scugog Street East and West Queen Street and Durham Regional Road 57 Anytime Silver Street West King Street and Wellington Street Anytime Silver Street East King Street and 30 m northerly Anytime Silver Street East Church Street and 62 m northerly Anytime Simpson Avenue East and West Southway Drive and Baseline Road Anytime Simpson Avenue East King Street and Southway Drive Anytime Spry Avenue North and East 85 m and 200 m east of Lawrence Crescent Anytime St. George Street Both Queen Street and Church Street Anytime SCHEDULE#2 NO PARKING 4 , COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Station Street South Main Street and 200 m west of Leigh Street Anytime Temperance Street East and West Wellington Street and Horsey Street Anytime Tilley Road North Apple Blossom Boulevard and the west limit of Tilley Road Anytime Toronto Street East and South South limit of Toronto Street and east limit of Toronto Street Anytime Uptown Avenue South Clarington Boulevard and the east limit of Uptown Avenue Anytime Wellington Street South Durham Regional Road 14 and Scugog Street Anytime Wellington Street North Elgin Street and Temperance Street Anytime Wellington Street North and South Durham Regional Road 14 and easterly limit of Wellington Street Anytime West Side Drive West Baseline Road and Bottrell Street Anytime Wilcox Road Both King's Hwy 35/115 and the eastern limit of Wilcox Road Anytime Wilmot Creek Road North and South Bennett Road and 50 m easterly Anytime SCHEDULE#3 PARKING FOR RESTRICTIED PERIODS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Prohibited Times of Day Centreview Street, Orono North Regional Road 17 and Church Street Anytime- 15 minutes Queen Street, Bowmanville South Queen Avenue and Devitt"s Lane Anytime- 1 hour Silver Street, Bowmanville East 63 m and 90 m north of Church Street Anytime- 1 hour SCHEDULE#4 RESERVED ON-STREET PARKING # ti COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COMUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Location Side Between/Number Authorized Persons Church Street, Bowmanville South 30 m and 37 m west of Temperance Street Mayor and Veterans SCHEDULE#5 PARKING METER ZONES ON HIGHWAYS M V COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 HIGHWAY Side FROM TO EFFECTIVE TIMES OR DAYS RATE MAXIMUM TIME LIMIT Church Street, Bowmanville North 80 m west of Silver Street Silver Street 9:00-18:00 Monday to Friday, except public 50 cents/1 hr 2 hours holidays Church Street, Bowmanville North &South Silver Street Temperance Street 9:00-18:00 Monday to Friday,except public 50 cents/1 hr 2 hours holidays Division Street, Bowmanville East Queen Street Church Street 9:00-18:00 Monday to Friday,except public 50 cents/1 hr 2 hours holidays Division Street, Bowmanville West 50 m south of King Street Church Street 9:00-18:00 Monday to Friday, except public 50 cents/1 hr 2 hours holidays King Street, Bowmanville North Scugog Street George Street 9:00-18:00 Monday to Friday, except public 50 cents/1 hr 2 hours holidays King Street, Bowmanville South Scugog Street 20 m east of George Street 9:00-18:00 Monday to Friday, except public 50 cents/1 hr 2 hours holidays Silver Street, Bowmanville East King Street Church Street 9:00-18:00 Monday to Friday, except public 50 cents/1 hr 2 hours holidays Temperance Street, Bowmanville East&West Queen Street Wellington Street 9:00-18:00 Monday to Friday,except public 50 cents/1 hr 2 hours holidays SCHEDULE#6 PARKING METER ZONES ON MUNICIPAL PROPERTY COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 MUNICIPAL ADDRESS EFFECTIVE TIMES OR DAYS RATE MAXIMUM TIME LIMIT 132 Church Street, Bowmanville,west lot and east lot 8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday First two hours free then 50 cents/1 hr 10 hours 18:01-07:59 weekdays No hourly fee 2 hours Weekends&public holiday No hourly fee 2 hours 30 Division Street, Bowmanville 8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday First two hours free then 50 cents/1 hr 10 hours 18:01-07:59 weekdays No hourly fee 2 hours Weekends &public holiday No hourly fee 2 hours 20 King Street East, Bowmanville 8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday First two hours free then 50 cents/1 hr 10 hours 18:01-07:59 weekdays No hourly fee 2 hours Weekends&public holiday No hourly fee 2 hours 15 Silver Street, Bowmanville 8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday First two hours free then 50 cents/1 hr 10 hours 18:01-07:59 weekdays No hourly fee 2 hours Weekends &public holiday No hourly fee 2 hours 166 Church Street, Bowmanville 8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday First two hours free then 50 cents/1 hr 10 hours 18:01-07:59 weekdays No hourly fee 2 hours Weekends&public holiday No hourly fee 2 hours SCHEDULE#7 LOADING ZONES COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway Side Between Church Street, Bowmanville South 53 m and 71 m west of Temperance Street Brown Street, Bowmanville East 24 m and 42 m north of King Street SCHEDULE#8 ONE-WAY HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Hi hwa Between Times of Day Direction Silver Street, Bowmanville King Street West and Church Street Anytime Northbound Bowen Street, Orono Regional Road 17 and Church Street Anytime Westbound SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Albert Street West limit of Duke Street East limit of Nelson Street Alderbrook Drive East limit of Oban Court West limit of Goldpine Avenue Alonna Street #3 Alona Street East limit of Martin Road Andrew Road North limit of Peters Pike #69 Andrews Road Andrew Street East limit of Mill Street North West limit of Arthur Street Andrew Street and Challenger Court(in combination) East limit of Arthur Street West limit of Challenger Court Apple Blossom Boulevard North limit of Concession Street East West limit of Mearns Avenue Argent Street North limit of Clayton Crescent south limit of Longworth Avenue Argent Street North limit of Longworth Avenue South limit of Bons Avenue Argyle Street and Duke Street(in combination) North limit of Baseline Road West West limit of Ontario Street Arthur Street North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Concession 3 Arthur Trewin Street South limit of Holyrod Drive North limit of Elmer Adams Drive Aspen Springs Drive East limit of Green Road West limit of Regional Road 57 Auburn Lane North limit of Glenabbey Drive South limit of Hemmingway Drive Auburn Lane and Auburn Court(in combination) North limit of Hemmingway Drive East limit of Auburn Court Avondale Drive East limit of Trulls Road South limit of Sandringham Drive SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Avondale Drive North limit of Sandringham Drive East limit of Richard Gay Avenue Baldwin Street North limit of Edward Street South limit of King Avenue West Bannister Street West limit of West Side Drive North limit of Milburn Drive Baseline Road East limit of Regional Road 34 West limit of Holt Road Baseline Road East limit of Holt Road West limit of Regional Road 57 Baseline Road and Prestonvale Road (in combination) South limit of Regional Road 22 West limit of Regional Road 34 Baseline Road East East limit of Regional Road 14 West limit of Lambs Road Baseline Road West East limit of Regional Road 57 West limit of Duke Street Baxter Street North limit of Remington Street South limit of Aspen Springs Drive Beaver Street North North limit of King Avenue East South limit of Andrew Street Beaver Street North South limit of Beaver Street South South limit of Edward Street East Beaver Street South North limit of Edward Street South limit of King Avenue East Bennett Road South limit of Bennett Road South limit of Regional Highway 2 Bethesda Road North limit of Concession Road 4 South limit of Regional Road 4 Bingham Gate East limit of Townline Road South West limit of Fenning Drive Birchfield Drive South limit of Hartsfield Drive West limit of Centrefield Drive SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS r COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Black Creek Trail South limit of Black Creek Trail East limit of Black Creek Trail Bloom Avenue East limit of Brookhouse Drive South limit of William Jose Court Bloor Street East limit of Regional Road 34 West limit of Maple Grove Road Bonathon Crescent East limit of Boswell Drive East limit of Bonathon Drive Bonnycastle Drive East limit of West Side Drive South limit of Aspen Springs Drive Bons Avenue East limit of West Scugog Lane West limit of Scugog Street Bons Avenue East limit of Scugog Street West limit of Regional Road 14 Boswell Drive South limit of Regional Highway 2 West limit of Green Road Boswell Drive North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Harvey Jones Avenue Bottrell Street West limit of West Side Drive West limit of Millburn Drive Bridges Drive South limit of Edward Street East East limit of Glass Court Brookhill Boulevard West limit of Green Road East limit of Boswell Drive Brookhill Boulevard East limit of Green Road East limit of Brookhill Boulevard Brookhouse Drive South limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Bloom Avenue Brooking Street North limit of Scottsdale Drive South limit of Longworth Avenue Broome Avenue East limit of Harry Gay Drive East limit of Broome Avenue SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Brown Street South limit of Queen Street North limit of Victoria.Street Brownstone Crescent West limit of Avondale Drive West limit of Weaver Street Brownsville Road South limit of Brownsville Road South limit of Regional Highway 2 Brownsville Road North limit of Regional Highway 2 North limit of Brownsville Road Bruntsfield Street North limit of Regional Road 22 South limit of Glenabbey Drive Carl Raby Street South limit of Ross Wright Avenue North Limit f Harvey Jones Avenue Carveth Crescent East limit of Port of Newcastle Drive North limit of Shipway Avenue Cecil Found Crescent East limit of Trulls Road South limit of George Reynolds Drive Cedar Crest Beach Road and Cove Road (in combination) West limit of Cedar Crest Beach Road West limit of West Beach Road Centerfield Drive North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Nash Road Centerfield Drive North limit of Nash Road East limit of Varcoe Road Centre Street and George Street(In combination) North limit of Wellington Street South limit of Concession Street West Centreview Street East limit of Regional Road 17 East limit of Centreview Street Champine Square East limit of Jollow Drive North limit of Champine Street Chater Lane South limit of Concession Road 8 South limit of Chater Lane Cherry Blossom Crescent South limit of Nash Road East limit of Cherry Blossom Crescent SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Church Street(Bowmanville) East limit of Scugog Street West limit of Temperance Street Church Street(Bowmanville) East limit of George Street West limit of Regional Road 14 Church Street(Bowmanville) East limit of Regional Road 14 East limit of St. George Street Church Street(Newcastle) North limit of Robert Street West South limit of Edward Street Church Street(Newcastle) North limit of Edward Street South limit of King Avenue West Church Street North North limit of Centreview Street North limit of Church Street North Church Street South North limit of Somerville Drive South limit of Cobbledick Street Church Street South North limit of Cobbledick Street South limit of Station Street Cigas Road North limit of Baseline Road East limit of Trulls Road Clarington Boulevard South limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Brookhill Boulevard Clarke Street West limit of Mill Street South West limit of Clarke Street Clayton Crescent South limit of Longworth Avenue East limit of Clayton Crescent Clemens Road North limit of Concession Road 6 South limit of Concession Road 7 Cobbledick Road East limit of Regional Road 17 West limit of King's Hwy 35/115 Cobbledick Road South limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Cobbledick Road Cold Springs Camp Road North limit of Regional Road 9 South limit of Boundary Road SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS k COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Cole Avenue North limit of Lawrence Crescent North limit of Cole Avenue Colville Avenue West limit of Gimblett Street West limit of Colville Avenue Concession Road 1 (Clarke) East limit of Newtonville Road West limit of East Townline Road Concession Road 1 and Metcalf Street(in combination) East limit of Mill Streeet South West limit of Newtonville Road Concession Road 10(Clarke) East limit of Mosport Road West limit of King's Highway 35 Concession Road 10 (Darlington) East limit of Old Scugog Road West limit of Regional Road 57 Concession Road 10(Darlington) and Townline Road North (in combination) North limit of Regional Road 3 West limit of Old Scugog Road Concession Road 10 and Avery Road (in combination) East limit of Regional Road 57 North limit of Boundary Road Concession Road 2(Clarke) West limit of Stapleton Road West limit of Concession Road 2 Concession Road 3(Clarke) East limit of Regional Road 42 West limit of King's Highway 35/115 Concession Road 3 (Clarke) East limit of King's Highway 35/115 West limit of Morgan's Road Concession Road 3(Clarke) East limit of Regional Road 18 West limit of East Townline Road Concession Road 3 (Darlington) North limit of North Scugog Court West limit of Scugog Street Concession Road 3(Darlington) East limit of Scugog Street West limit of Regional Road 14 Concession Road 3 (Darlington) East limit of Regional Road 14 West limit of Regional Road 42 Concession Road 4(Clarke) East limit of Regional Road 42 West limit of King's Highway 35/115 SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Concession Road 4(Clarke) East limit of King's Highway 35/115 West limit of Regional Road 18 Concession Road 4(Clarke) East limit of Regional Road 18 West limit of East Townline Road Concession Road 4(Darlington) West limit of Regional Road 42 #2963 Concession Road 4(Darlington) Concession Road 4 (Darlington) and Lambs Road (in combination) East limit of Regional Road 14 North limit of Concession Road 3(Darlington) Concession Road 5 (Clarke) East limit of Regional Road 18 West limit of East Townline Road Concession Road 5(Clarke) and Patterson Road in combination East limit of Regional Road 17 West limit of Regional Road 18 Concession Road 6(Clarke) East limit of King's Highway 35/115 West limit of Regional Road 18 Concession Road 6(Clarke) East limit of Regional Road 18 West limit of East Townline Road Concession Road 6(Darlington) East limit of Townline Road North West limit of Regional Road 34 Concession Road 6 (Darlington) East limit of Regional Road 34 West limit of Old Scugog Road Concession Road 6(Darlington) East limit of Regional Road 57 West limit of Liberty Street North Concession Road 6(Darlington) East limit of Liberty Street North West limit of Darlington-Clarke Townline Road Concession Road 7 (Clarke) East limit of Darlington-Clarke Townline Road West limit of Leskard Road Concession Road 7 (Clarke) East limit of Best Road West limit of King's Highway 35/115 Concession Road 7(Darlington) East limit of Townline Road North West limit of Regional Road 34 Concession Road 7(Darlington) East limit of Regional Road 34 West limit of Solina Road i SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS t COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Concession Road 7(Darlington) East limit of Solina Road West limit of Regional Road 57 Concession Road 7(Darlington) East limit of Regional Road 57 West limit of Liberty Street North Concession Road 7 (Darlington) East limit of Liberty Street North East limit of Darlington-Clarke Townline Road Concession Road 8(Clarke) East limit of Darlington-Clarke Townline Road West limit of Leskard Road Concession Road 8(Clarke)and The Dell Road (Darlington)(in combination) East limit of Leskard Road (west junction) North limit of The Dell Road Concession Road 8(Darlington) East limit of Regional Road 57 West limit of Middle Road Concession Road 8 (Darlington) East limit of Middle Road West limit of Liberty Street North Concession Road 8(Darlington)and Darlington-Clarke Townline Road (in combination) East limit of Liberty Street North North limit of Concession Road 7 (Darlington) Concession Road 9 (Darlington) East limit of Townline Road North West limit of Old Scugog Road Concession Street East East limit of Regional Road 14 West limit of Mearns Avenue Concession Street East East limit of Mearns Avenue West limit of Regional Road 42 Concession Street West East limit of Beech Avenue West limit of Regional Road 14 Concession Street West West limit of Beech Avenue East limit of Elgin Street Concesson Road 5(Clarke)and Sommerville Drive(in combination) East limit of Regional Road 42 West limit of Regional Road 17 Cornish Drive South limit of Kilgannon Avenue West limit of Fenning Drive Courtice Court West limit of McKnight Road West limit of Courtice Court SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Courtice Road South limit of South Service Road South limit of Courtice Road Courtney Street East limit of McCorkell Street West limit of Courtney Street Courvier Crescent West limit of Swindells Street West limit of Swindells Street Cousins Street South limit of Bingham Gate West limit of Fenning Drive Crough Street North limit of Longworth Avenue North limit of Crough Street Dadson Drive South limit of Concession Streeet East East limit of Squire Fletcher Drive Daigle Lane North Limit of Brookhill Boulevard South limit of Ted Miller Crescent Daiseyfield Drive West limit of Trulls Road West limit of Daiseyfield Avenue Darlington Boulevard South limit of Darlington Boulevard South limit of Regional Highway 2 Darlington Park Road West limit of Courtice Road West limit of Darlington Park Road Darlington Street North limit of Concession Road 10 North limit of Darlington Street Darlington-Clarke Townline Road North limit of Regional Road 4 #3595 Darlington-Clarke Townline Road David Crescent West limit of Andrews Road (south junction) West limit of Peters Pike Davis Court, Hillside Drive and Hillside Court(in combination) North limit of Davis Court North limit of Hillside Court Devondale Street East limit of Firwood Avenue West limit of Trulls Road Devondale Street West limit of Firwood Avenue East limit of George Reynolds Drive SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS k Y COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Division Street North limit of Church Street South limit of Lowe Street Dodds Square West limit of Milburn Drive South limit of Dodds Square Don Morris Court South limit of Longworth Avenue South limit of Don Morris Court Doreen Crescent West limit of Rhonda Boulevard South limit of Doreen Crescent Dorset Street West limit of Solina Road West limit of Dorset Street East Townline Road and Lakeshore Road (in combination) East limit of Stephenson Road South limit of Regional Highway 2 Edsall Avenue and Redher Avenue(in combination) West limit of Scugog Street West limit of Scugog Street Edward Street East East limit of Beaver Street South West limit of Glass Court Edward Street East East limit of Glass Court West limit of Brookhouse Drive Edward Street West East limit of Ruddell Road West limit of Church Street Edwin Carr Street South limit of Northglen Boulevard North limit of Concession Road 3 Eldad Drive East limit of Brookings Street East limit of Scottsdale Drive Eldad Drive West limit of Brookings Street East limit of Swindells Street Elephant Hill Drive North limit of Apple Blossom Drive East limit of Elephant Hill Drive Elford Drive East limit of Hanning Court North limit of Fenwick Drive Elgin Street North limit of Wellington Street South limit of Concession St.West SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Elgin Street Norht limit of Concession Street West South limit of Fourth Street Elliott Street and Mary Street(in combination) West limit of Old Scugog Road West limit of Mary Street Elmer Adams Drive West limit of Holyrod Drive West limit of Arthur Trewin Street Empire Crescent South limit of Foxhunt Trail West limit of Foxhunt Trail Erskine Drive North limit of Flood Avenue West limit of Thomas Woodlock Street Farmington Drive South limit of Avondale Drive South limit of Farmington Drive Fenning Drive South limit of Gord Vinson Avenue South limit of Fenning Drive Fenwick Avenue and Hanning Court(in combination) North limit of Hanning Court West limit of Jollow Drive Fieldcrest Avenue East limit of Farmington Drive South limit of Stagemaster Crescent Firwood Avenue North limit of Alderbrook Drive South limit of George Reynolds Drive Flood Avenue East limit of Rudell Road West limit of Pedwell Street Forsey Lane South limit of Ross Wright Avenue North Limit f Harvey Jones Avenue Foster Creek Drive North limit of Edward Street North limit of Edward Street Fourth Avenue North limit of Nash Road West limit of Jane Street Fourth Street East limit of Scugog Street West limit of High Street Foxhunt Trail West limit of Foxhunt Trail West limit of Darlington Boulevard SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Freeland Avenue East limit of Regional Road 14 West limit of Mearns Avenue Galbraith Court North limit of King Street East North limit of Galbraith Court George Reynolds Drive North limit of Nash Road West limit of Trulls Road George Reynolds Drive West limit of Regional Road 34 East limit of Trulls Road George Street East East limit of Beaver Street North South limit of Andrew Street Gimblett Street North Limit of Bons Avenue North Limit of Gimblett Street Glass Court South limit of Edward Street East North limit of Bridges Drive Glenabbey Drive East limit of Townline Road South West limit of Auburn Lane Glenabbey Drive East limit of Prestonvale Road South limit of Sandringham Drive Goldpine Drive North limit of Nash Road South limit of Devondale Street Goodwin Avenue East limit of Scugog Street West limit of Argent Street Gord Vinson Avenue East limit of Townline Road South West limit of Roswell Drive Grady Drive East limit of Rudell Road East limit of Grady Drive Grady Drive and Remi Court(in combination) West limit of Regional Road 17 West limit of Remi Court Granville Drive South limit of Yorkville Drive North limit of John Walter Crescent Granville Drive South limit of John Walter Crescent North Limit of Meadowglade Road SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Grasshopper Park Road and King Street(in combination) North limit of Concession Road 8 South limit of Regional Road 20 Green Road South limit of Green Road South limit of Remmington Street Green Road North limit of Remmington Street South limit of Aspen Springs Drive Green Road North Limit of Aspen Springs Drive South Limit of Regional Highway 2 Green Road North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Regional Road 4 Guildwood Drive East limit of Mearns Avenue South limit of Sprucewood Crescent Hammond Street South limit of Rustwood Street North limit of Padfield Drive Hancock Road North limit of Nash Road #3700 Hancock Road Harmer Drive North limit of Edward Street East West limit of Brookhouse Drive Harry Gay Drive North limit of Nash Road South limit of George Reynolds Drive Hart Boulevard and Hart Court(in combination) East limit of Rudell Road East limit of Hart Court Hartsfield Drive East limit of Varcoe Road South limit of Centrefield Drive Harvey Jones Avenue East limit of Murray Tabb Street West limit of Green Road Hathaway Drive East limit of Whitecliffe Drive West limit of Robert Adams Drive Hayman Street South limit of Glenabbey Drive North limit of Meadowglade Road Hemmingway Drive North limit of Pebblebeach Drive West limit of,Robert Adams Drive SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Herriman Street East limit of Apple Blossom Boulevard West limit of Mann Street Hetherington Drive South limit of Lawrence Crescent West limit of Lawrence Crescent High Street North limit of Concession Street West South limit of Canadian Pacific Railway High Street North limit of Fourth Street South limit of Longworth Avenue High Street and First Street(in combination) East limit of Elgin Street South limit of Fourth Street Hill Street East limit of Reid Road West limit of Regional Road 18 Hobbs Drive East limit of Simpson Avenue East limit of Simpson Avenue Hockley Avenue West limit of Scugog Street East limit of West Scugog Lane Holt Road South limit of Holt Road South limit of Baseline Road Holt Road North limit of Regional Road 4 South limit of Concession Road 6 Holt Road North limit of Concession Road 6 South limit of Concession Road 7 Holt Road and Sunny Ridge Trail(in combination) South Limit of Sunny Ridge Trail South limit of Regional Road 3 Holyrod Drive East limit of Regional Road 34 South limit of Holyrod Drive Homefield Square North limit of Birchfield Drive West limit of Homefield Square Honeyman Drive West limit of Honey man Drive South limit of Bons Avenue Hooper Square East limit of Rickaby Street North limit of Hooper Square SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Hunt Street North limit of Baseline Road West South limit of Albert Street Huntington Crescent #201 Huntington Crescent West limit of Robert Adams Drive Huntington Crescent #201 Huntington Crescent #309 Huntington Crescent Huntington Crescent and Beckett Crescent(in combination) #1 Huntington Crescent #99 Beckett Crescent Hutton Place West limit of Sprucewood Crescent North limit of Hutton Place Inglis Avenue and Inglis Court(in combination) North limit of Yorkville Drive West limit of Inglis Court Irwin Road and Winter Road (in combination) West limit of Regional Road 17 South limit of Winter Road Jackman Road West limit of Scugog Road West limit of Jackman Road Jane Avenue North limit of Westmore Street South limit of George Reynolds Drive Jane Street East limit of Regional Road 14 West limit of Simpson Avenue Jennings Drive and Brough Court(in combination) West limit of Brough Court East limit of McCorkell Street John Scott Avenue and John Scott Court(in combination) South limit of John Scott Court East limit of John Scott Avenue John Walter Crescent and Wade Square(in combination) #2 John Walter Crescent #173 Wade Square Jollow Drive North limit of Maxwell Court South limit of Freeland Avenue Jollow Drive North limit of Freeland Avenue South limit of Concession Road 3 Jones Avenue East limit of Regional Road 18 #38 Jones Avenue SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Jones Avenue, George Burley Street and Paynes Crescent(in combination) #66 Jones Avenue South limit of Regional Highway 2 Kelman Place North limit of Longworth Avenue North limit of Kelman Place Kendal Church Street North limit of Old Mill Street South limit of Regional Road 9 Kenneth Cole Drive South limit of Northglen Boulevard West limit of Edwin Carr Street Kershaw Street North limit of Concession Street East South limit of Apple Blossom Boulevard Kilgannon Avenue West limit of Fenning Drive North limit of Pickard Gate King Avenue East East limit of Regional Road 17 Regional Highway 2 King Avenue West West limit of Regional Road 17 Regional Highway 2 King Street West and King Street East(in combination) (Bowmanville) Regional Highway 2 Regional Highway 2 Kingswood Drive East limit of Townline Road South North limit of Kingswood Drive Kintyre Street East limit of George Reynolds Drive South limit of Devondale Street Kurve Inn Road South limit of Regional Highway 2 East limit of Kurve Inn Road Lake Road East limit of Regional Road 14 East limit of Lake Road Lakebreeze Drive and Toronto Street(in combination) East limit of Lakebreeze Drive West limit of Mill Street Laking Drive South limit of Harmer Drive East limit of Harmer Drive Lambs Lane North limit of Odell Street South limit of Second Street SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS y COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Lambs Lane North limit of Second Street North limit of Lambs Lane Lambs Road North limit of King's Highway 401 South limit of Regional Highway 2 Langstaff Road North limit of Thertell Road North limit of Langstaff Road Laurelwood Street South limit of Goodwin Avenue North limit of Longworth Avenue Lawrence Crescent East limit of Waverley Road North limit of Spry Avenue Leskard Road North limit of Concession Road 7 South limit of Concession Road 8 Leskard Road and Skelding Road (in combination) North limit of Concession Road 8 East limit of Skelding Road Liberty Street North and Concession 7(in combination) North limit of Regional Road 4 West limit of Clemens Road Liberty Street North and Concession Road 8(in combination) North limit of Concession Road 7 South limit of Regional Road 20 Little Avenue West limit of Cole Avenue South limit of Strike Avenue Living Court West limit of Living Court East limit of Living Court Longworth Avenue East limit of Regional Road 57 West limit of Regional Road 14 Longworth Avenue East limit of Regional Road 14 West limit of Mearns Avenue Longworth Avenue East limit of Mearns Avenue East limit of Longworth Avenue Loscombe Drive South limit of Spry Avenue West limit of Spry Avenue Lovekin Road East limit of Kurve Inn Road South limit of Lovekin Road SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Lownie Court West limit of Guildwood Drive West limit of Lownie Court Lynwood Avenue and Glenview Road (in combination) North limit of Westmore Street East limit of Jane Avenue Madden Place West limit of Sprucewood Crescent North limit of Madden Place Mann Street North limit of Concession Street East South limit of Apple Blossom Boulevard Maple Grove Road North limit of Baseline Road South limit of Regional Highway 2 Martin Road South limit of Baseline Road North limit of King's Highway 401 Martin Road and Prestonway Drive(In combination) North limit of Baseline Road East limit of Bonnycastle Drive Maxwell Court West limit of Rickaby Street West limit of Maxwell Court McCallum Street and Millstream Lane(in combination) North limit of Regional Road 4 West limit of King Lane McCorkell Street North limit of Brough Court South limit of Concession Rd 3 McCrimmon Crescent West limit of Rhonda Boulevard West limit of Rhonda Boulevard McCullough Road North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Concession Road 4 (Hope) McFeeters Crescent North limit of Soper Creek West Limit of Soper Creek McKnight Road South limit of Baseline Road South limit of McKnight Road i McLellan Drive and McLellan Court(in combination) West limit of George Reynolds Drive North limit of McLellan Court McMann Crescent North limit of Strathallan Drive North limit of Strathallan Drive SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Meachin Gate North Limit of Brookhill Boulevard South limit of Ted Miller Crescent Meadowglade Road West limit of Prestonvale Road North limit of Regional Road 22 Meadowglade Road East limit of Prestonvale Road East limit of Meadowglade Road Meadowview Boulevard West limit of Regional Road 14 East limit of High Street Meadowview Boulevard East limit of Scugog Street West limit of High Street Mearns Avenue North limit of King Street East South limit of Concession Street East Mearns Avenue North limit of Concession Street East South limit of Concession Road 3 Milburn Drive South limit of Bannister Street South limit of Bottrell Street Mill Street East limit of Regional Road 17 West limit of King's Highway 35/115 Mill Street North North limit of Regional Road 17 North limit of Mill Street North Mill Street South North limit of Clarke Street South limit of King's Highway 401 Mill Street, Boulton Street, Lakeshore Road, Stephenson Road (in combination) East limit of Port of Newcastle Drive South limit of Concession Road 1 Milligan Street West limit of Port of Newcastle Drive East limit of Toronto Street Millville Avenue East limit of Old Scugog Road East limit of Millville Avenue Monck Street East limit of Kendal Church Street West limit of Regional Road 18 Morgans Road North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Concession Road 4 SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS r COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Mosport Road North limit of Concession Road 8 South limit of Regional Road 20 Moyse Drive East limit of Regional Road 34 East limit of Moyse Drive Mull Crescent West limit of George Reynolds Drive West limit of George Reynolds Drive Murray Tabb Street West limit of Boswell Drive South limit of Ross Wright Avenue Nash Road East limit of Varcoe Road West limit of Centerfield Drive Nash Road East limit of Centrefield Drive West limit of Regional Road 34 Nash Road East limit of Regional Road 34 West limit of Hancock Road Nash Road East limit of Holt Road West limit of Green Road Nelson Lane and Charlesville Lane(in combination) East limit of King Street North limit of Concession Road 8 Nelson Street West limit of Hunt Street North liit of Nelson Street Newtonville Road North limit of Lakeshore Road South limit of King's Highway 401 Nicks Street North limit of Bons Avenue South limit of Hockley Avenue North Division Street and Washington Street(in combination) East limit of Old Scugog Road South limit of Millville Avenue North Mill Lane #2 North Mill Lane North limit of North Mill Lane North Scugog Court West limit of West Scugog Lane North limit of North Scugog Court North Street North limit of King Avenue West South limit of Grady Drive SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Northglen Boulevard East limit of Regional Road 57 East limit of Northglen Boulevard Oban Court East limit of George Reynolds Drive North limit of Oban Court Ochonski Road North limit of Concession Road 5 South limit of Regional Road 4 Odell Street East limit of Prospect Street #10 Odell St Odium Street West limit of Solina Road West limit of Odium Street Oke Road East limit of Prestonvale Road West limit of Glenabbey Drive Old Kingston Road #3 Old Kingston Road #41 Old Kingston Road Old Mill Street West limit of Old Mill Street West limit of Regional Road 18 Old Scugog Road North limit of Regional Road 4 South limit of Concession Road 7 Old Scugog Road North limit of Concession Road 7 South limit of Regional Road 3 Old Scugog Road North limit of Regional Road 3 North limit of Boundary Road Old Scugog Road and Old Scugog Court(in combination) South limit of Old Scugog Court South limit of Regional Road 4 Ontario Street South limit of Queen Street West limit of Regional Road 14 Orchard Heights Drive South limit of Andrew Street West limit of Arthur Street Orchard Park Drive West limit of Mearns Avenue South limit of Squire Fletcher Drive Osborne Road and Crago Road (in combination) South limit of South Service Road South limit of South Service Road SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Padfield Drive East limit of Weldrick Crescent West limit of Padfield Drive Pamela Court West limit of Regional Road 14 West limit of Pamela Court Park Lane and Queen Victoria Street(in combination) East limit of Mill Street South North limit of Boulton Street Park Street East limit of Regional Road 17 East limit of Park Street Parklawn Drive South limit of Stuart Road North limit of Sandringham Drive Parkway Crescent #1 Parkway Crescent #91 Parkway Crescent Partner Drive South limit of Huntington Crescent West limit of Meadowglade Road Pebblebeach Drive East limit of Pinedale Crescent West limit of Auburn Lane Pebblestone Road East limit of Regional Road 55 West limit of Trulls Road Pedwell Street South limit of Grady Drive South limit of Pedwell Street Perry Avenue South limit of Perry Avenue North limit of Perry Avenue Peters Pike South limit of Peters Pike South limit of Regional Road 4 Pickard Gate East limit of Townline Road South West limit of Cornish Drive Pinedale Crescent North limit of Glenabbey Drive West limit of Pinedale Crescent Poolton Crescent South limit of Strathallen Drive South limit of Strathallen Drive Port Darlington Road South limit of Lake Road South limit of Port Darlington Road SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS r COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Port of Newcastle Drive South limit of Clarke Street North limit of Shipway Avenue Port of Newcastle Drive South limit of Shipway Avenue North limit of Lakebreeze Drive Prestonvale Road North limit of Regional Road 22 South limit of Meadowglade Road Prestonvale Road North limit of Glenabbey Drive South limit of Whittaker Avenue Prestonvale Road North limit of Claret Road South limit of Regional Highway 2 Prince Rupert Drive East limit of Tooley Road West limit of Trulls Road Prince Street East limit of Regional Road 14 West limit of Simpson Avenue Prince William Boulevard East limit of Green Road East limit of Prince William Boulevard Prospect Street North limit of Concession Road West South limit of Second Street Prospect Street North limit of Second Street South limit of Fourth Street Prout Drive East limit of High Street North limit of Prout Drive Queen Street West limit of Regional Road 14 East limit of Ontario Street Queen Street and St. Goerge St. (in combination) East limit of Lambert Street South limit of Church Street Queen Street, Scugog Street and Middle Road (in combination) West limit of#73 Ontario Street South limit of Concession Road 4 Quinn Drive East limit of Waverley Road West limit of Lawrence Crescent Redfern Crescent North limit of Swindells Street West limit of Swindells Street SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS 4 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Reid Road North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Concession Road 4 Remmington Street West limit of West Side Drive East limit of Green Road Renwick Road and Decoe Court(in combination) South limit of Decoe Court South limit of Robert Adams Drive Resnick Drive East limit of Arthur Street West limit of Andrew Street Rhonda Boulevard and Old Highway 2(King Street West) (in combination) West limit of Waverley Road East limit of Chapel Street Richard Davies Crescent West limit of Kenneth Cole Drive West limit of Kenneth Cole Drive Richard Gay Avenue South limit of Richard Gay Avenue North limit of Richard Gay Avenue Richfield Square North limit of Nash Road East limit of Richfield Square Robert Adams Drive North limit of Glenabbey Drive West limit of Prestonvale Road Roser Crescent #2 Roser Crescent #132 Roser Crescent Rosswell Drive South limit of Gord Vinson Avenue North limit of Southfield Avenue Rowe Street North limit of Rowe Street North limit of Station Street Roy Cartier Street West limit of Old Scugog Road East limit of Darlington Street Rudell Road North limit of King's Highway 401 South limit of Edward Street Rudell Road North limit of Regional Highway 2 North limit of Rudell Road Sagewood Avenue East limit of Robert Adams Drive East limit of Robert Adams Drive SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS r COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Salter Court West limit of Old Scugog Road West limit of Salter Court Sandringham Drive South limit of Regional Highway 2 North limit of Claret Road Sandringham Drive South limit of Claret Road West limit of Trulls Road Sandringham Drive East Limit of Trulls Road West limit of Regional Road 34 Scottsdale Drive East limit of Regional Road 14 #291 Scottsdale Drive South limit of Eldad Drive Second Street East limit of Prospect Street West limit of Elgin Street Shipway Avenue West limit of Port of Newcastle Drive West limit of Shipway Avenue Shipway Avenue East limit of Port of Newcastle Drive North limit of Lakebreeze Drive Simpson Avenue South limit of King Street East North limit of Baseline Road East Sleeman Square South limit of George Reynolds Drive East limit of Sleeman Square Solina Road North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Regional Road 4 Solina Road North limit of Regional Road 4 South limit of Concession Road 6 Solina Road North limit of Concession Road 6 South limit of Concession Road 7 Sommerville Drive East limit of Regional Road 17 West limit of King's Highway 35/115 Soper Creek Drive East limit of Mearns Avenue South limit of Concession Street East South Service Road East limit of Courtice Road South limit of King's Highway 401 Holt Road off ramp SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To South Service Road West limit of Bennett Road South limit of South Service Road South Service Road East limit of Holt Road East limit of South Service Road Southfield Avenue West limit of Prestonvale Road East limit of Fenning Drive Southway Drive East limit of Regional Road 14 West limit of Simpson Avenue Spicer Square East limit of Martin Road South limit of Spicer Square Sprucewood Crescent East limit of Mearns Avenue East limit of Mearns Avenue Spry Avenue East limit of Waverley Road North limit of Baseline Road West Squire Fletcher Drive West limit of Mearns Avenue #99 Squire Fletcher Drive Squires Gate Drive West limit of Martin Road West limit of Squires Gate Drive Stagemaster Crescent East limit of Avondale Drive East limit of Avondale Drive Stapleton Road North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Concession Road 4 Station Street East limit of Ochonski Road West limit of Regional Road 17 Station Street East limit of Regional Road 17 North limit of Cobbledick Street Station Street East limit of King's Highway 35/115 North limit of Concession Road 5 Stevens Road East limit of Regional Road 57 East limit of Stevens Road Stevens Road West limit of Regional Road 57 East limit of Green Road SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS f COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Strathallan Drive East limit of Sandringham Drive West limit of Trulls Road Strathmanor Drive East limit of Orchard Park Drive South limit of Strathmanor Drive Strike Avenue East limit of Waverley Road #34 Strike Avenue Stuart Road South limit of Strathallan Drive North Limit of Sandringham Drive Sumac Road North limit of Concession Road 10 East limit of Old Scugog Road Sunicrest Boulevard (westbound only) West limit of Regional Road 14 East limit of Shoreview Drive Sunicrest Boulevard and Sunicrest Court(in combination and eastbound only) West limit of Sunicrest Court West limit of Regional Road 14 Sunset Boulevard and Robert Street West(in combination) East limit of Rudell Road West limit of Regional Road 17 Swindells Street East limit of Regional Road 14 South limit of Scottsdale Drive Swindells Street North limit of Scottsadale Drive South limit of Longworth Avenue Swindells Street North limit of Longworth Avenue South limit of Freeland Avenue Sydel Court West limit of Regional Raod 14 West limit of Sydel Court Tabb Avenue East limit of Harry Gay Drive East limit of Tabb Avenue Ted Miller Crescent East limit of Boswell Drive East limit of Boswell Drive Temperance Street and Lowe Street(in combination) North limit of Wellington Street West limit of Centre Street Thertell Road East limit of of The Dell Road West limit of Cold Springs Camp Road SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS f COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Third Street East limit of High Street West limit of Regional Road 14 Thomas Woodlock Street South limit of Grady Drive East limit of Erskine Drive Tooley Road North limit of Nash Road South limit of Pebblestone Road Tooley Road North limit of Pebblestone Road North limit of Tooley Road Townline Road North North limit of Regional Road 4 South limit of Concession Road 6 Townline Road South North limit of Regional Road 22 North limit of Townline Road South Townline Road South South limit of Regional Road 22 South limit of Townline Road South Trudeau Drive South limit of Concession Street East West limit of Trudeau Drive Trulls Road North limit of Baseline Road South limit of Regional Road 22 Trulls Road North limit of Regional Road 22 South limit of Avondale Drive Trulls Road North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Pebblestone Road Trulls Road North limit of Avondale South limit of Regional Highway 2 Trulls Road North limit of Pebblestone Road South limit of Regional Road 4 Tucker Road East limit of Apple Blossom Boulevard West limit of Mann Street Valleycrest Drive South limit of Nash Road East limit of Centrefield Drive Vanstone Court East limit of High Street East limit of Vanstone Court SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS f , COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Varcoe Road North limit of Regional Highway 2 South limit of Nash Road Varcoe Road North limit of Nash Road North limit of Varcoe Road Victoria Street East limit of Ontario Street West limit of Regional Road 14 Vivian Drive East limit of Trulls Road North Limit of Vivian Drive Wabbokish Court East limit of Regional Road 55 East limit of Wabbokish Court Water Street and Hoy Street(in combination) South limit of Old Mill Street West limit of Regional Road 18 Waterview Lane South limit of Shipway Avenue North limit of Lakebreeze Drive Waverley Road East limit of Regional Road 57 South limit of Lawrence Gate Waverley Road North limit of Lawrence Gate South limit of Old Highway 2(King Street West) Waverley Road South limit of King's Highway 401 South limit of Waverly Road Weaver Street South limit of Brownstone Crescent North limit of Avondale Drive Weldrick Crescent South limit of Rustwood Street West limit of Padfield Drive Wellington Street East limit of Scugog Street West limit of Temperance Street Wellington Street East limit of Division Street West limit of Regional Road 14 West Beach Road West limit of Port Darlington Road South limit of West Beach Road West Scugog Lane West limit of Scugog Street South limit of Concession Road 3 SCHEDULE#9 THROUGH HIGHWAYS M y COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To West Side Drive South limit of Aspen Springs Drive North limit of Baseline Road Westlake Street South limit of Dorset Street North limit of Odium Street Westmore Street East limit of Fourth Avenue West limit of Regional Road 34 Westover Drive North limit of North Scugog Court West limit of West Scugog Lane Whitecliffe Drive and Whitecliffe Court(in combination) South limit of Whitecliffe Court West limit of Robert Adams Drive Wilkins Crescent West limit of Farmington Drive West limit of Farmington Drive Willey Drive South limit of Goodwin Avenue East limit of Laurelwood Street William Jose Court North limit of Bloom Avenue East limit of William Jose Court Windsor Valley Place South limit of Nash Road South limit of Windsor Valley Place Worden Drive North limit of Meadowglade Road West limit of Hayman Street Worthington Drive North limit of Auburn Lane West limit of Robert Adams Drive Yorkville Drive South limit of Sandringham Drive West limit of Trulls Road i SCHEDULE#10 STOP SIGNS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Intersections Facinq Traffic Auburn Lane and Glenabbey Drive(all-way stop) Southbound on Auburn Lane and eastbound and westbound on Glenabbey Drive Avondale Drive and Trulls Road &Yorkville Drive(all-way stop) Westbound on Avondale, northbound and southbound on Trulls Road eastbound on Yorkville Drive Baseline Road and Holt Road (all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Holt Road, and eastbound and westbound on Baseline Road Baseline Road W and Duke Street(3of 4-way stop MTO) Southbound and northbound on Duke Street, and eastbound on Baseline Road West Beaver Street South and Edward Street East(all-way stop) Eastbound and westbound on Edward Street East, and northbound and southbound on Beaver Street South Beech Avenue and Concession Street.West and Burk Court(all-way stop) Northbound on Beech Avenue and southbound on Burk Court, and eastbound and westbound on Concession Street West Best Road and Concession Road 7 (all-way stop) Southbound and northbound on Best Road, and eastbound and westbound on Concession Street West Bridges Drive and Glass Court(all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Glass Court, and westbound on Bridges Drive Centrefield Drive and Nash Road (all-way stop) Southbound and northbound on Centrefield Drive and eastbound and westbound on Nash Road Church Street and Edward Street West(all-way stop) Southbound and northbound on Church Street, and eastbound and westbound on Edward Street West Church Street and Division Street(all-way stop) Eastbound and westbound on Church Street, and northbound and southbound on Division Street Church Street and Temperance Street(all-way stop) Westbound and eastbound on Church Street,and northbound and southbound on Temperance Street Church Street and George Street(all-way stop) Westbound and eastbound on Church Street, and northbound and southbound on George Street Claret Road and Prestonvale Road and Whittaker Avenue(all-way stop) Westbound on Claret Road, and eastbound on Whittaker Avenue, and northbound and southbound on Prestonvale Road SCHEDULE#10 STOP SIGNS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Intersections Facing Traffic Claret Road and Sandringham Drive (all-way stop) Westbound on Claret Road, northbound and southbound on Sandringham Drive Clarke Street and Mill Street South and Port of Newcastle Drive(all-way stop) Eastbound on Clarke Street, and westbound and southbound on Mill Street South and northbound on Port of Newcastle Drive Clemens Road and Concession Road 7 and Liberty Street North (all-way-stop) Eastbound and westbound on Concession Road 7and southbound on Liberty Street North., and northbound on Clemens Road Concession Road 4 and Middle Road (all-way stop) Eastbound and westbound on Concession Road 4and northbound and southbound on Middle Road Concession Road 5 and Patterson Road (north junction) Southbound on Patterson Road Concession Road 6 and Townline Road North and Conlin Road (all-way stop) Westbound on Concession Road 6, and eastbound on Conlin Road and northbound and southbound on Townline Road North Concession Road 7 and Leskard Road (all-way stop) Eastbound and westbound on Concession Road 7and northbound and southbound on Leskard Road Concession Road 7 and Solina Road (all-way stop) Westbound and eastbound on Concession Road 7and northbound and southbound on Solina Road Concession Road 8 and Leskard Road (all-way stop) Eastbound and westbound on Concession Road 8,and northbound on Leskard Road Concession Road 8 and Liberty Street North (east junction) Westbound on Concession Road 8 Concession Road 8 and Liberty Street North (west junction) Eastbound on Concession Road 8 Concession Road 8 and Middle Road (all-way stop) Eastbound and westbound on Concession Road 8and northbound and southbound on Middle Road Concession Street East and Mearns Avenue(all-way stop) Eastbound and westbound on Concession Street East and northbound and southbound on Mearns Ave. Concession Street West and Elgin Street(all-way stop) Eastbound and westbound on Concession Street West and northbound and southbound on Elgin Street SCHEDULE#10 STOP SIGNS R COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Intersections Facing Traffic Concession Street West and Horsey Street and Prospect Street(all-way stop) Westbound and eastbound on Concession Street West and southbound on Prospect Street and northbound on Horsey Street Edward Street East and Glass Court and Harmer Drive(all-way stop) Westbound and eastbound on Edward Street East and southbound on Harmer and northbound on Glass Court Fourth Street and High Street and.Vanstone Court(all-way stop) Eastbound on fourth Street and northbound and southbound on High Street and westbound on Vanstone Court Glenabbey Drive and Robert Adams Drive(all-way stop) Eastbound and westbound on Glenabbey Drive northbound and southbound on Robert Adams Drive Hancock Road and Nash Road (all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Hancock Road and eastbound and westbound on Nash Road Holt Road and Nash Road (all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Holt Road, and eastbound and westbound on Nash Road Hooper Square and Maxwell Court and Rickaby Street(all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Rickaby Street,westbound on Hooper Square and eastbound on Maxwell Court King Lane and Mill Stream Lane(all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on King Street, and eastbound and westbound on Mill Stream Lane Lakeshore Road and Stephenson Road Westbound on Lakeshore Road Lambert Street and Queen Street(all-way stop) Southbound and northbound on Lambert Street and eastbound and westbound on Queen Street Lawrence Crescent and Lawrence Gate and Waverley Road (all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Waverly Road and eastbound on Lawrence Gate and westbound on Lawrence Crescent Leigh Street and Princess Street(all-way stop) Southbound on Leigh Street, and eastbound and westbound on Princess Street Nash Road and Rundle Road (all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Rundle Road, and eastbound and westbound on Nash Road Nash Road and Varcoe Road (all-way stop) Eastbound and westbound on Nash Road, and northbound and southbound on Varcoe Road SCHEDULE#10 STOP SIGNS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Intersections Facing Traffic Ontario Street and Queen Street(all-way stop) Southbound and northbound on Ontario Street and eastbound and westbound on Queen Street Pebblestone Road and Trulls Road (all-way stop) Westbound and eastbound on Pebblestone Road and northbound and southbound on Trulls Road Port of Newcastle Drive and Shipway Avenue(all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Port of Newcastle Drive and eastbound and westbound on Shipway Avenue Prestonvale Road and Meadowglade Drive(all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Prestonvale Road and westbound and eastbound on Meadowglade Drive Prestonvale Road and Glenabbey Drive(all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Prestonvale Road Westbound and eastbound on Glenabbey Drive Prospect Street and Second Street(all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Prospect Street and eastbound and westbound on Second Street Rosswell Drive and Gord Vinson Avenue(all way stop) Northbound and southbound on Rosswell Drive and eastbound and westbound on Gord Vinson Avenue Sunicrest Boulevard and Shoreview Drive and Sunicrest Court(2 of 3 way stop) Westbound on Sunicrest Boulevard and southbound on Shoreview Drive Temperance Street and Wellington Street(all-way stop) Northbound and southbound on Temperance Street and eastbound and westbound on Wellington Street SCHEDULE#11 YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY SIGNS COLUMN 1 COLUMN2 Intersections Facing Traffic Concession Road 7 and west junction of Liberty Street North Eastbound on Concession Road 7 Mill Pond Road and Sommerville Drive Westbound on Mill Pond Road Mill Pond Road and Sommerville Drive Northbound on Mill Pond Road Stephens Mill Road and Bethesda Road Eastbound on Stephen Mills Road Vannest Road and Concession Road 6 Southbound on Vannest Road Werry Road and Concession Road 6 Southbound on Werry Road South Service Road and Energy Drive Westbound on South Service Road SCHEDULE#12 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED ON HIGHWAY A S COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway From To Posted Speed Acres Road Concession Road 6 Durham Region Road 4 70 km/h Arthur Street Concession Road 3 1400 m southerly 70 km/h Baseline Road Prestonvale Road Durham Road 34 60 km/h Baseline Road Durham Road 34 300 m east of Maple Grove Road 70 km/h Bellamy Road Concession Road 1 1300 m southerly 60 km/h Bellwood Drive Concession Road 3 900 m southerly 60 km/h Bennett Road Durham Hwy 2 King's Highway 401 70 km/h Best Road Skelding Road Durham Region Road 4 60 km/h Bethesda Road Concession Road 8 Concession Road 6 70 km/h Bethesda Road Concession Road 6 Mearns Avenue 60 km/h Bloor St. Durham Region Road 34 Maple Grove Road 70 km/h Bragg Road Concession Road 4 1200 m south of Concession Road 3 60 km/h Bragg Road Concession Street East Durham Hwy 2 70 km/h Brown Road Concession Road 8 Concession Road 7 70 km/h Carscadden Road Concession Road 8 Durham Region Road 9 60 km/h Cedar Crest Beach Road Cove Road Watson Crescent 40 km/h I SCHEDULE#12 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED ON HIGHWAY r COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway From To Posted Speed Cedar Park Road 700 m South of Concession Road 6 Concession Road 6 60 km/h Clemens Road 700 m South of Concession Road 7 Concession Road 6 70 km/h Concession Road 1 Stephenson Road East Townline Road 70 km/h Concession Road 10 Enfield Road Holt Road 70 km/h Concession Road 10 Durham Region Road 57 450 m east of Grasshopper Park Road 70 km/h Concession Road 10 Durham Region Road 20 Mosport Road 70 km/h Concession Road 3 Durham Region Road 14 Providence Road 60 km/h Concession Road 3 Providence Road Durham Region Road 42 70 km/h Concession Road 3 Durham Region Road 42 Kings Highway 35/115 60 km/h Concession Road 3 King's Highway 35/115 Morgans Road 70 km/h Concession Road 3 Durham Region Road 18 East Townline Road 70 km/h Concession Road 4 Durham Region Road 14 Bethesda Road 60 km/h Concession Road 4 600 m West of Bragg Road Durham Region Road 42 60 km/h Concession Road 4 Durham Region Road 42 Pollard Rd 70 km/h Concession Road 4 Pollard Road King's Highway 35/115 60 km/h Concession Road 4 King's Highway 35/115 East Townline Road 70 km/h SCHEDULE#12 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED ON HIGHWAY COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway From To Posted Speed Concession Road 5 Durham Region Road 42 Ochonski Road 70 km/h Concession Road 5 Station Street Jewel Road 60 km/h Concession Road 5 200 m east of Walsh Road Reid Road 70 km/h Concession Road 5 Durham Regional Road 18 East Townline Road 70 km/h Concession Road 6 Townline Road North Werry Road 70 km/h Concession Road 6 Rundle Road Durham Region Road 57 70 km/h Concession Road 6 Durham Region Road 57 Darlington-Clarke Townline Road 70 km/h Concession Road 6 Hwy 35/115 Durham Region Road 18 70 km/h Concession Road 6 Durham Region Road 18 Gilmore Road 60 km/h Concession Road 7 Townline Road North Durham Region Road 34 60 km/h Concession Road 7 Durham Region Road 34 Middle Road 70 km/h Concession Road 7 Darlington-Clarke Townline Road 700 m west of Hwy 351115 60 km/h Concession Road 8 Durham Road 57 Lettner Road 70 km/h Concession Road 8 Middle Road Darlington-Clarke Townline Road 70 km/h Concession Road 8 400 m west of Best Road Hwy 35/115 60 km/h Concession Road 8 Hwy 35/115 Carscadden Road 60 km/h SCHEDULE#12 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED ON HIGHWAY + r COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway From To Posted Speed Concession Road 8 White Road The Dell Road 60 km/h Concession Road 9 Townline Road North 250 m west of Enfield Road 60 km/h Concession Road 9 Wotten Road Durham Road 57 60 km/h Concession Street East 300 m east of Lambs Road Durham Region Road 42 70 km/h Cooney Road Concession Road 8 Concession Road 7 70 km/h Cove Road Cedar Crest Beach Road West Beach Road 40 km/h Darlington-Clarke Townline Road Concession Road 6 (Darlington) Durham Region Road 4 70 km/h Enfield Road Concession Road 10 250 m north of Concession Road 9 70 km/h Enfield Road 300 m south of Concession Road 9 Durham Region Road 3 70 km/h Gamsby Road Concession Road 6 Concession Road 5 70 km/h Gibson Road 1000 m north of Concession Road 3 Concession Road 3 60 km/h Gilmore Road Concession Road 6 Concession Road 3 60 km/h Golf Course Road Concession Road 4 Durham Hwy 2 60 km/h Green Road Durham Region Road 4 500 m North of Durham Hwy 2 70 km/h Hancock Road Durham Highway 2 Bloor Street 60 km/h Holt Road Concession Road 7 Concession Road 6 70 km/h SCHEDULE#12 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED ON HIGHWAY COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway From To Posted Speed Holt Road Durham Region Road 4 Nash Road 70 km/h Holt Road Nash Road South limit of Holt Road 60 km/h Jewel Road Durham Region Road 9 Concession Road 6 70 km/h Lakeshore Road Stephenson Road West limit of#4351 Lakeshore Road 60 km/h Lakeshore Road 400 m West of Newtonville Road Lancaster Road 60 km/h Lakeshore Road 650 m West of Nichols Road East Townline Road 60 km/h Lambs Road 1000 m south of Concession Road 4 Durham Hwy 2 60 km/h Langmaid Road 500m south of Durham Region Road 3 Concession Road 6 70 km/h Langmaid Road Concession Road 6 Durham Region Road 4 60 km/h Langstaff Road McMillan Road Thertell Road 60 km/h Langstaff Road Thertell Road Durham Road 9 70 km/h Lawrence Road Concession Road 6 Concession Road 4 70 km/h Leask Road 1000 m south of Concession Road 7 Concession Road 6 60 km/h Leskard Road 650 m north of Concession Road 7 Durham Region Road 4 60 km/h Liberty Street North Durham Region Road 20 Concession Road 8 60 km/h Liberty Street North Concession Road 8 700 m north of Concession Road 7 60 km/h SCHEDULE#12 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED ON HIGHWAY COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway From To Posted Speed Liberty Street North 700 m south of Concession Rd 7 Durham Regional Road 4 70 km/h Lockhart Road Concession Road 4 Concession Road 3 60 km/h Long Sault Road 2400 m north of Durham Region Road 20 Durham Region Road 20 60 km/h Maple Grove Road 1000 m north of Nash Road 150 m south of Bloor Street 60 km/h Maple Grove Road 150 m south of Bloor Street Baseline Road 70 km/h Mearns Avenue Bethesda Road Concession Road 4 60 km/h Mercer Road Thertell Road Durham Region Road 9 60 km/h Middle Road Durham Region Road 20 Concession Road 6 70 km/h Middle Road Concession Road 6 Durham Region Road 4 60 km/h Middle Road Durham Region Road 4 Concession Road 4 70 km/h Middle Road Concession Road 4 Concession Road 3 60 km/h Moffat Road Concession Road 4 Concession Road 3 70 km/h Morgans Road Concession Road 4 Lakeshore Road 70 km/h Mosport Road Durham Region Road 20 Concession Road 8 70 km/h Nash Road Maple Grove Road Green Road 60 km/h Newtonville Road King's Hwy 401 Lakeshore Road 70 km/h SCHEDULE#12 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED ON HIGHWAY COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway From To Posted Speed Ochonski Road Durham Region Road 4 Concession Road 5 60 km/h Old Scugog Road 150 m south of Concession Road 10 800 m south of Concession Road 9 70 km/h Old Scugog Road 200 m south of Durham Region Road 4 500 m south of Concession Road 4 60 km/h Pebblestone Road Durham Region Road 55 Durham Region Road 34 60 km/h Pollard Road Concession Road 4 Concession Road 3 60 km/h Prestonvale Road 400 m south of Southfield Avenue Baseline Road 60 km/h Reid Road Concession Road 5 1700 m south of Concession Road 4 60 km/h Reid Road 1500 m north of Hill Street Hill Street 60 km/h Riley Road Concession Road 1 Lakeshore Road 60 km/h Rundle Road Concession Road 6 620 m north of Nash Road 70 km/h Rundle Road 620 m north of Nash Road Nash Road 60 km/h Rundle Road Durham Hwy 2 Bloor Street 60 km/h Shiloh Road Durham Region Road 9 Concession Road 5 70 km/h Solina Road Durham Region Road 3 150 m north of Dorset Road 70 km/h Solina Road 350 m south of Hockaday Court 150 m north of Nash Road 70 km/h' Solina Road 150 m north of Nash Road 400 m south of Durham Hwy 2 60 km/h SCHEDULE#12 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED ON HIGHWAY COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Hi hwa From To Posted Speed South Service Road Courtice Road 100 m east of Osborne Road 60 km/h South Service Road 100 m east of Osborne Road 1300 m east of Solina Road 70 km/h South Service Road Holt Road Martin Road 60 km/h Squair Road Concession Road 5 Concession Road 4 60 km/h Stapleton Road Concession Road 4 200 m north of Concession Road 3 60 km/h Stapleton Road 600 m south of Concession Road 3 Durham Hwy 2 60 km/h Stephenson Road Concession Road 1 900 m Southerly 60 km/h Stewart Road Concession Road 4 Concession Road 3 60 km/h The Dell Road Thertell Road Thompson Road 60 km/h Thertell Road The Dell Road Cold Springs Camp Road 60 km/h Thompson Road Concession Road 8 Durham Region Road 9 60 km/h Trulls Road 850 m south of Firner Street 200 m north of Daisyfield Avenue 60 km/h Vickers Road Concession Road 6 Concession Road 5 70 km/h Walsh Road Concession Road 5 Concession Road 4 60 km/h West Beach Road North limit of#130 West Beach Road East limit of West Beach Road 40 km/h White Road Concession Road 8 Durham Region Road 9 60 km/h SCHEDULE#12 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED ON HIGHWAY } COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway From To Posted Speed Woodley Road Durham Region Road 20 Concession Road 8 70 km/h SCHEDULE#13 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED PASSING OVER A BRIDGE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Bridge Location Maximum Speed Lakeshore Road 1,090 m south of Concession Road 1, over C.N.R. (mile 284.60)(Clarke) 20 km/h Nichols Road, 1,000 m south of Concession Road 1,over C.P.R. (mile 150.35)(Clarke) 20 km/h Nichols Road, 1,050 m south of Concession Road 1,over C.P.R. (mile 279.10) (Clarke) 20 km/h Prospect Street, 35 m north of Concession Street, over C.N.R. (mile 164.15) (Bowmanville) 20 km/h Providence Road, 780 m north of Concession Street,over C.P.R. (mile 161.84) (Darlington) 20 km/h SCHEDULE#14 HIGHWAYS EXEMPT FROM WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS � 1 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Baseline Road, Darlington West limit of Trulls Road East limit of McKnight Road Baseline Road, Bowmanville East limit of Martin Road West limit of Haines Street Britton Court, Bowmanville South limit of Lake Road South limit of Britton Court Butler Court, Bowmanville North limit of Lake Road North limit of Butler Court Caristrap Street, Bowmanville South limit of Baseline Road South limit of Caristrap Road Lake Road, Bowmanville East limit of Regional Road 14 East limit of Lake Road Marnie Drive, Darlington North limit of Baseline Road South limit of Cigas Road McKnight Road, Darlington South limit of Baseline Road South limit of Courtice Court Mearns Avenue, Bowmanville North limit of Baseline Road A point 300m Northerly Mearns Court, Bowmanville South limit of Baseline Road South limit of Mearns Court Ontario Street, Bowmanville West limit of Regional Road 14 South limit of King Street East Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville South limit of Lake Road South limit of West Beach Road Queen Street and Scugog Street in combination East limit of Ontario Street South limit of King Street West Simpson Avenue, Bowmanville South limit of Baseline Road South limit of Simpson Avenue South Service Road, Darlington East limit of Courtice Road West limit of Waverley Road SCHEDULE#14 HIGHWAYS EXEMPT FROM WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway From To Toronto Street, Newcastle West limit of Mill Street A point 710m Westerly Trulls Road, Darlington North limit of Baseline Road North limit of Cigas Road Waverley Road, Bowmanville South limit of South Service Road A point 550m Southerly West Beach Road, Bowmanville West limit of Port Darlington Road A point 240m Westerly SCHEDULE#15 SCHOOL BUS LOADING ZONES COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side From To Elgin Street, Bowmanville East North Limit of Wellington Street 55 m north of Wellington Street Parkway Crescent, Bowmanville South 105 m west of Mutton Court 30 m west of Mutton Court SCHEDULE#16 ACCESSIBLE ON-STREET PARKING COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Side Between Time or Days Church Lane, Newtonville South 85 m and 98 m east of Regional Road 18 Anytime Church Street, Bowmanville South 16 m and 30 m west of Temperance Street Anytime Church Street, Bowmanville South 37 m and 53 m west of Temperance Street Anytime King Avenue East, Newcastle South 16 m and 23 m east of Regional Road 17 Anytime King Street East, Bowmanville North 12 m and 18 m east of George Street Anytime Prince Street, Bowmanville North 108 m and 120 m east of Regional Road 14 Anytime Temperance Street, Bowmanville East 56 m and 63 m north of Queen Street Anytime SCHEDULE#17 TURNING MOVEMENTS PROHIBITED COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Location or Portion of a Highway Direction or Property Direction Times or Days Brookhill Boulevard, 12 m west of Daigle Lane Westbound Eastbound (U-turn) Anytime Green Road, 90 m north of Regional Highway 2 Westbound Commercial Driveway Southbound (Left Turn) Anytime Green Road, 90 m north of Regional Highway 2 Eastbound Commercial Driveway Northbound (Left Turn) Anytime Clarington Boulevard, 30 m south of Prince William Boulevard Southbound Eastbound (Left Turn) Anytime(emergency vehicles excepted) Church Street at Silver Street Westbound Southbound (Left Turn) Anytime Best Road, 365 m south of Regional Road 20 Southbound Westbound, Eastbound (Left, Right Turn) Anytime Best Road, 315 m north of Concession Road 10 Northbound Westbound, Eastbound (Left, Right Turn) Anytime South Service Road Westbound Eastbound (U-turn) Anytime SCHEDULE#18 DESIGNATED BICYCLE LANES COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway From To Direction Aspen Springs Drive Bonnycastle Drive Green Road Westbound, Eastbound Baseline Road 140 m east of Green Road 40 m west of West Side Drive Westbound, Eastbound Baseline Road 40 m east of West Side Drive Martin Road Westbound, Eastbound Green Road 50 m north of Regional Highway 2 Stevens Road Northbound Green Road Stevens Road 70 m south of Stevens Road Southbound Longworth Avenue 100 m west of Regional Road 14 120 m east of Scugog Street Westbound, Eastbound Longworth Avenue Don Morris Court 290 m west of Don Morris Court Westbound, Eastbound Mearns Avenue 75 m north of King Street East 65 m south of CPR Northbound, Southbound Mearns Avenue 65 m north of CPR Concession Road 3 Northbound, Southbound Nash Road 45 m east of Harry Gay Drive Regional Road 34 Westbound, Eastbound Prestonvale Road 75 m south of Regional Road 22 240 m south of Southfield Avenue Northbound, Southbound Scugog Street Jackman Road 100 m south of Longworth Avenue Northbound, Southbound Scugog Street 90 m north of Longworth Avenue Bons Avenue Northbound, Southbound Trulls Road 215 m south of Avondale Drive 80 m south of Regional Highway 2 Northbound, Southbound Trulls Road 80 m north of Regional Highway 2 80 m south of Nash Road Northbound, Southbound SCHEDULE#19 DESIGNATED TURN LANES COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 HighwaX Between Lanes Times or Days Direction King Street East, Bowmanville 33 m east of Brown Street to 50 m west of Regional Road 14 Centre Anytime Two-way Left Turn Lane King Street East, Bowmanville 62 m east of Regional Road 14 and 42 m east of Lambert Street Centre Anytime Two-way Left Turn Lane King Street East, Bowmanville 60 m east of St. George Street and Simpson Avenue Centre Anytime Two-way Left Turn Lane King Street West, Bowmanville Scugog Street and 50 m westerly Eastbound south Anytime Eastbound right turn only-buses excepted SCHEDULE#20 MUNICIPAL SAFETY ZONES COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 HighwaX Between Side Times and Days Avondale Drive Farmington Drive and 60 m west of Stagemaster Crescent Both 8:00— 16:00, Monday- Friday Bons Avenue Darryl Caswell Drive and 40 m east of Scugog Street Both 8:00—16:00, Monday- Friday Farmington Drive Avondale Drive and south limit of Farmington Drive Both 8:00—16:00, Monday- Friday Glenabbey Drive Robert Adams Drive and 186 m west of Robert Adams Drive Both 8:00—16:00, Monday- Friday Meadowglade Road 65 m north of Bloor Street to Glen Eagles Drive Both 8:00—16:00, Monday- Friday Nash Road 40 m west of Courtice Rd and 425 m west of Courtice Road Both 8:00— 16:00, Monday- Friday West Side Drive 85 m north of Abernethy Crescent and 240 m south of Bannister Street Both 8:00—16:00, Monday- Friday SCHEDULE#21 COMMUNITY SAFETY ZONES COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Highway Between Time Of Day Days Or Months Longworth Avenue Scugog Street and Regional Road 14 (Liberty Street North) Anytime All days/months Longworth Avenue Regional Road 14(Liberty Street North)and Mearns Avenue Anytime All days/months Nash Road Trulls Road and Regional Road 34 (Courtice Road) Anytime All days/months Scugog Street Longworth Avenue and Bons Avenue Anytime All days/months